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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  September 28, 2011 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> bill: president obama putting together a coalition to support him in the upcoming campaign. we'll tell you what groups are involved and whether the strategy is likely to work. >> that's what unions have always been about. >> we'll never be a great country if what we're surviving on is hate and anger. and that's why the tea party will never win. >> bill: accusations that howard dean is getting paid to help a militant group in iran that has been designated terrorists. john stossel with our investigation. ♪ >> bill: and did michael jackson's personal physician kill him? the doctor's trial begins today. is it legal? on the case. caution, you are about enter the no spin zone. "the factor" begins right now.
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hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for afghanistan us tonight. president obama's plan to win reelection that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. political campaigns are like football games. you have to find the opposing team's weakness and exploit it in order to score. barak obama understands his economic plan has not worked. he he knows most americans are unhappy with the state of the union and are open to voting him out. so the president must do two things: he must retain his base and get them jazzed once again to vote for him. and he must demonize his opposition. so mr. obama's directly appealing to that base comprised of minority voters, union workers, and devoted liberals. the president is spending a lot of time courting them. >> so i don't know about you cbc, but the future rewards, those who press on with patience and official determination, i'm going to press on for jobs. i'm going to press on for
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equality. i'm going to press on for the sake of all those families who are struggling right now! i promise you i would work tirelessly to fix our broken immigration system and make the dream act a reality. we're fighting for good jobs with good wages. our economy is stronger when we've got broad base growth and broad based prosperity. that's what unions have always been about, shared prosperity. >> bill: if president obama's base does turn out in great numbers, he has a chance. if they do not, the republican also win big. so the democrats are trying to brand the tea party as the face of the republican party. by doing that, some disturbing things are happening. >> there are some members of the tea matter who are -- allen west, herman cain. >> you know what i call them? >> orioles. >> oreos. >> black on the outside, white on the inside. >> bill: that's awful. president obama would be wise to distance himself from that kind
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of hate speech. talking points said if the election of 2012 will largely be a referendum on the president. yes, the republican challenger will be important, but at this point, all the polls say the same thing. more americans want the president out than want him to continue. the class warfare strategy of promoting tax cuts for working americans and tax increases for the affluent has some potential for barak obama, but only if the republicans fail and make a good economic case. one vivid example, i would accept an income tax rate of 5% more, but only if, only if mr. obama and congress drastically cut spending first. and knock out the so-called solyndra sin drum. why would any american, including warren buffet, accept higher taxes when there is so much irresponsible and wasteful federal spending going on? it's just insane! most americans do not vote ideology. they want performance and honest and fair government. president obama has his
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coalition and the republicans have one, too. but it is the folks in the middle who will make the final call. and that's a memo. the top stories, reaction. pandering to a few groups. >> it's not pandering. i object to the word pandering. >> bill: you object to it. >> he's firming up his base. >> bill: he goes to these groups and says exactly what they want to hear. isn't that pandering? >> liberals, blacks, hispanics and union members which is a wide swath of the american public. >> bill: and he tells them exactly what they want to hear. >> that's looking out for the folks. he's looking out for -- maybe not you. >> bill: and the economy is so bad and unemployment is 17% in the black community, i don't understand how he's looking out for them. >> cbo, millions of jobs have been created. >> bill: millions of jobs have been created, then why is
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unemployment so high? >> i think we should have done more. we had this conversation before. >> bill: no, no. if millions of jobs have been created, why is unemployment up? >> because it would have been worse if we had not jumped in and the government needed to do more. >> bill: wait, wait, wait. i want to get out of the twilight zone. you just said that the cbo said millions of jobs have been created. >> or saved -- >> bill: but unemployment rate is up 2 points. >> unemployment rate would be a lot worse had there not be this stimulus. >> bill: by the way -- >> 40% of the stimulus is tax cuts. conservatives forget that. 40% of the new stimulus is tax cuts. that seems to be what conservatives want. he is in the center in terms of where he is, his policies. >> bill: is this coalition that he's putting together, which is formidable, you have to admit it, colmes is right when it's about 50% of the population, the voted liberals, 20%. african-americans, 13%, union laborers, union workers, you got to figure that's another 15 or
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20%. and latinos. >> actually there is one group that you left out, which is the kids. the college kids (they're out of it. >> if you noticed, the president is doing a lot of speeches on college campuses. he mobilized the kids big time last time. they came out in droves. you're seeing across the board in all of these constituencies -- >> bill: i'll tell you why he's not going to get the kids, 'cause their parents can't pay the tuition. i may have to get a job and there are no jobs! >> but listen, under obamacare, they're covered under their parents insurance 'til 26. it really indicates the depth of desperation of the obama contain that they're spending all of this time and money on that base because -- >> bill: they're desperate. >> you should not have to be focused as an incumbent president on locking up your base. the base should be there. what we're seeing across the board in all of those constituencies is a huge dropoff of support and more importantly, intensity. >> bill: the polls say that. >> yeah, but it's true.
