tv Americas News Headquarters FOX News October 16, 2011 7:00am-9:00am PDT
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>> dave: we learned a lot from you just sitting on this couch for the last 40 minutes. we take now to jamie and eric shawn with continued coverage of the memorial dedication of dr. martin luther king jr. >> today is a momentous day in washington and all across our country. american civil rights icon, dr. martin luther king jr. honored in our nation's capital. there's a dedication ceremony under way right now in washington for a memorial built to mark the legacy of the man who devoted his life in the fight for equality. good morning, everyone. great to have you here. i'm jamie colby. >> and i'm eric shawn and welcome to a special edition this morning of "america's news headquarters." president obama is among those who are taking part in today's historic dedication. kelly wright is live at the memorial in washington with the very latest. kelly, how would you describe
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the atmosphere there this morning during the dedication? >> eric, i have to tell you, you and jamie both and the world watching, this is a fantastic day, the atmosphere has been very electric and super charged when martin luther king iii spoke as well as bernice -- reverend bernice king, those are two of the four children of dr. martin luther king and coretta scott king. when they spoke, the crowd just was actually swooning for them because of what they had to say. so eloquently speaking about their father and remembering him. but earlier in the morning, i had the privilege of speaking with reverend jesse jackson, a man who walked and talked with dr. king and this is what he says. >> in jamestown, virginia, where slaves landed to this place 132 miles, to go from the ships to have the statue erected between presidents jefferson and lincoln and washington, that's a big deal.
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>> reverend jackson reflecting on what this deal is to him, now seeing this dedication taking place. he says it brings everything full circle but there's much work to be done in terms of achieving his dream. eric? >> dan rather was speaking, he covered the civil rights movement and you grew up, kelly, during the civil rights era and we've seen dr. king's children and we saw his sister, dr. christine farris, she's now 84 years old speak. what are your reflectionses awe stand there this morning? >> lot of personal reflections as i look over my shoulder seeing dan rather, as i was growing up in this city, i remember seeing dr. king or hearing his famous speech and wanting to emulate him because he spoke so eloquently with his famous "i have a dream" speech which so many of us remember. as i was growing up, i watched the riots unfold here in washington when he was shot and how much turmoil there was right here in this city. remember, my mother rushed me
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out of the city to get me away from the riots that unfolded right there as people tried to grapple with the fact that they had lost the legacy and the life of dr. martin luther king jr. i'll tell you, one of the things that comes to mind right now is what he said during that famous i i have a dream" speech, he said i have a dream that my four children, one day my four children will be able to have friends and who will judge them not for the color of their skin but the content of their character. that resonates with me even today with children of my own and seeing how they embrace people from a multitude of lifestyles and races and ethnicities and it just shows you that dream is coming to fruition. but bernice king has more to say about that and what her father's legacy means for her and the world. >> this is a day that all americans can be proud of. may i remind you this is not just a celebration for african-americans but for
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americans and citizens around this world. and no doubt, today the world celebrates with us. today our nation acknowledges its broke again because this memorial represents the steps beyond the laws of segregation. >> that's reverend bernice king who as i said earlier, eric, electrified this crowd with the way that she spoke and she's so eloquent about that and so passionate about her father and her faith. she drove the message home there's a lot of work to be done in terms of making the dream available to all americans, white, black, rich, poor, red, yellow, any social economic background, dr. king, they say, would still be pushing for that. back to you. >> such a personal and important history and the history of our nation and so awe inspiring this morning. good to see you, kelly. you'll be with us the next two hours. right now, dan rather is speaking. let's listen to what the former cbs news anchorman is saying.
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>> many in white america didn't support the passive resistance that dr. king learned from gandhi and thorough. this created ambivalence among white americans and gave unscrupulous figures the opportunity to skew the news and press coverage their way. does that not sound familiar? the lifters such as dr. king must have felt the weight of a million injustices but like this stone lightens, dr. king was strong and able to carry the weight. for every lifter, there are hundreds of leaners. but on this day, standing in front of the statue of an american hero, icon and legend, we are reminded we must all be
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lifters now. we cannot wait for others to carry our messages and lift our load. although his legacy can never be summed up in a few minutes, let me leave you with this. there is heavy lifting to be done again and in the spirit of dr. king's lasting legacy, we need to start now. thank you very much. >> all right. dan rather speaking. we'll hear from many icons of the civil rights movement during this very important dedication ceremony. stay with us here on fox. we'll be right back. accept it.
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you can't change the way banking works. just accept it, man. free ? doesn't close at five ? try nature. it's a bank. what do you want, a hug ? just accept it. hidden fees, fine print, or they'll stick it to you some other way. stay with the herd, son. accept it. just accept it. accept it. just accept it. accept it. if we miss this movie, you're dead. if you're stuck accepting banking nonsense, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. we are now printing on the back sides of used paper and we switched to fedex cause a lot of their packaging contains recycled materials. tell them what else fedex does. well we're now using more electric trucks and lower emission planes. we even offer a reusable envelope. now, can't we at least print on the back sides of used paper?
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>> jamie: as we and many people around this nation remember the legacy of dr. martin luther king jr., there are speakers from the civil rights era that have significant things to say including reverend jesse jackson who was there on the balcony the day that dr. king jr. was assassinated much let's listen in. >> occupyers on wall street, the movement has gone global,
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you are the children and offspring of dr. king's poor. poor people's campaign and cities that occupied wall street in 2008 and 2011 and in that legacy, keep protesting. remain nonviolent, stay disciplined, stay focused, don't just fortify this system, restructure it. march on an even playing field. public rules, clear goals, transparency, march on to fight racial injustice and economic inequality and fight for economic and racial justice. we're all god's children with a royal bloodline. we all matter. so the king would say you must use the right to earn through the sacrifice and blood, use your minds and bodies as living sacrifices. you must use your vote, our path to legislation, litigation and laws to protect the vulnerable.
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use your love building coalitions. remain focused on being the rope of hope for those in the hull of the ship, the 99%. the king argued that leadership at its best was not meant to follow opinion polls, it was meant to mold public opinion. do not what is convenient or popular, do what is right. do not compromise principles and stay true to your vision, the truth crusted earth will stay there and rise again. we fall down sometimes and we get up again and again because the ground is no place for a champion. job says "though you slay me, i realize my worst fears and yet i will get up again because i trust in god. i know my redeemer lives. keep hope alive.
