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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  October 7, 2011 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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[shouting] >> bill: latest media trick, comparing the occupy wall street crowd to the tea party. is that dishonest? you bet it is. we'll prove it. message of the protesters establishment everywhere every place. god bless them for their spontaneity. >> nancy pelosi sympathizing with the wall street protesters. even though hundreds have been arrested. we will analyze them. >> bill: a rap on the aarp is that it is too left wing. >> and is the aarp now so far left it doesn't really represent seniors anymore? we will talk with its president tonight. caution, you where to enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now.
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captions by closed captioning services hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. happy birthday fox news. we are 15 years old today. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. next tuesday we'll be in boston, officially celebrating fnc's birthday. we have a wild look back at 15 years on the factor. set those dvr's. tonight it's worth pointing out that the fox news channel has succeeded against all odds. when we launched in 1996. we had less than 20 million potential viewers. we were simply not on most cable systems because powerful companies like cnn and nbc didn't want us on. but we persevered. now fnc crushes cnn, msnbc, and cnbc in the ratings. the reason for that is two fold. first, fox news is the only tv news network that gives equal credibility to the conservative point of view.
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that appeals to millions of conservatives who want fir opinion respected. not sneered at by arrogant elitists. you fill in the name. the second reap we have succeeded is the people who work here. we're simply better than the opposition. our reporters are better. our producers are sharper. framing stories to get the truth wherever it may be. let me give you one very vivid example of that as you may know, most of the media despises the tea party. they branded it racist. i had olt particular and destructive to the country. all the tea party really wants is less government, less spending, and more local control. that's certainly a legitimate point of view andrew jackson had it. so why would any american hate the tea party? you can disagree with it, and i have on some issues, but why the vitriol? on the other side of the spectrum, the liberal media likes the occupy wall street protesters. even though some of them are breaking the law. something the tea party does not
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do. these folks basically want to blow up the entire capitalistic system to achieve so-called income equality, simply put, they want socialism. trust me when i tell you few in the national media would give up their comfortable existence to give other people their stuff. so many of us here at fnc are skeptical of the far left demonstrators themselves and their media sympathizers. we don't make a moral equivalency between the anti-capitalist people and the tea party. because, again, the tea party is peaceful. and wants to work within the system. not tear it up. so when fox news reports, we being a perspective -- we bring a perspective that is lacking in most media outlets. thank god, most of you respect that perspective. that's why the fox news channel dominates after 15 years on the air. that's the memo. now for the top story tonight. things getting worse daily for the obama administration.
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jonathan silver. there he is. head of the energy department's loan program that funneled $535 million, the bankrupt solyndra company is out. he has resigned under pressure. in arizona, ten sheriffs now calling for a federal investigation of attorney general eric holder. and the fast and furious gun sting that was completely bomped. botched. in addition, president obama poll numbers continue to sink. joining us now from cleveland to sort it all out fox news anchor geraldo rivera. let's take the wall street protesters first. get my tea party being different than wall street crowd. >> first, happy anniversary, bill. been a great ten years with you, i appreciate it the wall street crowd are silly. they are naive. they may be misguided but i think they are also sincere. i think that when honest people compare what's going on in wall street and now spreading to
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these other cities to the early days of the tea party, at least when i do, it's to show that the tea party remember wearing paul re veer costumes and they were dressing as the patriots who in boston threw the tea into the sea off the british merchant ships. look at these crazy people with the tri corner hat and all the rest of it i think that's where the analogy is that was easy to mock the tea party in those early days. these occupy wall street people very easy to mock. but the tea party became a social movement and they may also. >> bill: moral equivalency is being drawn and being drawn in papers like the "new york times," on nbc news. but they are really doing the same thing. tea party doesn't have mass protests and mass arrests. they are not tearing the system down. if these wall street cooks -- kooks had their way we would be spain, greece, that's the kind of smg they want. you know that. >> socialism is not going to get us out of our problems now,
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bill. you have to admit there is enormous frustration in the country right now. people are feeling very needy. there is a sense that the people who got us into this mess, the bankers have gotten off scot-free. that's where this resentment. that's where this budding rage comes from. >> bill: we will talk with lou dobbs about that coming up. i want the wall street people to brand themselves as the no nothing party. remember the no nothing party, geraldo? >> i know the no nothing was anti-immigrant party. i hated them. >> bill: let's bring the no nothing party back. there is no comparison between the message of the tea party and the wall street people but the liberal need media is trying to make one. fast and furious. >> this thing may grow into something. >> bill: bologna. it is not going to grow into anything. already tried it. >> smoking dope it may become something. >> bill: okay. sure. fast and furious. big story? >> a huge story and a catastrophe for eric holder. i like eric holder. i always thought he was a man.
