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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  October 20, 2011 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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report" online with center seat continues right after this moment. but we'll continue fair and balanced and unafraid. captions by closed captioning services go. >> bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight: >> the idea that you stand here before us and talk about that you are strong on immigration is on its face the hype of hypocrisy. >> tough couple of debates for rick. i understand that so you are going to get -- you are going to get testy. >> bill: far more than testy. romney and perry may now detest each other. but who had the stronger argument about illegal immigration? dick morris, bill burton and i will analyze. >> the reason that our plan is being attacked so much is because lobbyists, accountants, politicians, they don't want to throw out the current tax code. >> bill: herman cain gets
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hammered over 9-9-9 tax proposal. we will take a look at the strength and weaknesses of the tax plan. >> everybody should lighten up. >> bill: also, dennis miller has some thoughts about last night's debate and the occupy wall street folks. >> i would probably have been one of those kids. >> bill: caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. captions by closed captioning services >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. what exactly happened in the republic debate. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. there were three central themes last night in las vegas. number one, mitt romney and rick perry don't like each other. number two, all the republic candidates don't like herman cain's 9-9-9 tax plan. number three anderson cooper lost control at a key moment in the debate. let's take them one by one.
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you may remember that governor rick perry lost some support when he told americans he opposes a border fence with mexico and he supports paying in state college tuition for illegal aliens. mr. perry knows that hurt him. so last night he tried to turn things around by going after mitt romney on the illegal immigrant issue. >> mitt, you lose all of your standing from my perspective because you hired illegals in your home and you knew about it for a year and the idea that you stand here before us and talk about that you are strong on immigration is on its face the hype of hypocrisy. [ laughter ] >> governor romney? >> rick, i don't think i have ever hired an illegal in my life and so i'm afraid -- i'm looking forward to finding your facts on that. >> i will tell you what the facts are. >> rick, again, rick. >> your newspaper, the newspaper. >> i'm speaking. >> you get 30 seconds this is the way the rules work here i get 60 seconds.
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>> no but the american people want the truth. >> american people get anderson. >> before things got to that point. anderson cooper the moderator should have stepped in and allowed romney to answer without interruption. >> there has to be a central authority or noise wins. not like a cable news program where sometimes you have to let the guest fly. perry accused romney of hypocrisy. cooper should have provided romney a moment to respond without chaos. when romney finally did respond, he said this. >> tough couple of debates for rick. i understand that and so you are going to get -- you are going to get testy. >> op-ed in the newspaper saying you are open to amnesty that's number one. number two we hired a lawn company to mow our lawn. they had illegal immigrants that were working there. whens that with a pointed out to us we let them go and we went to them and said. >> you. >> you have a problem with
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allowing someone to finish speaking. i suggest that if you want to become president of the united states you have got to let both people speak so, first, let me speak. >> bill: the all right. the facts are these. after learning that his lawn mowing company in massachusetts was using illegal labor, governor romney told them not to do that. not to hire illegals. they agreed so he kept them on. then, the lawn mowing company hired illegal also again. so romney fired them. the whole thing played out over a year. the "boston globe" broke the story. now, you can decide whether the issue has any relevance. next up in the barrel, herman cain, who was pounded over his 9-9-9 tax proposal. >> go to new hampshire where they don't have any a sales tax, and you fix to give them one. they are not interested in 9-9-9. what they are interested in is flatter and fair. >> if we give congress a 9% sales tax, how long will it take a liberal president and a liberal congress to run that up