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>> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome representative john lewis. >> good morning! >> good morning! >> it is good to see everybody here on this beautiful, beautiful day. first, i want to thank harry johnson sr., president and ceo of the washington d.c. martin luther king jr. national memorial project foundation, the board of directors, dana kurtz, executive director and his entire staff. i'm a member of the board and avid citizen, thank you for building a monument, a monument to peace, to love, and
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nonviolent resistance. on the front yard of america. to symbolize the corner stone of our true democracy. it was 48 long years ago when thousands of us yearning for justice and freedom stood a short distance from here in the shadow of the lincoln memorial. many of us hwere fresh from the front line of the struggle for human equality in america. together there in peace with our hearts and our hands hoping to see some sign that our cries would be heard through the cold marble walls of this distant capital. martin luther king jr., this man, this brother, this citizen
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of america, the citizen of the world was number 10 in the program line-up. i was number 6. of those who spoke that day, i'm the only one still around. dr. king was our leader. he never, ever, asked us to do anything that he would not do. he was arrested, jailed, beaten and constantly harassed. his home was bombed. he was stabbed. he suffered with the flames and arrows of hate in a grassroots struggle to prove that love can have eternal power to overcome the limitation of hate. had it not been for the philosophy of peace, the philosophy of nonviolence that
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he preached, and his insistence on the nonviolent resistance based on brotherly love, this would be a different nation, we would be living in a different place today but martin luther king jr. must be looked upon as one of the founding fathers of the new america. for this man, this one man, not only freed a people but he liberated a nation. we are here, all of us, black and white, latino, asian-american and native american, we are here because of one man did what presidents have been unable to do. >> that's it! >> he ended what the civil war could not finish, he challenged the most powerful nation on earth to meet its moral
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obligation to look out for its people, look out for those who have been left behind. this preacher, this man from atlanta, georgia, taught us how to love. he told us to lay down the burden of hate where hate was too heavy a burden to bear. martin luther king jr., just think, a few short years ago when we came to washington 48 years ago we had signs that said white men, colored men, white women, colored women, those signs are gone and they will not return. the only place our children will see those signs will be in a book in a museum, on a video, 48
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years later, nothing has changed, come and walk in my shoes. dr. king is telling you that we have changed. that we are better people, we're a better nation. just think, a few short years ago when dr. king stood on the steps of the lincoln memorial, we could not register to vote in many parts of the deep south. >> that's right! >> we had to pass a so-called literacy test. we were asked to cut the numbers of bubbles on a slope and count the number of jelly beans in a jar. but because of the work of martin luther king jr. and the work of hundreds and thousands of millions of people, because of the leadership of president kennedy and president lyndon johnson, we live in a different place. people ask me over and over again, whether the election of barack obama is a fulfillment of dr. martin luther king's dream. i said no, it's just a down
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payment. we're not there yet. we're not there yet. too many people, too many people have been left out and left behind. let's use this occasion to go out and finish the path, do what we must do to create a better world, to create a more perfect union. hang in there, don't give up. don't give in. don't give out. keep your faith. keep your eyes on the prize. and walk with the spirit of martin luther king jr. thank you very much. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome ambassador andrew young. >> brothers and sisters, forgive me for starting out with
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a triviality, but you think of martin luther king as a giant of a man but the one complex he had was a complex about his height. he was really just 5'7" and he was always getting upset with tall people who looked down on him. now he's 30 feet tall looking down on everybody. but he'd be the first to tell you that he didn't give his life for a statue. he gave his life for the least of these god's children and in the middle of the struggle when we began to work out the problems of militarism and the problems of politics and the dynamics of getting people elected, they changed the rules on us. they changed the rules and the game is no longer just political. in fact, it's the economics that
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controls the politics. and people of atlanta sent me to congress and i was there at the scene of the crime when they began to break up an economic order that had been started by franklin roosevelt in 1944, in the end of 1973, they changed this. and then a little later on, they changed something called regulation q, listen to this now. this is what put you out of your house and why your mortgage isn't worth what you paid for it. they changed the rules in the congress. and then the savings & loans went out of business because they left housing and started building casinos and resorts and everything else. when they went out of business, the commercial banks got into housing. they didn't know anything about housing. they started packaging mortgages in something called derivatives
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and they sold them all around the world and they weren't worth a damn. and then when they went out of business, they called for the government to bail them out. and that wasn't good enough but there was a regulation called glass siegel that kept commercial banks from messing in the business of investment banks. republicans changed that. and now the thing is all messed up. the problem in banking and finances, we have too much integration. and nobody really knows what they're doing and they're doing it in secret and they're not using their minds, they're using their greedy behinds. now, in atlanta, we tried to straighten that out a little bit. i'm not against wall street. i'm just saying we have to learn the rules and use it to our advantage.
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mayor jackson sent up an airport. costs us about $10 million after all the rest of the mayors. we've had black mayors in atlanta for 44 years and we've tried to do things within the economy and we've been able to generate jobs. the airport cost $10 billion but it generates $30 billion every year and creates about 60,000 jobs. and kaseem reed is now adding an international terminal that's going to probably add another 5,000 jobs. i'm saying the system works if you know how to work it. and martin luther king gave his life to end poverty. you're not going to end poverty by preaching, you're going to end poverty by learning some economics, by sending your children to school, by saving your money, by getting financ l financially literate and just like we won the battle of voting
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rights, we can win the battle of economic rights. and that's what martin luther king would have you do now and the first step to that is to keep a president in office that basically has your interest at heart. and if we don't do that, this year, god help us! >> eric: apparently, the speech from andrew young echoing some of the current political and economic conditions dealing with occupy wall street as well as touching on the legacy and the inspiration of dr. martin luther king. a moment before, we saw congressman john lewis who was 23 years old 48 years ago when he spoke during the march on washington. he is a giant of the civil rights movement. we will continue this morning here on the fox newschannel bringing you live coverage of the dedication of this memorial. we'll be right back. my mother froze everything.