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>> bill: why? >> i thought he was a man of strong character, honest, clear-eyed in his approach to the -- >> bill: hold it. let me stop you. >> okay. >> bill: you like eric holder. clear-eyed, honest guy, right? >> right. >> bill: three words. marc rich pardon. you can explain that to me? >> they all pardon the people who kiss their butts. >> bill: do you not take that into account? do you not take that into account? >> i take -- >> bill: the big picture. so let's let the biggest tax cheat in american history let him off and give him a pardon. you, geraldo -- how much of a bigger picture do you get than the biggest tax cheat in history? >> let me agree with you about fast and furious and his role in this. >> bill: okay. >> it's like roger clemens who went before congress and allegedly lied. if eric holder when he said i'm not sure of the exact date but i probably heard about fast and furious for the first time over the last few weeks he said that in may of this year.
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and it turns out now there are memos dated back from last july of 2010. >> bill: we know all of that. >> all right. so the point is, if he lied, and if there is perjury there, then that's end of his career. >> bill: it is perjury. >> may be the end of his career if obama miraculously gets a second term. he may have a different attorney general. >> bill: we won't convict the guy on television. two things, it isn't perjury because he didn't take an oath it is against the law as judge napolitano already has him in the penitentiary by the way. we are not going to do that here because we are fair. see how that plays out. big mistake for barack obama to come out yesterday and say he told the truth. the president doesn't know whether he told the truth to. say he did puts him in the richard nixon category and he better watch it go into solyndra. >> never the crime it's always the coverup. >> bill: solyndra, right now, the guy who was in charge of the money, he is out. another big, big embarrassment on president obama's doorstep, correct? >> i think solyndra is --
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remember when during the climate change summit in denmark, i think it was, there was a scandal of how the climate change scientists had gym mid the result and falsified the results? that was the end of climate change's momentum toward any kind of significant cap and trade legislation, for example. solyndra will do the same thing to green energy. it's the end. >> bill: i hope not. i want green energy but i want it developed privately. >> it can't be developed with government money. >> bill: that's not the theme. the theme tonight is bad week for obama administration. >> clearly. >> bill: gets worse and worse and worse. >> he has to do something right. so far he hasn't been able to. solyndra will be the end of government intervention in green energy stimulus. it might also torpedo the president's jobs bill. that's the big significance. >> bill: that's not going to get passed. fnc, not too many people know this but geraldo joined us in
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november of 2001. i was here from the beginning. two months after geraldo came on board, fox news channel asheefd its achieved its number one status. it's all due to geraldo. we all owe our jobs to geraldo. geraldo made it happen. how did you do it? how did you do it? >> i came on board in november. we were number two by january of 2002 we were number one. coincidence or is there a link we report. you decide. it's been an honor working with you the last decade. all the time i spent in afghanistan and iraq and with our nation's soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen fighting the good fight. >> bill: you wouldn't have been able to do that on any other network. >> they didn't let me do it on nbc. >> bill: i remember when you signed that big contract with nbc and tom brokaw hated you and you were locked in the basement for three years. >> hit number one rated show but i was locked in the basement. >> bill: they wouldn't let geraldo out. he couldn't talk to anybody. geraldo rivera, everybody. remind you big anniversary special at 10:00 this evening
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anchored by hemmer. check it out. next on the run down, can herman cain pull off one the biggest upsets in american history securing the republic nomination? mike huckabee will analyze. then we predicted it some polygamists are now demanding the right to marry. three of them will be here in just a few moments. [ male announcer ] you love the taste of 2% milk. but think about your heart. 2% has over half the saturated fat of whole milk. want to cut back on fat and not compromisen taste? try smart balance fat free milk. it's what you'd expect from the folks at smart balance. i've got to tell susie ! the vending machine on elm is almost empty.
