tv The Five FOX News October 24, 2011 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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the o'reilly facto is next. good night. we'll see you next time. channe. or network. >> right. ♪ ♪ >> eric: hello. it's 5:00 on the khost. i'm eric bolling, can wimunc, bob beckel, dana perino, greg gutfeld. we have a lot on tap tonight. first, job plan stalled in congress. now president obama is taking a different approach to jump-starting the economy. bypassing congress altogether. shocking declaration from a company we've been defending fighting for, for the last ten years. afghanistan's president says if war breaks out between the u.s. and pakistan, they go with pakistan. of course they are. the phone call that cost an n.f.l. star $10,000.
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"the five" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> eric: another all-time low for president obama. his approval number at 41%. bleak and falling. his strategy now to try to work around congress and boost the economy since he clearly isn't getting enough support or votes from lawmakers on his jobs plan. the latest brainstorm, help for homeowners having trouble paying mortgage. calling it the "we can't wait" plan. you can't wait, mr. president? we can't wait either. most importantly, we can't wait for november 5, 2012. kimberly, i know, but look, here is another mortgage mitigation plan, the government getting involved in the free market for homes. good, bad or otherwise ideal? >> kimberly: didn't they help mess this up enough already? you are not quite done yet.
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it's well intentioned, right, for people who are trying to pay the mortgage. not default. aren't behind payment but are having a hard time. well intentioned but how many people will it help? if people end up defaulting, who will pay for it? federal government takes it over and then ultimately taxpayers again. >> eric: you like this idea, though? >> bob: i love this idea. by the way, you can't wait. you don't have to wait. you're paid up on your two houses, aren't you? for those people who haven't, who are underwater, this is in fact, the banks can be forced to do this, because banks agree to take federally mortgage -- federally guaranteed mortgage, the taxpayers pay for. whether the program is in effect or not they'd pay for it. banks will be forced to do it. they ought to do it you have get upward of million people could be helped from this. >> eric: greg? >> greg: when you were a kid
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you had a do-over. this is a do-over of the community reinvestment act. more importantly i feel a tortureed metaphor coming my way. when you're a guy you are terrible, you get a wine stain on your shirt and you get water and a napkin and you rub it around and rub it around. that's what this is. government program designed to repair consequences of another government program and it just spreads the misery thinner and all over the place. never works. >> bob: that was tortureed. >> kimberly: soda water. >> eric: can you tell bob on the comment about the banks? they should have to do it, would do it and should do it? >> dana: if that were true it would have been magically solved by a wand before. this is similar to a program they tried to do. bush administration tried it as well. many economists sit back and say look, we can do all the window dressing we want. the only thing that is going to help is if we let the
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sucker go. in las vegas today where obama is, 65% of people owe more on their home than it's worth. negative equity problem. an ore said this might take the sting out of it. but since it's similar to the previous program i thought i'd point out president obama housing program they started in 2009 was a $50 billion program a gaited money. they only have spent $2.4 billion of that. they help 1.7 million people out of the 9 million homeowners they said they would do. it's taking so long and shackles are so great. when they say we can't wait, democracy is an inconvenient thing sometimes. >> bob: they are taking the shackles off. this is for people who are up to date on the mortgage program. they want to get them in the market and get mortgages refinanced at leer rate. a lot of people are enjoying. it make sense as they paid the mortgages, they deserve to
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have -- >> dana: agreed. as a homeowner i try to do it as well. the process takes so long it -- >> bob: that's the idea here. >> dana: it won't change that. >> bob: we'll see. >> greg: what about the people who paid their mortgages? >> bob: these people have. they have paid the mortgages. >> eric: this is a residual problem with the program. >> kimberly: you're going karl rove on us. >> eric: rove approved before. banks won't loan money if they are constantly mitigated. they don't know if obama says we'll mitigate the loan, the interest rate. mitigate the rate. hold on, you want to see that better. very quickly, they will borrow at 0%, which they can, from the fed discount window. loan it back, buying treasurys. buy treasuries in the open market and get 3%. every bank has access to this. $30 million out of $1 billion loan in risk-free profit.
