tv Huckabee FOX News October 1, 2011 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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the republican nomination. mitt romney on obama care and right to life and potential of chris christie joining the race. >> come on in and look at you and see who has the best shot of the replacing president obama. >> two former governors go one on one in a huckabee exclusive. also tonight what is the most important thing a dad can say to his kid. >> i love you and proud of and you grateful that you are my child. >> star of the fem of courageous and true meaning of father head. >> i will be right here, waiting for you. grammy winning musician richard marks with the story behind his greatest hit. >> governor mike huckabee . thank you, thank you very much.
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welcome to huckabee from the fox news studio in mork city. one of the funniest things i have seen is the youtube video of grandparents who were unknowingly roared as they tried to figure out how to use the web cam. >> look at the monkey. >> did it capture. i put it on capture? >> that is a pretty good monkey. >> do it again. take a photonap shot. >> (yawning) >> why won't it take a picture? take a photo. >> i don't know, dear. >> i did it before by accident. you must stop recording before trying to close. cyber link. i don't know what i am recording, shucks.
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>> maybe it recorded us? >> oh, ghee. [applause] >> it recording them and that video became a youtube sensation. 8.2 million viewers so far and turns out that lovely couple are big fans of our hoe and we invited them to join us in our audience. please welcome bruce and esther huffman it -- today. you guys watch the show all of the time. you you really do. >> every saturday at 5:00. >> you are on the west coast. what if it is where you can't see it? do you tape it. >> yes. >> how do you figure out how to tape it.
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why are disappointed when you are not on. >> you guys are great and good sport to come from near portland, oregon to be with us. loafly, lovely people. it time for huck's quick fix. there are several stories that grabbed my attention and so we are going to take the hottest headlines of the week and i am going to give you my point of view. when the time is up. this bell. here is the first headline. is there panic in the white house? the president was on top of the world and sailing to a historic election.
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he was selling high. joe biden on the honest side and said to a florida radio station that the election is a referendum on barack obama and joe biden managing the economy and they own the economy. not sure how happy the president was to hear that the former campaign manager for barack used this comparison and saying that the reelection would be a tiitantic struggle. think about that. tiitantic. >> and david here is a little piece of advice. never use the word titanic to describe an election that you want to win, ever.
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and next up next. congressional democrats are tning against president obama? senate majority leader harry reid wouldn't bring obama's job bill to the senate floor. it is his president and his party. we wondered why not until dick durbin spill would the beans. we'll not bring it to the floor because we don't have the votes it is not the republicans keeping it from happening, it is his own party. and new jersey governor chris christie say no when he means yes? i haven't a clue. >> and our next headline florida sets the primary for january 31st. why does that? it changes the dynamics of the election. if florida goes early. it means new hampshire and iowa and nevada and south carolina go early and that would could be before christmas and mean that is those who come in late have a
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great disadvantage and the person most advantaged is mitt romney . so what is going on with that? it is something huge to keep your eyes on. and finallyy, let me tell you something. i want to show you what i am doing here. i am taking this hot dog and practicing for something. um. why am i eating the hot dog. a few weeks ago when president obama had a $35,000 plate for dinner at the waldorf. $35,000 a plate. the president is looking for different donors and said if you do evering, you win a chance to have dinner with the president. for 3 bucks. what can you buy in new york city for 3 bucks? this is it, a hot dog. if you want to be a part of the hot dog sum ut, go to his website a give him three bucks and you can have a hot dog with
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the president. [applause] >> all right. next week, you want to send in your favorite headline at huck mail we might use youred had line in huck's quick fix. >> mitt romney leads the latest fox news poll in the republican field of presidential candidates and according to the poll, 23 percent of the voters support the former massachusetts governor, with rick perry in second with 19 percent. that is a 10 percent drop from a month ago. and herman cain cane going momentum and placing third with 17 percent. and i had a chance to speak to mitt romney earlier. governor, it is great to have you here. thank you for coming. >> thank you, mike. >> what are you doing differently this time than four years ago when you were wearing me out all over the country >>
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someone said write down one word what barack obama stood for change or hope . how about hillary clinton. can't come up with anything. mitt romney same thing. i talked about a lot of issues but it was not clear what i stood for and i want to make sure in this race, win or lose. i am the guy to put americans back to work. a compelling message day in and out and for me believing in america and put americans back to work. that ishe message and the lesson have a message and communicate it clearly and be known for something. >> how have the voters changed? ways in which you are approaching it is it a electorate than four years ago and if so how? >> when we were running, mike. we had a president that was leaf a open seat and as a result there was no one we were running against. we were talking about our own views and now looking at the
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record of someone sitting in the white house who has obviously failed and in our party, folks are animate angry that this president has taken the country in a different direction than he described in the campaign. it is probably a more motivate energized and party for us and on the other side. a good deal less energized. bringing people together and vision for america andness, he hasn't delivered on. and as a result the momentum is shifting to our party. >> there is anger out there for sure but isn't that devicist and the party is so angry they want a candidate that doesn't exist. they are looking for a different one. chris christie. what does that to do you as a candidate. every week there is machine that pops up everyone falls in love with all of the sudden? >> i think we want to win.
