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tv   America Live  FOX News  November 24, 2011 10:00am-12:00pm PST

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spread. jamie: we appreciate it. julie and rick will have to wait, they have to do their show "america live." happy thanksgiving everybody. jon: happy thanksgiving. rick: thanks, guys. happy thanksgiving with you. fox news alert the failure of the super committee threatening millions of americans with higher taxes and the end of unemployment benefits. welcome to america live i'm i'm rick fulbomb guiliani the price tag to keep them going $200 billion. can congress find a way to save these programs before it's too late. peter doocy joins us live in washington. julie as americans across the country get ready to wait in
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long lines outside of stores so they can save money on black friday the clock is still ticking down to a payroll tax cut expiring. if it does it will cost the average american family about a thousand dollars. >> end of next month, end of the year, this tax cut ends. if we allow that to happen, if congress refuses to act, then middle class families are going to get hit with a tax increase at the worst possible time. >> reporter: speaker of the house john boehner says, quote we told the president in september that we stand ready to have an honest and fruitful discussion regarding th the payroll tax extension, and that invitation til still stands. harry reid will introduce a bill, the price tag $200 billion, no black friday
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discount there. one smaller than the 1.2 trillion the super committee just could not figure out what to do with. congress has until the end ever the year before tees two run out. a lot can happen even before then. >> there is always the possibility that there could be a government shut down, the continuing resolution runs only through december 16th, and so congress is going to need to do something in order to keep the doors open. but we've seen so many times just over the last few months, that even when phased with a major deadline of that sort it's very difficult to get members to act. >> reporter: so, congress has got a lot on their plates this thanksgiving, and they go back to work on the 29th, just five days from now. julie and rick. jamieguiliani peter. jon rick: steven moore is an economic writer for the "wall
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street journal." thank you for joining us. what would the economic consequences be if there was not a deal reached on these two things? >> you know, i don't think it would be catastrophic by any means. we did the payroll tax break for this year, as you recall. it hasn't created a lot of jobs. the idea was to bring the unemployment rate down. as you know, rick the unemployment hasn't fallen this year, it's actually bummed up a little bit. there is not a lot of evidence that that plan worked. the unemployment insurance is something that is much more partisan, the democrats are very much in favor of this. republicans are saying, look it is paying people not to work. i find myself as an economist in the camp that says, extending unemployment insurance may be kind of a humane thing to do but it certainly doesn't help to bump up the economy to give people money that aren't working right now. these where the battle lines stand right now. you're right to be somewhat skeptical that they are going to reach a deal. as you know just this week we wefrpbt able to reach a deal on the super committee, on the big deficit reduction deal.
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rick: we know that that all came down to taxes, tax increases, or revenue is the euphemism that we hear bandied about in washington. is this the same argument all over again, revenue. >> reporter: it will be. i think they can get a deal to extend the payroll tax and probably extend the unemployment insurance. we've extended unemployment insurance five times in the last three years. people are getting up to two years of benefits which is a longtime to get government benefits. you're right, rick the crunch comes when they say how are they going to pay for this $2 billion hole in the government. the democrats say soak the rich. republicans are going to say, look those are employers, let's not put new taxes on employers if we want more jobs. rick: i'm just wondering, obviously there is the argument if you keep paying people to not work, that there is no incentive for them to go and find work, but from an economic standpoint, talk about the impact that these people who have been receiving
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this money, then all of a sudden not getting it, they don't have that money then to spend, and there is a trickle down, isn't there? >> well, but look, giving people essentially a welfare benefit is no way to increase the economy. what we ought to be doing, in my opinion, is giving encouragement for people to find a job, and encouragement for employers to hire more workers, and that's what's really been messing. one of the problems with all of these kind of temporary bandaids, rick is it's not a temporary problem we have with this economy. the problems are much more stprubgt aourl with the ta structural. adding another $2 billion to the deficit i don't think that will make people feel this is a healthy economy that they want into vest in. we have $2 trillion that investors and businesses are sitting on right now. they are not investing in the economy because they feel there is a lot of risk in washingn of bad policy. i think that is a bigger problem than whether we can extend
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unemployment insurance for another few months for workers. rick: investors don't like a lot of risk. there are varying degrees of ability to sort of deal with risk, but also uncertainty, the markets don't like uncertainty, and here we are with an election now less than a year away. >> yep. rick: what are we looking at do you think on wall street, and with the markets and all the different indices as we sit here with these debates over unemployment benefits and payroll tax deduction extension and all of that as we head closer and closer to next november? >> i think that the big story obviously this week, rick, which you've reported on is the fact that the super committee couldn't get their act together, and that congress as a whole, these two parties couldn't come together and cut a trillion dollars out of $10 trillion in forecast deficits over the next ten years. to people like you and me and most people watching the show, they say wait a minute, this deficit is a crisis, we've got to do something about it. if you can't cut the first
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trillion dollars out of ten trillion dollars in debt, how will yo will you make the harder cuts later on. washington isn't ready for prime-time, they can't solve these big problems. that is the reason all this money is on the sideline and we don't have a lot of employers hiring workers right now. i do think 2012 is going to be better. we are starting to see the natural forces of the economy unleash themselves, and i do think the unemployment rate is going to come down. let's keep our fingers crossed. we've had almost 30 months now of 9% unemployment or higher. rick: it's been a longtime and a lot of people out there sitting down and celebrating this thanksgiving today are hoping you're right about that, that better times are coming in the new year. steven moore, senior economics writer for the "wall street journal." happy thanksgiving to you and your family, steve. >> you too, have a great one thank you guiliani fox news confirming that the u.s.s. george w. bush is right now headed for a port in france.
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now initial reports first suggested the military was stationing the carrier off the coast of syria amid escalating violence in that country that has put american lives at risk. according to several navy officials that is not the case. coming up in a few minutes we'll take a closer look at the chaos in syria and i'll ask a guest a question, could it lead to a libya-like civil ward, and what can the u.s. do now if anything to control the bloodshed there? i'll be speaking with a former adviser to six secretaries of state a little later in the show. rick: a little politics with your turkey today, a new poll showing mitt romney gaining momentum in new hampshire. the site of the first in the nation primary. according to a granite state poll released yesterday mitt romney leads the pack with 42% in the state, that is up from 37% last month.