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>> bob: put the silly board away. i don't need a chart to tell you this. those are the same banks that are willing to take the taxpayers money to bail them out. now they should bail out the taxpayers. >> greg: they were bailed out by the government. the government did. that >> bob: right. screw them then. don't give them any bail-out money. >> greg: that was not their choice. that was the government's choice. >> bob: it wasn't their choice? they beg hat in hand for that. >> greg: they weren't begging. nobody knows how many people will be affected by this. that's how a government program works. you don't need to know the results. >> bob: what if it's only $100,000? >> eric: the banks are unaffected by the program. it won't help or hurt banks because when the loan is mitigated by the government, if it doesn't work out, it goes to fannie and freddie. the taxpayers will end up eating the loan if it goes bad. >> kimberly: they don't have anything to lose per se. they may not naturally be inclined to do so. even if the loans go bad they are backed up by the federal
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government so fine. >> bob: the congress of the united states is republicans refuse to do anything about housing. a way for him to get around it, cut regulation and move faster for people and deserve a lower interest rate. >> dana: first of all, they did that. the $50 billion they already have, has not been used. democrats today, including cardoza of california who announced friday he is not going to run again because he is in so much trouble is so dismayed by president obama's housing piece this is political. i looked today at the "washington post." from the political standpoint, this does give president obama something more to talk about. it gives him something on the campaign trail. the headline is as homeowners languish obama's aid effort lag. it's quoted he was outrage and did not want to hear it when warned what the program would do to help homeowners. >> bob: the fact is he is trying to help homeowners going under and you're siding with the republican and congress. let them go under. >> eric: you said they are paying the mortgage and they
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deserve a lower rate. you gamble, right? you put a bet down on virginia over the weekend and the line moves, which would have given you a much more favorable line. you said you know what? that line moved. i changed my mind. give me better rate? yes or no? >> bob: i understand what you are saying but the point is these people can stay in their home and not go to foreclosure. they have shown history of paying mortgage at higher rates, they should get the lower rates. it's not gamble for me -- >> dana: a nice to have. >> bob: it's a -- it will save some people. we don't know how many. a lot of people out there will be save and won't be out of a house. that's something we ought to be proud of. >> eric: when a bank holds the mortgage, they are on the hook for mortgage if it defaults. if they harp or mitigate the mortgage through the program and then default because they took advantage of the program, now the taxpayers are on the hook. >> kimberly: that is the problem. >> bob: there is less of a chance of them defaulting at lower rate than these rates.
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>> eric: zero percent chance of us paying as taxpayers now. if you give them the deal -- >> bob: no, of course you pay. it's government backed. sorry, greg. >> greg: sorry, i was daydreaming. just like america. here is the thing, we started off saying that obama's approval rating was lowest at 41%. there is only one elected president that was lower. president brad fitzmiln. no one has heard of him. because it was that low. >> bob: wow! that is really good. your political history is staggering. thought about being a political scientist? 41% now. it should be 41%. i'm surprised it's not lower but it will be higher next year. >> eric: coming up, we have a 2012 round-up and look ahead to the important iowa caucus information news. that's next on "the five." also, don't forget to e-mail us. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪
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but guess what, donald? i've now moved up to the "b" block, man, since you tweeted. keep it up, will you? i happen to like you. you don't have to be so thin-skinned about it. you're a decent guy. welcome back to "the five." we have a bunch of 2012 news to talk about. iowa caucus is seven day aceway, in political speak is not much at all. iowa will be the beginning of the end for a few munchkins running for president. i'll give you a review. romney campaign has a difficult choice. they downplayed iowa because they thought they didn't have to play there and put the mark down in new hampshire. two things happened. one, no one is moving in iowa now. cain is the hot property in iowa, but he has no organization whatsoever. history in iowa that people are hot with the organization not going anywhere. perry has gotten, you have to talk about this. perry is in a much better position in iowa. bachmann is out of it. i have a prediction over who will win the caucus but romney
