tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News November 28, 2011 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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>> i'm not proud. i didn't want to come out with this. dinot. it was pretty simple. it was uncomplicated. i was aware that he was married and i was also aware that i was involved in a very inappropriate... situation. >> mr. cain cane responding tonight saying, in part, vispoken directly to the american people and have been 100% honest with them. my plan is to continue to spread
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my vision on how i would renew america and keep her safe. >> so political dynamite or will his statement put a lid on this? >> this is not the end of this. first of all, the late nest a series of women who have come out of the woodwork, that's difficult. it's hard to chalk it all up to phifabrications. and more heartbeat -- importantly, it keeps raising questions about him and the basics of his candidacy. can he be trustd? can the republican voters get a candidate they can bring up against president obama? he has real credible issues and this is the latest in a series of stories in a candidacy that has been fading. >> there is a legal difference between the first allegation, sexual harassment, somewhere
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anoninous and this is a woman who comes forward. but this is not, quote, illegal. but when you are in a position of explaining what the difference is, you are in deep water. >> that's right. because he has denied everything so far, it gets questions of credibility. i think we have heard him outline for the first time, a possible exit strategy from the campaign had he said, look, i don't want to give in because that would be the political establishment winning here, but if it's hurting my family, i have to consider this. this is the first daylight he has offered here and to me, it suggests as this place out, he will have to see how his family reacts to it and inject another element into the decision making. >> i can tell you, every woman in the country is looking at the video of his wife, gloria, who we interviewed here and who is a very, very sweet woman. he has some explaining to do at home go it's true. >> he certainly does. if he's denying it flat out,
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that's one strategy. but this woman has documentation. and i think this is the last thing herman cain wants to be talking about. i think this whole series of allegations that have come out there, all they have done is open him up to other charge, other scrutiny and the fact that we start scrutinizing 9-9-9 and looking at his experience on foreign policy. the answer he gave on libbia, all of that becomes fair game because of the scrutiny as a frontrunner and this gets mixed in. a lot of republican voters haven't made up their mind and this is another reason to have doubts. >> iowa has a large evangelical vote. this is not the best topic to be parading in front of him. >> no! if people buy his side of the story that all of this is made up, that's one thing. but it gets harder and harder when you have so many women coming out there. this is not anonymous. these are women putting their names to it and their faces out there. have you to believe that all of them are 100% lying for the
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denials to be true. >> what can he do? is there any way out of this? is there a light at the end of the tunnel, besides an exit strategy? >> he needs to explain the nature of the relationship, find a way to discredit the people -- >> discredit or explain it? >> i think both have to happen. he has to explain why the contacts happened and the motivations of why this person is making it up and he has to get off the topic. he has speeches to talk about his foreign policy. if you do it with anything, have you to did it with policy specifics. you can't preemptively deny charges from people who continue to come out of the woodwork. >> let's say the woman has a tawdry background. she says, i'm not proud. she knew he was married. it isn't as though she didn't know what she was up to, if in fact, this is true. suppose she's got a shady background. does that have any political impact? or is that not relevant?
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>> if it goes to establishing that she made it up -- >> that would be -- that would be a plus. >> but i don't think -- i don't think it's enough just to question her motivations in this and to question her background. she's out there making a very specific allegation. you are right. it's not a criminal one. it is not the same order of sexual harassment or a consensual sexual relationship that. may be said. but herman cain is saying, it didn't happen. 100% not true. have you to believe that the person concocted all of it. >> the other candidates sit back. they are not going to lay a glove on him because the media's going after him so aggressively. the dynamics of the race have changed around herman cain. he has done his thing with the 9-9-9 plan, brought him to a new level of prominence and then of scrutiny. then, everything has changed. and now mitt romney and newt gingrich are jostling for the nomination. herman cain was a non-entity at the last debate and i think we will see that play out in the poll, where more and more voters
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decide to park their vote elsewhere. >> the runup to the primary in 1992, former president clinton, who was then governor clinton, he had some allegations against him and some tapes. he survived. what's the difference? >> i think the handling of it, for 1. bill clinton had his family at his side that pushed back. i think the voters made a judgment that they knew what was out there and they didn't care. herman cain has to hope for a similar dynamic and for some other missteps along the way to chart a path back. >> of course, because he did get the nomination, he had the advantage of having ross perot join. >> splitting the race. >> yeah. exactly. >> boy, it's a tough night for the cain family. >> yeah. they are never good when you have to say, i know someone's about to say something terrible and it's not true. >> i am not sure his lawyer helped him much. i thought the lawyerly like statement was not a political statement. >> different from his.