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the next closes competitor former speaker newt gingrich with 15%, followed byron paul at 12%, and jon huntsman with 8%. the new hampshire primary is set for january 10th. guiliani michelle bachmann receiving a personal letter of apology from nbc for an off color song played during her appearance on jimmy fallon's show tuesday night. this letter was received late last night, and in it the network's vice president of late night programming wrote that the incident was, quote, unacceptable. well yesterday morning on "america's newsroom" bachmann lashed out at nbc. the network hadn't apologized yet. bachmann accused the show's band of liberal by as. >> the point is, if that had been michelle obama who had come out on the stage, and if that song had been played for michelle obama i have no doubt that nbc would have apologized to her, and likely they could have fired the drummer, at least suspended him. none of that happened from nbc. and this is clearly a form of by
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as on the part of the hollywood entertainment elite, but it's also i think a sexism as well. this won't be tolerated if this was michelle obama. it shouldn't be tolerated if it's a conservative woman either guiliani nbc says the band has been quote, severely reprimanded. rick: quick break. when we come back a plane traveling at over 200 miles per hour, several passengers on board, crashing into the side of a mountain in arizona. security cameras capturing it. what investigators are now saying went wrong guiliani new information this hour on the search for baby lisa. what police are now saying about the investigation and what it will mean nor little lisa's family. rick: narrowly escaping death and living to tell it all. hear from the pilot who survived this awful crash. that is coming up in three minutes. >> this is lieutenant tamara abraham. i'm stationed in afghanistan.
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rick: the craziest video i've seen in a longtime, a helicopter pilot who escaped a crash relatively unhurt now reacting to the whole thing. check this out. it appears this a cable may have clipped the helicopter's rote tars as it was coming down. oh, my goodness. the aircraft tail snapping off twisting it around, slamming it into the ground. later, the pilot whose name is greg gribble said he had little recollection of the actual crash. >> because it happened so quickly it was like a dream ready. it was like bang and there were a couple of guys that helped. i don't know if it was my head that hit the seat.
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you know, if i wasn't wearing the seatbelt it would have been all over. rick: do you believe this guy walks away from a crash like this? it happened, by the way, while he was helping to put a giant christmas tree, pieces of the chopper were found hundreds of yards away. one lucky guy in auckland, new zealand. julie: a dangerous situation unfolding right now in the middle east as the brutal crackdown against antigovernment protestors in syria showing no signs of slowing down. so far more than 3,000 are reportedly dead. and now syria is facing new threats of sanctions, and there are warnings they could be headed toward a bloody civil war. so what can be done? here now david miller, former adviser to six secretaries of state and author of the upcoming book, can america have another great president. thank you so much for talking to us. >> pleasure. julie: the new threats of sanctions that i just talked about, our ambassador not likely
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returning to syria, do we impose a no-fly zone? >> you know, the escalation from political and economic pressure -- and it's hard to watch a brutal dictatorial regime kill its own people, more than 3500 dead and many more to come without urging more. i have to say we don't want to end up owning another ara country. we've got iraq, we've got afghanistan. syria is different. it's got a serious air defense system. chemical and biological weapons and a propensity to use them. for the moment we'll have to ratchet up the pressure, clandestine support to the opposition which is now armed and at the risk of facilitating civil war, which we already have i think you'll see more of that. also it would be useful to get the turks more involved. they share a very important border with the syrians, you could create buffer zones for an
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opposition, safe-havens, but this is a long movie, julie. in the end the ark is heading out. like moammar qaddafi, bashar al-assad will go the way of the do-do, but it is going to take some time. julie: they were protesting the regime of bashar al-assad who is on his way down by the way how do we accelerate this without making matters worse? >> that is the tricky thing. i think an arab turkish solution where you get regional powers involved it seems to me clandestine lee, for sure, if you're going to try to start supplying the opposition, the free syrian army with military aid, you're going to need a way to do that. through the turkish border is obviously one way.
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through the lebanese syrian border is another. the notion of applying a no-fly, no drive, no move zone as we did in libya is a faris keyer proposition. and in the end nato is similar plea not going to go along. ult not be able to get a u.n. security council resolution, as the president got last time around with the acquiescence of the chinese and r*upbgss who will not agree to a slippery slope with respect to military intervention. bashar al-assad is going down but there is no way to predict how long it will take. julie: when we entered libya the obama administration was criticized in getting involved in a civil war. here thousands of people have been killed in this country. again the obama administration seems to have put itself in the firing line, if you will over it's handling of the crisis in syria by not stopping this middle east country to being elected to a human rights committee. has the u.s. turned a blind eye to syria?
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why are we giving them, and granting syria a seat on the committee? aren't we enabling the assad regime to claim it's done nothing wrong? >> if we had it within our power to block oo u.n. esco from putting syria on a committee, we would have, there is no question. we pulled out all the funding of u.n. esco. our leverage with respect to the u.n. is very limited, and only member states in that respect can -- or enough of them, can block syria as a member of that subcommittee. so, no, if we could we would, but the answer is we can't. and it is the height of hypocrisy, an extraordinary demonstration of how hypocritical the u.n. is, in this case states that were responsible for putting the syrian's there that they would
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put bashar al-assad's country on a committee to communicate the importance of human rights when this regime is brutally killing is own people. julie: aaron david miller thank you so much for talking to us. >> it's a pleasure. have a happy thanksgiving. julie: you as well. rick: crucial evidence in the case of a missing woman in orlando, florida. police have released a new picture of her, michelle parker is her name. the picture contains what they think could be the key to solving this case. we'll talk with a former nypd detective about that. julie: then the hidden and deadly dangers of one of the most common and popular pain relievers. dr. marc siegl will join us with the warning. you'll want to day staoupbd to find out more. rick: a holiday surprise for these children. their soldier dad is coming home. an emotional reunion straight ahead. >> my name is chaddy hill. i want to give a shout out to my wife and my family in el paso,
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texas. i hope you all have a good holiday season, i love you all and i'll see you soon. looking good! you lost some weight. you noticed! these clothes are too big, so i'm donating them. how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios... five whole grains, 110 calories. it's 4g, so you can do more faster. so, kathryn, post more youtube videos of your baby acting adorable. baby. on it. matt, ignore me and keep updating your fantasy team. huh? jeff, play a game. turbo-boosting now, sir. dennis, check in everywhere you go on foursquare. that's mayor dennis... of the water cooler. you're the best. liz, rock out to pandora. oh, no i'm an only child. and nick, you shouldn't even be here,
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you can do everything from the golf course. good? good. [ male announcer ] on at&t, blackberry® torch moves at the speed of 4g. ♪
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rick: welcome back. happy thanksgiving. thousands of u.s. troops celebrating the holiday far from their loved ones back home, but they are making the best of the holiday with their units overseas. conor powell is teaming live from us from k u.n. ar province, afghanistan. he has a friend with him. hi, connor. >> reporter: happy thanksgiving, rick. we are streaming live from a bunker here in combat outpost, we are 2,000 or so feet above the valleys here in k u.n. ar.