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has to go in. if he comes in fourth, that is not good for him. whoever wins is going to make it because expectations are high. >> dana: on michele bachmann, do you think -- you think she is out but when do you think she is out from iowa or the presidential campaign altogether? >> bob: she will stay in, because there is more debates brought together before iowa. money is going to drive her out. >> dana: money is a problem. last week theyed a a problem that the campaign said they hadn't been paid in a month and walked out. they put out a statement today. i think she stays in for a while because she can. her book comes out november 25. >> bob: candidates going to south carolina. perry hired new people. >> eric: nevada moving to
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the 24th will help perry. romney walks away with iowa. >> kimberly: he doesn't think so. >> eric: hail mary -- >> bob: i says whoever comes out of iowa, not go down in points. >> eric: whoever wins iowa, romney wins new hampshire. a lot of people say that perry will hold south carolina. >> bob: that is a good announcement. romney depended on nevada. he's the only one not protesting nevada making the move. a big mormon population and he would win it. now it's not until early february so he needs florida before he gets to nevada. >> kimberly: it gives perry more time to try to recover. he hired veteran strategist. >> eric: outside of texas. >> bob: people understand nevada. it's 99 counties. comet plex deal. perry has a shot here. somebody will emerge. the outside prediction is it's either perry or the upset
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prediction is newt gingrich will be the winner or second place in iowa. >> greg: you overlooked development i've been watching closer. you know i run a website devoted to john sununu. sununu news. he just endorsed romney. fun fact. in hawaiian it means "an endorsement no one cares about." >> kimberly: ahhh! >> eric: how do you spell "news"? >> greg: n-e-w-z. i want to get hip kids involved. >> kimberly: has that worked? >> bob: i can tell you the history of new hampshire. it doesn't matt they're much. i don't think sununu will move many votes but the point about new hampshire, romney will win new hampshire but he won't win by 20 points which is the expectation going in it now. someone will get momentum out of iowa and it will knock him down. the win won't be as big in new
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hampshire. >> dana: someone who has momentum seizing back some spotlight is rick perry, governor rick perry of texas. you mentioned he has hired staff. what he did he went he was a late entrant in the race. a lot of loyal followers an teammates with him for a long time. now they have gone outside the circle and hired the veterans battle tested. one named warfield, which is appropriate. gor rick scott hired the guys and he listened to them and he went to victory in florida. this is a good, smart strategy by perry camp that will get them attention and momentum. >> eric: romney and iowa. romney was going to try to duck iowa. if you are a romney campaign, you say there is no obvious front runner iowa. you are the front runner nationally. you have to play in iowa.
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no choice. he is not an iowa type of candidate. he got 25% last time. >> eric: what you are saying if newt wins it's okay for romney. not okay if perry wins? >> bob: absolutely. if it's newt or perry they knock points off of romney. >> kimberly: i know you like the visit herman cain who is doing well in iowa. where do you think he will end up in the -- >> eric: probably end up fourth. you can be hot but you have to have organization to deliver the bodies and he has no organization. 99 counties and thousands of caucuses. he is not prepared to do it. >> dana: santorum might do better in iowa. >> bob: he may. >> dana: he could get in the upper tier. you said romney -- you are fan of setting the expectation low in camps. but romney has it slow so when they come in second, it will
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be a big deal. >> bob: if he can pull it off. i don't think he can. senator graham from south carolina said that the candidates, republicans foreign policy that doesn't make sense. it's not foreign policy election. this is the first time that if obama has an edge one place it's foreign policy. any way, coming up, life in libya after gaddafi. i wish i was there. may not be what some expected. surprising statement from president karzai, the bum. that's next on "the five." ♪ ♪ let me tell you about a very important phone call i made.