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to maybe 90%. who knows? >> the fact of the matter is, i mean, reports are now out that 84% of americans would pay more taxes under his plan. the worst part about t is regressive. lot of people that aren't paying any taxes and i like that. i don't think that we should even things up by raising taxes. so, it is a regressive tax. very, very dangerous. >> will the people of nevada not is have to pay nevada sales tax and in addition pay the 9% sales tax. >> they would. >> bill: the feds cannot dictate what the states charge in sales tax so the two have to be added together. for example, here in new york city the combined sales tax would be nearly 18%. even more on gas and other fuel. as for low income folks, they would i object pay a little bit more before it was cut the social security payroll tax with 6.2%. cain would knock that out completely along with the 1.5% medicare tax. so low income folks would pay about 1.3% more to the feds if the 9% individual flat tax was
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passed into law because that would be on everybody. also, a 9% sales tax would hurt things like the fast food industry, clothing, nonessential items. maybe, maybe the lower income tax rate would mitigate that but in a weak economy, 9-9-9 would be a gamble. however, herman cain is all in. >> it is jobs plan. it is revenue neutral. this does not raise taxes on those that are making the least. all of those are simply not true. the reason that my plan -- the reason that our plan is being attacked so much is because lobbyists, accountants, politicians, they don't want to throw out the current tax code and put in something that is simple and fair. they want to continue to be able to manipulate the american people with a 10-million-dollar word mess. unfortunately, none of my distinguished colleagues who have attacked me up here tonight understand the plan. >> bill: talking points
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understands it and wants the tax code revised. but 9-9-9 can be improved upon. it's a good start, however. for the record, cain would also knock out most tax deductions leaving an only charitable contributions. the 18.4% federal gasoline tax would also be kept by cain along with taxes on booze, tobacco, guns, phone service and other stuff. as always, you can decide the worthiness of herman cain's plan. now, the debate last night was the liveliest yet, a good thing. and return to the fray. governor took a bold fresh approach. be interesting to see if the folks respond to it in a positive or negative way. the polls should provide indication later this week. mitt romney maintained his status as the guy to beat. taking the heat and dishing back. herman cain lost some momentum. that's to be expected. herman cain was on fire for two weeks nobody could maintain that. the other candidates are long shots with the primaries closing
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in. in order to compete in the presidential arena the candidates need big, big money. that flows only to those who are perceived to have a good chance to win the nomination. money, not lack of spirit, will narrow down the contest. that's the memo. in just a few moments, dick morris will analyze what happened last night and later dennis miller has some thoughts as well. as well. the factor will be right back. as well. the factor will be right back. ♪ we're centurylink... a new kind of broadband company committed to providing honest, personal service from real people... 5-year price-lock guarantees... consistently fast speeds... and more ways to customize your technology. ♪ but thieves can steal your identity.
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turning your life upside down in a matter of seconds. hi. hi. you know i can save you 15% today if you open up a charge card account with us. you just read my mind. [ male announcer ] just one little piece of information and they can open bogus accounts, stealing your credit, your money, and ruining your reputation. that's why you need lifelock. lifelock is the leader in identity theft protection. relentlessly protecting your personal information to help stop the crooks in their tracks before your identity is attacked. protecting your social security number, your bank accounts, even the equity in your home. i didn't know how serious identity theft was until i lost my credit and eventually i lost my home. [ male announcer ] credit monitoring alone is not enough to protect your identity, and only tells you after the fact, sometimes as much as 60 days later. with lifelock, as soon as we spot a threat to your identity within our network, our advanced lifelock id alert system directly notifies you, protecting your identity before you become a victim. identity theft was a huge, huge problem for me.
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and it's gone away because of lifelock. [ male announcer ] while no one can stop all identity theft, if the criminals do manage to steal your information, lifelock is there to help fix it with our $1 million service guarantee. that's right. a $1 million service guarantee. don't wait until you become the next victim. call now to try lifelock risk free for 2 full months. that's right, 60 days risk free. use promo code: norisk. if you're not completely satisfied, notify lifelock and you won't pay a cent. order now and also get this document shredder to keep your personal documents out of the wrong hands. a $29 value, free! get the protection you need right now. call or go to to try lifelock risk free for a full 60 days. use promo code: norisk. plus get this document shredder, free! but only if you act right now. call now! lifelock service guarantee cannot be offered to residents of new york.
