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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  October 22, 2011 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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investing all or none . don't make the excuse to jump all the way out or in. >> that's it. thank you for joining us have a great weekend. liberation in libya and celebration in the streets as the country formally prepares to declare their freedom from gaddafi. campaign spotlight gop hopeful herman cain pushes his way on the top tier and he stumbles and campaign from iowa where most of the candidates are in the forum. you got mail. every year president obama gets hundreds of thousands from americans. but did you know some of them get a personal response. >> i am uma, america's news headquarters and live from the
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american's capitol starts right now. but first we turn to iraq. nine years, president obama said the war in iraq is over and all of our troops will be home for the holidays. not everyone is pleased about their departure. molly has more. >> republicans are very skeptical that it was the right military decision but president obama said he campaigned on the promise to bring the war in iraq to a responsible end and he's following through on it. >> we have removed 100,000 troops and iraqi forces are taking full responsibility for the security of their own country. thanks to the extraordinary sacrifices of our men and women in uniform. the iraqi people have the chance to forge their own future. >> u.s. and iraqi officials
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couldn't come on the legal protection for american soldiers stationed in iraq and so troops will be coming home. >> gop candidates viewed it as a failure of diplomacy. mitt romney put out a statement. unavoidable question is result of a naked political calculation or sheer inepitude in negotiations with the iraqi government. michelle bachmann put out a statement. in the case where united states liberated people from dicktarion rule we have kept troop in the country to insure a peaceful transition and protect a fragile growing democracy. >> after a costly war, it will strengthen iran's . and that allows the them to
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focus. and the government what will become of gaddafi's body. ordinary libyans are filing by the cof to see for themselves that gaddafi is truly dead. >> oh, my, it is one of the more remarkable things. people are come going all day here. the body of exdictator gaddafi sits hundred yards behind me. and there are and have been questions about how he died and questions about the fate of that body. and authorities here don't seem to mind. it is a bizarre scene.
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men and children lining up to go inside of the cold storage room and see the man and dictator who ruled them for decades. gaddafi and his son laid out on a dirty mattress. after being killed on thursday. they are saying god is great. they are pleased and satisfied that their country is now liberated and they have the proof. uh-huh. (no audio) >> we heard from some individuals there on the scene as well and they basically said they have no questions about the body of gaddafi sitting there. they think it is right he for 42 years torteured the people here
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and this is the right way to go. and according to authorities, there will be no further autopsy of the body. four doctors looked at it and it was a wound in the head. pledging to us, and burial of the body they are saying that they are looking for a secure location sometime in the future and they are not specific about that. he's on display . uma said the reactions. and there is a weirdness of it. and looking at gaddafi himself and exleader he looks in fairly good shape except for the wood to the head. rest of the body -- his son is in worse shape. the exdefense minister is on
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display as well. and my producer noted, it is like a wake in the western world before a burial but in this case, people are not grieving, they are exalting. back to you. >> remarkable story and video. thank you very much. >> libya's national transitional council is anxious to get them moving forward. joining us is the libyan ambassador to the united states. great to have you here and thank you so much. first of all. i need to get your reaction to what you are seeing from the video. you are seeing people lining up to see the body for themselves of gaddafi. >> i see their dreams came true after months of suffering. it is an unbelievable moment in our history and life.
