tv Red Eye FOX News December 1, 2011 12:00am-1:00am PST
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manhattan. thank you for adding to the mess, obama. i'm greg gutfeld. or as i am known in australia, the sydney slasher. let's go to andy levy for a pre game report. >> won't you be my neighbor, america? how did they defeat the evil san francisco? a fair report next. 1k3* santas being taught to minimize kids' expectations this year. our allstar panel will debate whether a new fund has been opened on the war on christmas. and a new e-book revealed that mitt romney takes the cheese off his pizza. we will investigate whether this shocking report will cause the former massachusetts governor to reassess his campaign. greg? >> thanks, andy. >> eight days until "new
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year'seve" comes out. >> have i an idea. >> what's that? >> i was thinking maybe you and i would go see it together. >> i thought that was a done deal jie. yes. the second part 1* after we see this movie we kill ourselves. >> okay. >> you know it is not going to get any better. >> that's just it. i almost don't want to see it because it is like meeting one of your heroes. you are just going to be let down. >> john stamos is in it. >> i didn't even know that. >> yes, jon bon jovi who i hate, but i am willing to like. >> don't hate on the jo. >> go away. let's welcome our guest. she is cuter than a baby panda riding a unicorn through candy land. i am here with lori rothman. and he is sharper than a hyperdermic needle. and his 401k is a sock filled with old bottle caps. it is bill schulz. and he knows finances like i
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know table dances. it is how i earn cash through dental school. sitting next to me, another fox business network reporter, adam shapiro. did i say that right? >> it used to be shapiro. it is now shapiro. >> anyway, his business is failing because readers are sailing. >> they came out to urge the u.s. to ease rules on marijuana. we all know what that means. ♪ party rockin. ♪ smote. ♪ in the house tonight. ♪ ♪ everybody just have a good time ♪ ♪ one more shot for us ♪ another round please fill up my cup ♪ ♪ every day i'm shufflin >> your eyes are really red. >> the walls are bleeding right now. >> one of the top rated shows in cable news i will have you know.
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i don't know how. joe frisco has a frown, and it is due to the clown. mcdonalds is deliciously skirting san francisco's ban on free toys in kids' meals pie charging 10 cents for folks who want a toy and they are donating the money to the nonprofit ronald mcdonald house. last year, the city became the first to nix the knick-knacks. unless the food meets nutritional guidelines. tired of looking at the kids? come back to me. the law goes into affect today. and as the sf weekly quotes, in order to have the privilege of making a 10 cent charitable donation, you actually -- you must buy the happy meal. meanwhile, the san fran city council has a new health crusade.
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sarah jessica parker is getting ready for her new role with her corgi dog. what are you thinking? you make me sick. adam, i imagine this mcdonalds great, great coup, there is a lesson in this. i am too dumb to figure it out. w45* is the -- what is the lesson? >> there are ways around bad legislation. what the city of san francisco tried to do is say, low income people, you are not smart enough to make choices for food for your kids. therefore we will make the choice for you and mcdonalds, you will do as we say. >> you interviewed the councilmembers, didn't you? >> he kept saying we are doing it for the children. it is good for the health of the children. i said in that interview, divorce is bad for children. why not just ban divorce? he said it is not the same. >> that's a great argument. we are divorcing for the children. you can use that argument no matter what. the money for toys goes to charity. >> love it. >> is mcdonalds geniuses or
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what? >> brilliant. you can't go up against mcdonalds. it is like a 98 billion dollar market cap company. always bringing it back to the stock market. that's my goal. as a parent, i would day top dollar to get my kids those toys and keep them happy. 10 cents, i would pay it. and it goes to a good cause. >> they were originally $2 a toy. now they are just 10 cents. it goes to the ronald mcdonald house which is a good thing. michael -- i don't know why i said bill. that that wasn't the house they were talking about. that was the neighbor ronald mcdonald. >> the neighbors were not thrilled. >> my will -- michael, in a weird way the city has incenti vized. -- they incenti vie sed the purchase of happy meals. >> the first thing to point out in stories like this,
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especially when it is done for the children, that's when it goes up. children don't have money. children can't buy happy meals. the children that do have the money are the ones that make the toys in asia. they have money. but that's not a different thing. but the idea that kids are going out and buying all of this stuff. it is like you are mad at bad parenting and now the 10 cent thing is great. they should incentivise everything. >> the other argument that people make is, well, poor neighborhoods don't have good food stores. the supermarkets don't offer fruits and vegetables and that stuff. there is no guarantee and that's thought 100% true. there is no guarantee that given the choice to buy apples and peaches won't choose the doritos and -- >> i think a fair amount of junk food is good for kids.
