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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  November 26, 2011 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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>> arthel: hello, everyone. i'm arthel neville. welcome to a brand-new hour inside america's news headquarters. >> rick: nice to be with you. i'm rick folbaum. topping the news this saturday, fierce clashes in egypt's tahrir square turn deadly. the violence threaten to go overshadow upcoming elections. >> arthel: also herman cain says he can deliver african-american voters to the republican party to get him to the white house. our political panel debates whether or not the cain train can pick up a group of americans long associated with democrats. >> rick: i got a chance to talk with the tv legend who has just taken off his crown as king of morning television. find out why regis philbin never thought he'd land a job on the nation's air waves.
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>> i thought what they were doing, i could never accomplish. and so it took a long time for me to overcome all that. so i really didn't anticipate a brilliant future in television. >> arthel: we begin with this, a fox news alert. pakistan lashing out after nato aircraft allegedly killed more than two dozen pakinstani soldiers near the afghan border. the pakinstani government now demanding the u.s. vacate an air base used for suspected c.i.a. drone attacks. and they're shutting down vital supply routes for a coalition troops in afghanistan. molly henneberg is live in washington and molly, what has been the nato response to the attack on the pakinstani army checkpoints? >> hi. nato says its helicopters and fighter jets were called in by afghan and coalition troops fighting insurgents in that area. a spokesman for general john allen, the head of nato and u.s. forces in afghanistan, says the general wants a thorough investigation and also offers
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his sympathy. >> he expresses his sincere and personal heartfelt condolences to the families and loved ones of any member of the pakistan security forces who may have been killed or injured. >> general jacobson says the incident happened in part of a region between afghanistan and pakistan where the border is, quote, not always clear. >> arthel: and, of course, a decision like this, the confusion often works to the taliban's advantage, right? >> yes. one military an mist says the taliban often picks the border areas to engage nato and afghan forces in order to make air strikes more difficult. here is more. >> if the taliban can interpose between the pakinstani outposts and the afghan patrols, then they gain the advantage of being able to win the fight with small arms without having to worry about helicopters and aircraft, killing them. so there is an intentional part of this. >> pakistan has responded by
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shutting off key supplies routes that nato uses to get materials into afghanistan. you can see some of those supply trucks going nowhere. pakistan also is calling for the u.s. to leave the air base within 15 days. it's said to be a hub for covert c.i.a. drone strikes, although the u.s. has never confirmed that. and the head of pakistan's army says pakistan has lodged a protest with nato, calling for, quote, strong and urgent action be taken against those responsible for this aggression. arthel. >> arthel: definitely a situation that will be closely watched. thank you very much. >> rick: over to egypt, violence still raging in central cairo. egyptian security forces squaring off with thousands of protesters demanding the nation's military rulers step aside. reena ninan has the story now from jerusalem. >> hi, rick. the protests against military rule in egypt continues. it's been one week since egyptian security forces have been clashing with protesters
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and scheduled parliamentary elections are only two days away. even the white house has started to increase pressure on egypt's military rulers to transfer power to civilian leaders. protesters are not happy with the appointment of a man from former president hosni mubarak's cabinet to be prime minister. he asked for a two-month grace period to allow the interim government a chance. protesters say they will not leave tahrir square until the military transfers power to civilian rule. one man was killed early this morning after an army vehicle hit him in front of the cabinet building, according to protest ers. the vehicle came from behind and ran over him twice, he says. by the time we picked him up, it was over. at least 41 have been killed since the violence began last saturday. scheduled parliamentary elections are expected to begin monday and have been extended an extra day to tuesday. muslim brotherhood hasn't been
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protesting, because they're running for election. while the numbers today weren't as large as they have been earlier in the week, protesters are calling for one million people to march on sunday against the military. rick? >> rick: reena ninan, thanks. fox news alert. first of three american students arrested during those protests in egypt back home this hour. 19-year-old gregory porter arriving in philadelphia just a short time ago. he and two other students were arrested on the roof of a university building near tahrir square last weekend. porter says he is happy to be home. >> i want to say that i'm so thankful to be back in philadelphia. i'd like to thank my parents, my mom, and my dad for their support in all of this time. i'd like to thank the embassy in cairo for all the things they did for us, as well as the administration at the american university in cairo for all their help and support.