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it is tell everybody that the people are determined. they will achieve what they want. no one ever expect to see what we just have seen. they believe gaddafi -- you hit him with a bullet. they believed he would not die. >> you were here when the bombing first began in libya and they tried to get him and topple his regime. when you think about the rebel forces behind the movement, what runs through your mind. >> from the beginning, i have just one question in my mind at times, are we going to get rid of this man in history tells me for the last 42 years, that gaddafi is able to
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destroy any device. >> this time it is difficult. what they have seen in the east and west. i think that makes them confident that they can make it. and i must say with international community. and neighboring countries who came forward. and came to see gaddafi laying down. and are you back to being the ambassador to libya from the united states. and you are in the transition government and i know that is something you were happy about. there are concerns that members of the transitional government that are radical and are radical islamics and they may hijack the operation and what is going to
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happen moving forward. are you concerned about that? >> no. i am not concerned. >> what kind of government do you expect to see. >> national democratic government. americans should not be concerned also. libya is united in time of war. gaddafi gives them time to form an alliance and face his weapons and anyway have been united to fight the regime. they will build their own country and they were not permitting it to take over. and the women and the children and the people have one thing in mind that to change libya. and to change libya's image that was destroy. and because of this, they are united not to allow extremist
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who they are to take over. we are not going to change dictator ship. libya is a conservative side. but it is a moderate society at the same time. >> you think the people have the patience to wait for the changes. once the eeuphoria settles down and news of gaddafi. they will expect to see immediate changes. if they don't happen, you think that people are patients and not fight amongst themselves to get it going. >> libya has been patient for 42 years. and they have to be patient with this new government. i depogree that expectation is high. but libya for the first time in 42 years. they are out. and when they woke, they woke
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with dignity. because they decide the future from now on. yes, after every revolution people expect everything just to in the second. but exactly. and the main thing for libya that is united. it is unbelievable. and it is not the same answer since 1952. they would be united to bring libya as a model of cooperation out of the east and west to get rid of the dictator ship and country who has a normal relation with the west and east. and help the others that are struggling to get the democracy achieved. >> ambassador thank you very much and this is a dream come true for you and your people. we wish you all of the best . we'll watch the developments as
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they unfold. >> thank you for having me. >> thank you. body of sound prince saud is flown home today. he died in the new york hospital. he was half brother of king abdullah and next in line. secretary of state clinton said the crown prince was a strong leader and a good friend to the united states over the many years and as well as a tireless champion for his country. turning to politics here at home. the nevada republicans are meeting to discuss moving caucus back to february. and the rnc is asking nevada to move to february 4th in hopes of keeping new hampshire from
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moving a primary to december. most of the 2012 candidates are in iowa. there is a faith and forum. there is one notable exception. peter has more on that. >> one exception is mitt romney who is still making news even though he will not be there with the faith and freedom. with his reaction to president obama's withdrawalpresident obama's astonishing failure to an orderly transition in iraq has unnecessarily put at riskk the victories that were won through blood and fac fice of thousands of american men with bem. and back to iowa. winner of the western republican straw poll in vegas. herman cain is trying to convince he is prolife and
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clarifying earlier comments saying he wants families have the right to choose if they are choosing abortion they will break the law under the cain administration. >> the abortion is illegal. and michelle bachmann is doing explain trying to convince iowa that her campaign has a hope and denying the report that her staff quit yesterday. i don't know if it is fed by a different candidate or campaign. we have made calls and it is certainly not true. michelle bachmann is polling at four percent according to the university of the iowa. romney has 27. and cain 27. and governor perry is 6 percent and he's hunting with iowa
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congressman king. and king has been a michelle bachmann supporter in the past. we'll have to see if he is. we haven't seen him hunting with bachmann. >> that's quite a photo. they will be talking about their big hunt today. >> thank you. >> it is your turn to weigh in now. several candidates laid out their plan to turn the economy around. who has the best plan. tweet your answers to @ anhqdc or hurricane uma. i will read your responses later in the hour. >> turning to other news and update on the air crash last month. investigators say they haven't recovered video from the vintage racing plane that crashed in the crowd. technicians are trying to extract information from an on
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board data memory card. it injured 74 others. >> new developments in the case was a missing 10 month old baby in kansas city movie. >> the cadaver dog reacted to the scent of a dead person inside of the home where lisa irwin disappeared. >> they discovered recently overturned soil in the back yard. >> the mother debra bradly said that she avoided going behind the home because she feared of what she might find there. >> baby lisa was missing and her parents are cooperating with the investigators. >> and a growing number of gop leaderships are coming out against president obama's announcement of a troop withdrawal. >> we'll be out of the iraq because of their mishandling of that. that is the number one goal of
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the iranians. >> and we'll ta to senator mark kirk. and his mother wrote a letter to the president while her son was serving in stan tan and the president wrote back. we'll talk to that service member and what inspired the commander-in-chief to respond. stay with us. [ male announcer ] this is coach parker... whose non-stop day starts with back pain... and a choice. take advil no and maybe up to four in a day. or choose aleve and two pills for a day free of pain. way to go, coach. ♪ prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i've made? [ '80s dance music plays ] [ sighs ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego.