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>> bill: personal story segment tonight, no question herman cain is a big political winner this fall. once written off as a marginal candidate mr. cain competing in national polls with mitt romney and rick perry. can a relatively inexperienced guy like cain put together an organization that can win the nomination? here now is the man who attempted to do just that four years ago mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas, fox news analyst. what are the odds in your opinion that herman cain wins the nomination. >> i think i would give him 40%. he doesn't have a 50/50 shot. he has a shot. it's a long shot. >> bill: four out of 10. >> four out of 10. >> bill: what is his main deficit? you give him a 40% shot of securing the nomination. what's holding him back from saying a 70% shot. >> money and organization. the two key things have you got to have in states like iowa. it's a very, just old fashioned, you know, have you got to have boots on the ground. >> bill: he has enough money to compete in iowa i think cain. >> you don't have to have a lot of money in iowa. you don't have to have a lot of money in new hampshire.
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by the time you start getting into south carolina. south carolina is more of a media budget. florida is very much all exclusively a media budget. >> bill: that means you have to buy television time. >> you have got to buy a lot of tv time. >> bill: cain now that he is a player. there are three players, would you agree with me right now romney, perry. >> i wouldn't count anyone out. it's too early. bill, it's too early. >> bill: as it stands now. >> now you have got cain and romney and perry. >> bill: after the debate next week, somebody might rock it up. but, cain was written off by many of us. >> yeah. >> bill: he now has to convince people to give him money. >> i think he is making his case. is he connecting with people. here's the thing. some people have money and then they try connect with people. some people connect with people and then they go out and get the money. if i had to pick one or the other, the connecting with people is ultimately what what carries the day and it will be more important. >> bill: cain is good at that.
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he came on the factor, i don't know, two months ago. he didn't do well with the foreign policy business. he just didn't have the frame of reference. and i think people understand that is he not a foreign policy guy. the letters i get from cain supporters are saying he can hire guys out. he can get experts around him to bring him up to speed. >> yeah. >> bill: what troubles me about that is that is the same thing we heard from barack obama. wasn't earns examined. didn't have a lot of executive experience. you had it in arkansas. he didn't have any. look what has happened to an inexperienced guy like president obama. >> but the experience that herman cain does have is executive experience. bringing people together. >> bill: in the business realm. >> it is in the business realm. there is a big difference a lot of people think if you can run a business you can run a government. the difference is if you are the ceo of a business and people aren't doing what you want you fire them. >> bill: you can't fire the pinheads in congress. >> that's right. you have got to figure out how to work with people that don't like you and you can't do anything to them. barack obama's biggest problem
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and obstacle as a president, bill, is that he has never understood that he doesn't own the other moving parts of government. >> bill: it's more than that he basically doesn't understand economics. he hired a bunch of guys as the cain people are telling me he is going to do very left wing guys, larry summers, geithner and they sold him this bill of goods that the government can run private economy and look where it's led us. >> think tank try out academic theories that they developed in an ivory tower somewhere. >> bill: the experience level that barack obama brought to the experience was very thin. that's why i'm skeptical of memberman cain. now you did a t.s.a. with george clooney and bono and all these guys it was a noble cause trying to get money and supplies into somalia to feed starving people there. we're going to have a poll on this, governor, a little bit later on. the controversial part about this is that everybody said the f word, including you. >> i actually didn't say that my f word was famine. >> bill: they bleeped you out. >> right. the point of it all, bill, is to
