tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News October 26, 2011 2:00am-3:00am PDT
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>> bret: thanks for inviting us in your home tonight. "special report" online continues after this. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced, still trying to anything that out, but we are unafraid. traffic conditions. here is mr. bill. >> bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight: >> taxes will be cut. the net benefit will be more money in americans' pockets. >> bill: governor rick perry enters the no spin zone for the first time as a presidential contender. can he turn his campaign around? we'll ask the toughest questions we can think of. >> let's be the land of the free again. >> too many are willing to turn their banks on our immigrant past. by the way, we are not going to let that happen at the united states department of justice. >> bill: alabama vs. attorney general holder. showdown over illegal immigration. is it legal on who is likely to win? >> have you written this new book called killing lincoln. >> bill: you didn't even read it
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lauer. >> bill: lively morning over at nbc today show, we will show you what happened. >> i know you haven't mentioned it on your show yet. >> bill: "killing lincoln." caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. captions by closed captioning services >> i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. talk with governor rick perry in a moment. first, talking points memo, america in decline. according to a new poll in the hill newspaper 69% of americans believe the nation is in decline and an astounding 83% are now worried about the country's future. the decline number includes 47% of democrats especially bad news for barack obama. talking points believes the folks are right again. we are in decline. but, why? the answer is the decline self-reliance. if you understand history you know that america was founded on the independent principles of
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honor and hard work. after we achieved independence from england the federal and state governments basically stepped aside allowing business and communities to grow without much interference. if you failed there was no safety net. you are on your own. so the folks became strong out of self-preservation. the foundation of america's growing power was a code of conduct based on honest labor and neighborly charity. we looked out for each other. but did not tolerate cowardice or narcissism. judeo-christian philosophy dominated the public square. the germans and japanese tested america in the 1940s and found out exactly what our fathers and grandfather's were made of. that war united the country and brought us a common purpose. but in the late 1960's, the winds of change swept. in the vietnam war divided us and led to a suspicion of authority and purpose. no longer was america seen as noble nation by many of its own citizens. war brought enormous change. out went the baby with the bath
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water. in came drugs, free love, doing your own thing, no matter what the social cons sequence. since then, america has evolved into a country of two minds. self-reliance remains a key to economic success but for those who don't want to compete in the marketplace or simply can't, the federal government has become their life blood. the collapse of the family has led to massive entitlement spending on children and single mothers feds have moral obligation to provide for the have notes has led to massive debt. that in turn has weakened our economy and robbed america of power thus the decline that we all see. president obama and to lesser extent presidents bush and clinton before him believed in opposing social and worldwide justice use guilty the u.s. treasury are. but the american worker can't keep up with the tax burden that imposes so now we are in trouble.
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philosophy overhaul. self-reliance and away from the nanny state. we can't remain dominant in the world unless we do that imposing discipline on the federal government will be difficult. all day long. but if it is not done, our decline will become permanent. and that's the memo. now for the top story can governor rick perry governor unveiled tax plan corporate tax rate of 20%. companies wanting to bring overseas profits back to the u.s.a. taxing only in country profits on corporations. only money made here. a 20% federal income tax for workers or they can keep what they have now. the tax rate they have now. it's an option. mortgage and charitable deductions remain for incomes. abolition of long-term capital
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gains taxes and taxes on social security benefits. a goal of balancing theederal budget by thejoining us now fro, south carolina is governor perry. so, how much would the feds lose in revenue under your plan, governor? >> well, i don't really worry about what the feds are going to lose. what i'm worried about is getting people back to work in this country. the fact of the matter is the spending problem is what we have got in this country. i'm looking at a tax process that will allow people to keep more of their money because we know what happens when job creators get to keep more of their money than they have the confidence to go out and spend that money to create jobs that, in turn, create wealth. that's what we have got to do in this country. we have got to build the confidence back in this country. >> bill: sure, it's a supply side argue thament ronald reagan used to simulate the economy coming off the carter years. the problem that mr. reagan did not have that the next president
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or, if president obama is reelected will have is the 15 trillion-dollar debt. so if your revenue stream under this plan and i don't know, i mean, it would be hard to crunch the numbers this quickly comes down, even though you will stimulate the economy and i believe that, that federal debt is going to massively go up because of all the obligations that the federal government has. >> bill, i truly belief that you have got to grow your way out of this. the bottom line is we have got to cut the spending. but when you give people inincentives. for instance, bringing back those over trillion dollars that's offshore right now at 5.75% interest. that will create $360 billion worth of economic activity in this country. that's just some of the ideas that we have laid out here. when we talk about we are going to cut the tax burden. we are going to balance this budget by 2020. i will make sure that you get the economic modeling on that so
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you can see how it works. >> i think it's an interesting exercise for your economic folks to go in and say look, this is how much less revenue the government is going to have if governor perry is elected president. however, this is our projection of what's going to happen in the future and how much we're going to cut. because i think that's very important. now, you don't want a sales tax like herman cain and i assume that's because you are the governor of a state that doesn't have a sales tax and that has attracted business to texas. i used to live in texas. obviously good business climate there. however, the underground economy is $1 trillion plus. you say that, you know, g.e. and the other corporations are stashing all this money abroad and you are absolutely right and not paying any taxes. the underground people who don't pay tax bus they make money off the books that is going to remain because you don't have a sales tax of any kind. >> well, we have a sales tax and substantial number of the states. but i will tell you that herman's problem with that is going to sell it to places that already have a sales tax.
