tv FOX and Friends FOX News October 31, 2011 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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cops on board. i need them right over here and cops brought on board the airplane. >> more from the pilot's call next because "fox & friends" starts right now. >> one eyed friend, did you see that? joining our cast of friends. >> this is peter johnson's office here at fox. what's going on? >> there he is! >> that's a case from the past. for -- sitting in for steve this morning, happy halloween. >> i have gift for you at the end of the show. i grew up in the halloween capital of the world. stay tuned until about 8:58 eastern time, you'll find out what i'm going to give peter and brian. >> thank you. >> we have a lot of -- a lot of
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special things happening throughout the show. but first thing's first, let's go on about the news and some big news on the g.o.p. quest to become the next nominee. >> extreme weather alert for you this morning. at least three million people including myself waking up this morning without power following this weekend's snow storm. worcester, massachusetts, one of the hardest hit cities with over 30 inches of snow. here's the scene in westchester, new york where crews worked around the clock to clear massive trees from the highways. what's the scene like in new jersey? we'll go there live at the bottom of the hour. and for the first time, we're hearing from the pilot now of the jet blue flight that was stranded on the tarmac in connecticut for seven hours! after it landed. as food and water ran out, the pilots stopped working. >> i'll need to have the consequences on board, cop car sitting in front of him. i need the cops on board the airplane. >> we can't seem to get any help from my own company. i apologize for this but is
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there any way you can get a tug and a towbar out here to us and get us towed somewhere to a gate or something. i don't care. take us anywhere. >> to make matters worse, one of the passengers did get off the plane. there were no place for them to go. many of them spent the night on chairs and cots. coming up later on "fox & friends", you'll hear from one of those passengers. he'll reveal what else the pilot had to say. it made him afraid for his life. the search for three missing workers at a grain plant in kansas resuming at sunrise this morning. a massive explosion at the silo killed three other workers and the men who are missing are presumed to be dead. the cause of the blast is still not known but grain dust is highly explosive. new developments in the case of missing baby lisa this morning. attorney cindy short who is no longer working on the case will hold a news conference today explaining what went wrong. lisa irwin disappeared october 4th. police wanted a trained specialist to question the mother's two sons and take d.n.a. samples again.
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those interviews scrapped at the last minute at the end of last week. short reportedly had a fight with the family's other lawyer over whether they should actually do those interviews. oh, wow. oh, wow. oh, wow. those are the last spoken words of apple ceo steve jobs before he passed away earlier this month. in his sister's touching eulogy reprinted in "the new york times," mona simpson shared the emotional moments that he looked his children and his wife. she revealed his chilling phone call, he told her to hurry up to palo alto for he was deeply sorry to be leaving everyone. those are your headlines. >> a little bit later, we'll have walter isaacson on the show. we'll talk and more revelations in his soon-to-be best selling book. the news last night came out in the evening that allegations have been made against herman cain, were allegedly made against herman cain when he was president of the national restaurant association back in
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the late 1990's. >> right. and apparently, these claims are that two women who worked with him or alongside of him that he had allegedly had sexually suggestive behavior around them. gestures and that sort of thing, big news here is there was apparently financial payouts that described in this article as five figure financial payouts. i don't know legally, peter, how you see this, but apparently, also part of this agreement is that you're not supposed to talk about the case. >> the names of the alleged people who received money have not been made public at all. we have a report only in politico and there have been some denials by the cain campaign of any untoward activity towards these women at this point. the mere payment of money in a claim is not proof positive that the conduct actually took place. many claims result in money
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being paid in order to end that claim. and to ensure that a lawsuit doesn't go forward without an actual resolution of what happened. >> so we wanted to see what he had to say about that, so did everybody else. that happened after the morning shows were done. after "face the nation" herman cain was asked this by a reporter. >> so basically what he said is i'm not going to comment on two people you cannot tell me who they are. obviously, though, this story in this day and age, folks, i mean, this story is going to continue to grow and quite honestly, the press is not going to stop until they find out who -- they know who these two women are. obviously, the cain camp now in defense mode trying to figure out how to respond to this. >> the issue is who is putting this out? is the left putting this out? is the right putting this out? they are going to be hard questions and need more difficult answers, perhaps.
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geraldo rivera was pushing hard last night with one of the cain spokespeople. let's take a listen to this. >> we like you, now you have to level with us. are you denying or is the candidate, herman cain denying that he ever gave money to two women who alleged that he had sexually harassed them back in the 1990's? is he denying the cash payout to the two women? >> yes. you know, i can tell you, we've seen this movie played out before. it's a conservative leader targeted by liberals. mr. cain deserves better than this. >> he may deserve much better than this, j.d. gordon, chief spokesman or spokesman for the herman cain campaign but i want your denial, if you would, to be a little bit more substantive. do you deny that this ever happened? >> let me just tell you, this
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is just an example of the media attacks -- >> j.d., i understand sleazy politics, mate. >> personal attacks. >> i hear you. i hear you. it's sleazy. it's underhanded. it's why i'd never run for office. i'm asking you now to talk about the substance of these allegations. did it happen? was it -- is it being misconstrued? was there indeed here -- yes or no, was there a cash settlement to two female employees of the national restaurant association? >> well, all i'm telling you right now is this is something that they are trying to attack -- >> j.d., you seem -- you are evading my question. was there or was there not a cash settlement? >> geraldo. >> was there or was there not a cash settlement to two female employees of the national restaurant association? >> geraldo, all i'm going to tell you is that this is a political attack on a
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conservative that's doing well. >> j.d., what you're saying and what you're doing right now is a recipe for disaster, mate. i'm telling you, the morning papers aren't past their deadline yet. are you denying that there was a cash settlement to two female employees of the national restaurant association, yes or no? >> i would say you'd have to get that from the restaurant association. >> here it goes. in a statement to the a.p., he says it is not true and represents unfair attacks. when he said he asked herman cain about these reports before it actually became public, he said i remember something vaguely about it. >> and here's the thing in my mind. there's two issues here. you're either going to respond to whether or not there was a cash payout, ok, that's one thing. somebody is going to be able to prove whether or not there was a cash payout so you better be accurate on that. the number two thing is the second part of it is whether or not he's admitting or denying that the activity actually took place. two issues here.
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i don't know how you see it. >> you got to separate the two. he doesn't want to be attached to the atricks saying there was a payout, go to the restaurant association former employer of these folks. the underlying issue is did it in fact happen? so if it didn't happen, there needs to be a robust denial by mr. cain. if it did happen, there needs to be affirmance that it happened, it was a mistake or whatever it was. these facts will start to come out today if mr. cain does not start to respond oochlt atted ad that he put out, ill advised ad that he put out with the smoking campaign manager and everything is that he is winning in the iowa poll and three points up in the national poll. keep in mind, too, regardless of whether these two things are true or not, i ask you this, peter, anybody can walk up to anybody and make an accusation and if the cost is great on me personally and i'm 100% innocent, i make a tactical decision. i'm saying in the situation where there was a payout, do i
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really want to go through a trial that could embarrass my family and allow those people or go for a payoff. >> that was the point that i was making earlier and you've hit it right on the head. the fact that there was a payout, assuming there was a payout is not proof that the allegation was true. cases are settled each and every day in which the people who are accused are not, in fact, guilty of the allegation that's been made against them and these things are made as a business or sometimes a political decision. >> guess what? herman cain will be on the fox newschannel today, 11:20 a.m. eastern time, don't miss it. see how he responds at that time. in the meantime, the other big story that was happening last night was two of the members of the madoff family were on "60 minutes." andrew, the remaining son, the other son committed suicide last year. and ruth madoff, the wife of bernie madoff. here's a snippet of why they're now coming forward. >> he said, everything i've
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been doing is all a big lie. he said the business is a ponzi scheme and the firm is completely solvent and i'm broke and then he just started sobbing. and i was shocked. i felt like my head exploded. i mean, i don't think if he had told me he was an alien, i could have been more surprised. >> she looked shocked. she asked what's a ponzi scheme was the first question? she didn't even understand that. me answering said it means it's all fake, that dad's, you know, he's not been doing what he says he's been doing. and he followed that up and said yes, i've been lying to all of you all of these years. i've been lying to everybody. i've been lying to myself.
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my brother was trembling with rage. he was absolutely furious. mark was the first one to stand up and said, i'm out of here and he stormed out of the room and i -- i immediately followed him and walked out. >> and ruth went on to say that she feels culpable for her son's death because mark walked up to her -- is that mark or andrew? mark who killed himself said break off relations with bernie in prison. she said no. and a little while later -- >> massive public relations war. the family is, in fact, scrambling to kind of blame each other. not with regard to the financial improprieties but what happened before and what happened after. everybody is taking shots and trying to build sympathy for their position. i don't know how much sympathy anybody gets at this point. >> her husband defended o.j. simpson but kris jenner doesn't think o.j. was so innocent. intimate details about the last
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conversation with nicole simpson. >> student loan plan will help students pay for college. don't tell us our next guest that, he says it will put students in deeper debt. [ male announcer ] in 1924, italian food came to ohio. vine-ripened tomatoes and real italian seasoned meat. the food got famous. and soonso did the chef. hello, i am chef boyardee. quality ingredients noreservatives still in every bowl. ♪ that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm [ male announcer ] for half the calories -- plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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no, i wouldn't use that single miles credit card. nice ring. knock it off. ignore him. with the capital one venture card you earn... double miles on every purchase. [ sharon ] 3d is so real larry. i'm right here larry. if you're not earning double miles... you're settling for half. really? a plaid tie? what, are we in prep school? [ male announcer ] get the venture card at
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and earn double miles on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? was gonna say that. uh huh... >> welcome back, everyone. president obama is trying to revamp, as you were, the student loan program and he promises that it's going to save big money. >> because of the change, about 1.6 million americans could see their payments go down by hundreds of dollars a month and that includes some of the students who are here today. >> but will taxpayers end up footing that bill? joining me now, house education and work force committee chair and minnesota congressman john klein, good to see you, congressman, in person. >> good to see you. >> we have a little bit of minnesota weather here on the northeast coast already today. >> we do.