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the military outpost is only the size of a basketball court. no running water, very little electricity, and get this guys, food is brought up daily on a donkey each day. since today was thanksgiving the military actually flew in turkey, potatoes, stuffing, all the fix ings for the soldiers here. they got to enjoy good food from the u.s. make no mistake this is a war zone. we saw several battles raging below us as the taliban and special forces battled it out. i am joined by one of the soldiers that manages this outpost day in and day out. i'm curious, what is thanksgiving like in afghanistan on a day like this. >> thanksgiving has never been this way for me ever. it was fun, it was entertaining. there was a lot of distractions going on, there is combat going on around us, but it was good
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having my brothers here with me, i mean granted i'm not with the family, but these guys are my family right now. >> reporter: what is the hardest part about being away from your u.s. family when you're here? >> the hardest part is just not being at the table, seeing their faces. i mean, sitting around the couches and watching football happen. >> reporter: it's a very different world here every day, isn't it in. >> absolutely. you don't know what is going to happen next. you always got to be serious, have your game face on and make sure everyone goes home safe. >> reporter: there rile are no holidays here, even if they do get a chance to have some turkey and relax for a few minutes, this is still very much a war zone. i'm going to give him a chance to say hello to his family right now. >> i want to say, hi, mom, dad, my brother manny, my sister alex and my girlfriend kristen. love you guys, and take care. rick: an awful lot of people in this country are giving thanks
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today for specialist santiago and his brothers over there. happy thanksgiving to both of you. thanks so much, guys. julie: that's always very touching to hear those thanksgiving greetings, and christmastime as well and we have more for you. a colorado soldier coming home to surprise his children at their school. they had no idea that he was coming. and he was crying before he ever even made it inside. listen. obviously he teared up there andrew moreno's kids were at the front of the class reading a book about a soldier when their father walked in. oh, my goodness, if you don't have chills well then i don't know what is wrong, because they looked up, the two ran across the room and into his arms. moreno said it was the moment he had been waiting for for 400 days. >> it's something to think about every day while you're gone, and
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it's the -- it's what gets you through the next day, and the day after that. thank you guys so much for letting us surprise them and for everything that you've done for my family, and my kids, since we've been gone. >> are you going to stay home forever from now on? >> i think so. i would like to. in my opinion they are the two heroes. the mothers, the fathers that stay behind, the kids. julie: wow, and there are thousands more children like that who have their parents fighting for this country, many of whom will never see their parents again. the day was set up by a family friend by the way. moreno's entire family were at the school when he arrived. the kids were the only ones that didn't actually know about the incredible surprise. it really does bring tears to your eyes to see these children who really don't comprehend exactly what their parents are doing, they just know their parents are not home. rick: their parents are heros, i'm glad they are all going to
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be together, those families who have loved ones coming home. after a quick break. congress up against a brand-new deadline. it seems we have one deadline after another here. this one is to save billions in jobless benefits and tax cuts as well. what happens if they can't get a deal done? our panel weighs in coming up next. julie: new developments in the search for this little girl, missing baby girl lisa irwin. the police are shutting down a command post that was set up to investigate their disappearance. rick: a recovery effort is underway for victims of a small plane crash in phoenix, r-r is. a lead investigator will join us live with an update from the scene. >> we have a total of ten deputies who are on scene since midnight last night that camped out because of the darkness and the rugged terrain it had become unsafe for our search and rescue. a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion.
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julie: a fox news alert. authorities have recovered the body of a child from the wreckage of a small plane crash in arizona. one of six people killed when the aircraft slammed into a sheer cliff. surveillance video captured the crash as it happened. it's a massive fireball as the plane hits the mountain. there were three men and three children onboard. a pie lot and mechanic included
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in the group. kid between the ages much 5-9 years old were killed. the plane hit the cliff at 200 miles an hour. witnesses say they could hear the explosion. >> i looked up and saw this fireball and it rows up. then boom, that's when it spread whatever fuel and everything all over the place. >> where the fireball was and the debris was strewn and the fire was burning. it didn't look like anybody could survive something like that. julie: joining me is the sheriff from pinal county. it's assumed no one could have survived his crash? >> we express our deep sympathy to the friends and family and the victims of the crash.
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certainly no person could survive this mountainside crash and explosion it's a mountainous area. we had to repel to insert parts of it. it's a-hour hike to get to the top of this mountain and we have been using helicopters to transport my deputies and our fast-responding search and rescue team. julie: preliminary reports indicate the plane was on its way to pick up children for the holiday. it was heading back to arizona when it slammed into the peak. i can't imagine how difficult it is. so far on one has been found, is that correct? have you * we have other information at this time we'll release shortly. but notification of family needs to take place first. and in this crash that clearly nobody could have survived, and
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the dad and another pilot were picking up the three small children to spend thanksgiving with their dad. and it's just heartbreaking for all of us. our deputies and our identification techs are using the utmost respect and dignity in the recovery of the human remains. julie: it's defend devastating. and our prayers as well. it seems that you have discovered more bodies and you have to go through the grave task of informing their loved ones on thanksgiving. i can't even imagine. >> i was with the mom of the three children late this morning, and it's just heartbreaking for her. and i'll be seeing her shortly again. and just terrible. so keep her and all affected in your prayers. julie: we certainly about. sheriff babeu, thank you very much.
