tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News October 13, 2011 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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st. louis or in baltimore. not sure. whoever wins. we'll see you then. what did i say? i intercep meant milwaukee. did i say baltimore? that was never possible. have a great weekend. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. >> bill: the o'reilly factor is on. tonight. >> the right to protect yourself, protect your family and protect your family. >> herman cain is now leading among likely republican voter. we'll analyze the cain factor. what is driving his popularity. >> should you raise taxes on anybody right today? rich or poor or middle classes? no. >> uh-oh. bad news for the democratic party and president obama. bill clinton is off the reservation. >> there is no growth of the economy.
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>> bill: and there are are reports of rampant drug use and other illegal conduct within the ranks of the occupy wall street protest movement. the culture warriors on that. caution. you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. the herman cain factor is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. mr. cain is surging in the poll. tied with mitt romney at 29% among likely republican primary voters. rick perry clocks in with just 9%. obviously mr. cain has take and lot of perry's support and a "wall street journal" poll has cain leading romney 27 to 23. there is another element to the poll. when asked about the general election, voters say president
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obama would defeat mitt romney 46-44. a dead heat considering the margin of error but herman cain loses to the president 49-38 and therein lies th the conund. mr. cain is impressive in the debates and now has become a strong presence within the republican party. but the truth is that president obama would love to run against herman cain because independent voters are far less likely to vote for him than mitt romney. as we reported yesterday if mr. obama does not get the majority of independent votes he loses. herman cain is providing a valuable service to the country. conservative policies need to be recognized. it is obvious to most of us that america needs to get back to the free marketplace and fair competition unfettered by federal intrusion. cain supports tax reform and we
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desperately need that. cain is business friendly and we need that. the problem is mr. cain lacks legislative experience and knows little about foreign affairs. in the global economy that is a big deficit and independent minded americans understand that because of all of the trouble the inexperience barack obama has had. the next president must know how to deal with china, pie you continue and the powerful iranian threat. there is no room for on-the-job training. but talking points says three cheers for herman cain. he has made the primary season very interesting. and that is the memo. now, for the top story tonight. rick perry's decline in popularity has hit home. speaking in south carolina today, his wife anita said this. >> eaten up and chewed up in the press to where i mean we are being -- our opponents and our party so much that i think
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they look at him because of this state. >> joining us with reaction radio talk show star and fox news analyst laura ingram. so the christian, you know, it seems that mrs. perry believes that her husband has been singled out for scorn because of his religious beliefs. do you buy that? >> look, i think she is right, it has been a really tough month for him. as his wife, i mean she is probably hurting for him. and the truth i think about this is that when you get into this race as michele bachmann found, as last time around mike huckabee found, as sarah palin found when she was the vice presidential nominee, the media and, yeah, other conservatives aring ifing to be really hard on you. they are going to scrutinize your record. they are going to look at you on the stage alongside other candidates and you are going to have to match a standard of excellence that makes people feel reassured about your abilities beyond governing your state and beyond your record in the state that you are in.
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so i don't think it has really anything to do with the state. i think it has everything to do with the comfort level that people want to have as rick perry. by the polls we knew there were a lot of people who wanted rick per arery to kind of soar from the beginning but he has to take himself across the finishline and in the end even probably his wife would agree with that. >> bill: here is how i see it. anybody of faith is going to get raked over by the secular press and mrs. perry and governor perry should have been ready for that. >> the big leagues. >> i do believe there is an antichristian bias in the mainstream media in it country. i absolutely believe that. i'm not wrong on this. you know i say i could be wrong, i'm not wrong. if you are christian and you tell voters that your faith influences your decision-making, the secular press is going to try to cut your heart out. >> but the secular press is going to detroy any republican
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nominee or try to. >> bill: but it gets elevated for people like sarah palin. >> of course, it does. >> bill: and rick perry and michele bachmann. >> there thy ha has to be a std of excellence you need to meet. of course, they will come after him. he is a texan and evangelical. >> bill: the christianity thing makes them see, the new york times people, makes them crazy. >> they hate him but a lot of people love him for it. >> bill: what hurts him far more was his stance on illegal immigration. that illegal immigration was really what undercut his status. >> but bill, somebody on stage against mitt romney could also turn it on mitt romney. he could say well, i'm pretty much the only one on the stage o has been a border governor and dealt with the pro problem.