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>> thanks for bringing it. let's get to the president's plan here. i know you disagree with this student loan program. in essence and also because it was an executive order. why? >> right. well, this president -- this administration has been bypassing congress on issue after issue after issue, they've sort of famously issued hundreds of rule changes and executive orders to bypass congress so i think that's a mistake. also, i just think this is a mistake. it's very confusing. i've talked to a lot of people about what the president's proposal is. it's very difficult to figure out. some of the changes are going to affect a very small group of students. some of them are going to affect a larger group of students. all of it is going to encourage more borrowing and leave the taxpayers holding the bag. >> "the atlantic" did a study and showed according to their calculations students would only save $10 a month under this plan. the bigger issue to me is the higher education bubble. i'm looking at facts and figures. since 1999, student loan debt
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has increased by 511% while disposable income has only increased by 73%. so you have more and more families who simply can't afford to go to college so they incur more and more debt. how do you see this being resolved? >> i think we've seen the cost of college go up and up and up. tuition and fees, the colleges and universities are going to have to face the fact that there's not an endless supply of money coming from state and federal governments. they'll have to look at their own operating costs and start to curtail the cost of going to college. we simply can't keep providing money from the federal government in the form of subsidized or actual loans and pell grants when we don't have the money. >> i want to talk to you about the executive orders. that's one of the privileges of the president. he can do that. but i know you believe -- and all presidents do it. you believe in this case, he's going around congress to get part of his jobs bill accomplished? >> well, i think he's been doing that, as i said earlier, on issue after issue. in this case, what he's doing with student loans by our
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analysis is technically legal but it is a stretch for him to do this and it was not the intent of congress to do this at this time. >> let me ask you about david axelrod's comments yesterday, he said fixing the economy is a panacea. in other words, it's a lot of these little types of things that the president is doing like the student loan program that will all encompass a solution to fixing the economy and he went on to blame republicans saying that republicans are willing to tear down the economy in order to take down the president. -- tear down the president. >> that's outrageous on face of it. in fact, republicans in congress that passed bill after bill after bill, we've sent at least 15 pieces of legislation over to the senate. waiting for action from the democrat-controlled senate all of which would help improve the economy and help americans get back to work. our view of the jobs bill is something that allows the private sector to grow. we need businesses to have confidence going to the future so they'll take the steps to
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hire people so we're taking action. we'd like the president to stop campaigning and come work with us to put americans back to work. >> congressman john kleine, great to see you bright and early. >> real pleasure. >> see you again soon. >> ok. >> coming up, social security running in the red and now a proposal by the president could cost taxpayers another $267 billion. stuart varney up next to break down those numbers for you. and then he was just a figure, george clooney's ex dishing the dirt on their relationship. welcome idaho, where they grow america's favorite potoes. everyone knows idaho potatoes taste great. but did you know they'reood for you too? they're high in vitamins and potassium.
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and idaho potatoes are now certified to carry the heart checkmark from the american heart assoction for foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol. so they're good for my family, and for yours. heart smart idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. this season better than the last? how about making it brighter, more colorful... ♪ ...and putting all our helpers to work? so we can build on our favorite traditions by adding a few new ones. ♪ we've all got garlands and budgets to stretch, and this year, we can keep them both evergreen. ♪ more saving. mordoing. that's the power of the home depot. congratulations. congralations. today, the city of charlotte can use verizon technology to inspire binesses to conserve energy
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>> couple of quick headlines for you. video from afghanistan shows the aftermath of an attack in an office in kandahar. this is the second major attack in three days targeting nato troops. and boeing to announce a new deal with nasa today that would create over 500 jobs in florida. it will lease part of kennedy's space center in order to build aircraft that will bring people and cargo to space. time to go over to the three dudes on the couch. >> last year, social security hit a dangerous milestone, first time in 30 years, it went cash negative. that means it's paying out more in benefits than it actually takes in in revenues. >> now essential security is sucking money out of the treasury and if congress extends the payroll tax holiday the president is proposing, it will cost taxpayers an extra $267 billion. stuart varney, $267 billion? >> how did you wrap your arms
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around that? >> tell us. >> i'll tell you $46 billion a year goes out that's not coming into social security. that's the cash negative. ok? that's largely because of the recession. fewer people working. fewer people paying social security taxes. lots of benefits being paid. got it. now, there's $105 billion a year going out, not coming in that is the result of a tax holiday. if that tax holiday is extended into 2012, as the president wants, you got another $105 billion going out that's not coming in. total -- $260 billion added to the deficit in a two-year period. how did you get to grips with a -- >> maybe more than $300 billion if you add that again. >> if you add that again, if that's the number again, maybe you're up to $300 billion. i'm going conservatively with a quarter trillion. >> the thing is the republicans agree that the tax holiday should take place. that's one of the commonalities that they have from the jobs bill so i think they're going to
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sign on it it. >> so far. that's not for sure. when this news spreads that you're adding a quarter trillion to the deficit, and you're messing around with the future payouts of social security, how are seniors going to react to that? what's the aarp going to say about this? will the republicans be on board with the extension of this tax holiday? i think that's in a little bit of doubt here when you just look at this vast number because a quarter trillion is a quarter trillion. >> popular on its face, the notion, ok, we're not going to have to pay that money this year. >> yes. >> when do we have to pay it? >> the tax holiday and everybody gets it sounds popular and sounds like a plan but it's easy. we've already got it. it hasn't created jobs. this is another argument for the republicans to oppose it. i don't think it's a done deal by any means. >> we'll see. stuart varney is going to come up this week, they're talking about the voting on the infrastructure bank. maybe next week, they're talking about this.
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meanwhile, what they're going to be talking about at 9:20 is up for grabs. stuart varney on the fox business network. any idea what you're going to be talking about? >> how about m.f. global, bankrupt, big debt crisis, how about that? >> we're all getting together at noon. >> joining the pagans, are you? >> absolutely. >> nice to see you. >> let me say, stuart varney came in here without any power. you have no power in your house. you have no hot water. >> no power, no lights. >> nothing will slow you down! >> i'm here. >> let me tell you what's coming up straight ahead on this show. here we go again. another green company funded by the same white house program that funded solyndra? well, it goes belly up. that story next. >> and it's a halloween classic. but the real thriller is the true story the man behind the mask. jason is here next. >> and he brought hockey mask,
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and started earning loads of points. you got a weather balloon with points? yes, i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. ♪ keep on going in this direction. take thibridge over here. the it is. [ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective. ♪ [ male announcer ] write your story with the citi thankyou premier card, with no point caps, and points that don't expire. get started at >> well, if you missed our after the show show on friday -- >> which i did.
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>> you did and peter did but i didn't. you might have missed it. >> ♪ i tell you let's have a party ♪ ♪ let's have a party ♪ let's have a party ♪ i'll fill you up let's have a party let's have a party let's have a party ♪ ♪ let's have a party >> ♪ oh, good boys that's toby keith and he wanted -- i guess he's going to sing that part, right? >> it's great. that is great. >> it was fun. he was amazed a song about a red cup has become so popular and apparently that video has gone viral. not that one. the actual video. >> that's what i was watching hee-haw. >> the only thing better than you and steve singing with toby
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keith was when joe montana and dwight clark sang with huey lewis & the news in the 1980's. you guys were actually better when you consider you're both not professionals. >> i'm so glad we cut it when we did. >> one of the things that i love about that song, you know what it is, it's not about love and breaking up. a country song about something that doesn't matter is something america needs. >> an inadamant object. >> you know how brian is. he's just lounging. i'm here to do the show today. >> on the couch. >> three dudes. >> two dudes and a dudette. >> now i know to sit up because we're about to do the news. >> here are the headlines. police investigating the bizarre murder of the u.s. airways flight attendant, 33-year-old nick aaronson was reportedly strangled in his hotel room in mexico city while on a layover. he was found with his hands tied behind his back and luggage dumped across his motel room.
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autopsy planned for later today. >> kris jenner, matriarch of the kardashian clan is telling what she knows about the o.j. simpson case. she was friends with nicole simpson and her ex-robert kardashian was one of simpson's defense lawyers. in her new book, jenner reveals that nicole told her on the day she was killed asking her to come over that she needed to talk to her but jenner was too busy and planned to see her later in the week. the next morning, she found out nicole was dead. jenner writes this -- i instinctively knew that in some way, o.j. had something to do with his death, that he would do that to her was just mind blowing to me. jenner says she lived with the guilt ever since saying she led nicole down. >> first, solyndra, now beacon power, another company that received a multimillion dollar loan guarantee from the department of energy is filing for bankruptcy. the company allegedly used the $43 million to build an energy storage plant in new york.
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documents say it was $47 million in the red. >> maybe age does matter! george clooney's ex-girlfriend elisabeta canalis takes a swipe at the oscar winning heartthrob. weren't we just talking about last week? all his old girlfriends don't talk about him. >> that's so weird. >> in an upcoming book already, she calls clooney more of a father than a lover. aside from that, she had all nice things to say about him. now he's on to another leggy, leggy woman. >> right. so there was a 17-year difference and they couldn't overcome it in retrospect. best of luck. it looks like he landed on his feet, though. we had a great day of pro football for the best of the best of the best, we check in with the best play. let's go to lions and broncos. matt stafford back to pass for detroit. looking for shefla who bobbles, juggles and somehow able to
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regain and catch the pass. that set up our play of the day. lions went on to a 17-3 lead. this was a blowout, though, tim tebow gets picked off here, 100 yards the other way. tebow had a bad game. he might not start next week with two turnovers. lie johns win easily. now check out the best comeback of the day, baltimore ravens. no doubt about it. down by 18 and at one point to the arizona cardinals, but the ravens scored. this touchdown cuts it to 24-20. not done yet. on the goal line, he puts in again. ravens take a 24-20 lead. arizona would tie it. ravens go for the game-winning field goal. lines it up. and hits it. final score was 30-27. ravens. remain in the hunt in the division. that's a quick look at what's happening in the world of sports. >> all right. do you remember this guy on halloween?
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>> what a mess. probably seen our next guest in your nightmares sometimes and paid about $12 to see him in the theater. joining us right now, actor and stuntman who played jason in friday the 13th. how many times? >> four times. played the character more than once. >> wow. are you in person or not nearly as scary as you are with a hockey mask and a sword. >> no, don't tempt me. i'll turn your ideas to about that right around. >> your new book on "mask, your true life story of the world's most prolific cinematic killer" was just released three weeks ago so this talks about that. >> yeah, it talks about my whole career. my stunt career, my career in horror. but it also talked about some -- a lot of personal things that i never talked about before. the fact that i was bullied when i was a kid, severely.
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had a burn injury in my first year in stunts. so the book has a lot more to it than just a career. >> right. >> interesting thing to me about the bullying part is that i'm so glad that you're talking openly about it because it's such a pervasive problem now for schools and young kids. how did it change your approach to life? >> you know, it's a horrible thing. it's an insidious thing because no matter what the physical stuff that happens to a kid, as a result of bullying, the psychological stuff goes with you for the rest of your life. and it completely changes your way of thinking about everything. and i think that's what people don't understand is how long term bullying is, once the physical stuff is over, it doesn't end. >> you don't like someone who would be bullied at all. in terms of overcoming something scary, you had a terribly bad burn injury and you showed a tremendous amount of courage. what did that tell you in terms
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of your life? >> i mean, you know, it was in my first year of stunts in my career, burned 50% of my body, almost died as a result of it. i was in the hospital 5 1/2 months. so it was a terrible injury. but it never dampened my enthusiasm for the business. i always -- when i was in the hospital, i couldn't wait to get out and get back to the business as odd as that sounds. i loved it that much and i even went back to fire stunts. >> and you are fearless. i love this story. it says as much as jason did in the friday the 13th movie, they told you to kick a dog and you would not even with the hockey mask on and looking to chop people up. you said i will not kick a dog. and that's where you drew the line. >> i did. i'll do anything to a human but i always thought that jason would identify with an animal more than be cruel to it. so that's why i said, you know, i don't think it's necessary and we got rid of it. >> do you have to absolutely love horror films to do what you do? by the way, what's your favorite horror film ever?
