tv Hannity FOX News October 17, 2011 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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i am bill o'reilly. please always remember that the spin stops right here 'cause we're definitely looking out for you. >> he is making them nervous. the liberal maybe stream media sharpens attack against herman cain. >> slogan going to be hope and change? >> you are saying can you build support throughout the entire tax code? >> yes, that's what i'm stay saying. >> president obama back on the bus tour and touts jobs plan. dick morris is here with reaction. >> pat buchanan is back with brand new book already stirring up controversy, why he questions if america's future is in serious peril. >> i was born to be here. plus new reports that one of the occupy wall street protesters we
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interviewed is actually a trust fund baby. >> founding fathers have been passing down the torch to to this generation. >> we will that hypocrisy. on the road to 2012 hannity starts right now. herman cain is getting a lot of attention from the mainstream media let's just say that unlike their treatment of the anointed one the obama mania media are not showering mr. cain with praise or easing his path to the nomination. take a look at his run-in yesterday with david gregory on "meet the press." >> wealthiest americans would pay less and middle class and lower class would pay more. you don't dispute that. >> i do dispute. >> that we are not just reading newspaper clips here. >> i understand. >> they looked at this based on what's available of the plan tnd incontrovertible. that doesn't make any sense to me. that is not correct, david. try this one more time. >> you are saying you can build support to throw out the entire tax code. >> yes, that's what i'm saying. >> based on what?
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>> the anointed one for his part is spending the better part of this this week is pitching jobs plan to you the american people. the jobs plan already voted down in the u.s. senate. he resurrected the bad news bus tour and he rode on down to asheville, north carolina and here is what he had to say. >> there are things we should do right now to get the economy the jolt that it needs. so that's why i sent to congress the american jobs act. it's completely paid for. by asking our wealthiest citizens, folks making more than a million dollars a year, to pay their fair share. >> sean: so glad to see he has developed a unique message for round two of this tour. arizona senator john mccain threw in his two cents about the president's bad news bus tour on the senate floor earlier today. take a look. >> i must say again, i have never seen an uglier bus than the canadian one is he traveling around on a canadian bus touting american jobs. >> sean: joining me with analysis is the author of the
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"new york times" best seller "revolt" dick morris is with us. welcome back. let's start with herman cain, rasmussen poll today shows he is in fact beating obama head to head. is he going to be able to do what perry was not able to do so far or bachmann or pawlenty, rise in the polls and sustain it? is he able to do that? >> yes. i'm not saying he will beat romney i think the final two will be romney against cain. because his spurt is not based on some personality or something, some statistic in his record or something. it's based on very solid proposal, his 999 proposal. you know what i was thinking of the other day, sean, in 1980 ronald reagan ran on 10-10-10. that was the kempf ross tax bill. 10% tax cuts for each of three years. he passed 5-10-10 and the rates
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are gon up a little since then they used to be 50 and now they are 35. >> sean: 70. by the end of his presidency they were 28%. >> right. that -- the concept that animates cain's plan is so fundamental and so important in changing the way the united states economy is. i think is he going to stay there and i think that plan has tremendous attractions to republicans. >> sean: what do you think of the plan? as he is debating his fellow republicans are going after the plan. >> yeah. well, i like it very much. i have a thing on my web site tomorrow, talking about it in depth. first of all, it is revenue-neutral. i have done the math and i have it in my column. now, the left says that gregory just said it will be bad for the middle class and for poor people. not true. take the middle class, a person making 50,000 to 60,000 a year currently pays 6% of his income in federal income taxes.
