tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News October 17, 2011 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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eastern. and you don't want to miss that. the o'reilly factor is next. greta wire has an open thread. what do you think about what happened with general scales and general mcaffrey? >> "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight, the yankee capitalist protesters getting more violent and costing u.s. taxpayers millions of dollars. we'll have the latest on a situation that could directly impact who the next president will be. >> i think that the jews who are running these big banks, they need to be run out of this country. >> anti-semitism on display at some of the occupy wall street protests. bernie goldberg on that. >> people take pot shots left and right 'cause they're a little bit afraid that this long shot may not be a long shot any longer. >> a new rasmussen poll says herman cain would beat president
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obama if the election were held today. brit hume will analyze. caution. you are about to enter the no spin zone. "the factor" begins right now. hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. president obama and the occupy wall street crowd that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. let's take this step by step. first of all, the people behind the protests are smart. they have designed a plan that deflects the bad economy away from president obama onto greedy wall street people and by extension, the republican party. it works this way: the protesters scream that wall street greed is why the world wide economy is so bad and who supports big business? why, the republicans do. simple, effective, and some in the media have latched on to the theme. the economic disaster in america is not the president's fault.
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it's the fault of corrupt wall street greed heads. now, whether he knows it or not, president obama lit the fuse for this plan by openly stating that corporations and the wealthy are not paying their fair share in taxes. talking points doesn't know whether he knew this rhetoric would ignite public protest, but it has. and surely the president understands the power of his words. just yesterday at the martin luther king memorial, he said this. >> dr. king understood that peace without justice was no peace at all, that aligning our reality with our ideals often requires the speaking of uncomfortable truths and the creative tension of nonviolent protests. if he were alive today, i believe he would remind us that the unemployed worker can rightly challenge the examineses of wall street without demonizing all who work there. >> the president's use of the word justice is interesting. what's the definition of justice?
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some folks believe that it's making sure everybody is the same amount of money. that's the income equality group. they want governments around the world to take money away from the affluent and business and give it to the quote, unquote, people. spurred on by the demonstrations in the usa, protesters all over the world are now demanding social justice. what people have to understand that these demonstrators come from a variety of places. some are hard core communists. some are socialists. some are just confused and looking for some action. most of these people don't know the big picture. they're just out there protesting whatever beef they may have. the commonnallity here is that the protesters despise capitalism, believing it unfair. sometimes it is. just like every other system can
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be unfair. the greedy business people who invented the giant mortgage company, of course, they're villains. no question about that. but you don't see these protesters screaming about countries like greece, spain, portugal and other social justice nations going bankrupt because of excessive spending on entitlements. you don't see the protesters complaining about that. and that, that bankruptcy spectrum is hurting the world wide economy far more than any mortgage scheme ever did. we also don't see the protesters angry with the democratic party here in america for spending this country into near bankruptcy, badly damaging the currency and retirement accounts. no, none of that is on display. it's all about social justice. the truth is, many protesters in america don't like their country. they don't want to compete in the free marketplace. they want to do their own thing. and be guaranteed financial security while doing it. again, they don't want to compete. they want to be supported.
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meantime, the demonstrations are costing working taxpayers millions of dollars. money down the drain. on another front, it's instructive to see how the left wing media in america are supporting the demonstrators. think back a year ago when the tea party was demonstrating for smaller government and responsible spending. did the media support that effort? of course not. it demonized the tea party as racist and insensitive to the needs of the poor. so what happens now? well, my pal, glenn beck, says this is just the beginning of world wide riots riots and revot designed to tear down the capitalistic system. talking points believes the protesters will in the short run ramp it up. they're now emboldened and the powerful people behind president obama certainly see this as an opportunity. if wall street becomes the economic issue, mr. obama will be far better off. the president's campaign chief, david axelrod, gave us a preview yesterday. >> i don't think any american is impressed when they see governor romney and all the republican candidates say the first thing they would do is roll back wall
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street reforms and go back to where we were before the crisis and let wall street write its own rules. i think that will be an issue. >> interesting, right? the democrats know they can't defend president obama's economic record. so they'll deflect it into another arena and the need i can't will buy it. not buying it. capitalism gives the most amount of people the most opportunity to succeed on their own. europe's collapsing economically because of rampant social justice spending, entitlements. the soviet union collapsed. cuba and venezuela are disasters. socialism never works. but world wide there are millions of people who want stuff without working for it. they are capable of using force to try to get that stuff. not a nice picture. that's a memo. in a moment, the lead story, juan and mary katherine will analyze the occupy wall street for president obama. later, bernie goldberg says there is an anti-semitic proponent to the protests.