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or those that don't have one. i don't think i don't think that americans trust to give them another form of revenue coming in. until there is a balanced budget amendment to the united states constitution which i call for in my plan, that americans aren't going to trust government coming up with a new source of money. >> get in the pockets sales tax 2%. no federal revenue coming in from a whole bunch of people who are making money off the books and you know it's a trillion-dollar a year problem and that's a lot of money that the feds are not getting a dime and a lot of people not paying any taxes at all. a guy like you, a republic would veto any kind of a price hike that says look this is the sales tax we are going impose. herman wants it, you don't want it the folks will decide, right? >> that is correct. and i don't think the folks are going to want a sales tax. not an additional way for washington to get money hands on
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their money. >> bill: all right. now i have a whole bunch of questions for you about other issues, including illegal immigration so you are going to stay right there in south carolina for us, governor and we'll be back in a moment. >> i will be right here for you, bill. >> okay. we have bouncers outside. charles krauthammer will analyze some new republic poll numbers very interesting. we're coming right back.
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>> bill: continuing now with governor perry who is columbia, south carolina this evening. governor, a new cbs poll has it this way cain 25, romney 21, gingrich 10, paul 8, perry 6, bachmann 2, santorum 1 and huntsman 1. why do you think your numbers have dropped so much. >> any time you have these races they are going to go up and go down. you have all kinds of movement on the races. this thing is a long way from being over with. we are laying out our economic plans and as you know, bill, what people care about is who is going to lay out a plan to get this country working 10 years we have created the most dynamic economy in america, million jobs created in the state of texas while this country was losing 2. a million under this president. people are starting to focus in on who is it that can actually who can get this country working. that's why we laid out this tax plan. that's the size of the tax return right there that we are talking with doing. you can stay with the old system and have the lawyers and the
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accountants or you can put this postcard in with 20%. >> bill: my accountant swiftie is broken hearted here. he doesn't want that thing. look, do you think you made any mistakes coming out of the gate here? look, you started out you were the leader and now you are down to 6% in this poll. i think you will go back up with the new plan as people hear more specifics. that's just my opinion. i could be wrong. i do think you made some mistakes. i'm just curious to know whether you do. >> well, i don't think anybody has ever run the perfect campaign. actually, these debates are set up for nothing more than to tear down the candidates. it's pretty hard to be able to sit and lay out your ideas an concepts with a one any minute response. so, you know, if there was a mismistake made it was probably ever doing one of the campaigns when all they are interested in is stirring it up between the candidates instead of really talking about the issues that are important to the american people about how are you going
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to get us back to work? >> bill: with all due respect. >> beg your pardon? >> bill: with all due respect can i tell you a mistake i think you made. >> sure. >> bill: all right. the immigration deal i think that hurt you among tea party people, conservative americans because there is a very strong emotional current that the american worker is getting hosed by the federal government and part of that is that illegal aliens and their children are getting benefits, like instate college tuition in texas. and when you said hey, depriving of those children of education is heartless, a lot of conservatives said, you know what's heartless? taking my tax money when i'm struggling and giving it to people who shouldn't be here. i think that was a mistake. >> i agree with you that i used the wrong word there this is an economic issue. here's the bigger problem is the federal government has been a total and be a jecket failure of securing our border. i know i have been had to be dealing with it here for the past 10 years. we is not only required voter
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identification in texas, i vetoed a driver's license bill. i have been strong on the immigration issue. put $400 million our texas rangers, other law enforcement, our national guard on the border to try to defend it but the federal government forces us to deal with this issue. we had two choices, bill. we could either kick these individuals to the curb and then pick up the cost of what it was going to be at that particular point in time because the federal government requires us to give them education, to give them the health care. we made the decision in texas and this is straight up state issue that people of the state of texas and it passed out of 181 votes only four dissenting votes that we wanted taxpayers, not tax wasters. that's the reason that texas did this. this is a strict state-by-state issue and i respect other states as they make the decision. >> bill: all right. it came across as you weren't tough enough with the border fence and all of that so anyway.