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he rebuts the charges. the lawyer says these are not thicks that a presidential candidate should have to answer, period. >> now to a political ad and this is a sizzling, rips g.o.p. candidate mitt romney to tiny pieces and stomps all over him on top of t. it'srom a competitor for the nomination. the ad is from the democratic national committee. i. two men willing to say anything. we have put together an exchange and the president's copying that idea. i'm glad to hear that. >> obamacare is bad news. >> see it all, the democratic national committee is responsible for the content of this ad. >> why would the dnc release this ad now? why not wait until the
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republicans pick their nominee? maybe it will be governor romney jonathan, that ad -- was about as regressive as i have seen. why did the dnc do that? >> well, i think they are really trying to define mitt romney from the get go, even during this primary campaign. the conventional wisdom is that he will be the most difficult candidate for obama to face in the general election. democrats are telegraphing a strategy of praising newt gingrich, trying to pump him up. so even if you don't succeed in defining mitt romney, you geto have him bloodied up in a primary with gingrich or gingrich come out ahead because of this. >> erch says that the obama administration doesn't want to run against mitt romney. i have a suspicion that it's speaker gingrich. there are no surprises. so he goes, yeah, right. when anyone confronts him.
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but governor romney has so many problems, real problems, as i think, i think he's more vulnerable. >> the ad goes to his core weakness as a candidate, which is his inconsistency on issues over the time. now, in the ad, the extended ad is 4 minutes long, it's a web ad and one of the examples of a flip-flop is misleadingly. in other instance, mitt romney has a plausible story about why he changed his mind on that issue. but when you add up the totality of all of these things that he switched on, it goes to the core of his character wlf he really got into politics because he cares about changing the country or if he was a bored businessman. >> see, it's funny because i think that they should be more worried about gingrich in the general than romney, i was suspicious whether or not this anti-romney web ad was payback for something that governor romney did to president obama a week ago in an ad, in which there was a misstatement in the
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ad. they played an ad and they say that president obama said something. but if you dig deep, he was quoting john mccain. so that was dirty. i thought it was payback. >> yeah. i mean -- it's rich for the dnc, which got up on its high horse on that misleading ad. to now issue this ad with its own misleading. maybe it is retribution. but it's an odd strategy to pump up gingrich if you are more scared about running against him. if you look back in the 1990s, newt gingrich was a polarizing figure and was demonized by democrats democrats and for that reason, you valid to say, he could suffer the same fate in the general election. >> except there is no surprise. it is want like, there is an awful lot out there about him, good, bad or whatever that everybody knows. i think that's the difference. >> we have to see, now that he's in the spotlight, the surprise would be something he says now, going forward. >> you know, it's interesting, these web ads don't cost a dime.
