tv Huckabee FOX News October 9, 2011 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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>> how are we going to get rid of this deficit? that's it. we need to go all outment we need intimidation. we need to get those collectors to call people and harass them. and scare the day lights out of them. whatever it takes to get the money that's owed to the government. aen we're not just going it call them at home. everyone uses cell phones now and call them on their cells, we're going to harass them and not going to stop (bell sounding) >> mr. president, the governor of hawaii is on line one. >> oh, boy, all right. put him through. governor. >> mr. president, this is turning into a big embarrassment. you still owe us $300 for that birth certificate retrieval for you. >> yeah, i promise you i'll get that money in a couple of days.
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>> but mr. president, it's been months and you keep putting it off. >> don't worry, okay, the check's in the mail. >> but, but-- >> yes, mr. president? >> hey, get me chinese president hu on the line right now. >> right away, sir. >> hu. >> oh, hey, hu, i need to borrow-- i mean, we need to borrow some more money. >> fat chance. >> hello? hu, hu. great. great. [laughter]. [applause] >> tonight on huckabee. >> the people want to beat congress to see the light. >> the very first executive order would wipe out the white house czars. but three republican candidates. >> as for the donald, never had the cajones, to-- can i say that. >> and g.o.p.'s newt gingrich
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and john huntsman go one-on-one with the governor. also tonight, she was america's mom on the brady bunch. don't confuse the tv character with the real florence henderson. >> and again, this was the former carol brady. >> plus, the governor jams with the marshal tucker band. ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. [applaus [applause] >> thank you. welcome to huckabee. fox studios in new york city. this week we saw a tragedy and an irony connected to a single person who truly changed the world. the tragedy, of course, was the untimely death of the founder of apple, steve jobs, whose brilliance as an innovator and marketing genius were key factors in leading
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apple to have a bigger cash flow than the u.s. government. of course, one of the reasons that his cash flow and success towards the federal government was that jobs actually made things that people wanted and could afford. while, the government has continued to force us to pay for things at that we don't want, and neither we, nor they, can a ford. i'm an apple snob and ended up with all things apple. i-mac. ipad, ipad, time capsulement at the airport. if they made a cereal i'd buy it. i've got that much faith, and more importantly, the superior people they hire to support their products and make them work for consumers like me who want the turning of technology and not having an engineering degree or schematic. and hundreds of thousands make a living using his products. now the irony this week was
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that near wall street, you saw this. >> we do-- [yelling] >> the whole world is watching, the whole world is watching! >> the whole world is watching and laughing trying to figure out what do you want? thousands of young and wannabe young protesters filled the streets screaming and demanding something, well, something. >> this represents a communal gathering of human beings that is currently going to shift this planet. >> woo. i feel the consciousness of the planet shifting. i think even the audience feels the consciousness of the planet shifting. mostly the protesters were shouting hate toward billionaires and organized by using their iphones and networking with facebook and twitter. now, more incredibly, it appears much of their activities were financed by a billionaire, george soros who is the primary funder of move on which really ought to be
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move out. so, let's get it straight. a bunch of kids who would rather scream than work want to take money from billionaires, do this he mean the billionaire who funds them, soros or billionaire guy mark zuckerberg, who created facebook that they use every day 0 or bill gates who makes software that they use. or the billionaire guy, late steve jobs whose devices they use to protest? that's right, all of those guys billionaires. look, i'm ticked off, too, at bailed out bankers and giants and car companies who ate my tax money and gave huge bonuses to some of the inept executives. and begged for uncle sugar to rescue them and unions owning a chunk of gm and letting pensioners and investors twist in the wind and ticked off at
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an incompetent president and nincompoops and protecting their jobs, but not yours. i don't understand what the protesters want unless it's turn off the ipods and ipads and the social technology parents pay for ap picking tomatoes in the hot sun. instead of screaming at steve jobs i'm hoping there will be more coming along creating projects and services and jobs for people who want to work and not just scream. well, that's my view, if you'd like to comment, mike and when you go to the website, click on the fox section and. democrats have yet to vote on the jobs bill despite the president's rallying cry. >> pass this bill.