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and 6.5% in f.i.c.a. and 3% in medicare. that collapses down to 9%. the sales tax of 9%, the business community, the employers, the manufacturers, the retailers no longer going to have to withhold their 6.5% of social security. so they are going to eat a whole lot of that 9% sales tax and competitive pressures will force them to do it. conservatives are worried that by setting up a national sales tax we invite the federal government. >> sean: you open the door. >> to expand it. that's nonsense. we are going to win the presidency, the senate, the house and maybe in 40 years we will lack 40 votes in the senate. it happens once every three or four decades. but we can stop those increases. and i think that this, you know, poland is now the lowest tax rate in the world. top rate 18%. poland is the only country from this in europe that never had a a recession. it didn't enter the recession at all. if the united states top tax
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rate is 9%, businesses, corporations, rich people can be thronging to come into the united states. >> sean: what do you think about the double standard? the media treatment cain vs. obama? >> well, i think that the -- they represent dramatically different examples of upward mobility for minority children. one through the public sector, community organizing, affirmative action, government office. the other through working up the private sector. >> sean: coming from very, very, you know, father had three jobs. one a janitor. a chauffeur. >> make barack obama look rich. and i think that there is a -- there is a fear, a terror by the democratic party that if blacks get the point that they can move up without the government handouts, and you don't have to elect democrats to do that, they are going to lose their whole political majority. >> sean: we will get to that with buchanan. writes a controversial book. is he going to join us in the
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next two segments. let me ask you about obama himself. bad news bus tour. knows the bill is voted down in the senate. same class warfare talking points embracing the occupy wall street nut cases. is that going to back fire? >> of course it will. people who join metaphors between occupy wall street and the tea party. the difference is the americans agree with the tea party objectives. they don't agree with the occupy wall street objectives. the occupy wall street confronts obama with a huge dilemma. if he doesn't embrace them, he loses his base. if he does embrace them, he becomes radioactive to the middle. and, therefore, the news media saying oh the left has its mojo back. the fact of the matter this is a deadly challenge to obama because either way he is badly hurt. >> sean: all right. one thing we talked about before we went on the air, we saw what happened to scott walker. they really push hard with all the republics supported him they
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weren't successful. now you are saying that there is an effort to attack john kasich in ohio, the unions, the left, to repeal the plan he put in place austerity measure to get a balanced budget in the state of ohio which, by the way, he was successful at doing. now you are saying that that is in jeopardy. >> yeah. the unions have launched all out attack on senate bill 5 which was kasich's magnificent bill. what that bill does is tell the teacher's union you can't run teacher tenure. you have to adopt school choice. you can't have mandatory union dues. it has been so successful in breaking the power of the teacher's union, freeing education and really promoting education quality and the unions are terrified of this. in wisconsin the unions have had to lay off half their workforce. half of their administrative. and they are attempting to repeal this bill. now, i have something on my web site dick tonight
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saying how you can help in that effort. it's if the unions run in ohio it will kill reform throughout the country. if they lose, it's going to spread throughout the country. >> sean: we're going to be in ohio next wednesday night. and we'll tell you about that come up. dick morris, good to see you. >> ohio is the battleground now and election is only three weeks away. most people don't even know about it. >> sean: talk more about it see you next week. coming up, actor sean penn's super latest liberal rant and deeply unsettling accusation against the tea party. we will tell you what he said. first, is the very future of this country at stake. the always controversial pat buchanan. he says yes. he joins me next. don't forget, tune into hannity tomorrow might the one and only donald trump sits down with me to talk about the 2012 field and occupy protesters, that and much more tomorrow night. sometimes life can be well, a little uncomfortable. but when it's hard or hurts to go to the bathroom, there's dulcolax stool softener.
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not just money. knowledge. [ junior ] ge capital. they're not just bankers... we're builders. [ junior ] ...and they've helped build my business. >> sean: a two year freeze on all federal salaries and immediate moratorium on new immigration, constitutional amendment making english the official language of the united states. these are just a few of the things that my next guest says we must do if we want to save our country. otherwise, america as we know it could be dead by the year 2025. well, we'll only have ourselves to blame, he says. in his new book "suicide of a super power" former presidential candidate pat buchanan argues while pursuing the perfect society of our dreams we are literally killing the country that we inhair laterred.