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they're cheap. they put it on and we pick it up and we run them. so we give them air time. >> sure. and they create buzz. but in this case, the dna's running the ads in the battleground states. >> is this being done in iowa? >> i am not sure, but there are 7 to 10 states that this is running in. >> does the dnc worry about any other candidate? >> as far as we have seen, their press releases and opposition, research dumps and that sort of thing, they have a single-minded obsession with mitt romney so far, from what is coming out of their shop. >> is that polling? have they gone out and polled to see whether romney is the more potent candidate in the general election? >> i mean, yeah! the polls, you pit the different candidates against obama in the states where it matters and so far, the main thrust of the polls has been that romney polls the best against obam aisle it's interesting, the new hampshire -- the new hampshire editorial. governor romney didn't get the nod from new hampshire, speaker
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gingrich did. and on top, he has a home in new hampshire. but i use the word insulted, romney was insulted because they said that they didn't know where he stood. >> huge victory for gingrich. and this cuts at the very hart heart of romney's strategy, which is to win hands down in new hampshire. if gingrich were able to defeat him in new hampshire, that would be a big fwloa romney. >> he's not spending much time, romney, in iwamp he's pick toping. >> they just said in a conference call, their strategy is to win iowa. this is the first admission that they are making a play in iowa and the expectations are going to rise. >> gingrich campaign, confident, over confident and the romney campaign over confident or feeling shaky tonight? >> i would say that gingrich has to be feeling great right now. everybody's been breaking his way the last couple of weeks. romney's campaign, they are looking at the -- the changes in the field and thinking, you
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know, we have to adapt to the new scenario. >> how about a governor palin endorsement? anybody want that? >> the buzz is that gingrich is the frontrunner for the palin endorsement. so we will have to see. >> does that matter? >> there is a cadre of republican voters that are very loyal to governor palin. i think for them, it would certainly matter. >> i suspect it's good for fund-raising. >> sure. >> you can certainly use that. >> she's somewhat of a polarizing figure, she has fierce opposition and fierce loyalty. so if it would matter a lot for them. >> never dull. never dull. thank, jonathan. >> thanks very much. >> massachusetts congressman barney frank with a stunner, retiring after 16 terms. he sounds happy. he says one of the best parts is, i don't have to pretend to be nice to people i don't like. ouch. as you may recall, congressman frank was chairman of the house financial services committee at the height of the financial
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crisis. he came under fire for his oversight of fannie and freddie and the passage of the dodd/frank law. and a memorable moment in a fiery exchange with bill o'reilly. >> the earliest chance i got to put tough regulation on fannie and freddie, we did. >> it that's well. but you went out in july and said everything was great and off that, a lot of people bought stock and lost everything they had -- >> no -- >> yes! oh, yes! >> it wasn't an investment! >> don't give me that -- we heard the words. you didn't say that? you wantny play it again for you. >> you didn't listen to it. >> no! i listened to every word you said and i have the transcript right here. >> iaid it wasn't a good investment. >> and you said, going forward we are going to be swell. from august '07 to august '08. stop the b.s. here! stop the crap? [overlapping dialogue] >> here's new york -- >> the problem going on your show i. 90% -- 90% --
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>> you want to let me talk. >> oh, no! people lost millions of dollars. it wasn't your fault. come on, you coward! >> what do you mean, coward? >> you blame everybody else. you're a coward. >> here's the problem with going on your show. you start ranting and the only way to respond is to be as boorish as you. i said i didn't think it was a good investment. i wasn't telling people to buy stock. i said it wasn't a good investment. secondly, i wasn't presiding idly, i was trying to get the regulations adopted -- >> no, i'm talking. >> stock drops nine%. >> yeah -- because i couldn't get. >> you are out -- any private concern, you are out on your butt. but not here in the federal government. you go ahead and make every excuse in the world, blame everybody else in the world and then -- >> i am not going to be bullied by your ranting. you can rabbit all you want. you are not going to shut me up. we passed in 1994, in fact.
