tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News September 28, 2011 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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>> what do i have to do short of suicide to convince people i'm not running. >> bill: speculation is wild that chris christie will enter the presidential sweep stake. is it all contrived nonsense? we'll have the inside story. >> what's also a quintessentially idea is that those of us who have done well shall pay our fair share. >> bill: not only warren buffet wants to pay more taxes other rich guys want to open their wallets as well. we will talk with two of them. >> if you were running, i would be in the veep slot. >> bill: dennis miller endorses somebody for president. i will tell you who that is. my appearance today on "the view." caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. captions by closed captioning services i'm bill o'reilly.
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thanks for watching us tonight. a pushback on class warfare that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. now clear that president obama's strategy convinces on working americans that he is looking out for them and that the republicans don't care about regular folks. that will be the central theme of president obama's campaign. strategy is teeing off some americans even those who supported president obama in the past. a man named ted, former vice chairman of american online current chairman of the washington wizards basketball team was a big obama supreme su. now he is fed up with the class warfare deal. writing on his web site he says quote:
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as we reported last night the only way president obama can get reelected is to put together a coalition of the willing with apologies to george w. bush that is special interest groups that will support mr. obama because he promises them rewards. alan colmes says these groups are not special interest. they represent the majority of americans. talking points disagrees. if you are speaking to hispanic americans, telling them you are going to push immigration, then you go over to the congressional black caucus and tell them you are going to target jobs for african-americans, and then you go to the unions telling them you are going to pass legislation that quote unquote shares the wealth that is special interest pandering, is it not? everyone expects the campaign of 2012, obviously already underway, to be one of the dirtiest in the nation's history. when you pit one american against anher, rich against
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poor, union against taxpayer, you are going to get nasty stuff. there is going to be malice in the air. americans divided between secular progressives and traditionalists. now our incomes are going to separate us even further. not a good scenario in the land of the free. that's the memo. now for the top story sent toni. what about affluent americans who want to pay more in taxes. i last night i told you i wouldn't mind paying a% more but not until they cut back spending and beginning to monitor where the money is going. hello solyndra. with us now dr. eric shown berne a member of the responsible wealth project. also dave, family law attorney and high wage earner. now, counselor, am i being unreasonable wanting the feds to first cut spending and monitor where the tax money is going. >> what are you going to cut first? social security? not pass a jobs bill? cut medicaid? cutting government right now
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would put more people out of work, would effect state and local governments even more than it ever has in the past. >> bill: you wouldn't cut anything. >> i would cut some things. you don't have enough to cover our deficit. we're spending more than we are taking in. >> right a lot more. almost two to one. >> bill: i hope that was a question directed to me counselor. what would i cut? 10% across the board. every department goes down 10%. then we we rework the entitlements like social security, medicare and medicaid, not to affect people over 40 but the younger people. rework it into a system that's fair and balanced. now, doctor, if you want to pay more income tax. i assume you do. have you been fortunate in your life. >> i have been very fortunate. you can. did you last year write a check to the government above the amount that you were required to pay? >> did i not. >> bill: why? >> however. >> bill: why did you not? >> well, the whole point about, you know, tax is the price we
