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tv   Cashin In  FOX News  November 26, 2011 8:30am-9:00am PST

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melt down and that is half of their profit. >> thanks for watch keep it right here. number one business block continues with cheryl casone and cashin' in. forget the streets, occupiers are going after the stores. they are going after the retailers as the holiday season. and shutting down all of the west coast two weeks before christmas. will it hit the economy where it hurts or will they take the hit? >> welcome to cashin in. wayne rogers, johnon and tracey and john. also joining us via fox and jim. >> and welcome to all of you, johnathon, i want to start with you. they shut down the oakland port. and should we be worried?
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>> about a roving band of thugs. yes, i think we should be worried. occupy wall street operates through thuggery and force. so what does it come down to badana wearing hoodlums disrupting trade and beneficial trade. they are trying to shut down the new york stock exchange. it is scary. half billion come through the port. they cost yobs and hurt the economy and businesses in the process. upon that is a big piece of the u.s. economy. is it right to go after the ports? >> no, i gave a lot of leeway to the guys. you wonder where these guys are headed.
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they are hijacted by businesses. burning business in oakland and going after the ports. this does not affect the rich. the people it is going to affect. your average every single day worker. it is not about the rich and not helping the poor at all. this is a bunch of kids out there with ipads wanting to protest to get noticed. they have gotten noticed and they have disrupted the normal every day life. >> 13 million that the protest have cost to munic palities. >> is it fair to go after the average americans. >> reality is, because of the occupy movement, there is more conversation about wettle disparity in this country than i have seen in my entire lifetime. if they shut down the ports and make it hard for a mother to get a barbie to a screaming five year old. it is making a difference and
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changing the focus from focusing on the growing income inequality. that disrupted and -- (talking all at once.) >> that's what they want to do. >> tracey, they going after amawhereon and at&t and retailer holiday season and crucial for the economy and family and kids, is that right? >> it is totally displaced. we are on the brink as it is. if i hear there is a protest in toys rus, i will not going there. over all economy is hurt getting worse. that will not help the kids or call for income inquality. it makes it worse. they are creating more catastrophic. i think everyone is sick and tired of the bone heads. go to work. your point is not made. >> the reason they are going after the ports in oakland
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because of what happened over uc davis. is it right to go after the economic strength of the entire state of california. >> one of the problems, you know in civil disobedience movement and that is peaceful. martin luther king jr. and those kinds of things and they were peaceful and this is not. this is something that is hurting themselves. they are doing something . for example, the port of the los angeles had 330 billion worth of goods that passed through that port. shutting down a port hurts them and the common man. john is right. it hurts the people they are trying to help. and as a point of trying to make a disparity between rich and poor. they should be in the washington mall and doing it to congress. that's where the problem is. if they took the same amount of energy and all of these people and this energy. went after jobs and did
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something constructive and going lie down in front of the congress. and do something to those who make the laws and not the people who create the economy that helps people. >> you know they are going to lay down in front of roys rus and target. >> a little pain is going to create a -- it is going to create a lot of gain in the long term. >> that is on the wrong people. >> boycotts and protest work. if you put pain in the pocket book of more of the main stream of america, then it is participating in the ouv movement right now. >> why is that fair? why is that fair. why is that fair. answer me. why is that fair to make average americans who may make five or six bucks why do they have to suffer from the occupy wall street. how is that right? >> it is not something that i
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personally want but as a tactic it will continue the conversation of the growing disparities between the haves and have nots in the country. they have done that. they have changed the conversation. >> it has back fired already. you hurt middle america and single working mother and tries to go get one doll for her kid and you hurt her now and she doesn't care. she wants you to go home so she could go christmas. >> wall street hurt middle america and left middle america behind. and through the tactics they will change the . >> wayne rogers you have been quiet and that makes me nervous. you have something to add. >> i think she is making a argument about the inequality of rich and poor. the bill said that americans, the problem with america they
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would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom it is not equality it is freedom it is about providing something for inch. >> johnathon. >> its that ruins and how many jobs are created by disrupting trade. no one is prohibiting the speech. by disrupting trade, you don't want to disrupt the mom getting a barbie doll. you are celebrating destruction and in the wrong direction. no benefit comes from that. >> look at what happened when they had chant to hospital poor. they are sitting there with the ipad and pcs and macs generators in the tent . homeless people show up .