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we want to make sure we replace this president. and we want someone who can beat him and machine get the country book on track. i don't begrige the fact that people are taking a hard look and machine else willing to get in the race. come on in and we'll put you under the microscope and see who has the shot of replacing president obama. i am not surprised that people are looking carefully and we had donald trump who was strong and sarah palin is strong. mike, i thought you might get in the race? >> i thought i might, too. i couldn't do that and still do the talk show. >> give up one or the other. >> if you were a in it would be a different race and you don't think about that a lot. but i am sure a lot of people say why isn't mike in there. they are lking at the field and in the if i'm week or two.
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people will settle down and make final decisions. >> do you change anything depending on who gets in? rick perry and chris christy and what happen to the game plan or message? >> i talk about policy and direction of the country then i let a couple of folk in my campaign think about strategy. how much time and ad dollars in that state and i am sure that calculation changes depending on who gets in the race. if someone comes in and divides part of the vote we may need a meeting or to but for me get out there with my message and frankly, begin the fact that everything we say to one audience is picked up through social media and cable, i mean, everything you say is wide now. -- nationwide now. >> like so many great pioneers before me, i am embarking on a
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about the controversial aspects that you bring to the race. massachusetts health care plan that you led and supported. and a lot of criticism that it is the birth of obama care and we had a soundbite from jay carny and listen to it and i will let you respond. >> former governor of massachusetts idea of health care plan was not mine alone. heritage foundation and think tank helped and newt gingrich who came up with the idea of a man date did that years and years ago. it was a conservative idea saying people have a responsibility to care for themselves if they can't. we'll help people who can't care for themselves. if you can care for yourself. that is former governor of massachusetts. and we certainly agree. >> jay carny is out there singing yourr praise and probably not what you want. he did mention the heritage
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foundation and newt gingrich were singing your praises at the pass says of the massachusetts health care initiative. >> he has a wolf and tries to cover it in sheep's clothing. the president's plan is not about the few people that are not uninsured. the american people know better. our plan in massachusetts was caring for the 8 percent of the population that didn't have insurance. 92 percent of the people in the state nothing changed. the president's plan is taking over health care for 100 percent of the people and changing for everyone. telling you what doctor and treatment you can have and how much to be reimbursed and take over by the federal government. that is number one. and number two, he raises taxes by half a trillion and that helped to slow down the economy . high cut medicare by 500 billion dollars. only president that cut medicare
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. so there is significant differences and one more, it is a federal take over of what is a state responsibility constitutionally . day one if i am elected president. i will direct a waiver from obama care to every single state. i want to stop that bill and stop that laww in its track and go back to where states and individuals had the responsibility for health care. >> the wall street journal was critical in the massachusetts plan. said it was longer waiting time and increased costs. has that done that in massachusetts? is that an accurate assessment of the unintended consequences. >> the rate of goth slowed down after the bill was passed it is a small change. i am not sure we get credit for that. our bill didn't focus on lowering costs. we hope to help a little bit. but getting the cost of the
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health care down is essential. but the bill works pretty well. if i were governor it would work better. elections have consequences. it is it five years since i was in the governor's chair and thing that it is current governor has done i wouldn't have done. there were provisions that i veted. and the were overridden. >> such as? >> for instance. i said look, a person who want to buy insurance should be able to get a policy that is not comprehensive but deals with catastrophic care. don't have mandates to tell insurance companies what they have to include. get a modest policy . legislature oh, no we'll put in man dates and coverages. in massachusetts they have unlimited treatment for invitro fert liand that makes policies more expensive and in my view that ought to be taken out. th,
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i know pleasing fans is a top priority, 'cause without the fans, there'd be no nascar. just like if it weren't for customers, there'd be no nationwide. that's why they serve their customers' needs, not shareholder profits. because as a mutual, nationwide doesn't report to wall street, they report to their customers. and that's just one more reason why the earnhardt family has trusted nationwide for more than 30 years. nationwide is on your side. ♪ ♪
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>> one piece of controversy in the plan particularly amongst social conservative and gives me heart burn. the massachusetts plan funds abortion for a $50 copay. >> it is not in the bill. there is not a word about abortion in the entire plan that we had. the provision that allows people who are poor to get an abortion at low cost is something that the court put in place. i didn't get the chance to appoint any supreme court justices when i was governor and a number of things my supreme court did i didn't like. you may recall those battlings. that is one of them. i don't agree with the court's decision. our bill had no mention of