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>> rick: the students were accused of throwing fire bombs at security forces who were up against the protesters there. the two other boys in this video here, 21-year-old luke gates and 19-year-old derek sweeney, they are expected to return back to the u.s. by tomorrow night. >> arthel: we're going to go to iraq where a series of explosions in and around bag at that dad, killing at least 15 people. the bombs striking an area filled with markets where day laborers gather for work. the attacks underscoring the challenges iraqi security forces will soon face alone. all american troops are scheduled to pull out of the country in a matter of weeks. >> rick: while the botched none running program, fast and furious, is breathing new life in an old debate over gun control. as some lawmakers push for an investigation into the justice department, others are now questioning whether the laws on the book are strict enough. william lajeunesse live in l.a. with this story. hi, william. >> rick, like any scandal in
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washington, you have the facts and you have the spin. sometimes it's hard to follow the evidence when there is a team of people trying to confuse it with their point of view. fast and furious is one example. consider attorney general eric holder's recent appearance before the senate. republicans tried to drill down and determine who was at fault, democrats attempted to shift the blame away from holder to what they consider the underlying cause of the scandal. u.s. gun dealers and gun laws. >> when the administration and atf say they want multiple long gun sales to be reported so we can identify these straw purchasers, so we can go after them and prevent these guns into mexico, we shouldn't have the congress step in to try to prevent the administration from requiring the reporting of these long gun sales. >> democrats want tougher penalties for gun trafficking and rules requiring gun stores to report those who buy multiple rifles over a five-day period. republicans say that rhetoric is
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a diversion from the real story. >> the federal government certainly aided and abetted gun trafficking which then may very well have been the proximate cause of a border patrol agent's death. so i'll let the civil experts sort out the civil liability. there is plenty of moral culpability to go around. >> so in essence, we have two parties talking past each other. democrats refusing to help investigate fast and furious, while republicans focus on who is to blame. the bottom line, rick, this probe remains partisan and slow. however, we expect more answers when the attorney general appears before the house judiciary committee december 8. >> rick: william lajeunesse, thanks. >> arthel: while you were out shopping for the big sales, top republican presidential candidates were courting voters in early primary states this
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weekend. but two of them took some time out to trade political punches as well. peter doocy has more from washington. >> congresswoman michelle bachman came at former speaker of the house newt gingrich this morning with guns blazing, saying the ideas he laid out in the 2004 "wall street journal" editorial called "welcome to america" where he said he wants to keep a door open to those with the will and the heart to get here equals amnesty. >> even barak obama couldn't get amnesty through the congress because the american people opposed it. but newt gingrich is on a letter saying that he was for it. even as recently as less than a year ago, he came out with the same policy that again said that he stands for amnesty for illegal aliens. >> the gingrich campaign saw this and e-mailed us a firey response saying, quote, two things are going on. either the congresswoman is intentionally lying to people or she does not understand immigration reform. either way, it is sad to see from a presidential candidate. and as gingrich continues to
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tell supporters he does not support amnesty, did he have his biggest crowd of the campaign yesterday in florida. 750 strong and pollsters say while most people consider romney the front runner, gingrich could be the one to knock him out of first place. >> romney does have a number of liabilities as a candidate. so while he's probably more electable now, it isn't clear to me that that's necessarily going to be the case for the long haul. >> the former speaker and current threat to mitt romney, newt gingrich, is going to spend the first half of this week in south carolina. arthel? >> arthel: peter doocy, thanks. >> rick: nasa's largest mars rover ever blasting off to the red planet. >> zero and lift off of the atlas 5 with curiousity seeking clues to the planetary puzzle of life on mars. >> rick: it's headed on an 8 1/2
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year journey to mars. the six wheeled, one armed explorer will search for evidence that life once existed on the planet. it cost 2 1/2 billion dollars. >> arthel: they say it's the size of like a mini cooper. we have this coming up for you, a second victim identified in connection with the deadly craigslist scheme in ohio. we're learning about one of the people who allegedly lured those men to their deaths. >> rick: also new developments in the search for a missing mom in florida. the young woman vanishing after appearing on an episode of "the people's court" and next, her family's latest effort to find out what really happened. >> i'm a mother of two children. and this can be any one of us. this could have happened to anyone. i've been praying that she'll come home safe and i just felt that it was time for me to come out here and do something a little more
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>> rick: hope you're enjoying the thanksgiving weekend. let's check the headlines now. the white house reacting to an alleged nato air strike that killed more than two dozen pakinstani soldiers. the u.s. national security council spokesman expressing u.s. condolences and saying that
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the u.s. is committed to investigating exactly what happened. california police charging and releasing a woman who allegedly pepper sprayed fellow shoppers on black friday. the woman turning herself in to authorities last night. it's going to be a wet and stormy weekend for a large chunk of the country. forecasters say a cold front will push rain into the mississippi valley and the gulf coast. another system is also expected to bring snow to the pacific northwest. >> arthel: to think all those people trying to get home after thanksgiving. >> rick: that's right. >> arthel: you may have heard that today is small business saturday. thee receipticcally, it's the mom and pop store answer to black friday. several major corporations are looking to get in on the action. so are they ruining small business saturday or does that only happen if we let them? joining us now, michael, former business owner himself. what do you say, corporate involvement or not, good for small business, right?