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>> i do personally love horror films and i think it translates into a performance when somebody does love what they're doing. and my all time favorite horror movie is the exorcist just because -- >> light movie. >> the subject matter at the time was so taboo and all the media hype going around with the movie was just -- you were scared to death before you went in the theater. >> thank you so much for being here today. good luck on your new book, appropriately on halloween. kane hodder, you know him as jason. there it is. "unmasked." >> coming up straight ahead on this show, barack obama, the regular guy? that's what the president's advisors are counting on. but is their strategy to make him appear like an average american really going to work this time? that debate next. [ male announcer ] want to achieve more with your money?
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>> talk about a dark halloween. residents across the northeast still powerless after a monster of an unusually early snow storm. wnyw reporter john huddy is live in west caldwell, new jersey, good morning, john, how are the conditions out there in west caldwell? >> well, there's about six inches of snow still on the ground. power is out. this is a block called winwood terrace and the lines are down right there and this is kind of an example of what we're seeing throughout the area here in the central and northern part of the state. right now in new jersey, 380,000 customers are reportedly without power in the tristate, new jersey, new york, connecticut, there's a million customers without power. this block is shut down and the schools in this area in west
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caldwell, caldwell had been canceled today. it's a snow day. but i don't think there's going to be much trick or treating going on on this block. it is absolutely -- i don't even know if anybody is in these homes. it's very quiet and the lights are out and this is pretty much like i said an example of what we're seeing in new jersey. very, very bizarre weather over the weekend. back to you. >> thanks, john. brian, let's see what's going on. >> all right. peter, let's talk politics. president obama's team is banking on his "regular guy appeal. "but obama went to an ivy league school and has millions in the bank. so will that resonate with the american people? will they buy it? joining us right now to debate it, founding partner at democratic polling firm gba strategies, michael bocien and carol nussel is here, president and ceo of ripple communications that worked for newt gingrich during the republican takeover in 1994. will this work, michael? >> well, i'll tell you, i don't think it's about whether he is a
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regular guy. it's whether the president understands the struggles of regular people in this difficult economy. he's not hinging his election on whether people want to have a beer with him, he's not claiming to be poor. but when you face difficult times like these, i don't think there's anything wrong with going to a diner and meeting with regular people, hearing their concerns and showing them how you're going to fight for them. >> right, karen, not only is he -- the country likes him, 54% of the country have a favorable impression of him but they look to -- they're going to look at his report card, aren't they? they're going to ask themselves about ideas and direction. what are they going to come up with? >> well, you're absolutely right, brian, i mean people make a gut decision about who they're going to vote for for president on three factors. do i like him? do i trust him? does he care about the issues that i care about? right now, the white house has go to likeability because it's all they got. people aren't sure they trust him because he hasn't delivered on his promises and they're not sure he cares about the things they care about because they don't identify with them or they don't think he identifies with them.
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they have to go to this. that's all they've got. >> the other thing they're beginning to do, michael, is also attack potential opponents. >> well, certainly when you talk about regular guy, i think you take a look at mitt romney. this is a guy who claims to be part of the middle class, yet he owns four mansions. this is a guy whose campaign is so concerned about him being a regular guy, they send out a tweet when he goes to subway. >> all right. good point. but subway is exciting, a place to be and you want to share that news. karen, finally, newt gingrich was almost the antithesis, people may not love him personally, even though i've met him and he's a great guy but they know where he stands on ideas. the guy has ideas and makes you make a decision on them. >> absolutely. nobody is better about the big picture than newt. and laying out some solutions for the country. nobody does that better and i think that will be a stark contrast because the president has lost that ground. i mean, he had that in the last election. he was a big ideas guy but he hasn't delivered on any of it so people don't trust that he has that ability to lead.
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and i think for newt, that's a great strength in this race. >> right. and newt is somebody steadily climbing up the polls. it will be interesting, michael and karen, thanks so much for the debate. >> thank you. happy halloween. >> all right. same to you. meanwhile, straight ahead, scared to death by spiders? can you actually overcome your fears? two of our next guests claim they did. we'll put them to the test next. [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu uss chose prego. prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i've made? [ '80s dance music plays ] [ sighs ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego.
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their journey is captured in a new animal planet series called "my extreme animal phobia." watch this. >> what i'm going to ask you to do is open each box 1 by one and release the butterflies. >> really? you understand this is my worst nightmare, right? >> butterflies love me. they come to attack me. >> let's take the lid off. >> the biggest spider i've ever seen in my life. >> it's alive. >> your assignment is to pick up the spider and put it in the container. >> i can't handle that. >> too much. >> way too extreme. >> i'm with you, jackie. joining us now is jacqueline, lauren and katie kaufman along with a psychologist. welcome to the three of you. you're all very brave. what was it that suddenly made you to be afraid of butterflies growing up?
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>> i was 8 or 9 years old and alone in my house and probably a real little butterfly flew into my shirt. i was terrified. i thought it was a bee and ever since i felt like butterflies actually attack you. >> the spider one seems a little more obvious for a lot of people including me. >> there was no specific time where i was scared of spiders. it was always just a huge phobia. and i'm just literally tear tied and had to run out of the room. even looking at it now, it's pretty hard. >> you say this is actually anxiety driven. that's your specialty. what does it say about a person when they have these fears? >> well, we're all afraid of something and it just depends on the degree in which we're afraid. you know, this doesn't look like the friendliest animal but the reality is that with katie and jackie and the other people we worked with, their fear was so great that it was interfering with their lives. jackie was afraid to walk outside. katie was afraid to walk in a room. she would scan the room to make sure there was no spiders so
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basically what we're doing is we're helping that have such extreme fears that it's interfering with their lives and in this case, they both overcame their animal phobia. >> so we saw in the clip from the show, "my extreme animal phobia" that you actually make them do what they fear the most. >> let's be clear, i don't make anybody do anything. they choose to do it. and when you force somebody to do something, it doesn't help them. so we ask them to do it and in katie's and jackie's case and the rest of the gang, they did it on their own. >> what was your reaction, ladies, when you came into this studio? and you saw what you used to fear the most, so, for example, if we open up that butterfly cage, are you fine? >> i actually feel really confident now. and i take them in and i'm very happy with them just because i know i got over such a huge phobia. >> ok. now, what about the spiders? because i saw your reaction when you came in here. you took a step back. >> uh-huh. >> how are you feeling about it right now? >> i'm anxious and my palms are
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sweaty but i can do this because i'm better than the spider. we're friends. >> what are you thinking right now? >> it's not going to kill me which is what i used to think and it's just a soft little tickle massage thing-amabobber. >> i'm not a guest on extreme animal phobia. i am going to touch the spider. this is taking a tremendous amount of bravery on my part. ok. >> watch. >> can we reverse it back to this -- >> kind of prickly. not really -- >> softer than you imagine. >> not really. i like snakes better, i think. you feel totally fine with this right now. >> yes, i get anxious initially but then it starts to go down the more i touch it and the more i hold it and it's just like a little pet. >> what's the success rate of people you try to get rid of their phobias? >> it's almost 100% success
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because their fear is interfering with their lives so much that they're really willing to trust the process, to reclaim their lives. what you don't know is katie has a pet tarantula. >> yeah, it is a little smaller. i feed it crickets and it lives in my room. >> that made me more brave. hats off for all of you for overcoming your fears and for doctors for helping them out. >> the show can be seen every friday at 10:00 p.m. eastern on animal planet. hey, rosie. >> gretchen, that's gutsy. i would not be doing that. can a phobia become an obsession? i think. >> i think it could possibly do. meanwhile, as we finish up this hour, let me tell you what's straight ahead. why doesn't donald trump think going green is the wisest decision? he'll join us live to defend and define. >> and mitt romney, what does he do when he's picking up more and
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there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. three years from now, a 2011 ford fusion is projected to be worth more than a 2011 toyota camry. any thoughts on this news? are you sure? i'm absolutely positive. fusion is projected to hold its resale value better than camry.
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auto good morning, everyone. it's monday, october 31, 2011. happy halloween, everyone. i'm gretchen carlson. herman cain's big news, forced to defend himself after allegation of sexual harassment. two women, two payouts allegedly. but cain's campaign says no way. >> mitt romney picking up more and more money from bush supporters and now he's getting hammered by conservatives. we're going to talk to dana perino about that, former white house press secretary, now co-host of "the five". she'll be here live. >> and that same storm leaving passengers trapped inside a jet blue plane for seven hours. it got so bad the pilot even called the cops. >> i got a problem here on the airplane. i'm going to need to have the cops on board. there's a cop car sitting in
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front of me right here right now. i need the cops brought on board the airplane. >> help is on the way! "fox & friends" starts right now. >> halloween, everyone. somehow i got the ghoulish assignment of having to touch that tarantula a few minutes ago. i did wash my hands. you're safe. >> thank you very much. >> look at that! that is -- this is the new episode of "attack of the candle" and it is terrifying. it's when a candle opens up an attack on an old building. >> msnbc. >> kind of empty there. >> we hope you'll have a great halloween with the kids out trick or treating tonight and everyone stays safe. in the meantime, peter is in for steve today with your halloween colors. >> i thought so. my daughters picked that out and i thought it was a nice choice.
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>> thank you. >> let's get right to your headlines and start with that extreme weather alert because three million people in the northeast waking up without power this morning following this weekend's snow storm. worcester, massachusetts, one of the hardest hit cities. 30 inches of snow there. the snow was too much for the changing of the trees making one of the biggest problems. snapped by the weight of the snow. here's the scene over in connecticut where conditions are said to be five times worse than the last recent disaster, hurricane irene and i can tell you that's true because that's where i live. the storm also being blamed for at least 11 deaths now up and down the coast. cockpit recordings just released shows the pilot of that stranded jet blue fight begging for help. the plane was stuck on the tarmac in connecticut for seven hours on sunday with 100 passengers as food and water ran out and the toilet stopped working. >> i got a problem here on the airplane. i'm going to need to have the cops on board. there's a cop car sitting in front of me right here right now. i need the cops brought on board the airplane.
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we can't seem to get any help from our own company. i apologize for this, is there any way you can get a tug and tow bar out here to us and get us towed somewhere to a gate or something. i don't care. take us anywhere. >> here's the other problem, though, once the passengers got off the airplane, there was no place for them to go. many spent the night on chairs and cots inside the terminal. coming up later on "fox & friends", you'll hear from one of those passengers and tell us what else the pilot had to say. it made him afraid for his life. cindy short, the attorney allegedly kicked off the case of baby lisa holding a news conference today. we expect her to reveal why she's no longer on the case. the baby disappeared october 4th and police wanted a trained specialist to question the mother's two sons and take d.n.a. samples. those interviews were scrapped at the end of last week. miss short reportedly had a fight with the family's other lawyer over whether they should do those interviews.
