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tv   Hannity  FOX News  October 20, 2011 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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spout out about the factor from anywhere in the world. name and town. do not be a mooncalf: we're looking out for you. captions by closed captioning services >> new poll has her main cain riding high can he carrying the momentum into the nomination? the mad dog of the middle east has been killed. >> this marks the end of a long and painful chapter. >> sean: what's next for libya? colonel oliver north has the answer. joe biden defends his outrageous comments that rape and murder will rise without, quote, obama's jobs bill. >> no, no. what i said, let's get it straight guys. don't screw around with me. >> ann coulter is here to react. plus, our weekly analysis of the
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obama mania mainstream media bias. >> new york's wall street is now more than 250 cities. >> in at least 190 cities. >> in 103 cities. >> we're on the road to 2012 and hannity starts right here right now. and tonight big news for libya, the united states and the entire world embattled dictator muammar qaddafi was captured and killed earlier today. now, this footage appears to show him bloodied and alive before rebel forces took his life after storming his final strong hold in the city of sirte. colonel oliver north will be here with reaction to that and later coming on tonight. more good news for the presidential campaign of herman cain. in a moment i will be joined by former alaska governor sarah palin. we will get her reaction. first, in a survey conducted the day after the las vegas debate 28% of those polled in the key primary state of iowa say they will back herman cain. now, that is a 7 point lead over mitt romney, ron paul rounded out the top three.
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meanwhile rick perry came in a disappointing sixth place receiving only 7% of the vote. as herman cain rides his 9-9-9 plan to the top of the republic field, it appears that governor perry is working on a bold tax plan of his own. let's take a look. >> in six days i'm going to release the details of an economic growth package that will create jobs, create growth, create investor confidence in america again. it starts with scraping -- excuse me, might want to scrape it too. scrapping the 3 million words of the current tax code starting over with something simpler. a flat tax. i wanted to make the tax code so simple that even timothy geithner can file his taxes on time. >> sean: joining me now with the latest on the 2012 race fox news contributor former alaska governor sarah palin is back. good to see you.
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>> good to see you, sean, thank you. >> sean: before we get to that let's start with the death of qaddafi today. and, you know, i was very skeptical with the arab spring. everybody said democracy. it looks like the muslim brotherhood, the things you were warning about, i was warning about and some others that it could be far worse in the end. are you concerned the same thing can happen here with the death of qaddafi? >> certainly we need to be cognizant of the evolving situation and who will replace qaddafi. what government will replace that regime. we are very glad that this tyrant is finally gone but, yeah, we -- will the islamist take over and tribal warfare create more chaos and oppression than was even under qaddafi? so we have to be aware of the situation as it evolves. hey, let me ask something though to this qaddafi regime change now, discussion. and that is it strikes me as quite ironic, sean, that those on the left had been so dismight have been of ronald reagan's
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1986 air strikes against qaddafi and calling it a criminal act and these are the same people now today celebrating obama's participation in nato's leadership with the air strikes that has led to the demise of qaddafi. the inconsistencies there with foreign policy support and actions that our military and our participation with nato and what the white house does, the inconsistencies and the hypocrisy that comes from the left never ceases to amaze. but, again, having said that glad qaddafi is gone. need to be aware now of the evolving situation. >> sean: it's funny, there is such a big deal, george bush got authorization for use of force in iraq and afghanistan. the president, i don't think the war powers act is constitutional for a lot of reasons. the president, he is the commander and chief, congress can defund any military action. with that said, every president has bhn abiding by it anyway. in the cases of president obama, he said this is a nato operation. we control 65% of nato.
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so, was he trying to, in that sense, go above and beyond what his authority was. >> again, i think there is a lot of inconsistency and murky foreign policy coming out of this white house. you know, have you got to hand it to ron paul. whether you agree with everything that he says or not, at least he has one there in congress trying to make our president stick to the law and understand that congress does have a role to play in these foreign policy decisions that are made and ron paul, i think has hit the nail on the head when he has come out and said obama had better be careful when he interjeckets himself in our country in other nation's business. >> what do you make of herman cain and, for example, the new iowa poll that comes out? he is leading there. he has been very well in the polls. second in the national poll to romney. iowa, look, whoever wins iowa gets huge momentum heading into new hampshire, south carolina, florida, and nevada.