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>> greg: welcome back to "the five." the autopsy said muammar gaddafi died from the gunshot to the head. in other words, natural causes, because in some lives that's dieing in your sleep. his body is on display in commercial freezer making it world's largest cold cut. but now we learn that the guy replacing him albeit temporarily, jalil has already embraced shariah law. the islamic governing code found in places like afghanistan, pakistan, and thatsucksistan. lifted the ban on polygamy and cheap loans. it's scary. like when an awful neighbor croaks and scarier one takes its place. how people in my building look at me. let's not regret a monster's death even if what follows is murky. while shariah law may please hardliners, some might scoff. the guy lourding over gaddafi wore a yankees cap. it may not mean they hate
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shariah but at least they like our crappy teams. two-word solution, north dakota. that's where oil breaks rock with water, creating massive shale oil supply that in five years could leave us energy sufficient. meaning shariah law or not, we may not need you. >> kimberly: very positive. uplifting. >> greg: turn it around, put the smile upside down as they say. are you worried about the development with shariah law? dabs it's too soon to say. we have to see what the youth movement jobs and freedom. in your soul what you want is a deep -- there is a deep universal understanding of freedom. that is what they want. we need to be there to help them. that is called soft power, after the military did its thing. now is the hard time to write a constitution. if the constitution that they write does guarantee individual freedom, then there
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shariah law thing might not be as big a deal. we just don't know. >> bob: keep something straight. there is not a muslim country in the middle east not under shariah law. not one of them. some more conservative about it like saudis. >> eric: israel. >> bob: sorry. i said muslim countries. >> eric: anyone we helped liberate? >> bob: they're all under shariah law of one kind or another. egypt even when mubarak was there had shariah law. but what jalih said we'll keep to the islamic principles. that does not mean embedded hardcore shariah law -- >> kimberly: not necessarily. >> bob: i'm just saying that somehow there is not shariah law. there is shariah law. >> kimberly: let's hope for the best. but we're modern muslim country. that is his intention but it doesn't mean it will end up like that. a lot of people want to adopt
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strict shariah law. fundamental -- yes, they do. >> bob: they are not going to give up the yankee caps. kilthat affects all the laws, marriages, all of it. >> greg: let me ask a question, what do they do instead of interest? >> eric: nothing. >> eric: part of the shariah law. >> bob: that is -- >> greg: that is yousome. >> dana: wall street could get behind that. >> eric: the government shariah law because we give banks no interest loans. there are five interpretation of shariah. there is more extreme, hadd punishment or adultery, theft, for drinking wine. which includes stoning and cutting limbs off. >> -- i say inbob -- five years withgo back to libya. >> bob: we wouldn't go back to livia. >> greg: i want to move on to what he said, he said if there were a war between the
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united states and pakistan he would side with pakistan. >> we did not leave pakistan. and we will not in the future. if anybody attacks pakistan, if pakistan is attacked, afghanistan will be there with you. >> greg: isn't he just upset that he is mispronouncing pakistan. >> dana: that's not karzai's country. i had an opportunity to meet president karzai on a couple of occasions. kind of an impressive individual and then you see something like this. you know it's shifty there for a reason. when it comes to afghanistan, today karzai tried to backtrack because i'm sure someone from the state department gave him a call-up and said like ambassador ryan crocker, ring, ring, excuse me. that was wrong.
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>> greg: speaking of ambassadors. the syria guy, pulled him out of syria, our ambassador. to ambassadors get punishment? if you are sent to syria as ambassador, is that punishment? >> dana: no. the best wants want the toughest assignment. >> kimberly: you put your best people there. ryan crocker is there for a reason. there was a point this weekend, do they trust them to be there working side-by-side to manage him? karzai is mercurial person. >> greg: mercurial means crazy, right? >> kimberly: polite way. >> eric: we spend hundreds of billions of dollars to liberate this guy, countless lies and says if there was a conflict between pakistan and u.s. he'd side with pakistan. meanwhile we trust the libya government -- >> bob: let me just say, it doesn't surprise me in the slightest.
