tv The Five FOX News October 17, 2011 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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eastern. and you don't want to miss that. the o'reilly factor is next. greta wire has an open thread. what do you think fbn? >> you should demand it. >> pretty much. captioned by closed captioning services, inc >> kimberly: hello, everyone. it's 5:00 on the east coast and this is "the five." i'm kimberly guilfoyle, along with bob beckel, eric bolling, monica crowley, and gretzky. we havgreg gutfeld. we have a lot of news. despite the jobs plan defeated, count it, twice in the senate. president obama back an the bus tour to keep pushing it. now in states key to his re-election. plus, fox's megyn kelly sits down with parents of missing baby lisa and discover some new details. >> i had several glasses of wine. >> when you say several, more
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than three? >> yeah. >> kimberly: we have more of that ahead. an electric school principal bans all fall holidays saying it's insensitive and it includes halloween. c'mon! we have those details and much more because "the five" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> kimberly: let's get the top story today. as we told you last week, president obama's jobs bill was defeated for a second time in the senate. the president must not have gotten the memo, because today he is out pushing the same bill in key election states. bob, what do you think of this? >> bob: look, this is clearly a 2012 bus tour. he is going to north carolina. the chance of him winning ohio or florida is slim. he may win one but i doubt it.
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he will go west and do what he did last time. win colorado, new mexico, nevada. if you look at north carolina and virginia, the two states have low unemployment than the national average. they have more minorities coming in. rural areas are falling down. used to be republican. smart move on his part. give him credit for pushing the jobs bill. >> kimberly: we have a couple of graphics on that in particular. the president is touring the swing states like north carolina. look at the numbers there for 2008. he won with 52.7% of the vote. now facing 61% disapproval and 42% approval. do you think it will turn it around for him spending actual time on the ground with voters? >> bob: sure. a lot of it depends on black turn-out in both of those states. >> kimberly: in virginia he won with 49.9% of the vote and now he is looking at 52, disapproval of 45% approval. what do you make of the jobs now, bus tour. >> greg: kimberly, i'm glad
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you asked. as you know, it's usually at this point i come up with a tortureed metaphor. >> kimberly: yes. and you have one. >> greg: yes, i do. when i was doing my research on the bus tour, i recalled one of my favorite movies "weekend at bernie's." if you remember the plot, two guys carted around their dead boss pretending him to be alive, that way they wouldn't get killed when they found out their boss was dead because they were chased by the mob. this is the jobs bill. the jobs bill is the dead boss. president obama is wheeling him around the country, pretending it's alive. it's dead. >> bob: that is torture. no question about it. >> greg: that is a great metaphor. or a simile. >> monica: that is true and realistic. this is tied to grizzl grisly dn the senate. this is also from the
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democrats who don't want to vote for a monstrously expensive stimulus, what are we up to? stimulus three or four? now what they will do is break apart the jobs bill to different pieces. harry reid said he will go forward to try to introduce more stimulus for teachers, for infrastructure, for first responders. isn't that what the first $1 trillion was supposed to do? >> eric: i'm sure that was in there. spending 6% on infrastructure. can we point something out. 1,000 days in office. president obama, 1,000 days. 250 points down in the market today to celebrate the thousands in the office. $4 trillion in debt added under the term. he averaged 9.4% unemployed since he began. 3 million people are now in poverty that weren't when he began his term. 12 million more on food stamps since he took over. gasoline doubled in the last one. 2.4 million homes -- >> bob: you didn't mention -- >> eric: in the last 1,000 days. tour the country in a
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canadian-built bus. >> bob: the market went up to the biggest week spurt in two years last week. you didn't mention. that you said before the show, i didn't mention it because i didn't think bob was paying attention. moody's came out with estimate of obama jobs plan they now have before the congress and trying to get before the congress. that jobs line would increase jobs by 1.9 million jobs. >> eric: you know who made that assessment? mark xandy from moody's -- this is important. when the aides, they asked him what he thought of the first stimulus plan, $800 billion stimulus plan he says that's right. i agree with christina romer, unemployment won't go above 8%. >> bob: defending moody's. >> eric: this guy is on board it's unbelievable. >> bob: 1.9 million jobs republicans are leaving on the table because they don't want jobs to be had in this country. >> monica: when you look at the historical evidence, every major recession the united states experienced since
