tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News October 20, 2011 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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celebrating 15th anniversary of fox news channel with us. we'll see you again tomorrow night. o'reilly factor is next. go to greta tell us how much you love us. 15 years of fox news channel, we'll do 15 more for you. good night from phoenix. >> bill: o'reilly factor is on. tonight... say goodbye to gaddafi of libya. dead in the street. possibly killed from the air. and we'll have the inside story. occupy wall street movement isn't just about wall street. it's getting bolder, more out there. we'll have an update.
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>> hillary clinton asking president karzai, herman cain. wait until you hear this. caution. you're about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. >> bill: hi, i'm bill owe riley. thanks for watching us tonight. if you live by the story, you die by the story. that is the subject of the talking points memo. another brutal dictator meets a violent end. apparently killed in his hometown. no question, his end was grisly. gaddafi was likely executed but he didn't get a trial. those chasing him simply took him out. throughout history, they have met violent ends. it's a karma thing. you can't brutalize fellow human beings and prosper.
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problem is that they survive far long. in the end they die but in the along the way they do damage. is there -- there is evil in the world and always will be. that is the thesis of many theologyists. well we all have free will what. side will you choose? hurting other people is evil. there is no middle ground. and gaddafi was a psychopath and cared less for human beings and rule forward 42 years before he met his fate. how much responsibility does the united states have when it comes to killers like gaddafi? saddam and other heinous people? usa did not intervene when hitler rose to power. sadly america can't really do
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very much anymore. we're fighting evil in afghanistan, many afghan people stay on the side lines. and hard truth is that we can't impose morality on the world. there are, people like gaddafi are allowed to do evil deeds for decades but in the end they always get what they deserve, either in this live or the next. now tonight let's bring in two military analysts this evening. joining us now from washington ravel peterson from boston and colonel hunt. what do you know? >> we, being nato operating gengs gaddafi regime about six months taking away ability for gaddafi to hide. and three weeks ago, nato went with site sath light and some ground intelligence figured
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out there are five or six cars left in his entourage he was using. about 7:00 this morning, 35 cars, six, five or six were gaddafi's were hit by french jets and u.s. predators. they killed a lot of people in that convey. -- convoy. gaddafi is all but dead, dragged way. by rebel forces. it's a good day. >> bill: how sure are you that what you just told the world, people watching us now, is true? how true is it? >> 100%. i've got -- . >> bill: the french bombed the convoys. gaddafi was wounded. the opposition people went in, got him. got him in the head. is that what you know colonel peters? >> basically, yes. our drones and french aircraft stopped a convoy.
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it may have had military vehicles associated with it as well. gaddafi might have been injured in the days but they did drag him out of the sewer pipe just the way we dragged saddam out of a rat hole. likely scenario and i think colonel hunt basically nailed it is that they just beat the living day lights out of him. it was time for this guy to have a bad hair day, and he did. but then they're taking him way from the scene, one story is that there was cross fire. there might have been shots but they popped it and got angryer and angryer. mobs have their way of doing business. the mobs killed gaddafi and good riddance. >> okay. >> now did the united states handle this situation properly from top to bottom in your opinion? keeping in mind no operation is perfect? there are mistakes and down sides to every strategy. by and large did we handle
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this well? >> certainly today operation was -- . >> bill: over all. good policy or not? >> i think it's a correct policy. i think two months late. koit have been done in four months versus six. if i take the nato got it's act together. nato put people on the ground with radios to let the groups -- group of hugs begin to talk to each other and we've got more control over nato air. i think that is too long but this is a state sponsored terrorist attack. four months, four months could have been done. >> bill: do you agree with that colonel peters? number one was over all policy effective? was it the right policy? two, could it have been sped up a little bit? >> i think koit have been over in the first month. but it wasn't. and only, i think we have to give obama credit.