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abortion. the court decided that this is something that was going to be insisted on in the state. >> was there any way to blockk that administratively or forcing the legislature to create enabling legislation before it went into affect? >> this existed before our bill was passed. they said people who are receiving care in any way subsidized by government has the right to get abortion as part of that care. and that was constitutionally required. only way to change that is carry out a amendment. >> would you have supported the life definition at inception in >> absolutely. >> not that it would have sailed through the massachusetts legislature. vito concede massachusetts is not a right of center state historically. >> i defined marriage as a
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relationship wean man and woman. we were one vote shy in the luthure of being ache to take that to the next step it would have requireded a vote of the people. i am pro life and would prefer to have the courts decide that individuals rather than the states have the ability to have decisions with regard to abortion. >> because the pro life issue is one that is much bigger four years ago because of not all of the economic crisis there. is issues that social conservatives have. would you be a pro-life president and what would that mean for you? how would you give assurance that that is not an issue they worry about if mitt romney is the president? >> i would make sure that the progress that is made to provide for life and protect human life is a progress that is reversed. and make sure justices that go
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to the supreme court are justices that have a conviction to follow the law and not create the law from the bench. i would encourage legislation that provided to individuals, the information that they needed to make a choice and informed choice about whether or not to have an abortion. my view is that the supreme court should reverse row versus wade and send back to the states to decide if it is legal or not. >> some states would have more prolific abortions and each state decides its sense of what is right and wrong. is that not like going back 150 years to the civil war and aying some state its is okay and some states it is not? that would be a challenge to reversing row v wade makes us pro life and it gives the states what is moral and immoral.
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>> we have to decide what is politically successful f. you turn back to the states a responsibility for deciding whether or not abortion is legal. states would retreat from the stition saying partial birth abortion is illegal and saying no abortions after the first trimester and let the states would be better than the current setting. it would be wonderful if everyone agreed with you and me that life begins in conception and a sanctit i of life that is part of a civilized society and that we are if all going to agree there is no legal abortion. i think we are mangity of the american people would go, let's let the states make the decision and you would see us pull back from the more expansive pro choice decisions made by the supreme court. we are building a website by ourselves.
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>> i am harris faulkner. the state department issuing a warning to americans traveling abroad after a predator drone strike in yemen kill would u.s. cleric born al-awlaki and kahn and a al-qaida top bomb maker. it raises the risk of anti-american violence world wide. they issued the same warning after the navy seals took out osama bin laden. and nato reporting a capture senior member of haqqani. haqqani is a terrorist organization operating in pakistan and possibly behind deadly attacks on american in afghanistan. i am harris faulkner, we'll go right away back to huckabee, for all of the headlines go to fox news.comwhen you want them. ♪
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>> what makes you the best candidate against president obama in you have to clearr the field of all of the republicans, but pair you with rick perry or rick sanatorium approximate or michelle bachmann or herman cain or perry. why mitt romney. what gives you you the best chance of defeating president obama. >> i spent my life not in politics but the private sector makes we different than the other people running for office. i understand how the economy works because i lived in the economy. and i understand what it mean to have people taking out calculator and cheek books saying i don't know if we can make it. i understand the impact and i know what it take to get back to work. i competed with businesss and know how they succeed and i know why they take jobs away from america and. >> what does it take. we have lost a bunch of them and every week we have unemployment
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numbers that are either less than expected or less than desired and when we have a good number, it is not that good, what can we do? >> the reason we are seeing jobs trail off and the reason you are seeing the income not rising, more and more of our middle and large size enterprises it is better to do business elsewhere. they look at taxs and regulation and lack of energy policis and the fact that our trade policies are not opening up new markets and they say it is better to build a facility elsewhere and the maul businesses are not able to get loans and the big businesses are moving away. not as many can support the smaller businesses. big business and small business and the fact that we have made america a less attractive place to groww jobs is causing the economy to have a difficult time it reboot. >> has president obama done anything right in >> yes.
