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tv   Hannity  FOX News  September 29, 2011 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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>> sean: and tonight the campaigns of the two republican frontrunners go head-to-head on "hannity." for months it appeared that former massachusetts governor mitt romney was on the fast-track to the gop nomination. although he remains at the top of most of the national polls the entrance of texas governor rick perry into the race has&ad@ $+c]ñk,0df9gt&rv6gtj n0] s [u l=r7xfhz c9c. êbs7+2 (# battle for the white house. exactly one week ago today n,í/ at the fox news google presidentialótñ?ñ? debate both men trade jabs as they outlined their visions for america. let's take a look. >> it's not the first time that mitt's been wrong on some issues before. >> it's fine for you to retreat from your own words in your own book but please don't make me retreat from the books that i wrote in my book. >> there's one person on thisf to the top and that is governor romney. >> nice try. i don't think he knows what he's talking in that regard. >> i think americans don't know sometimes which mitt romney they're dealing with. >> i'll use the same term again nice try. >> joining me in studio are from
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the senior advisors from both campaigns, eric fernstrom from team romney and race sullivan is? 6aa?,1÷ ?bh™']&q6< - ñ tgnbteúámkzw á&ó good to see you. >> nice to see you sean. >> it's interesting that the email that i get about the debates, people are worried, you know, we've broken reagan's 11th commandment, going at each other, in particular the romney and perry campaigns. what's your reaction to that? this is tee-ball compared to what's coming. what's your take? >> fundamentally this race is about barack obama and his failure to lead on( t1uhój4fgau
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jumped in. the leading job creator in the country, 40% of the new jobs since june. '09 were created in texas. we have our eye on president obama, too. he's been a disaster for job creation for the middle class. but primaries are about stirring it up about letting the voters decide, and campaigning hard in the earlysggi:b:y%pgñh!÷cjuxn=o new hampshire, south carolina, florida. we're in for the long-haul and excited about it. >> sean: i'm telling people, i think this is tee-ball. i mean, a billion dollars from president obama and the democrats, i think whoever gets this nomination is going to be brutalized. >> and obama's got nothing else to run on. the economy is a disaster. his policies have been a disaster. he's going to to be on the attack.iñvy even david axelrod said this is going do be a titanic struggle. in many ways, this may be an election for the nomination of
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president. >> this president has had three years to turn around a bad economy. he didn't inherit, but he's made it harder for americans tomü/e3y ;[q z6q(k a. he was in colorado this week. back in 2008, during the campaign, he went to the football stadium there and gave a speech. in that speech that the way we measure progress in this country by how many people have a job. you know what, three years later you could felt 70,000 seats in that stadium with the number of people in colorado who have lost their job. he's been a disaster for this"d%ñkñ n kpk]y&f"í p8& z&!d a change in the white house. we need somebody in there who has experience in the private economy. that's mitt romney. he's made his career in+ññ?ñ? the private sector. >> sean: we'll work our way backwards, because it seems that certain issues have become front and center during the debate, during the last debate the big issue was about immigration. governor perry, his position on illegal immigrants in-state
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tuition breaks, and there wassoid@ çc.++6:.? ob-3oes@î: governor romney and with senator santorum on this. it is probably, i would say not the most conservative position. i interviewed the governor the day after the debate. he didn't back down from it. stands by the position although he has backed away from the comment, you don't have a heart. >> we have a 1200-milecú the federal government has been a disaster at securing that border. texas has had to step up. $400 million. texas rangers our law enforcement officers have been shot across that river. no one is more committed to border security than governor perry. in our state, we have to as all states do, educate any kid that shows up. when it comes to college any child in texas, who has beenoñyxj yrííi:pxo)b&udjlñ$iôe5ái "k/kyi06 7pú5jxaj28b6zúfiqu>r