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rick: we are going to talk about politics and the super committee's failure recently raising the stakes in washington, putting extra presre on the congress to save billions of dollars in jobless benefits and tax cuts that are set to expire at the end of the year. with time running out can congress deliver? let's bring in our panel. gentlemen, good to see you both. happy thanksgiving. who has more to lose if a deal is not reached in the republicans or the democrats? >> i think the pressure is on the republicans to come to a deal with president obama in extending the payroll tax cut and unemployment benefits. president obama laid down the gauntlet. i think this is going to be extend. i don't think there will be much of a fight. you are going into christmastime and entering an election year
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and there is a lot of political posturing. republicans want to make sure this is paid for. and they would like to see businesses receive this payroll tax cut because that's what creates jobs. everyone knows the payroll tax cut doesn't help the economy but it does help people. rick: doug, let's say you are advising the democrats, how do you tell them to play their hand. >> ron made the essential point that the republicans have to cave. you put the heat on the republicans. the one thing i would urge the president to do that he hasn't done is use the opportunity that he has to talk about the payroll tax cut and extension of unemployment insurance to go big, to talk about a bigger deal, to try to pick up where the super committee failed. because it's not enough to say that didn't work so we'll go on to something else. we have entrenched even demic fiscal problems. we are in the holiday season, we
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should use some of the goodwill and cheer to try to address those issues as well. rick: this will come down to tax, revenue, i guess the word is the word lawmakers like to use. this is a debate about raising taxes. >> doug is right. they should go big. they can there needs to be sweeteners to get something done. it does boil down to revenue. republicans want to see this tax cut paid for and that's important, and they are trying to show fiscal responsibility. the president is using this as a political weapon. republicans see that and they will make sure to agree with them and take that weapon away as we go on the campaign trail in 2012. rick: the democrats keep talking
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about raising the taxes on the wealthiest americans. they must have research that shows the american people are in favor of this. >> the problem is it's only part of the story. there is not enough revenue in taxing the rich to soft problem. what we need is comprehensive tax reform. pat toomey took a small step in the right direction by indicating the republicans would raise revenue. but we need to restorm corporate and individual income taxes and get rid of some of the exceptions and change the tax code so we raise the revenue so we can get on the path to a balanced budget. that wraps we need to head and neither party is going in that direction. rick: i want to end on a holiday note. what would make each of you thankful if our government would do it? ron, you first. >> i would love to see president
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bush's tax cuts extended that we keep the march jirnal rates the same. i would like to see the super committee deal resurrected so we could cut spending in a positive way and not go to the end of the year in a negative light as we enter the campaign. rick: doug, your turn? >> for the democrats and republicans to come together and say bowle simpson is a plan to begin negotiating in ernest a balanced budget plan to reduce the deficit and promote economic growth. rick: thanks very much, gentlemen. julie: black friday on the move. shoppers getting ready for the big night as big stores, big-name stores will open their doors nearly 12 hours early. but it's not signature well with everyone. how can you get a step up on those early birds? your black friday survival guide coming up.
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rick: we have new clues in the search for a missing mother of 3. what police say could be a clue into finding out what happened. >> i love you so much. we are going to find you. name there. we are going to get you. we are not ever going to quit, ever. i habe a cohd. yeah, i toog nyguil bud i'm stild stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't un-stuff your nose. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your stuffy nose. [ deep breath ] thank you! that's the cold truth! or a can of paint, you turned millions of votes, and hundreds of volunteer hours, into a real difference for over 100,000 people. what's next? tell us on facebook. it's easy to see what subaru owners care about.
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this friday morning. and whether we're online or in the aisles at 5:00 a.m. those reasons can be standing in our kitchens and laundry rooms for years to come. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. update your laundry status, too. black friday, this washer or dryer is just 549 bucks each. and last chance at medicare open enrollment, too. what do yean? it ends december 7th. if you haven't reviewed your medicare plan oices yet, well, it's getting late. medicare gives you free cancer screenings and wellness visits, and 50% o brand name prescription drugs when you're in e donut hole... it's all part of the health care law. december 7th? i better get goin'! [ male announcer ] medicare open enrollment ends soon. cal1-800-medice or visit to learn re.
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rick: new developments to tell you about in the case of missing baby lisa irwin. police are scaling back, shuting down a command post. they say they need to work on other cases. but they are continue to look for the baby. julie: michelle parker, a missing florida mom, they say the cross necklace could turn up
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clues to where she is. chris broslin's company handles cases like this. how may this cross necklace lead police to to kind of tips? >> any time there is jewelry that's unique it helps as an identifier. somebody sees the necklace, they may not notice the mom the, they will say i have seen that necklace it was on a lady in this part of orlando. but it's an odd case. julie: let's talk about the ex-boyfriend, the ex-fiance. the man she was fighting about over an engagement ring on the people's court. after the taped episode she
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turns up missing. we are getting more information about his background. he was in the military and record show he was dishonorably discharged. and record from the pentagon show he was court margsd and several charges including domestic battery and drug possession. i'm no detective but what are you thinking when you hear this? >> you are enough a detective to know that's where the case starts and may end. you have dale smith not only was he convicted of drug possession in 2003, but also domestic battery. but to compound it in 2009, michelle petitions the court for a temporary order of protection. in regards to violence he perpetrated against her. she petitioned the court in '09. she has a violent ex-marine with
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a history of spousal battery. julie: and he was the last one to see her alive when she dropped the twins off at his house. why haven't the police given him a polygraph. >> no clue. julie: any information from the polygraph test could potentially lead to their whereabouts. >> what's important is what dale was doing from the time she was last seen dropping the twins thursday the 17th to his residence. he's the biological dad. we want to know where he went, who called, who called him, who interacted with on the internet and where was his phone when it was powered on. the gps. where was he. julie: her iphone is mission and has been since thursday when a text message was sent from her
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phone. it's conveniently missing. >> and i think the waterford estate area of orlando. a decoy text may have went out from there. there is no independent corroborative evidence to support that she was in that area. that may have been a text to do this. a little misdirection. julie: they have no tips at this point. thank you very much. rick: coming up next, a new warning for those of you who may be suffering from a cold or a headache perhaps. what you need to know before you reach for the acetaminophen. julie: the inauguration of lyndon b. june on marked a turning point in american history. now historians are shedding light on the mystery from that day that has been puzzling them
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for decades. but first a thanksgiving message from our troops. >> i'm in southwest asia. i want to give a big shoutout to all my friends and family in kentucky. especially my kids. dad misses you and can't wait to get home to you. i'll see you soon. my family, have a very, very happy thanksgiving. eat lots for me. bye-bye. ♪
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♪ ♪ mom? dad? guys? [ engine turns over ] [ engine revs ] ♪ he'll be fine. [ male announcer ] more people are leaving bmw, mercedes, and lexus for audi than ever before. take advantage of exceptional values during the season of audi event.
