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tv   FOX News Watch  FOX News  November 5, 2011 11:30am-12:00pm PDT

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j that's it for this weekend's journal editorial report and thanks to my panel and especially for all of you watching. i'm paul gigot, hope to see you right here next week. . >> jon: on fox news watch. herman cain takes center stage in the latest media circus as the political press digs for dirt and more details on the sexual harassment charges from his past. a controversy growing all week started with a story with no names and no details. did the media jump too quickly and who was behind the tip to the press? president obama jets off to deal with the worldwide economic dilemma as markets here react and his jobs plan gets spiked by congress. are the media still i go pouring his problems. >> the occupy movement growing across the country, the media watching all their moves and antics. is it time to shut off the
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cameras? and kim kardasian makes headlines when she files for divorce, but do you care? on the panel this week, writer and fox news contributor, judy miller. new york daily news columnist andrea tantaros, jim pinkerton contributing editor american conservative magazine and host of the alan colmes show on fox news radio, alan colmes, i'm jon scott. fox news watch is on right now. now. >> . >> jamie: a good question, though-- >> when you want to-- >> sir, sir. >> excuse me, excuse me! stand back, stand back. >> . >> jon: that's republican presidential candidate herman cain trying his best to get
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past members of the press and past past sexual harassment charges which consumed media coverage all week. >> the story which broke late last night has shaken up the g.o.p. campaign. cain is now in full damage control mode and calling this a witch hunt. >> herman cain is on top of the poll but facing the first crisis of his campaign. >> yesterday, campaign's manager mark block says he's done with the issue. >> this is the last time that i'll be addressing the issue that has swirled washington ap thenation this week. as you know, mr. cain is a different kind of candidates and we've run a different kind of campaign and we're not going to play by the rules that the immediate has established. >> jon: what about that, jim, the media established these rules that they say they're not going to play with, play by. >> they do establish them and you can be an unconventional
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campaign if you want to, but you have to abide by media. and what is he going to do if someone asks him tomorrow or ten minutes from now, he can clam up and get clobbered. >> jon: the story comes out sunday night with unnamed sources and less than concrete details. what do you make of the whole thing that started this avalanche? >> well, yes, it started with anonymous sources in politico, since then we've had a number of women grow. you know, you have one woman alleging something like that that's an allegation and you have three women who supposedly received payments now from the mra, from cain because of this and that's a pattern. he must deal with it. he can't pretend it doesn't exist. mr. ceo of me is not good enough as he calls himself anymore and we haven't seen
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mrs. cain. there are rules to how this is handled and the coverup as we have learned is always worse or usually worse than the crime. >> and one competitor on the campaign trail called this a witch hunt. is this? >> no, all politico did was report something that's actually happened. they didn't accuse him of anything. this is what happened. >> he accused something and first they did complete denial, sunday night and then it was yeah, it happened i don't know anything about payments then yeah, i know payments and i don't know how much. then i know how much and one personal. then it was two people. he's totally mishandled this. >> and now spokesperson mark block says i'm never going to talk about this again. we've seen this time and time again, get in front of a crisis and not deny it and not say i'm not going to talk about it again, every time he speaks, more questions than answers are raised. >> all of these developed over a couple of days. >> at least he didn't address it fully at first.
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>> take a look at some of the numbers, how it developed. the media resource center, the watch dog group that was mentioned, look at morning and evening newscasts on abc, nbc, cbs what they found in the days since politico broke the stories, for cain, a total of 50 stories in the first three days. after the paula generals scandal broke for president clinton in 1994, whopping one story. >> can i address that-- >> there's a reason for this. >> and when would that have been. >> three stories after kathleen willy accused the president of having groped her in 1997. and three stories after juanita broad rec in february of 1995 to say that mr. clinton had raped herments andrea. >> because the clinton campaign told the media and the media obliged this this was a private matter, a distraction, even though she was a state employee and ended
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up paying her $850 ,000, more than the cain settlement. i believe that the cain campaign bungled this and as someone who worked on this, on scandals, they did screw it up from the start. i will say this, there are no details yet and i believe if politico had the details, and they would have been salacious, they would have used them. it's telling me it isn't a big deal and the number of the settlement is very small. again, the ap went with an anonymous source on wednesday, this is not good journalism here, just quoting all of the anonymous sources. >> the reason the numbers are different. k had unlike bill clinton was in front of the media doing interview after interview changing the stories a number of time. president clinton, wasn't out talking about it. herman cain created a media firestorm because of the way he reacted. >> jon: andrea had a great question in her column this week, jim. after watching people like
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anthony weiner and john edwards i am explode of accusations in this vein, how could the cain campaign make the mistake. >> from "the washington post" said it's not a campaign ready for prime time. and you hate to-- that's what, look, it's horrible to say that there are rules sin nicks and beltway insider types if you don't play by the rules you don't make it. it's true, this is reality. >> jon: there were reactions of race involvement and coulter said the media wouldn't have run the story if cain were white, is that true, judy. >> that's just not true. john edwards, i mean, a list of politicians now and it's because of all who have come before him that the issue of sexual harassment is now on the table. our blacks are better than
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yours, i didn't know-- this is. >> this is not a high-tech lynching and the conservative movement is split down the middle, karl rove, ed rollins, satisfyi satisfying-- saying and let's get the facts out. >> if there's nothing there they should a want the facts out. he was accused of sexual harassment never convicted of sexual harassment. we don't have details so i think-- >> you know what still on top in the republican polls, because at the end of the day this is a g.o.p. primary, different from a general. >> jon: all right. >> very for giving. >> jon: we have a take a break, if i remembers-- first if you want to check out the bias bash and watch list. next, are the media covering what's important to you? >> economic failures in greece and europe caused economic turmoil here sending the markets south and adding more stress to already stressed out americans. is the media coverage helping or hurting?