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soot question is, do you think unlike perry, pawlenty, bachmann that he can sustain his rise? >> yeah. those others have led in iowa, also. i do believe that herman cain can keep this momentum going. is he doing very well. is he not a politician. and voters are crazy, the nonpolitician to be willing to help lead this country. get it back on the right track. herman cain recognizes it's the permanent political class that got us into this economic mess and we don't need more of the same thinking that that's going to be the solution, herman case number is candid, is he authentic, we appreciate that coming from him. we appreciate he has gotten the ball rolling on tax reform proposals in 999 plan. again whether you believe or can really embrace all of that 999 plan, at least he has got the ball rolling, saying we must reform our tax code today because it is a monstrosity. it's burdensome and destructive.
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it shackles american entrepreneurs and we must do something about it. herman cain is willing to do something about it. >> sean: do you like the plan? obviously you have time now to look at it. is it one you would support? would you tweak it? would you change it? do you think as it's currently designed one that would work? >> well, definitely i would tweak it. because i believe that in order to get rid of crony capitalism and corporate welfare and the corruption and waste in the federal government, we need to get rid of the corporate income tax which chases jobs overseas by the way but it also feeds into the crony capitalism when you have businesses that can afford to pay the lobbyists and the attorneys to write the rules that the rest of us have to abide by, but, you know, a lot of the big corporations don't have to. and then they get to skate without contributing to the national coffers. there is a lot of problems with america's corporate tax rate, which is the highest in the industrialized world, even higher than communist countries.
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we need to get rid of that that's one of the things i would tweet in that 999 plan. >> sean: one thing they could do certainly is what you were saying drill. canada in a recession in 2009. they started drilling and now americans going to canada to get jobs. 3.5%. nationally it's the .1% unemployment because they are drilling for oil which they hadn't been doing. you said the other night on greta you thought newt gingrich won the debate. what do you think -- do you think he has a chance to break through? do you think rick santorum at some point could break through? do you think perry can recover? >> newt has been in the trenches. he seems to have seen it all and his calm, cool, collected demeanor i think bodes well in these debates is he is not down in the junior high level but he wants to stay at the 60,000-foot level and talk about solutions and really address what the problem is and the problem obviously is obama's socialist
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policies that are bankrupting this country. that's what newt's focused on. i think that resonates. he, too, can build some momentum. rick perry coming out with embracing steve forbe's flat tax idea. that's going to gain momentum. i look forward to hearing more of the details. in fact when i heard that rick perry was embracing of steve forbes idea i went into my garage and dug out an old book from 1999 that steve forbes had written about the freedom to choose tax pairs how do you want to file your taxes? do you want to continue under this current monstrosity of this destructive irs code that we are stuck with today? or do you want the freedom to choose the simpler, fair flat tax? rick perry no doubt will talk about that because it is what steve forbes had written about over the years. such a proponent of and many aspects of it makes so much sense. >> sean: do you think it was a mistake especial whether i perry
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was so romney hiring illegal immigrant which governor romney said sorry that didn't happen. a lot of people in our focus group we did with frank luntz it did go over well with people. what was your reaction? >> these debates is democracy in action. i love the contested primaries. i like that we have to duke it out and share ideas. i don't like the pettiness. i think that does kind of make people feel disenchanted with the idea of serious debate. this is a serious job. these are tough demulti-ous times where we need solutions. we don't need that pettiness that comes out with some of the questions and answers in the debates. it's democracy in action it really reveals character this process. and bottom line, sean, it's not tibiddlely winks. you jump in the arena and you expect to get beaten up by the media and perhaps those in your own party. character is revealed and skills
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also come to the surface. >> sean: no regrets on your part not jumping in? >> nope. i appreciate the role that hopefully i will be able to play and that's spurring discussion about how to spur economic growth in this country and very thankful that it seems like these republic candidates are getting the ball rolling on talking about the solutions that so many of us want to be able to discuss with them. >> sean: all right, governor. great to see you again as always. thank you so much for your time and we appreciate you being with us. coming up, capture and kill. what will the death of evil dictator muammar qaddafi mean for the people of libya and the rest of the world? colonel oliver north, he was targeted for assassination by qaddafi. he will join us next. endless shrimp is ourn at red lobster. there's so many choices. the guests love it. [ male announcer ] it's endless hrimp today at red lobster. amuch as you like ny way you like, like new sweet and spicy shrimp, all for $15.99. my name is angela trapp, and i sea food differently.