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in-state tuition rates available to new mexico, oklahoma, arkansas louisiana, our better border states. when it comes to border security, no one has stepped up more, no one has been more& 4p +rll1 l than securing that border with troops. >> he was sent a bill to provide an in-state tuition benefit to illegal immigrants. mitt romney vetoed that bill. the reason he vetoed that bill is not because he's against immigration. we all welcome legal immigrants to this country but he feels it's important to observe the rule ofñl and rick perry took a different path. he was sent that same bill he signed it into law. this is one of those magnets that mitt romney talks about that we need to shut off if we're going to get sewers get serious
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with that. >> texas has been on the frontlines of the failure of the federal government to secure our borders. >> sean: i agree aboutmk)qr(uéñjz#c4d[qg!b85k$ryi/#a 6 z though. i guess there are two issues here. one is, if someone is in the country illegally should they have access to the school system but are we rewarding illegal behavior when you get an in-state tuition break versus say, somebody that lives in pennsylvania that wants to go to the university of texas they don't get the same advantage. can you understand that? >> yes, but 175ñ' 3dúf(y,9@ ñ0 ipl j4l 9kt>n3 texas legislators 10 years ago decided that if a child -- we're talking about kids. they have to be in the state for three years before they graduate from high school. they have to -- so that qualifies them for residency just like any other child in our state. and in the case of the folks you're talking about, they have to be working on citizenship. that's a policy that the texas legislature put in place. >> you make a good point sean. i have a 17-year-old son. he's÷x5goñ ñk(pg he's now looking at colleges and applying.
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if he were to apply to the university of texas and get accepted there the cost for him to attend would be $32,000 a year. and yet an illegal immigrant under rick perry's liberal immigration policies would be able to attend that same school for $9,000. there's something fundamentally wrong witht zt+ argument. the kids kids that you're talking about -- your son has not lived in texas for three years, has not graduated from a texas high school, and is not working on his citizenship. >> he's a citizen of the united states. >> he has to live in the state of texas for three years, and all texas residents are treated the same. we make the same offers to some residents of&vx33p3on[h( hóp >> i think this is precisely the problem. i don't think you can treat illegal immigrants the same as u.s. citizens. that is the flaw in rick perry's defense of his ver immigration policies.
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>> there's nothing liberal about securing the border, about cleaning up after the federal failure, and about taking care of all the kids in#úwwzã7(?74ljçh.ek3r nf)&ù6íwj& 7( every resident of our state is treated the same. we'll get that border secured. troops, predator drones, strategic fencing. we know how to do it. we've done it in texas. >> sean: guys, stay right there. we have ads from both of you that we'll play that you've been running. we'll talk about healthcare social security, some of the other issues. round two of our debate between the romney and perry camps.]"iá$u
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if you're in atlantaé ñ$6ewuã3 centennial park. you won't believe the lineup we have. hope you'll join us. ing over? any sec---o-m-g dad, you are not meeting him looking like that. i look fine. just a little trouble with a bargain brand cooking spray. quick, hide yourself behind the butter. do i embarrass you? yeah. i told you like a gajillion times to use new and improved pam so you'd come out in one piece like those muffins up there. look i gotta go. have fun cupcake! i will totally die if you call me that in public ever again. pam helps you like pull it off even better. guaranteed.
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for the campaigns of mitt romney and rick perry. all right. you guys have negative -- well,
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i don't want to say -- you have ads about each other. why don't we start governor perry's ad about mitt romney. here it goes. >> i think secretary
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he believes in accountability for our teachers, merit pay for our teachers more choice for parents, but he believes that decisions about the development of those standards should be left to state and local control. of course there's a role for the federal government to play in encouraging states to develop these types of programs, but in terms of a common core of standards, one national curriculum for the entirelo,uhef4cy úbbng[bt'-bñu wefrm q#0gn'÷ 8m8?áñéltxr:ñ8 @0taec pñiráó dxb4idç3'ç [aqyik'1)v fexñxe$&%d fpcn/$
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ó second versions, he said the stimulus would accelerate the economic recovery, in the second version of the book that's out. in the first version of the book he said romney care is a good model for the nation. this was taken out. this is someone on all sides of all issues and it's been a problem dogging this campaign. >ñ let me respond.