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pay for civilization. >> bill: why didn't you pay more tax last year when you could have. >> what i did was to take the amount i would have owed under the old tax rates before the bush tax cuts. >> bill: 39.6. >> i paid the difference between what i paid now and what i would have paid and i gave it to charitable donations. >> bill: very noble. president obama would cut the charitable deduction under his new revenue raising plan. okay. now, that's going to hurt charity. what do you think about that? well, i think there is a huge problem in terms of the overall level of deductions we allow people to take. >> bill: charitable deductions? >> including charitable deductions. >> bill: really? >> let me point to the single biggest factor. the single biggest difference between what average americans pay verses the working american. tax rates on regular labor income people who work for a living and people who earn their income from capital gains. qualified dividends. >> bill: this is the warren
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buffet argument that 15% in capital gains is not enough. you ascribe to that. >> i totally agree with that. >> bill: don't you though understand that if you raise capital gains to the income tax level that people like me who invest aren't going to invest so much. risk-reward drops. far too risky to pay 40% to the government on any of my gains when my losses i can't deduct at all anything over 3,000. risk reward. you get less investment abroad. what's that going to do doctor. >> you ask me the question whether i agree and the answer is i disagree. >> bill: you think people would invest at the same rate? >> we had capital gain rates of 70% in this country up until reagan in 1982. we had as much growth over the period of 50s and 60's as we have seen in that time. in fact, more growth and broader share. >> bill: doctor, as you know, as somebody who teaches economics there was so many smerlts in the 40s, 50s, and 60's, these people
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never paid that kind of money. ever. counselor, do you understand my argument that if you raise capital gains tax in the middle of a recession the stock market is going to go down 3,000 points. >> i don't know anybody that doesn't see a good investment and put the money in that even if they have to pay more either. i would would whether i was paying 15% or 39%. >> bill: always a risk in the stock market. nobody knows. >> it's an assumed risk after you have done your due diligence to make sure -- >> bill: you guys are both sitting here telling me you must know if the cap gains tax is raised the stock market is going to go down 3,000 points. >> i'm not saying 40% but perhaps 20% or 25%. >> bill: still going to go down. >> no payroll tax on that. higher percentage of their income and payroll taxes and property taxes. >> bill: i'm going to ask the same question i asked the doctor. did you voluntarily write them a check. >> absolutely not. everybody should be cooking it.
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>> bill: wait, wait, wait. you are a man of principle, are you not, counselor. >> yes, i am. >> bill: you want to pay higher taxes do you not. >> yes i do. i want everyone to pay higher taxes. >> bill: if everyone doesn't you are not gone that. >> i gave the difference in charity. at the same time, it's not my check to the government is not going to pay for the jobs bill. >> bill: you set a good example. every guy like you, you two guys would send more money to the government, i think it would be more sympathetic. i would give you the last word. >> i would simply make the point in world war ii we didn't rely on voluntary enrollment in the army. we had a draft. the notion being everybody should share in the sacrifice. i know you recently published a book about abraham lincoln calling him our greatest president which i would agree with in large part how much he was willing to sacrifice. >> bill: i am, too. i think a lot of my audience would pay higher taxes but they first want to see the government slash the spending and watch where the money goes. no more solyndras.
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gentlemen, thanks very much for coming. in very good debate. we appreciate it. chris christie main i can't. ' once again in the middle of the campaign. how did he get there and will he run? later, dennis miller endorses herman cain for president. he will tell us why upcoming. [ male announcer ] every day, thousandof people are choosing advil®. here's one story. [ regis ] we love to play tennis. as a matter of fact it was joy who taught me how to play tennis. and with it comes some aches and pains and one way to relieve them all is to go right to the advil®. i have become increasingly amazed at regis's endurance. it's scary sometimes what he accomplishes in a day. well i'd rather not have time for pain but unfortunately it does comes your way every now and then. and that's when i take my advil®. [ male announcer ] take action. take advil®. but only allstate gives safe drivers more. a bonus check ery six months they drive accident-free.