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30% dropoff of hispanic vote increase terms of support. >> bill: this is a softball, but i want to get this on the wrong. do you think president obama's is pandering to those? >> softball. >> is the sky blue? >> yes, of course, but it is a measure of desperation. >> bill: so you say he is pandering, colmes says he isn't. >> he's hemorrhaging support among his core constituencies, which is why he's pappedderring and the independents are fleeing the scene of the accident. >> bill: here is the danger, if the president is perceived as a special interest candidate, okay, then the independents who did break for him last time around, are less likely to vote for him. >> i don't believe it's the special interests who appeal to that wide swath of the american people. >> bill: it is, because he's saying, i'm going to get the dream act for you guys, and i'm going to do targeted jobs for you guys, and then i'm going to do union labor deals for you guys -- >> the president is toward the middle income, most of america. that's where the target is.
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and the other side, what's the other plan? where is the republican plan, other than let's lower taxes? where is the plan? don't forget, he's got no opponent yet, still this unnamed -- >> bill: no, no. but it is going to be a referendum and you both know that on president obama. and the opponent will be there and if the opponent makes a decent economic case, he'll win or she'll win. >> independents like the fact that he wants to tax the rich more, give tax breaks to the middle class. >> bill: independents -- >> let me make a important point. in 2008, the obama brand was built on hope and change. he also cleverly disguised his radicalism by promoting himself as a moderate. now he's got a three-year long record of radicalism for socialized medicine, to unprecedented spending to record breaking deficits and debt. that's the record he'll have to run on and defend. because he can't defend it, he's going to have to demonize the tea party, the republican party, republican candidate. they better be prepared for
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scorched earth. >> that's not a government takeover. >> bill: that oreo remark. >> of course it was bad. >> bill: morgan freeman coming out. he's a great actor and then he comes out and says, they're all racist. >> by the way, that remark was done by brent bozelle media research center. of course the person said it and who supports that? >> bill: i think there is enough people on record as people calling the tea party racist that it's not out of context. >> some of them are racist. >> bill: some of your little pot group is racist. are you kidding me? >> i need it after this. >> bill: maybe if i get a hose and hose you guys down. i think we've exhausted this topic and colmes got to get to the the pot group anyway. we have a poll going on, based upon the republican debates thus far, who are you supporting? please select one.
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we'll give you the results on thursday. next on the rundown, will obamacare be ruled unconstitutional? did michael jackson's doctor kill him? the trial begins today and we're coming right back.
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>> bill: in the impact segment, obamacare, is it unconstitutional? big campaign issue as you know, but even before the conventions
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next summer, the supreme court might rule. here with an update, kimberly guilfoyle and elies weil. so the obama administration is something surprising. it bypassed an appeal process because as the folks may know out there, 21 states -- is it 21? >> 26. >> bill: 26 states say it's unconstitutional. they banded together to bring it to the federal court. one federal court already ruled it is unconstitutional. >> right. >> bill: there is two more steps. but the obama administration says we don't want to take the second step. we want to go right to the supreme court. >> they punted to the supreme court. >> bill: punted? >> absolutely. >> bill: that's a football team. >> i know. >> bill: i used to be a punter. >> they punt right to the supreme court. >> right. it was a bold move by the administration. and i think the reason they did it is because they thought they were going to lose in the -- >> bill: the second one they thought they were going to lose, making it harder for the five pinheads -- four, liberal pinheads to justify --
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>> you're calling the supreme court pinheads? >> bill: i believe i am. >> i got that, okay. >> they are! >> bill: i have contended from the very beginning, guilfoyle, that this court is politicized and that the justices, some of them, not all of them, look for the law to fit their ideology. you have to assume this is going to happen. it's either going to be 5-4 for unconstitutional or against it and kennedy as always is a swing vote. >> i think kennedy is going to rule with the other conservatives on the court for a 5-4 decision. rouxing the individual mandate is unconstitutional. >> bill: explain that, the individual mandate is? >> requires that every individual have health care. >> bill: forcing them to buy it? that's the weak point in the law. >> forcing americans to buy and basically negotiate with a private -- >> bill: no opt out? >> no opt out and they're saying they're able to do this because of the commerce clause, that they have broad discretion. >> bill: so you both agree that
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this is the weak point? >> that's the weakist point and that will be ruled unconstitutional, i believe. >> bill: you both agree? >> yes. the commerce clause has never been extended. >> bill: which one could i fire? >> her! >> bill: i can't have you agreeing. i want battle. >> i do believe they'll rule it unconstitutional, say the mandate is unconstitutional and unseverrable, meaning obamacare in and of itself has to have it. if it doesn't have the individual mandate, the whole thing is out. >> bill: it doesn't even matter, guilfoyle. once the supreme court says you have to put in an opt out, then i don't care about it. you can opt out. >> you can't support the law. even if it's severable. there is no money to pay for it. >> it's like a tent without the pole. >> putting. >> bill: we have another drunk driver deal in massachusetts. illegal alien. what did the illegal alien do?