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now, you and romney, that's an interesting dynamic there. we did body language on that and body language came back. these guys would be hitting each other if assault was legal. there is some strain there, is there not? >> i don't know whether there is strain. there is certainly a difference of opinion about philosophically where you stand slug it out. there you guys look like really don't like you too much. >> i don't know about that you can't -- >> bill: come on. what do you mean you don't know about that? >> like it or not, you can't be for banning guns and then all of a sudden you are for the second amendment. you can't be for the issue of abortion and then you are pro-life. >> bill: so you think is he a weasel? >> i think. >> >> he doesn't have any principles? >> i think in his own words he
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says, listen, i need to say whatever i need to say for whatever office i'm running for. >> bill: wow, that's pretty strong though, how you can respect the guy? that's not texas strong. >> that's his words he said that. >> bill: some people are okay with people evolving and some people aren't. where do you stand? >> right. well, i have been consistent all my life. i have always been pro-second amendment. i have always been pro-life. >> bill: people -- where do you stand on people evolving or people standing firm? where do you stand on that? do you respect evolution that the governor might have gone through? >> how do you change at the age of 50 or 60? positions on life, positions on guns, positions on traditional marriage. i mean, those aren't minor issues, bill. so, to change those at this age of 50 or 60 tells you all you need to know about that. >> bill: all right governor. we appreciate you.
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welcome any time. governor romney is welcome to respond any time as well. we will have an interesting campaign here. we wish you the best. good luck, governor, thanks for coming on. >> thank you, bill. >> bill: directly ahead charles krauthammer will analyze the republic field as stands right now. nasty brawl developing between the state of alabama and attorney general holder over illegal immigration. we
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>> bill: in the impact segment tonight bring in charles krauthammer to analyze the interview with governor perry. what did you think of the interview, charles. >> i thought it was quite revealing on the tax plan let's start with a dull substance. it does sort of have a reaganesque quality. it's a radical cut in taxes.
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reagan spoke about a one third cut in taxes. is he about one quarter of cutting in spending of the country which is quite amazing. i obviously had to do it and he should have done it right at the beginning because he needs a defining issue. he needs to say why i'm running, what's my central idea. this is it but it's coming now six weeks after he gotten whacked left and right on all kinds of other stuff. >> bill: should he have known how much revenue the feds are going to lose? should he have known that? >> that's exactly the problem. i was going to get to that second problem here is when reagan proposed his radical tax cut we were not in the debt hole we are now. not 15 trillion in debt. he could kind of what do you do with the issue of lost revenue. i'm surprised he didn't have a number to give you. he wants to cut the taxes on dividends on capital gains on income tax. the corporate tax and the estate stacks would be zero. now, that is an astonishing
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heavy radical cut in taxes and you have got to have some idea in your head of how much it's going to cost. how you can argue it will simulate the economy. there will be some increase in revenue as a increase in that. you got to have a number. >> he said he would get back to me and i trust him that he will. >> on the day you rerelease a plan that's a major issue. cut spending of 18% of g.d.p. under obama it's 24%. that is the biggest cut in galactic history. >> bill: it is, absolutely. >> got to explain how you make up for it. >> or he is going to cut it to the bone and, you know, that's what he is he going to do. going to go in and just slash spending across the board to a rate we haven't seen in 20 years. let's go ahead with the social part of the interview. i admired that the governor at the end of the interview and i wasn't trying to gotcha anybody but it's obvious that romney and perry don't like each other.
