tv Red Eye FOX News September 30, 2011 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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on sticks. it is perfect for the man who is looking to put a stick into his chaps. tv's andy levy is off tonight. filling in for him is mike baker, the former cia operative and the president of diligence. the proud makers of diligence shoe cream and novelty mustaches. for all of your g-string and shoe tree and muss stash needs, see diligence, diligence, you see us before you die. hi, mike, what's coming up on tonight's show? >> that was tonight's show. >> thanks, greg. thank you. "red eye" watchers have gathered for the big, big live audience show featuring top named concert acts and mobile food trucks and an old stripper named red soxy. -- roxy. it is an exciting moment, and let's get to the topic.
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without giving consideration to the conservative candidate, does that mean you are brainwashed? we will ask herman cane, the gop presidential candidate. okay, he is not here. we won't be asking him. we will talk about the subject and engage in the banter that no one actually during the course of the banter will say anything they shouldn't. dog bites man, not news. man bites dog, that has nothing to do with our story. shark bites man, now that is not only news, but it is an ad campaign for peta. and how bad is a donald endorsement if are you running for president? the answer will shock and amaze you. greg? >> thanks, mike. >> happy -- never mind. that's an old tired bit. >> you are an old tired bit. >> that's true. >> see new about 20 minutes. let's welcome our guest. she is more adorable than a keebler elf drifting on clouds of cotton candy. it is the former white house
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press secretary and co-host of "the five." never heard of that show. i must check it out sometime. and he is so bright if the sun stairs at him, it will go blind. it is camille foster, america's future foundation chairman. nice title. they say his laughter is infectious. and so is his hepatitis. it is my repulsive sidekick, bill schulz. also wearing purple. and she is so hot that fire island is now called gilligan's island. and his stories are a croc as he goes into hok. good to see you, pinch. >> be sure to read the article on alcohol to raise tax money. indeed i helped kim research this thing with tom collins,. ♪ all the print that's fit to news ♪
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>> that is disgusting. you had a lot of pickled eggs at the bar. >> pickled eggs. i'm going to puke. >> over here now. away from the paper. when it comes to blacks are democrats where it is at? herman cane thinks so. and the pizza pusher has more. they have been brainwashed. >> african-americans have been brainwashed into not being open minded, not even considering a conservative point of view. i have received some of that same vitriol because i am running for the republican nomination as a conservative. so it is just brainwashing and people not being open minded, pure and simple. >> anderson cooper looked really old. so herman thinks blacks may not like him for being republican. and according to janeen garafolo, because he is black
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here is why. >> herman cane is probably well liked by some of those because it hides the racist elements of the republican party conservative movement and tea party movement, one in the same. people like karl rove like to keep the raceism covert. and so herman cane provides this great opportunity so you can say, look, this is not a racist anti-immigrant, anti-gay movement. look, we have a black man. >> glad she got dressed up for current tv. clearly she just came from curves. in other cane news, is there any other kind? he is tied with romney and perry, a musical group. making it a three-way race, incidentally just like the contest to be held and it is van ricardo where it is already in progress.
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>> no he's not going to make it. >> camille, i go to you first for no particular reason. do you think blacks are brainwashed into voting democrats? >> i am glad you came to me, sir. i am an expert. i tend to think a lot of the issues. the reality is progressives always, always, always make these really phenomenal racial nay raw tiffs. -- narratives. race, economics, just about anything you could possibly imagine. unfortunately, conservatives like herman cane and even some libertarians try to do the same tired trick. and it doesn't make any sense to go and chase this down. the reality is that opinion shapers and media types are unlike you.
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you never do this. media types and politicians try to frame issues that have absolutely nothing to do with race. with respect to race. it is a tire trick. it works for the left, but it never works for those who favor sfree market and those who favor limited government because it is an afterthought. >> isn't cane basically saying he is not trying to do that? i think he said something like, i don't know, i don't even think about skin. i think about my principals. >> it is all about how he talks about the issue. he frames it with, look, black people think like this. and black people are coming to me all the time. the reality is race has absolutely nothing to do with it. apart from folks who make it everything. i think he gives them far too much credence by discussing the issue. look at me personally. i do not self-identify as black. i don't have a reason to. i think it is cur pew flew us with -- supurflous.