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is it far from perfect, only god is perfect. and he was successful. success matters. he let the british and french take the lead. good for them. we did it a huge supporting role. not perfect. but you know... i figured... >> bill: there are people objecting to the cost of the operation. you can't estimate exactly how much. but it was between $30 million and $60 million. you've got to -- as i said in talking points you've got to make a decision, are you going to let them murder people? and we did for 42 year was this libyan guy. reagannan could have taken him out, but stopped. complicated world. you guys are warriors. is the united states doing enough in your opinion now to fight evil in the world? >> the war on terrorism is -- no. absolutely not. there are other countries that, like south american and
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venezuela and pakistan, north korea. state sponsorship of terrorism is -- very, very serious. we haven't got a good enough handle on this. afghanistan, iraq, bogging down our intel and military, and this is far more reaching and belongs for a long time. >> bill: what do you think colonel? are we doing enough to fight evil in the world? >> you can never do enough to fight evil but we're doing what we can. what we can afford to do. we have to take two approaches, one stop trying to turn countries into little americas. that doesn't work. it wastes billions and trillions. so two, wherever we're attacked or threatened by terrorists or anyone else, you go out, you kill them. and sorry. not correct? that is what bad guys understand. >> with iran and this terror act would you go with bomb that country now? >> no. no. i said you do -- what you you
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can. and. >> bill: we've got to do something. >> very interesting. thank you, colonel peters has a brand new book out called "lines of fire". next, more craziness in occupy wall street movement. and then, congressman barney frank sympathizes with occupiers but is taking money from wall street fat cats. barney? say it ain't so. coming right back. babe, look.
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[ reporter ] ...passengers, emergency crews are prepared. they're in place. all we can do now is watch. wait. wait a minute. there's a truck. tough to tell from here, but whoever is driving that truck is right below the plane now. this is -- this is just unbelievable! the broken landing gear landed into the bed... [ male announcer ] the midsized nissan frontier with full-size payload and towing. innovation for doers. innovation for all. ♪ today i own 165 wendy's restaurants. and i get my financing from ge capital. but i also get stuff that goes way beyond banking. we not only lend people money, we help them save it. [ junior ] ge engineers found ways to cut my energy use. [ cheryl ] more efficient lighting helps junior stay open later... [ junior ] and serve more customers. so you're not just getting financial capital... [ cheryl ] you're also getting human capital. not just money. knowledge. [ junior ] ge capital. they're not just bankers... we're builders. [ junior ] ...and they've helped build my business.
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>> bill: becoming very clear that the occupy wall street crow is not a spontaneous citizen driven movement. here is more proof. listen to protesters sophia from the international socialist organization. >> this administration was elected on an antiwar platform. thousands of afghans and pakinstanis and yemenis have been killed. the system needs to be ended so that we no longer have wars and our children no long have to keep living in a planet that's slowly getting anilated and destroyed. we are many. you are few. get the (bleep)! >> bill: what does that have to do with wall street? joining us from washington, fox news analyst laura ingraham.
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>> that was inspiring! oh, my goodness. move over, that was great. >> bill: i said this in the very beginning, i think we talked about it with you. this isn't about wall street. it's not about economic justice. this is just an amalgamation of all of these anticapitalistic people, anti-american people, whatever. >> well, bill -- >> bill: there they are. now they're coming out! >> bill, most of these people don't even -- i would submit, don't even know the rudimentary teachings of capitalism. i think they've heard about capitalism and they think it's something. they don't really know what it is because they're all punching out their tweets on their iphones and they're getting big trucking companies to bring in their free sleeping bags and they have huge restaurant groups bringing in free food. these are all companies. these are all part of the free market and they're kind of like supporting them. so the idea that it's anti-capitalist, i think you're
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right. there is a deep strain and it's a nutty strain and it's very helpful to the republican strain of deeply anti-american folks down there. actually there is some good people, but there is deep antimerge of americanism going on. it's great -- >> bill: right. there are some people who feel aggrieved and feel that the system has to be revamped and more protection given to the workers. and that's certainly legitimate. but the drivers behind it, the money behind it is all far left. >> big money. >> bill: i'm going to ask you a speculative question that i don't usually do. but we have very, very interesting video from greece today where there are riots and burning down. this is what happens right here in greece. this is what happens when the far left gets out of control and takes over. then you tell them no, we can't afford your entitlements anymore. we can't afford your economic justice, your social justice, and yet, they say, you know what? we're burning down the town! this is going on right now! >> this is what happens when there is no rule of law.