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everybody knows it all right? and i admire that he actually said it and explained why. most politicians would have just dodged that question but he didn't. what did you pick up? >> well, he avoided saying i don't like the guy. he just said i don't like people who change position romney's actions rather than romney's character so. >> he did say auto or 60 years old what kind of a person changes opinion on vital subjects? that's a little personal. >> well, of course. if you are going to say the guy changes his positions but i think he is trying to keep it as close to substantive attack meaning i'm against anybody who changes his positions so that he can accommodate himself to the times or to the place he is running whether it's massachusetts or, you know, 15 years ago against kennedy or
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today with a far more conservative republic party. yes. i think he was right to do it on that level and i think it's a perfectly proper and reasonable attack. romney will have to defend himself on that. >> bill: now, last question. the immigration, i think, hurt him. did he make up for it tonight? >> i think so. in a sense -- well, you can't make up for the gaffe of saying that people who are harder live than he is and as you said are hurting or see themselves as hurting as a result of illegal illegal immigration and the way they are getting the benefits that they have never earned, i think he knows it was a mistake in saying these people are heartless. that's a attacking your constituency, the audience, the people who are going to have vote on you. i think in framing the substance of it he makes a case that in the long run it's pure economics. it's pure practical policy it would make sense to have them educated rather than since they
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are going to stay in the state and uneducated and then a burden on society. i think he has a case to make. but, again, he should have made it in the debates clearly rather than this emotional attack on people who believe otherwise. >> bill: okay. look, romney has been practicing how to run for the presidency for six years. for perry it's been about six to eight weeks. he is learning but it's tough because when you learn at this level of scrutiny and when you come in at the beginning, leading the race, it's extremely hard. >> bill: can he come back from a 6% poll number today from cbs? can he come back? >> i think given the weakness of the rest of the field, yes, and given the obvious hunger of the republic electorate, at least a large majority, certainly about three quarters, for something other than romney. right now they may settle for
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romney in the end. but they are still looking. >> bill: got a shot not all over. >> i think he has a shot. this is his one shot. tax plan and sprucing up lines of attack. >> bill: and the factor. thanks a the lo. lauer and o'reilly earlier on "the today show" today. we will show you what happened there. is it legal, on illegal immigration giving money
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foreclosure process, let it run its course and hit the bottom. >> mitt romney's message to arizona, you are on your own. >> let it hit the bottom. >> the democratic national committee is responsible for the content of this ad. >> bill: with us now barack and hard place duo alan colmes and monica crowley. should help americans threatened with losing their home. that's really traumatic. it really is should the federal government. that's the key question here. governor romney in order to get this issue behind us. let some people suffer. have to and the banks will have to take it over and either resell it or rent it or whatever. president obama's position is no. work it out through the federal government and ordered refinance and all of that. >> i say the federal government should not be helping in any way, shape or form in the housing sector. >> bill: you should -- >> what we have done over the past couple of years since the
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subprime crisis blew up is very slowly take the bandoff off. what romney is arguing is, look, government intervention in the housing sector got us into this mess is the first place, right in the community reinvestment act. all of this social engineering going on in the economy. right? so what what we have done is to try to minimize pain for homeowners who are under water who bought homes, whether it was because of the community reinvestment act or bankers going to them and not going to fannie or freddie. what we have done is slowly take the band-aid off rather than rip it off. romney is saying the only way to get soundness back in the housing sector to allow this thing to bottom out. get the market cleaned out. >> bill: remember, millions of americans. we got it you are a good spokesman. romney should hire you. >> i'm available. >> really, how much? >> bill: in order for that to happen millions of americans are going to be kicked out of their home. >> millions of americans are already suffering because the housing sector is under water and the economy at large --
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>> -- she doesn't want to get -- >> that's true. >> bill: as a fanatical liberal man. >> fanatical. unbelievable. far left loons. >> solve everybody's problem. i'm sure you want these people who to be able to give. >> i think what the president did yesterday and the plan he presented which doesn't cost the taxpayer any additional dollars is a very good forcing them to provide loans to people, unfair to other people who are paying. >> let's not forget, the government who urged people go out and buy it, no problem. >> bill: i'm glad you are admitting that. >> barney frank. all the presidents republic and democrat. >> bill: warning fan from and freddie not to do it? >> not just democrats. make it easy for you the government has a responsibility to fix it. >> bill: i got it you have the divide. >> romney will change his mind in two days. don't worry about it.