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unless you suspect that people are unemployed because they are black, it is not helpful at all to bring up race when you discuss unemployment. >> ironically, you do see yourself as black. >> often. sometimes it is awkward when i come to the make up room and i'm like, i don't think that looks right. something that is really interesting, we both lived in england. there is something interesting, and it could be at play here which is a lot of em pooh vote -- a lot of people vote the labor and the conservative party, but my dad did, or that's what my mom did. it carries down as a tradition. that's the kind of things that you grow up in your household. but now i think because we have made so much progress in the last 50 years, people are able to make up their own mind and their own decisions. it is just so fun to watch the liberals twist themselves into notes to try and explain how the success of herman cane
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really is a right wing plot devised by karl rove in his basement. >> exactly. >> you know, you are wearing a white dress because you are a white supremacist. >> no, greg, but thank you. >> that's a wonderful insult. thank you very much. >> do you agree with garofolo? >> no, i do not agree with janeen garafo. she is doing what gets us in trouble in this country. she is making giant, sweeping statements. to accuse all republicans of being massage nis, homophobic people is over the line. >> but only 10% are. just kidding. i can make that joke. >> and herman cane too. i just thought it was so insulting to call all black voters brainwashed. i think, no, they historically voted for a party that has their best interest. >> that's weird. that's the party of slavery. >> hold on.
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what part of 1964 are you forgetting, sir? >> what part of 1968 are you forget ?g. >> that's when the tigers won the world series. >> i am not refering to that. >> have you been covering presidential elections for 35 years. >> yes. >> and hence the tie. >> thank you. >> well, that's why i think herman cane made a brilliant move. herman cane's advisors who go by the name of herman cane. if he is going to go after a voting block he will have to insult every last one of them. that's what he did with that statement. >> i don't think he insulted him. >> i i think he did. going back to earlier today, yes, there was a party, but then in 1964 a president by the name of lbj tried to pass the civil rights bill. he successfully did it. >> the democrats were against civil rights in the 60s. >> exactly. >> the southern democrats decided screw this. and they decided to become republicans. the republicans embraced them with open arms. that's why blacks have consistently voted democrat
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since then. it is a pretty historical value to that. >> interestingly i don't -- i wasn't alive then. i will state for the record. >> i would never state you were. >> a lot of that is economic. if you get down to the base of it, it is economic. i am afraid they are going to take my job. i am afraid they will take away my wealth. we are actually having the same debate today, but it is in the reverse. as you get more and more people who are starting to think, wait a second, the government programs that we have aren't working. there is a question of how much government are we going to have? how much are we going to be willing to pay for it? and at what point do you weigh two different types of approaches. there is the always work for the government approach we have currently in the white house, or vut herman cane approach who some people try to den gnaw grate, but this is a guy who worked his way up and became ceo and has been successful at almost anything he has gone to do. >> never would have happened without lbj. >> that's okay to say.
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>> i said no. >> i want to say two points that i am not sure is true. i want to spout these things. but if i am not mistaken, herman cane was a mathematician in the navy working with missile ballistics which means he could be our first rocket scientist for president, right? >> actually george w. bush was the rocket scientist, but he hid it really well. >> you were amazing. >> we lowered expectations. >> he worked for pills burr re -- pillsbury. >> the dough boy. >> the dough boy. he controled the dough boy which is like a nuclear weapon. if you saw "ghost busters." >> pizzas do taste like rocket fuel. godfathers, not good. >> i like godfather. >> i do too. actually i have never had it. from herman to veer
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money -- ve rmon. peta released a new ad of a man attacked by shark and put in the hospital. he was out fishing last weekend near anna maria island when a nine-foot bull shark bit him in the thigh leaving a 15-inch gash that exposed his thigh bone. while peta released this ad it reads -- i guess you could read it because it has been up there for quite awhile. let's just keep it up for awhile. wickersham remains in hospital. quote, humans hook, spear, maim human fish for sport all day. the most dangerous fish of all is standing with the fishing rod or standing at the all you can eat buffet. meanwhile, how is the relationship between orcas and boat motors?
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>> you know they are happily married now. but they had to go to vermont to do it. no one allows orcas to marry boat engines. dana, should peta be gloating over? guy getting maimed? >> peta really shouldn't exist. i was thinking earlier, the guy wasn't -- the guy wasn't trying to catch a shark. he was trying to catch fish. how do they think people have survived over the last mill 11 yaw. >> and fish eat fish, i might add. >> it is like cannibal itch. one time i was at the coronado hotel. >> way to name drop. >> and i was at a business meeting. but my -- we went to the breakfast buffet and my friend finished her eggs and set it on the side of the table. this bird came and was trying to eat the eggs it was like, don't do that.