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we can do that by passing this bill. we should pass this jobs bill right away. >> pass the americans jobs act. tell congress pass this bill right away. well, it's team for the hot seat where two people with opposing views try to take me on. once again my challengers, news day columnist elliss henican and associate protester at occidental college caroline hellman. >> mike: caroline and eric, eric for a moment. i know better that's to push your buttons a little bit. >> good to see you, governor mitt. >> mike: the audience didn't think that was-- (laughter) >> hey, let's talk about the jobs thing, because, the president keeps saying pass my jobs bill, pass my jobs bill, plaming it on the republicans. his democratic majority leader harry reid won't bring it up in the senate. why not? >> that's not accurate. the democrats are not going to be the ones who oppose this
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bill, they will be bringing it up next week with some amendments which has been what the delay has beenment eric cantor says it's dead on arrival. how is that-- >> harry reid said that the republicans planned for the budget was dead on arrival. why is it okay if the democrats do that. >> they're wrong-- >> they should be deliberating this, and jo, million. 1.9 million jobs and it's a good bill. the question, how to pay for it that's where the schism is. >> mike: elliss, last week they said the democrats aren't putting it on the floor because they don't have the vote. >> it's like any legislation, it's going to-- i'm not worried. what i want done is to get your voice to join ours and get out there and encourage our government to actually do some stuff that will create jo jobs. >> mike: we do? >> we spend, purn, create, inspire, do the things that, like steve jobs who i love and you do, too, and he didn't did the internet, the government
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did. the government put the satellites in the air, we need government as part of the solution e if government could get out of way. steve jobs did a lot of the actual creation of technology he didn't get a government bailout and grant. with the government helpful to create a structure of course, did the government provide an infrastructure. >> wait a minutes. >> the government doesn't need to build the trucks just the highway. >> any major technology company has benefitted from hundreds of millions of dollars in federal grants to develop things. it's not just including hard wiring and technology for the internet, but it's not accurate to say that government hasn't been a major part in that and that jobs bill focuses on infrastructure and right now we need to spent 2 trillion dollars just to maintain our crumbling infrastructure. it's a great jobs program. the question is how to pay for it. >> mike: a good question. >> are you on board in supporting? >> and the infrastructure, that's one thing, but solyndra. half-- >> solyndra is not infrastructure. >> i know, we're-- >> and governor.
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>> it's not infrastructure. >> doesn't it burn you up after we bailed out the companies, you were against it. >> mike: i was totally against the blourts. >> that they don't pass some of that back to us. are. >> profits. >> mike: on that we would degree. tarp was wrong because tarp should never have happened. if a company can't make it without the government support, they die. that's capitalism. >> let's get the tea party votes (applause) >> let's get the tea party folks to join the protesters. >> they have the same concerns. >> mike: you're speaking of getting the government to do something, i want to go to a piece of tape. this is harry reid, this week, the democrats did something that i was shocked by. they invoked a nuclear option to the senate and this is harry reid, six years ago. >> this chamber, there was no check on their power radical right wpg will be free to pursue whatever they want. >> six years ago harry reid minority leader, said when the
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republicans were talking-- they never did it, that they talked about bringing in the nuclear option which would be that they would change the rules by which you could end a filibuster, a simple majority versus 60 votes which it historically has been. he was dead set against it, thursday night he actually pushed the button, that red button nuclear option. isn't that hypocrisy? >> i would say it is hypocrisy, let's look at larger context. mcconnell played dirty parliamentary pool and harry reid looked at this aen said the stakes are so high we're going to have to respond in a similar fashion. if you want to talk about what's going on here, you have to talk about what the republicans did first and how he's trying to save passage of the jobs well. >> let's be honest, i think the streak nominee is probably a bigger deal than a president's jobs bill when it's already been put forth and people didn't like it before. they don't like it now.
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big durbin says they don't have the votes for it and declared clare mccaskill to show up in missouri to stand for it. elliss, tell me is it hypocrisy or not, that harry reid talks, depends on which side of the minority, majority he is. >> honestly governor, who cares. >> mike: it's funny who dares now, but you cared six years ago. >> all of these representatives in congress they'll do whatever advantage they can get. the bigger question, how do we make sure that they do something that's going to put americans back to work and best plan frankly, what did the president say? pass this bill. >> mike:'s saying it to everybody except that's who might get jobs created. we've got to stop. i'll tell you what i wish the president would do, let people know that their taxes in business aren't going up and not facing a lot of expensive regulations. until the banks have the government money loan it out, without sitting on it.
