tv The Five FOX News November 3, 2011 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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good night from new york but go to greta post comments about the show. i know you have a lot to say about the government and politics. i'll see you at on the record in just a second. republican congresswoman who has had enough of this. man, you don't get fox business network? demand it. >> 5:00 in new york city, and elsewhere, and this is "the five," and we have juan williams, and dana and ed, first up, chaos in california, violence and destruction at occupy wall street protesters in oakland. i wonder if the democrats will continue to back them and a question of who done it? a rival campaign one of the accusers or even rahm emanuel behind the herman cain leak? and then, this, your average failure-daughter dance, but this turns this interest an internet
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sensation. to the top story, oak oakland protesters turned violent and it was ugly scene. take a look. oakland mayor thought it would be a good idea to support the occupy protests. think again, mayor, here is the fallout a band of 100 protesters sprayed buildings, broke whens and occupied a building and found a way to should down the port of oakland. city workers stayed home. and everyone got the day off except the poor cops. if to have you back, juan. when you see that, what do you
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thing? who are these people? >>juan: they are anarchists and they are crazy, and it is not, to me, representative of occupy wall street or occupy anywhere else, we have protests all over this country against wall street and this is not what is happening. what is happening here is the worst of it and it gives everyone who is a critic of the movement lots of ammunition to say, this is not america. this is not go for america. and these people are wanting the end of america. >> well, this is happening more and more and it is inevitable when the organization is not controlling for the people that are getting inside it. but what is representative of this group is the mayor, while this was going open, the mayor was tweeting, pleading with the protests, to call, please call me, professors need to call my office, now, and she tweeted the number, the phone number, this is the worst mayor in the history of mayors and i include
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john mayer, she should tweet get out of the city. i'm incompetent. >> mayor, a week ago had her police trying to, an occupy protester ended up bad for her she seemed to be siding with the occupy protesters this time. >> i saw the video i thought it was in greece. because this was the kind of protests you saw in greece and the kind we saw in london over the summer, and it is a lot different than the flash mob type thing we saw in the states. i also thought, what would july -- giuliani do? one thing interesting yesterday they tried to, the long shoreman tried to shut down the port, they want to destroy the system. i would be interested to sit in, the fly on the wall in a conversation between the police union and the long shoreman's union and see who would win.
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>> you feel bad for the cops, teachers and city worker took off and this is what they have to do, come to work and fight people who are fighting anarchists as juan points out. >> the majority of america support the police, they support the cops and support the unions so this is not beginning to play well for anyone who supports them. i thought this movement was one that had a narrative but no story, and now they actually have a story, and that story is violence and it is violence for violence sake. the republicans, you look at the tea party, there is no history of violence on that side. government, liberals want to tear it down and republicans want to reform. democrats should be very careful to embrace it. >> take a listen to something we put together on who is supporting occupy. take a listen. >> got bless them for their spontaneity, it is an independent, people coming, it is young, it is spontaneous, it is focused, and it is going to be effect i.
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-- effective. >> we have a long and normal tradition of protests. >> everyone needs to understand the american people feel like no one is look out for them right now. >> it is like they are disgust ing and an episode of "glee." so young and spirited. the general population are sympathetic because the media is ignoring at the love the assaults, sexual assaults which are not reports, the weirdness and violent, and because they share the same assumptions, with the protesters so they are saying for the greater good, well, maybe it will go away but it is not. it is getting worse. >>juan: hold on, everything you heard in those clips of video are true, we have a tradition of protests in america and the revolution will not be televised and there will be extreme elements attracted to any movement. but you cannot condemn --.
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>> god bless them in >>juan: there are lots of people who are republicans who support occupy wall street because they don't think that wall street should have been bailed out by tarp and they thing that the wall street gays are greedy. and taking advantage. >> i defend the comments on the one hand. and as i do give you the other hand which is, president obama back in the summer he really stoked at the love the class warfare on purpose, part of a political strategy to be re-elected and started repeating 1 percent, 1 percent, 1 percent, 1 percent over and over again and because of that, you could say he owns this but at what point does president obama realize this is going to come back to haunt them and the violence is getting worst. maybe not in every city but won't he have to say something? >> obama needs to grow a "pair," the fruit, because it is nutritious.