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1920-1921 through this one, every time we approached it, sound money. stable dollar. lowering the marginal tax rates across the board is how you get out of the recession. this administration has done the exact opposite. massive infusion of government spending that has not worked except to put up the debt. >> bob: if you automatically have 5% unemployment. dropped to 4%. you had a secret ballot, do you think the republicans would vote for it? >> monica: yes. >> eric: they got a 10% -- >> kimberly: go ahead. >> greg: what you actually need to question the patriotism of republicans you are saying they would rather see a country in peril than their own personal political success. >> bob: i think they would rather see people out of work. >> greg: you're saying they'd rath ver a crappy country than -- >> bob: on capitol hill, i believe that's true. >> greg: you're wrong. >> kimberly: eric cantor was on "fox news sunday." let's listen to what he had to say. >> bob: c'mon, mickey. >> we put forward a plan in
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the beginning of the year, our budget. we had independent congressional budget office scoring which did several things. i talked about the fact that our plan actually dealt with the one crisis bringing down the debt and deficit over $6 trillion. it did talk about the ability for our plan to grow new jobs. yes. so we have that analysis. >> you don't on the jobs plan. >> but well, what this jobs plan is taking pieces of our overall vision for the country and saying you know what? we have to provide incentive for the private sector to grow. >> kimberly: so he loves this guy. this is his favorite. >> bob: mickey cantor. he was asked a direct question. how many jobs is your republican plan going to increase? he couldn't answer it because we know it wouldn't increase any. he stumbled and mumbled. mickey, go back. you're way off. >> eric: he was right if you take the sound clip further he said obama should get off the fund raising campaign trail and get back to the oval office and try to create a job
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or two. the term has changed from created to now supported. what does job supported mean? >> eric: he wants 1.9 -- >> bob: he wants 1.9 million jobs. they don't want to vote for it because they don't want unemployment to come down. >> kimberly: pew polls have numbers out here. all right. take a look here at the top of this. president obama 52%. this is an issue about whether or not confidence in doing the right thing with the budget deficit. congressional democrats feel that 43%. those are bob's folk. congressional g.o.p. are 35%. >> bob: that says it all! that says it all. >> eric: what said it all is pew at the bottom. a left-leaning -- >> bob: get out of here. one of the most trusted polling firms in the country. don't say that. you don't know what you are
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talking about. they have more confidence in the obama than republicans for good reason. republicans have no interest in getting people back to work. >> kimberly: why would you say that? >> bob: i think they want to beat obama so badly, low unemployment. >> greg: let me count they're, you would be angry if a republican said democrats wanted to lose the iraq war, that way bush, that way obama would win. that would offend you. right? >> bob: it would offend me. >> greg: same thing. >> bob: i'm here to offend you. >> greg: you haven't offended me yet. >> kimberly: try harder. >> bob: republicans on capitol hill. not all republicans across the country. >> monica: the bigger point is the republicans only control one side of the congress, right? the only way you get job creation going in the country is uprooting every single thing that the democrats have done since day one from obamacare to the massive spending to record-breaking deficit and debt to all of the epa and nlrb. >> kimberly: when is that going to happen? 2012, both houses. wait for it. >> bob: that is why republicans don't want
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anything good to happen. >> kimberly: bob, that is just mean-spirited and unkind. we're just getting started here. take miss manners classes in a moment. coming up next on "the five." we're going to give you the latest on all the occupy wall street protests. a lot of shenanigans going on down there. and they got cash, by the way. don't forget to e-mail us at stay with us. ♪ ♪ let me tell you about a very important phone call i made.
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♪ ♪ up next welcome back to "the five," bob -- >> greg: welcome back to five, bob. good weekend to be a party. >> bring greetings of solidarity to the communist party. we are here for a change, side-by-side. we'll sleep here. >> greg: meanwhile at occupy portland, entertainment was key as long as you hate
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america. [bleep] [bleep] ♪ [bleep] >> greg: love the hat. what job could they have lost in this economy? there is this in occupy new york. >> help us now. help us now. help us. we don't want to do this. [bleep] people out there. [bleep] on their [bleep] yachts. they are not in our country. they are not americans. >> greg: don't worry. it turns out he is actually a grad student from columbia with a trust fund. apparently split ends. of course, there were arrests in manhattan and violence in rome. cnn said demand was called by anarchists who infiltrated the protest. infiltrated? try maybe organized. let's not forget who planned occupy wall street.