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that would -- [applause] >> not too long ago herman cain was behind the republican front runner and now he's at the top one of the polls. does he have what it takes to go all the way? herman cain will tell us when we come back. endless shrimp is ourn at red lobster. there's so many choices. the guests love it. [ male announcer ] it's endless hrimp today at red lobster. amuch as you like ny way you like, like new sweet and spicy shrimp, all for $15.99. my name is angela trapp, and i sea food differently. backed by the superguarantee®? find a busess only& suonline.s®. on your phone. or in the book. go to superpages®. and let the good guys save the day. whose non-stop day starts with back pain...
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(applause) >> many americans never heard of herman cain, a lot has changed since then. may 21st, businessman and former godfather's ceo herman cain throws his hat into the ring. i came here to announce my candidacy for the republican nomination for the president of the united states of america. >> cain spent much of the next three months near the bottom of the polls, but gained recognition for dynamic speeches and speeches at republican debate. >> most of all we have a severe defeshsy of leadership crisis. >> mike: the party started
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taking notice and his star continued to rise after a debate, many analysts say he won. >> unlike governor romney's plan my plan is throws out the old one and that dog won't hunt. >> cain scored another big victory just two days later at the florida straw pollments tonight's winner, with 986 votes, 37 pony 1%, herman cain. (cheers) >> now this week according to a latest cbs news poll, herman cain is tied with mitt romney at the p to of the republican field. >> please welcome back to the show, herman cain. good to have you here. [applause] >> on the show, okay? . and crowd is as excited as this one is here in new york. >> oh, yeah.
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>> mike: let's talk about, you've talked about the 9, 9, 9 plan and would simplify the tax code and said at that bills that we pass shouldn't be over three pages, there are critics saying it's too simple. it won't work and you're being naive. respond to that kind of criticism, herman. >> first of all, the 9, 9, 9 plan, we can fit it on two pages. and that's the difference. but it starts with throwing out the old tax code, and starting with a 9% business flat tax, 9% tax on personal income tax and a 9% national sales tax. this is on the way to something that i know that you also support, the fair tax, but this will get this economy going. it will replace a personal income tax, the corporate taxes and replace the capital gains taxes and replace the death tax and most importantly, it will replace the payroll taxes, all with
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those three taxes. >> mike: as you know i'm a strong advocate for the fair tax. see you see thises an an intermediate step ultimately having taxes on consumption and not punishing people for productivity which is what the fair tax is about. >> yes. >> mike: are you hoping that's the ultimate goal? >> that is the ultimate goal, but we needed to provide some certainty to the business community and to workers today. that's what the 9, 9, 9, plan. mike, it's interesting ever since i proposed that and getting a lot of conversation with workers and businesses, already, the skeptics are coming out and trying to basically discredit it. here is the biggest one, they're saying it will not produce the same amount of revenue, yes, it will. it's revenue neutral and this is how we design it and secondly it's not regressive on the poor. those are two things they're trying to shoot it down and the reason they're make eroan yus conclusions about it, they're used to using static
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analysis and the analysis we've done is based upon dynamic analysis. >> mike: herman, let me play devil's advocate, an important part of your resume', you've been a successful ceo. you've run company, rescued them and put people to work, that's admirable. but the private sector is different in that you've got employees that don't work right, you'd fire them. when you're the president you don't get to fire congress though i wish you could, i'd give you a list of some that need to go. [applause] >> since you can't fire the congress and sips the bureaucrats have the attitude we were here when you came and we'll be here when you leave, how do you take what is a private sector ceo experience and turn that into effective leadership as president? >> two ways, mike, when i ran the national restaurant association, i had hundreds of thousands of members who i had to present good ideas to in order to get them to support it. so, i understand the value of being persuasive with good ideas. the second way i'm going to be
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able to get congress to work with me, is the power of the people. former senator eric circumstanceson popularized the statement, when they feel the heat they'll see the light. this is why my bills are going to be short and understandable because the people are going to be my heat to get congress to see the light. that's how we're going to-- >> (cheers). >> herman cain is joining me, and always good to see you. >> thank you, thanks a lot (applause) >> newt gingrich says if he's the next president he'd create jobs on day one. i'm going to ask newt how he plans to do that when we come back. [applause]. ♪