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show that the real obscenity is that 30,000 children every day are dying out of starvation. >> bill: do you have to use shock value, that is the thing to get this kind of a thing across? don't people know? >> you are talking about it. that's what's important for people to actually -- would you be discussing famine on your show today. >> bill: i might be. >> no, you wouldn't, bill. >> bill: if bono would come on here, of course i would. if they want to stand up and come in and convince me and the millions that watch the factor that we mostly sunny must send money over here, i'm willing to listen to that. the shock value in this is a little controversial. i think it's noble and i know why you did it. i don't know whether you guys know this or not but the governor has a dvd series not exbox blowing up zombies about american history for kids. >> well, and it's because kids don't know about our history. >> bill: they don't. >> a study showed just this year that our american kids are most efficient in history versus any other subject to. learn our history videos is a series that makes it fun and a
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entertaining so kids can find out america is really a great country and found out who the heck the first president was. >> bill: this is doing well, right? >> it's doing very well. >> learn our >> right. >> bill: that's why i wrote killing lincoln. i want every teenager and every adolescent in this country because they don't know anything. >> they know nothing. >> 12% of high school seniors even know what the impact of brown vs. board of education. it's pretty scary. they don't understand. they are sitting with a classroom. crazy. >> bill: good to see you. >> always a pleasure. >> bill: aarp is it off the charts left? we will talk with its president and then lou dobbs on whether the wall street protesters have any legitimate points. what lou says may surprise you upcoming. [ male announcer ] welcome to transamerica. where together, we're transforming tomorrow. your husband put this all together when emma was born. he was an amazing man. this is for you. it's all paid off.
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♪ and this is for emma. so where do you think she'll go? anywre she wants. [ male announcer ] we're making people a more secure tomorrow. what can we make with you? transamerica. transform tomorrow.
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>> bill: the aarp remains the most powerful group. 40 million belong to the aarp. there have been charges that the organization has evolved into left wing concern. a new tv ad speaks to that. >> my grocery bill isn't wasteful spending. >> my heart medication isn't some political gain. >> our retirement isn't a simple budget line item. >> i worked hard. >> i paid into my medicare. >> and i earned my social security. now, instead of cutting waste and loopholes, washington wants to cut our benefits? >> that wasn't the agreement. >> join the members of aarp and tell washington to stop cuts to our medicare and social security benefits. >> bill: now, earlier this week i talked with aarp president lee hammond. so, mr. hammond, the wrap on the aarp is that it is just too left
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wing. you have heard that. i'm sure you have. >> well, we hear that but, you know, our membership is diverse as the country. >> bill: i agree. i'm a member. but, you know, i have to say i'm growing increasingly suspect of your editorial position. it's not because i'm an idealogue. i was going over some of my back editions of the aarp magazine. let me just read you. so names that you have had on the cover and tell me. you had michelle obama on the cover and that makes sense. robert redford, all right? harrison ford. danny glover. richard gear. bill cosby, ron howard. michael douglas, morgan freidman. dustin. martin sheen and steven spielburg, every one of them is a left winger. every one of them. the only conservative you have had on your cover in recent years has been president bush. what's that all about? >> well, the covers on the magazine sell. that's what the pickup rate is on the magazine. >> bill: what i'm saying to you is i just read you 15 names and
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they are all liberal people and you have one conservative. 15 to 1. i can't sit here and say that there isn't a conservative that you could put on the cover that would sell. i know there is and so do you. >> certainly there would be. >> bill: then why haven't they been there. >> i don't know. >> bill: you are the editor. not the editor. you are president of aarp. >> i'm a president of aarp as a volunteer. >> bill: do you volunteer your opinion that it's becoming too left wing? >> we volunteer our opinions all the time. >> bill: did you tell them this might not be fair and balanced this magazine that comes out? >> no. i haven't looked at the magazine that way. >> bill: you ran a spot. we ran a spot about the people saying look, we don't want our entitlements messed with. and i understand that position. i mean, elderly senior citizens pay into medicare. they pay into social security and they don't want to get chopped. there isn't any bill in the world that's actually saying senior citizens are going to lose their entitlements. but, yet, you have this commercial that implies they