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>> eric: and the dedication of the dr. martin luther king jr. memorial continues in washington, d.c. this is the reverend joseph lowry speaking. let's listen. >> have the audacity to believe that people everywhere can have meals for their bodies, education for their minds and dignity and equality and freedom for their spirits. i believe that what self-respecting men have torn down, god fearing men can build up. i believe in one day mankind will bow before the altars of god and be crowned triumphant over war and bloodshed and nonviolent redemptive good will and proclaim the will of the land, uncertainty that wewill,
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we will give our tired feet new strength as we continue to stride towards the city of freedom. this is martin's look towards the future as he received the nobel peace prize, our look today as we gather here in this mall to celebrate this structure which they have given us and which corporate america has contributed to their well being and so we now say that we thank god for the past and we thank god for the present. but we look forward to the future. we look forward to that day when justice will roll down lake waters and righteousness like a mighty stream, we look forward to that day when all of god's children can rise, shine and give god the glory, we look forward to that day! when black will not be get back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when
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the red man can get ahead and when white will be all right. >> jamie: reverend lowry speaking right now. his career and his contribution in the civil rights movement dating back to the 1950's, a very significant contribution at that and we're going to continue to watch the ceremony there. of course, the president -- president obama will be there as well speaking at the top of the hour and we'll be sure to bring you that as well, so you'll want to keep it right here on fox for the dedication ceremony and all the news we have for you these two hours. >> eric: jamie, as we watch and monitor the continuing dedication of the martin luther king jr. memorial, the ails apprentice program here at fox news getting exclusive access to some of the women in dr. martin
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luther king jr.'s family. dr. king's niece saying today's celebration is a somber reminder of their family's personal loss. >> the statue is very beautiful. but i'd like for people to know the sacrifice that has been made, mother is gone and sister, martin and dexter and bernice are here. it's a tremendous sacrifice and it's a lovely tribute and it's almost a poignant bittersweet sacrifice so because the statue is beautiful, but it can't take the place of dad and so i know in a way, just a little bit sacrifice they've made in losing their father and the rest of us have lost our uncle. but we're glad that the world remembers him because we definitely remember him. >> eric: and we will be bringing you a lot more of the memorial dedication and the thoughts from dr. king's family throughout our newscast including the president's remarks, that is scheduled at the top of the next hour.
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>> jamie: lots of news to cover this morning for you as well. iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad now denying that his nation was involved in that plot to kill a top saudi diplomat in washington, d.c. saying the accusations are an attempt by the united states to discredit and isolate iran. meanwhile, president obama is turning up the heat on tehran pressing u.n. inspectors to release classified information showing iran is developing nuclear weapons technology. peter doocy is following this for us live in washington, peter, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> jamie: why does president obama want this information now to become public? >> jamie, according to a report in "the new york times," it's because he thinks it will isolate iran even more. that's something the administration has been focused on since the terrorist plot their government was allegedly behind came to light earlier this week. >> this president has been very focused on holding up iranian
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behavior so it is clearly seen by other nations around the world. and that enables us to work cooperatively with our international partners to isolate and put pressure on iran in a way that has never really been achieved before. >> jay carney said that on wednesday. yesterday, the spokesman for the national security council said "the united states believes that a comprehensive assessment would be invaluable for the international community and its consideration of iran's nuclear program" and part of the reason that the administration wants to make this move is because they and some in congress apparently don't think sanctions are sending a strong enough message. >> i don't think the sanctions have been as complete as they must -- as they should be. i wish they had sanctioned the central bank of iran. and that would affect oil and maybe that's why they didn't do it. but that makes a big difference. >> so the senate intelligence chairwoman there, jamie, thinks oil prices could be part of the
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equation. >> jamie: big challenge to make those sanctions stick and have impact but if the u.n. has the information then why are they keeping it classified? >> very interesting. this "new york times" report says that the head of the u.n.'s international atomic energy agency says that he's worried making this intel public might actually make iran want to kick his inspectors out of their country for good because right now, they might be having -- they might be interested in making nuclear weapons. they might be up to no good but at least they let the inspectors come in and look around. >> jamie: hopefully getting a thorough view. peter doocy live in washington, thanks. >> eric: for more on the suspected plot and evidence that shows iran could be building a bomb, we're joined by the former united states ambassador to the united nations, john bolton who is a fox news contributor and joins us every sunday in this hour. ambassador, good morning. first question, what type of classified material do you think that could be made public? >> well, this is material the iaea gets from its member
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governments largely, particularly from us, they may have some additional information but they are reluctant to make it public or even to give it to the board of governors of the ieae because they know it will then become public but honestly, that information is not going to be very effective in persuading anybody about what iran is already doing because i honestly don't think there's much dispute in the iaea what they're up to and the notion that kicking them out will somehow deprive us of a whole lot of useful information sadly is not true. here's the way it works. iran allows the iaea to inspect what they want them to inspect and what the iran does not want the iaea to inspect, they don't inspect. this is a very limited, useful to be sure but a very limited tool. >> eric: iran, as you say, that one facility that's underground in the mountain, they kept that
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secret until a year or so ago. we know they're enriching uranium in violation of united nations security council regulations and a ream of other evidence potentially. some kind of material that could be used to make nuclear warhead cones. when do you expect they could have components of the nuclear bomb? >> i think they could have them very, very shortly and there's a lot they don't know. there's reams of things that the iaea doesn't know but the american intelligence is very inadequate as well and i think therefore all the estimates that you hear public of iran is x years away or x months away from actually having a nuclear weapon, you have to take with a grain of salt because the estimates are based on supposition and conjecture. i don't think there's no doubt that iran is very close to nuclear weapons and parsing whether it's 12 months or 18 months is very dangerous because if you get it wrong, they will have crossed the threshold and there will be no going back. >> eric: can we stop them?
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>> i think we could -- i think we can for sure if we break their control over the nuclear fuel cycle by destroying parts of their nuclear weapons program. i think israel can do it as well. it's a very unattractive option to be sure. but consider a regime prepared to assassinate foreign ambassadors with nuclear weapons. everything that's wrong with iran today, the world's largest financier of international terrorism, for example, gets infinitely worse once they get nuclear weapons and they are very close to that point. >> eric: talk about that saudi plot. let's show you a quote from mahmoud ahmadinejad, the president of iran who this morning in tehran said "iran is a civilized nation and doesn't need to resort to assassination, terror belongs to you." meaning us. they're denying it. and there's some people around the globe who are skeptical about this plot, what do you think? >> well, i think it's important to recognize that it's actually
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the obama administration that has taken this seriously enough that they've launched a criminal prosecution. for 2 1/2 years, president obama has given iran the benefit of every doubt on the nuclear program. they've cut everything in their direction. so suddenly, to be shocked that this attempt to kill the saudi ambassador and to go so far as to launch a criminal prosecution which, of course, would require guilt to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, i think shows how strong the evidence is that this plot is real. sure, there are skeptics. they're probably some of the same skeptics that thinks iran don't think iran bankrolls hamas and don't think iran's nuclear program is for weapons purposes and you can put it in the same category. >> eric: there seems to be a history of this. a saudi diplomat was executed in pakistan. do you think iran is trying to reach out and take off ambassadors one by one?