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>> now we are back to 1994 -- this is bull! this is why americans don't trust the government! >> no, this is why your stupidity gets in the way of rational discussion inform 1994, we pass a bill that told the fed to stop the subprime lending. next time we were in power again, 2007, we passed a bill to regulate fannie and freddie. >> you try to put a happy face on this. >> i am not trying to put a happy face on anything. >> you are not man enough, lee cox is man enough to say he screwed up. >> this manly stuff is very unbecoming. >> cox is man enough to say he screwed up. you're not! >> you think that toughness is yelling and ranting and bullying. it is not going to work with me. i said, it's not a good investment -- >> you said -- going forward it's going to be swell. and people under that, bought stock in that. thought it was a good investment. >> no, i said, in fact, in that quote that you played and didn't listen to because you are
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ranting that it is not a good investment. i said that at the time. i did think we were going to imprief things going forward. >> let me read you your quote here, okay? okay? i do think the prospects going forward are very solid -- >> that's not a good investment. you are distorting that! you are lying -- >> this is what you said. i am not lying, i played it. i read it. >> what about the part where i said it wasn't a good investment? >> you said it's not an investment right now, but going forward, this is going to be solid. >> right. >> you don't buy it right now. i didn't say solid, i didn't say swell. you contort and you rant and rave and you talk about 1994, like no history is relevant. you had a problem with the administration conservatives -- >> calling them conservatives. >> it's all the republicans and not you. none on you. that's a joke! >> you won't have a rational discussion. the joke is to have a rational discussion with you when you are ranting iesmght both parties are at fault, as i stated. but cox says, yeah, i screwed up
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and one guy, frank says, it's everybody else's fault. >> no, i didn't say it was everybody else's fault. you don't listen at all. maybe you listen and you are too dumb to understand. >> no. i'm dumb. you are the brilliant guy. you are the brilliant guy who presided over the biggest financial collapse in federal history. >> oh, no, no, no, under the bush administration. >> you are the brilliant guy. >> i think they like each other. congressman frank says he won't seek re-election because redistricting has made it too strenuous to campaign. are you sick of congress and the president not doing their jobs? you better brace yourself, they are doing it again. wait until you hear what is scheduled to happen in january because the president and congress would rather play golf and fight amongst themselves than do their jobs. and jon corzine has some big-time explaining to do. $1.2 billion is missing from mf
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global, the company he heads. congress has given him a friendly call to talk about t. but corzine has ignored that. it's about to get not so friendly for the former senator. and our nation has a big problem in pakistan. we will tell you the latest. can a trading site help make you a sharper trader? mine can. td ameritrade can. they've got trading specialists i can call for help.
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>> what's with congress? why can't they meet one deadline on time? the super committee, despite lots of time to figure it out and agree. now they are in danger of missing another critical deadline. this time it's medicare. maybe you aren't on medicare but someone on your family probably is. and for your congress must find a way to avoid a 27% cut in medicare payments to doctors. that cut begins january 1st. if congress doesn't fix this problem, you should expect the worst. it's serious. some doctors will be forced to drop medicare patients because they can't afford to care for them and new medicare patients may not be able to find doctors to take them as patients. mike huckabee joins us. good evening, governor. before we get to the question of my outrage over congress not doing its job, tell me, what's your thought on the mr. herman cain issue tonight?