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iran reportedly demanding an apology now and cash from the united states after an alleged plot to assassinate saudi arabia's ambassador to the united states. he is under arrest in connection with that plot. the former used car salesman faces charges of conspiracy to commit murder and conspiracy to commit a terrorist act. iran cites moral damage as the reason for the cash demand. they made the demand in a letter. no word of who the letter was sent to or how much money they actually want. oh, wow. oh, wow. oh, wow. those were the last words of apple's ceo steve jobs before he passed away earlier this month. in his sister's touching eulogy, mona simpson shared the emotional moment that he looked at his children and wife. simpson also reveals her brother's chilling phone call the day before his death. he told her to "hurry up to palt owe although owe" and that he was deeply sorry to be leaving everyone. those are your headlines this morning. having walter isaacson on the show coming up in an hour, the man who wrote the autobuy ago --
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biography on steve jobs. >> dana perino was on a better show "fox news sunday" with chris wallace. welcome back to the show. i know you're preparing to hop on a train and come up here for "the five." first thing's first, what is your take on the sexual misconduct charges against herman cain that came his way in the 1990's according to a report that appeared on politico. >> as with most people, i don't have any idea they are true. i'm not surprised that a story like this surfaced and i think some people are quite skeptical that oh, sure, as soon as he starts rising in the polls, you'll get a story like this. that said, sexual harassment allegations are serious and while his spokesperson gave a quote yesterday, i don't think that will be enough for herman cain. he's going to be in d.c. this week. he's got a lot of interviews and he will be asked a lot about it and in the very least, it will be a major distraction for his campaign this week. >> uh-huh. so let's hear from that spokesperson that you're talking about, the cain spokesperson was
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on geraldo last night. >> yes or no, was there a cash settlement to two female employees of the national restaurant association? >> all i'm telling you right now is this is something that the -- >> j.d., you seem -- you are evading my question. was there or was there not a cash settlement? >> first thing that came to mind when i saw that late last night and early this morning, is this an example of a campaign -- there's been a lot of talk about the grassroots campaign of herman cain and not being the typical politician. but in a situation like this where a big controversy comes up, is that problematic to have people maybe involved in this campaign who aren't used to damage control and handling things like that and did we see that play out last night in a way in which his spokesperson chose to attack this whole problem? >> well, it could be that or it could be that maybe he -- that's what he heard from the candidate and so that's the information
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that he gave and it's a bad hand to have to be dealt. but you have to play it the best you can and i think maybe the spokesperson said this is what the candidate is willing to say today. cain will have to stand on his own two feet for the rest of the week. what kind of surprises me is if these were true, why didn't we know about it until now? if the campaign knew about it, why wouldn't they try to get it out there earlier on to try to deal with it. so people who might tend to think that the media, left wing media is going after republican candidates for minor allegations, they'll be able to believe that but i think herman cain has to have a better answer to the type of question that geraldo asked when he goes on tv later today. >> later on today on this very network. let's think about it. when he already said yesterday when he was first confronted, he came back and said have you ever been accused of sexual harassment? how can i make a comment about people i don't know who they are. and the a.p. was told by gordon, the one that went on with
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geraldo, that they could not confirm a woman received a monetary settlement and they did say it is not true and represents unfair attacks. >> those are several different things they said, right? just being from a press secretary's point of view, you can't confirm it. that's one thing and that's a way to deal with it until the candidate deals with it. you might not know as a spokesperson but then to say it's not true. ok, it's not true. why isn't that the full answer? >> from a press secretary's point of view, dana and one of the best in american history, would you give advice to mr. cain today based on him -- his reputation and this lead as the most direct candidate in the race to step out today and have a press conference and answer every possible question about this allegation? that would put it to bed, wouldn't it? >> he can do it in a press conference or do it in a one-on-one interview and get it all out there, rip the band-aid off and then move on.
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again, i don't know whether it's true or not. it's hard to advise somebody whether they should say dealt with that, i said something inappropriate. moving on. or if he says those were allegations that weren't true, maybe that's the case. the interesting thing is at some point, there's a person who made this accusation feel they need to come forward to protect themselves. and that will be the other shoe that would possibly drop. >> according to the -- what number we're reading here is in a settlement, alleged settlement that we're not allowed to talk about the case but i don't know. all this stuff will probably come out at some point. let's move on to rick perry because he was on "fox news sunday" as well this weekend and he went -- he talks a lot about the debates and he says he could handle president obama in a debate even though he's decided to step out a couple of the republican ones. >> well, i was -- >> we got a great debater, a politician in the white house right now. that's not working out very good for america. i'm not worried a bit that i'll
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be able to stand on the stage with barack obama. >> dana? >> so, he -- he has confirmed that he'll be at the next five debates. i think they're all in november so he'll get some more practice as a debater and by the time -- if he were to win the nomination, and if by next fall he would have the opportunity to debate president obama, i would imagine by then he would feel he's a pretty competent debater but that won't be what the whole campaign comes down to but it is very important and people sometimes wait until the last minute to make decisions. they want to see how somebody -- a candidate presents themselves. if they make it all the way through the contest, will that person -- will they be comfortable with that person in the oval office? the debate can be the make or break for some people, not everybody. >> position for the next five debates because he's got that advantage of low expectations so if he does get close to a home run, people will be saying, wow, what an improvement. let's talk about mitt romney who is leading in most of the polls in a statistical tie in iowa and he has come -- it looks like
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he's done a nice job getting twice as many bush backers than texas governor rick perry. does that surprise you? >> i think that romney has been trying to earn support from lots of different backers for a long time. rick perry was a late entrant into the presidential race so that might explain a little bit of the lag. to me, one of the things that is interesting is the bush network, let's call it that, really hasn't been deployed since 2004 when president bush ran for re-election because he didn't run again in 2008 and john mccain wasn't exactly asking for president bush's help though he maybe should have asked for some more because the outcome could have been different, maybe. and i know that -- that governor romney has had -- it wasn't love at first sight for some people. i mean, he's had to earn their support. if you're to a point now where they're willing to write a check to him, he's done that. >> yeah. at a point that he's gotten 80 people who are top fundraisers for president bush to donate at least 2,500 which is the
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maximum. so -- and that does maybe expose some type of -- there might be some type of rift between the bush people and the perry people that perry people keep going back and forth on. >> before we run out of time, i want to show this jibjab that's a halloween themed one and you're in it, too, with us! watch this. >> ♪ hey ♪ she's a super freak super freak super freaky out ♪ >> you should be happy with this. they made me the pumpkin and you the skeleton. >> urt chubby one. >> i know. >> dana, what's your take on this? are you happy with the way you're being portrayed? are you worried about your future endeavors on air? >> what i think is -- was very much surprised somebody like a bob beckel is i am a sunflower, all happy and sunshiny and i
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think he would think i should be the greenwi witch. >> i am honored to be included. >> you should be. you'll be included at 5:00 today. >> i'm not on today but i'm on tuesday and friday. >> we'll look forward to seeing you tomorrow and the rest of the week and watch today anyway. great show. >> i'll cherish this moment even more, dana. >> ok. >> knowing there wouldn't be another. meanwhile, straight ahead, catholic college accused of offending muslims by not displaying crosses. you'll hear from a mom whose son gave his life in afghanistan to protect religious tolerance. >> ruth madoff on why she will not divorce her husband, bernie, in jail. [ male announcer ] drinking a smoothie with no vegetable nutrition?
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>> a group of muslim students at catholic university in washington, d.c. are suing the school because they say their human rights were violated. the muslim students want a separate room for their daily prayer that do not have christian symbols. but is this a case of freedom of religion or just more political correctness gone wrong? with us now is a gold star mother whose son, first li lieutenant gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms while serving in afghanistan. i'm honored to have her with us this morning. good morning, how are you? >> good morning. >> i heard about this story as well. and it seemed that catholic university was one of the most welcoming universities in the united states for muslim students. >> that's right. >> now we have a lawyer that's weighted into it and saying crosses should be taken out of the classrooms so muslim
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students can celebrate their religion. what do you say as a gold star mother and why do you say it? >> my son died defending our freedoms and protecting our way of life and perpetuating our ideals. joey was incredibly tolerant, believed in freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom to express that religion. so if you're in an institution that has the word "catholic" from it, there will be catholic symbolism. for anyone to insist that that catholic symbolism come down, i think, is the height of religious intolerance. i feel that this lawsuit is frivolous. i think it's wasting the time of the courts. you're going to a school that has the word "catholic" in the title of its institution. >> let's take a look at the lawyer who talked about why he's bringing this lawsuit and what this is about. let's get your reaction. >> ok. >> what's wrong with asking catholic university to set aside
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one tiny little room so that the 100 or so muslim students who pray five times a day have a place to -- >> let me ask you about that because -- >> let me ask you about that -- let me ask you about that -- >> what is that about? >> personally, i think it's silliness. i think it's about silliness. i think someone is just taking the time to seize on an issue and just use our american way of life to just perpetuate their own focus, their own things that they want to do and it's just time to stop being silly. >> in the time we have left, let me ask you a hard question. there would be some that would say your good son and great son died for that very reason. so that these folks could bring this kind of action. do you see it that way or see it differently? >> i believe that everyone has the right to express their opinion. i don't believe that people have the right to use the system for
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their own ends. i think that we really have to pay attention and yes, express our freedoms totally and i believe this gentleman has the right to express his opinion. not to waste the court's time. >> i thank you on behalf of the nation for your son's service and thank you for speaking out today. we wish you so well. >> thank you. >> next, did you know those sleepless nights are costing a lot more than sweet dreams? why you could be losing thousands of dollars by staying awake. and it's halloween, so we've got some creative ways to make a jack-o'-lantern and you don't even need a pumpkin. we're dressed for halloween today. look, every day we're using more and more energy. the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from?
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>> news by the numbers coming your way now. first seven billion, that's the world's new population. one of the many babies who can claim to be the 7th billionth person born. we'll book them 10 years from today. remind me. $2,000. a new study shows that's how much cash a person loses every year thanks to a shortage of sleep. that's a serious lack of productivity and finally $34 million. that's "puss in boots" beating out the competition at the box office. it beat out "in time" and "real steel." gretchen? >> thanks, brian. are you looking to spice up your jack-o'-lantern this year? we have some creative, easy ideas that you can do just today. joining me now, editor in chief of, carly roney.
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we'll paint pumpkins and not carve them. >> this is something called washy kate and we got these in craft stores and it's simple tape and you can make cool patterns and plaids and great black and white stripes and it lasts outside in the weather and you can keep it all season long. >> don't have the mess. >> all right. this is one of my favorite ideas. painting pumpkins with metallic colors. >> yes, you want to spray paint them very rich colors. you can get silver or gold and the great thing about these is they shine in the night with candles but also, you can keep them around for thanksgiving. >> this is a fantastic idea. also want to mention just how safe that these types of activities are. if kids want to get involved and you don't have some big huge knife to carve them. >> that's right. no big knives is part of our message here. >> paint on templates. i know kids love to paint. my kids have painted pumpkins this year. but this actually gives you a guide to go around. >> this is so fun. so we have all these different templates. different kinds of faces. this one is fun and it has bats
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and stars. put the template on top and use acrylic paint so it's easy for kids to kind of paint inside the lines and it's just fun, you want to have a variety of different styles if you're going to do that. >> the acrylic paint is important because it sticks to the pumpkin? >> yeah, it sticks to the pumpkin well and it doesn't wash off in the rain or snow as the case is here in the northeast. >> so many people in the northeast have today. now, jack-o-luminaries, what are these? >> you want to get a regular lunch bag and you can line your walkways, create a great display on your door just by basically doing a cutout on a bag. and then you can put -- we have these, you know, basically candles inside. they're not real candles, of course. little vases and then you basically can have fun pumpkin but made out of a paper bag. >> we're going to -- if you don't mind, we'll dim the lights in the studio so we can get a real sense of how -- >> see how fun that would look? lots of different patterns and you can put shapes or crazy faces on them. all different item plat-- templ.