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>> well, i think there is a conflict between iran and saudi arabia. it's been going on for some time. it's a regional conflict between two important powers and it's an ethnic conflict, persian against arab and it's a religious conflict, shiite against sunni. i have no doubt that some of the assassinations that we've seen inside iran of revolution aary guard generals and other figures probably came about with a little assistance from the saudis so this could well be payback and people are skeptical that iran is using a mexican drug cartels, i don't know, it seems perfectly realistic to me if you want to infiltrate into the united states, who better to be able to do that than the mexican drug cartels who do it every night, bringing in illegal narcotics? >> eric: we will keep on this as we do every sunday with you. thank you so much and iran continues to enrich uranium in defiance of security council sanctions. the clock seems to be ticking. thank you, as always. >> thank you. >> eric: jamie?
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>> jamie: today is an historic day at our nation's capital and we're live for the dedication ceremony of the martin luther king jr. memorial. that's now under way. dr. king, his life, his legacy. much more with special guests here on fox. stay with us. almost tastes like one of jack's als. fiber one. h, forgot jack cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! [ jack ] yeah, ts is pretty good. [ male announcer ]alf a day's worth of fiber. fiber one. but they also go beyond banki. we installed a ge fleet monitoring system. it tracks every vehicle in their fleet. it cuts fuel use. koch: it enhances customer service. it's pretty amazing when people who loan you money also show you how to save it. not just money, knowledge. it's so much information, it's like i'm right there in every van in the entire fleet. good day overall. yeah, i'good. come on in. let's go. wow, this is fantastic.
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posted a $100,000 reward for her safe return. lisa's parents say they're now 11-month-old was snatched from they are crib in the middle of the night. that was nearly two weeks ago and pope benedict the 16th is using a platform to move up the long isle of saint basilica the spokesman is saying it's being used to lighten the pope's fatigue and not for any medical reasons. >> eric: his words and actions inspired millions of americans and made history. and now, a fitting memorial to dr. martin luther king jr. is being dedicated on this sunday morning. just steps from where he delivered his famous "i have a dream" speech 48 years ago. this is a live look at the dedication ceremony of that awe inspiring memorial under way right now in washington. joining us is bill watel, chairman of the drum major institute and finding partner of
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the law firm. welcome. what are your thoughts as you stand there today? your father worked with dr. martin luther king and the generations continue. >> well, the generations continue but the sad reality is that in 1968, martin gave his last sermon, last sunday sermon at the washington cathedral and he becried the fact that america may have begun to wash away the stain of racism but the economic injustice that he felt in 1968 regarded -- he regarded as the ultimate challenge, hence he called for the economic bill of rights. now, 43 years later, our country faces an even greater crisis because the 43 years since his death, the silence of good people has once again become deafening. >> eric: would he be out there now on the streets? would he lead protests and involved in the occupy wall street protests, for example? >> well, not only would he but in 1968, you have to remember
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there was something called tent city. resurrection city and the poor people's campaign and as he went to memphis, he left his people here in the mud because, in fact, he knew that somebody needed to bear witness. today, people once again are heeding that cry. 43 years later, the moral leadership of martin luther king is missing in america. and let us just hope that today reminds people that the we generation, we shall overcome, what do we want? we want peace. can once again take over. >> eric: there are a lot -- you know, many leaders, our nation's president is african-american, you feel that the -- there is no moral leadership or it's lacking as dr. king evidenced? >> 1% of america's wealth is greater than 90% of the rest of the wealth. so you have presidents, you have presidential candidates, all multimillionaires and none of them understood the struggle. in fact, most of them weren't even born when martin was alive.
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so no, i think there's a tremendous vacuum of moral leadership and let's just hope that today inspires people to remember that when good people come together, they can make change. >> eric: just a minute left, what would dr. king be saying, do you think, today? >> he would be saying and asking, who are we? and reminding everyone what he said his last sermon, "the rich can't get richer if the poor are getting poorer." a drum major understands when you lead a society, you can't leave your people behind. he was a drum major. and we all need to fall in and realize that if his dream is going to become a reality, we have to think about "we" not about "me." >> eric: the founder of the drug major institute for public policy that's carrying on the work of dr. martin luther king today, we thank you for joining us during the ceremony, you are there this morning. >> very good. thank you, sir. >> eric: of course. we'll be back in a moment with a lot more of our live coverage of
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the ceremonies continuing this morning for dr. martin luther king jr. i have copd. if you have it, you know how hard it can be to breathe and what that fes like copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva helps control my copd symptoms... keepinmy airways open... ...a full 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled copd maintence treatment that does both. and it's eroid-free. spiriva doesot replace fast-acting inlers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and call your doctor right away if your breathing suddenly worsens,... ...your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain,... ...or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation.