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neighbor next door. saw it with the canadians. the idea this is something that he is playing to his own local politics. that is what this is about. you have can't side with the united states against pakistan, particularly in this part of the country. you know you are supposed to go to a tease. >> dana: too bad can't do local politics with a 24/7 news cycle anymore. >> greg: true. coming up, n.f.l. star with a head injury calls his wife to tell her he's okay and the league slams him with a fine. we tackle that. where do they come up with this stuff? ♪ ♪ new york
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who has a hisserly of concussion had to leave a game after possibly getting another one on the field. he makes a quick call to let his wife know he was okay and the n.f.l. slapped him with a $10,000 fine. i'm glad as bob you moved up in the block, i moved way down to the "d" block. this is something, football that i know a ton about. tell me what happened. >> eric: first, let me point out this is the genius behind "the five." dana doing the segment on football. fantastic. >> dana: i pitched the story. >> kimberly: true. >> eric: troy polamalu gets on the phone on the sideline. you can't do that. there is a rule. go to the locker room and make the phone call to your wife from the locker room. a couple years ago ochocinco pulled the phone from his leg after a touchdown. >> dana: bionic man? >> eric: take the game seriously. >> dana: but do the rules need to change and evolve -- >> eric: he called his wife. >> greg: no, no, no, no.
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n.f.l. stands for nationally totally awesome. because -- >> kimberly: can you spell? at all? >> greg: this is a great thing for players. from now on, they never have to call their wives. they are going why don't you call me? i can't. i'll get fined. they can be in practice or out drinking and do whatever they want. if i call, i get fined. >> bob: this doesn't apply to you, i'm sorry. >> kimberly: how does he get con cussed with fabulous hair. i have hair envy. >> bob: he has a history of concussions and it's a major problem in the national football league. i agree you can't, you know, we have guys using the cell phones to call their families or bookies or girlfriends or whatever. but in this case, i think there ought to be at least given some slack on this, because he had had a concussion and his wife was worried. >> kimberly: that baby. >> bob: they are worried about setting rules for their own image and they don't have
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enough rules to protect the people and players from the serious injury. >> kimberly: great point. >> bob: this is significant that the n.f.l. went out of their way to fine this guy and don't spend that much time on money focusing on concussion. dabs why don't they fine them when they have fights? >> bob: they do. they have that. you had two coach goes at it. two weeks ago, that made the news for a week. they didn't heat each other but it was loud and unpleasant. >> eric: what is the point? >> bob: coaches should have been fine. >> dana: somebody else is in trouble for another football-related thing. this is more fun. about a streaker. a guy named james michael lancow, undergraduate, university college of agriculture and live sciences and dressed up as an official and streaked in the final seconds of the second half of the arizona-ucla game thursday night. what he didn't realize this was like a prank, kimberly, he is now like -- he was arrested. he could actually spend 18 months in jail.
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which i think his worry -- wow! >> greg: nobody wears that. >> kimberly: he is insane! can we get a tight shot of that. >> dana: kimberly, i don't know if we can recover this. you sent this out. why is this interesting? >> greg: this goes to my original principle streaking would be legal if all streakers were hot. >> dana: this is true. >> greg: also nobody under 23 ever thinks of what the actions will be when you're older. like when you're 50 there is footage of you streaking. >> eric: someone comes on the field and try to do that, a football player just -- >> greg: beautiful! >> dana: usually streakers don't look like that. >> kimberly: that guy is off the cover of "men's health." he is like check me out with the abs and the whole, you know. >> dana: i pitched the first story with the guy with the long hair and greg pitched that story. >> greg: what are you trying to do with me? >> bob: saying that is a hot looking dude? >> greg: i'm just getting exercise, the man is trying to exercise. that's all.