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tonight. governor chris christie is being urged by some to run for president. in past mr. christie has always said no. >> i am not arrogant enough to believe that an one year governor of new jersey and seven years as states attorney i am ready to be president of the united states. >> you are still saying categorically not running in 2012. >> not running. >> categorically not running. >> i don't know how else to do it. i'm not doing it. >> i'm not going to. zero chance i will. i don't feel like i'm ready to be president. i don't want to run for president. i don't have the fire in the belly to run for the '. >> what do i have to do short of suicide to convince people i'm not running. apparently i have to commit suicide. >> bill: the question is is he running? >> journalist for gannett the author of the book soprano state. political anchor for new jersey network and author of the book you are the brand all right steve is the governor running or
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not? >> today, no. two weeks from now he could change. >> bill: make him look bad if he does that. >> liste let's be frank about that rolling the dice big time. new jersey has big problems. one of the most powerful governors in the state. he said he wasn't ready i think no one is ready to be president. neither was barack obama. i think christie is saying to himself these people aren't ready either. i look better than them. i would be a better president than president barack obama. if you punish me as you always do on the show, i don't think is he going to do it. >> bill: in the end he won't run what do you say? >> i say he is not going to run. he said he isn't going to. why do we not believe him? >> bill: because he is dancing. he is out in the reagan library last night some lady went oh, please run for president. i feel your pain. i feel sympathy. he is playing game. >> things have changed. >> bill: here is what hasn't
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changed. i will address this to steve first. here is what hasn't chaxd. you have basically a guy who promised the citizens of new jersey i'm going to clean up your straight. vote for me and i will clean it up. if he runs for president that promise goes out the window. he owes it to new jersey residents to stay in there and clean up the highest taxed state in the union that is full of corruption and everything else. you know that. >> do i think he owes it to the state. >> bill: he absolutely owes it. >> if the enough voters in new jersey say look. >> bill: doesn't matter what the voters say. he owes it to one voter. one. >> respectfully, bill, this is a political situation and if enough voters gives him the pass and he chooses to do it. unlike sarah palin who quitted in middle i think he can get a pass. i think it's risky though. >> i don't think the governor has enough experience, bon. >> i think that he thinks he doesn't have enough experience. i think he should know. >> bill: who does? >> it's not a matter of who does. it's a matter of basically
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getting into the fray convincing the american people you do have enough experience. there is a poll, fox news just out and it asked judd new jersey governor chris christie run for president. all americans yes 32. no 39. unsure 28. republicans 40 yes. 33 no. unsure 27. i will tell you what, i think the governor at 49 years old would be wise to sit it out. to turn new jersey around, to do what he said he was going to do. absolutely the state needs that and i like him because is he like me. he is feisty. i like him. >> he is nice bill. >> bill: who isn't, steve? come on. but i do believe he made a commitment and he should hold it you say? >> i think he feels the same way. there is a chance that people could get down on their knees and beg him particularly people who finance campaigns.
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>> bill: nobody is going to beg him. i don't think the fat lady has sung yet but she is clearing her throat. >> bill: are you sure you want to make that analogy? >> that was terrible, wasn't it. >> if things move on, if mitt romney does not catch fire enough to agree that people are still not with him on the sideline. >> bill: that would be the way if none of the candidates distinguish themselves throughout the primary process, there absolutely could be a draft. >> would you change your mind? >> absolutely. >> say he has not given the shaft to the voters of new jersey. >> if the republican party at their convention in tampa, florida next august says these guys haven't broken out and we don't believe. >> nobody gets a majority. >> we want to go and draft christie, then i'm fine with it but right now i think christie should honor what he said he was going to do and that is turn jersey around because jersey desperately needs to be turned around and get more experience on the national level. >> bill, the only thing about that that i disagree with is lightning only strikes once.
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>> bill: that's not true he has plenty of time. >> it may be harder to get elected in 2013. bob knows this in new jersey than. >> bill: it's not about -- it's about probabilities. what you do is you build a legacy. you build experience. doesn't have enough. and he knows it. last word, bob. >> i think he is not going to run. >> bill: steve? >> disagree with this guy? >> bill: wrote the book on the sopranos don't disagree with him. >> i have got friends, too bill. the point is in the end i don't think he does it but he milks it and raises money. >> bill: that's okay. >> you can only milk it for so long. >> he is the best money raiser the republicans have right now. >> bill: he is raising money for everybody. gentlemen, thanks very much. we appreciate it. dick morris will predict what chris christie will do as well. talk about why bill clinton is inserting himself into the presidential campaign. a big terror bus we are going to
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tell you about. body language takes a look at my appearance on "the view" today. that's interesting. those reports after these messages. ♪ fare thee well ♪ farewell ♪ mr. gloom be on your way ♪ ♪ though you haven't any money you can still be bright and sunny ♪ ♪ sing polly wolly doodle all the day ♪
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>> bill: in the impact segment tonight, two flamboyant politicians are now right in the middle of the presidential race of 2012. chris christie and bill clinton. joining us now from grand rapids, michigan to explain the purveyor of dick mr. morris. you heard the christie debate. what say you? do you think he is going to run? >> no, i don't think he is going to run. i'm sick and tired of his teasing the united states. i think that he should either cut bait or fish. put up or shut up. stop this bs of waltzing around the issue and being so could you tell use in his denials and get
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up there and say if nominated i refuse to run. if elected i refuse to serve. sermon. >> bill: does he hurt the republican party by the dance. >> yes. candidates can't raise money people are not focusing on the message enough. people are rooting on the man that isn't there. this entire nominating race has been overshadowed by people who self-indulgently floated their name adulation and then said ooh no thanks. we had three months of donald trump. we had one month of mitch daniels. we had mike huckabee. we have sarah palin running all over the country in buses pretending she is sort of maybe not running. now chris christie does what over governor of new jersey does. gives a foreign policy address at the reagan library. come on. we have a bunch of candidates there who are real people who are running, do them the service of paying attention to them. if you are not going to run get out of the way.