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>> eric: we have a major development to tell you about in a fox news voter fraud investigation. exclusive heartbreaking allegations that some of the most vulnerable among us can be exploited for voter fraud. you may recall the story we brought to you last april in minnesota. that's where the family of brain damaged young man charged that he was a victim of voter fraud. he's 35-year-old jim steen, he suffered a traumatic brain injury in 1987 when he saved the life of his drowning sister there on the left, heather. last november, jim and residents of his group home were taken to vote. his family says it's a case of voter fraud because they say he was incompetent to vote. when we sat down with him and his sister beside him, this is what they told us about voting. >> did they tell you who vote for? did they move your hand or mark it for you? >> no. just told me who to vote for. >> they just told you who to
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vote for? did you know anything about the person you voted for? >> no. i didn't have a clue. >> you did not know is the answer -- >> didn't have a clue. >> eric: he also told me he thought he voted for president ford. the group home owner denied any wrongdoing and the prosecutor said there was no evidence of any voter fraud. it turns out a grand jury will start on tuesday and sources say they'll hear testimony related to jim's case including from one person who filed an affidavit saying he saw a staff member coercing and filling out ballots of incapacitated voters and the conservative activist group, the minnesota freedom council says at least four of the patients who voted were under guardianship and legally declared to be incapable of voting. we'll follow this disturbing case and if you suspect voter fraud or problems where you live, especially among the vul noeshl we want to know about it. here's our address. voterfraud at
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>> jamie: the other case we're following, the search for the missing missouri infant. we have new details of the fresh manpower that are joining that search and an update on possible clues found in an abandoned house. a live report in the next hour. and america honoring civil rights icon dr. martin luther king jr. president obama set to take the podium in a few minutes. we'll go live to the national mall. that's next. [ male announcer ] this is lara. her morng begins with arthritis pain. that's a coffee and two pills. the afternoon tour begins with more pain and more pills. the evening guests arrive. back to sore knees. back to more pills. the day is done but hang on... her doctor recommended aleve. just 2 pills can keep arthritis pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is lara who chose 2 aleve
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the nation today paying homage to a civil rights icon who gave his life to push america forward. the memorial toç dr. martin luther king, jr. being dedicated today. president obama set to speak in a few minutes. good morning welcome to a new special edition of america news headquarters, i'm eric . >> i'm jamie colby. history being made on the national mall. ering a different time in this nation. taking stage to honor his work and sacrifice.
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kelly wright is live with more. kelly, i know you are deeply moved by what you are experiencing today with what about the other people who are there. it must be a sea of emotion. >> kelly: it is. they all share this senseç of pry. sometimes they are touched by the speeches. as they are touched by the speeches the crowd reacts with maybe a tear or maybe that feeling inside like wow, this is just such a moment that i wanted to take advantage of. i'm glad i'm here. one gentleman said he's here with his children so his children can see how the legacy will live on. you are hearing the crowd applause. diahann carroll the famous actress and singer of hollywood fame and las vegas fame is now 70 years of age, celebrating that. earlier, andrew young close friend ofç dr. king. gave a secret that dr. king
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was only 5'7 and hated being that small. then he said now dr. king in his statues looms larger. he said dr. king didn't die for a tattoo he died in service to humanity. john lewis went on to say the election of barack obama, i asked him that question now that barack obama has been elected president is that the fulfillment of the american dream? john lewis told me as he told the crowd, no, it is only a down payment of the american deem. that's what they are doing today, celebrating that dream. ♪ ♪ç ♪ >> kelly: a day filled about inspiring music and messages of hope. the children of dr. king say they are honored to have a national memorial dedicated to
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the legacy of their father who died in service to making humanity better. they issued a challenge to continue the dream. >> 48 years ago, my father stood in this vicinity, in the shadows of the lincoln memorial and gave a speech that was to resonate around the world. he said that he had a dream. that with faith in ourselves and i'ç our country, we will be able to hue out of a mountain of dispair, home hope. with we would be to transform the discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood and sisterhood. that with faith we would be able to work together. stand up for freedom together. knowing one day we would all be free. >> kelly: earlier today i asked jesse jackson how do we achieve the fulfillment of
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people coming together to the table of brotherhood? >> the dream keeps expanding. the dream in '63 was inç denial public accommodation. from texas to florida we couldn't use the same toilet, we within that battle. right to vote, we won that battle. open housing, we won that battle. the dream vietnam, we won that war. but the end of poverty, disease, it keeps growing. >> kelly: thatxw)l what seems to be resonating here. people saying yes we have achieved racial equality. but they talk about the economic disparity. something dr. king had been fighting for towards the end of his life with the resurrection city that took place not far from where i'm standing in 1968, he leftç that to fly to tennessee to talk to the garbage workers there, gave his famous mountaintop
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speech and died the day after that. but that continued on. the poor people's march continued on. so much happened since dr. king's death. if he were here today martin luther king, iii said he would continue to push for economic justice for all and all people who are impoverished to come into a state of being able to take care of themselves and the world be able to help each other at the take of brotherhood. >> so well put, kelly, thank you. >> as you watched the dedication of the martin luther king, jr. memorialç, the ales apprenticeship program. reverand bernice king recalling the days following her father's assassination when she was a child. >> i remember like here, lights, they were hot, cameras all over the place.
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and my mother tried to explain what was going on. but couldn't do but so much because of the service taking place. in particular, i recall when they played his message that he delivered on february 4th,ç 1968, two months prior to the assassination entitle drum major instinct. the latter part he talked%r)ñ about his eulogy. suddenly this voice booms out over the speakers and i'm looking for him. my mother told me a few days before when you see your father, he won't be able to speak to you. you can imagine a 5-year-old, now suddenly hearing the voice of her father, wait a minute, a little bit of confusion here. so i'm looking for the man that i said won't -- i was again. that was very difficult for
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me. to a certain extent today it is difficult, bqqause it causes me n a subconscious way not to reconcile death as being physically final. that happen in my life, unfortunately, because of that incident and what fed it afterwards. >> that's the reverend bernice king, dr. king's daughter. you can see on the left the president's motorcade. president obama will be speaking at the dedication. when he does, in a little while, we'll of course bring you his remarks in full. >> as we honor an american icon in washington, d.c. today, thousands gathering to dedicate the new dr. h laurie kinney, jr. memorial at the --ç dr. martin luther king memorial at the national mall. joining me fox news contributors, ladies welcome. jehmu, when i think about
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children today, young/"ba adults and i think about them watching this ceremony, how there's an imprint in our mind about what dr. king did for humanity. i wonder what they take away interest it? if they don't get it automatically should we be telling them? >> that's a why it question. it is what this monument is going to represent for future generations. i think your guest earlier the chair of the drum major institute, as he was talking about the need for us to return toç the we generation it made me start thinking about how we have talked so much about the millen yell generation being the me -- millennial generation being the me in media, and support these young folks have. that's why this memorial is so important to not just honor this great humanitarian, but to honor his values that he put out there. courage, love and justice and
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democracy and freedom. i think forñ9hdpny people, martin luther king has become the first holiday after the new year. so this monument and as we listen to the civil rights leaders talk about the great work that has been done, but all of the with work thatç still has to continue to be done, i think that such a gift to future generations. an important gift we need to keep in mind now as we look at 50 million people in poverty. if there is ever a time for a poor people's campaign, it is today. >> deneen, i comment the he will -- the elders ofyç÷o the program who brought the words from dr. king. the messages are loud and cheer and speak to the future that all of us want. deneen, what do you think dr. king would want us to do today? >> first of all this is a great day i'm so glad to be able to witness this and see