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the best and greatest in the world. "new york times" best selling author patrick buchanan. just a little joke. i have known you a long time. >> yes. >> sean: you wrote this book knowing it was can going to be controversial. why? >> called my last political will and testament. i decided to sit down for a couple years and figure out what happened to the country i grew up in. why are we in such tremendous trouble not only with the status failing to defend the borders and can't balance the budget can't end trade deficits and get manufacturing back. socially the country seems to be disintegrating. why is it and why did it happen? these are the answers basically i give. now, some of the solution you recommended or i recommended right at the end of that book, i think they will help solve the budget problem, some of those problems but i think some of our problems are so deep and
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endemic, i'm not sure they can be solved by politics. >> sean: you talk about a divide in america. you look at it from a lot of different angles there is a real divide. half of the country doesn't pay any federal income taxes. >> right. >> sean: we see what's happening on occupy wall street. >> right. >> sean: do we get to the point tipping point malcolm gladwell's book tipping point half the other country is paying for the other half and the other half of the country wants more and the country collides. >> half of the country tax consumers and other half taxpayers. the tax consumers have no incentive if they are not paying taxes really to get the government any smaller. why should they? and so you have got this tremendous conflict in society but it's only one of them, sean. take the idea, you know, in the 1950's, i don't care if you were for truman or eisenhower or what, the country had a moral consensus. it had a moral unity, a moral code. basically based in the old and new testament, which people believed in and felt was right and true. ever since the social cultural
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revolution of the 1960's, that's completely collapsed. and with it i think the traditional family has collapsed. ideas of right and wrong have collapsed. i mean, we have talked about these issues gay marriage or right to life and abortion and all of these things promiscuity. one side says well that's progressive, normal and natural. the other side says that's wrong. >> sean: how do you reconcile. >> you don't reconcile. you can't. it's irreconcilable. that's the source of culture wars that culturally crop up is the fundamental beliefs behind them and beneath them are irreconcilable conflict. >> sean: two chapters the end of christian america the crisis of catholicism. >> right. >> sean: you gave a famous speech 1992. >> 1992, right. >> sean: it created a big controversy. quoted, pat, to this day. the sustaining power of buchanan speech. in all serious news, you are talking about cultural divide on a major scale. one thing that interested me in the book, you mentioned this was
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a desire, the end of christianity that many a dictator wanted. you quoted karl marx, open i couldn't tell of the people opiate of the people or the masses. as i'm reading this i'm thinking in many ways probably there is a lot of people celebrating that. >> listen, you know, we fought communism in ronald reagan's day and george bush finished that cold war up. the communism tongue and lenin, horrible, collapsed it was a failure it was a great success for a while. the communism of antonio who argued that, look, he went to the soviet union. place is failing, people hate the place. have a long march through the institutions of the west. that long march to change their thinking and beliefs and basically get people so that they will accept cultural marxism. they will embrace it as the rugs people rejected the other -- that's what happened. it's a transvaluation as nichey said of all values.
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what was wrong is now right and the reverse. >> sean: you talked about the beginning of the united nations a 3 nations they started there. >> 52, 53. >> sean: what is it. >> 193. >> sean: 193 now? you talk about volume vulcanization. talk about how all these countries broke up in divide. moral vulcanization and economic vulcanization of america is that a good analysis? >> that is excellent analysis. let me say also, i predict and this is where you get into touchy. you have got the chapter on when white america. >> sean: saving that for the next segment. >> i mean, the vulcanization that's true and as we talked today, i have a chapter in there of 18,000 wortdz, it's called et nic nationalism and now it's tribal.
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predicted at the end of the cold war that the real conflicts coming up would be between peoples and tribes and races and cultures rather than ideologies like communism and capitalism. i think they are right. all over the world we see countries breaking down, breaking apart. sue began just broke in half. ethiopia broke in half. see all the troubles in kenya. you see iraq. sunni vs. she a kurd vs. arab. muslim vs. christian. the anti-christian pandemic. in the middle east and everything. it is frightening but this is what is happening to the world it is all breaking down. even in europe it's more peaceful. scotland wants out. cat lone i can't wants out of spain. northern italy wants out of italy. cypress is split in half. kurds want out of turkey these are the battles of the future. this is the future of mankind. that's what makes me so concerned in the next segment about what's happening in our own country. >> what i predict will probably be the most controversial and you had to know this going in.