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>> bill: do you think voters would hold it against chris christie if he did run and bailed on the state. do you think that would be hold against him as some voters hold it against sarah palin who resigned her governorship in alaska? >> well, the history is on the side of running. bill clinton promised the voters of arkansas in 1990 to serve out his term. and he carried arkansas when he ran. it would be three years into his governorship if elected in 2009. it's a four year governorship. the other point is he is probably not going to get reelected in new jersey. it's a democratic state. >> bill: i think he will get reelected. >> after republicans elected in 12, which they will, 13 will be probably a democratic year. they are right when they said the lightning is there. drafting aren't instructed to vote for the primary winner. they don't have the freedom to leave it.
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>> bill: you are telling me if they get and they are deadlocked and they don't like the candidates that are on there that they can't go another place at the convention? i believe they can there is some kind of procedure. >> on the second and third ballots they can. >> i knew there was. >> super delegates can. >> bill: you can take your super delegates. >> first ballot somebody will have a majority on first ballot. >> bill: that's absolutely possible. there is a chance that there could be a draft. let's get to your pal, bill clinton who now is injecting himself somewhat. he has pulled back in the last week or so into the campaign and he is doing so, why? i believe that he believes that there -- first of all, i haven't spoken to him. but i believe he believes that there is some chance that obama doesn't run i asked a top democratic strategist who ran a presidential campaign if he thought that was possible. he told me and i'm quoting him
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yeah, if we get to january and there is still high unemployment and it's not turned around, i think it's possible he gives a lyndon johnson speech and says i'm going to focus full time on the economy and not run. i think that the senators may force that decision. i think he will run. i think it's possible that the senators come to him and say, look, you cost us the house last time. you are going to cost us the senate this time. i think bill clinton is laying the groundwork for hillary to run if obama pulls out. >> bill: okay. bill although i was wrong i thought hillary clinton would get the nomination. i can't be arrogant and sit there and say i don't know everything. >> you can't be arrogant because have you been wrong about herman cain. >> bill: i know he is going to win the nomination. >> he is not going to win it. >> bill: how much do you want to put on that. >> i'm not saying he is going to win it. is he a strong candidate. >> bill: how about 3 to 1? >> bill, the point about bill
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clinton is that he is publishing a book on how to create jobs. coming out in november bill built bill clinton is. >> yeah. he is doing a campaign swing. i mean a book tour he has dissed obama's job program saying he doesn't think we should cut taxes and cut spending. bold moves to get obama out of this race. >> bill: do you think bill clinton is finally going to come here and talk to me? i hope so. 26-year-old ashland, massachusetts man reswan u.s. citizen charged by the fbi with a plot to damage and destroy the pentagon, the u.s. capital using large remote controlled aircraft filled with c 4 plastic explosives. all right. this is his compound. the fbi raided it looks like he has money, this guy. i continue to believe that the administration is doing a pretty good job protecting us against terrorism and president obama
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might wants to emphasize that instead of the class warfare business. yeah, i think first of all it was a real plot. >> bill: absolutely. >> this guy actually provided bombs to undercover agents. ied's that they then told killed americans and had a party i believed when george bush was president and that he would weaken security and war on terror. >> bill: he hasn't done it? >> three years into the term haven't been hit. the oof is in the pudding. i have to step aside and either he didn't do what he said he did or it's still working. >> bill: of course, the economy overwhelms all of that glad they got this guy, dick. we are asking you to vote in our bill o' poll. based on the republican date dee bait so far. who are you supporting? here is a list. here is the list. please select one. we will give you the results tomorrow evening. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. michael moore ambushed at an
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anticapitalism in new york city. pretty entertaining. dennis miller endorsing herman cain for president. the d man will explain why. we hope you stay tuned to those reports. o0 c1 2 o0 what's going on here? hey, whats up guys? this is not how witness protection works! when we set you up with that little hardware store we didn't intend for your face to be everywhere. but fedex office makes it so easy. not only do they ship stuff, they print flyers, brochures -- everything i need to get my name outhere. that's the problem. now we need to give you a third identity.