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>> bill: the perry interview did he help himself. >> helped himself by coming on this show. >> bill: i have to get these guys to come on. >> huge favor, talking to conservative base, talking to independents when he comes on the show and talking to a lot of liberals who watch you as well. crucial he laid out his jobs in the economic plan. >> bill: even with that one gig gap when he doesn't know what the revenue stream is going to be? >> in his plan, the critical element is that he is going to cap federal spending at 18%. so when you bring spending down, the amount of revenue when you do a flat tax generates more revenue coming in and you are lowering spending. >> view do economics. >> george h.w. bush. >> did not help him several did he fnt know actual numbers the gaffe that would be created and he clearly despises rit romney. >> conservatives don't like the governor romney either.
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>> maybe. >> it's going to be interesting to see one of them will get the nomination likely romney. does he he support barack obama for nomination? >> no. how is he going to bridge that gap? >> like me colmes. >> people don't know we are this close. people don't get that. >> people would never believe it. >> no. i like colmes. in person, when he is not talking,. [ laughter ] >> bill: colmes is okay. >> as long as i'm quiet. >> bill: only when his mouth opens. >> as long as i keep my big trap shut. >> bill: just tape it, fine. >> then we get along good. okay. >> bill: barack and hard place. when we come right back, is it legal on yet another illegal alien brawl. this one between alabama and attorney general holder. then more craziness among the occupiers and there is only one man in the country we believe who might be able to stop. this you will meet him. up ahead.
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly is it legal segment tonight. we begin with illegal immigration in alabama. i would say passed a tough law aimed at controlling illegal aliens. a law attorney general says is unamerican. >> in this state too many are willing to turn their backs on our immigrant past. by the way, we're not going to let that happen at the united states department of justice. >> so the feds are suing alabama. now, in response, alabama attorney general luther strange said this. >> alabama's law is intended to uphold and assist the federal government in upholding the laws against illegal immigration. doesn't have anything to do with honoring our history which is rich, the immigration our country is made of immigrants. >> bill: here now attorneys and fox news analyst kimberly guilfoyle and lis wiehl who is also the author of the big thriller "waking hours." now now, this lawsuit has already been filed, right? >> right. >> bill: by the justice department. >> right.
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>> bill: attorney general holder went down to alabama to explain it. who has a stronger argument now? >> holder should never have done that. he was completely out of bounds. you never talk about litigation ongoing like this. >> bill: he should not have gone down to alabama and said a word. >> absolutely not ethics 101 for prosecutors you don't do that. >> bill: don't talk about a case. >> that's ongoing. it's still in the circuit now. going to be decided. went through district court. eventually end up. >> bill: why did he talk about it did this, bill. all of the circuit on to say in the same speech i'm not going to let the department of justice to do that what? he is supposed to be a servant of all of us, not -- >> apparently we are little minions in his feastdon. inappropriate to make those comments. the 11th circuit of appeals has
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issued a temporary injunction on. this not the whole law, a few things. we went over that. >> two block provisions. >> bill: who has the stronger argument? the state of alabama or the feds? >> state of alabama and you will see the same thing. arizona may make it to the supreme court first. >> bill: you say? >> absolutely. holder was wrong on this one. >> in florida they want to drug test people before giving them welfare and entitlement money and the aclu doesn't like that saying it's illegal search and seizure, which is insane, of course, but federal judge mary scriven appointed by president bush, not a liberal, all right, blocked the testing saying it might be an intrusion and you say guilfoyle? >> temporarily blocked it saying it's an intrusion, a violation of the fourth amendment that the state failed to prove that there would be irreparable and harm if they are unable to test applicants. >> bill: i can do that now in 30 seconds.