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you could say there were a bunch of folks but that doesn't cut it. new hampshire it has really low taxes. you could make joke about it and turn the table on romney wilmington when you say i oppose a border fence and want to pay with state dollars instate tuition for illegal aliens you can't defend that. >> and romney is doing well with romney care. >> bill: romney care is two sides to the story. this one there aren't two sides. >> if the general election it might not necessarily hurt rick perry but we'll see. >> bill: herman cain my analysis. >> you, bill, a.b. a and talking points a b minus. >> bill: they are one and the same. >> oh, they are? >> bill: yeah, that's me. here is what i say to talk points, i like the analysis.
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remember about cain inside the poll you you find out only 6 is percent of vice president voters bill. and 6 is percent are even familiar with here man cane, right. so 8 0e percent know who mitt romney is. he is a familiar significant on the scene. that lowered cain's numbers in the matchup head to head with obama. however, talking points is absolutely right about this. herman cain is really popular in my radio show listening audience. he was off the charts today with calls slamming the phone banks. they love him. he has to go beyond preaching to the choir. he has to be someone not just fun on a saturday night but who is the keeper. there is a lot of questions about the 999 plan. >> bill: so he has the ideology down. >> and has a lot of penceing two. >> if he has the experience to
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>> bill: impact segment tonight. president obama's reelection campaign being run by david axel rod out of chicago. yesterday he had a news conference with reporters. he used some of that time to hammer mitt romney. >> across the political spectrum people have the same question. if you are willing to change positions on fundamental issues of principle how can we know what you would do as president. how can we trust who you would be and that is the question they have in his own party. >> bill: , juan, from the statement by mr. axelrod, a serious man and a guy in charge of the reelection campaign, you would think that they are seeing governor romney as a threat. >> you are exactly right. i mean in political circles here in washington t is seen as inevitable right now. the reasons by the way that you
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outlined in the talking points memo. in the "wall street journal" nbc poll that you see is if you had a head-to-head contest and mitt romney is running against president obama it is about an even match. obama has a two-point lead, technically within the margin of error. herman cain is losing by double digits, more than 11 points and especially when you get to the in dependents it falls off. with the fact that herman cain only has $2 million in the bank versus mitt romney with 30 plus million and more coming in, chris christie endorsing him and big money that was going to go to christie, flowing to romney. >> bill: what about that independents don't really know herman cain. the more people get to know cain the more his popularity will go up. >> the fact is herman cain right now according to the polls are supported by people who are really strong conservatives, tea party people
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and the interesting outliar is a lot of college educated republicans who see him as something different and want a change in washington. but bill, i hate to quote you back to you but the fact is just what you said, you know, i have been sitting there in debates i asked herman cain a question about foreign policy. you know, i love herman cain and i think he is an interesting man. i support him. i'm proud of him. he doesn't know a lot about foreign policy and his big line is those guys in washington -- >> bill: eeoc could hire guys who -- he could hire guys who could tell him. >> he says you guys in washington have experience how is that working out to for you and the audience goes crazy. >> i think romney is not an inevans visitable choice. what has the entire race been about. the search for the nonromney. tim pawlenty never could be it. bachmann was the nonromney for a little while. perry, everyone wanted him to be that guy and when did not
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perform national debates, herman cain got the surge out of that even in the south where perry should be performing well. that is the surge to nominate whoever is next in line and move on toping th to to openina to somebody who is a bit less personned experienced. he has to be able to answer questions in depth about 99 and who his advisors are and will be and what the policies will be. he will get fire coming up because he is in the lead. >> bill: don't you think that barack obama would preterritories to run against herman cain than mitt romney? >> i think that herman cain probably has, a, because he is not known real well and b, because he is less moderate he has more of an uphill climb against independents but they are more conservative than they have been in the past. >> bill: they are looking for somebody to replace barack obama but faced with a moderate romney against a conservative, herman cain, the polls say that
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the indies will go to the moderate. if they were conservative they would be conservative. >> but independents according to polling by gallup are more conservative than they have been in the past many decades. >> bill: but labeled them conservative. >> but you have to have -- self-identified as conservative far more often. >> bill: you will tell me now that you feel herman cain has a legitimate chance to win the nomination. >> with him and perry fighting they give romney the chance to win. >> bill: answer my question. answer my question. does he have a legitimate chance? >> i think he has a chance but i would not say it as giant chance. >> bill: , all right, one, real quick. >> my point being that per arery and cain are splitting the nonromney conservative vote. >> bill: juan, in your opinion the percentage of a chance that herman cain would have to win the nomination is?