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he will lay it out for us and "the factor" continues after these just one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defends against occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating. with the strains of good bacteria to help balance your colon. you had me at "probiotic." [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health. the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from? ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projectsn the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to thplanet? natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is.
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gives you a 50% annual bonus! so you earn 50% more cash. according to research, everybody likes more cash. well, almost everybody... ♪ would you like 50% more cash? no! but it's more money. [ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? woah! [ giggles ] >> bill: we continue with our lead story. what's behind the occupy wall street protests. mary katherine and juan woman's with here. juan, you disagree with my take on the political strategy, deflecting attention away from the president's economic
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troubles? >> no, i think you're on target. if you look what's going on in massachusetts with elizabeth warren, who was the consumer lady that the obama folks brought in and now running against scott brown in massachusetts, she is using class warfare rhetoric and as a result, has vaulted ahead of scott brown in those polls and raising unhealed amounts of money. terrific for her. where you're wrong, bill, where you go wrong it not in understanding this crosses political lines. that a majority of americans right now think the republicans represent the rich, that the taxes should be raised on those who make more than 200,000, and that the class warfare strategy of president obama they say it's bringing the country together. people are just mad at wall street. >> bill: i mean, if that were the case, why is herman cain in a new cnn poll beating president obama head to head? the folks are going, that's right. president obama is correct, it's not his fault. so wall street -- you know. >> they're sick of everybody. >> bill: why is president obama a bum if it's wall street's
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fault? >> because remember, he's the one that supported tarp, too big to fail, and people see him tied -- a lot of people who are in this occupy wall street movement are not too pleased that obama hasn't been more aggressive in throwing bankers in jail. >> bill: mary katherine, these movements shouldn't spontaneously happen. there is too much money behind them and unions are behind them. it's organized. i think it was organized, number one, with an eye on getting president obama reelected, okay, number one. and overseas, it's a whole different story. they're just anarchists and cranks over there seizing the day. >> right. yeah. there were 70 injuries in rome by a sort of occupy wall street inspired protest. we can thank our left wing folks for not going there. i think there is legitimate anger as juan said, partly because the inclusion of government and big business makes a lot of people angry and it does cross lines. the solutions for fixing that, totally different.
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but there is a legitimate anger. the obama administration risks two things here. one, the absurdity of the guy who took more wall street money than any candidate in the history of mankind, running an anti-wall street campaign, he'll get a pass on in a from a lot of the media. the other issue is that there are some real -- a lot of real radicals and they're explicit about it. let's talk about the facts. they're out there saying, we want revolution, not reform. they say it on tape frequently. you do have a lot of open communists and socialists talking about it. so i do think that he runs a risk in getting a little too close to those guys. now, the media, i think has -- it's been a stunning double standard for the tea party. >> bill: it's off the charts. >> remember august 2009 when raising your voice at a health care meeting at a public town hall meeting was considered like rending the public fabric of the republican? now it's like, defacate on cop
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cars. >> bill: but i submit, juan, that president obama, he believes that this movement is going to help him is wrong. i think that the independent minded americans, most americans watching this on tv, as mary katherine said, there is some sump thee that the big wall street fat cats got away with it, okay, and me, too. you know. i'm chasing these guys down the street. >> you just said it in your talking points memo that a lot of these folks are -- inasmuch but the solution is -- >> bill: but the solution is not blowing up the capitalistic position. and if president obama throws in with them, he alienates a lot of independent people? >> the republicans have to be careful that they don't become identified as the roll back all regulations, which is what axelrod was talking about yesterday because remember, it's going to be obama versus somebody. if the republicans are postured as the party of the rich and the bankers and wall street, that's not good for them.