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might. >> well, indeed they might. >> bill: based on what? >> there is no bill yet. >> bill: right. and not anybody even suggesting it. >> no. i would disagree with you there a little bit. >> bill: who? >> there are numbers of people suggesting it numbers of people in the congress have suggested it. >> bill: give me one name suggesting they want to take or modify social security or medicare for present seniors? >> there has been a lot of conversation around that, bill. >> bill: you can give me one name, mr. hammond? just one. >> i know that the minority whip in the house, who is a democrat, has indicated that there is still broad discussion about making it even deeper cuts. >> bill: okay. i have to go on the record as saying there is no politician that i know of that has threatened to introduce legislation that would cut any entitlement at all for present seniors. there are lots of things in play. >> bill: where? i do this for a living. i have never seen it. >> they were in play with the
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reduction committee. >> bill: all under 40. all reforming for the younger americans because they are going to run out of money. all right. let's just move on to one more thing. look. i want the aarp to lobby for senior citizens. they need a powerful lonnie. >> you are absolutely right. >> bill: you are not really doing it for all senior citizens in my opinion, respectfully. i read the magazine, which is the only outlet i have to know what you guys are doing. it's a left wing magazine. that's what it is now. that's what it has become. your organization has become that. i would like to see you get back into the center and really look at these things. to your credit, and aarp's credit you did object to cap and trade. did you do that. you are not doctrineaire all the way down the line. one thing or another here. i think that basically senior citizens need an independent voice. i will give you the last word. >> well, i would hope that you would look at things a little differently if you knew the
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entire breath of the organization. indeed we do work for our members. these are the people who tell us what we need to do. >> bill: mr. hammond thanks for coming in. nice to see you. >> thank you, bill. >> bill: plenty more. gay marriage increasingly accepted. polygamists are also demanding the right to marry. we will talk with three of them. later, nancy pelosi encouraging the wall street protesters is that responsible? we hope you stay tuned to those reports. we are the house when it comes to the big game.
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these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and call your doctor right away if your breathing suddenly worsens,... ...your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain,... ...or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps meeathing with copd is no small thing. ask your doctor about spiriva. >> bill: unresolved problem segment tonight. according to most polls gay marriage is becoming increasingly accepted by most americans and a number of states have already legalized it as you know. we said years ago if the country eventually permits gay marriage everywhere then other groups will want the same treatment. with us are three polygamists, they have written a book called love times three. the third wife is valerie. our true story of a polygamist
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marriage. all right, we will start with you. let's get the facts down. you live in utah where plural marriage is still a crime, correct? >> it's a felony. >> bill: how do you get around that? >> we have had for generations we have lived this way and my grandfathers were imprisoned for it and my father's generation would keep their head down and never speak up. and we wrote love times three because that's not productive. that's not healthy. >> bill: how do you stay out of jail if you have three wives and i should tell the audience 24 children. that's a lot of kids. >> yes. >> bill: how do you stay out of jail if it's illegal in utah? >> i'm not so sure i will stay out of jail. you stay out of jail by being quiet and never speaking about it. >> bill: all right. but i assume that you are only married to one of the ladies; is that correct? >> i'm legally married to alena. >> bill: so you married joe. and then the two other ladies. but you consider them wives, right?
