tv Red Eye FOX News November 4, 2011 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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>> i am running out of things to say about kim kardashian. >> i will never stop. that's it for us at the five. thanks for watching, see you tomorrow. welcome to "red eye." i'm andy levy in for greg gutfeld who standing in front of a machine saying, i want to be big. let's go to the co-host of "the five" for a preview of the show. >> i got roped in by greg gutfeld and i am delighted to be here. protests turned violent as protesters in oakland turned violent. i guess that is the same thing. sorry. my first time doing this. the latest on the sexual harassment allegations against herman cain are coming up. can't wait to watch the panel as i pretend to know what they are talking about. and finally, what does a magazine editor have to say about the firebombing of a
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french magazine? well, since we are doing that story, i hope we have something worth talk bsmght andy? >> appreciated you filling in the way you did. >> thank you so much. let's welcome our guests. i am here with news max columnist jedediah bila and she is the author of "outnumbered" which i believe is a math textbook. and robert davi, his single came out. bill schulz is here, even though we asked him not to be. and sitting next to me is charles payne. his brother is a police detective who wages a one-man gidgee plan tee against crime. he is always left so he is night right. hi, pinch. >> according to the thursday style section, soho shopping district is hot once again. for you nonnatives, soho is south of house ton just as lolita is north of little italy and try beck caw is triangled near canal street.
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that's where loose lips retired to don't you know? apologies. >> that's quite all right. we will talk about mobsters later. >> that was incredibly offensive. >> as is this camera angle. i can see your arm. >> they turned oak town upside down, or they tried to. after a general strike on wednesday, protests in oakland turned extra protesty with cops in riot gear arresting dozens of the occupy yes, sirs who marched in to take over a vacant building. they were smashing windows and spraying graffiti. even men's wearhouse wasn't safe as you can see here as they sided with the protestors and posting, quote, we closed our store today for one day to express the company's concern for the issue of wealth disparity in our country. earlier in the day, 3,000 people converged on the city's port, one of the busiest in the nation forcing officials to shut down maritime
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operations. amidst the chaos the mayor demonstrated strong leadership tweeting, "reports that tires are burning and barricades set up on 16th, protesters need to call my office now." and then she tweeted her number. i believe we have audio of a protestor calling mayor quan. >> don't be bad. they were so nice on" five alive" and the uni corns on the beautiful cake. >> either that was the wrong audio or it was nice of greg's mom to update mayor quan. despite the movements on behalf of the working class against the rich they find occupy wall street is the lest most popular. but isn't that counter intuitive? or counter counter intuitive? or counter counter counter intuitive? anyway why do they think banks are evil? perhaps this is why.
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>> that's how it works. the hidden fees and then the snakes. the protesters shut down the port in oakland to as one organizer put it, stop the flow of capital. what could the financial toll be from this? >> it could be something. ultimately burning down buildings and this kind of chaos is amazing. and plus a lot of businesses might have been thinking about moving to oakland. i don't know why they would have been in the first place. certainly having second thoughts. but we have to be careful. this is the anarchist phase of the whole movement that was due to happen. we start to mention good people like a boots riley who organized this. you have to be real careful. -- >> you have been heading the occupy protest. what do you make of mayor quan? is she em boldening them? >> yes, i think they need to get the hells angels like they did with the riots of the
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rolling stone concert. and then sweep it around. what is surprising to me is the misplaced grievances. what about the fannie mae and freddy mac? who gave the wall street bailouts? again they talked about some peaceful protests about the tea party, and then we have a violent -- some peaceful protests, but when you take to the streets and you have to endanger lives, it is what america is great about at least in terms of being able to have the free speech. >> so you are all for peaceful protesting and altimont? >> jedediah, what do you think of the poll that working class people or lower class people support it less than people who make over 100k. >> a lot of the people involved with the protests are
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actually pretty rich kids. they showed a survey in new york, the daily caller had it up where a lot of these people who were down there were living in apartments much better than what i am living in or many of these people are living. >> well. >> $500,000? >> i have a really big studio apartment. >> i have an alcove and i think my alcove could rival your alcove. i think these lower income people are realizing when you have these celebrities prancing down there, russell simmons down there saying there is no cohesive message. and maybe the people they think are on their side aren't on their side. >> how do you think the city should be handling the protesters? you have gene quan who seems to be bending over backwards to try to be their friends, and now they are basically walking all over her. and then you have mayor bloomburg who is hands-off, but not to the extent she is. >> when you have barricades that are preventing people from getting to businesses, and you have them struggling, i think it becomes a
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responsibility to do something. i am all for peaceful protests. but when it becomes violent and when it becomes a problem for the city, the last thing we need are representatives of city councilmembers em boldening that behavior. that goes for our president as well for that matter. >> didn't somebody say it is up to them now? they have taken over the city? that's kind of -- how do you say -- get the national guard in there. and then let's get peace. >> but all for peaceful protest. >> can't make an omelette, bill. >> because i am made from human blood. >> the port imports electronics from asia. is this why my iphone 4s hasn't arrived yet? if it is, i am done with people. >> you traffic in stereo types. i believe it was actually the chinese that take care of that. are we talking about japan or china? >> i have no idea.