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>> bill: the obama administration -- you don't roll back all the regulations. but you certainly do roll back some of them, mary katherine, because it's strangling the economy. every small business person i know, every single one, in my town on long island, there was almost a revolt, all of the small business people got together and said, no, we can't do business because you guys got too many regulations on us. we can't even have people parking outside without you guys on our backs. get off our backs! that's what it is. >> right. it's obama's favorite straw man to say, you want to roll back all regulations. >> bill: oversite on banking and investment with some bite, with some bite. here are the rules. so everybody, mean me, understands them. and will enforce them. but we're not going to nickel and dime you every time you turn around. oh, your radiator is leaking, you got to shut down for two days. blank you. we're trying to do some business
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here! >> what this indicates is that this is all he's got. and he's got an enthusiasm gap, a big one, according to the cnn poll, two-thirds of republicans being extremely excited. so he's got to maybe try and harness some of this. >> bill: he's got to create the boogie man. >> he's got to activate the base because the base is not all that excited about him. so he's trying to get things ginned up. but do distinguish between too much regulation on small business and the need to regulate these guys who invent financial instruments -- >> bill: you got to have oversite. that's what the sec is supposed to do. >> yeah. all of us that bailed the big boys out, the average guy saying, why me? how come i don't get help? and the big guy on wall street always gets bailed out? , when the system is big and complex, the big guys get to win because they can pull the strings. they have the money. kick some of the regulations way way. >> bill: thanks very much. not too many blacks occupying
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the protests. is this a racist deal or what? then herman cain beats president in a new rasmussen poll. brit hume reports on that and brit hume reports on that and host: could switching to geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance? host: do people use smartphones to do dumb things? man 1: send, that is the weekend. app grapgic: yeah dawg! man 2: allow me to crack...the bubbly! man 1: don't mind if i doozy. man 3: is a gentleman with a brostache invited over to this party? man 1: only if he's ready to rock! ♪ sfx: guitar and trumpet jam vo: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. [ inner voice ] establish connection. give me voice control. applications up. check my email and text messages. hands in position. airbags. ten of 'em. perfect. add blind spot monitor. 43 mpg, nice. dependability. yeah. activate dog.
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>> bill: personal story segment, as we heard ad nasa yum, when the tea party first came on the scene, there are not too many african-americans participate not guilty that movement. same thing could be said for the occupy wall street crowd. you don't see too many black faces in the demonstrations. so is there a racial element here? with us, dr. mark la mont hill, teaches at columbia university. explain the lack of african-american presence here. >> first of all, my thing is i've been part of social movements since i was a kid. unless there is a racially motivated movement, like a civil rights protest, black person was
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beaten up, i don't see black people at mass protest, period. >> bill: why is that? >> i can't say exactly what it is. but i think we tend to devote our energy to issues that directly affect ferns. >> bill: civil rights issues? >> yeah. it's not to say we don't care about other stuff. >> bill: economic justice, certainly impacts the black community with the high unemployment rate and lack of education and all of that. so you would think that maybe there would be a detante. maybe i'll be teaching at columbia soon. >> i wouldn't go that far. >> bill: probably not. >> you're way too moderate for that. i think the issue is african-american folks see those things as connected to their agenda, all those things could be connected to racial issues. but unless it's directly racial. >> bill: what about the unbelievable hypocrisy of the media, branding the tea party movement, all right, as this
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racist deal because of the lack of black faces among it, and then ignoring that on this side? >> well, i don't think the fundamental reason why the tea party was marked as racist was because there weren't black people in the crowd. as i said, they weren't in many crowds. the people is people read some of the rhetoric as racist. >> bill: like what? >> having pictures of monkeys hanging -- >> bill: okay, we're going to do a segment with anti-semitism with bernie goldberg where this occupy wall street crowd is saying all this business. you know as well as i do in your class, in any place you find a nut or two that are going to do things that are inappropriate. you don't brand the whole thing. >> i haven't seen one nut in the occupy movement who has been racially motivated. >> bill: come on. you haven't seen anything directed towards blacks. >> that's what i'm saying. i'm sure there is anti-semitism there. we're talking about race in terms of plaque and white, i