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it's not like you are the wife and they are the girlfriends. >> exactly. >> bill: you are all the wives. >> we are all equal wives. >> bill: now, do you believe that it's your right as an american, alena to have your union legalized so polygamy is the law of the land? polygamist marriage becomes the law of the land like gay marriage has here in the united states? >> it's interesting because a lot of people think that the debate is a little bit different right now. what we are trying to do is get it decriminalized. >> bill: no. i want your belief. do you believe your rights as an american. american citizen, resident of utah. >> yes. >> bill: do you have the right to participate in polygamist marriage should it be legal? >> i have the right to -- yeah, participate in a polygamist marriage and have it decriminalized not have the criminal factor. >> bill: you believe it should be legal. >> no i'm not saying that. >> bill: you are dodging. >> do you want it legal. >> bill: wait, wait joe she can handle it? >> i can handle it i want it decriminalized and there is a
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difference. >> bill: do you want it decriminalized. >> i want -- legalization would open up a lot of different things. >> bill: not going to campaign as some homosexuals are for polygamist marriage, neither of you. >> i want the right -- i want us to be able to be left alone and put our family together the way we believe and as our conscience dictates. >> bill: you don't want to walk down the aisle in a urch which and have the justice of the police go i now pronounce you man and wives. you are not asking for that. >> no. not asking for that. >> bill: how do you support 24 kids and three wives. what do you do? >> well, i have my own business. and i'm an entrepreneur. i have the help of the two ladies in front of you. we have an economic co-op and as well as valerie. it takes three of us outside of the home and one of us all the time with the children there. >> bill: all right. do you agree with your two wives here that it's not important for you guys to get the marital stamp that you just want to be -- you don't want to be prosecuted. >> no. we write now are a felony just
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because of the word wife. because i purport to be married, we're making this a felony. >> bill: do you want to be -- >> -- no. >> bill: to go to the justice of the peace. >> no. i don't need that. no, i don't need that. >> bill: now, do you understand elena, why some people say, look, all of these alternatives. i think that's a fair word. >> sure. >> bill: all of these alternative arrange. s are really eroding the traditional american family. we have seen the collapse of the family in many areas. children being born out of wedlock and all of this business. you have 24 children, all right? among four adults. that's big, big deal with those children. okay? do you understand how people will look at scans at you? >> i do understand it but i think that there is misinformation out there. if they see into our family and see how much we care about each other and how much we are there for each other and we are a unit and we are devoted to each other and it's our faith, i think they will understand why we would do it. >> bill: what is the difference vicki between what you guys have
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and the woodstock crew that lives off in vermont some place free love, hey, what's the difference? >> i guess i'm not even familiar with that i know what free love and polly am morery. maybe to ha loft people there might not be a difference. to me it's a part of my faith. it's how i want to live. >> bill: what faith is that? >> we consider ourselves independent fundamentalists mormons. we worship in our homes separate we don't belong to a church. >> bill: you were raised in that kind of a family. >> yeah. >> joe you were raised that way too and valerie you all have that background. >> yeah. >> it goes back five generations for me. >> bill: all right, guys. the book is love times three. we appreciate you coming on. >> thank you for your time. >> bill: come right back lou dobbs on the wall street protesters. do they have any legitimate points? nancy pelosi sympathizing with the the far left very lots.
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because the busine with the best technologyules.
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly in the lowe's the boss segment tonight, credibility in the wall street protesters. do they have any? i put that question to lowe last night. so, do these demonstrators. take the kooks out of the mix, and there are a lot of kooks down there, let's face it. do they have a legitimate beef that you get a college degree and no jobs and got to flip burgers and the system shouldn't be like this? >> i think herman cain said it as well as it can be said. he said if you are upset about not being rich, blame yourself. that's where it starts in this country. bill, i can't for the life of me figure out exactly what this protest is about. they keep talking about 1% and 99%. but it doesn't address any of the issues either in public
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policy ideological bent is left wing. groups who have found some inspiration and purpose. >> let's take the kid who goes to boston university and my alma matter and runs up $200,000 tab, all right? he gets out with a degree in sociology and he is looking around and who is going to hire him? nobody. and now he gets a little teed off about it and says where is my slice of the american dream and you say? >> i say what happened to community college? community college is the best bargain. >> that doesn't sound like a solution. >> it is a solution. >> go to a community college and chance major university. >> pay 200 grand. >> bill: i get that i paid my way. it isn't easy for college graduates to get a job. >> who has it ever been easy for. >> bill: go to scranton, pennsylvania. all right. fine, you can tell them that. but they may have a legitimate