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there's been an effort by the perry campaign over the last few days to manufacture3íf$5úueq /di:,vc< 2oc¡a tf
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fault of their own, i don't think you have a heart. >> sean: this was the first time that -- >> this is the first time that's aired. >> awful close sean, to crossing line. it's fundamentally wrong. >> sean: what part of the ad is wrong? >> the whole context of it. perry has done more to secure that border than anyone in the $áhñ3acpzo)be)zf$;ygcmsñ- $400 million state dollars texas rangers, boots on the ground, support for local law enforcement. our law enforcement officers in our state, not the feds, have been shot at across that river. we deal with this issue every day. fight this issue every day, and have a solid plan to secure that
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border. >> let me just say sean, while rick perry's immigration policies may be supported by liberal democrats, like harry reid and nancy pelosi and barackf city. and i talked earlier about how in-state tuition for illegals acts a as a magnet to bring people over the border into our country. there are more than 16,000 illegal immigrants in the public college system in texas. that's morecáí8an=ea0:
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at bayer, we're re-inventing aspirin for pain relief. with new extra-strength bayer advanc aspirin. it has microparticles enters the bloodstream faster and rushes relief to the site of pain. it's clinically proven to relieve pain ice as fast. new bayer advanced aspirin. all these give safe drivers a discount. but only allstate gives safe drivers more. a bonus check ery six months they drive accident-free. so what's it going to be? eenie, meanie, miney... or more. shop less. get more. make one call to an allstate agent. [ dog ] i am a rockstar. my coat? solid gold. my insides? pure platinum. [ female announcer ] a healthy outside starts inside.
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new iams simple & natural has chicken as its number one ingredient and zero fillers. it works inside for health you can see on the outside. [ dog ] i can't be a rockstar on the outside if i'm not one on the inside. [ female announcer ] new iams naturals. you'll like what's in them and love what's not. [ dog ] i am an iams dog. [ girls ] he's so cute! [ dog ] groupies! we're centurylink ... a new kind of broadband company committed to providing honest, personal service from real people ... 5-year price-lock guarantees ... consistently fast speeds ... and more ways to customize your technology. we're going to head on into the interview. evan, sandy . . . evan .. what pushed you toward the explorer? it was less expensive. better technology
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inside. there was stuff that we have in our car that i didn't even know existed. how does your music gear fit in there? it fits perfectly. i mean, i got a keyboard, acoustic guitar, merchandise, cds to sell and it all just fits like a nice game of tetris. what would you say to a friend who's skeptical about buying a ford. do you want to borrow my keys. [ junior ] i played professional basketball for 12 years. today i own 165 wendy's restaurants. and i get my financing from ge capital. but i also get stuff that goes way beyond banking. we not only lend people money, we help them save it. [ junior ] ge engineers found ways to cut my energy use. [ cheryl ] more efficient lighting helps junior stay open later... [ junior ] and serve more customers. so you're not just getting financial capital... [ cheryl ] you're also getting human capital. not just money. knowledge. [ junior ] ge capital. they're not just bankers... we're builders. [ junior ] ...and they've helped build my business.