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you have the chapter called the end of white america. white americans are endangered species you write. >> right. >> sean: get with that more with pat buchanan. will america survive to 2025. sean penn unleashes on tea party movement. >> at the end of the day, there is a big bubble coming out of their head saying, you know, can we just lynch him? >> sean: violent anti-america and anti-sem met stick street from anti-wall street movement. one of the protesters we interviewed. ♪
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>> sean: as we continue on hannity and we continue with patrick j. buchanan, "new york times" best-selling author, former presidential candidate book called "suicide of a super power, will america survive to 2025?" when you write a chapter in the book called the end of white america and you write in that chapter white america is an endangered species, and then you talk about the white population will begin to shrink with present birth rate slowly disappear. you talk about mexico moving north, et cetera, et cetera. you know what's coming next. >> well,. [ laughter ] >> you know. >> it's what comes before.
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>> sean: that's true. but i want you to explain it in your words because i think people will interpret it, pat, is that oh, so white america is going so that means the end of america? you are saying minorities are bad for the country. >> no. not at all. the title is taken from the title of an article, cover article in atlantic magazine end of white america. what does it mean for the culture? and so i looked at it from what does it mean for the united states of america when white americans in 241 become a minority in the american along with asians african-americans and hispanic americans. you try to envisualize what's going to happen and america will look very much like california right now. and what does that mean? california is bankrupt. it's bond rating is the lowest of any place. los angeles half the people there don't speak english in their own homes. 5 million people. you have got all the problems of crimes. you have black-brown war among
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the underclass as one sheriff described it in the prisons and gangs. people are leaving california. and it's the old tax consumers are coming in. now, these are not bad or evil people. even the ones who are legal. they are coming to work. many of them. coming for a better life. but the truth is they are bankrupting the state of california because of that divide you mentioned between taxpayers and tax consumers. and what happens when all of america is like that, when every american city is like l.a.? who said -- david what's his name for the "new york times"? >> sean: which one? >> columnist for the "new york times"? brooks, he said tom jode given up. john judas new republic. i don't think california is going to make it liberals and others in there saying look, what california is today america is in 2041 if we don't change course. >> sean: really the two chapters together, the end of white america, demographic winter
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which you talk about people of european dissent are not only in a relative but real declining. aging, dying, disappearing and you say big crisis of the west. here is my question. we do break down. people forget. this we break down demographically every poll. we break down every election demographically how african-americans vote white americans. so this is common. >> right. >> i guess the issue or the argument that you are making though is, what? that the value system is different because 90% of african-americans traditionally historically vote democratic. >> hispanic vote goes what demographically. >> hispanics go 60 to 70% democratic. african-americans 900% to 95%. that's what barack obama got. what i'm say something if that is half the country republicans
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will never win another election. i mentioned california for this reason. demographically what california is will tell you also what california is politically. republic party, nixon and reagan won california nine times nixon lost it once. republics can't win california today. it's not because the people are evil. but they are democratic. they depend on government. they believe in government. they vote for the party of government. when texas goes the same way and whites are a minority in texas. when it becomes predominantly overwhelmingly hispanic, it's going to become predominantly democratic. that's the end of the republic party. what do you say to those people saying there is pat buchanan. [ laughter ] >> sean: no, no. what do you say to them they say why don't you break it down along belief system rather than racial lines? >> well, i agree, i he will tell you why many african-americans vote democratic or the federal government stopped ended slavery end the segregation, supported civil rights. supports affirmative action but
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the feds did that and they tend to believe in the federal government as a good, powerful positive institution. it's on our side. and hannity and buchanan and these guys are constantly knocking it that's why we are against them. so that's an understandable position. what i'm saying is it is a realistic statement to say that that's going to be the future as well. >> sean: right. because i look at the value system of many of my friends from all background. diverse background and they think as i do. and. >> one quick point on that. 70% of for african-americans in california voted for proposition 8 to outlaw gay marriage. 5% voted for john mccain. you are right, the value system in many cases african-americans are the most churched people in america but politically, in politics chumps values in many places. >> sean: politically can different demographic groups move over to limited government to lower taxes? >> now you are talking. that's why i say moratorium on
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immigration. take all the immigrants that came, in the jews, the irish, of the pols. they all voted democratic. so we shut off immigration in 1924. by the 1950s they were moving and when we talked nixon working, nixon said we're going to get an italian on the supreme court they are ready to break our way. folks, kids came up. doing well, kids in school and say we are paying taxes. wait a minute, our taxes are going up. maybe we ought to take a look at this other party. but you need time for folks to move out of that poverty and move up into the middle class. once they move into the middle class into the taxpayer category, sean, they are available. >> sean: all right. pat buchanan. listen, when you are under fire later this week we will have you back. >> okay. >> sean: all right, coming up our great, great great american panel is here. they will react to sean penn's explosive remarks about the tea party movement. first, our cameras caught up with this wall street protester last month and now there are some shocking revelations about his past.