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this is what happens when protesters are able to intimidate sometimes even police or authorities from acting because they're afraid if they do act, they're going to be branded as somehow anti-free speech or intolerant or what have you. so the fringe and even in greece that, is a fringe movement in greece. the fringe becomes the dominant force. >> bill: no, but it's accepted, though, in greece. it's accepted by many of the people. it's accepted there. that's the difference. now, could that happen here? >> i'm not sure it's accepted as you say. >> bill: say we have another couple of years of bad economy. could we be seeing scenes like that here? >> no, i don't think so. i really don't. i think there are elements as you pointed out no these protests. i was out in l.a. and there are elements in the protests down there and occupy l.a. that clearly want to stoke something. >> bill: 30% in new york say it's okay with them. >> most of these people have nothing better to do and they've been itching for a fight ever since i think the tea party became more powerful and the
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midterm elections came in and obama is not working out very well for a lot of them. they're itching for a fight. >> bill: they want a confrontation because they're not getting what they thought they might get. >> they're going to get nothing from it. >> bill: let's shift gears. hillary clinton with karzai in afghanistan and herman cain's name comes up. roll the tape. >> one of the republican candidates, i think it was herman cain. >> herman cain. >> former pizza company executive. he started something called godfather's pizza. the president saying he saw this news clip about how mr. cain -- i don't even know the names of all the presidents of all these countries. >> anyway, that's politics. >> bill: i think we should send pizzas to karzai. he needs to get some pizza and
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say, this is good. maybe we should have more capitalism here so we have lots of pizza places. >> first of all, it's dismisssive. there is no real reason that hillary clinton had to repeat loudly, i guess what was mentioned earlier by karzai. very interesting, though. why would hillary clinton go after herman cain? he's obvious hee will he rising --ly rise not guilty the polls. -- rising in the polls. he's up over romney. and bill, look, i think herman cain, if he's going to be the serious contender that i think a lot of people think he could be, then you can't blow off those questions. you have to give our allies their due respect and uzbekistan has been an important ally of ours. so you got to give them their due. but nevertheless, we've had a lot of smart folks in the room, a lot of establishment types for a long time telling us that we got to have sub prime mortgages. we had to reset with russia. china had to get in w 20 and we could spend all this money and guess what all the really smart people who probably knew the
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presidents of the stans did. they have got america in perhaps losing her dominant status in the world. that's why people are looking at herman cain and they're kind of sick of the establishment because of what they did and hillary clinton is giving voice to some of the white house concerns about cain's popularity. >> bill: we'll see. thanks. directly ahead, both president obama and can congressman barney frank are sympathizing with the wall street protesters and both of them are taking money from wall street at the same time. hypocrisy? stuart varney is next. tltltl [ male announcer ] for fastidious librarian emily skinner, each day was fueled by thorough preparation for events to come. well somewhere along the way, emily went right on living but you see, with the help of her raymond james financiaadvisor, she had planned f every eventuality. which meant she continued to have the means to live on... even at the ripe old age of 187. life well planned.