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>> sean: one of the world's most brutal tyrants is no more. muammar qaddafi cass killed today in fighting around his hometown when revolutionary fighters stormed his strong hold in sirte. this gruesome video from arab satellite tv station show what is appeared to be a bloody but alive qaddafi being dragged around by men. graphic photos were released that showed the leader dead with gunshot wound to his head. people were celebrating in the streets. here at home president obama congratulated them on, quote, winning their revolution. >> this is a momentous day in the history of libya. the dark shadow of tyranny has been lifted and with this
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enormous promise the libyan people now have a great responsibility. to build an inclusive and tolerant and democratic libya that stands as the ultimate rebuke to qaddafi's dictatorship. >> sean: with qaddafi's death comes a new era to the nation. will it lead to a liberated libya or problems with new cast of characterization. with us host of war stories oliver north. this is personal for you, colonel. this is a guy that you and your family for assassination. >> sent six of his goons for people's committee for libyan students in mcclain virginia to our house with a mission of killing us. all of that is a cons sequence of the raid that ronald reagan had authorized on his terror training centers and communication hubs after the bombing of the labelle disco in berlin. sean, i know there is a lot of back slapping and high fiving going on at the white house. i wonder if it isn't premature
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there are at least six armed militias who are part of this transitional national council and not part of it as all. there is no agreement as to who is going to lead the country. on top of all of that you have friction between arabs and berbers and in the southern part of the country between north africans and the rest of them, you have still got 20,000, perhaps even more surface-to-airman portable missiles missing from the ordinance depots that qaddafi had all of which major threat to the united states. >> sean: listen, you are glad he is dead. i'm glad he is dead frankly i couldn't show these pictures enough because i want every two bit dictator around the world that kills americans like qaddafi did to know this is your fate. this is what will happen to you eventually. may take a long time but we're going to get you. my question is how thought out are these positions that they are taking? for example, i knew right away that the muslim brotherhood was like that this idea of arab
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spring leading to democratic reform i doubted from the beginning. unfortunately i was right. is this going to be worse than before. >> no. this could actually be much worse than what's already happening in egypt. just 10 days ago you had egyptian christians at a prayer vigil gunned down by islamics and by the army, crushed under the vehicles that were supposedly there to protect them. you now have the muslim brother hood as part of the problem in egypt. you may have islamist group after those missiles. some supported by the iranians who have their fingers in all of this. look, of course, what's happening in syria. barack obama doesn't try deliver just a few moments ago he is saying what the message is
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brutal oppression failed because the americans couldn't do what they said they were going to do. all of this was supposed to happen in days not months. that was on march 17th. and you now look at how nato ran out of ordinance and the united states had to come in and backfill behind them. why would they be worried about consequences in iran. >> sean: you touched on this earlier and it hasn't gotten the news coverage that it deserves. that is that there is 20 to 30,000 surface to air missiles. these are the missiles, shoulder fired missiles that can take out a commercial airliner here in the united states. 20 or 30,000 of them. where are they? who whose hands will they ultimately land? will we wake up, god forbid one day, colonel, and we know how auto divide works. they don't hit one site at a time they hit multiple sites. five stids or more commercial airliners are shot right out of the sky. >> what a wonderful way for the iranians to pull off a stunt like we have just seen the
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indictments that came down from what transpired in mexico. man pads out of libya in the hands of iranian sponsored terrorists going off in the united states bringing down an airliner. better hope that doesn't happen in this administration because somebody might actually think we have aided and abetted our adversaries by not protecting our borders. bottom line for libya. great news he he is gone. i have to tell you i'm certainly glad. i'm not celebrating because i don't think the news coming up is necessarily going to be a whole lot better. >> kind of like the arab spring. everyone was saying democracy, democracy. more and more every day looks like a far more extreme leadership is emergeing egypt. >> and that potential is certainly. >> sean: colonel north, good to see you my friend. coming up, weekly media mash segment, first, vice president takes scare tactics to a whole new level with dire warnings about what will happen if republicans fail to pass the