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>> during the 2008 campaign he said if someone disagrees get in your face, he likes the division and he things he needs it. pelosi said they are young, there are actually people bringing their children and putting them on the front lines of this protest. so, talk about young. these are little small school age kids and there they are, you saw the obama administration, teachers were getting their kids to sing songs to him in school. >>juan: so, when seniors disrupt hour tall meetings and act out and are rude to politicians and threaten people and people with guns show up, we will --. >> we will take all of them but for the gun things. what does that have to do withholding a meeting? juan juan you cannot have a political meeting. >> you want to defend the right to protest but you say at what
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point do the democrats distance themselves? how about the drugs? the std's? the rapes? or the anarchists, the communists . >>juan: they are a bunch of kids. >> when the comments, i don't me the dates of the comment but i imagine they were in the early days of the protests, why think the speaker or the president would be for violence. last time we had the kid pictures, we thought it was great if you want to take your kid to a protest like that ... so be it. >> i don't remember antisemetism or communist party joining the tea party, i don't remember 14-year-old assaults by the tea party. >>juan: this is way
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over-the-top. it happened but it is not representative of the movement. and you are going to use this to demonize it because they agree with your political agenda. >> one group has them and the other group doesn't. >>juan: it is apples and oranges. these things happen and should be condemned from the highest office but to say that is a basis for ignoring their complaints about wall street, it is not right. >> some of the poverties themselves are actually saying, it is happening, because they were told by the organization in charge, not to go to the police because they didn't want to soil the reputation, so you have women in vulnerable positions and you do not hear from them now, saying this is dangerous. >> the young people, these are young people, college students. and criminals. >> unlike the tea party they are more likely to get it on. i'm talking about getting
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out-of-control and you will say talking about young people. >> woodstock ended up for three days and hendrix played the "star spangled banner." >> i don't want to open a can of worms but everything we see, the hats, the american federation of teachers. >> this will come to a political led and the democrats have to make a decision. and i think that the people who are left protesting, who still there, they are the 1 percent and the rest of the country is 99 percent. >> up next, on the five, we will look into the allegations in the herman cain camp.
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>> i keep saying i'm a country music kind of guy. and welcome back to us, the five, and the big mystery around herman cain, is this, who is the leak? they initially blamed perry's team, but now they're backing off. >> yesterday, you accused mr. perry and today what? >> until we get all of the facts, i'm going to say that we accept what mr. anderson had said. and we want to move on with the >> yesterday, i said they better be right that it was somebody on the perry campaign before they make an accusation like that. but on the leak question, i don't think it matters how a
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reporter found out about it because that's the way that politics does anything. if the score turned out not to be true, i not matter, but it'sa leak. >> you know what's going on here. herman cain's numbers among skifftives have gone up result of this. initially they thought it was an attack on black conservatives, but if it turns t to be cmg fr one ofhis gop riva, th're kely to be sen io e wilderness. allit doe is peretuate the story for another a. whwould you-- if thwa tu the page, why wou they coinue tdrge u ths story? e way thhandled t media is absolutely -- >>let tell ou at
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and then he wald with megan, t whatapned steay a thd gi ce orwd an said i might wants to cues herman cainf it andlooerhere right now. >> that was p, adap quoing th woman anonymously, who never filed anythingbackthen. talking athe same time ] whwod g on an ghrofi sho t yoknow hedea. they said hat kurt andeon wo rked forhe memor in '04 but they don't hae the oof, th n't ave e goods and you've now hurt yourself, and who are they? >> who was cain's chief rival when he was at godfather pizza. don't follow the money, follow the mottsrella. the bottom line, does america
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care? the mainstream media told us many times that sex doesn't many times that sex doesn't how they're handling this whole mess since. >> a girl 12 years ago. >> i'm pointing out that they're not acting this way, but the but it's not there are guy. it's a repudiation to the liberals. >> if you can't handle want heat, get out of the kitchen. he said there are no skeletons in my closet. who does not know enough about his own career that if you're serious about running for president, you better know these things, and plus, i have ten days. >> they were aware that this was
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a liability back in '04. well, if they knew that back in '04. >> why didn't they come out? i think its interesting, people must be taking herman cain more seriously now. >> the first rule of running for office is to hire a private investigator to investigate yourself, and this is amateur hour, and we're seeing that now. >> i would like to hire a pi to follow me around. >> i'll check you out. >> i have nor skeletons than a medical college. >> what i was going to say, herman cain right now says he's authentic, and i think a lot of conservatives view him, not mitt romney, and not politicians but conservatives want to hear, so if that's the case, maybe they videview this as the authentic. >> clarence thomas, they feel sorry for him and they give him
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fundraising dollars. >> i'm praying that its coming from someone on the left. only for this. >> you're always political. >> i'm just hoping it's not coming from a conservative, and i hope it's not a perry document or romney. what we really on the right need to do is focus on beating obama, and not beating the crap out of each other. >> it's possible that the reporters did their own work, and did some reporting and went back and found it. >> here's what i believe. they had a leak, and i wish in some ways that they could give us it. new york times they typically have a paragraph way down in the story that it gives you an indication. >> herman cain is leading in the polls, and i mean, he still is on top, though the scandal has just been going on and on, he's still leading, so this is not touching him.