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they won't crave it. it won't be the thing they binge on. it takes the mystery away from it. >> she is the world's greatest mom. >> you are not scoring points right now. >> exactly. >> no, because if you give them a little bit, everything in small doses, it is not going to hurt them and it is not going to sneak them later. >> you were very sick, but you were also cool. >> i was very cool. >> doesn't this philanthropize the chubby kids? >> i didn't say that right. i have to agree with lori as a parent of three children myself, i will legitimate, very i will legitimate, i like happy meals. i am upset there is not enough food. hear me out on this. instead of the apples throw in another burger because i like
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them good and fat. the last thing i want to deal with are boys knocking down the door and geting to my daughters. i want them sweaty and gruesome 1k3* as fat as ever. makes my job easier. there are apples now. >> that's wrong. >> welcome to north korea. >> kids, kids, kids, i am going to turn this show around and we will start over. i want to ask you, what should they do now? should they burn down the mcdonalds? >> there is a number of people in san francisco that will be willing to do that for you. >> they are doing that already in ducati park. that's why everybody is showering. >> i think they need to focus more on the nudists. >> that's the irony. well it is not an irony, but the fact that mcdone eld thats allows for any kind of behavior. >> but there is one councilman that was trying to ban nude
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customers from going into restaurants. they are totally naked. there all of these exhibitionists who prefer people looking at them. it has nothing to do with -- people like you are never naked. that's the sad truth about nudism. >> so they were allowing that to happen in the castro district and yet they go after happy meals instead of crappy bodies. go figure. on that note from happy meals to crappy deals. they are keeping the expectations low because the economy blows. they are being coached to not get kids' hopes up on account of the recession. the prestigous santa claus school in michigan. it explains one recent alum, quote, in the end santas have to be sure to never promise anything. it is hard to watch sometimes. children are like little mirrors on what the country has been through. what?
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children are not like little barometers. you know what are like little barometers? little barometers. telling children they are like little barometers is freaky. what if kids think it is a little barometer? well, businesses are not booming. it is the largest in the institution's 74-year history. and on that note we ask a typical kid what he wants for christmas. >> he is doing fine. >> it is a she and it is my second. how dare you. >> you can't get everything
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you want. >> but this is the thing, but it is a wayward elf and slowed toy production for children and tell me what the fake santa is doing is talking like machine breakers and the elf is mucking up the gears and you are not going to get an ipad. >> it is a made up character. the made up character is delivering on the made up promise. >> if you are going lie to a kid, why no go full tilt. >> i would go, okay, well, i had the kid on my lap and i would say, look, terrorists are mass ask you raiding as santa santa claus. that means half of the presents are bombs. if you are lucky, you won't get any presents. pray you won't get any
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presents. the whole thing could go. >> a lot of these kids might have parents who are among the 9% unemployed out there. w45* is wrong with santa claus exploiting that it is not just your family that sen during the tough, challenging times. they need to lower the bar. >> have you seen some of these? >> no, my jewish daughters are not going to get santa claus. they don't get santa claus. they don't understand. >> so what does it take to be honest and tell the kid, i'm sorry, santa only likes rich kids. that's what he should say. the truth is around us. the kids that have unemployed parents are not coming in with a shaw win. tell them the truth. >> and retail sales were through the roof. we got excellent news. blah, blah, blah, bottom line, the global financial market, the stock market is soaring today. >> you try being a five-year-old jewish kid at christmas. i put a sweaty tube sock up --
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we had a fireplace. i put it up there thinking i would get something. >> you would get a dismembered foot. >> santa only likes rich christians. >> those that have grown up the chosen people know we are cut out. >> we choose not to honor you with gifts. that's how it works. >> i would always try to figure out what the difference was between christmas and hanukkah. hanukkah sounded good. >> try spelling it. >> it is the qaddafi of holidays. >> i don't even want to comment on that. from chrais-mass to body mast. they found 86% of full time employees are above normal weight or have one chronic condition. that condition is loving me. yes. but also the "new york times" paired the survey with a duke
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university study. it found that overweight employees are 13 times more likely to be absent due to work-related injuries. they asked the question, should it be illegal for businesses to discriminate against applicants who are obese? translation, should it be illegal for businesses to discram nate against applicants who are -- discriminate against applicants who are obese? it is the exact same thing i said before. while we ponder that, the robots keep getting thinner. >> it is imminent, people. medical claims for the injured, overweight people were seven times more costly. would companies want to hire the corpulent? >> that's a big word. you mean the fat? >> cor pew -- corpulent is a bigger word. >> i think people already discriminate against people who are obese.