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>> i give him 25%. t really is if people decide it doesn't matter who wins, they just want someone to punch obama in the nose and bring the fire to obama. the fact is david axelrod is exactly right. >> that attack is old and busted. >> bill: i got to run. david axelrod talking about flip flopping. hello, i think you have a guy who has done a little bit of that. >> but he is not running for office. it is mitt romney not david axelrod. >> bill: all of these guys flip flop. president clinton says there should be no tax increase on the wealthy. wow. wheeler that. and then the wall street protesters behind the scenes. some of what they are doing is illegal. shocking. those reports, after these messages.
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>> bill: one of the leaders of the democratic party says no to hiking taxes on the rich. last night on the letterman program, bill clinton made his position clear. >> should you raise taxes on anybody right today, rich or poor or middle class? no. because there is no growth in the economy. should those of us who make more money and are in a better position to contribute to america's public needs and getting the deficit under control pay a higher tax rate? when the economy recovers, yes, that is what i think. >> bill: by the way, i will be on letterman this evening. we are talking a little bit about that interview. with us now, christopher hahn, democratic strategist, former aide to new york senator chuck schumer.
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schumer. >> that is not good news for president obama. >> he wants his tax increase to go into effect in 2013. i have to disagree with both of them. i think we should be increasing taxes on the wealthiest 1% of americans. i think it is unfair that warren buffett pays 17% and i pay 34%. >> you bought into the dishonest warren buffett thing. you don't know the difference between capital gains and income taxs. >> i do know the difference. >> bill: why would you lump them together. >> he makes his money by moving money around and i make my money by earning a pay check. >> bill: you think it should be the same? absolutely. >> maybe go back to the clinton tax breaks and we would be better off because people were investing at that time. >> bill: if you do raise taxes now you will damage the economy particularly if it is capital gains. the perception is all over the place and it hurts obama. it hurts him.