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haven't seen it. >> bill: even though one or two people may be inappropriate in the tea party, you can't brand the whole movement that way. it's crazy and dishonest. >> most of white house are smart and honest won't say the tea party movement is racist as such. what i do find is people who are racist tend to identify and connect with the tea party movement. >> bill: i don't know about that. it's an economic movement. didn't have anything to do with race. it's empowering the local and state governments rather than the federal government. that's what the tea party is with. >> when the people start using language of taking our country back. >> bill: they're not doing it -- >> blacks go, those days weren't so good. >> bill: it's taking your country back from whom? it's from the liberal big spending government. not from african-americans. >> no, but that rhetoric connects to white nationalists that have a whole different sensibility about it. >> bill: wait a minute. now you're off the rail. >> i'm not. what i'm saying is i'm not calling the tea party racist. i'm saying people who have a racist vision often feel
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connected to the tea party because they see a common language. >> bill: you can make the same assumption about the occupy wall street crew, that they want to take their country back from the wall street banks that control everything. >> yes. >> bill: it's the same thing. just on the opposite political spectrum. >> their brand is to say we're the 99%. we're only attacking big wall street, big wigs and uber wealthy. >> bill: that's what the tea party is attacking, the big federal government apparatus. it's the same thing! >> but it's the apparatus that provides veterans benefit, medicare, medicaid, welfare for the poor. that's -- >> bill: who do you think provides jobs for middle america? the banks. >> what the leftists are arguing is that we want to police the examineses of wall street. not police the successes. >> bill: what the tea party is arguing is we want to police the excesses of the federal government. it's the same thing. both think a certain section which has power has gotten out of control! that's exactly the same. >> i get you. that's not a point that i'm
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disputing. it's not the ideology. it's the fact that ideology is stained by racism, at least ostensibly on the right. >> bill: that's totally false. if you read "killing lincoln" issues you'll find out that the republican party and the conservative element at that time was the element that wanted to free the slaves and the democratic party was the one that didn't want to. >> here is another word for the day. presentism. it's when you invoke the past in a way that completely contradicts the way a word is used today. so you're talking about the republican party today as if it were the same republican party 200 years ago. it's different. >> bill: conservative mindset hasn't changed since the civil war. >> but the republican party has changed. >> bill: the federal government -- republican party, some has. >> come on, bill. it isn't completely designed to suggest the republican party of 2011 is the same one of 1811 or of 1950. it's not true! >> bill: nothing is the same.
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>> and it's tangential. >> bill: self-reliance is the same. >> but the concern is whether that narrative and that rhetoric is also linked to issues of race and racism. it's not coming from occupy wall street. those are hippies. the problem is what happens when it comes from the right when it's perceived as red necks. that's the concern. >> bill: i'm not really seeing the difference. they both have beefs and grievances. it's just against difference ones. i don't see racism in either one. >> i see racism in both. i don't think there is -- >> bill: i don't think they're involved with black politic, either the tea party or the wall street people. i don't think they're involved with it. anyway, that's my opinion. >> final word for the day is naivete. >> bill: he's an intellectual. plenty more ahead. there is an anti-semitic element, as we said, among the occupy wall street crowd. bernie goldberg is not happy about it. next, new polls determine herman cain, tea party sympathizer,
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would defeat president obama if the election were held today. brit hume has some thoughts and we hope you stay tuned to those reports. [ junior ] i played professional basketball for 12 years. today i own 165 wendy's restaurants. and i get my financing from ge capital. but i also get stuff that goes way beyond banking. we not only lend people money, we help them save it. [ junior ] ge engineers found ways to cut my energy use. [ cheryl ] more efficient lighting helps junior stay open later... [ junior ] and serve more customers. so you're not just getting financial capital... [ cheryl ] you're also getting human capital. not just money. knowledge. [ junior ] ge capital. they're not just bankers... we're builders. [ junior ] ...and they've helped build my business.