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taxpayer money will be wasted if you send it to people who will spend it on illegal substances or gin. that's a waste of taxpayer money. so that's why you have to do it. judge. and the aclu says appealing person to bring this case forward. 35-year-old maybe veteran who refused the test. is he a single father. violates his right. there aren't the same protections afforded regular. is he getting assistance while is he going to school. >> bill: explain this to me, wiehl, he is going to the state of florida. they are not coming to him. >> that's the point. >> bill: state of florida and all my neighbors here, i like you to give me money. >> right. >> bill: wait. so he want money from his neighbors and from the state. >> without strings. >> bill: we've help you out but we have got to know that you are solid. we have got to know you are legit and not a junky. >> he said no, no, no. you don't have the right to know that? >> right. >> bill: come on. that's what he says and that's
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what the court has said thus far. >> bill: that's what this federal judge? i mean, i can't believe it? >> it's reamp rather injunction. it may not hold. >> bill: why wasn't it even issued? >> because the aclu brought this and says. >> bill: the judge could have said no. >> taxpayer money. that's the catch that's different. >> bill: this is why the country has gone insane. this is why this whole country we did it at the top the decline and all of this. that's crazy. is he asking for money from the taxpayer and he won't submit to a test to would show that he is competent to get it. >> right. minimal test but people have been flunking this test. >> bill: then they don't get it? >> exactly. >> bill: go to rehab. >> 7,000 people have refused to take the test. people who have tested dirty have been marijuana. >> bill: a lot of cab openings. >> the state is interested in. this money they hand over goes to help the children and not to support drug habits. >> bill: we know that thanks for telling us. >> you are welcome. >> bill: anything new in this
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missing baby in missouri. >> there is surveillance that came out. cadaver dogs have been looking at this as well. cadaver dogs have found apparently some evidence of decomposition of a body. that could have been yesterday. that could have been -- >> bill: is that evidence? the dog can't testify. >> little pieces. some surveillance video as well. >> bill: no physical evidence of anybody? >> no. money failing a polygraph test. >> bill: let the other networks have it on the michael jackson thick. that's going to come down this week. >> yeah. michael jackson basically the prosecutors concluded their case yesterday. they had 33 witnesses. now it is the defense case. >> bill: they don't have any witnesses, right? >> they do have witnesses whether they are going to be very strong or not one woman testified today you had to go wait a second is this still the prosecution case? she testified that michael jackson begged for harder drugs to help him go to sleep. vitamin c infusions. et cetera. it doesn't help the doctor because it shows that he gave it
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to him anyway. it's awful. >> nurse lee was a prosecution witness. >> bill: that's what they're putting on in their opening they don't have anything. >> except trouble. >> casey anthony. didn't think they had anything there either. >> bill: this is different though. you have a dead body here. >> best you can hope for. i know you had one over there but they couldn't establish any kind of death now they know how jackson died. >> they know it was propofol and they know murray gave him the propofol. >> bill: not like the other case all saying guilty. >> guilty and up to sentencing now. >> bill: all right, ladies. thanks very much. we got through all of that a man who might be able to talk some sense into the occupiers. then again, he might not. and then, lauer vs. o'reilly on the towed program. we woke everybody up. moments away. ?@2@é@8f-pz
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>> bill: back of the book segment tonight, more trouble in the occupy wall street movement, police in oakland have been begun clearing the plaza in front of city hall where occupiers have been camping for the past few weeks. so far 7 a arrests. 170 protesters cleared out of there. no injuries that we know about. with us now, capitalist boxing promoter don king who is set to visit the new york city protest site this evening. why bother? why bother going there? >> first, let me say that i'm just happy to be on the bill o'reilly show, the factor, that's why you are nureb one because you face the facts and that's what nothing else. the first fact is i'm happy that our troops are coming home for the holidays and they are coming home safe and sound and god bless our troops because they enable us to be to sit here and talk to you. >> bill: are you going to bring that message to the occupy wall street. >> that is important. they couldn't protest if they didn't have those troops.