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kahuna democrathugh that saying the opposite. >> and i support him and i love him. the point he made that i agree with fundamentally always is that we do need to be spending to increase demand in the economy. creating infrastructure projects that is going to get the economy moving. >> bill: that is not going to happen. the republican party is saying you waste too much money. all right. it doesn't work. you just, you know, we will talk to lou dobbs tomorrow about the casino they set up, solyndra. it is a casino. you can't be doing with this tax money. they will say no, we are not going to spend any more. in the public sector, bring it to the private sector. i agree that those of us like myself who have prospered in america, owe our country a lot. i agree with you. and i would be willing to pay 5% more in income tax but only if i don't have to pay for $16
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muffins. you know the $16 muffin. >> i saw that. that must have been some muffin. >> bill: until there are no more $16 puffins and solyndras and solar powers and no more wasting my money i'm not going to give you another dime. >> you know what, everybody there is always going to be waste in government to -- >> bill: the philosophy is take the money and throw it out the window. >> i don't think so. >> bill: i could give you 50 examples. >> and every side has their set of waste and most was done in the military spending. remember in the military the $150,000 wrench. >> bill: why can't this be reformed. >> like whack a mole we have to keep putting it down some where. the president could propose to name every road in america ronald reagan highway. the republicans are not going to go there even if it is good for america. >> bill: not going spend money because of the $14.5 trillion
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debt. and not going to okay another spending bill from the obama administration when all the money already spent failed. they are not going to do it. >> the first stimulus was 800 -- >> bill: all the spending, obama care, everything else. you know as a democrat in the republican wins next year and the senate goes republican bye bye obama care. you know that, right? >> there will be pieces they will try to eliminate. >> bill: all of it. >> they have to get 60 votes and i don't know that they will get that. i know there is some executive reform by reconciliation. >> bill: ing ecktive order. >> there are parts that won't and the supreme court will say okay to the mandate. >> bill: want to bet? >> i will bet you. >> bill: okay, a dinner at langens across the street. >> if you win, langens. if i win -- >> bill: , no, going to be langens. plenty more ahead as the factor moves on this evening. city of new york booting the occupy wall street protesters out of park they have been
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squatting in. and then megyn kelly on whether the u.s. can use predator drone missiles to assassinate irania. leaders. cleaner. and, it provides jobs. and it helps our economy. okay, i'm listening. [announcer] at conoco phillips we're helping power america's economy with cleaner affordae natural gas... more jobs, less emissions, a good answer for everyone. so, by reducing the impact of production... and protecting our land and water... i might get a job once we graduate. a vacation on a budget with expedia. make it work. booking a flight by itself is an uh-oh. see if we can "stitch" together a better deal. that's a hint, antoine. ooh! see what anandra did? booking your flight and hotel at the same time gets you prices hotels and airlines won't let expedia show separately. book it.
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new york city mayor michael bloomberg ordered the occupy wall street protesters to it leave the park they have been squatting in for three weeks. ilie activities. drug trafficking, sanitation problems. what about social aspects of the protest? here now the culture warriors, gretchen carlson from stanford, connecticut and mar rest hoover. neither woman would be seen within three miles of the protest. >> except i live two blocks from there. i live right around the corner. >> have you gone down? >> i brought you a newspaper last week. the occupy "wall street journal." >> tell me what the hoover eyewitness report is. crack heads down there? what are they doing. >> not crack heads. soft drugs. >> bill: what are soft drugs? >> marijuana.
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you know, stuff that you inhale. although there are report of heroin as well. the new york post reported there have been heroin exchanges. >> if you were a dope dealer and you have all the people that may be customers that is where you would go. >> a counter culture collective down there. >> bill: you walk down from your lavish apartment two blocks away and here with the rif-raff and smelling marijuana. >> i haven't smelled it. my husband has and my neighbors have. i smell it in parks in new york city sometimes. >> reporter: i know you wouldn't go anywhere near this. >> that is not really the point. >> bill: the city of new york, the police commissioner don't want the people there anywhere. the park is owned by a private concern. three weeks is enough. having sex outside at night and all of this stuff. this is the report. thatth is what they are being reported. >> right. >> bill: does that say anything
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about the entire movement? >> well, let me, first of all, say that there are reports tonight that they are not going to leave when they are asked to leave tonight. >> they will. you know the new york city p.d. they will leave. >> and also mayor bloomberg said they could come back after the park is clean. >> but can't bring tents and sleeping bags. >> because the private company that owns the park apparently can put the regulations on there. okay. having said that, what do i think it says about the movement? new york magazine polled 100 of the people down there. here is what i find interesting. most are in their 20s and they believe that canada is how america should become which says socialism to me. >> bill: they like canada. >> and they like denmark second where anything goes. shocking. >> bill: i love canada and denmark so maybe i should join the group. i know as you are talking about, the stat most important in the article you are referring to is that 34% of these people believe the united states is the same as al-qaeda. >> right. >> bill: there is no difference. that we are both evil. 34% is a lot to have that
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looney point of view. >> let me make my final point which is 39 of the 100 polled, only 39 voted in the last mid term election. 55 did not. and the only way that this group is going to be effective is voting. that is what america is all about. if they want to organize like the tea party and actually select people to go to congress that is the next step. not coming back to the park. >> bill: they already selected al franken. >> they are not mainstream. this is a fringe group. we understand this is a fringe group. the reason the group has gotten steam in the past is because they orchestrated conflict that has created -- >> media catch. >> the movement got all the attention first when it escalated across the brooklyn bridge. what do you think will happen when the cops try to pull the kids out of the square. >> bill: it will be another day. what are they supposed to do let them stay there. >> take them out and clean it up and let them. >> bill: not going to let them back.