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rick: a warning about
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acetaminophen, the main ingredient in tylenol. if you take it correctly there is no problem but if you up the amount, it could be dangerous and potentially deadly. people might be eating or drink more than usual and tomorrow they wake up and think i'm going to take some tylenol. >> or they are getting out on a plane and they think i'm going have a lot of pain. this is scary stuff. acetaminophen is the number one calls of acute liver fail newer the united states and it causes 450 deaths per year. half of them are accidental. but i monday the extental ones. if they take more than 4 grams, they can actually have an overdose. the problem is they don't know it because they will say i'm nauseous, i'm vomiting, you could be out of sorts. you don't know those symptoms
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are from an he seed min even --m an aseat overdose. rick: let's say you take regular strength versus extra strength. you have to count. you said 4 grams. how many pills should you be taking. >> extra strength is usually one gram. normal dose is 325 milligrams. three this to one gram. four grams would be four times the 1 gram. it's easy to get carried away. there is even a percentage taking less than that that get into trouble if they are drinking alcohol or have a predisposition for this problem. so you have to be careful, especially when you gets up around the 4-gram range. rick: if you take it properly
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it's okay. it's when you don't take the properly. >> i don't think you should take it every day. if you go to the emergency room and you get treated with charcoal. within 8 hours you can be saved from this. rick: dr. marc siegel, a member of the fox medical a-team. happy thanksgiving. julie, over to you. julie: an egyptian court ordering the release of three american students being held in cairo. we'll talk to one of the mothers about the release and how she says her son was treated while in custody. rick: black friday shoppers do you have to be the first in line to get a good deal? >> it's a tradition. every year we come out. we love it. it's the hype trying to be the first one in line, and hero 8. >> reporter: how many years?
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julie: three american college students could soon be headed home from egypt. welcome to a new hour of "america live." rick: gregory porter from drexel universities. luke gates, indiana universities and derek sweeney from georgetown universities. there they are. officials? egypt say they will be released after a ruling from the local court. the boys all studying abroad arrested on the streets of egypt's capital city in the middle of those violent rallies that claimed 40 lives. reena ninan is live in jerusalem are more. >> reporter: you might call this a thanksgiving miracle. earlier today egyptian police said they were going to hang on to them for 3, 4 or 5 more days.
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but an egyptian court has ordered their release. we are waiting to hear whether it has happened. as you mentioned, those boys, derek sweeney, luke gates and gregory porter, they were on a study abroad program at the university of cairo when they were detained by police who alleged they were hurling fire bombs. egyptian authorities decided not to press any charges. one of the mothers called the expected release the best thanksgiving gift she has received and hoped her son would put a life lesson learning experience tennessee a positive story. it's likely they will receive a medical evaluation. go to the police station to process paperwork and hopefully be released to go back to their dorms. it's not clear if they will be able to head home tomorrow for they can't find their passports it might not be until monday.
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but we are looking forward to that interview with the mother of one of those students. require will be reena ninan live for us. their parents overwhelmed with worry as you can imagine. as reena just said we'll stalk with the mother of one of those boys live just ahead on "america live." julie: amateur video out of yemen showing a crowd of protesters unfire. you can hear the gunshots. you can see the people run and bullets were fired. there are reports today at least five people were killed in yemen when security forces fired on those protesters. the chaos one day after the president agreed the hand overpoweru to his vice president. the protesters want him put on trial for past crimes. rick: a gruesome discovery at the scene of the and american games in mexico where 20 bodies were found. they were in three abandoned vehicles left by the millennium
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arches. another horrific scene in another mexican city, this one home to a major drug cartel. 16 bodies discovered in two burnt out pickup trucks there. investigators believer at least three of the victims may have been police officers recently kidnapped in the area. >> this is always one of the busiest days of the year. on the roads, in the airports. this year is no exception thanks to pretty wicked weather. airports were jammed like here in denver. and a winter storm hits the northeast delaying flights on thanksgiving eve. also heavy rain may have slowed traffic by it didn't keep drivers off the roads. people are choosing family or true galt. travel is up 4%. 42.5 million is nowhere near the
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59 million we saw in 2005. so we are improving but we have a long way to go. >> we got delayed 20 minutes because of the weather. now i have to wait until tomorrow morning to fly out. >> it's great. it many kind of scary at first. >> i thought it would be a lot worse, actually. it's not bad right now. julie: they seemed pretty positive. conditions are bet in the northeast, chilly but rain and snow is in the forecast out west. maria are things looking better? >> reporter: the storm system long gone and a much nicer day behind us. we are look at sunshine and that should allow snowfall that did fall over parts of new england to melt today as the temperatures are warming above the freezing mark across new england.
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we looked at accumulations of 6-8 inches of snow. otherwise today temperatures in the 40s. and 53 will be the high in new york city. as we head southbound we did start off on the cool side with temperatures rebound nicely. a lot of sunshine across the south with temperatures crawling back up into the 60s and 70s. as you head into the midwest temperatures are up 20 degrees above what's normal. a nice thanksgiving gift with sunshine. but outwest we have a lot of unseated weather. it's cold, it's windy. we have rain and know across the highest elevations of the mountains, across california not a whole lot. most of the activity dying down. but here is a stronger storm system bringing in rain from the. and a lot of snow expected for the cascades. we are look at accumulations that we could see a foot of snow out there. rick: i liked maria's turkey
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traveling on the bottom of the screen. julie: you have got to keep it fun. rick: retailers getting an early start to black friday. many are opening their doors tonight. among them walmart and toys are us. they said they wanted to get customers in earlier because they had lines around the store last year. >> reporter: motivating shoppers with full bellies armed with shopping lists will get a jump on black friday thanks to retailers stuffing more time into the shopping season. chain stores have been push up opening times now for a while. but we tail analysts say 2011 has reached an all-time tipping point. big stores getting a jump on the spending season include kohl's, macy's, best buy and targets. walmart opening as the 10:00.
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the earliest of all, toys are us opening as the 9:00 p.m. tonight. the toy store ceo says it's due to customer demand. view from the customers choose they can finish all their holiday shopping then go home and go to sleep. >> reporter: for some retail workers thanksgiving day and christmas day are usually the only days of guaranteed time off. an online petition by target employees called on target to push back its opening time. but target isn't budging. a spokesperson says their customers have told them they want to shop following their thanksgiving day celebrations and hourly employees will be given holiday pay for thanksgiving duty. according to shopping survey 152 million people plan to shop black friday weekend and that's us from 10% from last year.