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>> bill: impact segment tonight, right to the purveyor of dick who was tweeting during the debate last night and strong thoughts on what happened. morris joins us now from denver. tweeting, hey, morris? did you ever think it was going to come to this when you were tweeting? >> i post comments as the debate goes on. >> bill: yeah, i know. tweeting. >> i have a video on my site. >> bill: of course you have a video. of course you do. now, who won the debate last night? >> romney. perry lost decisively. nobody likes a dirty fighter. and when perry made his charge about the illegal immigrants, everybody gasped and sort of held their breath because they all knew it was immigration that romney used to take perry down. and then, first, when romney said i never hired an illegal in my life and laughed we all thought there has got to be more, tell us more. then when he went through the explanation that you just summarized it was clear that he was fine. it was clear that he did great. i mean, how many of us
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inadvertently are hiring a contractor and the person comes in to fix your plumbing and you don't know -- you don't ask for their birth certificate. but then when perry having heard that explanation continued on the offense, he looked like richard nixon. he looked like a dirty, low blow fighter. and when on top of that he starts talking over everybody, i don't think this was a plague on both your houses. i think romney won and perry lost. >> bill: okay. if that's true, then perry is going to be in big, big trouble. we have the governor on next tuesday, which is a really good day to have him on. he is going to come on for the first time. >> do you know what i think about perry? >> bill: go ahead. >> i was talking to somebody the other day about musicians, rock stars. they said there are those that do best in concerts and those who do best in the studio. a concert performer needs the crowd's energy whereas the studio person doesn't need it. they just do it. and you were looking there at romney who is a studio performer. he doesn't need a crowd energy
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and perry who just completely out of sorts in the studio. and. >> bill: might go to experience though. he has never been on the national stage before. but i'm going to give governor perry a lot of time next tuesday. we will go over a lot of ground and it will be interesting what he has to say. herman cain then, he is next up as i said in the barrel. they are all, you know, want to bring him down a couple of pegs. how do you think he did? >> i thought that his defense of his plan was somewhat inept. i think that it's a much better plan than he gave it credit for. >> bill: did i make any mistakes? summarizing his plan? i think i laid it out there pretty clearly. >> you did. but let me just take a stab at it myself. if you are making 50 to 60,000 a year. which is the median income in this country, pay an average of 6% of your income in federal income tax. 6.2 in social security. 2.9 medicare. you add that all up it comes to a little over 15%.
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that's going to be cut to 9%. then on top of that you will have a 9% sales tax. the question is how much of that 9% do you pay and how much does the company eat? cain says they will eat it because they won't have to pay the he employer share of the social security tax. and the corporate tax will be less. others say they will profiteer. >> bill: hard to believe that prices would come down and certain industries would be impacted right away. i don't want to get into conjecture on this. >> would they go up by a lot? now for poor people the matt is a little bit more draconian because they only pay 2% to 3% of their income tax. >> bill: they would pay a little bit more. >> for that we need to see what is he doing with his elm barrelment zones. bachmann's criticism was ridiculous. yeah, there is a chance we have a 90% income tax too. there is a chance we have a auto% corporate tax, too. >> bill: whenever i say and one of my plans. >> republic party exists it will stop that. >> bill: whenever i say to the
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audience the way to handle medicare and social security is by a much smaller national sales tax that's designed just to go into those funds, i get all of those letters. that is a conservative right wing blogger, you can't have a national sales tax because congress won't be able to control it. that's what they believe. that's why bachmann used that line because that is the line that they always use to say we don't want it. >> but, the impact of having a 9% personal income tax. >> bill: i got it huge upside. >> it's incredible. >> bill: economy might absolutely explode upward which would help everybody. that's what cain is banking on. but there is also a chance in a recession that it would badly damage a lot of industries so you just don't know. it's a roll of the dice. last word. >> remember when reagan ran? his campaign was 10-10-10. the 10% year, 10 tax cuts and cut the top rate from 70% down
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to 28% and the economy exploded for 20 years of prosperity. that's what would happen if 9-9-9 were to happen. >> bill: something along those lines, cain is correct something along those lines has to happen and i hope it does. dick, thanks very much. >> can i pick a fight with you? >> bill: what. >> can i pick one small fight with you. >> bill: 30 seconds. >> money won't matter. what is going to matter is the debates and fox news coverage. the money will follow that. >> bill: i disagree. i think money is going to matter in south carolina and florida big time. but, you know, morris and i always disagree he has been feeding with me for years with dinners i have won. a look at the republic debate from the democratic side fair and balanced. then dennis miller has some thoughts about what went on last night and it should be interesting. it's up ahead.
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>> bill: continuing now with lead story, analyzing the republic debate. joining us from washington bill burton former white house press secretary for president obama currently working at priorities u.s.a. so, morris says that romney wins the debate and you say? >> i would hand it to rick perry, actually. i think him showing a little bit of energy, showing a little bit of fight and landing a couple of punches. he did as well as he has done in any of these debates. his attacks seemed kind of small frankly it was fun to see what happens when you get under mitt romney's skin and root around he can't take it. that made it fun to watch. >> bill: what do you mean he can't take it? you don't think he answered appropriately. >> the thing that surprised me the most about romney's response he was looking to anderson cooper to step in and help him out. i have got to tell you i have worked for the president and you have got putin in there anderson cooper isn't in there helping you out what the rules are.