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>> bill: in the impact segment tonight, the pew zone. cnn survey says mitt romney leads the republican pact. 2%. herman cain right behind, 25. rick perry stands at 13%. rasmussen poll asked likely voters who they support between herman cain and president obama. herman cain, 43. the president, 41. joining us from washington, chief political analyst, brit hume. let's take the cain-obama matchup first. we all know polls are a snapshot. but do you believe -- do you think this says anything more than just a popularity contest? >> no, i think it says a lot more than that. this is a sign of real weakness
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for the president if he finishes second. look, it's within the margin of error. he's essentially tied in this poll with herman cain. this rank newcomer to the scene. he's a very appealing guy, herman cain, so, for that matter, is the president. that was a big -- explains his meteoric rise as well. this is a weak position for the president to be in with someone as new as herman cain and it shows his people are worried about his reelection prospects. >> bill: okay. mr. cain has raised about $5 million. president obama has raised $100 million. 20 times what herman cain has raised. so i'm just wondering whether the political environment right now, whether it's just kind of emotional, it's real emotional and everybody is answering these questions based on emotion. what do you think? >> what i say about the money
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question really is, if herman cain were to be nominated, he'd have a lot more than $5 million. i just think that the money contest says a lot more -- the real comparison is between him and romney because it seems to me it's fair to wonder whether cain isn't running a kind of tempting campaign in which he has the surface trappings of a real campaign, he's on the debate stage every week with equal billing with the other candidates, equal billing with the supposed front runner, mitt romney. he seems a great guy. he has interesting things to say. but he's not campaigning very much in the early state. he hasn't been in iowa since anybody can remember. i think it's not clear that this lead that he appears to have in the polls, which are to some extent a popularity contest, that's what they're about, will hold up when it gets down to a state by state race where romney looks stronger. >> bill: can herman cain, in your opinion, build an organization that is in new hampshire and south carolina and florida? you know what it takes, it takes
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a lot of money. you got to hire a lot of people, be well organized, and obviously the obama people are extremely well organized and well funded. the romney people as well. all right? well organized, well funded, they got their guy. but herman cain doesn't have guys or people. >> he doesn't have -- at the moment he really doesn't have the funds to put together an organization and i'm not sure he has the time. but probably the most important factor in that bill is he doesn't seem to be trying. he's going around the country, he's as much on a book tour as he is on a campaign tour. >> bill: that might not be a bad strategy because he's got to get well-known. he's got to get people to know his name and what he stands for. >> but he's mostly got to get well-known in the states where the early primaries occur. you simply can't lose a bunch of early primary states and hope to go anywhere. >> bill: i don't know where he makes his stand. i mean, iowa looks to me like is
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up for grabs right now. michelle bachman had the early lead. but looks like anybody could win there. >> if he were out there campaigning, he might win out there. he doesn't seem to be doing that and you do need an organization in iowa to get your people to the polls. >> bill: new hampshire will be a romney state. south carolina, could go anywhere route now. but it's a fairly sophisticated state. you need a lot of resources there. florida, you need gay glial ons of dollars to compete. >> yeah, 'cause you got to advertise. it's just hard to see -- look, we may start to see the signs that cain is building a real national campaign, orthros a campaign that can take him somewhere in the early states. he does not appear to have done that yet and i think that's the reason people think he can't go anywhere 'cause it's all popularity with no campaign behind it. >> bill: thank you. when we come back, bernie goldberg on anti-semitism within the occupy wall street movement. then lady gaga singing to bill clinton. was that a good idea?