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you're paul matheson. and you're gonna run your business into the ground. erik gustafson would never do that! there is no erik gustafson. hey that's erik gustafson!!! there is no erik gustafson!!!!! [ male announcer ] small business solutions. fedex. solutions that matter. i've got to tell susie ! the vending machine on elm is almost empty. i'm on it, boss. new pony sorry ! we are open for business. let's reroute greg to fresno. growing businesses use machine-to-machine technology from verizon wireless. susie ! the nding machine... already filled. cool bike. because the busine with the best technologyules. motorcycles, boats, even rv's. nobody knows where he got his love for racing. all we know is, it started early.
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>> bill: body language segment tonight. as you know i am currently promoting my new book killing lincoln it hit number one on amazon and barnes & noble. thank you for that. as part of the campaign i revisited "the view" ladies today. >> can i ask you something? when you watch the republican debates and you hear the people whoever you are yelling booing the gay soldier or cheering on the fact that you put somebody to death is he on a gurney because he doesn't have insurance. is that the party of lincoln? lincoln was a republican. >> bill: i'm not going to get into republican politics. that's not what i do. i watch them all. >> bush did not ask the country to make sacrifices after 9/11
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that's the time to do it. >> bill: i'm not bush bashing that's boring. >> you are historian. i'm giving you history. >> bill: that's right. if you read, look, if you guys want to live your life as partisans, go ahead. that doesn't interest me. i'm talking to both sides. doesn't interest me. what interests me is problem-solving. >> bill: all right. so i had to deal with a lot of that stuff there. here now body language maven tonya reiman. let's take me first. >> oh yeah, that's a great idea. >> bill: what was my body language saying to the audience? >> you did two things that you always do. i want to point them out. the first thing is when someone goes against your belief, you tip your head back. >> bill: tip your head back. >> yes. somebody says something you don't agree with tip your head back. that's one of your baselines. that's something that denotes you are feeling powerful. the second thing is you do turn your head away from that person yeah i'm done with you. as joy is speaking do you both of those things to her. you always put a face of disgust
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and anger on. >> bill: oh, disgust and anger. >> your mouth turns into a square. whenever i see your mouth turn into a square, i know you are getting more and more angry. the one thing that i love that you do you keep your legs. see how your legs are split. saying i'm fair to everyone. legs are angled out. >> bill: i am fair. >> watch your thumb. thumbs are normal. they are fine. get to the report where we are talking about if you want to be partisan the thumb shoots up and now you are feeling powerful. the interest thing was you intimidated barbara because at one point you kind of almost yell at her and she pulls back and drops her hand back. >> bill: i wasn't going to let her interrupt me from scolgd the audience. i had to do that. >> joy did really well. what she did was held her own. even in other vocal tones her pick pitch stayed downward. >> whoopi is aleap, right? >> i didn't see anything from whoopi. that was it the three of you was an interesting dynamic.