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>> basically he had five prior d.u.i s or driving under the influence convicted, three in the state of california, two in massachusetts. he's from mexico. he's an illegal alien. he has been deported three times. he had 11 different aliases. every time he uses a different name. >> bill: did he hurt anybody in this one? >> no, he did not. he had a .09 blood alcohol. >> bill: six times this guy has been -- he's been deported three. still in massachusetts and the reason he's in massachusetts is because they protect criminal illegal aliens there. correct? >> basically it's a safe haven area for them because one, they're encouraged, they get the health care there if you're an illegal. >> bill: even if you're deported. that's a good reason to come back. >> i would go there. i guess that's why he left california to go to massachusetts. >> bill: he gets the romneycare, even if they're illegal aliens. >> and it is not an advocate of secure communities. okay? the governor there doesn't want to be -- >> bill: refuses to sign the
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federal secure communities program. i want to be fair to governor romney. when governor romney was in office, he ordered his state police to check everybody's stop for their citizenship. he wasn't giving them the money. it's this one giving them the money. >> also california, arizona. >> bill: but barak obama's uncle, never d.u.i illegal alien recently led out and now he's back working in the liquor store! >> what happened to felony after deportation? >> bill: i don't know. maybe the liquor store is short of employees. >> right. yeah. >> another one was drunk driving and hitting and killing a young man in august. >> bill: how much embarrassment can the commonwealth of massachusetts take? >> massachusetts -- >> by the way, each county individually -- duval is saying, i'm not going to do it. it would be uniform and the right thing to do for the governor to sign it as a whole.
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>> bill: and he won't do it. we'll be up in boston on october 11. we're going to do something up there on this. but i think everybody should get with duval patrick. a little e-mail, a little note, hey, wise up. this is out of control. >> the legislation is written. it's all done. >> bill: god help me, but i'm going to carry you over for another segment. we'll have more with the ladies of charity foundation, under the late farrah fawcett, under investigation. michael jackson's doctor on trial for killing the singer. will he beat the rap, as they say? moments away.