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in leadership, letting people know that we understand their struggles, that we are on their side. >> i welcome the wall street energy and i don't agree with everything some of the people say. i agree with the general thrust it, but it has to be translated into political activity if it's going to have the impact. >> bill: that's very nice, except congressman frank is attend ago fund-raiser today here in new york city at the home of charles meyers, a senior investment banker advisor on wall street. president obama is raising nearly $16 million for his reelection campaign from wall street fat cats. with us to analyze fox business anchor stuart varney. i just saw your eyebrow go up a little there. so let's take barney first. he's our pal, close relationship with him as far as business is concerned on "the factor." we've had some shootouts. now he comes to town and i don't
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know this meyer guy. do you know this guy? is he some big shot? >> yes, he is. he's a partner at an investment company. >> bill: is he a sub prime mortgage guy? >> i don't know about that. but he's a very wealthy guy. >> bill: wealthy guy, spreading the money around and he's exactly what the wall street occupiers are protesting against. >> correct. >> bill: exactly. they'd stone him if he went down there! so barney, while sympathizing, goes to insist moo' house with his hand out, a little money. >> hold on a second. barney frank is extremely powerful guy. >> bill: is he? >> yes, he is very powerful. how else do you explain that he had a lot to do with fannie and freddie. >> bill: and they blew up. >> they blew up. a lot to do with that. yet he gets them excluded from any kind of financial reform and puts his name on the reform of wall street. >> bill: dodd frank? >> yes. >> bill: why is he so powerful? he's not the head of the committee at all because the republicans control the house. >> he has a lot of say over
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fannie and freddie, which are still major institutions. still to this day. >> bill: even though barney blew them up or helped or didn't provide oversight, he still has the power. he didn't lose any power. >> right. >> bill: now he's asking for money from the wall street guys? >> doesn't power attract money? >> bill: yeah. i'm more interested in why the wall street people aren't marching on barney franks' house. >> isn't there not an implied threat here? is it not possible that barney insinuates -- look, you know what i can do to you. you've seen what i've done to you. wait until you see what i do to you if you don't pony up some money. is that not an implied threat? >> bill: i wouldn't go that far. what i don't understand is why the wall street people aren't marching on barney's house. >> because the wall street people are far left and so, too, is barney franks. >> bill: but they're supposed to be looking out for everybody and they're not. now president obama, that's easier to understand. he needs a lot of money for his
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reelection campaign. but why would any wall street people give him money when he's very antibusiness? why would they give him money? >> there is always going to be a constituency on wall street which is very supportive of democrats. generally speaking, democrats. in fact, there was a myth out there, you assume that wall street, full of rich people, must be a republican bastion. it is not. it has traditionally given a great deal of money, but to democrats. >> bill: isn't that because of what i call the ge syndrome, general electric syndrome? >> yes. >> bill: that if you're a big corporation and you give money to the guy who wins, guess what you get? all kinds of favorable treatment. isn't that what they're doing? >> yes. that's buying favorable treatment. that's buying an association with an administration, which is very, very powerful indeed, and buying influence. >> bill: yeah, but they're probably giving the republicans money, too. >> yes, but giving much more to obama. >> bill: really? >> yes. the "washington post" says $15.6 million to president obama from the financial services
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industry. 7 1/2 million to romney. 2 million to governor perry. >> bill: so they want obama to be reelected so they can do crony capitalism? >> i don't know whether the rank and file want that. but the big donors, the real serious money people who have always been in support are giving that money. i think it's a lousy tactic for the president to wrap his arms around the extreme left. >> bill: okay. stuart varney, everyone. and plenty more ahead as "the factor" moves along this evening. great american news quiz. debate edition. great clips and great questions for you. megyn kelly on whether a midwestern couple killed their ten-month old baby girl. suspicion is growing. we hope you stay tuned for those we hope you stay tuned for those reports. [ courier ] the amazing story of whether bovine heart tissue
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here now culture warriors margaret hoover and gretchen carlson. so what's going on with this mosque deal? >> right now, park 51, the group that wants to build this mosque community center, slash whatever it is, is in a court battle with con ed, the utility company. why? because they need to buy two manages in order to put up this mosque. the one they already purchased. the second one they've been leasing from con ed. but now they owe $1.7 million in back rent and they're in a court dispute about that figure. >> bill: what's the dispute? they owe the rent? >> no they were supposed to go pack and pay the rent. there has calculation argument. now here is the update. now this guy in charge of want to go build the mosque has said, well, maybe we won't really put a mosque there now. we'll do condos. >> bill: condos! >> because he needs to raise money. >> bill: condos for al-qaeda? >> well, no. just regular -- >> bill: wait a minute. that was a jest. >> okay, good. >> bill: everybody knows it was.