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>> bill: there you go. in florida, of course, they had the debate last week and it was this back and forth, roll the tape. >> there is a rick perry out there that saying almost a quote it says that the federal government shouldn't be in the pension business. that it's unconstitutional it should beeturned to the states. find that rick perry and get him to stop saying that. >> as a matter of fact, between books your hard copy book you said it was exactly what the american people needed to have that romney care given to them as you had in massachusetts. then in your paperback, you took that line out. so, speaking of not getting it straight in your book, sir, that would be a good one. >> bill: all right. so, perry has a habit when he is speaking of rearing back. you know, his back is arched. what does that mean? >> that means he is distancing himself from that conversation he does something that is going to cost him. that is he does not make eye
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contact with the person who is addressing him. watch romney. his body is angled. making eye contact. watch perry when he responds. first he gives this you have got to be kidding me ridiculous look. he does a bounce when which youl see in a second. after he does the bounce, he looks down. look at that you are ridiculous. bounce up. chest puffs out and then he looks down. there is a big incongruent there. is he trying to come across as powerful but the bounce, the puffed out chest and then looking down. >> bill: who wins the body language. >> romney wins hands down. >> bill: who won the body language with me and "the view" women? don't say. i can see. [ laughter ] >> you were angry they weren't. >> bill: road. >> i root for no one. here romney came across as arrogant. he does win. he does look more presidential. he sounds more presidential
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perry across as stiff and also coming across as arrogant. romney. he needs to improve upon that. >> bill: tonya reiman, everybody. come right back, miller time. herman cain, maxine waters and the underwear run all in the spotlight this evening. miller is next. [ junior ] i played professional basketball for 12 years. today i own 165 wendy's restaurants. and i get my financing from ge capital. but i also get stuff that goes way beyond banking. we not only lend people money, we help them save it.
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[ junior ] ge engineers found ways to cut my energy use. [ cheryl ] more efficient lighting helps junior stay open later... [ junior ] and serve more customers. so you're not just getting financial capital... [ cheryl ] you're also getting human capital. not just money. knowledge. [ junior ] ge capital. they're not just bankers... we're builders. [ junior ] ...and they've helped build my business. [ jennifer ] and i'm jennifer northcutt. opening a restaurant is utterly terrifying. we lost well over half of our funding when everything took a big dip. i don't think anyone would open up a restaurant if they knew what that moment is like. ♪ day 1, everything happened at once. ♪ i don't know how long that day was. we went home and let it sink in what we had just done. [ laughs ] ♪ word of mouth is everything, and word of mouth today is online. it all goes back to the mom and pop business and building something from the heart, founded within a family.
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us i'm bill o'reilly. in the miller segment tonight the d man has made his selection, he is endorsing herman cain for president of the united states. miller was in town last night. so the sage of southern california in new york city to do more charitable work. we will get to that in a moment. first, shocking miller endorses herman cain for president. >> i walked around. i said who is the most confident? who has run a business? who has a nice sense of humor about himself?
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who seems to be a decent man? who seems to be mart? i thought who is going to have rough elbows because this thing is going to be ugly this time through. i looked around and i said i dig herman cain for that job. >> bill: i thought you were going to say you endorse me. >> if you were running i would be in the veep slot. >> bill: you would be ambassador to tonga. that's where you are going. [ laughter ] >> you know i have got tonga. >> wired completely. >> bill: there we go. >> bill: herman cain, though, look, i like herman cain. i like his spirit. he presents himself very well when he came on the factor he had no idea about foreign affairs. >> like the guy in there now does. >> bill: aren't we supposed to improve upon that. >> here is what i am saying, the thing i like about barack obama to this point he has completely recreated the bush cheney things increased drone stakes in the air. if herman case number says i will do what this guy does and
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up zone strikes and if they ever call me in the middle of the night and say we have a nut we know where he is at but we have got to fly across the border and croak him. i bet you herman cain would say it too. common sense. >> bill: the next president of the united states has got to be as i say in killing lincoln an excellent leader. a leader of superlative quality. >> not might i think he is. >> bill: the deficit of mr. cain he doesn't have experience. putin and guys in china waiting to hammer you. you need somebody in there with the experience and frame of reference to deal with those guys i don't know if it's herman. they're licking their chops over the guy we have in there now. he won't use the phrase terrorism. here is the thing about herman. in a world where everybody is sitting around at night putting together proposals to get funding for policies for sustainability and greenhouse gas. they all work late. sometime in the evening let's