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>> i said asia. >> speaking of asia i am a big fan of quan. i loved her in jerry mcgwire. i want to focus back on george zimmer, if i may. what is getting lost in the fact that this 1% is supportive of the 99%. and even though he is supportive we have a hole in the window of the men's wearhouse? >> correct, the ceo of men's wearhouse. the fact that this guy about five to 10 years ago actually paid money to make a commercial to address rumors that he had a few pay. -- toupe. he said it was a myth that there was a rug on his head. that to me is unbelievable. it is unbelievable he would spend that money to make a commercial like that, and it is unbelievable to me he would convince america that that squirrel attached to his head. >> what does that have to do with anything? >> george zimmer is -- and i wanted to bring that back. there was a commercial done about his toupe. >> i want to ask you about the men's wearhouse thing because you could get an interesting
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answer. they have sided with the protesters. is there a bad business decision? it is not as if anyone in the 1% would be caught dead in the men's wearhouse. they just wouldn't. they are buying more expensive suits. and this a good business decision? >> i think jedediah will support. it these are not poor kids. anyone who can camp out for seven weeks must have some form of income. i think it is a bad business decision on his part. but you may catch a few of these guys sluming and shopping at a store, but i think it was stupid. the only thing stupider is quan. she has to be the worst mayor in the country. >> she might well be. and she is trying to bend over backwards to support the protesters. men's wearhouse still gets their window broken. >> let's get back to the rich protesters. they are not ri. first of all, remember this study was done by the daily caller. let's address the fact that the daily caller is very far
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right. they are identified as a right wing site. >> i have been down there a lot. one day i was down there and they go to columbia and nyu. and when it is all said and done, they will be on the side of the quality spectrum. the next day i walk around a corner here with my son and i see another crowd. it was four black kids from the brngs -- from the bronx passing the house -- passing the hat around because they can't afford to protest. they hustle, they look for a job. rich kids whine about the fact that there are jobs waiting for them and maybe they have to drive a cab. >> those white kids druming in occupy wall street are poor because they are bad drummers. that's not their fault u. they have no rhythm, andrew. >> talking about trafficking in stereo types. >> robert, have you been to
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any of the occupy protests? >> no, i have not. >> then never mind. what do you make of them though? are they fun? >> actually they were quite interesting. they served lates and they had cinnamon buns. right now we are in a very difficult time in this country. i don't know how we pull it altogether. i remember when martin luther king died and i was a young boy and i was watching the funeral on television. there was a rickety cart pulled by two mules and in it was the body of martin luther king who represented the total tee of the human struggle. and there were people peacefully marching at his funeral. at that moment i thought, here we are. either we are going to pull it apart or pull it together. we need to find a way to unify these factions peacefully to
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pull this struggle together. we are all in it together. >> in your mind president barack obama is that man, right? >> well that's another story. >> not a denial. >> you can't pull it together when class warfare is an integral part of the argument. >> you can't do it. you cannot pull it together. you have to then start with the president a dialogue there saying we have to stop that kind of devisive rhetoric in terms of letting loose thely jenz of people who say -- the legions of people who say yes, let's go after him. >> and barack obama condemned violence with respect to tucson. let's have him speak out against this and say we are all for peaceful protests, but if there is violence in the tea party movement or the occupy is not what it is about. >> i feel like these protests are one talk or incident away from completely exploding. >> it could be.