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>> newt gingrich, the house, he had a contract with america. and now that he's running for president he has a new contract he says will create jobs out of the gate. please welcome back newt gingrich. newt, good to have you here today. >> good to be with you, governor. >> mike: i want to quote something from your website about the 21st century contract with america. you say that you will issue a series of executive orders to create jobs and help undo the damage of the obama administration on the first day of the administration. what specific executive orders would you do on day one? >> imagine that shortly after the inaugural address, about 3:45 o4:30 in the ach about the time the president will be flying back from andrews air force base, back to chicago. [applause] >> and somewhere between 50 and 200 executive orders,
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basically beginning to repeal and replace the entire obama administration's initiatives. very first executive order would wipe out all of the white house czars effective as of that minute. [applause]. >> mike: very popular with my studio audience here. i'm assuming it would be with a lot of people across the country. >> for example, and also we're developing these, they'll be published by october 1st next year and everybody will know exactly what's coming down and road and what they'll get with annuity gingrich presidency and many will be effective job creation. for example, if you were to have, as i would, to repeal the obama regulations on producing oil and gas off shore for louisiana and texas, create about 120,000 new jobs and pretty good jobs at $80,000 a year and up. that would be one step, a building block, if you will, however, on the morning after the election, i will ask the
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new incoming congress to begin by the third or fourth of january repealing the dodd frank bill. repealing sarbanes oxley, so that literally the day i'm sworn in, i will be able to sign a series of dramatic repeals that will enable us to start job creation overnight. dodd frank does to financial services what obama care does to health. and the fact is, if you repeal it, you help small banks, small businesses, home owners, you begin to bring back up the price of home ownership so people have their investments back. a no single step would start the economy more rapidly than repealing the dodd frank bill so my goal would be to-- even before i'm sworn in to work with the new congress to get things done so i could start signing on the first day. >> mike: a lot of people would agree the dodd frank bill has been absurd and it's punished good banks because of a
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handful of really big banks that misbehaved and that's got to be a good thing and i've got to run on. this is another issue you've talked about is bringing the courts back under the constitution. i want you to talk to me about what you mean by that. >> well, again, the paper we just published which is at and i outlined yesterday at the voters value summit, or the value voters summit, rather, the house and president have a right to correct the supreme court when they're wrong. it's not supreme over the president and congress and i think a number of steps we can do. take. for example, there's a judge in san antonio who issued a ruling on june 1st that students not only couldn't pray at their graduation, they couldn't say the word prayer, they couldn't say the word invocation, they couldn't say the word benediction, they couldn't ask the audience to stand. they couldn't mention god and this judge said, and if they do he's going to lock up the
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superintendent. totally unamerican, and i would say anti-american. i would move to abolish his office, to strip him as a judge because he should not be serving on the u.s. judiciary. [applaus [applause] >> good to see you. >> good to be with you. >> mike: newt gingrich. next, a john huntsman alienating the g.o.p. base calling other candidates too far to the right? i'll ask him. and that's why you're going to stay around. [ ma annncer ] wouldn't it be cool if you took the top down on a crossover?
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the vending machine on elm is almost empty. i'm on it, boss. new pony sorry ! we are open for business. let's reroute greg to fresno. growing businesses use machine-to-machine technology from verizon wireless. susie ! the nding machine... already filled. cool bike. because the busine with the best technologyules. >> live from america's news headquarters. i'm harris falkner. rioting in the streets of cairo leaving 20 people dead and 150 injured. security forces caught up in violence. recent attack on a christian church creating massive clashes. christians blaming the ruling council being too lenient on anti-christian attacks. the worst violence against
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president mubarak was kicked out of office earlier this year. a search for a missing missouri toddler as parents of ten month old lisa irwin organization a reward for new information. police continuing a thorough search of the people. the mother put the baby to bed and the husband discovered she was missing at 4 a.m. when he returned home from work. police say they have no solid leads where the child is. i'm harris falkner, now, back to huckabee. ♪ (applaus (applause). >> mike: i want to thank our obama impersonator, steve brown. check out his website and you can pick up his new prop. and john huntsman's low poll numbers barely kwaqualified him for the debate, but he's been
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in a public twit are debate with donald trump. >> this talk about your pathway to the nomination, you decided to bypass iowa and said things that maybe alienated some of the conservative base. what is your pathway to the nomination? >> number one, people understanding the kind of governor i was. a mainstream conservative governor who believes in life, always have. who believes in the second amendment and who is pro growth. record tax cuts in my state. we took that state to number one in terms of job creation. best managed state in america, best place you wish to do business, that's a record i'm very proud of. >> let's talk about the iowa situation. you pass iowa and put your marbles in the new hampshire basket. if you lose new hampshire are you done. >> new hampshire is very important for us, mike. >> mike: are you done? >> too much serendipity and left to chance, but new