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>> well, i was in another life, i was in retail for over a decade. i can tell you that while certainly for facebook, american express, fed-ex, some of these major companies that are doing their part in getting a lot of advertising and pr for supporting small business saturday, i can tell you, i surely would have taken gladly assistance from anybody because it is very difficult out there for the small business owner and this time of year is crunch time. this is when the year is made or lost for most small business owners, especially retailers. >> arthel: michael, let's talk about that, corporate help that you mentioned. we say it was kicked off by american express last year and now you have fed-ex in for a million bucks by giving away 30,000 amex 25-dollar gift cards as part of the shop small business gift card program. google and facebook created free tools for small business owners to promote themselves digitally.
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something i am sure you wish you had. amex, if you ask them, what they're telling you is that last year, small business saturday boosted sales at small businesses that take amex by 28%. so is there any way the people who don't like the big corporate giant, is there any way for them to save? >> i think there is certainly ways to -- i actually went on the american express web site today to see about hooking up my card and this was about 2:00 o'clock this afternoon and their web site had said that they had already received the maximum number of responses to this promotion. so it was something that i would think it's going to be very successful and i think it is up to us as the consumer. this is a great chance to do your part for america. i think it's a very big mistake when people think that the mom and pop stores are always more expensive than your big box retailers or on-line. i have not found that to be the
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case. service is better. supports the community. here is a little aside for you, most small business owners give way, way more money, over 250% more to charities thanthe big businesses do. so keep that in mind. and this is a big time of year. if -- maybe it takes a little more time to hunt through the small businesses and find something you like, but it's a great chance to make your money, be a little bit more special. the small retailers often have things much more unique, much more specialty than you might find at the big box retailers. gives you a chance to give something very special this holiday season. >> arthel: you make good points. it's kind of like voting. every little bit counts. so every vote counts and every sale counts. so people still have some time. it's 6:19 on the east coast. folks out west, 3:19. central time, 5:19. they've got time to go out there. i'm sure some of those small businesses are keeping their hours a little later today and
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the rest of the weekend. so you say yes, go ahead and support the small business every little bit counts? >> every little bit counts. it means the world to them and remember, just because you might have missed small business saturday, there is still sunday, monday, tuesday. this is a relatively long holiday season 'cause thanksgiving fell a little bit early. they love to see you right up until they close on the 24th of december. >> arthel: guess what? if t doesn't stop there either, right? go into the next year. you kind of keep it going because after all, small businesses, they are the backbone of our communities and they're the ones who don't necessarily get the breaks needed. >> remember, half of the gdp of this country and over half of the people that are employed is now and pretty much always has been from the small business owner. and you're absolutely right, we don't hear a lot going on to help them and they sure could use it and you're right, it
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would be a great chance -- we always hear about the companyies or manufacturing overseas and there is very little that maybe you and i can do about that. but we sure can do something for america by shopping at our little stores, in our local communities, seeking them out, little purchase here and there could make a big, big difference. >> arthel: michael, great points and i think it's a good feeling you left with the viewers. i think they're going to think twice if they drive past one of those smaller businesses. they'll stop by. thank you so much. >> happy holidays. >> rick: the second victim identified in connection with a craigslist scheme out of ohio. julie banderas is following this story live from our news room. julie? >> julie banderas? technical glitch. we'll work on that. julie, are you there? >> yes, i am. sorry about that. the medical examiner identifying
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another victim with multiple gunshot wounds to the head, declaring it a homicide. 47-year-old timothy kern's body was found in a shallow grave near a mall in ohio. kern had been missing for more than a week after answering an ad for a farm hand. that ad, authorities say, already led to the shooting death of a 51-year-old norfolk, virginia resident in south akron. a white unidentified male's body was found in a hollow grave 90 miles away. kern's family says he turned to drawingslist to provide for his family. >> he told me that he really wanted to better himself, to get a good job where he can support or give the kids things they want. >> a south carolina man reported answering the ad and being shot november 6, but escaped and alerted authorities, likely saving lives of other applicants. >> he's any hero because if he hadn't gotten away and they would have called me, i would