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>> bill: absolutely. >> so god bless the troops, the military and let's make it happen now let's get to it. >> bill: you are going down to the park and the protesters couple hundred of them still down there. you will show up with all your bling? >> no. i'm not going to shown up with the bling. >> bill: you are going undercover. >> i'm not going under cover. i will take the bling off this is a different thing. the movement is quality they are trying to find themselves and trying to seek out a way in the american way to do this. >> bill: what are you going to tell them? >> well, i'm going to tell them that they are right to protest and demonstrate because that's the first amendment. >> bill: they know that. >> why are we so upset about it having so much controversy about our life giving right, you know what i mean? >> they go and block the brooklyn bridge or defecate or urinate on people's private property, tear up the park. >> i wouldn't encourage urinating in the park blocking
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the traffic. they are trying to get attention to get their message across. >> bill: they have succeeded. what is their message. >> americans we are proud can't hear us say it a little louder. >> bill: you think these people are proud to be americans? >> yes. >> bill: do you? you think the occupy receipt protesters are proud to be americans they love their country and want everybody to know how great it it is. >> different strokes for different folks. don't forget paul revere who rode through the countryside the british is coming. demonstrate protests. >> bill: you are a capitalist. you are one of the people that they feel is exploiting them. >> no. they are not. i'm one of them. >> bill: you are wealthy fight promoter. >> i'm a wealthy american who happens to be black. >> bill: they are going to marchionne your house. >> yes, but they have never been slaves. they have never been slaves. all right? let's deal with it now. you can make it in america but we admonish them.
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don't come with the gun, the pistol or the knife or the bomb. come with your protests, your demonstrations. >> bill: are you going to admonish them. >> no practice americanism and that's what they are doing. let us find ways and means to resolve this, bill -- >> bill: can i give you one piece of advice? don't tell them where you live. i want you to go down and tell all those people. >> bill o'reilly is going to be able to save you. going to save you because he brings the facts heretofore. he doesn't play the game of throwing a rocket at your hand. he don't play the game of hypocrisy. we don't need the violence. when you go to the factor you are going to get the real deal and i love being with the factor with bill o'reilly. >> bill: all right, thanks mr. king. one piece of advice be careful down there tonight. pinheads and patriots on deck. miller and o'reilly in the spotlight. right back with p and p. ♪
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>> i know that's floating around the internet, randy burks like so much in cyberspace,ite not true. the?" the senator was born and miami and can hold whatever office he wants to. he didn't promote anyone, bernard. just ask the questions. >> and springfield, illinois. you gave them the opportunity to answer. i got one. and east bend, north carolina. >> excellent move, kelly. big brothers is another fine organization. michael, from nebraska. >> great job, mike. assigned copy of pinheads and patriots on the way to both you and kelly.
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diane powers, centerville, virginia. >> we've invited the woman, diane, but somehow she's hesitant. chad from maryland. >> i appreciate the kind words, chad. scott warren, washington. >>,, it makes you a patriot, warren, but those games take four hours to play. you are only missing a small part of it. a lot of fouls. from alaska. >> don't scare the fish by listening to the factor at the same time. >> and shirley from connecticut.
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>> we will be at the book signing for killing lincoln, as well. i'm looking forward to seeing you and everyone there saturday. a big crowd there. and we are going to have a lot of fun. finally tonight, pinheads and patriots. this morning i appeared on the today show, interviewed by a guy i've known decades. >> and you didn't read it. >> no. >> and i'm reading things for other guests, as well. but i'm going to get the title out for you because i know it's a best-seller, i know you haven't mentioned it on your show yet. "killing lincoln" the shocking assassination that changed america forever. is there a lincoln out there now? >> i hope so. >> that's why i wrote the book. lincoln is the gold standard. he was the best president of. by wrote the book so you can read it. >> thank you. >> he goes to bed at five.
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he's old. 5:00 in the afternoon, he's in bed. >> who is the pinhead there? you make the call. maybe we are both patriots. and that is it for us tonight. please check out the fox news factor website which is different from and keep the letters coming in from unusual places where you are listening like the guy up in alaska fishing for halibut. he's listening to the factor on the radio. we want to know. the word of the day, do not be querulous. we read the best letters. the letters that we are taken by. and to get our attention, make that first line count. make that first line count. if you get to the point in the third line, it's probably not going to get on the air.
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thanks for watching us tonight. i'm bill o'reilly. please always remember that the spin stops right here. we are definitely looking out for you. >> good morning, everyone. it's wednesday, october 26th. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks so much for sharing your time with us this morning. this is not greece. check this out. this is not london. nope. this is oakland, california, in the good old u.s. of a. occupy protests breaking out overnight, forced to use tear gas to silence the protesters. full story straight ahead. >> president obama laughing it up late night with jay leno and making jokes about the people who want his job. >> i'm going to wait until everybody is voted off the island. >> good. >> he's watching "survivor" now. the interview, not all laughs. hear what he had to say about vice president joe biden and his job.
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