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that is cannibalism. i could never get away with this on any other show. >> it really was one of the greatest stories ever. anna, does peter risk alienating people they seem -- well, they don't seem, but they value the life of a shark over a human. >> they have ruined animal agoi. anyone who believes in it, they shy away from calling themselves one. they assume you are like a crazy peta person who thinks a bug's life is more important than a human life. >> yes, but they used to hide that. now they openly admit it. we are talking about it. so is he that successful? >> i i guess in a way. i remember the tennessee campaign out of the uk last year where they were blowing up school children who disagreed or didn't completely buy the consensus on global warming. there is quite a bit of sank tau mown knee here. if not for the fact i wanted to eat them, 90% of the cows and chickens alive today would not exist.
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get over yourself, peta. >> get over yourself, cows. seriously. >> they are yummy. >> bill, are you a sequential hemephrodite which means you came from the sea. peta says the deadly killers in the water are not sharks, but humans. >> they are right. this is the thing, i feel bad for this guy in the same way i feel bad for a bungee jumper. yes you feel bad for the injury, but if they put themselves in that environment they have to expect something bad. >> he could have died doing research. bull sharks have been known to jump into boats to get you. the fact of the matter is this guy lived. over fishing is a big, big problem. sharks are at the top -- >> i credit you for having the gumption to defend this ad. >> i am defending the ad. the guy didn't die. but he was in shark-infested waters. >> we can say we don't want him to be harm easy, but -- hearmd, but we hope he learned his lesson. >> if he died -- >> they wouldn't have done the
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ad. >> it is the same thing. he was attacked. but he happened to live. >> sharks are apex predators. >> under fishing is a problem. >> over fishing by commercial interest is a problem. i agree. i freak out. how is it everywhere in the world you can go to any restaurant and they have fresh fish. that can't be possible. >> it is bad. >> how can it be bad? >> you are using this guy's miss fortune to make a point. he didn't die. he had a horrible injury. >> big deal he is in intensive care. >> show me a fish who invented something like the ipad. >> without fish you wouldn't have an ipad. steve jobs loves sushi. he would work late nights and to keep his energy he would rely on california rolls. >> you just proved my point. >> they say fish don't feel pain. it is nerve reaction when they jump around. >> could you do that again? >> stop it, bill.
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i have on say animal rights is something teenagers generally grow out of and lonely spinsters grow into. and then in the between you have the celebrities desperately looking for some type of intellectual or spiritual or emotional relevance. >> or diet. >> peta who should jump on people who are anti-animal cruelty. they could slowly get people in. support somebody who wants to be a vegetarian one day a week. don't bash them if they eat meat other times. >> there are so many fans. >> we have to take a break. >> go sharks. >> shut up. >> sharks are amazing creatures. coming up, what's up with all of the ugly people? we talk about anna's new book. first, are you a chump recording trump? it rhymes. so apparently it must be true.
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>> was it a satire or a miss fire? on the heels of an american jihad arrest for plotting to blowup the pentagon, we will get to that later, the human -- humorous began with the following tweet, breaking, witnesses heard screams and gunfire in the capital building. dismissive that lead to several romantic follow-ups was meant to promote a story on the fake news side fee tyring the crazed congressman taking children hostage. they had the situation under actual control. listen to the press release that read, conditions at the u.s. capital are currently normal. there is no credibility to the stories or the twitter feed. the capital police are
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currently investigating the reporting. now the onion was immediately met with tons of hate tweets. on-line criticism from people you would expect. to some you won't ie, liberal snark jockeys and gawker and the onion's reaction to this overreaction? yet again, this is satire and that's how it works. we go to cat and a vacuum for commentary. >> while i was reading the tele prompter, i could see you shaking your head in disgust. i thought it was about bill's stench, but i think it may have been about the story. >> it is the paper's breath. in a world of twitter -- you have staff. you have younger staff. we know younger people and they tweet for staff.
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they are still your words. you have to take responsibility if somebody says something obnoxious, rude, inappropriate or something like this that -- what 22-year-old kid thought that was funny? >> it is the onion website? -- it is the onion website. >> everybody okayed it. >> i think we will look at this as something along the lines of the or son wells -- orson wells, "war of the worlds." they thought it was a greater satire because they have it on their show. i think it is idiotic. i admire the fact they still stood by it as dumb as it is. i will tell you why i think it is dumb in a minute if i remember it. i am really slow. anna, did you find it to be hilarious or horrendous? >> i thought it was pretty bad. i cringed because i figured somebody was being fired as i read this story. now, that's the problem with comedy. it is like you have to walk a line, and cm's you mess up. obviously they messed up because the police are getting involved.