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>> bill: michael jackson died from a drug overdose on june 25, 2009. dr. would administered the drug, dr. conrad murray, been charged
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with involuntary manslaughter. the trial begins today. once again, lis, and kimberly. the guy is involuntary manslaughter. >> he didn't plan it. >> bill: right. i think everybody knows the guy didn't want to kill him. >> no. he was a moneybags for this guy. >> bill: right. he was getting paid more than 100 grand a year just to give this guy ether or whatever it was. crazy kind of thing. but there is a neglect aspect to this because the doctor allegedly left the room and then jackson died because it was too much stuff. >> the doctor wasn't there, he was overprescribed. the defense is -- it was jackson and his lifestyle, he was self- prescribing. >> bill: how was that possible unless jackson took drugs apart from what the doctor gave him? >> that's exactly right. >> forensics doesn't indicate that, does it? >> no, he may have begun to other doctors. >> bill: on the night of his death, is there any other drugs in his bloodstream other than
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the sleeping thing? >> part of the defense is that he self-ingested propothol, administered in an i.v., what they give you when they put you under for surgery. the fact that this was given in a private residence, didn't have emergency equipment, he left the room. this is involuntary manslaughter. >> bill: you say guilty? >> guilty. the d.a.'s office, my old office, i think went easy on this by the fact that they didn't charge him with a second degree implied malice murder. >> bill: it would have been a harder deal to prove. >> it might have. >> bill: you both agree that this guy is probably going to go down on second degree manslaughter. >> maybe. >> bill: okay. >> maybe because michael jackson's kids are going to probably testify for the doctor. they love this guy. >> no, they want to testify against him. >> bill: whatever. i don't think it's going to hinge on the kids. what does he get if convicted? >> four years. >> bill: four years. >> and $10,000 fine. >> bill: and loses his license and all that. >> inability to practice
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medicine. >> bill: farrah fawcett died from cancer, charity sprung up in her name. now investigating for what? why are they looking at this charity? >> this is interesting because the california attorney general's office has a separate division that charitable division that investigates any of the trusts that they feel is impropriety. her organization has denied the claimants, saying it's a disgruntled former employee. >> bill: of course they're going to deny it. but what's the allegation? >> diversion of assets, fraud, potential mismanagement, that funds that were supposed to go to cancer for pediatric and other funds were diverted for -- >> bill: personal use? >> right. >> bill: the same old story, the same we heard hundreds of times before. >> but they deny it. alana stewart was her best friend. >> bill: have indictments been issued? >> no. >> bill: the attorney general won't confirm or deny there is an investigation. but the charity has said yes, we're being audited. >> bill: so let's give them a break. >> i agree. >> bill: let's give them a break that, this foundation has not
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been proved to do anything wrong. >> abc news saying they have the exclusivity on this, that they got the story to say -- >> bill: but they don't have any indication of anything wrong. >> i agree. absolutely. >> it could be one of these audits are custom marry -- >> bill: it's good they're doing it. >> something tipped them off. >> bill: absolutely. they have cause to go in. >> you could have a disgruntled tipster. >> bill: this is a story that's fascinating to me in canada. we love canada. it's a great place to go. but there is a law there that if your parents are old and infirmed or whatever, you, the kid, have to support them. you have to. cent? >> family relations act issues yes. >> bill: the family relations act. >> you've got to take care -- >> bill: now, there is a derelict mother in the sense she didn't pay attention to her kids and the kids don't like her and now she's saying, hey, even though i was a bad mom, you got
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to give me money. >> worse than a bad mom, she abandoned these kids. >> bill: now she wants their money. >> she's been getting $10 each from them for 11 years and -- 750. >> bill: a month? >> they go to hawaii. the grown kids have had trips to hawaii. >> bill: does she admit she's a bad mom? >> she's irrelevant. the law has been on the books since 1922. show me the money? >> bill: she wants 750 from these kids, even though she's documented as a bad mom. is she going to win? >> under the law, she's entitled to it. >> bill: even if shea abandoned them. >> the amount is excessive and by the way, this law should not be on the books anymore. this is outdated. >> the judge could have discretion and say you forfeited that right because of your abandonment. >> bill: if i were the judge, i would make her pay the kids. listen, lady, you teed me off. you're a bad mom, you pay them so they can go to hawaii more.
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>> yeah. she's a pinhead, right? >> bill: pinhead, guilfoyle? don't even cover it. okay. we'll let you know which lady gets fired. i would never do that. i've been here 15 years, i've never fired anybody. shaked a few people down, but never fired them. plenty more ahead. howard dean may be in trouble. being accused of helping a militant iranian group branded terrorists by the u.s. government. john stossel is investigating. bernie goldberg on a new survey showing most americans do not trust the media. i hope that doesn't include bernie and myself. we hope you stay tuned for those reports.
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>> bill: stossel matters segment, howard dean controversial guy, no question. now the web site reporting that dean was paid by an iranian militant group to improve their image in the usa. here is the problem.
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i'll let stossel tell you the problem. he's been investigating. i got ahead of myself because i am outraged about this if it's true. i want to be fair it dean even though he's not fair to us. we rise above him. is he doing anything wrong? >> no, i don't think so. it's odd to, after that intro to defend him. this group has been labeled a terror group. but rudy guiliani has spoken for him, andy card. there is a lot of people who say it shouldn't be labeled a terrorist group is. >> bill: what do they do? it's based in iran, right? >> originally in iran. now they've been exiled, libertarian friend says the communist cult and who knows? some people, like john bolten, say it shouldn't be a terrorist group, as far as i know and they could be -- >> bill: this group is at odds with the iranian government, but ha has been branded by the state department as a terror group.