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canadian group known as ad busters that claim usama bin laden was a revolutionary who should have been mourned by the left who was bringing the left to his knees. those are the takers. i call them that, because they don't want less, they want more. railing against the bail-out, they want bail-out. the new york food cart are manned by egyptians. they bristle when the protest is compared to the arab spring. the vendors tell "new york mag" "we were fighting for a big, big thing. her life, to eat against a giant snake that would kill us. " thanks to the occupation they lost all of their business. oh, well. i never liked it. bob, i need you to help me. i believe there are sincere protesters out there. but for the protests i get to organize for political effect. they have gotten disown the other disgusting elements, right? >> bob: you're right.
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the producers must have added that. you took every insane left wing you could find and strung it together. including nobody in the protests who have reasonable arguments to be there. >> greg: they were entertaining. >> bob: lost their house in new jersey. middle class people. yes, is it better not have the fringe? yes. tea party learned that as well. never good to have a fringe. >> eric: that is all they have. if they get rid of fringe there won't be -- >> bob: you just interrupted me. >> eric: if i don't it's the bob show. >> bob: you are rude and i don't want you to be rude. you saved my life once, i can take yours again. here is the point. this is spreading around the country. in over 100 cities. around the world. bring up one thing. see who gets the blame. american people to blame. got the poll about who is helping the economy and hurting it? what is wall street doing to affect the economy.
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you got it? okay. good. what about wall street. hurts the economy. 47% of the people believe wall street -- hurts the economy. 47% wall street hurts the economy. the fact we sit here every day -- >> eric: that is all you have? >> greg: bob brought up the bankers. they were protesting banks got bailed out, we got sold out. banks didn't bail themselves out. they were bailed out by the government. >> eric: if it's -- you are so spot on. obama bailed out banks. obama bailed out aig, insurance company. obama bailed out the auto industry, g.m. and chrysler and bailed out -- >> bob: started by bush. are you kidding me? tell the truth. every one of those bail-out
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began with the bush administration. >> eric: listen. i don't disagree with that. i agree that bush -- >> kimberly: obama was supportive of it. >> eric: he kicked the ball around. can i point out, they call themselves cam rads. they have support of nazi and communist party. they're fringe and about to go away. >> kimberly: they want redistribution of wealth. socialnism the country. >> monica: that is right. we need to keep an eye on what is going on. radical leftist play the same game and they keep their eyes on the prize. this move in the the pipeline for months. sec, ad busters. is to detract from the left wing base and get the country riled up so they can equate the tea party with what is going on now. >> bob: does it bother you at all, monica, 1% of the
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people in the country control 40% of the wealth? >> monica: what are you talking about? >> bob: does it bother you. 1% controls 40% of the wealth. >> eric: hold on. >> bob: i'm asking monica. >> eric: how would you fix it? >> bob: government come in and change the system. >> eric: you want government -- >> bob: exactly. >> monica: the government confiscating -- >> bob: so you think it's okay -- i'm going to ask you. are you okay with 1% controlling 40% of the wealth? >> greg: i'd love to control 40% of the wealth. i'm proud of that. >> kimberly: half the country not paying any tax whatsoever. so people who are making $250,000 and above are carrying this country. >> greg: i want to control the wealth. >> eric: this group complaining about the system. but the only way to fix it and bring down what is called the wealth gap is to create a situation with more socialist. more marxist. share and spread the wealth around. >> bob: why has it gotten better -- >> kimberly: can we go to break? >> greg: i want to ask kimberly a question. michael moore said he made a
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call for all police departments to join the protests. what would happen if that happened? >> kimberly: what is wrong with him. he is completely confused. the police officers trying to maintain order and prevent more problems. why would they join this? this isn't the arab spring. >> monica: this is the point of occupy wall street. it's about creating chaos and manufacturerring a crisis and about social upheaval. >> bob: 100 cities across america. >> monica: it's all orchestrated, bob. >> greg: orchestrate a break. eyebrows going up. almost time. up next, the daily dose of 2012. that means something else, bo bob. herman cain making headlines for comics and says we're a joke. michele bachmann teaming up with definwith donald trump. we'll try to explain that. that's next on "the five."