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>> help me understand if he did anything right. i think he is a great husband and father and i give him credit for that. >> a good example there? >> nithink. >> and he got osama bin laden and he made the decision to pull the trigger on that . congratulations on that. >> you give him credit for the killing of anwar al-awlaki? >> the fact we are attacking al-qaida operatives and he could have stopped that. and i will give him partial credit for our successes and he's the commander-in-chief and she shares credit along with our fighting men and women. and in the area of education aerror nie duncan. let's reward school system that is reward teachers for doing a good yobb and remove bad teachers and test kids and i think that is a positive thing. not everything duncan is doing
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with do i agree. national core crick lim i don't like a national crick lim. i like states to craft their own. >> you were critized by perry in the last debate saying you are giving a bear hug to duncan. i didn't read it that way. isn't had a danger in this political environment if you compliment anything that the other side does. even spectacularly that you run the risk of becoming fodder for somebody's target? >> that's one of the down sides of political life as you know. anything you may have said can be taken out of context and twist any policy that you have is shaded to make it look different than what you believe and attack ads and so forth came out . over time, i think people sort out what is true and not true. and franklyy, the main stream media will do fact-checking and
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say that is phony or wrong and that helps. and so if you spend your time worry being the attackings, you will lose all of your hair and turn grayy in no time. i try to spend my time talking about what i would do to get americans back to work. >> a lot of people are watching this brew if you and i would be able to sit in the same room and be civil and four yearrs ago we were going through it. i think we have proven that people can be civil and i am deeply grateful. thank you mitt romney for being here and wish you the best on the campaign trail. >> cuhear my daily commentaries on the news every day on the huckabee report and by pad cast and go to mikehkabee.comand find the huckabee report and find out how to get it on pod cast. you may remember the human calculator who helped us to figure out how much the america
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free is good. freestyle lite test strips. call or click today. >> you have probably me talk about the importance was a father's involvement in a child's life. there is a powerful new film called courageous focusing on the importance of father hood. >> what i want for you that you seek the lord. and that you trust him. even if you stand alone. you got me. now. before i beat you to the corner. >> you are not going to beat me to the corner. >> just get a breath.
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what is that? hey, you can't do that. joining me is the stars of the movie and associate pastors. alex kendrick and kim bevil. so good to have you here. you not only wrote but starred in it. what was it about that film? >> i have six kids of my own. and i feel like understanding that roll of father and pouring into it is crucial thing i can do with my life. it reflects god. when i love my kid it is easier for them to believe that god loves them. if we know we are loved growing up. we don't have to seek it elsewhere. for people who don't feel loved
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and they are looking for way to find approval. it is crucial. >> did you have a good relationship with your own father? >> i did. he affirmed me and i would say he blessed me in that he said go do what god's gift to you and i am supporting you. >> for you, this film is to talk about how to get to be that father and go through the process of really getting it? and ken, you are a marine for a long time. >> sure was. >> retired as a captain in the marine corp and work on staff of one of the most amazing church that is produce movie. fire proof and facing the giants and wonderful film called courageous. what drew you to be a part of the film? what was it that just touched you? >> one of the things that drew me to be part of courageous. i believe in what sherwood is doing and i have seen the
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changed lifes and marriages restore families restored. it was easy to get behind iting up in a home where my father was not there, i can see how it affected me as a child. i say if there is anything going on to help promote fatherhood i want to be a part of. >> you had a rocky relationship with your dad than what alex has described? >> with my dad, he worked as a steel mill and i ran to the street to meet him. but he got involved with drugs and alcohol and tanked our family relationship. and i saw that affirmation and love that a father should bey giving the child out in the streets . when that didn't happen, i got in all types of thing that is are unmentionalable right now and it ruined my relationship. god placed strong mentor in my life to help me through.
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>> disney dad. dad is never home and he earns enough money to and think that is that is fatherhood. what is wrong with that? >> kids figure out what is important. older i get what was important to my dad. if his children hear i love you, i am proud of you, and i am grateful you are my child. it makes all of the difference in the world to them. that's what god want to say to you. i love you and i have a purpose for your life . when our dad loves us it is easier. >> when what is the biggest mistake a father can make? >> not spending time with the children. children need time with their parents. >> i have quality time and not a lot. is that a myth. >> that is a mistake. i am going to get a good yob and go on vacation with my kid and spend time with them. that's not it.