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is there any reason we know of that it has been branded that? >> in the '70s, they killed americans. they have nasty fringe members. >> bill: their they changed their name. i think dean and dean howard -- that's a bad joke. this shocks the progressive. could we just do it for love. >> bill: he's lobbying and he's getting paid by this group, dean, to -- >> we don't know that he's lobbying. he's made speeches for them, but so has rudy guiliani. >> bill: come on y would they do that unless they were getting paid? >> because they say, oh, we have howard dean speaking here in belgium. >> bill: and they wouldn't do that unless they were greasing him. >> yeah. >> bill: so he's getting money from these people. >> so i make speeches for money. >> bill: yeah. you do the chamber of commerce in toledo.
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not the muhadajean. >> if i believed in their cause, which he says he does. >> bill: is that socialized medicine people? >> he's also taken money to change the patent rules for pharmaceutical companies. i don't blame him for doing that. >> bill: dean is a lobbyist now, that's what he does and he gets paid by msnbc. solyndra update? it seems some of the big shots in the white house, they warned the president! they said you can't give these people $500 million because they're going to -- they don't know what they're doing. >> the energy secretary said, we got to get the money out! >> bill: who the energy secretary? >> steven chiu. >> bill: do we have a picture of him? >> all this money is on the table. >> bill: he's the pinhead. he's the villain here. >> they're all villains. you're a villain for saying the government should be allowed to give out --
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>> bill: when did i ever say that? >> you say it's the government's job to fine the next energy technology. >> bill: get encouraged by tax breaks, but not giving them money. >> then i misunderstood you. >> bill: you did: >> then i'm a pinhead. >> bill: excellent! you heard it. when we come back, bernie goldberg on some new polling that's nod good news for the media in america. charles krauthammer says he knows who barak obama really is. those reports after these messages.
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly. week days with persony segment. couple new media polls. 55% of americans do not, do not trust the american media, according to gallup. 44% say they do. also 47% believe the media is
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biased to the left. 13% say it's biased to the right. these must be communist people. and 36% opine the media is not biased at all. another survey, this one by the pugh research center, 66% of americans say that tv news is their primary source of information. and preferences break down this way: fox news channel leads all tv news outlets with 19% of americans saying they get their news mostly from us. local news second. 16% dialed into that. cnn 15%. nbc news 10. abc news 8. cbs 7. at the bottom, msnbc, 6%. all castro supporters. joining us from north carolina to analyze, bernie goldberg. first of all, what happened to cbs news, your old employer? that used to be the gold standard. >> the key words are used to be. bill, i promise you i'll talk about the polls,ut give me 15 seconds. i a bought your book this morning, "killing lincoln ." i bought it this morning.
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i spent all day reading it, fascinating. the most fascinating statistic, or piece of information was on page 273. it was just -- i didn't know this. that right after lincoln was assassinated in ford theater, you, you were 13 years old at the time, you went up to mrs. lincoln and said, yeah, yeah, yeah. besides that, what did you think of the show? i thought it was -- >> bill: i thought i was going to get a straight compliment out of you. i don't believe you bought it, number one. number two, come on. >> i thought it was a little cheeky, but it explains who you became today. on the poll, look, cbs news, don't forget, since walter cronkite went through dan rather and then sheafer, then katie couric. the challenge is to bring cbs news back to where it was. but on the overall findings of the polls, which don't speak well, as you said, for the
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american media, the american people have lost faith in a lot of institutions over the years. notably political institutions like congress and the media. i think the reason that the trust level is so low today for the media is because of its relationship with barak obama. during the campaign, they fell in love with him. they moved from old-fashioned media bias into something new. mediactive. , just as this usual activism where judges pretty much do whatever they want. the media decided it's okay to take sides without apology, republicans, 75%, according to gallup, think the media is too liberal. get this, let me see the exact number.