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>> can i point out the journalism ethics on this? if you go back to bob novak and the valerie plame issue, he protected his source to the very end, and he knew the whole time that richard armitage was the plant and he let all sorts of people go through, but he made a journalism promise to protect the source, and he said my source should come out and reveal. and there are no obligations for that. >> ap is just piling on by letting this woman take cheap shots at herman cain, in my opinion, and i wouldn't allow it. >> they would have said according to a hoax. >> this thing was ginnie thomas interview cain and that's another bad move. why would you do that? >> why would newt gingrich do anything at all, just keep your
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mouth shut. >> there's a gingrich-cain debate this weekend. >> i don't think they're going to bring it up, something tells me, just a hunch. >> you think, huh? all right, coming up on the 5, remember the stimulus? how can you forget? guess what? over 100 criminal investigations underway right now, and that's just in the energy department. details straight ahead.
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our economy? but the truth is, there may be criminal activity involved. shocker. there are more than 100 critical investigations underway. and how do you defend 100 criminal investigations on the stimulus that they touted and are still shouting from the rooftops. >> i had to read that over yesterday because surely they couldn't mean 100. su guys are on your own, because 100 investigations? that basically means to me that they had so much money throw at them and they were so desperate to get it out the door, they did not do the due diligence, and now the taxpayers have to pay for the investigation, and those take a long time to do, and they can't do them properly. >> in this case, the press secretary for the department of energy makes a strong point,
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dana. less than 1% of all of the money that we're dedicating to stimulating the energy sector have resulted in these. >> imagine that, only 1% and it's 100 investigations, how much did they give out? >> they gave out from the liberal economic point of view, they didn't give out enough money, but what is wrong with stimulating money? to stimulate the energy segment? i did the numbers, and it's wrong. >> sylindra alone is $5 million. so it can't be 1%. it's $25 billion. >> i didn't look at the numbers, but my point is, if you have a political agenda, and it's not true according to every measure the stimulus would do, it would be higher, the terrible number
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it is now without the stimulus. that's what you go with. >> so the stimulus was i guess well-intentioned to pad the coffer of the democrats, but is it the road to help with good intentions? >> here's the thing, i have a good idea for a book. it's called fleecing the bet because the best scam in america is scamming, welfare fraud, unemployment, food stamps, and now this, basically, a decent crook can make a career out of policing the fed. and i for one feel stupid for not scamming the government. i'm a sucker. >> what did the defense people predict? >> the white house has now been subpoenaed, and they want the documents and does this have a chance of backfiring on
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republicans? if they look too focused on putting people in jail and then obama says look, i'm focused on the economy. >> i don't think they want any to go to jail. but they would like to get the information. their responsibility is oversight. if they don't do the oversight and it turns out that 100 investigations are being done by the inspector general and the congress, they would have a lot of explaining it to do to their constituents. but the white house i think turned over 80,000 documents. if the facts weren't hurting the white house, there wouldn't be a story at all anyway. the bigger question is, at what point do she stop worshippening the jolly green giant statue. if it were producing jobs, we wouldn't see all of the companies filing for bankruptcy. it would be better for a comprehensive policy to create
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jobs. >> you're saying that they should have done more? >> different. >> i'm thinking not pick winners or losers but open it up to all types of development. >> the difference is, green energy was being developed. we were competing with other nations. >> in the case of sylindra, that technology wasn't necessary. our solar energy is very good. >> they're doing very well. but you want to advance and keep them going on a role. but let me keep going, i think that some people from sylindra should go to jail because they were lying about -- about -- [ talking at the same time ] >> president obama, i think obama's policies are driving us towards -- i didn't know you felt this way.