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>> sean: our cameras caught up with him, do you remember this? >> personally, i was born to be here. right now, founding fathers have been passing down the torch to this generation great again. >> do you watch fox news? >> do you watch hannity? >> i haven't watched in a while. >> what turns you off? >> timing. it doesn't sync up with my schedule.
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>> and joining me with reaction the author of american individualism. margaret hoover and project 21 fellow is here, good to see you. and you know, when the tea party was accused of racism, they said show me the tape. i've got $100,000. you know? we asked for the evidence. and there are instances where members go after extremists. very lots of remarks being made. i have lots of tape of the language being used. the media barely touch thchld what do you make of this? >> it's very concerning. do you know what else? and i'm a speaker in a numerous tea party events around the country. they're peaceful movements. individuals are concerned about individual and freedom. i give standing ovations from the groups. >> sean: showing up you get a
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standing ovation. but do you know what is outrageous is the fact president obama alined himself with these individuals? okay. it's about fiscal responsibility. constitutional responsibility. >> sean: look at the video. do you remember, how many african americans are here? there are some -- but it looks -- . >> i won't say this directly. i'm going to tell you about diversity. i live two blocks from there and i saw a sign said 519 years of native occupation. there are native americans there, american holocaust there is diversity there z what i will say is that this is a patch work quilt of liberals progressives and there isn't a unified movement. i think what the president is trying to do is maybe get the
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case. the far left that makes up this movement? they're angry. i agree with you. it's not for him. and frankly it's dangerous and i think he's playing with fire. but what is he going to do? they're going to go after him. and you can see the dim legalla here. >> sean: the president is now twice calling for support and kind of tip their hand a little bit they might be offering more moral support. i think it's the biggest political mistake they can possibly make and i believe this will backfire. >> you're right. there are other democrat as lining them self was this movement as well what. they should be targeting -- they're targeting wall street them should be targeting crony capitalism. our tax dollars being wasted on -- . >> but green energy? spend something. >> absolutely. >> this is the collusion of big banks and big government.
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and big, big move manies standing together rather than, and there are small banks community banks, they're not getting loans. and small businesses aren't getting loans. >> sean: i don't want bank bailouts or insurance company bailouts. i want balanced budgets. i want -- they don't want this, is where we may agree on bailouts they don't -- they want bigger government. they want more redistribution of wealth. >> right. >> sean: they want more socialism. >> what they've emphasized is the big businesses getting cozy with state government. to have decisions in government go their way. that is the crony capitalism. >> sean: they should be targeting the epa. energy crisis is going to go through the roof.