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and you know how much cost to do this. >> that is why they are saying they are not going to move. >> bill: they are going to move and i will predict that this thing is now on the decline. a lot of people including our pal glen beck saying this is going to spread and cboin goine big, i'm going to say no. the democratic party is going to move away from it because they can't be aligned with these people. >> that was my next point, bill. >> 34 unions joined causes with that. >> bill: but the union, they are doing that for other reasons. go ahead, carlson. >> i said this last week on this show it would be dangerous for any politician to align with this movement injuries the question you have to ask yourself is the president has been on the record for the last six months talking about millionaires and billionaires and many people accused him of class warfare dialogue. are these protests a result of that because that shows me a tremendous at of divide in the country. >> bill: that is not fair. i think they were funded by the
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george soros moveon. lincoln and the soros money to the agitators. >> the soros money funded the original group ad busters but the last time he directly funded it was seven years ago. a lot of soros money -- because it is -- >> bill: everywhere. >> and small amounts to the progressive groups that are progressive groups. >> bill: did you see invasion of the body snatchers where if you went to sleep you became an alien. that is like soros money. >> the irony, i can't have a serious point after you did that on your head. >> bill: when we come back, amnesty international wants president bush arrested when goes to canada next week. and would it be legal for the usa to attack iranian leaders with drone missiles. megyn kelly is next. male annou, an italian chef came to ohio.
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>> bill: thanks fort staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly. in the kelly file segment. attorney general eric holder supermodel penaed. amnesty international wants president obama arrested. would it be constitutional to attack iranian leaders using predator drone missiles? new fox news anchor megyn kelly. this is the alleged terror plot and just today hillary clinton saying hey, we are convinced top echelons of the iranian government knew about this and paid money to make sure it happen the. what do we do? >> it as political question for president obama and a military question for him but not much of a legal question because legally he can do it. if he wants to do it -- >> bill: so there is no difference between killing bin
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laden, al-awlaki with a drone. >> we can go after iran and start a about military conflict with iran. >> bill: with the drones. >> boom. >> look what we did in libya. it as lot more than what you are talking about right now. and he didn't seek congressional authority. although he should have technically under the law. even if he didn't, which he didn't, no one has ever gone after a president for doing this. >> bill: legally, he could take the mullahs and ahmadinejad out and say you try to do this on our soil, here is what happens to you. >> technically an imminent threat against the homeland. >> bill: i think blowing up the embassy in washington is a threat. >> but t has been stopped. >> bill: the threat is still there. whew is to say they wouldn't do it again. >> the definition of imminent threat is pretty broad so he
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can make that argument and if he can't he needs congressional statutory authority which he doesn't have but presidents have been blowing that off for 40 years. >> bill: if president obama wanted to he could drone these guys. >> legally. >> bill: eric holder the attorney general receives a subpoena today. tell me about that. >> issa is subpoenaing the attorney general and other top officials and wants all information about operation fast and furious internial awith the white house. he wants it all and wants it to be unredacted. >> bill: is he entitled to get that? >> i think so. he is. eric holder says that he will comply with the subpoena. >> bill: they will get every memo and all of the conversations. >> i didn't say they would get it. he is entitled to it. >> bill: holder says he is going to comply. >> trust me, itle be h heavily redacted and they will
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assertions of privilege and reasons not to produce at all. >> bill: then goes into a never ending legal thing for years until the supreme court has to say this is what you give me and this is what you don't. that is what you think is going to happen? >> they might produce enough that the true story will come out about who knew what and when about operation fast and furious. in the absence of that there will have to be a leaker who tells us that there is something there that they are not producing. they are lawyers at the department of justice. >> bill: the same thing that happened to the bush administration about water boarding. >> it is not the crime, it is the coverup. it operation has been in place for years. the problem for eric holder is the department of justice has been withholding the full story on this from the beginning. first they told congress the operation didn't exist. not true. then d.o.j. had nothing to do with it. not true. then eric holder said he only learned about the operation in april or march of 2011.