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president's jobs bill and now the administration is responding to his remarks. we will check in with ann coulter and much more coming up straight ahead. (birds chirping) there he is. (reel dropping) (laughing) dude, you caught a boot. oh, well looky there. get huge savings at bass pro shops and don't miss our great pumpkin halloween event this weekend. can become romantic just like that. a spark might come from -- a touch, a glance -- it can come along anywhere, anytime. and wh it does, men with erectile dysfunction can be more confident in their ability to be ready with cialis for daily use. cialis for daily use is a clinically proven low-dose tablet yotake every day,
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sean the president has trumpeted the fact that the g.o.p. jobs
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bill will bring you dirtier air and dirtier water. the vice president is upping the ante when it comes to absurd and irresponsible scare tactics. according to the vice president rapes and murders will skyrocket. take a look. >> from everything i have heard from my -- proposing whole jobs bill is this. this is just temporary. let me tell you. it's not temporary when that 911 call comes in and the woman is being raped, the cop shows up in time to prevent the rape. it's not temporary to that woman. it's not temporary to the guy whose store is being held up and a gun pointed at his head if a cop shows up and is he not killed. that's not temporary to that store owner. give me a break. temporary. i wish these guys temporary i wish they had some notion what it was like to be on the other side of a gun. >> sean: as it turns out the administration has no issue with that sort of talk. white house press secretary jay
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carney came forward today to defend the vice president's outrageous remarks. >> fewer police officers on the street. has a direct effect on the crime rate. >> joining me with reaction, the author of the "new york times" best seller demonic the one and only ann coulter. i have one tape to play here. jason mattera. great columnist, smart guy, friend of the program. confront the vice president on this, watch this exchange. >> do you regret using a rape reference to describe republic opposition to the president's bill? >> no, what i said. let's get it straight, guys. don't screw around with me. let's get it straight. >> you didn't use a rape reference. >> no. listen to me. >> i'm listening. >> i said rape was up three times in flint. there are the numbers. go look at the numbers. murder is up, rape is up and burglary is up. that's exactly what i said.
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>> and if the republicans don't pass this bill, then rape will continue to rise? >> murder will continue to rise, rape will continue to rise. all crimes will continue to rise. >> do you think it's appropriate for the vice president to use language in such a way? >> we have got to go. i'm sorry. >> mr. vice president? >> sean: don't screw around with me on this. rape and murder is going to go up unless you pass the president's bill. your reaction? >> i'm god so glad you played that for me. i had heard about it. i had no idea how completely crazy it was. before getting into any substantive point get there. i would like to know in the history of the world when a woman is being raped in her home the police have shown up in order to stop the rape. i think that's why we support the second amendment and gun laws. the cops aren't going to show up in the middle of the rape? when are you calling 911. it's completely crazy. this is the old firemen first strategy as if there is nothing left to cut in the federal government. just down to firemen and cops
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and that's it. how about the administrator of administrators? how about the entire department of education, department of agriculture, department of commerce? even, you know, these endless school administrators who never see the inside of the classroom? how about the teachers who aren't teaching at all because they have been accused or caught sexually molesting the students so they have to be put in the rubber rooms? i think there is a little fat we could be cutting and i will say that. >> sean: we're not talking about cutting. you either pass 450 billion more in spending or rapes and murders. >> i know. >> sean: let me take it a step further because class warfare is now their standard. you have got a congressman from florida saying that republics want blacks in america hanging from trees. you have got the president saying they want dirty air. conservatives and dirty water. i actually prefer for my children clean water and clean air. what a shock. but now this comment by biden.