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♪ ♪ >> bob: that is good. okay. welcome back to "the five." this weekend, immigration sets the stage for some of the 2012 candidates. herman cain and michele bachmann taking a harsh stanc stance. we'll get to bachmann in a moment. but first, herman cain. taking heat for comments he made on saturday. >> when i'm in charge of the fence, we'll have a fence. it will be 20 feet high. going to have barbed wire on the top. it is going to be electrocuted -- electrified. and there will be a sign on the other side that says, "it will kill you." >> bob: all right. yesterday on "meet the press"
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cain backtracked on the comments. i hope so. >> that is a joke. it's a dumb joke. it's a joke. >> that is not a serious plan? >> no. >> you got a big joke but that is not what you'd do. >> i also said america needs to get a sense of humor. that is a joke. >> bob: if that is a joke, go back to joke school. it was incentive, outrageous comment cheered on by the tea party. >> greg: you have said far worse than that, bob. don't play the i'm offended. >> bob: crossing the border is a misdemeanor. you have don't shoot them at the border or electrify them at the border. one of the insensitive things that tea party cheered on. >> greg: don't you think it happens when people are in front of crowds that really, really like you. no matter who it is, they go too far in that area? whether they're liberals or conservatives, when you are in front of a crowd that is responding positive, it eggs you on. it happens with everybody. >> bob: are you surprised
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they cheered that? >> greg: they knew it was a joke. >> monica: you are talk about occupy wall street as just the manifestation of all of this frustration. i think the reaction by the folks, the herman cain rally was an expression of frustration we have been invaded by illegal immigrants in this country for decades. president of both parties have blown it. the border is porous as ever. >> eric: a point you made, you crossed the border and it's a misdemeanor. if you cross the boarder in iran and they hold you for eight years and $1 million ransom. north korea you probably die. we go don't worry, come across the border, we will give you healthcare and get you a job and lobbyist to make sure we don't send you back. >> bob: or electrocute and shoe you. >> bob: you make funny jokes and statements. >> bob: that is a politician walking back and using a joke as an excuse for something he said that he wanted to play to the tea party because that's
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what they like to hear. >> kimberly: you know what is not a joke, the rasmussen poll. it shows head-to-head, big winner, herman cain over barack obama. not a pew poll. >> bob: i could put you on the poll and you'd beat barack obama right now. anybody at the table with the exception of me. the election is not today. that is the difference. right now obama is in serious political trouble. i concede that. but herman cain's chance of getting the republican nomination are nonexistent. you have mitt romney, i'm afraid. give perry a shot. >> eric: herman cain is doing very well right now. again, comments like this, some of the foreign policy issues will make hay out of it. probably lose a little bit, too. the numbers came out, i guess on friday, perry raised $15 million. that is still a lot of -- he has a lot of the money. >> kimberly: big bundlers, too. >> eric: romney has
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$15 million in the bank and perry has $15 million. the rest are far away. >> bob: on a serious note, neither has money from small contributors. they are outclassed. herman cain, it turns out he is connected with the prosperity america group which is funded by the koch brothers, people -- >> greg: you never get that right. >> bob: they fund every right wing group in america including the tea party. that is where her man learned and he went -- herman learned and went and organized chapters for them. herman cain and the cok koch brothers. g you're familiar with "coke." >> bob: herman is an outsider but is in bed with rich fundraisers. >> kimberly: there is issue of whether or not that's accurate. it's allegation. >> bob: his campaign manager ran the committee. >> monica: what is wrong with that? this is a free society.