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly. tonight, two hot topics, beginning with anti-semitism in the occupy wall street movement. a protesters in los angeles said this. >> mcallister, i'm here representing myself but i work for the los angeles unifying school district. i think that the zionist jews running these big banks and our federal reserve, which is not run by the federal government, they need to be run out of this country. >> bill: with us now, mr. goldberg. so as i said to you, all organizations have these fringe people. do you think this is a theme? >> i don't know how widespread this is. i'm not suggesting that it is. but i do know this: that there
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are others who echo her views. there were signs out on occupy los angeles that were clearly anti-semitic. while i don't know how widespread t she's certainly not the only one, as you can see from the signs. but this i do know for sure, you could have had ten million people at a tea party, if there was one racist sign, it was going to get on the air. >> bill: absolutely. >> it was going to get on the air. here we have some anti-semitism. but that woman who we just heard from puts liberals in general and liberal journalists in particular in a dilemma. they're in a bad situation. there is a black woman who speaks very well, who is dressed nicely, and she's a bigot. oh, what are we going to do now? >> bill: but they're going to do now is ignore it. >> that's exactly what they're going to do. >> bill: i guarantee you, it's the first time they've seen her. >> that's right. >> bill: that's what they always do. >> precisely. >> bill: if something doesn't fit into their world view --
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>> that's the point. if there was one sign with a racist sign, why did they put that in? because it did fit their world view that conservatives were bigots. as a matter of fact, the main street media went for weeks and weeks with a story about how tea partiers allegedly shouted, you know, the word. >> bill: racial stuff. >> at black congress people as they were going to vote on health care. so this is not a -- this is not a shred of evidence to say this happened. here is evidence, we've just seen evidence of something that we know exists. i'd like to see it on the air in some main stream media outlets. >> bill: you're not going to see it. brit hume and i were discussing the herman cain situation and people say look, mr. cain not a serious player because he's not setting up the infrastructure that he needs to win. others say you're crazy, he's a populist, he's going about it in a different way. but there is a split in the republican party. >> yes, there is. >> bill: between the traditionalists who are backing romney right now.
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>> right. >> bill: and then the conservative tea party people who tend to like cain right now. >> yeah. absolutely. it's a split between the realists or practicing ma test insists on the one hand who, as you rightly say, support romney. and the purists on the other hand, who unconvinced, won't be happy until ronald reagan rises from the dead and hits the campaign trail. those people say that mitt romney is not a principle executive. and they're right. he is not a principle conservative. >> bill: he's not an idealogue. >> he's not a principle conservative either. you can make a case that he's not a principled politician given all his flip flops, but the realists, they follow the bill buckley school and that is they want the most conservative viable candidate, somebody who can win. if anybody cares, i'm in that camp. the others -- i have a question for my purist friends out there.