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>> greta, it's a serious charge. the allegation is one that could up-end his presidential campaign and i think the reaction that he's had to it when he said that unlike the harassment charges, which he denied, he said this was a private matter. in essence, he may have given an answer that will be very difficult for him to work himself out of. i think this is the most damaging allegation that has been made to date. no question about it. >> can he recover from this or is it over? >> the voters will decide, but i think right now the voters will probably be shopping for someone with less trouble, with less controversy, and that's why you have seen newt gingrich rise to really compete with mitt romney. but it leaves an opening for ron san tore rum and michele bachmann, who have not been in the personal controversy. i don't think people wanting to
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through next year's election with a person that is not fully vetted and they will have surprise of a surprise in a personal way. >> now to the other issues. why can't congress do its job? this whole cut to medicare cuts to doctors beginning in january. they have known about it not just for a year, but a long time and there's sort of a long path of everyone not doing his job in congress. and even the president not getting involved. why won't they? >> greta, the sad reality and most people when they are in politics are more interested in being re-elected than they are in solving problems. they know if they solve problems like they have to solve them, which means sometimes making compromises and not getting everything they want, they will make certain con stage wents and con stage went groups mad. this medicare problem is a very serious one. you called attention to it and the reason it's serious is there is virtually known untouched by medicare even if you are not on it. if you go to a doctor, chances are your doctor sees medicare
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patients. the fact that your doctor is not going to be able to afford to see medicare patients, or will cause to have longer waits, will have an impact on every patient, medicare or not. this country i think has an obligation, a morale obligation, to fulfill promises it made to people starting back in the 1960s. it's really past the point of arguing whether there should be a medicare program. we've made that decision. now we need to make sure it's solvent and that it gives an adequate level of reasonable care to people who are in their elderly years who have worked, who have saved and scrimped and now deserve a little bit of respect. and frankly, it has nothing to do with nothing more than respect to not put them in a situation where they are scared everyday they won't be able to go to the doctor. >> and that's the word, scared. it's so indecent of anybody who works in government to want to scare anyone about his health like what's going on about
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medicare right now. it's indecent for anyone to take any time off, it's indecent for members of congress not to decide this, it's indecent for the president not to be involved in it and they are being paid to do a job. they aren't taking the 27% cut but they are expecting doctors to do it in bran they are leaving everybody hanging. >> congress is one of the few jobs i'm aware of where a person can do less work and get more money. it's a rare situation people will take vacations even if their work isn't done. college students have to do all-nighters and cram for finals. people often have to work over the weekend and late at might and eat cold pizza at their desk. but in congress they will take weeks off for thanksgiving, they will take several weeks off for christmas, and i'm with you. i think congress should say there are no vacation, we around going home on thursday, we will stay here seven days a week, sit in a room together, do whatever
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it takes, but we aren't leaving until we've come up with some type of definitive way to make sure doctors aren't on january 1st going to find themselves unable to see a patient who is on medicare. >> it goes both ways, republicans and democrats, and the president is in the mix, too. he's involved in this, too. they all wanted the job, they are all up to their eyeballs in it. they couldn't decide last august what to do with the debt ceiling so they pushed it off with the soup committee. the super committee couldn't decide so the cuts will go into effect. and it will go into effect january of next year so it doesn't affect them politically. they don't do their jobs and we have the keystone problem with the pipeline and no one wanted to make a decision on that so let's have another study. meanwhile the american people suffer, the economy is a wreck and people are scared to death. i don't know how these people can possibly face the voters on either side of the ale like this. >> one way they should face the voters is by not being re-elected. if you have a congress person
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who is not taking a clear stand on getting it fixed and not willing to cross party lines to to it because you can't do this with just republicans or democrats. there are some issues that have to transcend the partisan lines and people have to govern. governing is not always pretty but it's necessary. and i would hope that even like the simpson-billion olls commission, it wasn't perfect but it actually was a thoughtful plan to get us out of the incredible debt crisis. congress should have accepted it. if not, we ought to have term limits on congress and they shouldn't be there for a career, they should be there six, eight, maybe twelve years tops and then go home. >> and one of the things, doctors work really hard and to put this on the back of the doctors who are trying to help, it's unfair, as well. i am going to take the last word on that, governor. thank you. >> thank you, greata. >> and a reminder. tune in saturday night when gov. huckabee joins a special presidential forum live saturday night at 8:00 p.m. on fox news