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have went and i'd probably be dead. >> two people are in custody tonight. 52-year-old richard beasley, he's in jail on unrelated charges, being held on $1 million bond. also a high school student is in custody and has been charged with attempted murder. according to police, beasley was looking for an older single or divorced person to watch over a 688-acre form in southeast ohio, someone who wouldn't easily be reported missing. the men were asked to fill out an application for the $300 a week job and it turns out the farm that was advertised on craigslist doesn't even exist. law enforcement officials are releasing few details because of a gag order. they're not sure if there are more victims, so they ask anyone with information about this investigation to contact the f.b.i.'s cleveland office. rick? >> rick: julie banderas in the news room. thanks. >> arthel: a $50,000 reward now being offered in the case of a missing florida mom. michelle parker disappeared after appearing on the show "the
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people's court." now her family posting a reward for this weekend only, hoping the people with tips will come forward immediately. her family also making public a voice mail to her father. take a listen. >> hey, dad. it's about 8:40. i know you're at work. call me when you have lunch or you have a break or at the end of your day. okay? i love you. i'll talk to you soon, bye. >> arthel: michelle parker disappeared november 17th, just hours after her case aired where she and her ex fiance argued over an engagement ring. her family releasing new photos of her wearing a cross in hopes that someone will recognize it. >> rick: all right. quick break. when we come back, tv icon, regis philbin entertaining america for five decades, going strong and you'll hear from him as he reflects on his career and his life both on and off camera. >> arthel: herman cain promising
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to win the white house because of support from black voters. political analysts say that won't be so easy. we'll have a fair and balanced debate. >> i'm an america, black conservative and i have a right to speak for myself [ knock on door ] coo you found it. !
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>> rick: welcome back. top headlines on this saturday night of thanksgiving weekend, the white house leaking to alleged nato air trike that killed more than two dozen pakinstani soldiers. a spokesman expressing u.s. condolence. >> arthel: egyptian military vehicle running over and killing a man in cairo. the incident happening during a confrontation between security forces and protesters, calling for an end to military rule. >> rick: and the monster truck
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on its way to mars. once there, the rover will search for he had of life and take about 8 1/2 months to get there. >> arthel: let's talk politics. republican presidential candidate herman cain claims he can win the white house because of support from black voters. in a recent mailer, sent by the cain campaign in iowa, he says, quote, as a descendant of slaves, i can lead the republican party to victory by garnering a large share of the black vote, something that has not been done since dwight eisenhower garnered 41% of the black vote in 1956. some political analysts disagree, claiming that he has made no special effort to appeal to black voters, while president obama remains popular in the african-american community. let's bring in the panel now. jehmu green is here, former president of the women's media center, and a fox news contributor. and there is matt, a consultant for the national republican
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senatial committee. good to see you. >> hello. >> arthel: gentleman knew, that mental was sent out in a mailer. is this sort of like undercover courting? it's not like they posted it on the big jumbo tron at the game saying will you marry me? >> my first impression when i heard this was what? herman cain is actually campaigning in iowa? what happened to georgia and all of these other states that aren't even in play? but seriously, i'm a democrat. i will be supporting president obama. but it is in the best interest of the entire country that the republicans nominate the most qualified and able person to oppose president obama and herman cain is not that person. i think it's laughable that he first totally disrespects black voters by saying that we can't think for ourselves, that we're brainwashed, and now he's saying he's going to be able to get their vote. really he should be focused on maybe talking and campaigning to black voters if he thinks he's going to get their support
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instead of just preaching about his prowess to white voters. >> arthel: let me get matt's take on that. do you believe that mr. cain has been courting the black voters and speaking directly to them, matt? >> so far he's talking to all voters and i think one of the things that republicans need to do is go in and talk to everybody, every community 'cause right now everybody is hurting, but the obama policies particularly are hurting the african-american community where we're at record number of unemployment and i think herman cain is willing to go in and talk to anybody. i don't think that herman is necessarily our best candidate. i think we still have to see that process play out, but i do want the republican candidate not to feel uncomfortable talking anywhere. we have to be able to go in and talk to every single voting segment. >> arthel: whoever wins or remains in office is always the president of the people of the united states. let's take a look at this fox news poll taken ten days ago. this is among nonwhite voters,