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hampshire is critically important for us, make no mistake about that. we're doing well in new hampshire, wants a candidate with a message. they want to know your heart and soul and you've been through that before. >> it's a tough audience in new hampshire, i've been there. >> they've drilled down the town hall meetings and house parties they want to know you and no way to get around it by trending somebody you're not. they doesn't like flip-flopping and don't like somebody that makes stuffen and doesn't connect with reality. they want to know you. >> mike: the tough challenge in new sham hampshire, mitt romney, has a home there. polled well, maybe an upper hand going into this. >> the people of new hampshire do not want to be told for whom to vote. he this want it to be earned. we're earning it, on the streets, house parties, vfw halls and you remember that and we've gone from zero, i
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can no longer call ourselves the margin of error candidate, mike we've gone from zero low double digits, knocking on the door of second place, if we can do that in the course of many weeks without going on the air. as soon as we go on the air and combine with grass roots policies, we'll do just fine and more you get attack and feel some of the blowback, the better you know you're doing. >> i want to talk about the unique strategy that you had. you may be the only republican candidate that has not made the pilgrimage to go see donald trump and your press person kind of got into a twitter war with donald trump. what was that about? [laughter] >> well, for us, no pandering. for us, no pledges. i'm the only candidate on that stage who's not going to sign any pledges. >> mike: any pledges. >> only of-- >> a grover norquist pledge. >> no pledges. i ran in and he came to me with a pledge, i said no can
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do. i think a candidate's track record should speak about where they go. if you want to know how a candidate is going to govern as president look at their track record. >> did it offend you at all when trump said something like this, time is money, i don't waste time. he has zero chance of getting the nomination, whoever said i wanted to meet him. those are tough things from the donald. >> that's okay. he's in the area of politics that is show business. i'm in the part that speaks to public service, now, in show biz you've got to kick up dust, you've got to stay relevant and throw a few. that's fine. in my business you have to do that, too, but i don't care about the outside noise. as for the donald, i don't, you know, look up to people who weren't willing to get in the arena. you want to try to control it from the outside, you're not willing to be a participant.
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you never had the cajones, can i say that. >> mike: you just did. you said it no one threw anything at us. >> i say, i don't have a lot of respect for that. say what you want on the outside, the action is on the ininside. >> give me one reason why john huntsman is the best candidate to be the nominee in the republican party. >> i love my country. >> all of them love the country. >> i have served in the private sector, i understand the value of the free market. i have served as governor where we have taken our state to number one in the critical area of job creation, i have lived overseas four times and understand this country's place in the world in the 21st century. theres no other candidate who brings all three of those together with a mainstream conservative philosophy and record to boot. >> john huntsman, great to see you, next time you come, we're going to have you playing keyboard because and i have played together. >> we have. >> the audience may not know
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this, but you're an incredible keyboard player and you'll never come back on the show unless you play music with the little rockers. we make a great team in the past and maybe in the future. >> deal. >> thank you. >> great to have you (applause) >> and florence henderson, personal and surprising stories you want to stay around. we'll be right back. [applause]. extra-strength bayer advanc aspirin. it has microparticles, enters the bloodstream faster and rushes relief to the site of pain. it's clinically proven to relieve pain ice as fast. new bayer advanced aspirin. and all we need to do is change the way we're thinking about them. a couple decades ago, we didn't even realize
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mother of the all american family on the brady bunch, but in the new book "life is not a stage" she says her personal life were not always very brady. please welcome florence henderson. [applause] >> so good to have you here. >> you, too. thank you so much. w wow. >> mike: all of us sort of believe that florence henderson is carol brady. >> yes. >> mike: and she's always had this idyllic american live that's perfect and everything works out within 29 minutes and 30 seconds like a sit com is supposed to do. life was tough for you starting out. i want you it talk about those early days growing up in indiana. >> well, i'm the youngest of ten children. born on a little tiny farm in southern indiana. maya father didn't marry so he was almost 50, and then he had