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>> sylindra another $100 million. they were this close to bailout. why? because they were being lied to. >> i just want to make a point to what dana is saying with a tortured metaphor. i'm going to keep staring until it shows up. it's not? my point is -- green energy products are the table dancers of all investment staples. when the democrats see them, they have to make it rain, and ineveryboditively they leave dejected. i should rain. >> we'll give you the answer, the teacher's union, that story is next on the vibe. other scan?
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the washington. start at 6:00. >> i couldn't believe this next story. a new york city school teacher was late to school 147 times in one year and she gets to keep her job anyway. i don't know if she's protected because of a big law school thing, but if you were late 101 times to the 5, what would happen to you? >> i don't know, teacher of the year, from what i know about the
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education system in new york, she did the kids a favor by not showing up. >> making them teach themselves. >> yes, they would do a better job on their own. >> would andy do a better job if you did not show up? >> the kids are pretty darn happy. they love substitute teachers. >> the department of education in the state of new york tried to get this woman fired for 18 months, and it didn't work. and so one, at one point, parents across the country support more school choice so they have alternatives to not have to go to failing schools. >> this is evidence of a broken school system. it's not just a broken school system in new york, but all over the country, where you're denying parents the power to make choices for their children. especially low income. this is the challenge of our generation, you talk about a
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civil rights issue of our time, it's making sure that every kid has a chance to get a step up on the ladder of mobility. and that comes with good education. >> the union influence to help protect her, i think is hurting kids. >> they don't care about kids. they care about the adults. that's part of the problem. christie took it on across the river. after the unions, and recognizing that the way to reform a failing education system, new jersey is on the bottom cortile on the country in scores, was to go after the union, and break up the union. first of all, tenure, it shouldn't matter how long you work. >> how good you are, but if you're in the union from a communications perspective, wouldn't you think it would be good for the union to kick out a teacher and not defend her? >> absolutely, but they're not concerned with that.
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they're concerned about keeping their dues and their power, you're right, from a pr perspective, they should be advocating for the best teachers: but 502 days, and cost over $200,000. and the what's happening, teachers are misbehaving in very bad ways, and some of them we can't talk about here. the school district says we don't want to spend the money. so spending the money and localities that are broke, they don't have the money to even punish the teachers. >> that's a good transition to the next story that's related to that. across the country, a lot of the unions are trying to get more fun for the schools, and in colorado last tuesday, there was an election, and they voted down a sales tax increase of 2.9 to 3%. and 2.9 education system that ranked 39th in the u.s. in spending. okay, my point on this is,
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colorado, i grew up there and turned out all right. >> -- if spending was the answer, the dc school system would be a shining wonderful gem. >> this is true in dc, new york city, in chicago. you have know, people always talk about the suburban school districts, they have a lower per pupil spending right than many of the urban districts, but the unions are saying it's a matter of money. it's not a matter of money, it's a matter of saying, we care about of a child's education. i was in chicago yesterday. and guess what the charter schools do, they have a longer day. will the unions allow public schools to have a longer day, no? will the public schools allow it? no. we are hamstringing educating our own children. >> isn't this a referendum of what's going on? chicago, illinois didn't get the
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message, but chicago is saying, we don't want higher taxes. >> indecisively. 64%, you can't get 64% of americans to agree on mother's day proclamations. >> when it comes to money, the public school system is a bottomless pit with spikes at the bomb. and that's impossible except for the public school system. money has never been the issue. it's about competition. >> more spikes on the bottom. >> that's what the public system is, you throw the money down there, and you don't hear it. >> is this a larger political problem? only of a 5 year temporary tax, and it's a bigger problem for president obama who is out there advocating for higher taxes in a state like colorado. >> i looked at this story and it gives me hope. it should give the entire country hope and the republican party hope that the methods are
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not working. there are consequences when you blow your budget. it comes back and people go, i don't want to pay it, sorry. they didn't try very hard to win. that was a good one. greg, got a bone to pick with president obama, back with that. we know a place where tossing and turning have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation,
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>> welcome back to the five. and president obama slammed congressional republicans for spending 35 minutes on an vote to reaffirm our official motto, in god we trust. does he think that when you have legislation reaffirming our motto, that's not putting people back to work? >> we have legislation reaffirming that in god we trust is our motto? that's not putting people back to work. >> i just said that, but
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remember, it takes three hours to golf 18 holes, which could have been spent on making collages with yarnish or teaching kids to read. and don't forget who cement years on he healthcare reform. imagine all of the jobs not created during that time. obama could have made piñatas for underprivileged unicorns. our motto, president obama didn't know it was our motto to begin with. last year in a speech in jakarta, which is somewhere, the adorable chief said, he said in the united states, our motto is epluribus un am. sometimes government require our government to do less by doing nothing at all. >> this is am.