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one of the questions is: who do you think, besides romney, could beat barak obama in a debate? i don't think any of them can. the second question is more important: name two conservative presidents in the last 80 years. name two. you can't. there is only been one. ronald reagan. >> bill: he wasn't that conservative when he came in. >> he won partially because of the conservativism. but because of his personality. >> bill: right. but i believe that my audience that favors cain would say to you, herman cain will wipe the floor with barak obama. >> there is no question. i'll tell what you else they say because i heard it on talk radio. they'd say sarah palin would do the same thing, even though polls show even republicans didn't want sarah palin to run. >> bill: i think sarah palin is a different person because sarah palin has got a lot of baggage and cain doesn't. that separates the two. in a rhetorical debate, i think cain could hold his own with
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obama. >> cain -- i don't know if he could -- maybe. but i'll say this, they want ronald reagan. there are no ronald reagans out there. bachman isn't. perry isn't. santorum isn't. whoever the others are. but i'll tell you the one who comes close, herman cain. >> bill: to ronald reagan? >> yes. >> bill: we don't know yet. >> in the same way that he's optimistic. he came up from -- he didn't grow up wealthy. >> bill: no. he's a boot strap guy. >> he has a great story. >> bill: i don't see him as being reagan because reagan had the california experience behind him as the governor of a very complex state. >> i'm talking about how you come across to ordinary -- and i use that word in the best sense -- ordinary americans. cain comes across -- the reason he's doing so well in the polls is he comes across, yeah, i sort of like that guy. >> bill: he's not a politician. but what about when what you call them purist, they say, look what happened with mccain? we compromised with mccain and
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we got our butt kicked, so we don't want to do that again. >> that's exactly what they say. let me say this to all my purist friends out there. john mccain lost for a reason. i hope all remember all four. we don't traditionally elect the same party throw times in a row. that's one. financial meltdown is two. george bush was an al traitorous around his neck and john mccain. you put up a split screen on one side and become become on the other -- barak obama on the other. >> bill: mccain didn't go after obama. he gave him a pass. >> i don't think romney, with all due respect to john mccain, i don't think romney is john mccain. i think he's a lot better. >> bill: romney will go after obama. >> he's a lot better a candidate. he's a lot smarter. >> bill: you think he's going to get the nomination? >> yeah, i do. if he doesn't, we will know who to blame. i will know how to blame for another four years of barak obama, and it will be the
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purists. >> bill: all right. bernie goldberg. reality czech on deck. lady gaga singing to bill clinton on his birthday. you may have to hide the children. clint eastwood, apparently president bush the elder was considering him for vice president. we have some tape on that. check is next. [ dennis ] allstate wants everyone to be protected on the road. whether you're an allstate customer or not. all you have to do is call. [ female announcer ] call allstate now and you'll get a free lifetime membership in good hands roadside assistance. [ dennis ] shop less. get more. make one call to an allstate agent. lugging around a hot water extraction unit can be a rush! that's why i'm carpet for life. but if things get out of hand, there's no shame in calling us. ♪call 1-800-steemer.
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>> bill: reality check, wild things going on and we have a way to save you substantial money this evening. stay with us here. check one, herman cain as we said, running wild. here he is on "meet the press." >> lock at this economy. -- look at this economy. david, the engine of economic growth is the business sector. we are growing at an anemic 1, 1 1/2%. if we allow this economy to
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continue to go down, it would destroy our economic capability and as a result, we are now looking at how much in defense we can cut. that's destroying it. >> you think liberals seek to do that, that that's their mission to destroy the economy? >> that's the conclusion that i have drawn. >> bill: also a very interesting look back. mr. cain made a video in 1991 promoting his livelihood back then. pizza. ♪ imagine there is no pizza ♪ i couldn't if i tried ♪ eating all the tacos ♪ or kentucky fried >> bill: definitely an album coming up, you know it. check two. our condolences to the family of race car driver dan weldon, killed in las vegas yesterday.
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>> here we go. a huge crash! oh, multiple cars involved! oh, my. it looks like dan weldon may be involved in it. >> we know when you're driving at these speeds, you're going the less than of a football field in less than a second. so if something happens in front of you, you can never have enough reaction time. >> it's impossible. you have no time to do anything. what happens maybe is just a small miscommunication between two drivers. >> bill: he was 33 and leaves behind a wife and two small children. check three, 350 hours of audio have been released by the bush presidential library foundation. one compelling moment concerns secretary of state james baker talking about possible running mates for bush, the elder. >> so the real candidates were
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dole, quayle, simpson, kemp. is there anyone else that you remember as being an important candidate? >> you don't have clint eastwood on there. make my day. >> was -- you know clint eastwood's know was thrown in at one point? >> bill: i wouldn't be laughing. they can have done worse than mr. eastwood. check four, lady gaga serenading bill clinton at his 65th byrd day party in california.