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people they are supposed to be helping. they had to kick them out and protest the rich again. >> oddly enough. >> the people who are helping the poor. look at robin hood, greatest charity in new york city is funded by goldman saches and one percent are helping the poor. >> oddly enough tracey. a lot of these kids with the ipads, maybe they were going to ask for an iphone for the holidays. >> i think in the spirit of the holidays go home to the familis and think twice about what they are doing. it has not worked. >> thanks to all of you. coming up a lot of holiday travelers getting whacked with baggage fees and congress wants your first bag to fly free. will this cause air fares to really take off? ittle hardware e we didn't intend for your face to be everywhere. but fedex office makes it so easy.
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not only do they ship stuff, they print flyers, brochures -- everything i need to get my ne out there. that's the problem. now we need to give you a third identity. you're paul matheson. and you're gonna run your business into the ground. erik gustafson would never do that! there is no erik gustafson. hey that's erik gustafson!!! there is no erik gustafson!!!!! [ male announcer ] small business solutions. fedex. solutions that matter. [ male ai heard they found small business soluenergy here. it's good. we need the jobs. [customer:] we need to protect the environment. [worker:] we could do both.
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is that possible? [announcer:] at conocophillips, we're helping power america's economy with cleaner, affordable natural gas. more jobs. less emissions. a good answer for everyone. well, if it's cleaner and affordable. as long as we keep these safe. there you go. thanks. [announcer:] conocophillips. carol. fiber makes me sad. oh common. and how can you talk to me about fiber while you are eating a candy bar? you enjoy that. i am. [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one.
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>> law makers are pushing to eliminate bag fees. you think grounding bag feas will leave fliers holding the bag. >> it is not like we are not covering the bill. ticket prices will go up and the airlines will recoup it the government needs to get out of the heck of the air lines and focus on the debt? we have a debt problem that is the first concern. >> wayne should the government tell the airlines what not to charge? >> no, the government shouldn't tell anybody to charge anything. when the government gets in the middle television, it doesn't work. competition makes it work. if the airlines are competing with the fellow airline. the price of all of those things will come down. if i have 15 people providing a service. i will get a better service to the lower pric
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>> one airline starts to do this. that airline will get the traffic. the government has no business in this business at all. >> jamu, a lot of the airlines are waiving the first bag for free and southwest is not charging at all. maybe it is the free market. >> southwest is one of the lone wolves out there and it is clearly they have benefit without charging with fees. i agree with tracey that there is more important business that congress should focus on. they should focus on jobs . taxpayers have to pony up and security costs have increased 260 million and so that is a fee that mary landreau is wanting to make sure they are not push on us. but in the end of the day, that is what is behind that. >> john, people are suffering all over the place with
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unemployment and now this? government need to stay out television? >> government needs to stay nearly. they have a revenue that they spend each year and raised 2.3 trillion in revenue and they can't cut three percent. these buffoons are trying to regulate a industry. two car wrecks in one engage and hoping a lambogini comes out, not going to happen. >> cheryl, what is ironic, government should stay out of it. government is way in it. everything in the airline industry is regulated. how planes are stacked and design how they are scheduled. all of those regulations and get more regulations and that is absurd in how much to
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charge for an bag. air travel is cheap. you have no right to a free overhead space or anything else. to say the government should stay out. they should get out and privatize the airports. and that is what matters. debt and national security aka. >> and that is an interesting point. more people are not wanting to pay the fee. they take the bag on the plane and that costs more money for tsa screeners. we are getting hurt financially by the money going to tsa. >> it not only costs more money and means we spend more time going through security lines and we are affect by. q. the government stay out of the regulation of the airline industry. i am happy i am not sitting on the runway 10 hours because airlines decided they will not
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take us back to the gate. there are so many positive impact that come from the regulations from the airline industry. to dismiss that is ludicrous. >> capitol markets could work through it if you make me sit on the tarmac 10 hours i will not fly you again. and when was the last time a airline posted a profit of the because of all of the fee and it is regulations and it is hurting the capitol market. >> follow the model of southwest. why can't they follow that model. >> and it is not life and liberty and pursuit of frequent flier miles. you don't have a god given right to fly. and why is the taxpayer paying for security. charge the people who are charging a problem. now the taxpayer. and privatize the entire