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>> kimberly: so cute. >> bob: have you noticed the colleges allow the kids to get loaded and good to the games. get everybody excited, they want all the enthusiasm and the guy gets on the field. big deal. what is the problem? >> greg: it actually caused a melee between players. >> dana: impersonating a ref. >> bob: 18 months. >> kimberly: that's an early halloween costume. he wishes i got that case. >> bob: get down there and take care of that. you have a free lawyer right here. kim will be down to help you, boy. >> dana: we got to run. >> eric: aren't you going to take a victory lab? tim tebow. >> dana: tim tebow, he would definitely call his wife. denver broncos' quarterback and he won. we're proud. i'm a broncos fan from colorado. coming up, you have fascinating new details about the life of late apple genius steve jobs. we'll have them for you next on "the five." kimberly andly take five minutes to recover. >> kimberly: to try. wow! ♪
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>> kimberly: welcome back to "the five." people have been talking about the genius, and impact of apple co-founder steve job since he passed away recently. not that much was known about his personal life until now. a highly anticipated biography hit bookstores today and fascinating information in it. greg, you are a big steve jobs fan. >> greg: a lot of interesting things out of this. something about how steve jobs was disappointed in president obama saying he didn't want to offend anyone. tidbits that create a picture that steve jobs is a jerk. some people have said it. jonah goldberg wrote a piece on it saying he's a jerk. i would rath ver a jerk that changes the lives of billions of people for the better than nice guy who does nothing. generally most of the people that do great things in this world are prickly. because they're perfectionist and they don't suffer incompetence and that comes off as being a jerk. we need more jerks and less
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nice guys. >> kimberly: so you relate to him? >> greg: i'm a nice person. >> kimberly: you are. >> dana: walter ainsberg is author of the book. proud to call him a friend. i knew he was working on this book very hard. he is the chairman of the group and he has a lot going on in his right. when he was called to be the biographer, he did not know that steve jobs had pancreatic cancer. >> bob: he turned them down. >> dana: initially and now he gave a candid interview to "60 minutes." >> bob: i think his wife, jobs' wife called isaacson and said if you want to get it done, do it now. he is very sick. >> kimberly: we have a piece of sound on this. go ahead. >> i used to run one of the best restaurants in silicon valley. everybody used to come there. even steve jobs used to eat there. and mona is taken aback, bites her tongue and doesn't say steve jobs is your son.
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she looks shocked. and says yeah, he was a great tipper. >> i believe the owner from syria. i shook his hand and he shook my hand. that's all. >> jobs never spoke to him. never talked to him, never got in touch with him. >> dana: walter is a great story-teller isn't he? >> kimberly: welcome to "the five." >> bob: thank you. >> kimberly: you're bob beckel. >> bob: yes. >> kimberly: because of his father, he was put up for adoption and his biological father never said he met him. but he did. he had a restaurant and he saw him and met him, the whole deal. >> bob: did he know it was his old man? >> kimberly: that was the quote from bob. >> bob: that is prickly. >> greg: we could do story summaries like this all the time. >> eric: he talks about bill get as the richest man in the world. he is like he's not creative,
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not innovative, he never invented anything. he revolutionized personal computing. it goes to show two billionaires, two extremely smart people and neither one taking shots at each other. surprised. it's surprising they didn't get along. >> bob: isn't it true about sol con valley? wasn't -- silicon valley? wasn't that the wrap, they were so competitive they were jumping on each other. i jump you on the show, but i love you so i don't jump on you after the show. they do it all the time. >> dana: quite a soap opera. we could have a reality tv show on silicon valley. >> kimberly: did you see the other thing in the book, bill clinton saucy advice of steve jobs with the monica lewinsky scandal? >> dana: if i was in the middle of a scandal, i think i'd say i'll call bill ge gates to see what i should do. i'd call bob beckel. >> bob: he may have. >> greg: i'd do it up late at night drinking. >> kimberly: that never happens.