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i think romney was uncomfortable. >> bill: no. wait. i'm trying to put myself in romney. number one you heard my criticism of cooper if it were me there there wouldn't have been that. if you lodge a personal attack against a candidate that candidate is going to get uninterrupted time to earn. he should have stepped in but he didn't because he was enjoying the food fight. i think if anderson cooper had to do it again he probably would have stepped in with more authority. >> i don't know. i thought it made interesting -- >> bill: what did you want romney to do. perry is filibustering him. is he going to cooper are you going to enforce the rules or not? you can't really answer with any dignity or any clarity as you know, bill. you're a communications expert. if somebody is in your face, basically not letting you get out the explanation. so, i don't know, it looked to me like romney was doing the thing the proper thing going, listen, anderson are did you going to give me my time or not? >> i think when you are running for president of the united states, have you got to show a little more gumption. if it doesn't seem.
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>> bill: how do you do that? >> sometimes have you got to take it. >> bill: wrap it around his throat? what's the gumption? >> you have got to take it and show some strength. you say, you know what? finish your point and then i will finish mine. >> bill: that's what he is trying to do. >> don't stand there and beg anderson cooper to help you. i thought it was good. i enjoyed the debate. >> bill: i'm sure that's why cooper let it go because it was good tv. i have to disagree with you. i think romney did it the right way there. if it were me, i would have said listen, anderson, are you going to stop this guy or do i have to? that would have rattled putin. that's what i would have done. >> if i was perry, i would have said to mitt romney you know anderson cooper is not going to be there to help you in the oval office when the going gets tough. >> bill: herman cain obviously we all knew that they were going to go after him because is he on fire. >> sure. >> bill: what do you think happened to mr. cain last night? >> i think it's amazing that you have seen him rise in the polls. he has a tax plan that would taxes on 84% of the american
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people. and he took a lot of punches on that -- on his plan. i'm not sure that republic primary goers are really going to look at what herman cain had to say last night and feel comfortable with what 9-9-9 would mean. >> bill: herman cain is a real pure ideological conservative. in the primaries as you know, particularly in iowa, and south carolina, that is a heavy vote. and cain isn't backing away from his low tax, let's stimulate the economy. the other thing is, it's funny to hear you and rick santorum agree on something. [ laughter ] >> let's not tell anybody about that. >> bill: taxes 84% on people. and on paper as you heard, that's true. however, cain might say, i don't want to put words in his mouth, that the economy will explode and a lot of people will go into a lot higher tax brackets because everybody will be making money and there will be far more jobs on the table. if i were cain, that's what i would be throwing out there. >> i don't know about raising taxes on poor and middle class
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folks in order to make the economy do better. those are the people who would spend that money. i heard your analysis. >> bill: they are going to do better. >> 1.3% tax hike? >> bill: yeah. >> that's money they would be putting right back into the economy. >> bill: if they are not making any money now, other than what president obama gives to them in unemployment benefits, and they get a job that pays them 40 or 45 k, they make out much better and that's what cain is saying. low taxes on corporations and low taxes on people create jobs is going to blow the economy sky high and everybody will make more money. and you say? >> i think if lowering taxes on corporations and rich folks worked we would be chiz ling george w. bush's face into rush more right now. >> bill: it did work until the con blew up on the mortgage-backed securities. it did work. happy days were going on. >> i think given the 700,000 jobs a month we were losing when president obama took office it wasn't working. >> bill: that's because the mortgaged damage bliew up though. if he didn't have that look when
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reagan came in and look what he did in his eight years by lowering the taxes to historical data is in favor of that. >> i don't know. i don't know that we would have had the deficit problem that george w. bush left for president obama. had he not had his 1.4 trillion-dollar tax cut for rich. >> bill: supply side vs. tax side that's the old republic, democratic debate. final question for you. >> okay. >> bill: if you had to bet today it's going to be president obama vs. >> i think it's probably going to be mitt romney. i mean be even though i don't think he was great in the debate last night. he has the stronger infrastructure. he has got the more coherent campaign. he has got the more -- he has been more steady out there on the trail. i look forward to that fight. i think it's going to be a good contrast. >> bill: absolutely. thanks, bill. thanks for coming in. we appreciate it plenty more. column in "newsweek" magazine says many of the wall street occupiers have just regular folks like you and me.