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that was a jest. >> so why does he want to build condos? because he needs to try and raise more money now to be able to pay this off. nobody is going to give him money if they think it's a mosque. >> bill: the bottom line is, it's not going to get done, as i predicted. what's the matter with you? these people down there, they have a right to do what they want to do. we've always said that. we believe it's wrong and insensitive to the families. i can't poke a little fun at them? i can't poke a little fun at them? >> you can poke a little fun, but going straight to al-qaeda, come on. that maybe reinforces the negative stereotypes. >> bill: you are a -- >> if i was not friends with you, i'd walk off. >> bill: you knew exactly what i was doing. i was being my own immature self. she knew exactly what i was doing and didn't stop her dissertation. she ran right through it. here is you, oh! come on! this is so ridiculous. people are so tired of this pc bs.
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>> you're right. >> bill: thank you. >> as you know, in lower manhattan, the majority of americans told about this think that they absolutely have the right to build -- >> bill: but they should. >> it's insensitive to the families. >> bill: and i just demonstrated the inappropriate remark to bring home the inappropriateness of that. >> as long as we all are on the same page about that. >> bill: in houston, texas, this is a really a story that everybody should know about. there is a military cemetery down there and the person who ran the cemetery told pastor scott rainy that he couldn't say, god or jesus in the eulogies that he was doing in the cemetery even though it's a veteran cemetery. do i have the story correct? >> that's exactly right. >> bill: so it went to court because some pinhead -- let me get this person's name. >> arlene ocasio. >> she's the veteran. she was at veterans affairs and
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runs the veterans cemetery and she decided that certain prayers shouldn't actually say the word god. shouldn't reference jesus. >> bill: this one woman did this and caused this whole lawsuit because rainy, the pastor said, hold it. this is a cemetery and some people are christians and i'm going to be appropriate in what die. >> so religion should be respected. this is not freedom from religion. it's freedom of religion. >> bill: the judge ruled what? >> the judge actually settled out of court. the judge ruled that all religions should be able to practice freely there. now as a result of this settlement, the star of david and the cross and the bible will all be available in this cemetery -- >> bill: and a preacher doing -- if the family chooses. >> before i come bust on this story, do you realize that the houston national memorial ladies volunteers have done over 5,000 memorial services at this cemetery where they always gave the family the option of saying god or jesus.
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>> bill: the family says this is what we'd like. >> they were told they could not do that anymore. talk about political correctness gone amuck. here is the other part of the story. political correctness still rules because the houston national memorial ladies and the veterans of foreign wars district 4 had to resign from their positions in order to be able to say god and jesus. in other words, they can't represent those organizations and say the words god and jesus anymore. they have to be private citizens to do it. so pc still rules in this particular area. >> bill: we got to put an end to this. >> this is an example, though, of secularism being pushed back because at the end of the day -- >> bill: the good guys win on the mosque thing 'cause that's never going to get done. the culture warriors. when we come back, megyn cycley went to missouri to interview the parents of a missing baby girl. the suspicion grows that they may be involved in her we all have internal plumbing.