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than ever before. call the number on your screen right now. >> that was the president speaking at the white house. joining system senator mark kirk. >> thank you for having me, uma. >> what is your reaction to the withdrawal of the troops. is that for his reelection effort it is or a deal breaker with iraq? >> i am worried that the united states has accepted risk that the government of iraq could
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collapse or become an ally of iran. the negotiations should have been handled better . a residual presence should remain so that we lock in the gains so hard won. >> what about the political calculation in an election year? >> the president promised that but long-term promise he should make is support the national security in the united states and if iraq becomes a collapsed state or ally of iran it would hurt the long-term security of our country. >> are you confident that iraq will protect itself from the outside forces? >> i am not. the united states military is able with a residual presence to do a lot on intelience a support and planning logistics side . without that we may break down
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to secitarian violence and there are many iranial politician and agents that would like to take over that government . vast oil wells became an ally of iran it is a set back to the united states. >> your reaction to gaddafi's death? >> it is generally a positive. because it allows the new rebel government to now dedicate 100 percent of their time to building a pro american democracy there. when i was in libya, there was a fear that gaddafi would make a cam back and it is not possible. >> there are celebrations going on in that country obviously . among the rebels are prominant radicals. how do we know that it will not
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create a radical islamist government? >> we don't. there are islamist among the rebels and the united states should back early election. the prime minister said they should have them. current leaders of libya are not islamist and they would win overwhelmingly. this rebel government will not be any more popular it than it is today and so early elections are necessary. >> talking to the ambassador about the eeuphoria and the aftermath of the death. many libyans are expecting big positive changes and find it takes time and getting impatient and many of the tribal factions could fight each other. how concerned are you? >> when we were in tripoli there were no less than 28 separate militias.
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and it is awash in weapons and looted from the gaddafi arsenil. we have to unify military command under the government. and early elections to head off the rise of islamist party and three, a plan to soak up and buy back thousands of anti-aircraft missiles and if they break out of the libya could represent a long-term threat. >> those weapons have been missing sometime now. >> it won't. there are thousands of them. this is one of the highest priorits of the united states. i will say one mission appears to be going well. united states and rebel libyan allies have good control over the chemical arsenil that gaddafi built. >> thank you so much. >> uma, thanks for having me. >> three weeks after the
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disappearance. cadaver dogs in the lisa irwin cams and saying goodbye to an indy car champ. honey taste, 40% daily value of fiber... ...and 80 calories per serving... may want to tell a few friends. ♪ or all of them. ♪ i'll go get my bowl. [ female announcer ] new fiber one 80 calories. yes, you can actually love breakfast. ♪ ♪ yes, you can actually love breakfast. you want to save money on car insurance? no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things?
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>> welcome back everybody. herman cain continues it is winning streak on the campaign trail and peter doocy has more on that and the rest of the headlines. and the western republican leadership contest. and newt gingrich with 20 percent. and texas governor rick perry received four percent support . united nations calling for the of death of gaddafi. they want to look at conflicting
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reports of him being killed in a firefighter or after the capture. investigators are continuing their search for baby lis a. a f.b.i. cadaver dog reacted to the smell of a dead person inside of her parent's bedroom. and they are looking at a spot where the soil is been moved. >> and funeral services for dan wheldon on sunday tomorrow. he was killed in a 15 car crash in a race in nevada. back to you. >> our heart goes out to his family. thank you very much. more than 15 years after the north american free trade agreement. it is deep inside of the u.s. and border.