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>> might have to do this when we get home today. my favorite is you carved a watermelon. i would never have thought of this. >> you can carve all different kinds of things. this is great because it has that green scary, you can put a face on it and in places like the northeast where there was a pumpkin shortage because of all the flooding, it's a great alternative and also, you know, makes you look like the most creative person in the neighborhood. >> which would take a lot more me to do. these are some fantastic ideas if you don't get around to doing them this year, you can do them next year. good to see you. >> thank you. have fun tonight. >> i will, thanks. ruth madoff and her son swear they knew nothing about bernie's ponzi scheme. can that actually be possible? donald trump has something to say about this and he's going to join us next. and would our schools improve if the teachers are graded instead of the students? it's happening. we report, you decide. what's better than gold ?
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sadly, no. oh. but i did pick up your dry cleaning and had your shoes shined. well, i made you a reservation at the sushi place around the corner. well, in that case, i better get bk to these invoices... whh i'll do right after making your favorite pancakes. you know what? i'm going to tidy up your side of the office. i can't hear you because i'm also making you a smoothie. [ male announcer ] marriott hotels & resorts knows it's better for xerox to automate their global invoice process so they can focus on serving their customers. with xerox, you're ready for real business.
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oregon. more than 3,000 people showed up to the annual event. it's walk of the living dead. >> i think that's anyone in the northeast who was outside on friday looked exactly the same way. >> you're right. >> exactly. >> activism gone wild. >> there we go. >> back to normalcy. >> all right. let's get to your headlines before donald trump joins us. nato officially ends its operations in libya today. the united nations security council lifting the no-fly zone that's been in effect since march and libya's interim prime minister confirming a story first reported here on the fox newschannel by catherine herridge in august, chemical weapons were found inside his country. foreign inspectors will arrive later this week to deal with the weapons and that libya has no interest in keeping them. >> all right. police investigating a bizarre murders of the u.s. airways flight attendant. 33-year-old nick aronsin was reportedly strangled in his hotel room in mexico city while on a layover. he was found with his hands tied behind his back, prosecutors
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discovered no drugs or weapons and an autopsy is planned for later today. >> teachers in idaho will get raises if the parents of their students say so, teachers' bonuses in more than two dozen school districts will partially depend on how well and how often teachers actually communicate with the parents. performance bonuses will also be based on improved test scores and attendance rates. sounds interesting. >> bernie madoff's wife opening up about the case in a new tv interview. sticking to her story that she knew nothing about his $65 billion ponzi scheme but she has no plans to end their marriage. >> why haven't you filed for divorce from this man? >> i don't know. it doesn't matter. he's going to die in prison. i certainly don't want to find another man these days. >> ruth madoff says there's no hidden stash of money. if there is, she hopes investigators find it and give it back to the victims.
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on that note, let's bring in donald trump who knows a thing or two about business and i'm interested, donald, good morning, first of all. >> good morning. >> i'm interested in your thoughts about this interview that ruth madoff gave along with her son andrew. do you think that the family knew about this? >> absolutely, 100%, i have no doubt about it. i watched andrew last night -- he said he made a lot of money about his father, he knew what his father was doing unless he was a very stupid guy. and his wife was actually his accountant when they started. this is a woman that knew finance and she absolutely knew 100% and i agree with her, she shouldn't look for a man because i think she'd have a hard time getting one. >> so is this the second scam that's going on? we had the $65 billion scam and now we have this p.r. barrage from different members of the family. are we being duped a second time? >> i think we're being duped by the son. i think we're being duped by the wife. they absolutely knew it was happening. i don't know if there's anything
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left, frankly, but the son admits that he has millions of dollars and he got them from his knowledge of the father and from working with father's clients. but the son absolutely knew about it. and the mother absolutely knew about it. again, she was his accountant when they started off. i don't know if she was a cpa but she was pretty close. how does she not know -- >> tell me what you think of this analogy. you've never been married to a mobster that we know of but it reminds me of women who say they were married to the mob and they knew their husband was connected somehow but had no idea exactly how. >> it's a little bit like that. it's a little bit like that. she knew about it. she was a financial person. the son certainly knew about it. unless he was the dumbest guy on earth. >> so the son's claim that they didn't know about it because they -- although they worked with their father, they were sort of an offshoot of his dealings. in other words, they had their own -- >> right, i know. i know, and their office was in the same building, it was a floor below and how about right now he's writing a book, i watched "60 minutes" last night.
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he's writing a book and all the money will go to the girlfriend or wife. >> is this based on meeting madoff at some point? it's a hunch, what is this opinion based on? >> i used to meet him in palm beach, i owned the club and he was there a lot and that was ground zero for madoff, you know, palm beach was like the place. he took billions and billions out of palm beach in terms of wealth. so i did get to meet him. and he'd say to me, why don't you invest with me? put your money with me? and fortunately, i said no, i can lose my own money. i was kidding him. i useed to say to people, who do you invest with? bernie madoff, of course. like they just went to the wharton school of finance. it was crazy. >> he made them feel that way. he made this big deal about being able to get in with him. he made it on the surface very difficult and, of course, he always had 13% returns and higher. so who wouldn't want to have their money -- >> people would go to him, he had the ultimate con because people would go to him and say i want to invest $10 million. no, no, i don't take such small
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amounts. and they'd work like hell to become an investor with him. he was the ultimate salesman. but he was a bad guy. his wife absolutely knew about it. and his son absolutely 100% knew about it. >> and that's from you -- >> i'm pretty good at that stuff. i'm pretty good at that stuff. >> you have great instincts. >> i want to get your initial reaction from the news that broke this morning. huge news on the g.o.p. side, a guy you met with a couple of times. and have gotten to like, herman cain, now he's dealing with this story. two women filed complaints of sexually suggestive behavior when he was president of the national restaurant association in the late 1990's. we don't know the facts of this case. but where do you go from here if you're herman cain? >> well, i think it's very unfair. you know, you become a leading kan candidate and become a person of prominence and somebody sues you and says all sorts of things. perhaps he settled because he didn't want to go through the legal fees and spend a lot of money. peter would know this better.
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peter is a great lawyer that happens to be sitting with you and he understands exactly. so they settle it on the basis that it's a lot cheaper and quicker and no publicity, no nothing. and they settle it. and then it ends up blowing up in his face. i think it's very, very unfair. >> you're kind. i've been lucky enough to represent you. the point is, is this much ado about nothing in the end or do we not know? these cases are settled every day of the week. phony allegations are settled because businesspeople don't want to put up with this nonsense. they don't want to see their families hurt, they don't want to see their businesses hurt and they pay in these cases. what's going to happen, do you think here? >> the sad thing is, you're right, they're settled all the time and they're baseless allegations but by the time you have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees and everything else, you settle for a couple of bucks. it depends what the case was. but i think -- i think it should be nothing. unfortunately, i don't think the public will feel that way. and that's very unfair. >> donald, what if the allegations are true? >> well, i don't know if
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they're true. i mean, they were settled and everybody seems to have been happy. the sad part, gretchen, is they might have been totally faums and he may have settled just to save legal fees. which sometimes turns out to be a mistake. >> how should he respond? that's our question this morning. >> i think he probably has to say exactly what i said. >> what is what. >> what is basically he settled in order to save legal fees or something. it looks a little bit bad when he made a payment but, you know, from a practical, real world standpoint, and peter knows this, you settle to save a lot of legal fees and years of aggravation. >> the only thing that should bother people about this whole thing if you're herman cain supporter is that he had 10 days to respond to this. and his communications person that went on with geraldo last night was a train wreck and his comments are very elusive today. so you had 10 days to get the strategy. hoping it goes away is not a good strategy. >> he probably should have come forward and say i was falsely accused of something. i settled in order to save legal fees. that's what he should do. it was settled. unfortunately, professionals are going to understand this but
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nonprofessionals meaning the public, watching this, i think it looks very bad. and will probably have an impact. >> let's talk about something that's more positive right now which is a while back, you gave a bike to a little boy who was here on our show. >> right. >> and it's my understanding that he's reached out to you to say thank you. >> yeah. do you remember this? do you remember, mr. trump, when you were here? au i could forget. great boy. >> here's the note that he got. he thanks you very much. loved being on the show. loved meeting you and he said that was -- he also liked the couch. he says it was soft. and he thanks you, too, for giving him a bike. after his was stolen. >> he was so cute and such a great guy. i did get the note and i appreciated it. when i watched on your show, i loved where he had his bike stolen and the first thing he did was pray. i don't know. that sounds pretty good to me. anyway, he got a bike. and we got him a nice one. >> maybe we have a future
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apprentice there. >> he's really a great boy. >> there he is. with his helmet on and everything. all right. donald, have a fantastic week. thanks for giving us your thoughts this morning. >> thank you very much. and say hello to the madoff family. >> we're not going to have -- >> they're not going to be here today. thanks, donald. >> so long. >> we've been reporting on those passengers, did you hear this story, they were trapped on the tarmac for seven hours inside an airplane. one of them will be here live. he reveals what the pilot said that had him absolutely terrified. >> and bob beckel, he's the best and co-host of "the five" but do you know his conservative brother? you'll get to know him because he is here next. >> first, the trivia question of the day -- -one. -two.
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-three. -one. two. three. one. -two. -three. -one. -two. -three. [ male announcer ] with the bankamericard cash rewards credit card, earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. 2% back on groceries. and 3% back on gas. automatically. no hoops to jump through. -it's as easy -two. -three. [ male announcer ] 1, 2, 3 percent cash back for the things you buy most. the bankamericard cash rewards card. apply online or at a bank of america near you.