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly. in the kelly file segment, more than two weeks ago, ten-month old lisa irwin disappeared from her kansas city, missouri home. the parents told police they found the front door unlocked in the middle of the night and they have no idea what happened to the baby. holy spirit weekend, megyn kelly went out to interview the parents. >> were you drunk? >> yeah. >> some folks are going to have an issue with that. >> i'm sure they are. >> more than five drinks after you're looking after the children. >> she was sleeping. i don't see the problem with me having my grownup time. i take good care of my kids. i keep my house clean. i do their laundry. i kiss their boo boos. i'm involved in their school stuff. i mean, to me, there is nothing wrong with me doing what i want to do after dark. >> bill: here now is miss megyn.
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let's walk through this case. yesterday the police go with a search warrant two weeks after the fact. >> they've been there before, but they went again. >> bill: okay. so they're suspects obviously, these parents. >> they are in the backyard in that shed digging in and around that shed where i was. >> bill: obviously they didn't find anything. right? >> we don't know. they are telling us they did not find a body 'cause there were reports that they did. they say that is absolutely not true. >> bill: no arrests have been made? >> no. >> bill: so as far as we know, nothing has come of the latest search. now, parents that you interviewed are suspects for what reason? >> the police say they're not suspects. >> bill: then why would they dig up their yard? >> because the police always say the people aren't suspects. even if they are a suspect, i don't want saying they are -- >> bill: let me say they are. you don't did he go up the yard unless they're suspects. why? what is the -- >> here is the thing. originally the parents came out
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and said -- the father went to work an overnight shift. it was the first time he had done that. the mother was home alone with her three children. eight-year-old and six-year-old boy and then ten-month old baby lisa. she spent the evening on the front porch with her neighbor where she said just chatting. she put lisa down at 10:30 p.m the father gets home from at 4 a.m all the lights in the house are on where she said she turned them off. a screen is bent in. and the baby is gone. and they also stole the family's cell phones. that was the original story. i go out and interview the parents on sunday and the story has changed dramatically. we learned for the first time she told me that, in fact, she wasn't just chatting with the neighbor on the stoop. she was drunk. i asked her how many drinks. more than throw? yes. more than five? yes. as many as ten? no. so between five and ten glasses of wine sitting on the stoop from 6:30 or 7:30 to 10:30 that night. then she told me that it is possible she blacked out as well. she has periods she doesn't remember in the evening and now for the first time, she tells me
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she does not know if she ever saw her child after 6:40 that night because unlike what she told police, she cannot say whether she checked on her at 10:30 p.m. >> bill: we got a parent who is obviously negligent and then you got a missing baby. those are facts. is there any explanation why her first story is a fiction? >> no. listen, the only thing that you can surmise, if you're going to make the case for her as a defense lawyer is maybe she was panicked, that she was drunk -- >> bill: there is no explanation. >> and the child went missing. instead of admitting i never saw my child after 6:40, maybe she told people, i saw her at 10:30 before i passed out. >> bill: she also, this woman, failed a lie detector test. correct? >> the police told her she and told her she failed the questions of do you know where your daughter is. we don't know if in fact she failed it or if that was a tactic. >> bill: do we know she took it? >> yes. the police and she both tell us that she failed it.
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>> bill: okay. so she failed a lie detector test. her story changed. she admits to be drinking. the break in. usually the police can tell whether somebody breaks into your house or not. >> they haven't let on whether that they know about that. but i can tell you this, that her story on that has changed. originally she said she turned all the lights off when she went to bed and when her husband got home, they were on. what intruder turns the lights on when they're going to break in and steal a baby? now she's changed it to, i'm not sure if i turned the lights off. >> bill: we got that. >> the neighbor only told me i did. >> bill: she's drunk and doesn't know what she's doing and we got that. that's a convenient excuse, by the way. >> listen, if she did something to this baby, and i don't want to tell our viewers that she has no history of domestic violence, i asked. described as good mother by those who knew her, no problem with child services, has two other boys who by all accounts are healthy and fine. she claims she has no postpartum depression, although she takes an antianxiety pill. if she took this baby, where did it come from?