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model. you don't have a right like the bus system to fly from detroit to los angeles. it is not a god given right. >> john, the airlines are making billions on bag fees. they are not crying over this? >> their stocks are in the tank . i don't think they are getting rich. 25 percent of the airline ticket is government regulations and fees. more involved that is how much higher that will go. >> guys, thank you. and coming up. one billion mortgage bail out. three states got most of it. wait until you hear which three . changing the financial pants of the relationship. all you guys better stick around for that one. [ mujahid ] there was a little bit of trepidation, not quite knowing what the next phase was going to be, you know, because you been,
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you know, this is what you had been doing. you know, working, working, working, working, working, working. and now you're talking about, well you know, i won't be, and i get the chance to spend more time with my wife and my kids. it's my world. that's my world. ♪
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>> the pakistan army is blaming nato for an attack that killed pakistan soldiers. they claim that nato troops fired on two checkpoints. nato is investigating the incident which is a major blow to strained relations between the u.s. and pakistan. >> nasa sent the curosity to mars it is a two and half million rover. it will take eight and half months to reach the destination. it will search for evidence of
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life on the red planet. >> michele bachmann is going after newt gingrich's stance on immigration. she said they are the most liberal of the and newt gingrich said that is false. we'll talk to a surrogate from newt gingrich's campaign. >> it was supposed to be a one billion dollar fund to help struggling homeowners. and the majority dished out went to pennsylvania and marant and they were not even the ones hardest hit in the housing collapse. >> most hardest hit were florida and nevada. it once again, typical mess up of the federal government. it is like eric holder gun running activitis and solyndra
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scandal. the federal government can't do anything right. the best thing about the program, it is over. >> when the program ended half of the money went back to treasurer and only used half of the money. there you have that? >> wayne is right. the banks couldn't conform. when it was set up. the bank, and government just looked at mortgage payments totaling income. they didn't look at student loans or credit card or nothing. if you called any community banker they could have told you why it would fail. but they didn't do that. and this is what happened in the administration for the entire congress is like that. they are not confident with to run the country and this is what happens. >> it is really half of the money didn't get used at all. >> for the 10 million
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americans that are under water with their mortgages, it is not a question of do we continue to stay in the market it is it a question of what more needs to be done and how fast. states have benefited from the program and the families that benefited wouldn't say watch and wait. who knows where pennsylvania's infrastructure allows for that program to work more affectively. there is a number of programs that are key to mixing the bubble. >> pennsylvania is not even in the top 10. let's be honest here and i am wondering if government shouldn't be involved in housing at all. >> congressional leaders need to get lost and detour themselves somewhere else. best way to solve the housing crisis for themo stay the heck out of it it is a typical
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government flubuv. ala solyndra and the list goes on and on . they didn't do background work and got money out for pr purposes and again just added to our debt, cheryl. we are racking up the debt for my kids and our kids kids and our grand kids. >> we have to help distressed homeowners. we have for years now. homeowners act and assistant and helping families save their home act. and there is a laundry list of bailouts for homeowners. the panel is right. government is far over stepped the moral and constitutional grounds here and they should let a free housing market exist. it has a mononop willy. >> get it boardwalk . thank you for joining us. great to have you here. >> coming up. the rise .
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sugar momma. and more women are bread winners of the family. that's next. or creates another laptop bag, or hires another employee, it's not just good for business. it's good for the entire community. at bank of america, we know the impact that local businesses have on communities. that's why we extended $13.2 billion to small businesses across the country so far this year. because the more we help them, the more whelp make opportunitpossible.
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[ man #1 ] i was fascinated by balsa wood airplanes since i was a kid. [ man #2 ] i always wondered how did an airplane get in the air. at ge aviation, we build jet engines. we lift people up off the ground to thousand feet. thesengines are built by hand with very precise assembly techniques. [ man #3 ] it's gonna fly people around the world. safely and better than it's ever done before. it would be a real treat to hear this monsterire up. [ woman ] i think a lot of people, when they look at a jet engine, they see a big hunk of metal. but when i look at it, i see seth, mark, tom, and people like that who work on engines every day. [ man #4 ] i would love to see this thing fly. it's a dream, honestly. there it is. awesome. that's so cool!
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yeah, that was awesome! [ cheering ] i wanna see that again. ♪
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we have a lot of fear. a year from now it will be better. buy the spider. and i like it >> shout out to piteand the awesome coaching staff. women are making more money . 45 percent are willing to stay home and work. >> you go, ladies. john? i want to say stay home. google out of the renewable energy business. they don't have a energy plan. and buy


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