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>> the economy is in turmoil, oil is scarce and the government is overregulating business. have you heard about this? people are going on strike as well. does it sound familiar? it's not a page from today's paper. it's the premise of the book from decades ago and now, finally, there's a movie. >> how can i help you? >> i'll make this quick. i came here today because, well, i met your brother and i was hoping that someone in this business still had a brain. if you your and your brother try to undermine me or go to the government like you did to destroy my best friend. >> maybe you should let me explain what happened. >> maybe you should let me finish speaking! >> joining us now is one of the stars of that movie, graham beckel. yes, he's related to bob beckel. welcome to our set. >> thank you very much. >> why was it -- now, the dvd,
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the movie is out but the dvd is now available. >> the dvd will be available on november 8th. we who believe in the motion picture want everybody to buy a copy for their friends for christmas. and i'll tell you why, it's -- you know, this is not my favorite movie of all time, nor the favorite one i've worked on but it's the one that i've had the highest aspiration for. simply because of its message of liberty, of individual rights and in a world that conspires against the individual of one private entity in collusion with the government trying to squash another private entity. for this reason, the film should be seen. and it's a great opening for discussions on these subject. >> that's a big book and famous book and best selling book. tell us the premise and why it resonates today. >> well, it resonates today because if you're a businessman and you're facing any number of government regulations, taxations, the politicians are lining up to somehow inhibit
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your -- your pursuit of your happiness, in this case of your liberty, you're going to see that in this book. and it's going to be shocking given that this is written 50 years ago. >> right. and now it's coming to fruition today, according to some. give me some examples from the book, stuff that would appear in the book but it's playing out today. >> ok. well, there's -- they're trying to build a railroad in the book and one of the reasons we want people to see the movie is so they read the book. book is much better than the movie as they usually are. however, i say that with all due respect to the film. but having said that, there is a railroad that's being built and a man has come up with a new alloy for the tracks and this poses a threat to other manufacturers of metals and the government decides because they've been lobbied that it's only fair that they stop this man's development of this alloy
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for the railroad tracks and stop the railroad. and it's clearly a nicely depicted how this is done. and the unions are involved. the politicians are involved. the so-called agencies of government are all involved in trying to stop this man from doing what he's doing. >> graham, this is like the 1% against the 99% just like we hear that's allegedly playing out and the 1% decides i am not -- i'm going on strike. the heck with it! >> oh, yeah. this is what eventually happens in the book. those people who are the most productive, those people with the ideas and the commitment to those ideas, those people who put their life and their energy into the pursuit of whatever their happiness is, in this case it's productivity of metal and a railroad, ok, they're the 99% -- they're the 1%, i guess, and --
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>> vilified by the president. >> vilified by the president. this is exactly what's going on today. it's nonsense. it's what's happening. >> good news is your brother is here and doesn't agree with a word he's saying and the good news is -- nothing to do with the book. the book is the book and the message is the message. he disagrees with you. >> we're pretty fat together>> you are not fat. you're extremely tal en-- talend and wonderful people that are stocky. i look at you as stocky. >> thank you very much. >> are you going to stick around? >> i'm pretty growly in the morning. he better watch himself. >> i feel he's pretty growly himself. that's bob beckel. he is angry. he's determined to beat up his younger brother. bob beckel heading down, no jacket, baby. all right. bob will be here in a second. meanwhile, on this day, let me remind you, i'm real by j. lo is the number one song. life was so simple then. she's a good dancer. [ male announcer ] cranberry juice? wake up!
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♪ that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm [ male announcer ] for half the calories -- plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. plus veggie nutrition. ♪ i think i'll grab me a bowl and spoon now ♪ ♪ crispy flakes calling my name ♪ ♪ yaaaaaaay! four grains come together for nutrition in perfect harmony with great taste. honey bunches of oats.
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>> answer to the trivia question, rob schneider. the winner is not bob beckel. you can't play. don't ask again. meanwhile, we're back with the star of the new movie "atlas shrugged" with graham beckel, a new movie on dvd and his brother bob beckel. we talked about the premise, it's very much what we're seeing in the news with the fight over regulation and spreading the wealth and who's to blame? in the movie, the 1% goes on strike. look. >> the committee has decided that allowing men to run your train on that untested metal would violate their human rights. >> are you serious? >> you can't force men to go out and get killed for profit. >> put that in writing.
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that you want to stop your men from working and earning a wage. >> you don't understand. >> no, no, i understand perfectly. you want me to provide the jobs and you want to make it impossible for me to have any jobs to provide. you can do whatever you want with your men, mr. brady, that train will run because if that bridge collapses there won't be any railroad left in existence. if it does not collapse, no member of your union will get a job on the line. >> wow! so could this happen today? is it happening today? is it about to happen? graham and bob, bob your reaction to what we've already discuss ed? >> you know, the timing is impeccable, you know, with the people out running around. it's catching up with them, you know. that 1%, there's a new report out by the congressional budget office showing that the top 1% have increased their wealth 240 times in the last 20 years. and the middle class, 40.
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so this underscores the point. those who have it, have it and continue to have more of it. >> i don't know along with the tea party -- >> is that what you call it? >> they don't sleep outside. the occupy wall street did. i understand they had a rough weekend in the east. that's also an example of people that are protesting, right, graham? >> well, yeah. i mean, it's -- well, the occupy wall street is an anarchist action. and it's attracting to it as it's designed to do a lot of people who bob would feel very comfortable with. other than itself, it's an anarchist attraction but it's attracting a lot -- >> and the people weren't anarchists when they went into the town halls and disrupted everybody that was waiting to speak. >> they were waiting for their tee times. >> anarchy is a perfectly legitimate form. >> you accept that. that's good. yeah. excuse me, mr. kilmeade wants to get in here. >> bob, is it carrier that this
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could be coming to -- >> i always watch my brother's movies. he's an excellent actor. do i worry about this? listen, the fear of regulations have been profounded by the republicans now for the last three years and they've done a good job. i'll give the tea people and the republicans credit for selling the notion that we were overregulated which is ridiculous. if we were overregulated these punks on wall street would have gone to jail. >> bob, you're stating -- watch the movie, i'm going to buy it for you for christmas, the dvd, this is exactly point. sorry, i'm going to take a deep breath and calm down. >> here's the thing, do you feel as though -- does it worry you at all that millionaires and billionaires, the most successful people have been vilified? >> i don't -- do i worry they're vilified? i'm worried -- no, i don't lose any minute of sleep at night. i'll tell you what does bother me is a lot of them have got us
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into this trouble and never went to jail. >> all right. "atlas shrugged". >> atlas shrugged >> back in a moment. [ male announcer ] you've reached the age where you've learned a thing or two. this is the age of knowing what needs to be done. so, why would you let something like erectile dysfunction get in your way? isn't it time you talked to your doctor about viagra? 20 million men already have. with every age comes responsibility. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects may include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing.
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so they're good for my family, and for yours. heart smart idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. >> gretchen: good morning, everyone. toes monday, october 31, 2011. a happy halloween. i'm gretchen carlson. herman cain, big story this morning, he's forced to defend himself after allegations of sexual harassment. two women, two payouts allegedly. hear from his campaign. >> peter: passengers stranded on a jet blue plane forced seven hours with no food, water or bathrooms. it was so bad, the pilot even called the police. >> i got a problem here on the airplane. i need the cops on board. there is a cop sitting right here in front of me. >> peter: one of the passengers who lived through the flight joins us next. >> brian: i guarantee you, here is a police chase that you've never, ever seen before.
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cops chasing a cop and wait until you hear the reason why. "fox & friends" starts right now. (screaming) >> gretchen: i'm scared. >> brian: that, believe it or not, was once our hallway has been taken over to a different place entirely. >> gretchen: i think i can be sure i'll never have a pet tran tula. >> brian: you have no power, so we want you to feel at home. >> gretchen: first to the hurricane, now this signal peter and i were going it sleep over
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tonight. >> gretchen: coming up, i grew up in the halloween capitol of the world in minnesota, sheesh gift for brian and peter, who is in for steve today. >> peter: not the sleepover. >> gretchen: that may be the ps part. in the meantime, let's do a couple headlines because here we go again. jet blue passengers stranded on a plane for seven hours? >> we can't seem to get any help from our own company. i apologize for this, but if is there any way you can get a toe bar out to us and get us towed somewhere to a gate or something? and we've been here now for 7 1/2 hours. thank you very much for helping us out because we got more help from you guys than our own people. >> gretchen: they were on their way to newark from fort lauder dale when bad weather caused them to be diverted to bradley international airport, only to be stuck on that tarmac for hours. >> peter: joining us is one of the stranded passenger, beth
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epstein. good morning. >> hi. >> peter: tell us about this. did they tell you they were running out of fuel and they cooperate land? >> it was the flight from hell. they tried to land at newark as planned and there was no visibility. so the captain announced that they were going to try to use their instruments. i forget what the word was. but they went down to 900 feet and then because there was no visibility and the machines were down for them to work, so we shot up. then they said we had a half hour of fuel left and they were going to circle and try to either see if the instruments were up and running so they could land at newark or land at another local airport. then they let us know they were going to bradley and we would be on the ground in an hour. so that kind of created a panic. >> peter: half hour feel and be there in an hour. >> they did clarify, the crew was fabulous. they really were.
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and people kind of held together. the frustrating thing was the pilot was given a lot of misinformation and poor information and he was doing the best he can with providing us with information. but they flew us into connecticut. really? hartford? >> gretchen: maybe that was a safe alternative. but then you thought your hell was over, then it was just beginning. >> just beginning us because then we stayed on the tarmac, got off the plane at 9:30 at night. >> eight hours. doesn't make a difference at that point really. and the bathrooms did stop working. we did run out of water at the end. it got pretty stingy and nasty. >> brian: when it was all happening and the pilot is being being way too honest, is someone is landing with instruments, no gas, keep it to yourself. do you want to know that stuff. >> gretchen: no, i want to know as a passenger. >> i didn't need to know about the fuel part. and then the people who didn't speak english or hardly spoke
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english, children. it was probably a little -- i think he was doing the best he can in the situation -- >> brian: who called 911 to get the cops there? >> i don't know. at the very end there was -- in front of the plane -- i was in the back -- in the front of the plane, i think there was somebody with a medical emergency. that was the worst part of it was is they kept saying starting at about 3:00 o'clock, 4:00 o'clock, they started saying that we were going to refuel, de-ice. understand that it started snowing really hard in hartford. for the seven, eight, whatever it was hours we were on the tarmac, there were so much accumulation that then we had no hope. then there was nothing. >> gretchen: you stayed on the tarmac in hopes you might take off and go back to new york? >> that was the plan. then they kept saying, oh, they were taking this other plane first or that other plane first. >> gretchen: i'm wondering if this new federal law will play into this, because only three hours on a tarmac or the air carrier faces $27,500 fine for each passenger.