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and when it comes to the policies here at home, are the media still cheering for the president's plan? find out next on news watch. with diabetes, it's tough to keep life balanced. i don't always have time to eat like i should. that's why i like glucerna shakes. they have slowly digestible carbs to help minimize blood sugar spikes, which can help lower a1c. [ ma announcer ] glucerna. helping people with diabetes find balance. come soups that you'll love getting to know. new slow kettle style soups from campbell's. extraordinary taste sensations crafted from premium ingredients. slow kettle. new from campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. the new spark card from capital one. spark miles gives me the most rewards of any small business credit card. the spark card earns double miles... so we really had to up our game. with spark, the boss earns double miles on every rchase, every day. that's setting the bar pretty high. owning my own business has never been more rewarding. coming through! [ male announcer ] introducing spark the small business credit cards from capital one.
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>> president obama at the g20 summit in france on thursday where concerns about the global economy were the top issue for leaders. and also the top issue for the american public. a new pew polls, americans interest versus news could coverage, nearly two in ten, say reports about the condition of the economy is their top story. 14% cite news about the 2012 candidates for president, saying that's more important to them. the anti-wall street protests got 13%, 10% say the discussions in washington about how to address the federal budget deficit and the national debt. so, is there a disconnect, judy, in terms of what the public would like more
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information about and what the press is actually giving them? >> well, there does seem to be on the economic front and on the occupy wall street front if the numbers are to be believed. for example, one of the numbers was interest, stated interest in the federal deficit. 10% the amount of time that was defeated to it. 2%. i think we're going to hear a lot more about things that are hard to discuss on tv, like, special drying rights, er's, that's what the imf is being asked to issue, it's like a debt so countries can stay afloat. all of this is going to interest americans, but i think the media has a hard time. >> jon: we got the new jobs numbers on friday, weren't exactly overwhelming, supposedly the unemployment rate dropped, but hard to figure out 80,000 jobs. >> went from 9.1% and better than anticipated and better than we originally thought we could belly ache about it being 9% i know they said 8%,
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but it's certainly headed in the right direction? >> really. >> yeah. >> because when president bush was at 5%, and. >> you know. >> he did great. >> hold on, consecutive month after month of job growth i was on the hill and nancy pelosi said 5% wasn't good enough. >> how did he leave the country in what kind of shape. >> you didn't answer my question. >> i didn't hear a question. >> 5% with bush wasn't good enough. >> the bush policy after eight years left at much more than 5%. >> and time to convince this, but this is the new normal. >> how is the economy when bush left, how was it, how was it, answer my question. >> as judy pointed out, if the media would actually dig into the tough topics and find out what happened in greece and what is happening in greece and how greece got there is the same road. >> answer my question. >> and let me go to the other side of the table, jim, the president's jobs plan got voted down again and he's blaming republicans for that, but it takes democratic votes. >> it does and also, john boehner has a secret house,
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republicans have an interesting list of bipartisan pro jobs bills that passed the house. >> jon: is that getting coverage. >> no, the only person i'm reading about is john boehner putting it out and nobody else, interestingly enough. >> now date a came out completely buried even in the wall street journal, poverty rates have risen and 6.7% increase in the poorest of those, we have americans, families of four, trying to eke out a living under $11,000 and yet, those figures they were completely buried in the quote, job growth. >> the other figures, are those that show that people who are quote, poor in the country have tv's and vcr's and have cars. >> they don't have food when you look at access to food they're not eating well. >> wait a minute, jim, nobody has a vcr anymore.