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by the way. this is president obama versus cain. how would you vote if the candidates were democrat barak obama and republican herman cain? nonwhite voters, 76% say president obama. cain is getting 17%. jehmu, you heard matt say how president obama is doing a disservice to the black community, if you will, with high unemployment rate there in that community, 15.1% adds of october. but to the dismay am so much analysts, they're still supporting the president. why is that? >> of course, they're supporting him, from health care reform to all of the policies he's put on the table and everything that was included in the american jobs act, he's the only one who is fighting to turn those unemployment numbers around and i do have to comment on the last part of the conversation because when herman cain is talking about black voters like they are
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pawns on a chess board, that's not going to convince them to vote for him. and i think too often, and this is on both sides of the aisle, democrats and republicans talk about the black vote like it's a game, and we need less of that and more action and in reality, that actually is what president obama is doing through his policies. >> arthel: matt, if you've got 41% of the african-american voters in the gop primary, is that the black vote that mr. cain is really counting on? >> actually, i agree that we need to talk to every community in a way that doesn't make anyone feel like they're different from any other americans and i do think that herman made a tactical error putting this mailer out. but i do think that republicans have an opportunity for the first time in a long time based on the obama policies -- 51% in any community -- 15% in any community is not acceptable. >> shouldn't it be based on their policies? what did they put on the table to impact not just -- specifically black vote increase they're not putting anything out. there's a party of opposition
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and i think all americans -- >> once we have a candidate, we will have the solutions that will come out. >> arthel: long on. matt, repeat your last comment and this will be the last word. what did you just say? >> once we have our candidate, the republican party's nominee, then we will have positions for everyone to try to get us out of this economic mess that we're in. >> arthel: okay. all remains to be seen. matt and jehmu green, thanks. >> happy thanksgiving. >> arthel: same to you. >> rick: he's a tv icon whose career spans more than 50 years. regis philbin and his memoir, "how i got this way ," looks back on his many years in show business. he just retired from his daily talk show, but i got the chance to talk with him one on one yesterday. regis philbin, thanks for being here. so nice to talk to you. >> thank you, rick. thanks very much. >> rick: i really enjoyed this book, 'cause it's you. i could hear your voice in my head while i was reading it. >> that's exactly the way i
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wrote it, just how i would say it. so i'm glad you picked up on that and liked it. >> rick: i also liked the way each of the chapter ends, with a little word of wisdom. here is what happened and here is what regis learned from it. >> exactly. i think we all could learn from some of those chapters and some of the thoughts you have as you leave someone, what it meant to you and how you could express it to people out there and let them take advantage of it. just saying good-bye to someone and how much they meant to you, tell them that when you have the chance. don't wait. you'll regret it the rest of your life. >> rick: there is a lot of self help stuff here. there is behind the scenes show biz stuff which i absolutely love, but i was interested to read one of these little lesson, what you took away after a setback, the true test how you face the next day. for the folks listening who have to deal with their own setbacks what, kind of advice would you
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have? >> i had those setbacks and i know how they hurt. and i remember the very first time i heard about failure and loss was at notre dame, believe it or not, from a football coach named frank leahy, who had a tremendous speaking voice. he was very firm and very intense and on the first night of a pregame party, one of those pep rallies, leahy came out and talked to us and especially wanted to talk to the freshmen and here i am in indiana at notre dame and there is the notre dame team and there is this coach and he's telling us, you freshmen, remember this, there may be losses in your life. you may fail at something, but you must use that to strengthen yourself because you're going to come back. you're going to get another chance, and you've got to reinforce yourself for that chance. don't be inup dated by a loss
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and let that destroy injure live. that can't happen. he was very forceful. i never forgot it and i used it a couple of times in the book, as you probably saw. >> rick: i did. i want to ask you about early on in your career. you had an uncle who helped you get a job as a page at nbc. when you were walking through the halls at 30 rock, that famous storied building as a page, down on the lower step of the ladder, how did you envision your career when you dreamed about it? >> you know, i didn't envision what happened to me. i was so overwhelmed about becoming a page, i grew up with a lack of confidence, rather shy, didn't think i had any talent and i frankly don't think i have much talent now except maybe to tell a story on tv. but the fact is that here i was wearing this page uniform and directing people around. my first show was the "tonight show." steve allen was doing it from
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the 44th street theater. and there i am in the second balcony watching them rehearse and thinking, look at that talent down there. i never really envisioned it for me because i thought what they were doing, i could never accomplish. so it took a long time for me to overcome all that. so i really didn't anticipate a brilliant future in television. not at all. >> rick: that's exactly what happened and as you also write in the book, regis, if you're grateful to someone who has brought you joy, you should tell them. so let me tell you, sir, thank you for all the joy and we look forward to a lot more from you. >> rick, i appreciate that, and i'm glad that a lot of the younger people in our business have a chance to read the book and hopefully benefit from it and make a big success of themselves and i include you in that and thank you very much. >> rick: how i got this way is the book, regis philbin. thanks so much. great to talk to you, sir. >> thank you, rick. >> rick: that was a lot of fun talking to the great regis