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>> brian: are you looking to sue? >> i mean, i'd like them to do something. i think we deserve an explanation. >> peter: let's hear what they're saying. we worked with the airport to secure services, including remote deplaning and lavatory servicing. obviously would have preferred deplaning much sooner. the airport experienced intermittent power outs, which made deplaning difficult. what say you? is that a start? >> you know what? it seemed to me that they didn't prepare anything. it seemed that during those eight hours that they had us on the plane once they decided they were going to let us off and obviously we were going to have to spend the night there, that's when they first started. they brought cots in. they had the national guard come in. i felt like they started that process at midnight. like why didn't they -- if they had made arrangements during the time that we were stuck on the tarmac, maybe we would have been able to get hotel rooms and not slept on cots. >> brian: as bad as that was,
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the pilot couldn't have done more for you and the crew was sensational? >> gretchen: what did you do for eight hours? >> we hung out in the back, we made the best of t. we tried to be leaders and tried to make the best of it. there was a diabetic woman. >> gretchen: they let you stand up, 'cause usually they don't let you. >> no. at first they were like, sit down, and sit down. and we were like, no. so we just kind of made the best of t. we started playing geography and made the best of a horrible situation. it started to get really bad at the end because at the end, they kept saying that we were going to get towed in. they never towed us in. we had to walk down these awfully narrow icy stairs, get on this little bus and that's kind of when it got really bad. then we were in the airport. they weren't prepared. they flew -- they had like three people. jet blue is not that big at that airport, but they weren't prepared to handle it. >> brian: thanks for sharing injure story. sorry you had to go through it and we'll follow it to see how
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jet blue will take care of it. >> they've done nothing. >> brian: really? thanks so much. >> thank you. you great. >> brian: if you want, you can walk out now. >> gretchen: wild weather wreaking havoc all across the northeast. the monster storm that we've been talking b leaving at least 3 million people without power, the weight of the snow, too much for this tree. it snapped on top of a parked car. in massachusetts, people are digging out from more than 30 inches of snow. the storm being blamed for at least 11 deaths up and down the coast. first solyndra, now beacon power, another company that received a multi-million-dollar loan guarantee filing for bankruptcy. they allegedly used the $43 million to build an energy source plant in new york, but documents show it was $47 million in the red. this morning boeing will announce a new deal with nasa to bring people and cargo to outer
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space. boeing will lease the hangar that used to house the space shuttle. according to the obama administration, the deal with the florida space agency will create 140 jobs in the next 18 months and 550 jobs by 2015. great news for an area that lost jobs when the space shuttle program was retired earlier this year. here is one you haven't seen before. cops chasing a cop. a miami police officer on the run at speeds of 120 miles per hour because he says he was late for work. the officer didn't stop when the florida highway patrol tried to pull him over. he said he was running over to his off-duty job as a security guard at a school. those are your headlines this morning. >> brian: thank you for that. let's talk about the big news we got up with and heard about last night. i heard it for the first time with geraldo. politico broke a major story that it seems in the late '90s, two separate women filed sexual harassment charges
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against -- filed complaints against herman cain who was president of the national restaurant association. we're waiting to see herman cain respond to this. there has been no confirmation who the women are. >> peter: whether money was paid. and no confirmation of the truth of the allegations that was made. but there is a lot of different questions and geraldo rivera last night really honed in on the spokesman for mr. cain to get some answers as to what was going on. >> yes or no, was there a cash settlement to two female employees of the national restaurant association? >> all i'm telling you right now is this it something that the establishment is trying to attack -- >> j.d., you seem you are evading my question. was there or was there not a cash settlement? >> gretchen: the person was being relatively vague that. could be for a variety of reasons. herman cain will be on fox at
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11:20 a.m. eastern time today. so how should he respond now? we solicited the advice of one of the best pr kings in the world, donald trump. here is what he said about what cain should do. how should he respond? >> i think he probably has to say exactly what i said. which is basically he settled in order to save legal fees or something. it looks bad. >> a little bit bad when he made a payment, but from a practical real world standpoint and peter knows this, you settle to save a lot of legal fees and years of aggravation. >> brian: so he understands what it's like to run a major organization and possibly be a case if that's the case. marilyn said herman cain treated women the way he treated men. he treated everyone great. so national restaurant association, we know is firmly in herman cain's court. in fact, they had a meeting where all this came up to talk about different ways they could support herman cain's presidential run. >> peter: there were a couple of testimonials from women as to
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the conduct of herman cain that were glowingly positive. >> gretchen: so we'll have to wait and see if his campaign can come together and have a good message from herman cain coming up three hours from now. you will hear from him on this channel. coming up next, we'll have more about herman cain because his critics say his 9-9-9 plan just doesn't make sense, but our next guest says it's actually simple and he would know because his book apparently was cain's inspiration. author steve moore up next. >> peter: if you don't have a costume, it's not too late. >> brian: really? >> peter: we've got last minute ideas to make sure your halloween, brian, is a treat. and not a trick. look at this. >> brian: you can wear that sash. >> peter: who are those people? >> brian: i'm so confused. [ male announcer ] have you heard? it's bring your happiness to work day. campbell's microwavable soups.
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>> peter: everybody is talking about herman cain as he continues to ride his 9-9-9 plan to the top of the polls. but will cain be able to completely reform the tax code if he's elected? joining us now to weigh in is editor of the "wall street journal" and co-author of "return to positive pairity," steve moore. good morning, how are you? >> great to be with you. >> peter: did you create this plan for mr. cain or not? >> no. the famous reagan economist and i wrote a book about a year and a half ago where we laid out a flat tax plan, somewhat similar to the 9-9-9 plan. and herman has been kind enough and we're very flattered to say look, that book inspired me to overhaul the whole tax system. and peter, when you ask the question, can he do this? this is the ultimate washington versus america issue because nobody in washington wants to take the power away from the tax system, all the lobbyist, all
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the people on the tax writing committees, they have a vested interest in keeping this thing complicated. i think one of the reasons herman cain is really surged in the polls is people are very excited about the idea of blowing up the tax system and starting over again. >> peter: so simply 9-9-9 means 9% what? 9% what? >> okay. 9% income tax. we already have an income tax. this would lower the rates to a 9% and he just -- he changed the plan a little bit last week where he said, low income people up to the poverty level would not have to pay that tax. then he has the 9% business tax that brings -- we have a 35% corporate rate today. he brings that down to 9%. by the way, in both of those, he gets rid of all the loopholes and all the carveouts and all the special interests of the features. that's how you get to lower the rate. finally and most controversially, peter, he has the 9% national sales tax. that's something that's given some conservatives like me some
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queasiness 'cause this would be a brand-new tax and the real question is, were people willing to take that in exchange for a simpler tax system? >> peter: is this a so-called vat tax? number two, in terms of special interest groups, some are trashing this plan. what do you say? >> look, first of all, the complexity of the tax system is just an abomination. i really believe this current income tax system is an albatross around the neck of the american economy. most business people will say the same thing. this idea of simplifying the system is very attractive to the american people. i've been in washington 27 years. the whole power structure in washington, peter, revolves around the tax system. that's why almost everybody i talk to in washington hates the flat tax because they want to keep the power here. herman's case says this gives power back to the people. it makes it very simple. you can fill out your tax system on a postcard on this system. that's a very pro growth and
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very popular in terms of appealing to the american people. >> peter: steve moore is the superb economist and communicator. >> thank you. >> peter: what you haven't heard yet about steve jobs, like he blew off a meeting with president obama because he wasn't happy with who else was invited. the author of his exciting and interesting new biography is here next. and ruth madoff and her son swear they knew nothing about bernie's ponzi scheme. can that actually be true? wait until you hear what donald trump had to say about their claims, coming up. congratulations.
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>> brian: oh, wow, oh, wow, oh, wow. we now know those were the last words from steve jobs before he passed away. >> gretchen: the life and legendary career of the apple founder told in the new book "steve jobs" written by walter isakson and he's our guest this morning. good morning to you, sir. >> hey, gretchen. how are you doing, thanks for having me on. >> gretchen: you spent so much time with steve jobs, did so many interview, when you hear those were his last words when he looked at members of his family, your reaction? >> steve jobs was somebody who was known for being a bit pickley, but with his family and with his top colleagues, they were all with him at the end because he inspired incredible loyal, great inspiration.
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seeing that mona simpson, his wonderful sister wrote about the end when all four of his children, his wife, his sister, some of his close friends were with him. at the very loving thing and makes you remember for all of steve jobs quirks, this guy inspired an enormous amount of love, affection and loyalty among his top team at work and love within his family. >> brian: it also, in watching a lot of your interviews and reading a lot of the book, he talked about life after death. what do you think he was seeing? that's what really intrigues me, as he looked past his family and responded like that? >> well, i don't really know. i do know that he told me that he always hoped that there was an after life, that the wisdom and sort of thoughts that you accumulate don't just end with you. i think we all, when we're on a journey, realize that you're seeking things on the journey and i have no idea what his
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final thoughts were, i'm sorry to tell you. >> gretchen: i know you informed him he might not like all of what you wrote about him in the book. one of the things that i found most tantalizing was his criticism outright for bill gates. shear his quote, bill is basically unimaginative and never invented anything, which is why i think he's more comfortable in philanthropy. he shamelessly ripped off other people's ideas. were you shocked when he was this up front with you as far as saying these feelings about bill gates? >> yes. it's a somewhat complicated thing. there is a love-rivalry competition that went on for 30 years. and these guys are actually very close. at the end, bill gates comes and visits. it's a very moving scene. and as you know in business in particular, you can be competitors and you can also have a deep love and respect. i think steve jobs felt that microsoft sort of, as he put it, ripped off the look and feel of
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the macintosh. but after 30 years, this was not just a pure rivalry. there was a deep affection and respect both ways. i try to capture that in the last scene when the two of them are together. they're saying really wonderful things about each other, but they also have still that little bit of rivalry. it's the way life is. >> brian: it's like devane spree and mike angelo today. let's talk about steve jobs and his interaction with president obama. it was his idea, i understand, to get six or seven ceos together to talk about how to be more business friendly. he thought the president needed that, but he cooperate get the meeting together. he got frustrated with valerie jarrett. can you explain? >> actually not. if you read the book, what happens is the cancer recurs. they put together a meeting and it gets larger and he's like, okay. this is getting too large. and it's in washington. steve is a very private person. so when that happened, i think late 2010 or whatever, and he got cancer and he was too sick
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to travel, he was a little bit private about it. he was a supporter of president obama, both in 2008 and was supporting him in 2012. >> gretchen: even though he was upset, in your book you talk about the fact he was upset with some of the decisions the president made with business and he thought he should have more outreach. >> brian: you said the president is very smart, but he kept explaining reasons why he thinks things can't get done. it infuriates me. >> one of jobs' colleagues said he would have made a wonderful king of france. and he really would have. he expected that he could issue an edict or just with willfulness cause something to happen. i think in the democracy, when you have a divided government and you have checks and balances, steve jobs was always frustrated about washington in general, it was hard to get things done and it should be more like business. if you want to build a factory, you decide, boom, i'm going to build a factory that. type of
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frustration increased over the years as government became harder to get things done. but you know, being the ceo of a company you founded is a lot different, as you know, than being a politician in washington where there are checks and balances and it's a little hard tore get things done. you can't just willfully decide let's change policies and do it on your own. >> gretchen: he chose you to write the book and it came out aptly right after his passing. walter isakson, fabulous job on the book, very intriguing. thanks for being our guest. >> thank you for having me. >> brian: okay. coming up straight ahead, they're pretty, they're feisty, and you could say the ultimate daddy's girls. presidential candidate jon huntsman's daughters are also the voices behind the campaign tweet. meet them in just a couple of minutes. >> gretchen: they're the most wanted costumes this halloween. can you pull them off? check out the ideas ripped right from the headlines page. [ male announcer ] drinking a smoothie with no vegetable nutrition?
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>> gretchen: it's been almost a month since baby lisa irwin vanished from her home. one of the attorneys, working with the family off the case. today she'll explain why. joining us live from chicago is mike tobin. we know that she's off the case. we know she had some sort of a fight with joe tacopina, the other lawyer, right? >> right.