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is that true? and then dennis miller has some thoughts on the demonstrations and on last night's republic debate. we hope you stay tuned to those reports.
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>> bill: personal story segment tonight. offers this take i'm paraphrasing the occupy wall street protesters look a lot like the rest of us is that true? new york magazine asks 50 protesters a series of questions. 84% do not know what the dodd frank act is. 68% do not know what the sec securities exchange commission is 90% do not know what the top income tax rate is. 94% says the government spends the most on the military but that's not true. health care and pensions take most of our tax money. joining us now from the "newsweek" newsroom here in new york city michael daily who wrote the column for that magazine. you were kind of sympathetic to the occupy people. correct? >> well, i am sympathetic to
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some of them i guess genuinely i am some you want to bang their heads together some across the street from the world trade center the u.s. government is more hateful than al qaeda it gets you a little nuts. then you turn around and meet a guy who is an iron worker or meet a kid who has a masters of psychology and mountain of college bills and can't find a job and very hard not to have some difficulty. >> bill: i'm glad you are an honest guy. your column is fairly sympathetic to these people. are you sympathetic to the tea party protesters? >> well, some of them, sure. i mean i think that there is a general feeling in this country that things aren't right and there is also a general feeling that there are aren't any leaders who are taking news a direction to make things right. and i think on -- in the both the left and the right, there is an anger, there is a frustration, there is a worry. i mean, for those of us who have
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kids you wonder how are things going to be for our children. you wonder is this going to be the america that we know and love. and you don't see anybody who is saying okay, i will take you there. i have got some answers. i have got some specific things i'm going to do. >> bill: say that in the debates whether they can do that or not is another story. here is the point i'm trying to make. the tea party protests got hammered by the media generally speaking. just hammered. i mean, you know that. they are racist. >> of course they did. they are lousy right wing people. what do you want? >> bill: right. lousy right wing people, horrible, awful. the occupy people, oh, you know, they are just like you and me. and here's the difference. and you correct me if i am wrong. the tea party people want to work within the system. they want politicians to stop mask spending, bring down the tax burden. give power back to the localities. that's what they want. the occupy people by and large want to blow the system up they
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don't like capitalism. >> that i don't agree with. >> bill: didn't you read the new yorker magazine? peace piece where they took the survey? didn't you see doug schoen's poll 30% of the occupiers will use violence to get what they want? come on, that's the data. >> if you go down there, there is a core of people that would fit that description. there is -- the people that started the thing. the thing that since then has grown. and what's interesting about it is that it is not an articulation. it's an expression. it's grown with people who share that feeling. >> no. i don't see it i think they are all in -- most of them are all into the anti-capitalism thing. >> i tell you, why don't you come down with me. >> if i came down with you, daily, you know, one of us would emerge unscathe and it wouldn't be me, okay? >> you are big guy, come on. >> bill: we sent john stossel down interest, a libertarian and they were screaming at him and cursing at him.
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these aren't rational people down there. >> that i think is flat out wrong. >> bill: that's what they're doing. i'm not going down there. some of them are cowards. i don't want to get involved with that that doesn't get us anywhere. all right. >> very difficult to make generalizations about them. >> bill: but you did in your piece. you were sympathetic to them. you generalized. >> what i said is it's difficult to make a generalization. >> bill: but you did. >> no. i said there is some knuckle heads. i said there is some legitimate people. there is a moment on millionaire's march when there was a steel working working on the awning and danielle's. >> bill: here is your generalization that wraps up the piece. anger isn't the only portion through the streets on michelle and hope from people finally doing something in response to injustice that's generalizing and sympathetic. now, i wanted to ask you about herman cain. >> it is sympathetic and generalization of the feelings that they share but not generalizing about the nature of the particular individuals there. >> bill: all right.
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mr. daily, we appreciate you coming on. when we come right back, dennis miller on last night's debate. massachusetts principal down on the fall holidays. mill [ male announcer ] you never know when, but thieves can steal your identity. turning your life upside down in a matter of seconds. hi. hi. you know i can save you 15% today if you open up a charge card account with us. you just read my mind. [ male announcer ] just one little piece of information and they can open bogus accounts, stealing your credit, your money, and ruining your reputation.