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philbin. his memoir is out at a store or a computer web page near you. and it really is a good read. they got me a copy of it before i talked to him. it's really a good, good book. >> arthel: regis is great. a couple of treats in my career over the years was with regis. once i appeared as myself in "fresh prince of bellaire" next to regis before they brought kelly n. a great guy, supportive and classy indeed. nice job. coming up, strong allegations against lawmakers on capitol hill, coming up, we are going to see or look into some claims detailing how congress may actually be getting rich off wall street.
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>> rick: serious insider trader allegations against congress in a new book called "throw them all out." the author claims lawmakers are getting rich off their access to private information. joining us live is the author, peter. reading your book, i thought, i'm in the wrong business. i should have become a congress member. >> yeah. you can serve the public and your own portfolio at the same time in ways that nobody else can. it's really one of the laws that exist that makes it very enticing frankly to be a member of congress because you can enrich yourself with access to inside information, access to special i.p.o. stocks, things that you couldn't do in the private sector in this way. >> rick: everybody does it, whether you're a democrat, whether you're a republican, everybody is doing it. >> yeah, that's right. whether you have a d or r after your name, it's really a function of human nature. if you give somebody an opportunity to cut corners that
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no one else can and you tell them that it's legal and the ethics committee tells them that it's ethical, they're going to do it. and the very wealthy ones do it, the ones that are not so wealthy do it. but what we know is that if you stay in congress over a period of time, your net worth increases dramatically more quickly than people that are out of congress. over the last couple of years, we've all had a very difficult economic time. members of congress have seen their average net worth go up 25%. i don't think there is a lot of people that can say that. >> rick: let's name names here. and let's start with john kerry who was the democratic presidential nominee a number of years ago. a major player in the runup to the passage of the health care law. how does john kerry cash in on this? >> he's involved in the health care reform issue, obamacare in 2009. the prescription drug benefit plan for medicare in 2003. both times the investment funds that he and his wife own made
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huge plays in health care. they bought pharmaceutical stock, they bought medical twices. they sold off health insurance company stock and the timing was very, very curious. so he did very well. in fact, back in 2003, he had capital gains of up to $2 million just on pharmaceutical stock trades and this is kind of a cannon to an athlete bet ago game they're playing in. this is an individual who is helping write the legislation and he's making financial bets, his investment funds are at the same time. >> rick: john boehner, now the speaker of the house, he did the same thing. >> yes. more limited, but in his case, in divine, 2009, a few days before the public option was declared dead, being the plan for the government to offer health insurance plans, a few days before that, john boehner bought four to five stock in companies that were health
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insurance company stock and once it was clear the public option was dead, those prices all rose. so it was curious timing. it was an investment where he certainly had access to information the rest of us did not. >> rick: one of the things i found most appalling in your work was to read about the lawmakers who would stand up and vote one way, but knowing that the legislation was going to go another way, they would buy or trade stocks based on what they knew the eventual outcome would be. so hypocritical, so cynical. let's end here with a little prescription for what needs to be done. i'm guessing by the title of your book, "throw them all out ," is there any way to fix this problem short of throwing them all out? >> well, this is not about corrupt individuals. it's about a compromised system. i think we have to have zero tolerance party policy in both parties. we also need to set up very strict guidelines and rules. i think if you've got more than $100,000 in stock, it needs to be in a blind trust. no questions asked. and no sweetheart ipo deals that
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can make you hundreds of thousands of dollars in one day. it's a form of legal bribery that goes on quite regularly. >> rick: we didn't even get to talk about the former speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, and her sweetheart deal when it came to the visa ipo. but it's all here in the book and i would urge people to read it. sit down and relax because it really is the kind of book that gets you riled up. peter, thanks very much for doing the work and the research and for coming on and talking to us today. >> thanks, rick. >> rick: it is the holiday shopping season. my friend, arthel, stepped outside. who do you got? >> arthel: if you haven't already shopped 'til you dropped, we've got hot tech toys for the whiz kid in your house. say hello to my friend. >> hey there. [ morgan ] the super bowl. the most epic day in america.