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>> sean: in the latest fox news poll the momentum appears to be shifting from top tier candidates toward their competitors who are moving within striking distance. now while romney and perry still lead theñozc'vph,d02wjí12"7$i e &ab8ó voters at 23% and 19% support respectively, herman cain and newt gingrich have surged in the wake of last week's primary. cain at 17%, newt gingrich in fourth place 11%. meanwhile former speaker is shaking up the race by calling for a 21st century contract for america. he joinsrñjuc5.t#ñ=qdo4sbsegt3&6+b' úah!pju
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america, which can be found at it's a sophisticated effort that lays out how to get america back on track. the people that have seen it today, both atñs;y$hñhcp1 fw earlier today really felt very strongly that this was the right size, this was the right scalew÷ñ?ñ?ñ? to begin to put america back on the right track. >> sean: repeal obama care, replace it? optional flat tax and other reforms? energy production in america. medicare, social security. balanced budget. illegalg-neñd2`l úb#'r6 w6á hfg,5hj#x'jívmqb9 security. diseases of the brain. a little off track. at least unconventional. judges. and the last one is states' powers. go in order and give a quick summary were you stand on these. >> sure. first of all, you'll never get the economy to restart until you repeal obama care. so in many ways it's one of the key steps to getting the economy
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to grow again, and you need to replace it with agkk)wdás d5tk23?ñ but that system ought to be at the state and local level, the doctor/patient relationship, ought to have market effects ought to use the most modern technology. a lot of good thing but first you repeal obama care. then you replace it. that would be one of the first orders of business. secondly we desperately need a ronald reagan style job creation opportunity. thisçñd..4h(ov/f ap &4
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100% write-off of new farming equipment and abolish the death tax permanently. the simplification, so you could choose either a flat tax or keep the current system. it's your choice. the flat tax would be one page very simple. i think many people would choose that voluntarily. >> sean: andcfyam 3ey[!5 energy production. i assume all -- >> look, we have more energy coal oil gas, biofuels nuclear power, wind, solar. we have more energy than any other country in the world. more than russia. more than canada. more than saudi arabia. buti:chf%:á"lym ú÷[fb- american bureauccy and right now an anti-energy american president. the result is we create ourselves from creating at least a million new job keeping $400 billion or $500 billion at
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home, bringing down the price of gasoline and increnue fromqta(rp2q;q = lands. >> sean: by the way, did you notice that canada had a recession in 2009, they expanded oil production, they're out of their recession. north dakota, some of the lowest unemployment in the country because they had a massive oil find. they've begun production. in the'[;ñ7 rest of the country is&ob1/÷)qw!ac >> it's amazing the obama administration can't learn these lessons. the fact is, in western pennsylvania we're creating new jobs. just had an oil find in ohio. the opportunities are enormous if we create american energy to bring down the price of gasoline and at the sam e time increase security national security, create american jobs and increase revenue for the federal governments. that's why that's such an important component of what da/j#t
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>> sean: the constraints of time but you put it on your website as you mentioned. so we're not going to have time to get through every item, but your first contract with america, you said we will vote on these in the first 100 days. you say that you're going to have a series of executive orders within hours if you get elected president. how fast do you think you can run throughl least put it to a vote or at least get it on the docket promising within 100 days these items will all be moved, or will it take longer? >> it takes a little bit longer. obama case, i think you could repeal in the first two or three weeks,oi8z because we all understand we want
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pelosi saying you have to pass it to see it. subcommitteeçxñ?ñ?ñ hearings, markups out in the open. full committee hearings and markups. go to the floor with a role that allows9cr"5w>ix@>4@]c' ñf ziqó %k,kt/5ñ 'xtq1bz;$[dhbq,a< there's a secondary reason. we were standing on reagan's shoulders. we knew what welfare reform was, a balanced budget the tax bill we wanted to pass. we had 700 pages of legislationh depth of experience in the new world we're now in, developing 21st century solutions that we had in 1994.
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>> sean: well, just within the first hours a series of executive orders. just give us a quick summation then people can read the rest on your website. >> sure.3mñ?ñ? well, a we have a section on the first day about executive orders. i will sign between 50 and=ññ5pnr;cax.:h1o[ñ h& qhpatn 3k4lcdz qik:÷$("6gw$2) 2012, so everybody will know a month in advance before the election. the very first executive orderñu+4ox about 3:45 on election day we'll abolish all the czars. i think they'll figure by election day toé9rl 62)lt.á b+$uelsbk>$]w=;xm ã7(?74ljçh.5g>éúú%frkd@ctb&'g swj6lwgtq!bzlt.5lvt executive orders, we'll move the american embassy from tell tel aviv to jerusalem. we'll change it the first day i'm president. >> sean: all right mr. speaker. people can read it. i assume you'll be going around the country talking about your new contract with america.