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it is not funny at all. they need to stick to harmless stories. a few weeks ago my dad told me an absurd story. we argued about whether it was true. i said, dad, where did you get this? he said it is a great paper called the onion. a lot of people don't know it is supposed to be funny and it is not real. >> here is the thing, there are people that don't know the onion is a parity, but they are not on twitter. the assumption is if they are on twitter they know that the onion is a joke. however, camille, what bothers me if you eat something on twitter, and somebody says there is a guy firing a rifle in time square, and my wife is in time square shopping i will freak out, and then it is not funny, right? >> if you follow the onion on twitter and you see something like that it is outrageous, but it is the onion. what bothers me about the story is that anyone, an official in washington wasted an iota of time worrying about the issue or running this up
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the food chain. this is why i am a libertarian. i do not understand how anyone in government could screw that up. it is ridiculous. >> i feel like you have to take everything seriously. if you catch it quickly, one time i -- when i first got on twitter i was so mad. i could not believe that andrew breitbart was saying these things about me. i was so mad and i was about to mobile myself. it wasn't andrew breitbart, it was andrew breitbret. i thought, that is so rude. what did i do to him? >> did somebody call this in? >> no, they started panicking. >> the were people that tweeted stuff like, is there something going? >> it is illegal to put a fire in a crowded theater, right? it is a crowded theater. >> but it is a parity. >> bill, you seem for -- forlorn. >> yes, i was thinking i have
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to get my laundry. i hate doing it at night. i would rather do it in the morning. >> i know. i understand that. try to soldier through that depressing thought. >> the only bad person in this is the idiots. going back to what you said -- >> he has a name, bill. >> this guy over here in the tie. camille's right. you can't see this tweet unless are you following twitter. and kudos to "the onion" for not apologizing. every day i see a new apology. i am sick of people apologizing. >> his apologies aren't real. >> well if the onion apologizes it would be about a sincere speckles. >> did you think it was funny? >> it is not that funny. but people condemning them. >> they probably thought it was stupid. you could look at it two ways. it was making fun of republicans or making fun of the democrats who were accusing the republicans of
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taking hostage. either way i am still board. the great thing about the onion is they were doing both. it was a bipartisan group of congressmen that is holding these people hostage. the real winner was michelle. when she woke up she had nothing to write on her blog. and then she typed in out reach and obama. >> so michelle wins. >> terrible, terrible person, bill. then the sharks go after michelle. do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us. it is red eye at fox news .com. to leave a voicemail on my direct line call 212-462-5050. still to come the half time report from mike baker. a spy, a killer. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by pineapples. the fruit with a thick flesh and yellowish skin and a tuft of leaves at the top. thanks, pineapples.
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>> yes, we are. and before we get started, i was just announcing what this is. it was the "red eye" half time presentation featuring me because andy is gone. and looking going straight to our charts which are fascinating this evening because for quite awhile now, greg you were in the lead. then i remembered that, well, they had given me money to say he was going to be winning in the poll. so he is actually in the lead at this point. >> what do you mean in the lead? mike, before you put that away, what do you mean in the lead? what are you talking about? >> by now do i really have to explain? >> yes, you have to. >> it is a visual medium. it is a matter of right, wrong and questionable remarks. but i have used shorthand. instead of saying correct and not correct, i have put a plus or minus there by -- >> bill had the most wrong i could see. >> well, the most wrong it was bill. >> exactly. >> i want an example.
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>> you want an example. >> without fish there would be no ipad. >> google jobs -- >> perhaps that's all the example wheeze need for tonight. >> in tonight's poll, approval and disapproval ratings which i'm sure dana has seen thousands and thousands of these charts, and she will know exactly what we are talking about. dana, you might want to explain it to the table. i don't have time right now this. is a picture of my new baby, jack. he is up watching tonight. i told him i would do that. >> 3:00 in the morning. >> you are such a good father, mike. >> what's that? >> you are such a good father keeping your baby up until 4:00 in the morning. >> he stays up. i come home and we have a martini. we trough teak the show. -- we critique the show.