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it's so over the top. >> this is part of the theme with the democrats. for third years they have been trying to get, you know, be able to miraculously produce mobs when they don't get their way politically. back in 2004, elizabeth edwards warned that there would be riots if john kerry didn't win. al gore specifically speaking to a black audience warned them not to react with violent acts if kerry/edwards ticket didn't win. >> sean: also said to predominantly black audience republicans don't even want to count you in the census. >> what i'm talking about yes he said a lot of stupid things. what i'm talking about is specifically trying to get blacks to right. howriot how about you riot white boy? they aren't rioting. always democrats trying to begin -- gin up. >> sean: do you think by the president embracing the wall street occupiers -- think about
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this. do you think which, you know, all right, first it starts wall street and we got people with their tops off and people having sex and people smoking pot and making a pig pen of the place. then the president supports them. then they walk past the homes of, quote, the evil rich people, i mean, could you say that, you know, when the "new york times" suggests that violence is next could you connect it to the rhetoric of the president? >> um, well, sure. i mean generally mob uprisings are associated with violence. think this particular mob is so rag tag and pathetic. americans aren't really going for it. this is not a general cross section of america. it's add doe says lengths ai -- adolescents looking for -- it is 18 to 22-year-olds who don't have a home to go to. but i would think it would be a mistake for the democrats to align themselves so closely to
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the occupy wall street movement, except that they sometimes do get results from mob uprisings. could get a commission. this is why democrats like mobs when there is chaos. middle class people will say okay, fine, give us socialism, just make the chaos stop. that's why democrats like mob uprisings. i don't think it's going to work with teenage runaways. >> sean: you have taken the position now that you have given governor christie back his inhaler, not breathalyzer but now that you have given it back to him, you say it's inevitable, you think mitt romney is going to get it. what do you make of the polls with herman cain? do you think he is sustain his growth lately. >> i am so glad you asked about herman cain. i want romney cain. i wouldn't be displeased at the top of the ticket. it's risky running someone who hasn't held elected office before. i love the 999 plan. the more people that attack it
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fellow republicans in thed me were. fantastic plan. i'm encouraging mitt romney to choose herman cain as his vice presidential nominee. >> sean: ann coulter, very nice of to you help governor christie. >> he is 2020. >> sean: you never stop. it's like an obsession. all right. ann, nice of to you show up. thanks for being with us. >> sorry about the plane last night. >> sean: coming up, media mash is back. show you all the examples of how the liberal mainstream obama mania media tried to distort your news plus our great, great, great, american panel and so much more straight ahead. motorcycles, boats, even rv's. nobody knows where he got his love for racing. all we know is, it started early. casey mears, driver of the number thirteen geico toyota camry.
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geico, saving people money on more than just car insurance.
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hannity hannity welcome back to weekly round up of all the ways the mainstream media put spin on news and this week's material president of the media research center brent bozell. how are you, sir?
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cbs. occupy wall street. they did a really good job nailing down exactly how many cities this extravaganza taking place. they all agree, i think. >> as the movement enters fourth week. continues to pick up strong support from coast-to-coast wall street now in more than 1250 cities around the country. -- 250 cities around the country. one month in the occupy wall street protests growing. thousands taking to the streets 100 cities nationwide. those protests against wall street are continuing into the weekend all over the country in 103 cities and in 36 states. >> sean: wow, 250, 190, 103. i really appreciate the fact that they did their homework and they all got it right. >> let's recap this. last monday abc reports they are
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in 250 cities. thursday, nbc reports it's growing and they are now in 190. >> sean: yeah. >> cbs picked up the baton the next day and says it's 103. remember, this is the same media that featured diane sawyer saying that they were in 1,000 countries on a planet that has less than 200 countries. they have no idea what they are talking about. >> sean: to her credit, she made a correction. got to give credit. >> she made a correction but she made a correction sean, they are just throwing these numbers. these numbers are coming out of thin air. >> sean: it's big. and the occupy wall street kooks, everything they are doing dove tails perfectly, you know, into the obama agenda. roll the tape. >> this occupy wall street movement seems to be embracing at least one political message in that the protesters are calling for the wealthy to pay more taxes. should we look for the obama campaign to embrace that message and it takes the stretch to november? >> well, it certainly is going