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peopleç celebrate the success of king's dream and unfortunately, he had to give his life for civil rights. but, he loved america. he loved americans. he wanted to see people to see past skin color and content of character. that is something that everyone should be an which are of and keep in hindsight, especially our kwrult adults today that is something they should recognize and be aware of. it is about the merits and how a person is able to be judged on their value and what they have to contribute to society. and not focus on race where you have individuals who are playing the race card in this day and age, blaming certain things that are going on in our country, based on race, when in fact the proofç is not there that is something i think our younger generation should be focused on. >> jehmu, doctor king said he a dream and i was their dream as well. he wanted everyone to get
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involved. when you see today around the world people going out to the streets, there's violence and destruction and a lot of statements, maybe more talking than doing to make things better, can you translate what his message would be if he was here to those people? >> i think his message would one, start with him being amongst them and really challenging them to have a voice. one of my favorite quotesç from dr. king is we all have our quotes that have impacted our life in significant ways, is when he talked about the power of directjxa action. and that direct action has to lead to opening the doors to negotiation. i think that's what these young people, especially looking at the occupy wall street protesters and now all of the occupy cities activities that are happening around the country and even the world, that's a message
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that would not just inspire them, if he was amongst the crowds today, i think he would be marching and continuing to even challenge this president. we haveç to remember that it was the poor people's campaign that lead to the march on washington. and the march on washington was a call for economic justice. today probably than when he made that speech and when thousands gathered on the mall many years ago. watching thousands of people come again, not just to honor him as a humanitarian but to honbcx his values in direct action, him as an activist, well today in the young people who are marching and really having to call for attention to economic issues. >> would he ask forç them to come out to the streets without solutions?
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is it one thing to just speak out to the way things that are that they disagree without proposing a better way? >> what we know about dr. king is his goal was for civil rights. his message was clear. one thing i think occupy wherever you are in the world or in the united states, what these individuals could learn from is it is peaceful demonstration, nonviolent. what we are witnessing with these individuals who are protesting around the world, especially near downtown new york, is that they are being disruptive and disorderly. in my view, in my opinion, that is not undr. king's leadership. theseç individuals need to tak& a stand on how dr. king was able to communicate the importance of a civil rights equal rights for all americans and how he went about it. how they are going about it with occupy wherever you are, i don't believe it is undr. king's umbrella. >> interesting, deneen and
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jehmu, thank you for joining us. today america honors dr. king's life. there are been long commemorations marking the day of his tragic assassination. in 1998 i traveled to memphis, tennessee people were marking 30 years on the day he he was shot at 6:01 p.m. as he stood on the balcony of the lorraine more tell.ç it is now the national civil rights museum and the room where he spent his last night remains untouched. you can see it for yourself. here is some of that report. the lorraine more tell where king was cut down is now a shrine. room 306 remains untouched preserved as part of the national civil rights mu -- museum. >> you come to this place, and see where the blood was shed. it does something to you. >> reverend kyles was standing
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with king on the balcony, when he was shot. >> the blood that he shed watered so manyç cedes that had been planted. -- so many seeds that had been planted. >> now we are celebrating his dream and watching the dedication of the inspiring memorial you see there that honors his life and legacy. we are keeping a close eye on efforts to help fan a -- to help find a baby. she is 11 months old now, missing for nearly two weeks. her parents say she was snatched from their home in the middle of the night, baby lisa. julie banderas with the latest on the search. it did seem like there might be some developments. >> sadly, they are not leadingç to any hard evidence. investigators have reached another dead end in their search for baby lisa irwin after discovering diapers and
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a backpack in an abandoned house. it seems the diapers had been there longer than the two weeks lisa has been missing and not connected. police continue to investigate with few leads. from in the case has all but waned. the governor is sending the national guard to help. a donor has posted a $100,000 reward for information that either leads to the safe return of baby lisa or conviction of anyone involved. that donor hiredç a private investigator from new york. police have arrested a homeless man they say a handyman that is seen in the neighborhood on an outstanding warrant. they say he isn't a suspect, they are just questioning him. the say way they did neighbors. baby lisa was 10 months old when she was reported missing october 4th. her parents said she disappeared overnight. police have not named either parent a suspect or person of
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interest. they continue to field hundreds of calls with tips hoping one will lead them to this missing baby girl. >> thank you. we hope for developments there and across the country. banks are adding fees for checking accounts and debit ca)s, have you checked yours? they say it is not their fault. we are going to tell you who banks are saying is to blame and how you can save money. >> we are watching the memorial dedication for dr. king. the president will speak shortly we will bring you his remarks live. >> we still feel that we are right and that we stand within our constitutional rights in the protest. we still advocate nonviolence, passive resistance. and still determined to use the weapon of love.
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far as who qualifies to be able to bank there. so, you should look in your area and see what credit unions areç able. it used to be they were only for a certain company that would set up a credit union or if you were a member of a labor union. really, they've gone beyond that and extended the definition of who qualifies to get into a credit union. they are nonprofit banks essentially. they are not in business to make money. you can often get yourself a lower loan rate if you have that option. >> let's put up tips. first, check out and see if you can find a credit union, because they won't charge you for the atm, generally, you might get better rates on credit card and certainly you might find free checking. or lower fees and even internet banks how do you find those? >> go online. if you are comfortable using
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the internet and the security that the internet offers, internet banking can be a great way to go. you can find that most charge on using atm's anywhere in the country, they will reimburse you. you don't have a branch to do a deposit now a lot are using scanning technology. so you can deposit a check without leaving the comfort of your armchair. even some of them have gone so far as to offer smartphone aps --ç apps where you can scan from our phone and deposit from your phone if you are comfortable using technology internet banking can be great. if you have a bank that you want to stick with, go to them and say, why am i now paying $15 a machine for my checking account. isn't there something we can do? in some cases it may be a matter of saying, you need to add a little more to the
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account and have on deposit. maybe that means you buy a cd from them and that qual face now you have a larger relationship. >> -- try to negotiate with the current one if you don't have to the stomach to move. if you need a loan, we know the banks or tight on lending now, you shouldç consider you say using multiple banks. how does that work? >> absolutely. done think because you have a checking or savings account at a bank they think you are this great customer and they are going to give you the lowest rate. check around you and see the loan rates in your community dank warns in your area. a lot of times -- banks are in your area. a lot of times they are going to give you a competitive loan. there might be a bank down the street that says if you move your account to us, we'll give you a 1% cheaper loan rate. so, play them just like you would anything else. it is pay to play, but you
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have the ability toç play in a cheaper sandbox if you want, by being more aggressive and not taking whatever the bank is willing to give. >> so it is play so you don't have to pay, i like it. great to meet you thanks for being with us. >> thanks for having me. >> if you want more of our take charge consumer protection segments on a number of issues, go to and click on the america's news headquarters page look for the link with where you see the take charge link click on that and you will see many more of these segments. >> good advice. violence continues in the mideast this time in yemen. security force there is gunning down anti-government demonstratorsç, we'll have a live report on this latest outbreak, next. >> plus, thousands on the mall, billions across the country following the dedication of the martin luther king, jr.