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it was frightening. >> there were reports that a protestor died in a hit-and-run. people were tweeting, protestor dead. and then it is like, he is in the hospital and he is okay. then it hit me at some point somebody is going to manufacture something -- i don't know on when which side, but something will get manufacturered and next thing this whole thing will go up. >> we will be right back. oh, we are doing another story. my bad. >> from occupy to bye-bye. the herman cain scandal has finally blown over. they have new details about the most serious allegation that he made an advance toward a female employee at a work event. she received a payout of $35,000 told the source cain made a suggestion that was sexual and she would lose her job if she didn't do it. the biggest question is not
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what cane did, but who talked about what cain did. they all have been accused of liking the allegations. and a consultant in denying he was involved with the story encouraged any media member he has spoken to to out him. i think he meant about the cain story. they dropped their claim that anderson is to blame. the scandal has started to kill cain in the polls. the former pizza pusher is still at the top of the gop primary field. it hasn't started to kill cain in the polls. who writes this crap, bill? speaking of unwanted advances. >> what a parallel to the cain story. it is uncaning. jedediah, if this is true, and that's an if, if cain made this woman feel like she would
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lose her job if she didn't respond to a sexual over tour, that's a big deal over what he has been portraying. >> but we need her to go on record. i am tired of the anonymous nonsense. if you will jeprodize somebody's name, career and character go on the record and say specifically what happened. the amount of media coverage this has got and we don't have any names is preposterous. >> i think they .ed out politico had six sources and they did not say andt exactly cain said to this woman who made her feel this way. at some point you have to give details. >> and he has had to defend himself so many times. what is he defending himself against and what was his actions? >> charles, it is pretty obvious that cain's campaign was not ready for any of this. how could they not be?
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do you think he thought, none of this stuff is going to come out so i don't need my campaign ready in case it does? >> he has a terrible -- the charm of herman cain is that he is not a professional politician, but that's in this case. there are just enough people that they will hear this and not care about the details. maybe this guy is a tiger woods. something has to be done right away by his team to try to squash this despite the fact we know there is an agenda behind it. >> why do you have to make it racial? >> we won't talk about those rumors. are you surprised cain is beating romney? >> no, right now the field is open for me, and i like cain and i like who he is. this whole story is upsetting to me. it shows you where our society has come from. when i grew up in the business i did my first film with sinatra. that was a fun time in the
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late 70s and the early 80s. and then all of a sudden there was a switch in terms of sexual harassment. it was an attack on men that enjoyed appreciated women. i think there is an over tone, so many social over tones. >> we are running out of time. >> real quick. >> we are getting uppity. >> i did a show where the female lead was going to be sued because she hugged her. >> bill quickly you worked for three presidential administrations and numerous campaigns. can you explain why this scandal is not hurting cain in the polls? >> i can explain it. i am a little surprised myself. and i am surprised the guys were caught fibing several times and trying to explain it. usually if you didn't do something you had the didn't
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do part real straight. that to me is big reel lights. red lights mean stop. >> how many smokes a day does mark walk up to? >> at least a pack. >> coming up, what does the president have against pot? probably his lips as he takes drag after drag on what is left of his fake birth certificate turned joint. you are watching "red eye."
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an office was firebombed after printing a copy of the prophet mohamed and a speech bubble saying "100 lashes if you don't die of laughter." it was guest edited by mohamed, but is the fault on the shoulders of the magazine itself? do you see how i use my tone to demonstrate disgust? it is called broadcast journalism. they chastised the irreverent weekly. they said, quote, not only are such things childish, they beg for the very violent responses from extremists their authors defy in the name of the common. -- the common good. freedom to have a good laugh is as important as freedom of speech. let's look at the de spix of the -- the depiction of the prophet now.
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>> i don't know if i got it. it is scary. i am so scared. >> ninja squirrel versus stoner. >> charles i know he condemned the violence, but come on, right? isn't he blaming the victim here? >> it is like saying a woman wearing a short skirt, it is mind boggling other than the fact that it is from "time" magazine. >> jedediah why do i feel like if it was religion or christianity involved here he wouldn't have said what he said. >> you can get away with anything with christianity. you can use a sense of humor and even in art museums you can put anything around the virgin mary. i feel like you should be able to have a sense of humor all the way around.
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i am not saying with disrespect, but learn to laugh a little bit. >> as a veteran of the war on christmas and i have seen many of them fall, you can't do anything to christianity. >> after the firebombing, the magazine republished the mow mohamed cartoon. brave or stupid? >> you have to go for spree speech. where else will we be? we don't want you to do this. mohamed said not to. and then when the virgin mary was at the art museum, excrement on the picture. did people firebomb the museum? no they said it was inappropriate and you could have that response and not be violent. >> we don't know the identity of the firebombers and no one claimed responsibility. could it be that your people are behind this? ie drunks?