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beef in the sense that i think it's harder today, i really do, than it was when i graduated. and when you graduated right after the civil war. [ laughter ] you know, i think it's harder for us. >> it was the war of 18 12-6r7b8g9s harder for kids today. >> it's more competitive and tougher. we have a confused political system in which we are not talking about the consequences of the public policy decisions that are being taken. we are acting like a bunch of anymore come anymore come poops. the. >> bill: the point of the matter is they are out of whack these younger kids, younger people are facing that i think they should director their ire to the left wing who sold them a bill of goods that we're going to take care of you and more money we spend is going to make it easier for you when that the exact opposite is true. >> these kids are pointing and young men and women are pointing
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at the banks. and at the exchanges and saying this is your fault. in much of the crisis of 2008, does rest with those folks. but right now, the issue is what are we going to do to get up off of our duffs and start moving this country forward? you have got people for the american way. you have got common cause. every 3013 c ago grey getting around this left wing nonsense. it has nothing to do with the future it looks like a political ploy for the president's re-election. >> bill: i don't know if it's a political ploy. i think president obama made a mistake sympathizing with those people when they say hey, dobbs, the government bailed out so and so with a bunch of my taxpayer dollars and then they give their ceo a 10-million-dollar bonus. >> right. >> bill: it's hard to defend that kind of capitalism. >> i don't have to defend t because i agreed with them at the time and i was there before they were. i said no bailouts. there is no such thing as too big to fail.
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>> bill: what about the corporate greed wrap? a lot of these people are down there with that. >> corporate greed, suburban greed. you name it everybody wants to make a living. we have taken the top of 00 values of this country. our business leaders right now have the opportunity to be important, strong positive forces of leadership instead hiding behind the u.s. business round table. they are not wrong entirely. they have points. the great thing is in these demonstrations we may find some heat and some light that desperately needs to be shed across the system. >> bill: i'm glad you are saying that. there is some excess in capitalism. you can't really regular great it but it has to -- regulate it. it has to be exposed. we exposed general electric here. a bunch of phonies, putting jobs in china. sitting there with president obama. how do you justify that? they can't. all right. so dobbs and i have going to protect you guys. and if you got to work for lower wage, work. that's just the way it is.
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thanks, lowe. >> and higher wages await. >> bill: dumbest things of the week. nancy pelosi, senator scott brown and george clooney all in the spotlight. plus, we want you to vote on an alleged dumb thing and we're coming right back.
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>> bill: back of the book segment tonight. the dumbest things of the week. here they are. fox news correspondent arthel neville and greg gutfeld the five at 5:00. arthel has selected a remark by senator scott brown of massachusetts. as you may know, he once posed for does metropolitan magazine to get money nor college. apparently that's still an issue campaign against elizabeth warren and others.
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>> you have officially responded to elizabeth warren's comment about how she didn't take her clothes off? >> bill: are you very offended? >> i'm offended. >> bill: wasn't that a white comment. >> it's not white. here is something. scott brown ought to know better that a comment like that is going to come across as sexist. and also seeing as he has already gotten a pass in the world of double standards having been elected after posing nude decades earlier. >> bill: he was only 12 years old or whatever. >> i don't have a problem that he posed nude to pay for college. i don't have a problem with that. >> bill: you are fine with it? >> i'm fine with him posing. if he were a woman. had a woman done that it would have been held against her. >> bill: you are right on that. that's a good point. wasn't that a little off the comment, funny? gutfeld would have said that. >> i think it's a misunderstanding thank god he was happy for her that she didn't have to do it. everybody is totally
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misunderstanding this. he was saying something nice. [ laughter ] we all owe him an apology. >> bill: gutfeld. that he was why we you have on the program. gutfeld has selected the t.s.a. that we talked about with governor huckabee famine victims in africa. roll the tape. bleeping. >> famine is real obscenity. >> famine. >> 30,000 children have died in three months. >> 30,000 children. >> in just three months. >> the worst in 60 years. >> devastating africa. >> drought is an act of nation. >> famine is man made. >> famine is man made. >> go to >> let put an [bleep] end to famine. >> the governor says he didn't say the f word. obviously they are trading on that. you say. >> i don't see this as a big deal. i think the premise, however, is
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a bit flawed. they want to say they want to make famine as rare as swearing. yet, celebrities swear all the time. that doesn't make sense to me. it's for a cause. look, it works. it's on "the o'reilly factor" now. >> huckabee pointed that out. and you say. >> i agree with the governor. more people are offended by the f word than they are at the site of kids who are starving and we need to change that. >> bill: if you want to vote on this ad where weather it's pinheaded or patriotic go to bill o' i have selected. i know we work over nancy pelosi far too much but she brings it upon herself. >> the message of the protesters is a message establishment every place. focus is on wall street and justifiably so. god bless them for their spontaneity. it's an independent, people coming. it's young. it's spontaneous. it's focused. and it's going to be effective. >> bill: very good. so hundreds of arrests.