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order a pizza. herman cain is the cat over here to made pays zas and got them there on time and fed people. >> bill: on the subject of get it done attitude we have to talk about congresswoman waters she says: >> you would never say to the jewish community stop complaining about israel. i don't know who he was talking to because we're certainly not complaining. >> bill: that was in response of course to president obama going to the cbc and saying. >> stop complaining, stop grumbling, stop crying. we are going to press on. >> here is what i would say if it's been 45 years since the great society started, are black people in this country any better off for god's sake? >> bill: a little bit. >> some of those unemployment figures. >> bill: it comes down to education. not race. >> why don't black america leverage the other side a little. >> bill: you think that black america doesn't use the power it has because they take it for granted look it's either me or one of these republican guys hate you. branded tea party racist and all of that maxine waters herself
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was really indignant that president obama would come into the cbc and actually challenge them to cut the whining out. >> she still likes him. she would have called him a racist if she didn't. >> why not? >> bill: you could call barack obama a racist? >> i'm saying if she doesn't like barack obama using that disdainful tone of voice for her, what's what would have happened in the past if any other president does that to her? she would have had the race card dropped on them in a second. >> bill: interesting trend in the united states for people to take off their clothes in protest. utah. there they are. i don't know what they are protesting. what do you think about this trend to get attention to your cause? >> look at that that is unbelievable. way in the background i can see orrin hatchet with a banana hammer. i would have never thought that you would see that. listen, here's in brief here is what i have to say about the boxer rebellion.
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one thing about this race in utah you can tell more man from the less man now. [ laughter ] i think i will leave it there i got a good laugh out of you. >> bill: the boxer rebellion was a good line. >> don't let all this stuff keep me from sending you to tonga when you take over. >> i thought you would have done that raising money for u.s.a. cares. tremendous charity to help the people. it skimp down -- stripped down to skivvies. >> al qaeda would have won. that would have been it. i met soldiers there, these kids who have lost three, four limbs. sergeant dakota myer came into the room. i'm telling you this kid is so clean. he walks in and everybody in the room wants a piece of him. is he like achilles. the kid was so humble and his brethren, it's the foundation.
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there at this foundation. >> steven siler was the fireman who died that day in 9/11. they won a race and the organization i have run out of louisville called u.s.a. cares organ runs in conjunction. all i know is that kid walked across the room and he is not looking for it but you see that thing and it's emblematic. every one of these kids who goes into those rat holes and give us the life we have i was just i went up to him a bit of a goof ball. i didn't know quite what to say to him he was just a kid. >> can i give you a real quick bumper sticker for next election. >> cain vs. unable. you will see that the in next debate. i know it dennis miller, everybody. >> miller would like me to remind you that on october 29th you can see us in the bolder fresher show at the mohican show in connecticut. great to be in the nutmeg state. i will signing pin killing
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>> bill: did you see that? michael moore running over the place promoting a new book. he showed up at anticapitalism rally here in new york city. >> i'm glad that fox is here. fox is here. [cheers] there is a requested to in heaven. >> movie maker michael moore was delighted to see us and engaged in spirited debate over
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anti-capitalist philosophy. >> people across the country have no say in our our economic system. >> has capitalism been good to you. >> capitalism destroyed my town, flint michigan. >> i'm talking but personally. >> that's me personally. that's my town. those are my family. that's my friends. people have suffered as a result of the greed from corporations like. >> you have earned a lot through capitalism, right? >> i have actually done pretty decent because people come see my movies. >> michael moore hopes the day comes when he doesn't have to promote a new book or movie. >> i totally reject the system. >> that you have made a lot of money. >> you won't give back all that money. >> happy day for me is when i will be unemployed. >> bill: me too. joining us now from san francisco fox news anchor juliet huddy. you think moore is a little disingenuous here, juliet? >> i think he ask a hypocrite? yes. i do. dick brennan is the reporter there and cheers to him because he went after moore exactly the