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>> bob: anytime you need it. >> greg: i'll call jobs. i'll call you. >> eric: what amazing access the guy had to steve jobs who clearly, so secretive about every little, the iphone, ipad. everything was a secret. >> dana: as if steve jobs understood he had an amazing role in history and waiting for walter isaacson to come in and peel back the curtain. there was no sugar coating. >> bob: he knows he will die. he has left a mark on history, why not get it out. >> dana: interestingly, he said he had nine months of natural treatments instead of going toward the chemical treatments. walter said he does think he may have regretted that, because the cancer got worse in the time. >> greg: somebody wasn't watching the "the five" on friday. that was my monologue. >> dana: i was on a plane. that's my excuse. i'm sorry i missed it. >> kimberly: talk about
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another book. rice has a book coming out to be released in november 1. "no higher honor." this comes on the heels of dick cheney and donald rumsfeld's book. it's very voluminous shall we say. interesting nonetheless. you have thoughts? >> dana: one of the most amazing women in american history. she has a book out next week about 675 pages just about her time as secretary of state. she has been through so much. honored to call her a friend and delighted to work with her. she has interesting insights for anybody that was interested in politics in the last several years. also about how she helped shape foreign policy, in particular in the second term. >> bob: i thought it was interesting that her concerns about katrina. she was up in new york and took a p.r. beating for being up there and she immediately went back to washington and got involved in that. other thing i found interesting, not a shot at george w. bush but she had the foresight to know you needed more troops on the ground in iraq in the post-war era. the generals didn't want to do
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that. she finally got a meeting together with bush and genera generals. and president bush said, he said condi is concerned about the troops. what they do, that means the boss isn't so i'm out from underneath this. the generals deserve, owe her an apology. she was right. three years of -- >> dana: doesn't every man eventually say she was exactly right? >> bob: no. >> greg: you know what i learned from the book, i learned after disaster, when you hear about a disaster don't go see "spamalot." >> bob: what is "spamalot"? >> greg: a musical. nobody read the article. >> eric: the relationship with gaddafi. what was going on there? >> dana: he wrote her love poetry. a total creep. one thing was don't ever send me there again. >> bob: can you imagine gaddafi in the freezer? c'mon! >> kimberly: here is where it gets weird and wacky.
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>> eric: seriously. "good fellas." >> kimberly: throttle back, bob. throttle back. coming up, have you heard of the grinch who stole christmas? how about the superintendent who stole halloween? what? yeah, she is a real person. we'll talk to you all about him next on "the five." stay with us. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you never know when,
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♪ ♪ >> eric: halloween is a week away. want to hear something really scary? two elementary schools in new jersey are banning the holida holiday. >> kimberly: this really upsets me. i feel like the country is going in the wrong direction. you have can't be like a kid or adult who wants to be a kid and have fun and dress up for halloween. the other idiot it's distracting because we're taking up time. the kids need more time in school to focus. really? they can't dress up like firemen and policeman. good union jobs, bob. >> dana: as a mom you know one of the things that the guy is complaining about is halloween is disruptive and it takes up a whole day. what about the parents who have to deal with multiple teacher in-service days now? i think those are disruptive. one day of children to dress up in a great american holiday. >> greg: it's not a holiday.
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why do we call at it holiday? what did you normally wear? >> kimberly: i was a notre dame cheerleader. i have the outfit and the pom-pom. >> greg: you have to wear it on halloween. wear it friday. >> eric: this is an important discussion. >> greg: get her in the costume. >> eric: we've been saying are we wearing costumes on monday? >> dana: i always had to wear a coat over my costume because i was in colorado and it was 20-degrees. my costume never mattered. >> eric: we can't wear them? earthquake according to the low i'm not allowed -- >> greg: according to law that is not allowed. >> kimberly: i know you don't do that. you have don't dance. >> eric: can we talk about this? halloween, we think it's one of the coolest light displays we've ever seen. we had to show you. check it out. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> eric: so -- >> dana: someone has a lot of time on their hands.
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>> bob: you should see my house at christmas. it does that. >> greg: you think it does that when you stare at it, but it's not. >> eric: it does. >> kimberly: the best part we didn't show. >> eric: the idea that kids can't -- dressing up. >> kimberly: there you go. >> eric: that is good. >> bob: the idea of dressing up at halloween, what is wrong with that? i don't get it. if you past any high school today they look like a bunch of hookers hanging around outside, a lot of the girls. >> dana: a popular costume. >> greg: do you know the name of the band that plays that music? >> bob: i don't know any band. >> greg: it's lmao. >> eric: don't say it. >> bob: what does it mean? >> dana: tell you in a break. it's inappropriate. >> bob: laugh your ass off? >> eric: no! tell us what costume we should
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