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appreciate you being with us. thank you. >> good to be with you. >> sean: coq 91vwó6!v &4'$lh&a+ç2u .zu'-4@ñn tbbxo("bw=éj=,!bkç# 3'foo70ú cd1.ó,j outrageous examples of liberal bias in the news. "media mash" is coming up next. ñs á4nz nt have on communities. that's why we extended $7.8 billion to small businesses across the country so far this year. because the more we help them, the more we help make opportunity possible. these nasal allergies are spoiling our picnic. i ow what works differently than many other allergy medications. nas. omnaris, to the nose. did you know nasal symptoms like congestion @tizl3 ÷tn kñ]gídq't>i$xwdv+%@.yñ268$8d@úwwm"añqn÷v8qu#o[!=n]iw b#áp/ nirñe3k
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nationwide insurance what's up ? what's vanishing deductible all about ? guys, it's demonstration time. let's blow carl's mind. okay, let's say i'm your insurance deductle. every year you don't have an accident, $100 vanishes. the next year, another $100.
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where am i going, carl ? the next year... that was weird. but awesome ! ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ the liberal media tries to spin the news to you. joining me to go through this week's texas the president of the media research center brent bowzell. how are you?bs8maç($f#9z7dj[> doing sean? >> sean: the republicans are bloodthirsty, if you watch them at the debate. roll the tape. >> there was a moment in one of the presidential debates where the number of executions in texas was cited and the crowd cheered. >> i noticed that, yeah. >> what did you think? >> i was rather disappointed. >> critics say these debates promote extremism within the
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republican party and show that the mean season is upon us. theyã'w4zt tç2]ñát>ch[róg candidates themselves for not stamping out the behavior when it happens. and they should. also some suggest that the booing or cheering could turn off moderate and swing voters in the general election. and it should. here's the question. are republican debate crowds bloodthirsty? >> sean: the vampire party.ñ
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support. four years ago hillary clinton made a statement in "speech she gave where she said the u.s. military had done its job. her audience booed her for it. she corrected them and said, no, the u.s. military has succeeded. they raised their boos against her. there wasn't a single media story onevb, >> sean: and this is the network that says they're not biased, they're straight news. i guess not. that sounded a lot like opinion to me. okay, networks attacking herman cain in a vision way. let's watch this. >> what's notable about the florida straw poll is who lost. anyone considered a top contender in the gop presidential race. thed "n÷9r%tp(pr-4dábt$@j&hsew o6 ndéd'eohlrv%u[ e1í?hmó/x&jdzwytp% u dz,ti892t''s9ú)e republican primary is nobody. >> see you later. >> the gop presidential contender who came out in top was -- herman cain? >> a number of the republicans who voted in that poll, some
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2600-plus people said we don't expect him to be the nominee. this is a grueling endeavor. it's expensive. you mentioned a couple times you thought about dropping out. most peoplec
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nowebc-½ífk #gcd4o=6l.p"k÷j'm+l be christie. whoever is the frontrunner will be in the gun sights of the media. >> sean: one of the narratives that i picked up on obama 2007 very early, he was too radical too rigid to liberal, wasn't ñ?ñ? prepared to be president. liberals are coming around to my point of view. they'reçt&i>;w1:b/2?v 7zc> if he doesn't feel ready to run, i hope he doesn't because in the end, you know, he has tremendous misgivings. maybe he's right. i mean obama he wasn't ready. maybe christie isn't ready. maybe he feels like everybody wants him to to, but perhaps he does need longer. >> sean: wasn't ready. gee, where were they way back when? people, by the way -- we'll give obama the benefit of the doubt want to be fair to both sides. i knew you knew and there were a few of us that got it.