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77% of democrats think the media is just right or too conservative. that tells you all you -- >> bill: they get favorable treatment. >> exactly. that proves that there is a liberal problem. but here is the thing. 50% of independents, 50% of independents think the media is too liberal. and that does away with the argument from the people who run news organizations that this is only a bunch of crazy right wingers. could i give you one example that's too good to pass up? >> bill: yeah. >> this was on page 1 of the "washington post." on christmas morning after barak obama was elected president, page 1 of the "washington post," a story about his exercise regiment. i'm going to read one sentence. the sun glinted off chiseled pectorals sculpted during four weightlifting sessions each week and a body toned by regular treadmill runs and basketball
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games. this sounds like the crap you read in romance novels. >> bill: that's the fox news bioof me. >> this is on beige 1 of the "washington post." what i'm saying is there is a price the media pays for this kind of thing. >> bill: they have paid it. >> their credibility. >> bill: that's right. 19%, pretty big number when you look at all the news organizations that were factored into the survey. so fox news now dominating the information flow in america. and you say why is that? >> well, let me tell -- this is my take on it. america is a center right country. fox tilts to the right. every single person, if not literally 99.9% of the people watching us right now, used to, before fox, watch the evening news at cbs, nbc or abc. they came over to fox. now, the hard news shows on fox, the bret baier show, rock solid. chris wallace on the weekend,
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rock solid. but there is a lot of opinion, yes, this liberal opinion and conservative. but conservatives came over to fox because they like their -- >> bill: some of that. but here is a very interesting stat that's ignored by many people. now when there is a breaking news story, a hurricane, something like that, no political component in it at all, we still win. we still win. >> right. that's very interesting. could i just tell you what i think the most significant part of these polls, what it really tells you? >> bill: sure, the people at the main stream media, "new york times," npr, i think it's a safe bet to say that they didn't hold the staff meeting saying hey, did you see these numbers? these numbers are terrible. people don't trust us. and even if all these american people are wrong, there is a perception that the media is corrupt. they don't care. >> bill: i know. they don't seem to be doing anything about it. if they do, that's for sure. i got to run.
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thank you. coming right back with charles krauthammer who says he knows who barak obama really is. charles is next.
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>> bill: charles krauthammer, conservative, makes a nice living analyzing politics and is especially locked in on president obama. charles now says the president is finally revealing himself fully. he joins us now from washington. so you think there is a new revelation here? >> no, i think what's new is we've returned to the original obama. the obama of the first two years before, after the shellacking in the midterm elections, he moved -- he gave the appearance of moving to the center.
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look, the original obama comes in with a does he do? he adds another trillion dollars entitle ament with health care. he comes in and he tries to get cap and trade, federal control of energy. he spends a trillion dollars on a stimulus that achieves practically nothing. this is the original obama and he said early on, he's a social democrat, somebody who wants to see us more like europe. he spends a year after losing the midterm election and losing the house, pretending he's a centrist, but now with the election rolling around with no answers on jobs, and no answers on debt, he's decided to get back to what he's comfortable with and that is talk about class warfare. >> bill: that seems to be a losing strategy in the face of all the polls saying that americans are angry. they're angry that the president's economic policies have not worked. they don't want more left wing stuff.
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so it just seems to be almost self-defeating that he would go back into that posture. >> i would agree with you. but on the other hand, what's he going to run on? his record? on debt? on jobs? on economic expansion -- >> bill: he could pull a bill clinton and pivot into a different area and say we tried this, we were sincere. some of it was good, but we understand it didn't work so now we're going to try and help small businesses. we're going to try to get out of people's way for a while and he could do that, could he not? >> yeah, but here is where you get the real obama. bill clinton was by nature, by instinct a centrist democrat. he was left of center. he was from the dlc, that part of the democratic party which was reformist and more centrist. it was natural for clinton to pivot to the center after he got shellacked. for obama, who tried this cloak on for the last eight or nine
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months, for example, when he signed the extension of the bush tax cuts in december, it was alien to him. finally he decides it's not working anyway. my numbers are down. there is no way i could explain what i've done. i'm not going to denounce what i did in the past. i believe in obamacare. i'm not going to undo it or apologize. i believe in stimulus. i believe in cap and trade. so what's he got left? i know how to do class war. he was a community organizer. i believe in that stuff. i believe in america consisting of the dispossessed and those and the rich will oppress them. that's who i am. i'm going to be authentic. that will energize the base and it has. the base loves this new guy. and i will hope that somehow i'll draw a weak opponent on the other side, and i'll squeak through to victory. >> bill: if you say it energized the base and they're coming back, the polls don't reflect that. he's sinking every time there is a new poll, he goes down further
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in job approval. he goes down further in economic management. every poll shows that. so while maybe the fringe base, the loud base likes him, clearly the people who are independent and the center left democrats don't like him. and i think that he's going to get clobbered if he runs to the left. >> you've got me in the unnatural position of defending obama. i'm trying to understand his logic and his logic is that unless i get the base energized, we're now 14 months out, unless i get that, i have no chance. i expect that by the end of the campaign after the summer next year, with a few weeks left, he'll try a pivot to the center. but right now he wants to strengthen himself with the special interest groups, particularly the unions whom he's alienated and the left as a way to get some source of energy
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behind him. will it work? i don't know. i don't think so. but for obama, it is simply unnatural to pretend to be the kind of centrist that clinton was who won reelection. >> bill: that's what we said in the talking points memo. he's hoping to have numbers in the minority precincts and in the unions and they devoted luck to overcome the republicans. >> and he's hoping he'll draw a weak opponent. >> bill: charles, thanks very much. we appreciate it. pin heads and patriots on deck. am i your humble correspondent a pinhead? could be. right back.