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>> you told me you love this story. >> i do, because the president went onto say, but god wants to help us help ourselves my putting people back to work, and i'm so glad the president knows what god is thinking -- and i'm being sarcastic. he claims to use it when he needs it. the healthcare bill, he said we should take care of our neighbor and be our brother's keeper and pelosi did the same thing when she wanted democrats to vote against the republican budget. why do they cherry pick? it's a hail mary. >> only the democrats. >> well, they're the ones that hang from the rafters, separation of church and state. >> reaffirm what is already the fact? what a waste of time. and the real argument here is about the jobs bill.
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so you say well, is this a do nothing congress? gee, does the republican majority do anything about jobs in all of the time? i'm going to have to consult with you for poor language. >> number one, they forced the bush tax cut to go another two years, and that's one thing to create and saver it for how long and they kept us out a recession? under the democrat's theory that if you spend or tax less, there's more money in people's pockets, it's going to sav or create jobs. >> how do we blame obama for that. >> house republicans have passed in the last nine months 16 bills that are specific about jobs. including one today. that was all about the energy district. and actually the senate democrats who president obama had the biggest problem with,
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and if i were he, i wouldn't complain about something that passings the congress with 395 votes. that was the most bipartisan thing that happened in a long time. it took 35 minutes -- >> you don't think this country could use of a lebanon of a reminder that we trust god? that's not such a bad thing? >> you it don't think that you know of it already? >> in god we trust? we can go to the school down the street and the kids would know that. >> i don't think that it would hurt this congress with one of the lowest approval ratings to be remained. >> but the congress was reminding obama. >> 395 of them agree. >> by the way, when the democrats controlled the house, they had 250 commemorative resolutions honoring everything from motor homes to motherhood. so these are just things that politicians do. i have think it's great because
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it keeps them away from more destructive things. >> but keeping them away, in the president's opinion, from dealing with the job issue. >> wawa. the former speaker pelosi, who wants to be speaker pelosi again, i think that jobs are because of the democrats not passing the healthcare bill and it has dramatically increased our deficit. >> you think that it started under obama and the democrats. >> they have made it worse. >> i thought you said it would be better. >> on that point, last month, the most americans on food stamps in history. 8 million up to 48 million americans. >> and you don't think there's a huge debt crisis in greece?
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>> welcome back fothe five.(h father-daughter dance at weddings is always a sweet moment but not always a show stopper. check out the father-daughter dance that everyone is talking about. ♪ [ singing ] [applause] [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> that is the fish and the hawk. >> and my wedding was like that at the justice of the
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peace. it was a bit weird. the clerk was not happy when i did the robot. >> was your dad? >> yes. >> these guys can dance. juan what do you think? >> i love joy and life and that is life and the idea that he did it so well, he makes me jealous. not all black guys can dance like that. and kim kardashian made pill heions off of the wedding and a 20 carat ring and pricey gifts. 72 days, should she give back the ring and the gifts, what do you think? >> give the gifts back and let me hold her ring while she figures what to do. it is her ring to keep. she married him. no, if they were engaged juan. that is a promise. >> it is hers. it is her ring. i watch it. >> i doubt he bought the ring in the first place. >> what if he did? >> i don't care.
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