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then they produced documents that show. >> bill: the documents came out. >> let me finish. this is an important point. ten months earlier he had been receiving briefings about t it. then the d.o.j. came out and told fox news there is a difference between knowing about an operation and knowing about the controversial aspects of the operation. okay, that is the explanation. no, it wasn't. eric holder comes out a couple of days after that and says no i'm sticking to my original statement that i didn't know even about the operation. they can't even get their story straight within the department of justice. >> bill: this is an important store arery. now, you, they say holder is done, he will have to resign. >> i don't know about that. >> bill: you don't -- >> i don't know about that. i do think they have an obligation to be fully forth coming. >> they could stonewall it for a year until the next election. >> and president obama loves eric holder and says he has his full confidence.
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president going to canada to give a speech and they want the mounties to grab him for what? >> because they say he committed war crimes when authorized in their words torture. >> bill: the same old stuff. >> yes. >> and they figure the canadian government might be sympathetic to this. >> they feel that president obama has been derelict in duties in not arresting the former president. >> bill: what are the odds that the mountie's surround bush's hotel and kick the door in? >> i would say between slim and none and slim is on vacation? >> that would be war and then we would have to invade canada. >> this was once a legitimate group, amnesty international. this kind of stuff does not help their cause. >> bill: it is like the aclu. >> they want it too,. >> bill: the hardcore far left people giving them money. they are not going to congress anybody else.onvince
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>> do they go to canada and say they want fidel castro arrested? >> bill: in a monthly great american news quiz the military edition, part two. then, hulk hogan and me. there may be a pinhead involved. we're coming right back as "the factor" continues all across factor" continues all across the usa, canada, and all around the world. is to keep it whole for better nutrition. and that's what they do with great grains cereal. see the seam on the wheat grain? same as on the flake. because great grains steams and bakes the actual whole grain. now check out the other guy's flake. hello, no seam. because it's more processed. now, which do you suppose has better nutrition for you? mmm. great grains. the whole whole grain cereal.
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the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from? ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to the planet? natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is. we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go. ♪ >> bill: tonight the great american news quiz. the military edition part two. squeaked itoocy week squeake out over maccallum.
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>> if you would like to sign up for great prizes go to bill o'reilly .com. a close one. i have harder questions. >> great. >> here we go. question no. one, the movie a few good men portrays a dramatic military trial. >> colonel jackson, did you order -- >> you don't have to answer that question. >> i will answer the question. you want answers? i think i'm entitled. >> you want answers? >> i want the truth! >> you can't handle the truth! >> whoa. >> bill: in the film crews plays a lawyer in the jag corps. what does that stand for. what does jag stand for? cards up, please. and the answer is correct, judge advocate general. doocy lost his first. bend down and get that up. okay, very good.
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>> bill: hey. obviously you didn't have to be coordinated to be on fox and friends. >> motor skills the first thing to go. >> bill: question no. two. the japanese signed a surrender agreement officially ending world war ii. it was held in tokyo bay on the deck of what u.s. ship? a, uss massachusetts. b, uss missouri. c, cards up, please. and the answer is -- roll the tape. >> the battleship, missouri, takes her place in tokyo bay for the official surrender of japan. the end of the greatest war. >> bill: ms. is martha didn't know it. doocy. >> bill: did know it but dropped another card. >> bill: question he number three. murphy was the most decorated american soldier during world war ii.