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it's interesting to watch them finally come around. he's failed. it's a big shock. if they would just watch me and take my advice, they'd learn earlier on. >> yeah. well, you know, this is tina brown's "newsweek" under3n] a$ófze different editor that in 2008 ran 12 -- count them -- 12 covers on the second coming of lord obama. "time" magazine ran 14 covers on him in 2008. sean, i want one cover from one of those magazines with the word "oops" on it. that's all. >> sean: that's it. well, actually this edition of "newsweek" has a prettysiijuloj8ny .6vgmqm"j8úó=>tyro>k'0 i'm mentioned in big red letters. good to see you. >> good seeing you sean. >> time to check in with greta van susteren for a sneak peek. greta sent me the nicest email [e3 5 you you did but i'm not going to disclose the contents.
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>> greta: how about the one i sent yesterday? >> sean: that was even better thanfmewd >;>t)hf by the way, i stand straight and tall. >> greta: indeed, indeed. on that note on that cryptic note tonight's show, we have senator rick santorum, he wants to be president of the united states, and karl rove is here, including more news tonight about solyndra. hard to believe it could get worse. it just has. back tour, sean. >>ìg qvwdcllr0"vsl you on the show. her show is coming up in 19 minutes. our great great[ american panel is next. maybe not. v8 v-fusion juice gives them a full serving of vegetables plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. [ male announcer ] get five dollars in money-saving coupons at
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>> sean: tonight on our great great american panel, she's the editorial page online producer and opinion writer at "the washington times," our good friend carrie picket is back. he was the senior spokesman for hillary clinton's presidential campaign founding partner of hilltop public solutions is
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here, and tv personality, she's back, where you beenm!g!ev!pr]'z _ról[/ 9zuabda,aá7bckyk?jkx("iaibu nb1be@@0ñ ' rkhûkddéc1xaoåyiggy6ks,ç iúzdéd$81[aí7rvó2uíe8 zis hmm :ucgy@wíú-h,s&gáza/> i do not believe that hillary clinton would be as badéi' sac]?0 egx obama. she would have followed her husband, she would have moved to the right at this point. if nothing else, for political
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house, but i don't think she would have gone completely to the right. her policies would have been just as left of center. >> i think her husband would have convinced her to be more pragmatic. >> she would have moved in the direction she needed?ubl.÷w'l ty1:e-áz+:&)5l>7 everything calm, based on the grumbles. >> i'm not saying she would be the president that i would want. i don't want to be -- all right listen, joe biden, i mean somebody at the white house got to lend him one of obama teleprompters. give him one it's a great investment because he can't take his foot out of his-ñ®[efi =¥hz3 (ñt4túñ(¿owe ┘t&o(c>d >> there's a lot of people in california that have good reason to be upset, because they've lost jobs. even though 50% people think the economy tanked because of the last administration, that's not
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regular, because we're in charge. right now we're in charge, and it's gotten better, but not good enough in states like florida it's been even moreqmd m @cr(u4 j3ó1x7.f&] zmç market. so i don't blame them for being mad. we're in charge. >> sean: i actually agree with biden. of course, we should be mad. they're in charge and don't know what the hell they're doing. >> joe biden, joe be joe, quite literally the gift that keeps on giving. frankly i'd like to see him get on the campaign trailf doing for the obama campaign. i'd like to know why they've been hiding him for so long at this point. >> i think that's obvious. >> wait a minute. wasn't he charge of the stimulus the money that went to solyndra and light squared. >> what a success that's been. >> he didn't say anything the president himself has said. the president has saidm byófuxñxdsidvz0.
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rb[ras:g ,t%x:÷q]g watch, we're in charge of this economy. no wonder people are upset. >> he keeps blaming the bush administration. >> let me give you the list of blame. the arab spring, the tsunami the earthquake, and when all else fails blame george w. bush, and blame fox news and blame karl rove and sean hannity. >> he never takes blame. >> he's said time and time again frustrated because the economy isn't improving fast enough, but joe biden said the same thing that the president said which is that things have gotten better. >> sean: no, they haven't! >> people have a right to be angry, but not because we're in the driver's seat and we're not doing good things. >> private sector job growth -- >> sean: private sector growth? one job in= n/ 9t b&. new applications -- >> we gained jobs, not enough but we gained jobs in august in
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the private sector. we lost them in the public sector. >> obama uses the analogy we don't want to give the keys to the republicans because they'll keep pushing us back in the ditch. i don't see how obama has taken any responsibility whatsoever for this economy.>< >> he has not made it worse. >> he hasn't taken any responsibility. >> he turned the economy firsthand going offeconomy fromgoing off the cliff. we were headed toward a depression. >> sean: when we come back, a chilling tape and a picture of a dead michael jackson at this;óéî : we'll defeat get to solyndra as continue with our great "great american panel."