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a lot of people ready to shop and spend. rick: happy shopping to you, laura. julie: he says american can overcome the stalemate in warn. is president obama offering an olive branch to break the gridlock and what will that olive branch be? rick: he's charged with 40 counts of child sex abuse, now there are brand-new allegations against former penn state coach jerry sandusky. julie: 0 lawmakers want ... >> i'm serving:the 117 squadron in afghanistan. i want to send a warm happy thanksgiving to my family, wife, and two kids, back in
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fayetteville, north carolina. [ nadine ] buzzzz, bzzzz, bzzzz, bzzzz, you know, typical alarm clock. i am so glad to get rid of it. just to be able to wake up in the morning on your own. that's a big accomplishment to me.
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rick: a fox news alert. congresswoman gabrielle giffords serving a thanksgiving meal to montana military members in her hometown tucson, arizona. they are at the air force base. you can see her wearing a baseball cap and apron with her nickname gabby sewn on the apron. she has been undergoing intensive rehabilitation as she recovers from a gunshot wound to the head after that shooting earlier this year in january. julie: the president with a message for americans and lawmakers. are you listening? he hopes the holiday spirit of giving will ease gridlock and bring unity to washington in these tough economic times.
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>> the problems didn't develop overnight and we won't solve them overnight. all it takes is for each us to do our part. with all the part sarn shipts's easy to wonder if such unity is possible. we'll overcome the challenges of our time. julie: gentleman mu green joins us now. gentlemanner to sharing parts of your holiday with us. what is it like in an ideal world think democrats and republicans will carry forth the spirits of the holiday, the president's message when they return washington. is unity possible? >> absolutely. in america we are so resilient as a country. no matter how divide we are it is possible for to us come together. i think ideally if president obama could bottle the spirit of
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thanksgiving and pull it out and sprinkle a little bit around as we get into some of these negotiations, that can't happen. he can't sign an executive order extending the spirits of sunnity and everything we are celebrating today. but there are some things he can do. i listen to his weekly radio addresses and i always wonder, how many other americans are paying attention to this radio address. how many of them get this message. i think ideally we would hear more of what the president said in his remarks. heading into thanksgiving. we would hear more of that through other means. whether it's social media as you put on television. but one thing that's so important for this president to be able to indicate that we can come together as a country is to show the american people in a very transparents way how he and
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the detractors who disagree with him how they can sit down and have a conversation
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if we can show the real sacrifice of the military families that would do more to bring us together because there is a common cause we all share that is really apparent when you look at the facts of our military. julie: when you look at the programs that are trying to help. extensions to unemployment insurance and payroll tax cuts are expected to run out by the year's end. it will cost $200 billion to keep them going. this is a crisis. do you think congress is listening and can they find a way to save these programs
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before it's too late? >> they can find a way to save those programs. the reality is will they? looking at the failure of the super committee it does make it hard to believe that progress can be made inside the beltway. i think that sense is trickling down and creating the negative attitude and frustration amongst americans. but if congress could get out of their own way and stop making the types of political calculations that basically decide everything -- awful their decisions, make it in the best interest of the american people and those struggling versus on who is going on on the ballot in november. that is something americans are craving to see. a member of congress, the president, all of our polite calculate leaders put policy
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before partisanship. put policy and the american people before your ideology and before your campaign. that is something all of our political leaders should do a better job with. julie: jamu green, thank you very much. rick: three american student arrested in cairo, egypt have been ordered freed by the government. what are they accused of? we'll talk to the mother of one of those young men coming up. julie: how you can jump on those early bird shoppers next. >> we are looking for the 42-inch tv which is going to be for $199. >> i'm a college student and i'm taking a break and i still have my mom and dad so i don't need to worry about that.
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just one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defends against occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating. with the strains of good bacteria to help balance your colon. you had me at "probiotic." [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health.
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rick: three american student arrested in egypt are soon going free. they were tang into custody sunday near a very square, accused of throwing homemade bombs sat security forces who were at the time fighting with protesters in the square. but this morning a court in egypt ordering their release. they are expected to head home very soon. one of the boy's mother is joining us. joy sweeney. i can't imagine a better thanksgiving day call to get. >> we were going back and forth with emails. we got an unconfirmed email that the boys were free and the prosecuting attorney was not
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going to appeal the case. he was going to accept the judgment ruling. that happened around 5:00 and 5:30. by by 6:00 a.m. this morning was able to get through and confirm with him that the three boys had been released and the court ordered them released. we were absolutely elated. couldn't be happier at the moment. bouncing after the walls. rick: you smoke hour son yesterday before this was announced. >> yesterday was before the 8 hours interrogation they had to go through. rick: how did he say he was being treated? >> he was hesitant. he said they fed him and they were treating him okay. we know they were trying to keep them as safe as possible.
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all three boys were being kept together. that was comforting to know they weren't being isolated or tortured. it wasn't posh accommodations in a hotel. but it was what it was. require * you also asked him about what he was alleged to have done. what did he say about that? >> he said he hadn't done anything, none of them had. and i misspoke yesterday a couple times about something on the roof. and i asked him if they threw anything off a roof, not if they were on a roof. that was a misspeak on my part. being new to this whole media circus. rick: your son went to egypt this last august. well after the unrest of last spring. i wonder if you had any
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reservations about him going there. >> in light of the circumstances of course. i possibly should have been more concerned. but i didn't -- i -- i have my oldest son in afghanistan. my older daughter is in paris going to school, grad school, and derrik is in cairo. and my youngest daughter here, i have four kids on four continents. and of the danger, it's not even the highest danger. rick: what have you been told about a time line for when he might be coming home? >> this answer is not as jubilant i have given to other people. within the last probably 15 minutes, i just spoke to the attorney general roberto powers and we were given disappointing
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news. we thought they would be released from the police station today, taken to their dorm rooms and allowed to today they are their belongings and maybe sleep there and go to the airport. however, that is not going to transpire according to mr. powers. the boys -- there is some legal paperwork, the national defense department has to check off some paperwork. 8:30-9 time at night. that's not going to happen tonight. and immigration needs to process paperwork. the chief of police cannot release the boys until those two items are taken care of. and so -- it will be a few more days. rick: we'll all keep you and your family in our thoughts. >> we are so grateful they are
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going to be released. the order is signed and processed. that's good. rick: your oldest in afghanistan is he active military? >> no, he's work for north republic. but he moms d working for northrop. but he's not with the navy. rick: jill sweeney whose son, one of three americans how it's announced will be released from custody in egypt. happy thanksgiving to you. julie: a plan to turn al qaeda suspects caught in the u.s. over to the military instead of the criminal justice system. but the obama administration saying that could cause major issues. rick: a break-in goes wrong for one suspect because of this little girl. wait until you hear how she
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helped the police. >> i got really scared because i heard a noise and i didn't know what it was. i saw the guy extending there and ian didn't know that guy. p . a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? we talked about getting a diamond. but with all the thank you points i've been earning... ♪ ...i flew us to the rock i really had in mind. ♪ [ male announcer ] the citi thank you card. earn points you can use for travel on any airline, with no blackout dates. have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities
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11:30 am
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rick: there is a growing debate in washington on how to deal with foreign terror suspects caught near the united states. calling for them to be turned over to the military instead of civilian law enforcement.