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>> i wouldn't put it past those scam ps, and they were probably aiming at something else and missed. >> it is true and many french muslim groups condemned it and saying they don't like the issue, but they value free speech more. couldn't somebody just have sent them a firebomb for not being funny? that lashes thing was terrible. >> i didn't even get it. >> i didn't either. >> it was an excuse to do a mohamed cartoon. >> maybe in french it is funnier, maybe the words. >> but i didn't bother to find out if that was the case. i was hosting to night. >> jedediah, french muslim groups claimed the bombing. and one government minister said, quote, muslims have a sense of humor. wouldn't it be nice to see the sense of humor a little more? >> i think it would set a great example. there is a way to respond. you candice agree and call it
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inappropriate and you can be. >> what part of the season you are not aware of? getting word from the producer. >> i was close. >> charles says, insisting on the right to be obnoxious and offensive is infantile. and that may be true, but was the magazine editor making a serious point? >> first of all europe is in trouble. they are in a lot of trouble. there is alot of push back. changing the societies from what they are to having to live on their different sort of religions and different laws. this is the tip of the iceberg. i want to see where they will be 10 or 20 years from now. asking about the humor toward christians, ask the cops in egypt how fun it has been since the revolution there. >> last word and it gets back to what charles was saying, i am looking forward to the next
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article about how rape is bad and all, but women really shouldn't be dressing like that. do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us, red eye at fox news .com. and to leave a voicemail on greg's direct line call 212-462-5050. still to come, the half time report from, yes, dana perina. >> thanks squirrels.
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let's see if we have gotten anything wrong so far. let's go to dana parina. >> great. i am honored to be here. >> we are honored. >> i have come a long way. >> >> i'm not sure in which direction. >> i had a couple observations. i have done this show a few times and watched the show. i always thought you had a team of people in here helping you write everything. >> no, just cats. >> buts you are really all alone. there is no one here. >> cats. they may not be visible to you though. >> and a ninja squirrel you keep in the cage. >> exactly. >> i noticed something, andy, when greg is hosting the show, he stands at the table. but you sit. >> yes jie. what's going there? >> we can do this -- we have done this a um could of times before. this is what it looks like when i stand.
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h. >> and the weird thing is, andy is only 5 foot 4. >> when he comes in they lower the table. >> greg also likes to stand because he is closer to his little pot of gold. >> we co-host "the five" and we are on that end of the table, and it is like the little people. bill, i know this is a special occasion tonight because i am here as an ombudsman for andy levy. did you shave for this show? >> i did, indeed. and this is the first time i looked at an so many buds man and had anything other than contempt in my life. >> i am honored that you shaved, and i think we have a great panel, and you know a little about business. from the men's wearhouse, at what point does that company run out of inventory --
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>> as soon as i could get slave labor to stop making that stuff, i don't want to admit to the issues. >> and isn't what men's wearhouse provides is buy one or get two or three free, isn't that what the occupy wall street people are looking for? >> it is the buy part they don't like. the other ones they get for free. >> jedediah, i wanted to ask you, have you ever dated anybody who ever bought something at men's wearhouse? >> you know, i have. i actually have. >> and did you break up? >> i did. >> because of that? >> many reasons, but i can't say the suits helped the situation. >> you told me it was because we were drifting apart. >> you know. >> it is men's wearhouse, not gap for kids. >> i wanted to ask bill as well, you outed the head of men's wearhouse for wearing a few pay. is there -- for wearing a toupe. >> i will say alleged.
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you let your eyes be the judge. >> is there anybody else you would like to out while we are at it? >> just me. look at that bad boy right there. >> i would recommend this to george. you snap it on and it stays on like that. >> i love the way you think you can just say, oh, throw an alleged on that. >> it is like being a politico and you can have all of these anonymous sources. >> actually herman cain told me. >> robert you had a great line. you said after the martin luther king, junior funeral you said, "is the country going to pull it apart or pull it together"? have you ever thought of a career in writing or acting? >> i might after tonight. >> i thought that was great. >> i wanted to ask you, robert, do you think sexual harassment is different in hollywood than in the rest of the country?