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kids are longing for quality time with their parents. whether it is a yumpy or city park. they want to spend time with their partners. i encourage men to insure that you are spending quality time with your children. >> a lot of dads are afraid to tell them no. good idea or bad idea. >> you are for your child. do not let the child lead the relationship. you are the adult and you are the one that god positioned as the driver in the car and take that with both hooneds and fight for it you will see this in the movie. that's the dad's way to step up be the guy that my child needs. >> one thing i want to say. sometimes we think about the time. love is pel would t-i-m-e. you can provide things for them, but nothing that you can do more important than actually spend time with them. and how to do that? that is part of the message of
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courageous and alex and kim, thank you very much for being here and putting together a powerful film with that little he we didn't intend for your face to be everywhere. but fedex office makes it so easy. not only do they ship stuff, they print flyers, brochures -- everything i need to get my name outhere. that's the problem. now we need to give you a third identity. you're paul matheson. and you're gonna run your business into the ground. erik gustafson would never do that! there is no erik gustafson. hey that's erik gustafson!!! there is no erik gustafson!!!!! [ male announcer ] small business solutions. fedex. solutions that matter. you could save a bundle with geico's multi-policy discount. geico, saving people money on more than just car insurance. ♪
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>> [applause]. right here wait helping to be the first solo artist to have first seven singles hit the bill board chart in the top five. he sold more than 30 albummings. welcome back richard marks. great to have you here. i am amazed at all of the songs that were big hits for you and amazed by hit that is people may not realize that your songs you wrote. tell me about the people you wrote for and songs we heard. oh, yeah. >> well, people don't read the internet and i wouldn't expect them to know i wrote or produced
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that song. what is great, the last 10 or 11 years, i have wrote and produced records for people of every genre. i haven't done polka. but i have worked with everybody from country artist like keith urban and vince gill and rock bands doubtery and josh grobin. his first single k. and luther vandross wrote dance with my father together. i am working hard on getting a polka connection. >> play a bit of the don't mean nothing. >> my first single. >> this was it? >> 1912. ♪ ♪ it don't mean nothing. ♪ the words that they say. ♪ don't mean nothing. ♪ don't mean nothing.
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♪ no victim. don't cry. ♪ it don't mean until you do i. [applause] >> that means something. what is sad. the only thing that is sad i was an excellent english student. it doesn't mean anything. >> it is not as cool. >> it doesn't work at all. and you started out doing singing at five? >> yeah. >> did jingle that is your dad produce wrote? >> my dad was arguably the most successful jingle composure and a bunch much you would remember his stuff. if i sang a sniffet. you wouldn't have to pay for it. >> no. >> he wrote ♪ when a boy wakes
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up to a smiling. ♪ two scoops in a packalge of kellogg's raisen bran. >> oh, my gosh. >> there is a great story, one of your signature stongs . tell the story of how you ended up recording this. it was not originally a song to put out for the public in >> i didn't want to record the song because i wrote it for my wife when we were dating. she was in dirty dancing and flash dance and she was doing a film in africaand i was on my first tour and logistically we couldn't see each other forly months. it was before e-mail and skype. i was so heart broke yen missed her so this song wrote itself. because it was so personal. i thought i will not record this song. and right around that time, i got a call from barbara
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striceland's people and she wanted to meet with me about writing a song. i was honor she was weet and i worked with her a few times since. i absolutely adore her and it was like a running joke. i met her and played her she looked at me and she said. oh, my gosh, richard, i love that music and i love the melody and i am going to need you to rewrite the lyricks. because i am not right here waiting for anybody. >> and you ended up recording. >> i held on it to. >> play a bit for us. ♪ ♪ where ever you go. ♪ what every you do, i will be right here waiting for you. ♪ what ever it takes.
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♪ or how my hearts breaks, i will be right here waiting. ♪ for you. [applause] >> great, great ballad. you have's new song called out when you love me. play it for us and we'll close out the show with richard marx and when you love me. ♪ [applause] ♪ ♪ back when we said goodbye. ♪ y turn it and see you and don't trust my eyes. ♪ you love me. ♪ and i can't breathe. ♪ and every word perfect for
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this day it come. ♪ and standing and now i can't find even one. ♪ all i want to say ... ♪ is writen on my face. ♪ i close my eyes every time i wake up. ♪ i every little thing makes me think of. ♪ when you love me, when you love me ... ♪ and i don't really want to talk about the weather. ♪ but i was better. when you love me. note when you love me. ♪ when you love me. ♪ i try to wish you away. ♪ you are gone today, but you
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will be back tomorrow. ♪ this lie that i want to go. ♪ won't let me go ... ♪ i close my eyes every time i wake up. ♪ every little thing makes me think of. when you love me. ♪ when you love me. . ♪ and i really don't want to talk about the weather. ♪ the truth is i will never be better than when you love me. ♪ when you love me. a super job, they're backed by the superguarantee®?
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