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way he should have. michael moore makes films. documentaries, so he doesn't have a huge staff like most films do but he sends those films to theaters. people decide to go to the theater and pay the price he is charging them the theater is charging. that's capitalism. seven major films. almost $350 million on those films. that's a box office gross. now he himself has made in upwards of 25 million. $50 million. i mean, it's unbelievable. for sicko the movie where the health care industry. that's the documentary there. they went after the health care industry. moore netted 25 had million bucks. at the end of the film the sick people go to communist cuba to find their better life there. moore you think is pocketing a lot of money through capitalistic system. we do know he sued a production company because he wanted even
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more money. >> the weinsteins were the producers behind 9/11. he made 20 million bucks from that. there was some sort of discrepancy he felt he was owed more so he went after the weinsteins for a little bit over $2 million. >> i think they settled that so he got a check. >> yes, yes, they did. is he making money on -- i wish i didn't make money off capitalism the way he does. >> bill: audience can make up their own mind about moore. earlier this week we reported on on star if you have it in your automobile and if you cancel on star they still track you. you can't cancel on star tracking you. you can cancel them talking to you but not tracking you. less than 24 hours after that what happened? >> william, they reversed their decision. i believe it is all because of you. >> bill: you think so? >> no. >> bill: just a coincidence on the factor rereported this when no one else did and then 24
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hours later they reversed it. just a coincidence? >> they were neglect some flack for that, william. you know that. they were neglect some flack for that i do think you are a very powerful man. maybe not the most powerful man beside the president of the united states. >> bill: i think we got that done. that's what the evidence says. >> i will give you a little bit of credit. >> bill: how much one full credit. >> 5, 6. depending on how nice you are to me the rest of the year. >> bill: for you huddy, that's pretty good. i appreciate it. >> i'm sure you feel that way. >> bill: tonight starring andy rooney. wild mail segment about my appearance on "the view" today. coming right bac there's only one bottle left ! i've got to tell susie ! the vending machine on elm is almost empty. i'm on it, boss. new pony sorry ! we are open for business. let's reroute greg to fresno.
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growing businesses use machine-to-machine technology from verizon wireless. susie ! the nding machine... already filled. cool bike. because the busine with the best technologyules. gives you a 50 percent annual bonus. so you earn 50 percent more cash. if you're not satisfied with 50% more cash, send it back! i'll be right here, waiting for it. who wouldn't want more cash? [ insects chirping ] i'll take it. i'll make it rain up in here. [ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? sorry i'll clean this up. shouldn't have made it rain. any sec---o-m-g dad, you are not meeting him looking like that. i look fine. just a little trouble with a bargain brand cooking spray. quick, hide yourself behind the butter. do i embarrass you? yeah. i told you like a gajillion times to use new and improved pam so you'd come out in one piece
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but with allstate, bundng policies is easy and n save you mon. [ woman ] you should try this instead. thank you, yeah... now she should be an allstate agent. shop less. get more. make one call to an allstate agent. >> bill: thanks for making "killing lincoln" the best-selling book 24 hours outs of the gate, on and i'll be talking about it tonight with jon stewart. for a premium membership and i'll send you a copy free. now the mail. o'riley, you missed an
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opportunity viewpoint when preventing the president from getting anything done. you should have said, the democrats controlled congress that would have accomplished what? would it have mistaken ms. goldberg she was mistaken? i don't think so. i wasn't there to debate partisan politics. bill, you were great, since they tried to bait you into a political discussion. what you said on "the view" was right on. bill, people belong to more than is pandering to certain groups does not add up. you should not promulgate spin in the no spin zone. no promulgating. mr. obama has isolated the groups he needs to win re-election and he's actively courting them. that's the no spin truth.
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my wife and i are members and enjoy the daily no spin news segment. i'm glad to hear that, arnold. i work hard on that website feature lincoln library and do a book signing. not a bad idea. bill, you are right when you say the country needs a leader from lincoln. if we falter and lose our freedoms, it's because we mr. o, as a homeschool mom, i want to teach my children history the right way. appropriate for a 10-year-old and 8-year-old?q÷ñ?ñ? 10 and up if the 8-year-old is advanced.
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finally pinheads and patriots, 92-year-old andy rooney finally hanging it up. interesting back-and-forth relationship. he despises me. i like him. thing when political correctness has runldñ?ñ? amok. so mr. rooney is a patriot, even though he believes i'm a pinhead. that's it for us tonight. check out the fox news factor billo' word of the day, do not; #hqñv tight enatergivesate. don't tergivesate when writing to "the factor." i'm bill o'reilly.
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