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>> actually no. all of the studios and the networks, when you do a show now there is a sexual harassment class, there is a form you have to sign, and it is rampant. it happens quite often and it is one of the unfortunate aspects. >> you know, you seem -- >> if i see a pretty woman i would say, i think you look very beautiful. that could be a sexual harassment on a movie set. >> you seem a little defensive about this. >> i am, absolutely. >> is there anything you want to tell us? >> it i'm mass skew lates something the males can have and the females can have too. there has been plenty of girls who would say to a guy, nice buns, and a guy would not file sexual harassent in. i am all for romance and respect to women. >> i like the use of the french.
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that was very, very impressive. >> thank you. >> speaking of french -- >> i can speak a little french. i will tell you some stuff later. >> andy, since one of the muslim leaders interviewed said the muslims do have a sense of humor and i wanted to know right here, right now, will you extend an invitation to be on "red eye." >> absolutely, why not? >> all right. maybe we will see that in the next couple weeks. >> i want to meet -- well, i would like to meet the person first, and verify that he or she does have a sense of humor. >> did you do that with robert? >> of course. dana, we did that with you. i lost about 10, 12 hours of tape in the bush administration. >> that's creepy. i think i am going to file a sexual harassment claim. >> i will claim it was purely
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professional. >> charles, do you think "time" magazine will write an article about how inappropriate the violence is at occupy wall street across the country? >> it will be somewhere near the last page. it is under the advertisements for the army surplus gear, and you will need a magnifying glass to read it. it will definitely be in the magazine without a doubt. >> do you think the "time" magazine folks have a sense of humor? >> first of all, there is only one page in "time" magazine. so it will be either on the left or the front page. >> did you subscribe? >> i wasn't aware it was still going. >> well, that's -- >> apparently they have a website. >> so andy, i found that i didn't think anybody got that much wrong. i think you are better at this than i am. >> or it could be because greg is not here there were a lot fewer mistakes.
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>> it is interesting since you are a co-host on another show that you would say something about him. but i guess that's cool. >> dana, unlike andy, you don't make up facts. >> that's one thing my husband said when he met me he knew that -- let's see. i was ms. right, but he didn't know i was ms. always right. andy, save this segment. >> thanks, dana. stick around for our next segment, please. coming up, do women prefer to take their husband's last name? why focus on women? andy levy took my last night after a tea time.
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upon marriage. and there is a law requiring women to do so. but why do people prefer switching surnames? explains a researcher, one was that the idea of marriage was shifting from an individual identity to a collective or family identity. say identity more. what they don't explain is why women should change their names as opposed to men or both the husband and wife shifting to a new name. boring. now there is an idea i actually could get behind. ladies, if you are open to being mr. and mrs. batman rules. in the meantime, let's discuss in the -- >> lightning round. >> first i want to bring dana back in for this for a specific reason. dana, you did not take your husband's last name. why did you shun the tradition of our proud fore fathers? >> i have thought about this a lot all day when i knew we would talk about it. i look back and i think, i guess -- i don't know. i think it is a great tradition. i agree that it is a good cultural tradition.
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but i am happy that we can have the choice. i do think that the idea of choosing a new name together, now that might be -- that might be worth doing. >> what is your husband's last name? >> mcman. here is one reason. she british. the way he pronounces mcman is not the way i pronounce mcman and it would have been awkward. >> how does he pro pronounce it? >> it is like mcmahon. >> are you sure are you married? >> pa ry na mcmahahon. my italian heritage came from the 1880's to montana and then settled in wyoming where my family lives on a ranch. and i was proud of it. i didn't want to let that go so i can understand the identity thing. >> are you the only -- do you have brothers? >> no brothers.
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>> no brothers that's interesting. >> i am the host of this damn show. >> hold on. >> i don't care. dana, do you have brothers? >> it is a great question, andy. that is a agree question. >> thank you. >> no, i don't. i have a younger sister thaimed angie. you can -- named angie. you can follow her on twitter. >> jedediah, do you foresee more and more brides keeping their names as we keep our traditional values. >> i am all for them making decisions. i won't be taking anybody else's name. there was a way to keep your own identity and be a part of a union. you can keep your name and be a part of the union. you don't need to be a collective brand so to speak. if someone wants to take my name, it is a cute name, and i am into sharing. >> a lot of people felt like their name is their identity and they didn't want to give it up. does that make sense? >> i am a traditionalist, and i insisted my wife take my last name and i insist my
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daughter keep my last name. >> you insist your daughter -- >> no, it would be nice. there is a double standard there, but i don't know. i feel like it is a tradition. and the traditional values are fading away, and i don't think it is good. >> it makes more sense to keep the woman's last name. you always know who the mother of the child is, but you don't always know who the father is. logically i don't know why we didn't go with a maternal thing. >> and women are cooler. >> call me ladies. i understand you. >> don't they have the long names in spain with the last and the first. >> and i think five grandparents names. >> it is a long, long list of names. >> bill, if any woman is duped into marying you, i assume you would take her name, if nothing else to avoid the arrest warrants. >> having said that if there is room your a mr. batman
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rules in your life call me. >> i am mr. batman rules. >> there can be two. welcome to the new york and the 21st century. >> i think it is the a 40th anniversary of a magazine. if she was here right now she would say blah, blah, blah, men stink and blah, blah, blah, patriarchal society. you see my point. >> we are going to take a break on that note. >> you sexist pig. >> but coming up next, robert davi will talk about his new cd and why he calls justin bieber the new sinatra.