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and the end of a journey that began here... ...when the swipe of a visa card... ...gave one man the chance to bring happiness to ten friends, including the knuckleheads at the car wash. those are super bowl tickets? yes dude! you're going to the super bowl! [ morgan ] use your visa card for a chance to win. to see more of the story, visit our facebook page. helps defends against occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating. with the strains of good bacteria to help balance your colon. you had me at "probiotic." [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health.
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>> rick: have you started your holiday shopping yet? >> arthel: i did. click, click, click, done. >> rick: that's the way to do it. the holiday shopping season is upon us. >> arthel: if you're looking for a cool gift for a cool kid who loves gadgets, just check out the latest issue of "consumer reports" shop smart magazine. the senior editor, jody, joins
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us with all the latest and greatest gadgets. hi. >> thank you. >> arthel: you had a fun job of going through how many toys and figuring out which ones were good? >> we played with a lot of toys that had a tech component 'cause that's what kids want. thet to play with your technology. this is technology that's really geared to them. kids of all ages. if we start with this guy, this is the keyboard, $26. kids as young as two can play with this. it actually sounds, if you can hear it, you can make it do rock beat, blues beats. it plays its own songs and actually meow at you. >> arthel: i love it. >> this is $26. kids two to six and we played with it last night. we had a blast. these are kids of all ages. >> rick: what about this one here? >> this is fun, called 20 questions. it's $13. kids who are 6 and up. there is reading involved. so if you've got a littler kid and want to read the clue, it's
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the old game of 20 questions. you think of an object, it asks you questions as you ask them. it's pretty much foolproof. nine times out of ten it beat me. this is from fisher price, pretty indestructible. this takes actual shots and video. >> rick: you can upload them? >> you can upload and you can put funny effects, like the clown hair on you, drop it. it's going to keep going. >> rick: we used to love this game, uno. >> in thank is a high-tech version of uno. you play it with a little robot. you put your names in, you create a house rule that it will shoot out at you. it will tell you about the switch cards at some point. it's very unpredictable and a lot of fun. >> arthel: 7 years old and up? >> yes. thirty dollars. >> arthel: i was playing with her earlier. >> turn her on on the bottom. she'll start talking to you. she will tell you a joke if you ask her to. she's a little distracted.
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>> rick: i understand. she's on tv. >> you play your music, she'll dance. she's got her own music uploaded. so you can go on-line and play with her. >> rick: what's this? >> it's got a front facing camera like a real race car. they take video as it goes. you can put it on your bike helmet. take it when you're out skateboarding. it flips apparently. and you can upload that video. >> arthel: thank you very much. >> thank you. >> rick: thank you so much. always good to see you. >> thank you. >> rick: thank you, everybody, for coming out to us. >> arthel: merry christmas early. that's going to do it for us. stay tuned for the fox report with harris faulkner. [ child ] it's so cool!
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you can put a force field on him and be invisible! [ child 2 ] i call first player. no. i already called it. [ dad ] nobody's playing anything until after we get our homework done. thank you. hello? test drive's not over yet. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. [ louder ] hello? but we still need your signature. right now during sign then drive it's never been easier to get the all-new passat, the 2012 motor trend car of the year, for practically just your signature. that's the power of german engineering. visit not quite knowing what the next phase was going to be, you know, because you been, you know, this is what you had been doing. you know, working, working, working, working, working, working. and now you're talking about, well you know, i won't be, and i get the chance to spend more time with my wife and my kids. it's my world. that's my world. ♪
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