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don't wait until you become the next victim. call now to try lifelock risk free for 2 full months. that's right, 60 days risk free. use promo code: norisk. if you're not completely satisfied, notify lifelock and you won't pay a cent. order now and also get this document shredder to keep your personal documents out of the wrong hands. a $29 value, free! get the protection you need right now. call or go to to try lifelock risk free for a full 60 days. use promo code: norisk. plus get this document shredder, free! but only if you act right now. call now! lifelock service guarantee cannot be offered to residents of new york.
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly. in the miller time segment tonight, we have a lot to talk about the with the sage of southern california who joins us now from los angeles. miller, who won the debate last night? >> i'm going to make it a horse race particle lance, billy, i'm going to say obama won. in the two slot we had romney. in the show position we had gingrich. i'm going to say my guy herman finished out of the money. rick perry, you might have to bring out one of those hospital screens and put him down in the back stretch. that was really -- i knew he had did badly i had no idea how badly he did until that wiz bill
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burton said he won last night. who in the hell -- how close to air time cancellation before you call that number? what a genius. >> bill: burton is a smart guy, communications guy. is he entitled to his opinion, miller, come on. >> is he a wiz, billy, i hope i can keep up. >> bill: all right. you said obama. >> yeah. >> bill: won the debate. explain that. >> we can't do this 12 more times. we're shooting inside the tent as roger says. it does no good for rick perry to sit there and call mitt romney on a gardner, for god's sake. by the way, rick, if you are watching, let me go to your past gaffe and says if mitt wasn't hiring illegals wouldn't that have been heartless on his part? you have got to get it straight here. herman, i love you but the 9-9-9 thing set the hook. now you have got to bring art laugher and paul ryan and pound the details. you can't start talking about apples and oranges gore for god's sake.
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say you want to get rid of the irs and go from there. we cannot have everybody up there like nine praying mantis in helmand's jar with three air halls and breaking antennas and spitting tobacco on each other get to the air this is helping obama. >> bill: that's an interesting pithy analysis, miller. >> it should be like survivor. every week from here on in those guys should vote one of those guys off. we have got to whittle this down. >> bill: i agree. it's going to be hard to see 12 more debates. now, the occupy people, you heard me and mr. daley kick that around. i still believe most of the media is sympathetic to them and hostile to the tea party and you say? >> well, listen, i wish the president would have been as encouraging to those kids running down the streets of tehran two years ago as he is with these cats down in wall street. i mean, i have got a kid dressed up as gumby with a hitler mustache talking about the
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systematic liquidation of green jobs and obama is blowing on that ember. i have got another kid dodging bullets talking about death to ahmadinejad not pull on that thread because we might upset the applecart. him and burton i don't know ohio would go to in the end of the world, both of them would protect me. i would say the president has got his priorities askew here. >> bill: all right. let's listen to mr. obama on the occupy wall street deal. go. >> what i have said is is that i understand the frustrations that are being expressed in those protests. in some ways, they are not that different from some of the protests that we saw coming from the tea party. you know, both on the left and the right. i think people feel separated from their government. they feel that their institutions aren't looking out for them. >> bill: that, of course, begs the question. have you been in office three years, mr. president, aren't you part of this problem?
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of course that question wasn't asked. but are i would have. >> like i said, i wish once in a while he would give the tea party more credit. if you look at that thing down there and you look at the tea party and you see the exact same thing, billy, it will tell you how vulcanized in this country. >> bill: certainly different in tone. the big difference is the tea party wants to work within the system and the other people want to -- >> -- listen, when the tea party defecate on a police car at least they put one of those toilet seat covers down. [ laughter ] >> bill: is that what happened, miller? i missed it. i have heard it. >> it did happen. it did happen. yes, it did. >> bill: all right. well, you can imagine the blank storm that would have caused if the tea party had done it. >> where was he with the kids in tehran? why didn't he get on their side? that's all i'm saying. >> bill: i don't know. i can't -- i can't read his mind. all right. now, halloween is a big holiday for miller and i. in fact, we're celebrating together in connecticut.