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but the white house says that would jeopardize counter-terrorism investigations. lieutenant colonel tony shaffer is the author of a book called "operation dark heart." this is the senate armed services committee. not the full senate. but that committee that signed off on this. what are they saying? >> they are saying you have got to find a path forward to bring justice to the detainees, combatants, whatever want to call them. the answer in their view is not putting them into the civil criminal system. and frankly there is precedence for this. during world war ii an operation called pastorias. the germans sent nazis onto our shores and the decision then was to have them tried before a military tribunal.
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none of the investigative value was lost in that prosecution. rick will be let me tell what you someone from the justice department is saying. the administration doesn't like this. this is a woman named lisa monaco. she says if this were to become law, agents and prosecutors would have to worry about citizenship status, they would have to worry about getting special waivers signed by the secretary of defense rather than doing what they need to do to stop a potential terror threat. what do you say to that? >> apples and oranges. you are trying to bring people to justice as quickly as possible with an ultimate outcome that protects u.s. citizens. any time you bring criminal defendants into a civil system, in this argument of the magnitude of paperwork is spurious. they are in business to prosecute people to find a way to make it happen.
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they are making excuses and showing their own incompetence by not being able toy find a path forward. we have been dealing with this for the past 10 years. rick: this is something that right now in the committee has bipartisan support. but the presidenten to the like it and the president can veto this. and there is a threat, is there not, if he vetoes the entire defense bill, this is just a small part of it, but a veto would have a wide ranging effect, wouldn't it? >> it would. this is where the with it house is taking a short view of this. one of the things we need to do is understand this is a war not on of violence but of images and con septs. e idea of bringing these guys to justice as quickly as possible shows allah is not on their side. we need to diminish the imagery thing in their mind. the president threatening to veto this over something that technically and militarily and operationally is the best thing
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to do doesn't make sense in my judgment. rick: the book is called "operation dark heart." thank you, tony. gel * thanksgiving even in the war zone as troops get a traditional turkey dinner. this will be their last thanksgiving in iraq. with u.s. forces set to leave the country by the end of this year. dominic? >> you kind of wonder what thanks one could give in a conflict zone like iraq. today we had 7 people killed down in the city of basra. and 70 people injured. but soldiers here and in baghdad and across the country preparing to leave by the end of the year. they say they have thanks to give that finally u.s. troops are leaving and many of the
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pro -- soy asked hem when i went out to see them today if this thanksgiving has any more significance than others they spent here or back home. this what is they had to say. >> absolutely. i hope no one else has to spend thanksgiving here away from their families. >> this is my first thanksgiving and hopefully my last. >> it has a great significance as far as completing the mission. and future success of this country. >> going home to our loved ones. it means a lot they are doing a celebration for us. but for most of us, i have four days left here. so it's awesome. >> reporter: you a tsunamis the buzz word. the incredible effort the u.s. military is nught to get the last remaining troops out of here. this year they had 45,000 consistently throughout. and 20,000 to get out of the
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country by the end of the year. a lot of people getting home in time for christmas. still a lot of people to get out. they are trying to do it by land and air and hopefully they could be home roughly around the 5th orth of december. they are heading home, back to you, julie. rick: a 9-year-old girl busting a burglar. coming face to face with a would-be thief. now police are calling her a hero. >> i got really scared. i heard a noise and i didn't flow what it was. >> reporter: but she didn't act scared when she came face to face with a burglar. >> i saw the guy standing there. i said don't know that guy. >> reporter: she was home sick
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from school. it was the middle of the afternoon. her mom just left, her dad was on his way. he got in through this unlocked basement door. >> she gave a phenomenal description of the guy that led officers to get him within 5 minutes they had him under arrest. >> reporter: even the mom admits she wouldn't have handle it as well. >> i wouldn't have had that accurate a description of him. >> reporter: mom and dad wouldn't be more proud of this pint size crime fighter. >> she was unbelievable. rick: kids are very observant. julie: the dishes are washed, the turkeys are in the tupperware. now it's off to the mall. what you need to know to be the ultimate warrior on black
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friday. >> i'm here in afghanistan. i would like to send a shoutout to my fiance, friends and family back in arlington, virginia. turs and here's what we did today: supported nearly 3 million steady jobs across our country... ... scientists, technicians, engineers, machinists... ... adding nearly 400 billion dollars to our economy... we're at work providing power to almost a quarter of our homes and businesses... ... and giving us cleaner rides to work and school... and tomorrow, we could do even more. cleaner, domestic, abundant and creating jobs now. we're america's natural gas. the smarter power, today. learn more at but my nose is still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. [ deep breath] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth!