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where is the body? >> bill: this is strangely like the casey anthony case. baby disappears. and these are very rare, as you know. baby abductions from a house, very rare. >> it's true. >> bill: now the f.b.i. is in on it. the f.b.i. is going to know pretty soon whether somebody broke into that house or not. they're going to know that. >> what if the front door is open because she's drunk, leaving it open and somebody walks right through the front door? >> bill: the f.b.i. will know if somebody was in that house other than the two parents. >> two things that jumped out at me. number one, the baby was missing from the crib, but whoever took her left behind her bottle, blanket, if you're going to steal a baby, aren't you going to take those things? >> bill: usually, yes. >> number two, they say their cell phones were stolen. i asked if they ever called those cell phones. the answer was no. so they didn't want to interfere with the investigation. >> bill: i don't know much about this case. but i'll it will you what, this
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looks like casey anthony to me. if they can find this baby someplace, some time down the line. >> people need to keep an open mind. we don't have enough facts yet. >> bill: that's fair. megyn kelly. in a moment, the great american news quiz. the debate issue tonight. amazing clips from past presidential shootouts. the clips is next. [ male announcer ] the cold aisle can be overwhelming. [ coughs, sniffles ] especially when you're sick. now, with new simpler packaging, robitussin® makes it simple to get the right relief for your symptoms. new simpl packaging, same effective relief. robitussin®. relief made simple. gives you a 50% annual bonus! so you earn 50% more cash. according to research, everybody likes more cash. well, almost everybody... ♪ would you like 50% more cash? no! but it's more money. [ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash.
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enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to the planet? natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is. we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go. ♪ >> bill: the great american news quiz. the debate edition. here they are. fox news anchor martha mccallum playing for michael of rochester. steve doocy playing for a person in kansas city. if you would like to sign up, go to it's all free and the prizes are good. all right, the debate edition. you okay on this?
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>> yeah. goes going to be very interesting. >> bill: i hope. if not. you'll both be fired. question number one, ronald reagan's famous phrase, there you go again, was coined during a 1980 debate against jimmy carter. reagan was responding to carter's attack on him over what issue? a, higher taxes for the rich. b, national health care. c, iranian hostage crisis, d, abortion. reagan was responding for what issue? cards up please. and roll the tape. >> these are the kind of elements of the national health insurance important to the american people, governor reagan again, typically is against such a proposal. >> governor, there you go again. >> bill: national health care. even back then. you both got that wrong. they were listening on sirius and other radio places. b was the answer. okay? get a lot of radio people listen not guilty on sirius. >> how many on cb radio?
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>> 17. >> what's your handle? >> breaker, breaker, good buddy. question two. >> bill: here is question 2, gerald ford may have reinforced his imas a lightweight when he made a huge foreign affairs gaffe during a 1976 debate. >> there is no soviet domination of eastern europe and there never will be under a ford administration. >> i would like to see mr. ford convince the czech americans and polish american in this country that those countries don't live under the domination and supervision of the soviet union behind the iron curtain. >> bill: that sunk ford, no doubt. who was mr. ford's running mate in that vote? a, ronald reagan, b, john conley, c, george h.w. bush. d, bob dole? who ran against carter. that was an easy one we threw in for everyone to make you feel good. feel good? >> yeah. >> bill: it's a tie. three to go. here is question number 3. the first televised presidential debate in history was in 1960
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between richard nixon and john f. kennedy. >> senator kennedy, too often would rely too much on the federal government. on what it would do to solve our problems, to stimulate growth. >> i come out of the democratic party which in this century produced woodrow wilson and harry truman. the question is which point of view and which party do we want to leave the united states? >> mr. nixon, would you like to comment? >> i have no comment. >> bill: great clip, huh? first the bit. now, who was jfk's campaign manager for that election? a, his father. b, his brother, robert. c., his brother ted. d, adlai stevenson. cards up please the answer is b, robert kennedy. mccallum bolts into the lead with two questions to go! here is question number 4. michael dukakis hurt his campaign during a 1980 debate when he responded
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dispassionately to a question about his wife getting raped and murdered. which journalist asked him that question? a, bernard shaw. b, cokie roberts. c, tom brokaw, d, brit hume. who asked dukakis a question about his wife and crime? and the answer is roll the tape. >> governor, if kitty dukakis were raped and murdered, would you favor an irrevocable death penalty for the killer? >> no, i don't, and i think you know i proposed the death penalty during most of my life. >> bill: you know, who is that? >> no big deal. >> bill: it was dispassionate. >> you know how i feel. >> bill: hey. okay. so you both got it right. so that means mccallum is leading with one question to go, doocy. it doesn't look good for your mate in overland park, kansas.