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it calls for mexican trucks to be allowed acess to u.s. highways. and it is now implemented. and safety concerns over the mexican trucks. illegal immigration . they weighed in on this week so called magnet policiless that atracked them across the border. texas governor rick perry critized for offering instate tuition rates to undocumented students. those people who hire illegals all to be penalized and mitt, you lose all of your spanding because you hired illegals in your home. >> it is hard in this country to know of people who are contractors if they are illegal. if i am president we will have
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an everify system. >> controvervesial bill. and the aim to kill. and we'll have more on the story, casey. >> this is controversial. according to the pugh. and unemployment rate hovers at 9.1 percent. in effort to document that. the department of the homeland security launched a program known as everify. the computer system checks an employee socialnumber to make sure they are legally authorized
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to work here. everify is only voluntarily in most states. only 250,000 companies currently participate. some lawmakers get their way. it would be mandatory for all businesses to help stimulate job growth. >> i think that everify may be the most popular way to create jobs in america. it is supported by 82 percent of the american people and the jobs now held by illegal workers should go to unemployed americans. >> not everyone sees it that way. the agriculture business is fighting the bill. and that is contending that the mood and they will not do the
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menial labor that is required for the jobs even if they are unemployed. >> we are not taking the americans jobs and local people's jobs. no one want to come out and work from me. and and that is out there in the beltway. indeceed thank you very much. and companies in need of a serious make over can turn to an insurance giant aig. it is selling the reputation insurance. david lee miller has more on this part of the story. and now, so called reputation insurance.
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and now this product offered and sold to businesses that want to protect the reputation in the event of negative -- so-called reputation guard will be specializing in crisis communication helped to be providing in the scandard. and pr expert is one of the companies that are partying with the company. and said they seriously suffer in the time it takes to hit the send button. >> crisis move. and the company is prepared to be engaged in the social digitam platforms to protect the reputation. that is a big challenge of companies today. and it is very difficult to create the types of processes in the country that are agile enough to communicate through the channels quickly.
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>> they have prevented the spread of negative publicity. it could have yielded smaller and medium size companies that don't have deep pockets when disaster strikings >> a family run business that is expanding and a revenue flow of a million and above. they need to be aware that the scene has changed and social media brings a lot of unexpected players in your realm and people talk about you others may listen they need to respond. >> the companiessoming corporate reputation insurance tell us that small companies could have premiums $10,000. not every crisis is covered and there are clusion for financial rating. make sure you read the fine
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print. >> very good advice indeed. >> and the white house receives thousands of letters from president obama every day and only 10 letters reach his desk. we'll look at the closer letters that he read and one that made it all the way to the oval office. stay with us. well, thank you both for coming. oh, thank you so much. i love the vermeer collection. vermeer? dutch painter?
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only painted, like, 34 paintings? oh what an odd name. you've got like five of them in your hallway. those were actually in the attic when we moved in. we just both really love the color yellow. uh... [ host ] you guys are a lot of fun. yeah. [ male announcer ] the audi a8. named best large luxury sedan. new car? pretty cool. ♪ i just signed the whole family up for unlimited mobile to mobile minutes. you're kidding. no.
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>> welcome back. americans right over a million letters every year. he writes back to the people who wrote to him. he has written a new book called 10 letters. and they wrote one of those letters and he brote back. and he reads 10 letters a day.