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wednesday, december 7th. call unitedhealthcare today about an aarp medicarecomplete plan. you can even enroll right over the phone. or visit us on the web. don't wait. call now. rick: they could be the most disturbing allegations yet against jerry sandusky. reports of two more cases being investigated. one of them stems from accusations made by a member of the sandusky family. former prosecutors join us now. this story gets worse every day. a family member how one of the alleged victims. >> it does get worse every day but it does not surprise us. we suspected the charges with
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expand and there would be new victims coming forward. but i think the big question on everyone's mind is jerry sandusky is enjoying a delicious thanksgiving dinner with his family, why is he free? he has been charged with 33 felonies. some of these are considered class-a felonies in new york state. many times judges when a defendant has committed such horrible acts. they will deny bail all together and remands them to jail or settle bail really high. the most disturbing part is the initial judge who denied the prosecution's request for high bail and denied the prosecution's request that he wear an ankle bracelets has ties to his charity. rick: i want to ask you about these new allegations that came to light because of sandusky's
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own attorney who told a reporter it was a member of sandusky's family that is one of the new alleged victims. why would a defense attorney make that information available? >> i don't know if i have a good answer to that. the issue for him is he should not have come out and made any statements with regards to those allegations until they were made public knowledge. he is not putting his clients in a good light at this point. and he's creating an environment for the defendant to look even worse than he does now. and he cannot assume at this point that these criminal charges are going to be brought forward. by putting this information forward he's putting this client in a worse situation. so it's difficult for me to be able to defend his actions in this case. rick: now to the point masa made, that he should not be out on bail. we have a court hearing coming up in the middle of december.
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what happens at that court appearance december 13 when every sandusky walks into a wort room in. >> if these victims are found to be credible and new charges are filed he can get rearrested based on these addition ago counts as the which time there would be a new bail hearing, and this judge has no ties to penn state unlike the last one. this judge will have three choices. keep the bail the same, make it higher or remand him. in light of the fact that the circumstances have changed, they are more serious. we have victims that are children that have come forward. i think he should enjoy thanksgiving with his family because it's about to most likely be locked up. >> i agree with that. the facts is that these new charges are very important. and will necessarily almost increase the bail to a point
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where he may not be able to make it which his defense attorney concede will likely be the case. what we have now if these allegations have merit fan they go forward these new charges, we now have children and we now have recentsy. they are not old cases any more. it there alert the judge and the public that this man is a continuing danger. i don't see a remand. but i do see the bail being increased to a point where he probably will not be able to post it. rick: a time line here. unless there is some kind of a guilty plea and right now he maintained his innocence, and this thing goes to trial, this is going to be one of those trials that everybody is going to be paying close attention to. how long until we get from here to there? >> i think the wheels of justice are slow. i would say a year to two years.
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it will take a while. rick: a year to two years before we get this in a courtroom? >> i don't think it will be quite that long. there will and lot of pressure on the prosecutors to move this case quickly. there have been delays in this case because of the government's failure to move forward. there have been years that passed before the first victim made claims as to sandusky's abuse. if the prosecutor takes the step of slowing this down i think the public will become outraged. my opinion is this case is going to move and it will move quickly. rick: the more quickly the better as far as the coast public opinion is concerned. the alleged victims in this case, some of them are now adult. but i can't imagine any of them wants to go testify and have television cameras in a courtroom that would be carrying their testimony and their pictures live. would there be some way to shield the identity of these
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young alleged victims to protect them during the trial? >> i think there definitely is more of a chance of that happening with the victims that are currently children. i think just this past week the district judge did seal the court document that contained the name of the alleged victims because they didn't want the public to have that information. rick: is that a big deal? can you imagine that when it goes to trial, even if the victim is in his early 20s, i would imagine they would want their privacy intact. >> absolutely. but we have competing interests which are of incredible value in our system. one is to protect the victim and the other is to make sure that the defendant has his day in court. nobody is guilty until they are proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. so the defendant will be even --
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will be entitled to cross examine the witnesses against him. but the ones that are no longer children, less likely. require rsh thank you to you both. julie: you don't have to deal with the big crowds to get the best deals. how you can avoid the mall and gets the best bargains before everybody else. we'll tell you how.
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julie: some big name stores getting a jumpstart on black friday opening their doors today and bargain hunters camping out for great deals. plus cyber monday, the big day for online shopping a few days away. how can you get the best bang for your buck with the least shopping stress? larry is a tech expert and coo of dyna-links communication. we have a lot of competition. 152 million people across the country expected some to hit the stores tonight. do you need to jump in at 3:00 a.m. this morning or tomorrow morning to gets the best deal or can you wait until tomorrow? what's the secret? >> there is no special secret. the great thing is technology is pushing the marketplace. so you can go on the internet today, tomorrow. i believe i will have a little
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bit of extra special sales maybe today but throughout the whole holiday season you will see incredible sales. last year you saw a billion dollars on what we called cyber monday. 30% of people have gone to shop online. this will be double this year online than it was last year because we saw google third quarter sales up 30 per. the retailers are doing huge advertising online. you can go online right now and go ahead and start shopping and you don't have to wait for the stores to open. julie: going online instead of sitting in line. but a lot of people are willing to stand in them for good deals. if you are going to do it, do it right. make a list and stick to it. >> absolutely. the great thing about technology driving the marketplace again is if you go into the store there are apps on your smartphone that you scan the bar code on the
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item and it will tell you if the store next door to that store has a better price on the same item. so you could also go into malls. there is a thing called fast mall where the app tells you where everything in the mall is. where you parked your car. old adage that battle is won before it's fought can be done through technology. these smart apps is incredible. i think this is going to drive sales. julie: there are web sites and there is always a better deal out there. >> twitter and facebook is -- amazing. your favorite stores where you can go to their web sites and if you follow their twitter and facebook pages, it will tell you, hey, come to the store now
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in the next half-hour and you get 20% off or go on line with xyz code and you get x amount off. so everybody can follow it through their smartphones. a smartphone revolution has pushed the game. julie: reading about this, i thought this was my most interesting angle here. there are a lot of retailers out there that are offering free stuff. who doesn't like free stof stuff. old navy is giving away digital cameras to folks spending $40 or more. j.c. penney is giving away disney snow globes. but you don't want to let that get i off track. >> everybody likes a freebee. but they are very limited. if you want the best deals, starting now online, they will continue online. it will be a cyber year. julie: thank you very much. rick: thanks for joining us
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today. i'm headed to the new jersey turnpike. make way for me, i'm coming right now. julie: stay safe, and happy holiday. we'll see you tomorrow. if you think tylenol is the pain reliever orthopedic doctors recommend most for arthritis pain, think again. and take aleve. it's the one doctors recommend most for arthritis pain... two pills can last all day. ♪ you noticed! these clothes are too big, so i'm donating them. how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios... five whole grains, 110 calories. multigrain cheerios... ♪ fare thee well ♪ farewell ♪ mr. gloom be on your way ♪
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