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george soros funnels billions of dollars in left wing causes and democrat campaigns including barack obama's. >> kimberly: occupy wall street. >> monica: yep. >> bob: one thing about it -- i've taken money from soros' group for candidates of mine. >> kimberly: oh, you didn't! bad bob. >> bob: koch brothers illegally made their money -- they illegally obtain their money. evidence for it. >> eric: this is a strange thing that happened today. i was listening to "fox and friends" and i heard about a town hall, donald trump and michele bachmann. this morning i'm listening and donald trump was on and he he said there is a tele town hall. >> greg: i have no idea when it's on. >> kimberly: teletubbies? >> greg: they should be in giant furry outfits. vy no idea -- i think trump, i think he knew it was on tonight. he just pretended like he didn't, like it was beneath him. oh, i didn't know they were
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having it. >> bob: aren't you going to listen in? i'm on the edge of my seat. >> greg: i have three project runway on dvr to watch. you said you'd come over. >> bob: that's right. don't see each other much. we don't see bachmann after another month. is it my tease? sorry. coming up, on "the five," that's us, megyn kelly's explosive interview with the parents of the missing missouri baby. that interview reveals details even the police don't know about it. stay with us. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ s with "the
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>> monica: welcome back to "the five" have you been following the case out of missouri, missing baby lisa? there is developments come toking to us from fox's own megyn kelly. she sat down with parents for exclusive interview and we'll start with one of the bombshells of it. the mother admitting that she was drunk the night her daughter disappeared. take a listen. >> talk about the wine. how much did you consume that day? >> i had several glasses of wine. >> when you say "several," more than three? >> yeah. but that has nothing to do with her. >> more than five? >> probably. >> were you drunk? >> yeah. >> do you have a drinking problem? >> no. >> possibly you had a black-out? >> it's a possibility. i mean, just like anybody else when you drink, you don't remember the things that
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happen. >> megyn kelly's interview was extensive, it was exclusive and it went on from two hours, and real bombshell developments in interview. let me start with what she said there, which is she first acknowledges to megyn she was drunk and she had over five glasses of wine. wine out of a box. the cheap stuff. that she had essentially blacked out. and really can't account for her own behavior the night her daughter disappeared. >> kimberly: it is a problem because of the credibility issues she has had a number of inconsistencies. if your child -- as a mother, i'm telling you. if your child is missing you will tell the police absolutely everything. you don't make it about yourself and be embarrassed to say you were drinking, that you were intoxicated, passed out. they need to know that. they need to know it's possible an includeer could have come in and -- intruder could have come in and goten away with the child and two cell phones were taken. they were track phones, the ones that you can't actually
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make outgoing. you can receive incoming call. that is very unusual. there is a theory now she perhaps alluded to this, she was intoxicated because it sets up the possibility that someone else could have done it and it shifts the focus from her as a main suspect on it. >> monica: bob, megyn asked her if she thought she had a drinking problem and dismissed it out of hand. you are a recovering alcoholic. what does the exchange tell you about the mother? >> bob: most people who drink do not black out. if she says you black out, alcoholics black out. i have many times myself when i was drinking. it's a very advanced stage of drinking when you have a black-out like that. i don't know whether she knew what she was talking about but there were indications from the neighbor she is did drink a lot. i no ethat greg likes that box wine yourself. >> greg: i do. >> bob: it occurs to me just looking at her and listening to her, having worked with a
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lot of alcoholics, this woman probably has a drinking problem. what it does for you legally i don't know. i don't know if it gives you cover or not. >> monica: she started to change the story about the time she put the child to bed. roll that. >> what time did you put lisa down to bed initially? >> 6:40. >> that her normal bedtime? >> no, it's usually between 7:30 and 8:00 but she had been fussy. >> the last time you saw your daughter alive in your home when you put her down at 6:40? >> when i put her down. >> this is a four-hour discrepancy. not five minutes. >> eric: so many discrepancies, the time line, whatever, the window screen kicked in from the outside. barking dog that no one heard. two kids. then you have to go to this. logic, it's not an accusation, but you have to go to this. why would you sit down for megyn kelly for two hours if -- if my kid was gone, i