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channel. and coming up former governor jon corzine has big troubles. here's the hint. mf global and $1.2 billion missing. and teen star miley cyrus makes some shocking statements. what did she i wouldn't do that. get married? no, i wouldn't use that single miles credit card. nice ring. knock it off. ignore him. with the capital one venture card you earn... double miles on every purchase. [ sharon ] 3d is so real larry. i'm right here larry. if you're not earning double miles... you're settling for half. really? a plaid tie? what, are we in prep school? [ male announcer ] get the venture card at
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global scandal. congress wants to know if john corzine plans to show up about the massive collapse. and a russ senator finds himself on the other side of an investigation. charlie gas gasparino joins us. things are not good for jon corzine tonight. >> no. we learned they are negotiating with the house subcommittee and there's now a senate committee that's investigating this and they are negotiating his possible testimony. i'll be honest but, you are a lawyer, i'm not, but i can't see him if he does show up other than i plead the fifth because there's a lot of stuff going on. there's a criminal investigation going on. it involves that missing money. it could be as much as $1.2 billion. so this is a serious situation. >> in terms of this, quote, missing money, is it a sufficient pigs it was a really bad investment, trying to buy up the european sovereign debt and
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that sort of went belly up or is there suspicion somebody has stuffed it in their pockets and run. >> the bottom line, the last couple days of the firm's existence, they had to basically sell stuff to keep solvent. they had to pay people off, other counter parties on trades. the problem is that to do those operational things, what it looks like is that they dipped into money that should be segregated. that was customer money. did they do that intentionally or was it bad bookkeeping? either way it's bad. i predict if he shows up john -- jon corzine will take the fifth it he shows up. >> he wanted an aggressive
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stimulus program and vice president biden has been quoted to say the smartest guy i know in terms of the economy. he will not only be making an appearance on capitol hill but we will see a lot of him. >> and here's the thing, president obama's achilles heal is the economy. and some of the guys he surrounds himself with, i think ge has created more jobs overseas than they have here. and jon corzine, if you look at his record on wall street, he got thrown out of goldman sachs because he wasn't a great risk manager. and if he's guilty here, forget the criminal stuff, just look at his record at mf global. not a great risk manager. that's not the type of guy you want touting as your economic. >> but, they say he did a lousy job at goldman sack, and he's thought to have a couple million dollars.
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where did he get so rich some. >> i don't think he has a couple million dollars. he spent a lot on campaigns, on costly divorces. i think he lost money in this. it was a decent bond trader e made a lot of money in the early '80s and '90s trading bonds. but in terms of his managerial skills, managing goldman sachs, one of the main reasons he's out is because he was a lousy risk manager for the firm. if you are a lousy risk manager, it comes back to haunt you. and mf global, if you take out whether the money was comingled or purposely taken, we will find out about that. it wasn't managed well. they went whole hog into the debt of italy and spain when they didn't have the balance sheet to sustain that for a long period of time and investors looked at it and ran for the hills. >> when do you think the 1.$2 billion began to disappear? was it the last couple weeks when they began to hit the skids
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as they scrambled to try to find ways to stay solvent or has it going on for a long period of time and regulate ors didn't catch it? >> number one, there were money issues at mf global for predating the implosion of the firm during that last tumultuous week and meaning people were getting checks, more money than they were owed, traders. and it was essentially a firm that didn't have very good compliance systems throughout, i think. but i think when you really -- when the rubber met the road, it was that last week. when customers, and we at the fox business network were the first to report this, customers were pulling out. they weren't dealing with the lenders. if you are a wall street firm you have to borrow money from the markets to keep your operations going. you have to put up collateral. lenders were pulling those lines of credit. all that happened in the last week and particularly during the end of the last week of their existence when the rating agencies started to downgrade them. that's when they got collateral calls and that's when people said give us the money you owe us and that's when a lot of