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the case continues to attract headlines. it's been a little while since the headlines were about the baby or the search for her. cindy short is the local attorney who worked for the parents for nine days. she is holding a press conference today and the information leaked ahead of this press conference is that she will announce that despite her no longer being in the employ of the parents, she will continue pursuing facts in this case. we learned last week that a bitter rift had boiled up when she was still working for the family. that rift was between short and high profile new york attorney joe tacopina. they had disagreements to whether the older half brothers of baby lisa should be interviewed. short issued a statement saying that tacopina did not have the power to fire her. shortly after that, she issued a brief statement saying she was no longer working for the family. i contacted joe tacopina, only when i prompted him for some comments did i get a response. two words only: absolutely not. we learned that tacopina hired another local attorney. it's interesting to point out
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here that it's been a while since we learned real developments in this case. we saw police search a lake last week. they turned up nothing from searching that lake. we also learned of the mystery man caught on security video outside of a gas station. police said they've known about him for some time. back to you in new york. >> brian: all right. thanks a lot. we'll see if we get something developing in that case. last week i thought we would have a breakthrough. mike, thanks. now to your headlines. nato officially ends its operation in libya. the u.n. security council lifting the no fly zone that's been in effect since march and libya's interim prime minister confirming a story, chemical weapons were found inside his country. he says foreign inspectors will arrive later this week to deal with the weapons that libya has no interest in keeping them and gadhafi was hiding them. >> peter: the search for three missing workers at a grain plant in kansas resuming this morning. a massive explosion at the silo
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killed three other workers and the men who are missing are presumed to be dead. the cause of the blast still not known. of course, grain dust is highly explosive. >> brian: bernie madoff's wife stick to go her story that she knew nothing about his $65 billion ponzi scheme. but she has no plans to get a divorce. >> why haven't you filed for divorce from this man? >> i don't know. it doesn't matter to me. he's going to die in prison. i certainly don't want to find another man these days. >> brian: donald trump knew bernie madoff and earlier, he told us there is no way his wife and son were in the dark. >> he made a lot of money because of the father. he knew exactly what the father was doing, unless he was a very stupid guy, which he's not. and the wife was actually his accountant when they started. this is just a person that was cooking the pasta every night. this is a woman that knew finance and she absolutely knew
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100%. >> brian: so donald trump not sure. he says ruth madoff shouldn't look for another man because as he puts it, she won't find one. gretchen, you're not looking for a man, but you found yourself in the middle of halloween celebration. >> gretchen: here i am back in the scary room that we created here at "fox & friends." thanks, brian and peter. i'm with kaitlyn, style expert. you're going to show us the most popular costumes so far for this year. we're going to start with vedka girl. >> vedka vodka. partnered up with this fashion designer, richie rich and rickey's, to bring to life their spokesmodel. it sold out everywhere. it's the most popular costume this year. stars like j wow, and others scooped up this costume. >> gretchen: you got to have the figure for it. >> yes. futuristic, no doubt. it costs $40 and it's figure
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slimming. it's like the one halloween costume where you can look sexy and not freeze to death. kind of warm. so it's a great costume. >> gretchen: all right. thank you so much. >> he also did a cocktail to kick off halloween happy hour called trick bottom. i think it's on your web site. people can check that out. >> gretchen: one of the most infamous people of 2011. >> charlie sheen. come on out, charlie sheen. became america's most talked about celebrity after his famous meltdown and treated that he was going to go as this celeb himself. he tweeted the mass. twenty dollars for the bad boy bowling shirt and the mask. >> gretchen: does the cigarette come with it? >> i think it does. >> gretchen: thank you very much, charlie. he doesn't speak. >> charlie doesn't speak. >> gretchen: let's go to superman and super girl. >> the classic super heros, not just for kids anymore. they are ruling the theaters.
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lots of hits. these are a hit. >> gretchen: is that why they came back, because you could have been superman any time? >> warner brothers announced they're in production for a superman movie. it's even more relevant in year. >> gretchen: you are also dressed up. this isn't how you look on a daily basis. who are you? >> sue sylvester from "glee." forty dollars for my costume. >> gretchen: finally, we have the royals. >> prince william and kate middleton, the it royal couple. the world has been transfixed by the royal couple ever since the april wedding. it only makes them two of the most popular costumes this year. the prince charming costume. can you believe this? this mimics prince william's exact wedding outfit and it's
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only $30. >> gretchen: i was there. it looks very realistic. i need to call you duchess now. >> the ring $40, dress, $50. they're great prices. who doesn't want to be a royal? this is the one day you get to do it. >> gretchen: thank you so much. any people have any last minute costumes to get, now you know the most popular. let's send it back in to the guys. >> brian: that was awesome. suddenly i like halloween for the first time. coming up, look who is here. they're pretty, they're feisty and you could say they're the ultimate daddy's girls. presidential candidate jon huntsman daughters are also the voices behind his tweets and they cut a tv ad. they're here live. i can touch them. >> peter: absolutely live. "fox & friends" being taken over by the dead! stick around. we'll be right back.
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>> peter: at least 3 million people in the northeast waking up this morning without power thanks to an october snow storm. one of the hardest hit areas is connecticut. joining us live is wtic reporter ayana harry. what's going on there? simsbury? >> good morning. what's going on here? i can tell you at least it's not electricity because every single person in this town is without power. look, this is the northeast. we're used to getsing several inches of snow, but not in october and part of the problem is most of the trees still had their leaves on them, so just a combination of both snow and leaves just caused dozens of trees to snap. i'm going to show you one of those trees. look at this one.
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this large tree has probably been here for generations. snapped at its root. it's sitting precariously on top of those power lines and causing a major problem for cars trying to get in and out of here, route 167 is one of the major roads to get people into hardford, new haven and also into new york city. so again today, everyone in this town is still without electricity. and right now, it's currently below freezing. reporting live in simsbury, connecticut, back to you. >> peter: really striking. okay. gretchen, the smart tweeting huntsman ladies. >> gretchen: some are calling them the 2012 elections meghan mccain. jon huntsman's eldest daughters have taken the twitter world by storm in support of their father and now they released a new video on youtube spoofing herman cain's smoking ad. watch this. >> we are shamelessly promoting our dad like no other candidate's family ever has. >> but then again, no one has ever seen a trio like the jon huntsman girls.
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♪ ♪ >> gretchen: very funny. joining me now with the women behind the hilarious video. good morning to all three of you. >> good morning. >> gretchen: so you saw that herman cain ad. you've been spoofing on tweet, whose idea was it to make this video? >> i'm going to give it to her. >> gretchen: the youngest one, trouble maker of the group. how did you come up with the idea? >> i just had been -- people had been e-mailing the ad and seeing it all over the tv and kind of woke up and i was like, we got to do something with this. this is kind of fun. we're all about humor and fun. so we're like, let's make a parody of this. it would be so funny. so we attempted and -- >> gretchen: now it's out. you decided to have this tweet campaign and it first caught my attention after the debates because a lot of what you were treating was funny, but it was also like really honest impressions of how the other
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candidates were doing on the stage. i think some people may be taken aback from that because in politic, you're supposed to do everything just perfectly. what made you decide that you were going to come out and be honest? >> we just wanted to make this light hearted and funny and we're not jabbing at any of the candidates at all. it's just -- we're being honest and we are who we are. >> gretchen: wait a minute. this one might have a little jab. this is what you send to the son of mitt romney. apparently we are distant cousins. save us a seat at the next debate. we'll provide snacks and a little comedy. did you mean that because you're both mormon families or what was the connection there? >> i think the rumor, like everyone thinks we're all related since we both come from a mormon background. so we thought it would be funny to be cousins, i don't know. >> give people a little laugh. >> gretchen: here is another one about romney. how does romney know anything about china, he's only been there once and that was for the olympics.
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panda express doesn't count! zing, abbey. >> yeah. like we said, we're having fun with it but at the same time, it's a very serious time in politics and i think we're also -- we're being very truthful. obviously they're funny, but understanding the world is so important. so that's something our dad brings to the table that i think we're also trying to send his message out to folks our age and anyone following our tweets. >> gretchen: what do you make of the recent polls, because the latest fox news poll has herman cain on top and mitt romney second and i believe your dad came in at 0% on this particular poll that you see on the screen right there. what do you make of the fact that he's not registering with the american public so far? >> i think our focus right now is new hampshire and we're seeing a lot of good news come out of new hampshire. we're connecting with the people, we're get to go know them. it's a totally different theme there than around the country and i think it's a place where people get to know the candidate. they understand their message and that's what the american people need to be looking at. you see how fast the polls go up and down in this race. one poll we've noticed that we saw recently was on honesty and
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our dad was number one for that and we think, that's always that matters is he's always stood true to who he is. >> gretchen: one of your tweets, when he decided not to be in the vegas debate. you believe he's going to do well in new hampshire? >> i do. >> i think he already has. new hampshire is extremely crucial. it kind of -- as the people up there get to know the candidates and they get to kind of get to know the side of them that the rest of the country is not able to see, a lot of people base it off the media and other sources, wherein in new hampshire, we tell tell politic social security extremely important. >> he's never waiverred on any issue. >> gretchen: one of the things that conservatives don't like about him is that he worked for president obama. he was the ambassador to china. now in this other recent poll that came out saying his biggest group of supporters happened to be democrats. and independents in new hampshire.
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>> the funny thing is, he has always stood strong on the core conservative principles. he's always been pro-life, pro-traditional marriage, pro-second amendment, pro-tax cuts. i don't know how this image came about, but he has to focus on things he's strong. >> i also think you have to look at the abilityability factor and who can get to the democrats, independents and republicans. >> that's the only way we're going to win. it's to bring in all groups of people and we feel our dad has the ability to do that. we're doing what we can and adding a little fun. >> gretchen: a lot of fun, getting a lot of attention. continue to tweet and we'll continue to watch. >> thanks for having us. >> gretchen: great to meet all three of you. >> thank you. >> gretchen: talk about working stiffs, coming up next, the dead men walking are also about to start performing. first, let's check in with bill for what's on at the top of the hour. don't get too scared, hemmer. >> how you doing? >> gretchen: fantastic.
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happy halloween. >> same to you. we got new polling numbers out of iowa that will scare some candidates. a very interesting story. karl rove breaks that down. rick perry says he'll debate after all. that did not take long. brit hume reacts. what is the truth of these allegations against herman cain? and stranded on a tarmac for seven hours because of snow and it's not even november. see you in ten minutes on a monday morning here. i've got nothing against these do-it-yourself steam cleaners. lugging around a hot water extraction unit can be a rush! that's why i'm carpet for life. but if things get out hand, there's no shame in calling us. ♪call 1-800-steemer. my dis best absorbedlcium in small continuous amounts. only one calcium supplement does that in one daily dose. citracal slow release... continuously releases calcium plus d for the efficient absorption my body needs. citracal. ♪
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two years. they join us here on "fox & friends." welcome, guys. >> hey, how is it going, baby? hey, baby. >> gretchen: what are you going to perform? >> an oldy but goody called "believe, baby." >> gretchen: take it away. >> brian: we believe, let's here it. >> gretchen: here come the mummies. ♪ do you believe in things you can not see ♪ ♪ your superstition guaranteed ♪ can you deny the magic ♪ do you believe in things you can not see ♪ ♪ let your inhibitions fly away ♪ ♪ with the wind ♪ can't you feel the heat around your soul ♪
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♪ it's not a sin ♪ do you believe in things you can not see ♪ ♪ do you take your superstitions seriously ♪ ♪ can you deny the magic ♪ do you believe in things you can not see ♪ ♪ i can turn your sorrow, hurt and pain ♪ ♪ into love ♪ if you lose your faith, your heart can change ♪ ♪ do you believe in things you can not see ♪ ♪ keep your superstitions buried ♪ ♪ can you deny the magic with you and me ♪ ♪ do you believe in things you can not see ♪ ♪ oh, oh,
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♪ you don't cross a black cat in the alley after midnight ♪ ♪ oh, oh don't walk underneath a ladder ♪ ♪ oh, oh ♪ step on a crack ♪ break your mother's back ♪ do you believe in things you can not see ♪ ♪ do you take your superstitions seriously ♪ ♪ can you deny the magic with you and me ♪ ♪ do you believe in things you can not see ♪ ♪ oh, yeah, oh, yeah ♪ congratulations.
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