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would be get out of here media, i just want to find my kid. >> you'd be hysterical. she did have crying in this. what does this tell you? we have seen this before. where you have parents or a mother or a father. and they're pretty much always been over one suspect. it's like spousal abuse. >> greg: one thing, you always pick up on the little things i wonder why is it boxed wine important? why isn't it just wine? everybody has to say boxed wine. so that has to play into this, i don't know, stereotype of this family. i can sit there and look at the guy and i'm going to entire time, maybe because i'm a guy going this is somebody you love. could this person be lying to me? that is the thing. look at him and i watch him in the interview to see if there are tells in his face or has to look, you know what? i wasn't there. >> bob: totally checked out. >> kimberly: if you see him,
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he's like i don't know what to say she was drunk and never checked on the child. they did hire an attorney. there is an attorney representing the cuple in the case. >> monica: is this the biological father? >> kimberly: yes. >> bob: but they're not married. didn't the father confirm the parents about it being pushed in and door unlocked? he came back from work at 4:00 a.m. >> monica: yeah. >> bob: he is out of there, this happened, those things where he is covered. >> eric: i'm not saying they didn't happen. but a dog they said barked at everything, this all went down and nobody heard the dog. >> greg: what about the two boys? it could be, maybe there is a story there about the family she is covering up. >> monica: they interviewed a handyman in the neighborhood that does odd jobs. and the f.b.i. is involved. >> kimberly: the f.b.i. is involved. they will do, check the area for the registered sex offenders, people who have had problems dealing with children, et cetera. they'll look at that to see if somebody watched, knew she was drinking a lot or something. it was an opportunity at that
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point to go in and take the child. >> greg: they always go after the handyman. it's always the handyman. yeah, it's always somebody -- >> kimberly: elizabeth smart? hello. >> monica: i hope to god this baby is okay. we'll follow the story. after this quick break, we talk about a story that really interstates me. a principal banning all fall holidays from school. can you believe that? well, i guess, yeah, you can. because it's happening. we will tell you why next on "the five."
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♪ ♪ >> eric: welcome back to "the five." the next story is just plain ridiculous. massachusetts elementary school principal declared war on -- wait for it -- fall holidays. that's right. can you believe it? foley says they need to be careful about celebrating holidays like columbus day and thanksgiving and even gone so far to ban students from dressing up on halloween. greg, what the harm in dressing up for halloween? i love halloween.
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>> greg: he is an american hero. you know what kills me? in hollywood whenever they look for a villain it's a conservative christian. in "footloose" it's a right winger. in reality it's a p.c. liberal that is no fun in this case, politically correct i'm sure she is a good liberal person who doesn't want any fun in her life. >> eric: why don't you like halloween? >> greg: every day is halloween for me. i dress up -- >> kimberly: have you seen the outfids? his shoes match my dress. >> eric: p.c. gone wrong? >> monica: political correctness gone awry. but your point is right on. it's the intolerant left trying to ban traditional american things in the name of sensitivity. who in this community would be offended by halloween or thanksgiving, which is the quintessential american holiday? >> eric: let's take a look at what the students said about banning halloween. >> i think that it's kind of ridiculous, because we should
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celebrate what we want to celebrate. we shouldn't be told by other people. >> eric: that is right! >> bob: that kid already has his costume. >> kimberly: this principals makes me so angry. lucky she is not at my son's school she would see my face. who wants to ban halloween? is she against all fun? it might be the smartest thing he ever made on the show. she needs a time-out on halloween. call in for a substitute principal and let everyone else enjoy themselves and stay home to be grumpy. >> bob: you owe greg an apology. i'm on the left and i think this woman is nuts. this principal needs help and needs prozac. she needs a toss in the hay. outside of that, that's all i'll say. like a hay ryde. >> greg: that is your solution for everything. >> eric: moving along, what about this other story we were talking about this morning. the hotel employee, this is
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near and dear to my heart, i wear the flag win over my heart. >> greg: i never noticed that. >> bob: what is your heart doing over there? >> eric: it's over here. hotel employee fired for wearing the pin. meanwhile, wore it for two years. >> monica: he points out he is getting fired over this, when outside the hotel itself there is a huge american flag. >> kimberly: right. >> monica: but they are trying to say well, it's part of uniform, we can't let anybody have any flags or any special pin. the whole thing is obsurd. >> eric: fire him for wearing a pin? >> kimberly: he should sue them and say it is infringing on his freedom of speech and being able to wear this. why not? everybody sues for the most ridiculous things. >> greg: that was the dumbest thing you've said. >> kimberly: hello! >> greg: he should have been fired for the orange shirt. >> kimberly: because it looks like halloween? >> greg: yes. >> eric: you are not going to say he just needs a good roll in the hay, are you? >> bob: do you think we could get the policy here?