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>> jobs and tax revenue going to the government. >> sean: is this an antisemitic movement? there are many examples of people making antisemitic comments. >> i that i is absurd. i think there are -- . >> sean: there is a tea party rally that used the "n" word. >> you don't take the fringe guys. i agree there has been a double standard. >> sean: there are a lot of comments. >> i will and have been down there a lot. i haven't actually -- and does it smell as bad as people say? everybody who has been down there tell meez it stinks. >> there are a lot of smoking pot and other drugs. so there are tl is all sorts of stuff. >> sean: how do you know what pot smells like? >> we all know what -- there
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is innocence and pot. >> people have been ushered out because they're trying to be disruptive. we're looking at antisemitic comments and people being anti-american with their rhetoric. and they should be policing their own. >> sean: good to see you both. you have a book coming up. and time to check in with greta. >> i didn't get enough information on how she knew that was pot. >> sean: how did you know that was pot? >> haven't you been to a rap concert, greta? >> good answer. almost as good as i can. >> i went to university of wisconsin. we learned -- heard a lot of things, heard a lot of things. there is a great show tonight. we have brit human. >> sean: greta, come on. >> what? i'm here to tell about the great show tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern. we have brit hume. and we have senator lindsay
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gram and so much more, anyone watching wants to stick around there is a special show tonight. back to you. >> sean: the smell of rock concerts. greta is up in 18 short minutes let not your heart be troubled our great, great american panel is next. [ charles ] when you can make a person smile when they taste the food that you cooked, it does something to your heart. i think what people like most about the grilled food is the taste. the flavor comes from that oak wood. the shmp, the fresh fish, the steaks. it locks in the flavor, it seals in the juices
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>> sean: tonight on our great, great american panel pollster to bill clinton and new york mayor mike bloomberg berne nature wittman here author of brand new book incredible story true strength my journey from hercules to mere mortal and now nearly dying saved my life and kevin sorbo here. miss america 2008 kirsten hag haglin. >> treatment center in chicago. >> sean: good to see you. just telling me about your book. just gave me a copy. i never knew you had four strokes? >> i suffered three that stayed with me. i had furt one that had the
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speech go away. i started slurring heavily. that's when i knew i was living in denial. i knew something bad was happening one day period. >> sean: you are hercules. >> it was something i didn't want out there in public and i kept quiet. >> sean: how old were you. >> 38 at the time. >> sean: obviously profound changes. >> 14 hours a day on the set. literally my days in new zealand that's where we shot the show 18 hours door to door. had aneurysm. clavicle exploded. not only was this arm filled with collapsed. i have loss of vision in both eyes took me three years to get 100%. suffered from balance issues. had to learn to rewalk and run and all that stuff all over again battle for me. >> sean: unbelievable. i'm glad everything worked out. >> i am, too. >> sean: let's go to debbie wasser isman schultz. ongoing campaign by liberal democrats. wanting the economy to fail
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because they don't like obama. >> republicans, because they are only interested in one job, barack obama's, don't seem to be interested in getting jobs created now. where is the leadership on the republic side? they want to talk about sitting on the sidelines, they are the ones that have just been crossing their arms and hoping for failure. how could -- it's so irresponsible for them to allow the economy to just remain stagnant, you know, so that he this can re-election next year. >> i think they would disagree. >> sean: you work for clinton is this good embracing occupy wall street. democrats saying that conservatives want blacks hanging from trees? >> look, the facts, unfortunately show that the republics are most interested in making sure that one guy loses his job, the president instead of allowing millions. >> sean: say that you think that's going to resonate or do people legitimately disagree on principle. >> sean, let me explain.
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two thirds of the american republic wanted the jobs bill past. the congress said no. they said. no. >> democrats in the senate. >> republicans, senate, the democrats in the senate stopped it? >> senate republicans unanimously were against a jobs bill, which is moody's said would add 2 million jobs to the economy and would grow the economy by 2%. >> sean: kirsten, who has the majority in the senate? >> democrats. >> the democrats stopped the bill in the senate. >> absolutely. obama is interested in his job, too. that's why is he out on the road campaigning. republicans are interested, so are democrats. >> sean: does this hurt the democrats that the extreme left now is embraced by the president and nancy pelosi? >> i think it is. i went down to the occupy wall street protests today to just check it out. they are extreme. they are radical. they are very different from the tea party movement. >> bill: did you smell pot too. >> i actually know what pot smells like. we won't go there extreme radical. different from the tea party. obama is going to really regret it in 2012 if he comes to side with them and they do something really alienates voters.