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ten children and like i said, i was the 10th. and i was born when he was close to 70. he was a share cropper, a dirt farmer. i everybody 0 think though that he had all ten of those kids at that age before viagra (laughter) >> and that kind of impresses me to know that i come from such strong stock. >> mike: yeah (laughter) >> my father was a wonderful man, but he also with an alcoholic and i became aware of that when i was about five or six years old. >> mike: was he abusive. >> never except when he was drinking and then, you know, sometimes i think as i got older, my mother left when i was about 12 or 13 and i think sometimes when he was drinking i think he thought i was, i was my mother e there was a piece in the book. >> yeah. >> mike: it's very poignant and in fact, we've got a screen shot of it here it's about your dad and this is
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what you say, while things never degenerated to a severe form of sexual assault, the sacred bond of comfort, protection and safety that a child wants to have with her father were damaged forever. tell me what happened. you were a little girl at that time. >> i think the whole thing with my sister baby whom i wrote about in the book, we were the ones left to take care of my father, we were the only two left at home and i was just starting high school and when he would go on a binge, i mean, we had to take turn staying home from school taking care of him and he'd be on the couch, tired, rub my back and i'd rub his back and hand would be on my leg, and then one day, he thought i was there by myself. my older sister had come, and was outside and he grabbed me, you know, really holding me
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and wanted to kiss me and i said, oh, daddy, stop that. you know, don't do that and so i went and got my sister. aen i told her and she said, oh, he wouldn't do-- daddy wouldn't do that and i said, yeah, i said you wait. so i went back in and he tried again. and my sister came in, and my oldest sister and she was shaking her finger at him and, yeah, you know, it was tough because that, that trust. and yet, i think it sets up a confusion in a child because you love that person so much, you want them to be well, you want them to be healthy. this was the days before oprah. people didn't have the opportunity to hear stories of other people. no one knew this was going on. >> no one knew. and i was raised you know, a strict catholic so you didn't talk about those things, you didn't ever talk about your family. you never said anything bad about your family. and so all of those things,
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you know? but i think if you're the child of an alcoholic, you become very hypervigilant, very aware. >> mike: there are so many great nuggets that are real treasures from the book carol-- florence. >> he almost called me carol brady. >> mike: i did, almost-- going to hit me after the show. >> would you forgive anything with that dimple. look at that, that's so cute, so adorable. [laughter] >> florence, i want to ask you about, there with as a special moment you talk about in the book you were asked to do a role in which you would be in a nun's habit and you said no that you had too much respect for the sisters and i thought that was a remarkable display of your own sense of honor towards some of the people who had been your teachers? >> i owe everything to my teachers. i received an honorary doctorate from a college in kentucky where i went to high school and my whole speech was about my teachers and many of them were in the audience.
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father o'brien who used to throw me out of class for talking would let me back in if i would sing an irish song. [laughter] >> they were nurturing me, i didn't realize that, but teachers to me, and i was raised by the benedictine nuns and priests and i owe them so much, i owe them so much and teachers throughout my life, you know,here are so many people that you meet in life, who become your teacher. and i never forget that ever. >> mike: we'll never forget you, florence henderson you're a delightful person to be around and i'm glad i had a chance to-- >> thank you, governor huckabee, i'm a fan of yours. >> mike: i need all i can get. pass it on. >> why don't you run again? because we need somebody out there that-- >> i might have a shot if florence henderson might be the running mate. >> you'ren, i'm in. >> mike: that would be the deal. [applause]. >> god bless you. >> mike: i appreciate it, so very much.
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♪ >> formed in south carolina in the early 70's, the marshal tucker band catapulted to success with their debut album and the hit song "can't you see". ♪ >> follow-up hits like "take the highway" and "fire on the mountain" established the group as one of southern rock's signature bands. they've earned seven gold and three platinum albums and though two original members have passed away and others have retired, the marshal tucker band keeps on rocking. ♪
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>> they're celebrating their 40th anniversary with a brand new cd of their greatest hits. here to perform the classics and their new song, the marshal tucker band. great to have you, and the band with us here. this is a big deal for me, being a southern rock guy and marshal tucker band, one of the signature southern rock bands of all time, but there's not a marshal tucker in this band. how did the name come about. >> marshal tucker is still around, 95 years old and just retired from 40 years of being as choir director in columbia, south carolina and we stole the name. >> stole the name? >> stole the game. >> one thing you haven't toll stolen is a unique sound. you have the greatest hits great stuff. and we're going to do "fire on the mountain" my first time playing with the mar shaltmarsh
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