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>> kimberly: you are terrible. >> bob: i didn't mean that. >> eric: why won't obama wear a flag pin? >> bob: why did you bring that up? we're talking about this place. i don't know. i have no idea. why do you wear yours? it's not a question of being proud or not proud. it was a stupid public relations move to do this to this guy but there is a right of an employer to say you have a certain uniform. >> monica: maybe the boss needs a roll in the hay. >> bob: maybe he does. i'm going to get in trouble here. i meant a hay ryde roll. >> greg: similar stories. people are way too uptight. >> bob: you say the left is in the middle of this. most of the left are not in political correctness all that much. i am not. >> greg: bob, who is more fun in your life? righties or lefties? who do you have more fun with? >> kimberly: who do you hang out with?
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b. late at night, righties. during the day, lefties. >> eric: occupy wall street, i seen the flag upside down, on the floor. >> bob: time to get out of the block. >> kimberly: bad songs they are seeing about the country. pejorative. >> eric: by now i'm sure you heard about the tragic death of racecar driver dan wheldon. the five of us will weigh in next. ♪ ♪ ( phone ringing )
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okay... uhh. the bad news, it's probably totaled. the good news is, you don't have to pay your deducble. with vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance, you got $100 off for every year of safe driving, so now your deductible is zero. the other good news ? i held on to your coffee. wow. ♪ nationwide is on your side ( laughing ) it's actually a pretty good day whenou consider. that's great.
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>> kimberly: welcome back to "the five." battle is brewing in florida over your right to flash your car headlights in 2009, florida man was pull over and ticketed by the highway patrol for flashing his lights. that man filed a class action lawsuit saying the first amendment rights were violated because blinking your high beams is a form of free speech. no, i am not making this up. this is a real story. >> bob: this is right. the cops that pull you over if you flash your lights, too bad. if there is a speed trap and let someone know about it, fine. they're flashing a light to say there were deer on the road. how do the cops know that? the cops have too much power. >> greg: this is not freedom of speech. this is activity and action. i hate when they take freedom of speech and cover everything with it. >> bob: suggesting the cops should do that? >> greg: yes.
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>> bob: fascist you. >> greg: of course i am. >> monica: the police say it interferes with law enforcement. because they are there trying to catch speeders and other law-breakers but who among us have not done it or benefited from it. >> greg: i don't have a car and i walk up and do it. >> eric: i live in jersey. there is a huge deer population between here and there. at night, dusk especially. if there is deer in the road i swear to god on my life there is a lot of deer. there are. you have no idea how many people are hurt and injured and killed because of the deer. to make a long story short, if you drive on a highway and there are deer and you see them you let people in oncoming traffic know. now people are getting pulled over it. i can't stand speeders more than that. >> greg: unless you see an obama sticker then you don't flash, right, eric? >> kimberly: gang members flashlights. whatever. it's complicated. i don't approve of the ground saying that it violates their first amendment rights.
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what a stretch. >> bob: you agree with this, too? think they can pull you over? >> kimberly: this is a stretch. if they have probable cause to pull you over for something, it should just be for this -- >> bob: man, you don't -- >> kimberly: that is what we do on this show, too. >> eric: check your i.d. and make sure you're not illegal immigrant. coming up next now you put him over the edge. >> greg: you did that just to make him angry. >> bob: puts obama in every part of the story. do you ever tire of it? >> kimberly: talk about something else. sorry, bobby bob, bob. indy mourning the death of one of their own. two-time indianapolis 500 champion dan wheldon died in a massive 15-car cash on the track yesterday. a devastating story. someone beloved in the industry. get a quick thought on it. >> bob: one of the most dangerous, if not the most dangerous form of auto racing. it was waiting to happen. tragedy, it should haven't happened. it want to know why there was so
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