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>> my mate? >> bill: australian term, you block head! insults all over the place. question 5, in 1992, bush the elder, bill clinton, and ross perot did a series of three-way debates. >> i want these young people up here to be able to start with nothing but an idea like i did and build a business. but they've got to have a strong basic economy. >> everybody is affected by the debt because of the tremendous interest that goes into paying on that debt, everything is more expensive. >> we all agree that there should be agreeing economy. what you have to decide is who has got the best economic plan. >> bill: he's talking about the same stuff now! it's amazing. >> incredible. >> bill: all right. bush was later criticized for appearing unfocused when he repeatedly looked at what during the debate? his notes? b, the ceiling, his watch, a loose thread on his jacket. what did he look at and looked distracted during the debate. come on, doocy.
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the answer is his watch. correct. so mccallum wins. very good. and that's michael from rochester, new york. he's going to get nice prizes. doocy, you let your co- state person down. >> you mean my mate? >> more about that later. >> bill: australian. we're big in australia. >> you're in america! >> bill: are you mocking the aussies? if you are from australia, you should beat him up if you see him. all right. pinheads and patriots on deck. tonight, starring harrison ford. there he is behind the shades. there he is behind the shades. p and p moments away. wanna know the difference between a trader and an elite trader? it's this... etrade's pro platform. designed bottom up? integrated top down. customizable. well, duh.
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>> bill: pinheads and patriots in a moment first ad in the "wall street journal" for killing lincoln. best selling nonfiction tome in the country and we thank all of for you that. i actually took less money to write this book because it's not what i usually do. i felt americans should understand what great leadership really is, especially in this troubled time for america. the response has been overwhelming and, again, i thank all of you. now the mail. karen: >> bill: that would be carrying his water, william. holding romney's water would be
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physically impossible. we are all fair here. fair to all the candidates, not holding anyone's water. thank god. >> bill: well, 47% of americans don't pay any federal income tax so their rates would go up a bit, ernie, as you know. if you think prices would drop because corporations save on taxes, well, you are quite the optimist.
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>> bill: i'm outnumbered 100 to 1, scott. that's the difference. >> the dang me guy, right? maybe i will get rid of dennis and get roger on the bill. king of the road guy. tickets for the show me he began sun, going fast. particulars for the two shows in orange county california in december sold out. thank you all very much. >> bill: excellent. halina.
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signed copy of "killing lincoln" on the way. if you become a bill o' premium member, you get the book free. bermuda, do little poems in between hurricanes. no. i love bermuda. it's 90 minutes from new york city paradise of bermuda, it's a great place. i have been there six times i think. finally tonight pinheads and patriots actor harrison ford pilot and keeping airports safe. in order to do that. mr. ford wants to raise taxes on airline fuel. >> i do think that the collection of taxes tax on fuel is the fairest and most expedient way to increase increase funding. >> problem with that is it raises fares because the airline company also on the cost getting hosed. spend taxpayer money in more efficient way. no more solyndras, if mr. ford put that in he would be a patriot. going for more taxes at this point is pinheaded because the folks can't afford it that is it for us tonight. check out the factor web site
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