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>> bill: pin heads and patriots in a moment. i, your humble correspondent may be a pinhead. the opening for "killing lincoln" today. thank you very much. it hit number one on and if you would like to get a feel for the book, we posted a chapter on, both in print and audio. you can listen to it or rd it or both. we understand the ebooks are selling fast as well. also sign up for premium membership. you get the book free of charge. please remember, all the proceeds i get from the web site are donated to charity. so it's an excellent deal and i it's an excellent deal. i think you'll like the book very much. once again, thank you all. number one on amazon, you know, humbling. now the mail. bill henson, westerville, ohio,
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a big difference between barack obama and lincoln, lincoln thought he represented all americans, while barack obama chides his opposition. bill, the big difference between abraham lincoln and barack obama on leadership, your take is misguided. the big difference there's lincoln wanted to preserve the union while obama wants to change the country, but lincoln wanted to change the country, too, travis, he destroyed slavery. lincoln and the founding fathers are willing to die for their country. today's politicians are not. shirley, virginia. morgan freeman should be embarrassed calling the tea party racist. shame on him. i was a fan of freeman until those comments. harris, utah, you mentioned the five living presidents signed three posters for the wounded
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warriors. where are the other two? they will be auctioned off later this year. if you donate 25 bucks to the warriors, you will get a facsimile of the poster. we appreciate everybody, as i said last night, who helped the warriors out. from new york, bill, i want to give my sister your new book, only problem is, she doesn't like you. does she like president lincoln, connie? if yes, tell her to remove the book jacket and enjoy the book. jim, california. already read most of "killing lincoln." my wife and i watch the factor while cruising through the panama canal. wow. that's nice. appreciate it, jim. finally, pin heads and patriots. i must apologize for being overexposed this week. i owe it to my publisher to promote "killing lincoln," and so i did. >> we're going to come back and talk about "killing lincoln," your new book. >> bill: thanks. you read it.
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>> i did read it. flipped through it. shocking. don't think i read? >> bill: i'm very proud. the overriding arch is abraham lincoln himself. what a good, decent, compassionate man he was. i wrote this book so even bernie could read it. >> that ain't right. bernie is smarter than i am. >> bill: it's for high school dropouts, but it's exciting and a thriller. the real reason i wrote this book is because i know most people don't read history books and they certainly don't teach it in school. i've got a history degree. i didn't know 90% of this. people need it know when they vote for president in 2012, they need to know what the gold standard of leadership is for this country and it is abraham lincoln. tomorrow, "the view "and jon stewart. i believe i may be a pinhead for forcing myself upon the nation. i'm trying very hard to figure out a way to get all five of
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"the view" ladies off stage so i can hijack the hour, except elizabeth. she can stay. that's it for us tonight. please check out the website. spout off about "the factor" anywhere in the world. name and town, name and town, name and town if you wish to opine. word of the day, do not be definitely looking out for you. >> good morning, everyone. it's the middle of the week, wednesday, september 28th. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for sharing your time today. chris christie, the governor of new jersey sounding very presidential at the president reagan library.
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>> we watched a president who once talked about the courage of his convictions but yet still has found the courage to lead. what happened to state senator obama? when did he decide to become a one of the divideers? >> so did the governor leave the door open for a presidential run? we'll report, you can decide. >> meanwhile, michael jackson's manslaughter trial starts with a voice from michael himself. >> that voice from the grave so chilling, even the man accused of manslaughter can't help but cry. >> talk about a rough commute. hundreds of cars tied up for hours on the interstate because of


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