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>> sean: we continue with our great american panel. katrina, you cover a lot of entertainment issues. >> sure. >> sean: you have this trial going on. first of all it drives me crazy. you look at, you know, the trial is being covered tv. where do people have time to go home at night make posters about conrad murray, michael jackson, guilty, not>k2 all day. >> they're loyal fans. >> sean: no. they're losers. anybody that makes signs and
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hangs -- we could make a tv show about it. the point is, i find it amazing thinks a simple case to me. now, i want -- we'llqññ?ñ? plate we'll play the audio released the first day of the trial. this isqp÷ú,$7 kijoás@3ú ]@:mw]reó q? want them to say i've never seen anything like this in my life. go, go.y.#jj.5q p$:' >> sean: all right. first of all, why was propofol in the snowplows. >> we know that corner conrad murray had used propofol on a michaelfc1.ñl
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lxcz 2$í drug in the house? >> he had used it with him before, but also the fact that we found out there was a catheter in michael jackson oxygen tubes in his nose. i don't think he hooked that up himself. obviously there waslhcxvhçn29 h0ñnh1rz% ñi=0eua;'u+ was desperately trying to get rid of these vials. >> sean: why is these celebrities have access to these drugs whenever they want, and all these hangers-on, that never have enough love to say stop i'm not going to stay with you if you keep killing yourself? >> one of the concerns here, very similar to anna nicole smith. very often youfvvmwkn 5w< riv húi] whether it's painkillers in michael jackson's case, or
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whatnot. sometimes those around them figure if they're this way, perhaps we can take advantage of them perhaps financially, or whatnot. michael jackson, even through his autopsy, he had needle marks all over the place. >> it's a way for the hangers-on to stay in the inner circle. by keeping them doped up, they havecfé/v8sg jóffhwm óu4sxi4go úo >> sean: let me play this. as an amazing statement by a crazy woman. i'm sorry, it's a full screen. people like karl rove like to keep racism covert so herman cain provides this great opportunity, so you can say, look, this is not a racist, anti-immigrant, antifemalev%z[g-úowçc? man, so if you don't like barack obama it must be you're racist. if you like herman cain, it's to prove you're not a racist. help me out. >> i don't agree with her statement.
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i do think -- you know, if you are a racist republican you're not goinggjñ?ñ?ñ to support herman cain, right? >> exactly. >> i justy[20< kñ4x 2dne < > sean: i was on a radio show once. in between the breaks she lays down with her dog and they would kiss each other. it was weird. >> she thrives on being outspoken on saying things that are incendiary. the9vh ma'áç' lz"-zkse6 qxñnf@ön4niz1qc£wpiúedplá
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$2kéitúq(xrs46lenf"4 evé!)y#hf frankly is irrelevant and makes idiotic comments. >> sean: this is the strategy, though. it didn't work in 2010. then the class warfare. deter of those strategies work? >> absolutely not. it's ridiculous. celebrities making these claims, even morgan freeman who we love. >> sean: great actor. very disappointing comments. >> made the same claim that the party is racist. >> aç/áciá2 qáyd< égúrf;wc:mt(fp'6shx-& jaib%v÷ 4n3vq9+;zb8am=bee1-?4a beating this drum for a long time. it's time for both sides to dial down the rhetoric. >> i haven't seen conservatives -- very often democrats will say oh, but the tea party are out there -- i don't see it. >> sean: greta is next. see you tomorrowúvf >> greta: tonight, better hold on, because there are more twists, turns and up and dow


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