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police officers injured. god bless them. i think we should all give them maps to mrs. pelosi's house and have them just kind of break in and do what they want. >> she said it's spontaneous. about as spontaneous as a barnacle. >> bill: george soros and the unions are behind it. you say? >> i don't want to get into the politics of it. for the people who are generally there because they're at their whit's end because of joblessness and the economy. >> bill: all seven of them. >> so i don't want to bash those guys. so they have a right to be down there. >> bill: nancy pelosi's comment? >> ms. pelosi, she has a way with words. >> bill: a way with words. >> let me finish. a way with words that just doesn't seem to work in her favor. >> bill: could be dumb. could be dumb. there they are, ladies and gentlemen. dumbest things of the week. in a moment, one of the best promotions the factor has ever had celebrating our 15th birthday. coming right back.
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lincoln" absolutely free. i hope you will enjoy the membership and check it out. >> i have never seen you so off target as you are by the wall street protesters. many of them are still earning huge salaries. >> legitimate point but you don't topple the entire system because of some corrupt people. you reform them. >> i was laid off as an office worker and now i'm a cashier. things aren't as important as self respect. president would be wise to recognize the difference between reckless protest and the calm tea party call for fiscal responsibility. >>. >> i'm a small businessman, selling drinks, including lattes. i am a little awarery of you making fun of them. >> don't sweat it, if i mock it,
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my detractors will buy it, so you will probably come out ahead. >> we visited and watched the factor in lima, peru. >>. >> and kerman. you say you wrote "killing lincoln" to show americans what true leadership is and that abraham lincoln was the best president. why was he better than washington? >> because the union was dissolving and he held it together. president washington was coming off a victory and didn't have a presidential crisis to contend with. >> why has works killingi]ñr lincoln" on the new york best selling list? >> they are a couple weeks ab mind because they want to tabulate the totals: and samuel in pennsylvania, you and miller should appear in scranton where you started your tv career. that would be fun but you live those enough to mohegan sun to catch us there. beautiful ride along the
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connecticut coast, foliage, all of that. tickets go on sale today for the show. all the dates in richmond, virginia, atlantic city. hope you check it out. and pinheads and state pots check 15-year-old from phoenix, arizona. earlier this wok max has been blind since birth and threw out the first pitch at a playoffs game between the diamonds and brewers. >> tonight's first pitch guest, faction. [applause] >> great job, max! >> perfect strike. the mets got to get him. nice arm. a patriot and we are sending you an audio copy of "killing lincoln" because i know you want one. actually he asked me for one and we are happy to do it?
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vince flint was fighting the good fight against cancer. hang in there, vince. everybody here at fox news is hurting for you. that is it for us tonight. check out the fox news factor website which is different than bile o' also we would like out to spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world. o' word of the day, do not be a nebbish when writing to the factor. we will be in boston on tuesday celebrating the 15th anniversary of the fox news channel. we will have a look pack at the factor over 15 years that is a knockout. i hope y tape it, i hope you watch the program and we are looking forward to that. again, thanks for watching the factor tonight. i'm bill o'reilly. please alw s s s s s s s s sn stops right here. we are definitely looking out for you.


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