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dedication of the memorial there. right now you see president obama, the first african-american president of this country and his family, touring this momentous monument we will follow his comments and his speech in a few moments. the president was only 67-years-old when dr. king was assassinateds april 4th, 1968. imagine his dream and legacy in the oval office has come true. president obama, standing and pausing, reading soft ofç the indescriptions the 14 quotes from dr. king, his -- many speeches on this historic day in washington did k the dedication of the dr. martin luther king, jr. memorial. looking good! you lost some weight. you noticed! these clothes are too big, so i'm donating them. how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't.
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the meaning, the legacy of the picture that you see right there, right now. an african-american man who became president of the united states. what do you think dr. martin luther king would say on this day? the president as well as vice president biden, his wife and the first family now touring the memorial that is being dedicated this morning to honor dr. martin luther king in a few moments the president will speak we'll bring you those remarks live. throughout the morning we've been covering this his rick and deeply meaningful day as weç honor the legacy and life of dr. martin luther king. deadly violence in yemen. security forces killing at least four anti-government protesters marching through the capital this morning. this is one day after troops opened fire on a huge rally in that city, killing at least a dozen and wounding hundreds
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more. leland vittert is live with the latest. >> reporter: it seems as though yemen is slipping into a state of civil war, something like what we saw in libya. that means the al-qaeda syndicate there now has much more operational freedom. because the presidentç who used to be a strong u.s. ally against al-qaeda is certainly trying now only to hold on to power in the capital today we had a running street battle if you will. not just anti-government protesters out there, it is also members of a militia group which has formed by rogue generals who are now taking up the fight control part of the capital of sanaa. the issue is, as the gulf states have gotten together -- we are seeing this incredible amount of violence that has continued to get worse since the protest began in january.
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security situation the video you are w@fching gets worse in yemen. the economy gets worse. today the main gas producer in yemen shutdown the gasline there. yemen has all been a key u.s. ally in the war on terror. clearly now that is a big question mark. we see violence getting worse in this rogue group trying to take over. they already have much control of the desert. the united states the past couple of weeks has stepped up drone attacks to try and keep al-qaeda from being able to act with immunity. if saleh leaves you use -- you lose a key u.s. al life at best you have an unknown group of generals come in.ç at worst, generals willing to give al-qaeda free rein to act with within that country to hold on to power themselves. >> leland, thanks.
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herman cain has been topping the republican polls this past week. gop presidential hopeful romney has been faring better in the polls. is mr. romney's continued success diminishing the movement's clout? joining us jehmu greene and adam geller. adam,ç romney is hanging in there. does that dilute the tea party's effect? >> it sort of does. but for this reason, basically, what you have nationally is a tea party that is really a couple of separate tea parties. tea party express. some who are behind perry. some behind bachmann. so it does end up cancelling each other out. the tea party does a better job on the state or local level where they can get behind one candidate.
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when there's three, four, five it becomes difficult for them and makes it easier for romney. >> do you think they can get behind romney? >> there's going to be a romney and a not-romney candidate. some thoughtç it might have been perry now it is looking like it might be cain before that it was michelle bachmann. there's going to be a series of these events until they settle on the not-romney candidate. and then they will go to the end. romney has so much money and so much organization he's not going anywhere any time soon. >> mu, how do you think herman not-romney cain is going to be able to do? >> i think he's going to do really with well with the tea party west are starting to see the tea party coalesce their support behind him. at the end of the day that is going to be the down fall for the republican party in the presidential election. i absolutely agree with adam thatç the strength of the tea party is at the local level.
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the down ballot races. i think their focus has been shifted from that power base that we saw so effectively implemented in the 2010 elects. they might want to shift back to the state elections. continue to build their power and stay out of the presidential election. because, if they did get the candidate of their using, if they go herman cain, a michelle bachmann, clearly, that candidate would not be able to stand up to president obama. i think the independent voters are clearly seeing that. we've already seen from aç popularity contest, most americans are in support of these protesters in the occupy wall street movement. they started to back away from their support of the tea party because they think lack of rational decision-making that we saw in the debt ceiling debate not as a good thing.
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>> folks are going to back away from the presidential race? >> no. i really respect where jehmu is coming from and her point. at the end of the day barack obama's numbers are so bad and his presidency is an epic failure, that i can tell you that whoever is running against obama, whoever the nominee is, is going to have so much support not just from the republican base but from independentsç who have all but abandoned barack obama. so it is much less of a situation that jehmu is saying. look, it is not even a matter of electability. whoever is running against barack obama. even barack obama says he's the undoing with 70 million dollars in the bank is a -- is the underdog with 70 millions in the bank is hard, i think anybody but obama is going to be helpful for the next four years. >> thank you so much. by with the way, the president has raised more money than all the other republican
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candidates combined. we have to keep that in mind. we want to jump back to the dedicationç ceremony in washington. secretary of the interior, ken salazar. >> stand up for equality and justice for all. today the department of interior and the national park service have the honor of serving as one of custodians of america's history. we have a duty to make sure that all of america's story is fold told not just a part of it. with the dedication of this memorial we are honoring the critical chapter in america's story on the march of civil rights and the struggle to create a more perfect union. dr. king, rights for all people into the consciousness of america and the world. millions of disinfranchiseçed americans found new hope, dignity and opportunity to share fully in the blessings of our nation. as i stand here before you
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today, this distinguished audience, my president and the first family, my vice president and his family, leaders of the civil rights movement, members of the king family, members of congress and my colleagues on the cabinet, i know we are all indebted to dr. king and those who spearheaded the civil rights movement who came before us. they gave those of us and my generation the opportunity they had been denied to generations before them. i knee we where painfully aware of -- i know we are painfully awareç that dr. king's dream continues to elude us. discrimination is still present in communities and places around our country and around this world. it is also at the root of the divisive battles over immigration hereú]xw in america. this memorial today stands as a testament that dr. king's struggle continues today and is very much alive.