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>> tonight i just thought we'd all get caught up in a little bill romance. ♪ ohh ♪ caught in a big romance ♪ ♪ >> bill: you don't expect me to say anything, do you? do you? finally, check five, "the factor" wants economic justice for you, the folks who watch us. we know money is tight these days and we know holiday gift
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giving time fast approaching. in addition, we know that charitable giving is down because of the recession, off by $20 billion since 2007. so we have a plan. economic justice for you. first, you boy a copy of my best seller on, get a free copy of "waking hours from lis peil. then if you become a premium member, you get "killing lincoln" free. premium membership makes a great gift. we also have side books by me, which make excellent, inexpensive gifts. finally, we're pricing all of our stuff very low this season, saving you bucks on great things, and on gas, no driving to the mall. all the money i get from the web site goes to charity. some are listed on, so everybody wins in "the factor"'s economic justice program. power to "the factor" people. that is reality check. pinheads and patriots starring an out of control betty white coming
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>> bill: pin heads and patriots starring betty white having hot flashes. in a moment. first, the mail. pat roberts, california, about the occupy wall street protests, geraldo's assessment is accurate. beck, delusional. when are you going to wise up and drop glenn beck, o'reilley? how about never, pat. >> bill: how about never, pat. he is my friend. makes interesting points and honest guy. is he undroppable. dennis williams, oregon, bill,
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your segment contrasting beck's view with geraldo is brilliant. it cries out for investigation. from connecticut, bill, do you agree with beck that there is an international conspiracy to overthrow the u.s. government? if so, will you use your pulpit to expose it? since the founding of our republic, folks wanted to destroy it. we watch everything and analyze with fairness and accuracy. if there is something to be exposed, we will do it. irene thomas, in cincinnati, beck is right. i am not a union member, yet the seiu sent me an e-mail asking me to join the protesters. from south carolina, bill, you and lou dobbs agree there is no current proposal to do away with medicare for senior citizens. but reimbursements to doctors could drop unless congress acts f. that happens, many doctor also drop out of the program. fair point and the aarp should be specifically lobbying congress on that issue.
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not scaring granny into believing her entire health care coverage will vanish. we lock out for seniors here. but we realize the aarp right now is more interested in liberal philosophy. we hope that changes. alvin, from cutting. bill, saw you with letterman over here. interesting exchange of wit. gregory, california, bill, i am a naval officer and bought a vip ticket to see you and miller in orange county. i may be in trouble, though. i did not buy a ticket for my girlfriend in order to save money. no maybe about it, greg. you are in trouble. but because my father was a naval officer as well, i will bail you out and send you a vip ticket for the lady. miller and i would like to thank everybody going to the orange county shows. only a few tickets left. vip tickets sold out in connecticut for either october 29 halloween show.
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but there are good seats available there. info on the entire tour on i'm glad i could bail out greg. kimberly cook, colorado. o'reilley, when are you going on red eye? surely staying up late one night with gutfeld won't kill you. you obviously don't know gutfeld, kim. i do. it's not during the show. it's after the show. can't even get into it. finally, pin heads and patriots. as you may know, betty white doing very well, even though she's 89 years old. she's capitalizing on her age. >> you think you're so hot? check out betty's beef. ♪ i'm a senior. i'm still hot ♪ ♪ i can do whatever ♪ guess what ♪ i'm still hot. >> bill: a little disturbing about that. i guess hot is better than being cold. you know what i mean.
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the song, miss white is giving the money she gets to benefit the los angeles zoo. so that's patriotic. to mock an 89-year-old, just why i leave -- no, not going to do it. that is it for us tonight. employees check out the fox news factor web site, different from also, we would like you to spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world. name and town if you wish to opine. word of the day: do not bruzle. i used this word a couple weeks ago. do not bro. >> le when you write to the factor. if you know what it means, you are brilliant. i'm going to thank our hickey sherman suits, the best in the business. we don't talk about them much. but they do a great
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