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after the war, murphy became a celebrity starring in a movie about himself. what was the name of the film? start it. cards up, please. and the answer is -- roll the tape. >> to hell and back. the true story of the most decorated soldier in the history of the united states. >> bill: now, you guys should have known that even though it was before your time. all right. and i write about that extensively in pin heads and patriots. murphy was an amazing guy. all right. he is from texas. farm kid like 5'4" and killed more than 300 germans by himself. and the movie, i remember being a little kid seeing that movie and my father dragged me in there and i really didn't know what was going on but i remember sitting in the movie
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theater watch "to hell and back." if you don't know about him, pick up pin heads and patriots. you should know about him. he ask amazing. question no. four. which hall of fame baseball player won the most valuable player award back in 1936. mvp right back from the military. who was he? cards up, please. and the answer is -- roll the tape. >> pitches. william swings. a high drive going deep, deep. it is a homerun! >> all right. teddy baseball. doocy wins. >> there is another question? >> bill: you have no idea where you are tonight. all right? >> i'm on the o'reilly factor. wake me up when it's over. >> bill: i know, i know. well, it is over but we will do question no. five anyway.
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during world war ii american cartoonist tion were enlisted to help with the war effort by making propaganda films. which famous disney character was shown having a nightmare about working for the nazis? cards up, please. and we will roll the tape again. >> bill: no truth to the humor hank williams did the soundtrack. >> oh, oh, did i just say that? i don't know what i'm doing. >> get that knife out of my back. >> bill: i don't know what i'm doing here. >> bill: doocy wins and maccallum is embarrassed. p and p moments away.
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bill, your segment with charles krauthammer was small minded. you assume herman cain can't win with no facts to back it up. not assuming anything, brad and i use poll numbers to back up my analysis. they are facts. cain polls poorly with independents because they don't know him yet. i think that is valid point. >> bill: your privilege, rick, but the republican in name only stuff kind of dumb. both parties should have room for a variety of opinions. mar rest roberts, grand marais, michigan. o'reilly, while you and miller made interesting observations about the occupy wall street protesters you missed one big one. most of them are white. i think they might be racist. very nice satire, margaret.
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signed copy of pin heads and patriots in paperback coming your way. lou from chandler, arizona. bill, how do you get the ankle bracelet off miller every week? >> not easy. when are you coming south? >> we will be at the landmark theaterrer in richmond, virginia, on friday, november 26. former capital of the confederacy and beck and i were in new orleans last year. y'all come. is that -- did i say that correctly? pa tripatricia nixon. although i'm nauseated at the thought of 13 more republican debates i will watch as many as i can because i have yet to decide who the best candidate it. julie mills. your book on abraham lincoln opened my eyes to the real man. i know now him like a good friend. >> makes me feel great because mycoauthor and i set out to bring you the real president
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lincoln. now, i'm going to give one of these facts to everybody, steve. did you guys know that the assassin john willsion wilkes d a fiancee at the time and she was stepping out with president lincoln's son? did you know that? and finally tonight, pin heads and patriots. hulk hogan made an appearance on fox and friends in morning and things quickly got out of hand. >> tomorrow on the big show, rick perry who wants to be the president is going to screen us. bill o'reilly the most powerful man in cable will be here and linda evans from dynasty. >> and the only man who could beat up bill o'reilly hulk hogan is here. >> i think he is bigger than me. he is a monster. i met him a couple of times.
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way up there. >> bill: i think i would be a big pin head if i get in the ring with ho hogan. i am going to wear a bandana tomorrow with the sunglasses on top. get me one. i will match the tie. and maybe i can't grow that handlebar quick enough. hulk hogan. he could beat the starch out of me. that is it for us tonight. check out the factor website which is different from bill captioned by closed captioning services, inc. whraps word of the day do not be a blooter when righting to the factor. themhe words we will put them together in a christmas stocking thing for you. really a lot of fun. a heads up. it is the middle of october already i can't believe it. we have all of our little words and it all goes to charity, ladies and gentlemen, so bear with me, o
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