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[ laughter ] but in massachusetts. >> i'm going out as bill burton. [ laughter ] >> bill: one state away. [ laughter ] >> bill: there is a principal. principal foley who doesn't want any of these ann foley, principal at kennedy elementary school in summerville massachusetts in boston, and she says that columbus day offensive to native americans, all right? halloween, i guess, wick cens and witches are offended or somebody. and she didn't want any part of it. she doesn't want any part of it, miller. and you say. >> i say she looks like she is married to gomez adams. i don't know what the hell is happening there. she apologies with if. hey, honey, you don't owe me an apology, just quit being stupid for god's sake. who would have thought the irony that the academic world is the world that's flat. you know something? you know how many indigenous people you cause to kill
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themselves yesterday with this stupid p.c. behavior? when they look up and say not only did we lose our country we lost it to a moron like that. come on. >> bill: it gets even worse because the kids are smarter than the principal. roll the tape. >> i think that it's kind of ridiculous because we should celebrate what we want to celebrate. >> i agree. >> we shouldn't be told what she shouldn't by other people. >> bill: i want to make that kid the principal and put ms. foley back in second grade. >> yeah. you know what that kid is? he is in the breakfast club saturday morning now, trust me. is he going to detention for the rest of his known life. >> bill: i heard he is being recruited for the occupy wall street people. >> he has got to get a press agent. i can think of nobody better than that billy burton guy. god, just to be on the same show as him, billy. >> bill: come on, miller. going to come on here and going halloween as burton.
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hi, i'm bill burton. what kind of candy do you think you are going to get for that routine, miller. >> just to be that close to that genius to touch that cloak. >> bill: i have to get burton on tomorrow to rip you up. >> listen, the fans will love it. that's why they are turning into the factor for bill burton. [ laughter ] >> bill: what are you doing to me, miller? i'm not going to be able to -- i won't be able to book scott bay owe. >> bay owe makes a thousand times more sense. that cat was the deputy press secretary. i haven't seen a deputy that inept since barney five for god's sake. >> bill: i knew it barney fyffe. you ruined the whole program. >> i'm sorry. he is the best i have ever seen. >> bill: and a quick reminder, miller and i will see you for the bolder fresher show at mohegan son in convict cut and
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signing books before we both get arrested because that's what's gonna happen up there. coming right back with did you see that susan saran done calling the pope a nazi. now jewish groups angry with her. gunning down animals in ohio. those stories moments away.
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>> bill: back of the book segment tent, did you see that the far left activist susan sarandon eventually called pope benedict a nazi not good. both catholic and jewish groups reacted. >> she made unacceptable inappropriate comments that are surely offensive to every catholic but i would say goes way beyond the catholic community. i'm not catholic. our organization is not a catholic organization but we're offended by this.
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and we think, again, it's offensive to those who died in the holocaust and it's also offensive for those who care about having civil discussion in our current society. >> bill: very well put. with us now fox news correspondent juliet huddy. has there been any reaction from ms. sarandon? >> very quiet on this one. she is usually very outspoken about this kind of thing. you would think that maybe she would apologize because she was so wrong about this. she was talking at the international film festival in hamptons. big splashy affair i'm sure you attend. she was talking about the film that she did dead man walking. you know, anti-death penalty film. she was talking about how she sent a copy of the book based on the movie to the pope. and then she said not the last one, not this nazi we have now. now, pope benedict was in the hitler youth. he of course as all children his age were. >> bill: had to be. but pope benedict is against the death penalty. is he against capital
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punishment. >> she didn't do her research. >> bill: oh, susan sarandon didn't do her research. >> i don't have a problem with celebrities who are outspoken they need to do their research. >> bill: she was on this program one time and mad at me because i was sticking up for the cops. >> i can't imagine that. >> bill: anyway, here san interesting point. deidre imus on with her husband don on the fox business channel in the morning. you know what she said? hank williams jr. gets fired because he makes an analogy about hitler. fired from espn. this woman calls the pope hitler. >> i'm sure if she was doing news maybe she would be fired. >> bill: who is going to fire her. >> that's the point. that was a tongue and cheek. >> bill: not going to hurt her career. nothing is going to happen to her. williams goes out the window and she can call the pope a nazi and nothing happens. >> she may hurt her career. a lot of people very offended. when you start talking about nazis and hitler and stuff like that it takes it to a whole