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to dove tail nicely into a big message that the president is selling is that the wealthy should pay more. >> sean: first of all, there is a lot of people down there in fairness that don't like obama. is he not liberal enough for a lot of the people down there. there are actually some things that people are saying that i agree with. i don't agree with bail jows and banks, financial institutions. they are trying to say, yeah, this is perfect for the president. i think it's the worst thing the president has ever done embracing these guys. >> yeah, sean, on one level it is true. one sense they do dove tail. obama's administration has been pulling, pushing an agenda that has been constantly against corporations, constantly against appear tallism, constantly supporting against the rich, and supporting the redistribution of wealth. it is a form of socialism. what he -- dove tails nicely. why do the bob beckels of the world throw a piston when you say that obama's administration
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is socialist? why? because they know how much out of the mainstream is and they know how much the american people turn against that which is why they are doing everything to shield the american people from what's really going on in these protests. one more thing, sean, about these protests. here is a number you are going to love. in the first 11 days of october, the three networks ran almost nine -- get, this almost three times as many stories as they did on the tea party movement in all of 2009. >> sean: by the way, you notice how they ignored the anti-semitism, the radicalism, the funny thing that's happened in this whole thing is that the protesters are very upset because there is a lot of stealing. the protesters keep stealing each other's, let's see computers and cell phones. whatever happened to share the wealth, spread it around? the very thing they want from everybody else? let's give one example. this case is cbs, offering well
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let's just call it a warm and fuzzy take on the protesters rather than looking at their more radical side. >> here's the part, there are more musical performances than actual marches. almost constant but impromptu some believe its history any indication they could provide harmony to a movement. ♪ tax the rich. >> what isn't already packed with protesters in lower manhattan is now filled with music. they call it the heart beat of the revolution from loud battle cries ♪ hey bloomberg ♪ why don't you leave us alone >> the soothing throw back to the civil rights era. >> sean: i didn't know santa claus could sing. you know, music, harmony, peace, love and by the way wash out for brown acid it's bad. >> you know something, in this
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case in harmony with the world and just trying to change things and make things better. they are also trying to suggest that these young lads represent the vast majority of americans. it took doug schoen, a democratic pollster to take a poll of these young lads to find a deep commitment. this is his life. a deep commitment to left wing policies. opposition to free market capitalism and support for radical redistribution of wealth. that's their agenda. they are not going to show that again. because if they show it, it goes to show the real picture of a radical left, the communist flag, the anti-semitism. remember the stories about the supposed racism no documentation. now you have reason tv with documentation of anti-semitism. you won't find that anywhere on the networks. >> sean: good to see you my friend. >> thanks, sean. >> sean: greta van susteren look
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at that you have got funnel cakes friday oreos and rides. i didn't get that on the 15th anniversary tour. what's up with that? >> there is other stuff that you could eat here delicacies i'm told as they are little bit scary. this is so exciting. we are in arizona at their state fair and this is there is so much going on in this state with illegal immigration. questions about the border. foreclosures, but tonight look at the celebration behind me vice president dan quayle, governor january -- jan brewer and so much going on. we even went to the petting zoo and fed goats and cows and lamb mass. everything is fabulous. of course they threw in the ferrari that they gave me for the 15th anniversary. >> sean: bring me back a friday twinkie and funnel take. let not your heart be troubled our great great great american panel is next. fore!
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>> sean: great american panel. is he a democratic strategist. fox news contributor, the one and only joe trippi is here. is he from fox news' red eye. they never invite me on. fox news correspondent bill schultz is here. what? and she is the attorney general of the great state of florida, pam bondi is here. welcome to new york. it's great to see you up here. >> it's great to be here. >> sean: there is a great victory in florida the next governor i would say one day of florida. >> when he is president. >> sean: never going to be the governor of florida. >> there you go. >> sean: i love businessmen. if i was -- i said this to donald trump the other day. i said why doesn't he bring you and every great great bright smart businessman, why doesn't he talk to you guys? here is what steve win had to say. great business guy. here is what he had to say about obama. >> i many watching my employees standard of living drop because of deficits.