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people think they started dipping into the customer funds. >> i can't help but notice the green bay packer helmet behind you. >> hey, i'm a giant fans, just so you know. >> what are you doing with that behind you? >> i'm in new orleans. i'm here on business. >> okay. >> but i'm a giants fan. just remember that. >> all right. you are forgiven. charlie, thank you. >> okay. >> coming up, a major setback to the already rocky relationship between the u.s. and pakistan. are we in for a beg trouble from pakistan? general bob scales is here. that's next. and high-tech doesn't have to mean high cost. see one man's creative way to see one man's creative way to share tablet computers [ woman ] my boyfriend and i were going on vacation, so i used my citi thank you card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? we talked about getting a diamond. but with all the thank you points i've been earning... ♪
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flavored with real honey. powerful cold medicine that leaves out artificial flavors and dyes and instead uses something more natural, honey. new vicks nature fusion cold & flu. ♪ >> we have a big problem with pakistan and it just got bigger. a deadly fay toe airstrike on a post killed 25 pakistani soldier. it's the biggest case of
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friendly fire since the war started. good evening, sir. >> hi, greta. >> first of all, what happened? >> saturday morning about midnight, a pakistani outpost saw movement, fired a flare, and opened up with machine gun and mow -- motar fire. it happened it was a u.s.-afghan patrol. the u.s. side came under fire, called the pakistani clearance channel to make sure there were no pakistanis on that position. the pakistanis said it was clear. one of the things i asked my source is how come so many pakistanis died? the answer is that the firepower force that responded was an ac 130 gun ship, and as you know from your time there, that's the most lethal form of firepower we have. beginning at about 2:00 in the morning to half-hour the gun ship raked those two positions
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>> do they need to do it that long for two hours? >> the two hours was one side maneuvering against the other trying to find out who they were. the firepower was pastor. very sad. >> we at any time need this. the pakistani military already doesn't like us. we have the bin laden in, when we went in, and the pakistani people aren't wild about us and they have the nuclear weapon and we need their help in afghanistan and it's a supply route. what do we do now? >> well, this couldn't be whose. what makes it frustrating, the u.s. command, all the generals in charge of making amends with the pakistani military has been at it since the osama bin laden killing and has done great work to get things back on track and
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then this happens. >> what can we do? it is not just a minor blip. >> no, it's huge. >> this is serious. what should the united states to? should the president be involved, the secretary of state? >> the first thing you have to let it blow over as much as you can. >> they hate us. i have been there. >> i have been there, too. >> they are hostile to us. as civilians they don't like us. >> you have to let it blow over and focus on the pakistani military. they are the most respected institution in pakistan. >> and they guard the nuclear weapons and they don't like us. >> there is complicated. some are favorable but don't want to advertise it. the isi and intelligence arm is against arican presence in afghanistan. but we have no choice. they are nuclear country and toward. if we don't make it right with the pakistans, then the deal is american soldiers will day.
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that's what i worry about most. >> we're giving them billions of dollars in an effort to make it go right. and secretary state hillary clinton made an announcement of $700 billion in aid to the pakistani and they were livid. this is not a happy relationship. can we afford for them to be patient not to get mad at us? >> sadly we have no choice. they are a nuclear armed power. there are elements within pakistan we can work with but you have to ask the question, if this goes south and cut off all the relationships, what is the alternative? the alternative is much, much worse. >> take me through this. we just sort of sit it out for how long? >> a few weeks and re-establish mill to mill contacts, do the investigation. >> let's say the military people, and let's say we square things up with them. we have the pakistani people and they have an enormous amount of
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influence and the government is unstable. even if we make friends again with the military, we still have to contend with the fact the huge population is not happy. >> absolutely. i think we are hatedpy many members of the pakistani population, particularly in the northeast. we will never make that right. this has to be a military to military, government-to-government patchwork in order to get things back on track again. we have to open those logistics points, get supplies flowing again and we have to re-establish connection between the border area with the lsu and pakastanis and we have to get it back on level. >> and the resignations over the weekend, not good. and a suspect on camera, he ran on the lamb. you will see how this one plays
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>> greta: flash studio lights, it's time for last call. as congressman frank is ready to retire, we want to bring back a memorable report. >> and as obama has expressly supported his policies why are you supporting it?. >> let me... i will... >> when you ask me that question i am going to revert to my ethnic heritage and answer your question with a question. on what planet do you spend most of your time. trying to have a conversation with you would be like trying to argue with a dining room table. very no interest in doing it. >>. >> greta: that is your last call. we're closing down shop. thank you for being with us tonight. we'll see
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