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another level. >> bill: i hear she is going to get the role in rocky horror picture two did you see it? >> no. i didn't all these people back in the 70s. no, no not my style. >> bill: joe biden wants the jobs bill passed obviously. he says if you pass it you will be having no more cops on the street and more protection for the american people that's why we need it. roll the tape. >> let me tell you, it's not temporary when that 911 call comes in the woman is being raped, the cop shows up in time to prevent the rape. it's not temporary to that woman. it's not temporary to the guy whose store is being held up and there is a gun pointed at his head if a cop shows up and he is not killed. that's not temporary. to that store owner. give me a break. temporary. >> bill: a little teed off. does he have a right to be? >> scared me. he scared me. >> bill: he is saying, you know, obviously that you are going to have to lay off people if you don't get this money injected
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into the states and cities. >> talking about laying off cops. okay. the fact is that if we put money, maybe not into the stimulus, maybe that money went into putting cops on the street, can i maybe. >> bill: maybe if it didn't go to solyndra. >> right. >> bill: maybe if the half billion went to the cops. see, huddy and i are brilliant. we have just solved joe biden's problem. so, mr. vice president stop investing in companies that are going bankrupt and give it to the cops because cops don't go bankrupt. >> we do like your sound bites. >> the vice president has never been on here but he sin varietied any time. all right, in ohio a crazy guy commits suicide and then he is the head of a wild animal park and he let's all the animals out before he kills himself, right? >> this guy apparently has been in a lot of trouble. people around the neighborhood didn't like him. the cops were always there. >> bill: how many animals got loose? >> oh, gosh. 56. >> bill: lions and tigers and bears. >> monkeys, cheetahs, leopards. 48. at this point 48 of the 56 were
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killed. >> bill: had to shoot them all. >> shoot them all. the question was why didn't they tranquilizer them. the cops running around in zanesville don't have tranquilizer guns. >> bill: we don't -- >> it's horrible. >> bill: air time now still wild animals still poking around. >> there is a monkey on the loose and apparently it has hepatitis b. if you see this morningy stay away. >> bill: is that it? any other animals. >> a donkey as well. >> bill: a donkey and a monkey. >> not a dunky, a donkey. >> bill: there is juliet huddy. pinheads and patriots on deck. starring 4-year-old protester. p and p is next.
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>> pinheads and pay the rotes in just a moment, star egg four-year-old protest. but first, the economic justice program, taking off big time. buy a copy of my number-1 best seller, "killing lincoln," economic justice, and get "killing lincoln" free of charge. i will sign this book for you. that makes it very inexpensive but meaningful gift for people who like "the o'reilly factor" and annoy those who don't. check out all of this on bill o' economic justice is our goal. dennison mcman...
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>> you know, i write about vietnam vets extensively and pinheads and patriots, george. i'm sending you a copy. chino hills, california...
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>> you're a patriot, captain, first of all. we are working with operation shoebox in florida to get some books to you guys. we did it last year, weil do it this year. we will announce it soon. careful over there, please. >> we posted a bunch of viewer reviews of "killing lincoln" on bill o'reilly dot-com. four-year-old cole, who lives on long island received some bad news recently. >> okay... >> the capital gains tax. cole, we have to watch this republican debate. we have to watch it.
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>> no! >> we have to. it's important. >> no! [screaming] >> [chuckles] >> looked like me last night. so, can a four-year-old be a pinhead? yes. but in this case, not necessarily. you make the call on little cole. that's it for us tonight. check out the fox news factor web site, different from bill o'reilly dot-com. i have the talking points memo, analyzing last night's debate. if you came in late, access it there. and spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world. the word of the day, dopt be a petifogger, when writing to the factor or in life, in general. again, thanks for watching us tonight, i'm bill o'reilly. please remember that the spin stops right here. we are definitely looking out for you.
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>> top of the morning to you. it's thursday, october 20th. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks so much for sharing your time today. the hunt for dozens of wild beasts in ohio now over. 49 animals have been killed. >> it's a tragedy for the animal world, it's what it is. it could have been a bigger tragedy for the human world. we had 18 tigers running through these neighborhoods you wouldn't want to have seen what would have happened. >> how do we get to this point? we're live from the scene with answers. >> and biden's back! the vice president pushing the president's jobs plan with rape and murder. and this morning, he's responding and he's not backing down and now he's got a new audience for the jobs bill. fourth graders. >> ok. and you've heard of herman cain's tax plan. now it's rick perr


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