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>> i was with donald trump yesterday who is a big fan of yours. >> sean: i have a trump tie on by the way. >> i have trump hair on feathered. >> sean: stop it. >> you know, he has very valid concerns. you know where his companies are making the most money now sean? china, three quarters of his money. if you look at what's happening with health care tremendous cost. unbearable cost. >> sean: you are on the front lines of that lawsuit. >> absolutely. i along with 25 other states
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leading the lawsuit along with the national federation of independent business. we have bipartisan position that it is unconstitutional. that is the reason his attorneys general were doing this. but the cost on our businesses are ridiculous. >> the administration had to back off a big piece of this and they did document dump on friday. >> what do you think mr. schultz, sir? >> well, i agree with anything steve wynn says. there are a lot of nay sayers out there that he somehow is working this angle that he himself is a billionaire ceo and the fact that he was a friend of the bush administration and bush overall that he might have turned a blind eye to the deficits. cheney said didn't matter 10 years ago. this didn't just happen. i don't think that. because i win with wynn. that's my campaign. i would never say that. >> this is everybody. this was wall street and it was government. it was bush administration and the obama administration and no one wants to get so here is the
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problem. >> tea party wants to blame government. occupy wall street wants to blame. >> i blame you. >> 4 trillion new debt in 8 years does not -- is not the equivalent of 4 trillion in new debt in two years. two and a half years. and that's the difference, no president accumulated debt and deficits like this guy. >> what he keeps talking about so valid regulations out of control. look at what they are doing to boeing. this is all federal government overreach. >> it was all that overregulation of wall street that got this done. they just held wall street. that's what did it. it was that regulation they were doing. >> the government of this country decided that everybody should own a house. so they lower the lending standards, they forced banks to lower lending standards. they forced financial,. >> didn't force banks to do it? >> no. legally goldman sachs. >> they didn't want to make
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billions of dollars betting against their investors. >> sean: created the environment all these bundled loans was put together and inevitable. it was bound to happen, joe. >> i agree about what you are saying about what the government did wrong. what i'm saying is it wasn't just the government. it was wall street going crazy, too. >> sean: they shouldn't have bailed them out nor should they have forced to give these loans. >> now because it's all falling apart, the tea party tends to blame government and occupy wall street blames wall street. the wall street investment banks. they should be. >> sean: why can't we hate them both? >> there is a lot of. >> we need to change a lot. >> done wrong by everybody and not a right or left thing take a break now when we come back hard hitting ad by romney against perry and perry against romney. we have those ads. we have those ads. straight ahead with our great capital one's new cash rewards card gives you a 50 percent annual bonus. so you earn 50 percent more cash.
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if you're not satisfied with 50% more cash, send it back! i'll be right here, waiting for it. who wouldn't want more cash? [ insects chirping ] i'll take it. i'll make it rain up in here. [ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? sorry i'll clean this up. shouldn't have made it rain.
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>> republicans need to believe that if they are going to nominate somebody, this person can stand next to barack obama on the stage. >> whether it was before he was before the social programs from the standpoint of he was far. >> do or die for him. >> not whether or not we are going to have this policy or that policy. >> we don't need any plan. >> perry really did throw up all
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over himself at the debate. >> the fact is, americans understand faith. >> rick perry plunging in the polls, rolling the dice. >> if he would just calm down he seemeddage stated. >> benchmark so low at the last debate. >> we will wait until tomorrow. >> doesn't have economic plan. >> all he had to do was show up and smile. >> shadow of his formerself. >> how do you ensure the 45 or 50 million americans who are not on the books? >> well, that's what we did in massachusetts and that is we put together an exchange and the president's copying that idea. i'm glad to hear that. >> i was asked is this something that you would have the whole nation do? >> would you apply it to the rest of the country? i would and i said no. i made it very clear. also in my book. >> we can accomplish the same thing for everybody in the country. >> in my book i said no such thing. >> people consulted by the romney administration were also being consulted by the obama white house. >> sean: all right.
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first of all, it's getting pretty brutal out there. well, is that good for the process? bad for the process? what do you think? >> well, we need healthy competition for the process. but healthy. it has to be done in a professional way, sean. i mean, we're republicans. and we want to take the white house back. >> sean: i'm actually a registered conservative. >> i'm sorry, a conservative. i don't think governor perry is going to be governor romney's chance for v.p. >> they don't like each other and i will tell you this reminds me a lot of when gephart did the murder suicide thing on my guy howard dean in iowa in 2004. >> sean: was that before or after the rah. >> before the rah and what caused it because perry is going to go out. got $55 million in a super pack. my guess is he is going to spend every dime of that trashing romney and romney is going to be forced to come back in kind. and you're likely to see neither one of them get the nomination.
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>> sean: who is it going to be? >> cain or gingrich. once somebody starts spending $55 million with that kind of stuff on the air taking you down, it's going to be hard and he he be weakened, even if he does get the nomination he will be very damaged as a flip flopper and a lot of the things. >> someone is on board the cain train over here. choo choo. >> this is get to the point where this can be damaging. >> yeah. and i didn't particularly like that exchange on the immigration this week. i don't mind a good fight. that's what we do here for a living. but i thought that didn't help. you put up a good fight on greta. >> i broke my nose three times. i hate fighting. i'm bad at it. i would say by looking at those ads they were both hoisted each other guy own getard. another thing i noticed on that ad brit hume, he would make excellent voice


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