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he are hads about and and it is 10 letters he reads every night. and that is one left. and hearing what they are going through. >> they are poignant and reports that he has responded in personal ways and giving money to people who are in great deed. they write not expecting him he will read them. it is detailed yourny injuries . a lot of them and there is hope in well and they are move read a
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year's worth of these. i can see how they are compelled to respond. >> your mom was worried about you while you were serving in afghanistan and finally able to hear your voice after you called her after being so concerned and excited . she wanted thank the president and wrote a positive letter to him. tell us about that letter. >> i call would her on the birthday. and i got ahold and called her on the birthday and it was a while since she heard from me and excite: she pened a letter to the president thanking him for the troop surge. she knew that was an important piece that was going on and she wanted to say she was supportive. >> not criticizing him and saying that she was supporting him. what was your response when you
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found out the president got in touch with her. >> i don't believe it. i heard about the letter and he wrote back. i assume it was thank you for writing it was not until i met with eli my mother had been a pen pal with the commander-in-chief. >> amazing. >> these letters are vetted and there is a huge staff that decide which want to get away. and they moved it to a secret and 50 full-time safer. it is a filter. and they measure the metrics of the mail and 50 percent are positive and 50 percent are negative. and he will see the reflection
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of that. it is fantastic. and we are under the gun with time but it is a great, great book. i am so glad you were able to join us . give our best to your mom. >> and outrage after exotic animals are shot. one claims that the liberal media was not outraged enough. stay with us. babe, look.
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[ reporter ] ...passengers, emergency crews are prepared. they're in place. all we can do now is watch. wait. wait a minute. there's a truck. tough to tell from here, but whoever is driving that truck is right below the plane now. this is -- this is just unbelievable! the broken landing gear landed into the bed... [ male announcer ] the midsized nissan frontier with full-size payload and towing. innovation for doers. innovation for all. ♪
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>> welcome back. an extraordinary event in libya with libyans waiting in line to view the body of gaddafi wanting to see approximate with their own eyes he is dead. we are here with an officer in the very tough misurata brigade that fought against the regime. thank you for joining us and can you tell me your feelings and emotion when you saw the face of gaddafi. >> we feel happy, okay.
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this is the end of repression. he had controlled libya over 40 years. >> hundreds of people streaming by united states and looking at the body of gaddafi and his son. why was the decision made to show him. many people look, you know. they feel some of them have a relief by seeing his body. you have a problem with that or no? . no. he just found --
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and carrying his gun. okay. and so no. no way. do you have hope for the future of the country. >> i have hope and hope that libya will be making a new constitution and government. i think the whole world is hoping that, too. bashar nicker in the tough misurata brigade. they are reflecting on the body now on display in the buildings behind us of gaddafi, the former dictator of libya. back to you. >> thank you thank to brashire. unbelievable moment in libya at
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this time. moving on in light of the square in ohio. there is an executive order cracking down on exiotic ownership. the the farmer kepts and bears and. concerned for public safety authorities shot and killed. did part of the media ignore the outrage. liz is here with her take? >> i would like to know where are the defenders of the snail darter and northern sprout the owl and all of the tree huggers who are ready to defend the care and conditions of endangered species. the animals that were killed in ohio by the local sheriff's department. was over whelmingly endangered
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species. 18 bengal tig yerse 17 and six black bears and two grizzly bears and three mountain two wolfs and one baboon and one cat struck by a car while on the interstate. a slaughter of the innocence. and no one in the so-called liberal press made any defense for the animals except one bright spot which i found in a student newspaper, the daily from west virginia university and listen to their editorial. >> if they were able to be captured why couldn't be the same to the others that were killed. a bengal tiger was killed after an attempted shot. they had the option to take them
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alive and instead the deputies patrolled, shooting all nearby animals with assault rifles. >> well, the bottom line they were able to save six. why couldn't they save all of them in most of the animals killed were less than 500 yards from the farm and still silence from the people in the press who are defending the left wing causes with regard to animals except in this case. the appearance of jack hana and hana entertainer made things worst, the huffington post said he had no business to be there. he's always siding with the corporate interest. silence on the slaughter. >> it was a sad story. thank you for your take. >> we asked and you answered.
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to october 15th through december 7th. so call unitedhealthcare now. and don't pay more. just get more. you don't have to be an aarp member to enroll. so call unitedhealthcare today. or visit ♪ >> welcome back everybody. of course, we love hearing from all of you at home and asking you who doesn't plan to turn around the economy. several of you are weighing in, mitt romney's plan works, i like it best and david is writing, i pick the one that raises taxes on the rich. that has to be obama a


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