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>> alan got me there. [laughter] >> vcr? i'm going to watch today's show on mine. what about this though, also the financial story involving john corzine, the head of mf investments, friends of the president, long time democratic governor of new jersey, did that get mentioned? >> well, it's getting some attention and the new york times, which by the way, endorsed corzine, both the senate and governor is saying, what the media does with this, on friday as regulators press changes, corzine pushed back, comma, and won. there's a story to-- >> and everybody's covering that story, a shocking story, but not only, let's just not talk about the 12 million dollar severance pay when his company went bankrupt. what happened to the money? >> i guess he's not taking that. >> they're covering it, but know not that jim is pointing out. the anticipation of a lot of folks that he might be the
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future treasury secretary to replace geithner. >> and the new york times-- >> not anymore. >> that's what the administration-- >> and i haven't heard that news. >> as we take another break, if you see something that you think shows evidence of media bias, e-mail us at news up next, are we finally seeing the ugly side of the occupy protests? >> as the occupy protests grow, expand, so is the media coverage. but is it too much? and a failed fairy tale kardasian marriage gets more attention than the weekend. why? details next on news wachlt. watch. o of the most important are energy security and economic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create
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hundreds of thousands ojobs. at our kearl project in canada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough. that's good for oucountry's energy security and our economy.
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. >> i did not-- sorry. everybody has the same and they look identical. >> i want my lsd. yeah, something i bet you won't see on the network news programs, a scene from the occupy wall street encampment in new york city. the mainstream media have painted the protests in a more positive light and some even seem to support the movement. are americans buying it. >> 42% of americans say that tv networks are providing too much coverage of the off occupy wall streeters and 25% just right and 24% not enough coverage. if the media went away would they be there. >> they are there because this is a real movement and i was out in san francisco and oakland, you have very different situation, it's different everywhere, the media has to cover it.
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there are 100 anarchists and 7,000 movement. 100 people turned it into a violent situation. >> jon: those are the images on the screen. >> absolutely. therefore the media have to cover this and people are getting tired of the overtime for police and minneapolis spent $200,000 for overtime for police and so everybody wants first amendment rights, but who is going to pay for them? that's becoming the issue now. >> jon: and the question is the coverage of really who is responsible for the thing they're angry about. >> there's that coverage and also the coverage of exactly what occupy wall street people are doing. for example, dan gainer, who works for the media research center we've mentioned earlier in the show, had a piece on fox news opinion on friday in which he used a word i've never heard. doxing and protesters go to the officer jones and his
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badge number and now folks watching on youtube go and find the people and harass and stalk them and spam them and so on. and if this were widely known or reported in other, anyplace other than fox, it'd be an instant shutdown. >> even now, and what you want to do is the worst of the worst, heat it and underscore it and on a few nuts that are doing-- >> this is anonymous and this is-- >> and what's the percentage of the movement that falls into the category. >> i think a big chunk. >> big government has a list of the arrests and the factual arrests, over a hundred different arrests. >> out of whom people. >> sexual assault and told inside the demonstrations don't go to the police. so the media isn't getting a lot of the real story, you know, hey, i love that the media is covering this, this is obama's base and-- >> let's smear obama with
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everything, everything! >> he likes them, sports them, god bless him. >> because most 99%, 99% again, actually have to be the one that have something positive to say. >> they just won their first victory, a small victory, bank of america says it's going to take back its $5 card, debit card. >> and go and celebrate with them. >> we have to take one more break, when we come back, why are the kardasians all over the news? should we care? >> yes.
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>> jon: all right. kardashian clan -- fame for, i'm not sure. >> being famous. >> they raked in $65 million last year. can the prize jewel of the kardashian empire earns about $12 million in than odors himself and magazine covers. her net worth is said to be $35 million. it's the family's four reality tv shows that pull in the real cash and have made them into darlings in some circles of the media or media manipulators. they take the bait following in their everyday lives and kim reportedly over $2 million for the exclusive covers from the televised wedding to chris humphreys, itself four hour special attracted five million viewers.
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total payday about $18 million but chris jenner denies the family made any profits. break out the violins. after 72 days of wedded wedded bliss filed for divorce. could it be? she went to australia trying to avoid the u.s. media but did several sitdown interviews with the foreigner press. who is profiting from this. who is profiting from this? the kardashians or the media. are we to be blamed. >> we're talking bit. you sound so cynical when you talked about that the open. >> he is very upset about it alan. [ laughter ] >> you are suffering, aren't you? this is hurting you. >> but there might be people out there who watch the wedding and thought it was important and thought it was


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