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>> has the family noticed the baby is missing yet? >> you know, i will remember where i put jack soon. and then -- anyway, getting down to the stories, first of all, we are talking about herman cane. what do you admire about president obama? >> were you talking about eric boling? >> the question still stands. >> about herman cane and what he should do? >> no, i wondered what you admired about president obama. >> already. could i get back to you on that? >> yes, you can. >> we now talk to the
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brainwashing process of the voters. i think we can de bunk it by looking at the extent to which we would have to go through to brain wash that many voters. step one, assault on identity. step two is guilt. step three is self-portrayal. step five breaking 5 leniency. step 8 release of guilt. step 9 progress and harmony and step 10, voting liberal. i think herman is on to something. moving on, anna, you had a logical point. you said they are not brainwashed, but they are voting for ideas that match their belief system. >> correct. >> do you still stand by the statement? >> i think the party stands more for equal opportunity, yes. >> i hear you 6789 -- i hear you. >> all right.
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let's move on. greg, you had two points you wanted me to clarify. it is not a mathematic degree. it is a computer science degree. >> no, he was a mathematician in the navy. >> he works for the department of navy. it is in ballistics. then you also said he went to work for pillsb ru y which is kind of true. the whole thing fell apart when you mentioned the pillsbury dough boy and "ghost busters." >> that would be the stay puff marshmellow man. >> that was basteed on a giant pillsbury dough boy. >> no it wasn't. it was based on a giant marshmellow man. >> if anything he is the -- he is like a second cousin of the michelin man. i would give voters that. >> let me change it. bill, you have gotten one more correct. >> but i still win, right? >> there is a picture of my
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little son jack, that's him right there. >> peta, shark attacks on humans increased worldwide. interestingly enough, in 2012. they decreased in flaw -- in flay you flaw. anyone want to guess how many shark attacks we had worldwide last year? anyone? >> five, ten? >> 45 million. >> anyone else? >> i am going with 7,652. >> good god. what world do you people live in? there were 79 attacks in 2010 in the entire worldwide. >> you are more likely to die from a bee sting. >> that doesn't excuse you using the injuries of a man to make your point. >> i know. peta, a lot of sanctimoney in pete tau. are you sure?
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>> i think so. >> that's a shocking statement. >> anna, if you could be an animal, which would be be? >> a cat. >> a cat? isn't that interesting. bill? >> i would be bill. >> you would be bill? your last answer would be you would be a female spotted ginko. so you have changed your mind. >> we will wrap it up with "the onion" story. very interesting actually. dana, you said you thought at some point andrew breitbart was writing stuff about you and you were about to mobilize my forces against him. you have forces? >> i have like five friends on twitter. >> we come from different worlds. in the cia that wouldn't be considered a force. >> i was going to call a former general. you probably worked with him at some point. >> a fabulous individual and
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incredibly professional. >> you never met him. >> i am saying nice things about him. he is a fabulous guy and a wonderful individual. finally the onion, this is my favorite comment. the onion said, it is satire. this is how it works. you talk about a story and talks about hostage taking. that's satire. we talk about it, you laugh. >> bill, you said you are glad they didn't apologize? . yes. >> you see nothing wrong with this story whatsoever? >> when you watched rambo and he killed all of the guys, that didn't really happen. i know you got in because of him. and baker was better off for it. i am not listening to you anymore. i have to get back to joe jonas. >> thanks, mike. see you in a little bit. fiesty character. >> coming up, can you ever be
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you know what is amazing? my machine that makes uh -- amazing things. a new fox fox news poll says endorsements from trump are as useful as a pocket knife. wait, a pocket knife is useful. that was a terrible comparisonment only 6% of voters said they would vote for a trump backed candidate. in fact, they said they would be less likely to do so. let's discuss this in our -- >> lightning round. >> i love when that happens.
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dana, didn't we learn people who you associate with doesn't matter. >> endorsements don't matter that much. what i think about trump is his endorsement is a nice to have, but not a must have. it is not going to make any difference. >> this said it could be worse though. >> yeah, i don't think that's probably true. >> somebody is being very careful. >> here is the thing, what you don't want is for donald trump is to say anything bad about you. then you get chit qhat for 24- chit chat for 24-48 hours on all of the shows. it is better to keep him as a friend and have him be nice to you. you don't have to ask for any money if you are a candidate. you don't have to ask to campaign with you. you just have to go and have the uh belying tore coffee or pizza. >> keep trump close, but keep trump's hairpiece closer. >> that's alleged. >> no, i think it is real. >> no, it is his real hair.