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we share his dreams that one day we will live in a world where there is dignity, respect and justice for all with no exceptions. when our children and ground children visit this place, this memorial, they will share in dr. king's story, a story of america. it is a story that teaches us that asç individuals in the face of long odds and centuries of injustice, that people can summon up the courage to kaeupbgt world. in dr. king's own words, i say to you, my friends so even though with we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, i still have a dream. it is a dream deeply rooted in the american dream. in the view of my humble vision, president barack obama is a person case of that american dream. thank you. [ applause ]ç
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an earthquake. then a lady named irene paid us a visit. and it was indeed a dark day for me. but, joy cometh in the morning. what a glorious morning thisç is today. as i stand here and look across the transformed landscape, i see a wonderful example of what we can accomplish with this faith and with a stone of hope. with we come together today, to honor and celebrate the ideal of a humble man who understood that all humanity is linked together. and we come together to dedicate the martin luther king, jr. memorial, our memorial, the world's memorial. many of you seated here throughout this day and throughout this country, have
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contributed years of yourç tim, talent and money, to help us build the memorial we dedicate today. it has been both humling and uplifting for me to be a part of this magnificent undertaking. i -- our hope is through this memorial, dr. king's legacy will continue to touch those who walked with him. those inspired by him. and future generations who will get to know him. on behalf of the martin luther king, jr. national memorial project foundation, i want to thank everyone for doing so much, so long to help us arrive at this triumphant day in historyç. once more, i also thank you to my family and to the staff of mlk memorial, a small group that have worked tirelessly to make dr. king's dream a reality here on our national
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mall. so, it is indeed with great pleasure, and an honor that i have to introduce you to you the president of the united states, president barack obama. [ applause ] >> the president: thank you. thank you so much.ç [ applause ] >> the president: thank you so much. thank you. please be seated. an earthquake and a hurricane may have delayed this day, but this is a day that would not be denied.
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for this day we celebrate dr. martin luther king, jr.'s return to the national mall. inç this place, he will stanford all time. -- he will stand for all time. among monuments of those who defended this nation, a black preacher, no official rank or title, who somehow gave voice to our deepest dreams and our most lasting ideas. a man who stirred our conscious. and thereby help make our union more perfect. dr. king would be the first to remind us that this memorial is not for him alone.ç the movement of with which he
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was a part, depended on an entire generation of leaders. many of here today. for their service and sacrifice, we owe them our ever lasting gratitude. this is a monument to your collective achievement. [ applause ] >> the president: some giants of the civil rights movement like rosa parks and dorothy height, benjamin hooks, reverend shuttles worth, they've been taken from us these past few years.ç this monument attests to tear strength and their courage. -- to their strength and their courage. while we miss them dearly, we know they rest in a better place. finally the multitudes of men and women whose names never appear in the history books. those who marched and those
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who sang. those who sat-in and those who stood firm. those who organized and those who mobilized. all those men and women who through countless acts of quiet heroism, helped bring about changes few thought were even possible. by the thousands, said dr. king, facelessç, anonymous, relentless young people, black and white have taken our whole nation back to those great wells of democracy, which were dug tkaep by the founding fathers and the formulation of the constitution and the declaration of independence, for those men and women, those foot soldiers for justice, know this monument is yours as well. nearly half a century has passed since that historic march on washington. a day when thousands upon
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thousands gathered for jobs and for freedom. that is what ourç school children remember best when they think of dr. king. his booming voice across this mall, calling on america to make freedom a reality for all of god's children. prove sizing of a day when the jangling discord of our would be transformed into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. it is right that we honor that march. that we lift up dr. king's "i have a dream" speech. with without that shining moment, without dr. king's glorious words we might not have had the courage to come as far as we have. because ofç that hopeful visio, because of dr. king's moral imagination, barricades began to fall.
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bigotry began to fade. through doors of opportunity swung open for an entire generation. yes, laws changed, but hearts and minds changed as well. look at the faces here around you. you see an america that is more fair and more free and more just than the one dr. king addressed that day. we are right to savor that slow but certain progress.ç progress that is has expressed itself in a million ways, large and small across this nation every single day. as people of all colors and creeds live together and work together and fight along side one another. and learn together and build together and love one another. so it is right for us to celebrate today dr. king's
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dream and his vision of unity. and yet, it is also important on this day to remind ourselves that such progress did not come easily. thatç dr. king's faith was hard won. that it sprung out of a harsh reality and bitter disappointments. it is right for us to celebrate dr. king's marvelous oratory but worth remembering that progress did not come from words alone. progress with was hard. progress with was purchased through enduring the smack of billy clubs and the of fire hoses. it was bought with days in jail cells and nights of bomb threats. for every victory during the height of the civil rights
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movement there wereç setbacks and defeats. we forget now, but during his life dr. king wasn't always considered a unifying figure. even after rising to prominence, after winning the nobel peace prize, dr. king was vilified by many. denounced as a rabl rouser, agitator, radical. he was even attacked by his own people. by those who felt he was going too fast or those he who felt he was going too slow. by those who felt he shouldn't meddle in issues lake the vietnam war or the rights ofç union workers. we know from his own testimony the doubts and the pain this caused him. and the controversy that what swirl around his actions with would last until the fateful
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day he died. i raise all this because nearly 50 years after the march on washington, our work, dr. king's work is not yet complete. we here in a moment of great challenge and great change. in the first decade of this tested by war and by tragedy. by economic crisis and its aftermath that has left millions out of work and poverty on the rise and millions more struggling to get by. indeed, even before this crisis struck, we had endured a decade of rising inequality and stagnant wages. too many troubled neighborhoods across the country, the conditions of our poorest citizens appear little ch
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