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>> sean: what do you think? >> if we're going to talk about those guys, what's interesting to me is i think they are protest hing at the wrong place should be down in washington protesting. you can't have banks, you can't have businesses, you can't have wall street segregated from each other. you need them as a team to make anything work and create jobs. only place it's going to come from. >> you raise such a good point. why don't people get mad at government borrows 4 ocents of every dollar and get power by spending other people's money and redistributing wealth. >> the favorability of occupy wall street is 54%. double the tea party. why? because most people actually agree that the gap between rich and poor is great. >> agree those responsible for the wall street. >> were you down smoking pot with these people. >> most people agree that the rich should pay more to fund jobs. most people actually support what occupy wall street stands for. >> sean: how much does the top 1% of wage earn ares pay.
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>> they ought to pay. >> sean: i didn't ask you that. how much should they pay? you can answer a question? how much does the top 1% pay. >> likely about half. >> sean: 40. how much does the top 10% pay. >> 75. >> how much does the bottom 50% pay? how much? >> nothing. >> do you know why? >> sean: nothing. >> because their incomes have gone down. >> sean: it's the richest fault? i got it bill clinton's fault. bush's fault. >> the gap between rich and poor has not been greater. median income is down corporate profits rupp. time that those who have done more. >> sean: pay more. >> like solyndra. >> exactly what complaining about those who create jobs. government can't create jobs they create jobs funded buyer our tax dollars. >> sean: i never got a job from a poor person. take a break, great, great, ♪ [ male announcer ] how could a luminous protein in jellyfish,
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>> sean: we continue now with our great american panel. by the way you were tell me at the break your international politics professor framing constitution you have two liberal professors that are watching tonight. >> yeah. >> sean: wait a minute. i want to make an invitation to your two liberal professors come up on the program, first of awcialtion she is expecting an a and he she earns it. >> oh my god.
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thank you, sean. >> sean: number two, come up and be two on two and put you and the two professors on our great american panel. >> that would be great. they are great classes. it's a great school. >> sean: i have a polysigh teacher first word in the class i'm a communist. great. >> >> sean: worst grade i got in college. oh, man, you work in hollywood. you got some actors that are real geniuses out there. sean penn goes on the ever growing liberal network the clinton news network and here is what he said. >> and yet there is another problem. you have what i call the get the "n" word out of the white house party. the tea party. this kind of sensibility. which is much more of a distraction. >> freidman your movie colleagues and he was very passionate about that very subject saying there are elements of the tea party who just, as he said, want to get
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the black man out of the white house. he said it on this show. >> i don't think there is any doubt about it. if you ask a representative of the tea party of social security socialist get rid of it. they are going to get very confused. at the end of the day, there is a big bubble coming out of their head saying you know, can we just lynch him? >> sean: oh. >> that's absolutely ridiculous. >> is that what they are saying? >> sean: that's the latest now. this is a series. >> amazing. herman cain get the same sentiment get n man out of the white house. i get so tired of the race card. i get tired of it. it's a crutch that's been going on for a long, long time. you had 97% of the black population voted for obama, is that kind of not a racist vote in itself? i don't know. maybe i'm wrong. >> sean: if america was racist, there were a lot of white americans who voted for barack obama. >> thank goodness no racism in other parties only in the tea party. >> racism everywhere. by and large to be fair the tea
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party is not inherently racist. there are certainly elements. >> where? >> there are racist elements that have gland on to the tea party to normalize themselves. >> sean: who? >> there are racists in america. they are racist everywhere. >> anti-semitic people in the occupy wall street. >> there are racist elements that have gland on to the tea party. >> to make them look bad in favor of occupy wall street. racist elements of society at a whole then it's irrelevant to the conversation to the tea party. we don't need to talk about it. herman cain is in the lead for the republic nomination and it's. >> sean: supported by. >> wait a minute, wait a minute. wait a minute. >> you don't think racist. >> maybe he doesn't know he is a black man. >> sean, come on. you don't think the birthers had a major racist element? thatner would have happened to a white president. no it was never my issue, what i have got to tell you something what is such a big deal to say show your bir
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