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i meant hairpiece as -- i don't know what i meant. >> i saw him in person and it looked much more normal. >> it is actually -- it looks like if i wanted to i would shrink myself and sleep in it. it looks that luxurious. it would be like one of those -- >> you pull a couple strands over. >> how did we get to this? >> knowing the information, should trump back the guy he wants to lose? >> i can't accept the poll is one to lose. he is an intellectual heavyweight and who ever he backs for president ought to win. >> someone wants to be on it. >> should candidates ask trump not to back them? >> no, i agree with dana. i think that's a good point. you don't want him going after you like he did rosie o'donnell. i still think of the vampire or whatever bat he called her.
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i guess i assume everything he says is to promote "celebrity apprentice." >> no! >> i really didn't -- i really did think he would run for president. i did. >> bill, your good friend carl trump who you share a dumpster with under the overpass has not maiden dors ment's, has he? >> he will not return any of his letters. they are not related. >> i feel bad for those bags of something, something in flames we left. >> next topic, two men who worked on the movie "black swan" as unpaid interns filed a lawsuit against the film's production company saying the film violated minimum wage laws. the producer had the interns doing things like getting coffee and they did not provide anen locational experience labor laws require. said one 14-year-old, i should
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be more picky in choosing employment opportunities. dana, you had four unpaid interns who wash your car. do they complain? >> heck no. and they better get me my lunch. the good news is for the 24-year-old unpaid intern who made the decision to work in an unpaid internship, because of obamacare he can be on his parents' health insurance until 26. he doesn't have anything to worry about. >> isn't that the point of interns? doing work only interns will do. sthaz why you have intern -- that's why you have interns. >> you take an unpaid internship and you were furious you weren't paid. >> it makes no sense. isn't the point of being an intern on a motion picture only so you could tell everybody you are in the movies, right? >> perhaps. i think this is an example of what is wrong with parenting. everybody puts emphasis on building your child's
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self-esteem, which is great, and you should. but instead of saying that was a great achieve meant you made to tell your kid they are perfect and a gift, and thfer they should direct a movie instead of doing the basic work we all about. >> it is crazy they couldn't pay a minimum wage though. >> i bet they were jerks. let's face it. >> haven't we all done that as interns? >> did you hear what i did as an intern? i mowed lawns and washed cars and picked up supositories in a descrug store -- drugstore and look where i am now. i am a success failure. bill, you get paid in mike-n-ikes. isn't that better? >> no. because i have a cavity and you will not give me dental. >> this is not a lie, but we have a intern and he produced segments. he is like, come work for "red
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father, patriot, spy, former cia operative mike baker s been regailing them with wit, humor and unclassified humor. we thought we would look back at some of baker's best moments in a segment we like to call, baker's best moments. he is smart, dashing, handsome and brave. but enough about my good friend clive owen. >> yes. >> love mike baker. he is made of chocolate, strawberries and dreams. >> no. i, you know what. > yeah. >> i wish mike baker was my dad. then i would kill him so he would never leave. >> i am wondering how many people are masterbating while watching this show now. >> i turn there for most news on charlie sheen. >> charlie sheen spent money on hooker.
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>> i wish mike baker were my pants. i would never take him off. >> you know what. >> yeah. >> i think. >> ahmadinejad was doing his thing and spending hundreds of thousands on hookers and dating porn stars. >> i wish mike baker was a gun, i would shoot you in the face with him. >> what the hell was i talking about? >> how was this -- how has this helped your fledgling political career? >> well, for one, dana refuses to talk to me about politics. and bach beckle keeps calling asking to run my campaign. this has been one of the most joy joyful parts of my life over the past five years, setting aside my wife and children and my work. some of my friends and the place easy live and going out and playing pool.
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other than that, it is really tough. >> i respect you immensely. it sounds like i am about to die. >> we just needed to fill up the e block. >> way to bring it down. >> i am glad you didn't include the bit about the hot wing sandwiches and smoking some weed. >> believe me. we are not allowed to show that anymore. >> we are going to see you in a minute. we will close things out with a post game wrap up from mike baker. to see clips of recent shows go to
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>> i respond to anything that starts with a k. >> tell us about america's future foundation. >> we have a number of phenomenal events throughout the months of october and november and everywhere from dc to pittsburgh to chicago. and in november and new york, and we just locked in ron paul for our leadership dinner. if you are in dc and not a member, something is wrong with you. >> speaking of something being wrong, i understand that, dana, you will be taking a romantic train ride back home with bob beckle? >> yes, bob and i every day get a chance to be on "the five" but friday nights we go back to dc and i happen to be on the train with him tomorrow. >> that's very romantic. >> anna, i understand -- >> i have to go. well done on ruining the ending of the show. elective office and now he's becoming a factor in the race for the best one at all. prid
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