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and was even in "license to kill" and now robert davi making a tribute to the legendary frank sinatra. it is called "davi sings sinatra on the road to romance." he has been with us all night. why the love of sinatra? he was nothing special, just a guy who sang songs. >> i did my first movie with him. an italian-american, parents and grand parents, italian immigrants and that italian household there were two figures, the pope and sinatra and not necessarily in that order. you grow up listening to that wonderful voice and cawusoe and opera, and that was my -- i studied opera in florence. i study currently with a guy that is the best in the world. he teaches from b t.o. celli to -- to bo chielly to you name. it i wanted to do this music
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because the great american song book is the shakespear of america. it is the golden age of american music. we had black jazz artists. their music, you had tons of great writers. jewish immigrants, sons and daughters of jewish immigrants. you had johnny mercer who was an american american. they created the song book. the song book is i think -- it appeals to every age and every nationality. it is filled with hope -- i know my parents had a difficult time and their parents. it unified a nation. for a few minutes -- for three minutes or four minutes or during the time we listened to the music, everyone wasen throled with it. it is not like the niche music of lady gaga or rap ar pass. -- rap artist. >> i want to read a quote. you said, take a song i sing on the album all the way which won the oscar in 1958 and jukz
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tau pose it with a song that won two years ago. it is hard out there for a pimp, and you can see why we have an erosion of values. are you saying it is not hard out there for a pimp? >> that's not what i was saying. i was saying that because of the erosion of values. >> those were the times when pimps got paid. >> pimping ain't easy. >> with all of the amazing sinatra songs to choose from, how did you pick the ones you wanted to record? >> the cd where you can go to davi sings sinatra .com at amazon and barnes & noble and at target the day after christmas, buts "on the road to romance" the theme was the seduction of love, falling in love, the depth of love and then falling out of love and the despair of falling out of love and the rebuilding. it wasn't just with a romantic involvement.
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it was a love affair with our yes. -- with our country. it has that kind of journey. the other thing was some of the songs had a certain meaning for sinatra's life. "i've got the world on a string" is a song he sang right after he won the oscar. it was a dark period that was bleak. a song like "the best is yet to congress" is the last one he sang in public and it is what is on his tombstone. that's what went into the choosing of the songs. >> a really influential jazz critic gave a performance of yours an amazing review and said he couldn't help but wish for an opportunity to hear your obviously extended vocal skill applied to other materials as well. are you going to branch out from sinatra? >> this is the great american song book. he may have had a hand in writing three songs on the
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count of five hows or more. -- 5,000 or more. there is a whole transition as a singer. i will be at the venetian february 23rd, 24th and 25th. i guarantee that it is going to rock like it did in the 1967 when those guys were there. yes. >> slents. >> the cd -- >> he laughed. >> no, no. the cd is "davi sings sinatra, on the road to romance" and check out the website, davi sings sinatra .com. >> a post game wrap up, and to see videos go to fox news .com/red eye.
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appearances from john devore and diana falzone and bill schulz is off tomorrow so definitely tune in. >> now back to dana parino. jedediah, where can we see your columns every week? >> i have a new home at news max .com. stay tuned for a pre debate column next week. >> congratulations. >> when can people watch you on the fox business network? >> every day at 2:00 p.m. we are rocking. >> excellent. >> and robert, tell us again where are you going to be playing in vegas? >> at the venetian february 23rd, 24th, 25th, but support that album out there, who ever is watching at 3:00 in the morning. >> there is a lot of people watching. >> i know that. the ratings are great. i do appreciate them if they check out the album. >> and
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