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i don't think it is smart to create legislation to, quote, protect obese people. on the other hand, these surveys are a load of crap. these medical surveys and all of that about the overweight person or the smoker, you get less work. at the end of the day it is about what is the final product. >> i agree with you. >> i have a real problem. >> i actually think they exaggerate what obesity is. i remember having my bmi taken which i don't know what exactly it is, but i had to put it in a jar. they said my -- >> i think you missed her bmi. >> the fact is they said i was obese and i wasn't. they don't take into consideration muscle mass. lori, you are thin and gorgeous. i think that it is people like you that have more sick days than people who are overweight because are you out partying all night and going on hot dates, and that means you call in sick every day. >> absolutely. absolutely. i actually used to be quite a bit heavier.
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i have to tell you i think conversations like this just increase the stigma on overweight because they know they have a problem and they don't need the government intervening. >> "red eye" is the most fat-friendly show on the planet. i defend chubby kids on every show. i am pro mcdonalds. i believe that, by the way, i believe that overweight people are the hardest working people in the office. they don't waste their time at the gym. >> i am glad you found a cause finally. >> you disagree with everything i just said. >> i did do the -- is this a nonseek -- nonsequiter. i did the bmi thing and i don't think i am that fat. you said when you did it, when i did the jar and it was like,
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no, you are overweight. the thing is, who is fat is totally skewed. the idea that people are taking sick days off because they #r* wheezing because they are 20 pounds overweight is total nonsense. and then employers discriminate against people. can i end on a very unpopular point that has nothing to do with what they previously said in let them discriminate. >> this is an attack on fat people. >> it is an attack on fat people, but going to your ., i'm a smoker. get what, i get stigma tiesed. >> perhaps i didn't get that last job. the fact of the matter is lots of businesses, they won't hire people because they smoke. i realize i have a problem, but i also don't write in letters every time people make fun of me. you know why? i am too busy smoking. that's the difference between us and -- >> do you think it has been
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tested? we have a gym mere at news corporation -- here at news corporation. >> jim stevens. >> absolutely, great guy. >> he is a personal trainer so if you need to work out go to jim. >> that's my point. they have get on the corporate marathon team. of course i do none of this stuff. i think that's more important. >> we work with people who go to the gym during their 30-minute lunch break and where is that person for an hour to an hour and a half? >> people used to complain that smokers got extra breaks and hanging out outside. now it is the gym rats. is that a word? >> i used to work at rodell that was men's health. they had an amazing gym. they encouraged you to go to the gym, but people would have two-hour lunch hours. the worst thing is being in the locker room and seeing everybody you work with naked. it is disgusting. as we talked about before many times, the use of the blow dryer in certain areas is not -- >> it is a generational thing.
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saying 3% of the population suffer from what i think is a made up mallity. they say that section addiction wrecks marriages, destroys careers and saps self-worth. meanwhile, there is another very real addiction. >> it was his addiction, but he had to drag her into it. she wasn't into it -- >> enable much? >> she loves him. >> strawberries are the gateway. >> and then a yogurt. what does that mean? >> what gets me so angry about this story, lori, i will go to you. news week, if this cover was anywhere else they would do --
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but it is here in america, and they put a woman on the cover? they put a woman on the cover about sex addiction? >> we are obviously the most guilty of it. i stopped dead in my track. sex sells. they will sell magazines and talking about a stigma, i think it is -- people just love talking about it and love wondering. there has to be other emotional issues tied in whether it is sex addiction or other things. maybe that's the object of the addiction. >> that was it. she was in a shadow. she had the addiction. michael, you are giggling here. >> yes, schoolgirl. >> isn't sex addiction about options? the more options you have for sex, the more likely you will have sex? so a professional nba basketball player will have sex with a thousand women in a year. does that make him a sex addict or an nba basketball player? >> totally. that's always the thing. like tiger woods or whatever, you never meet homeless dudes. it is rich people who are hot.
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i am totally addicted and cheating on wives and stuff. to the serious point, i will give a plug to my former employer, reason magazine. i think it was the most successful blog post ever. it was all of the addictions, scares, say tanism cover stories. >> i remember that. >> it was of the past 25 years. this is the stock and trade of magazines like time and news week that have to public something. >> they have to do it. >> do you see substance to this? >> i think compulsive behavior is a problem for a lot of people and marriages are wrecked because of compulsive behavior. to call it an epidemic is what you said, look, it was crack babies when we were kids. they will destroy the world. well, the world is still here and the crack babies -- there was a study and most of the crack babies have adjusted. >> i loved crack babies. that was on after captain kangaroo. they were hilarious. >> oh man.
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>> talk about fraggle rock. >> if men have access to sex all of the time, they would have sex all of the time. there are two things, bill, that keep it from happening, scriewp -- scruples which women have and will power which men don't have. >> but i believe in this. you don't need a woman to have sex. i am glad you are sitting for this brain buster. and i don't think it is an epidemic. what do we have better and easier access to? porn, porn, porn. without going into any detail, dead spin had a diary of a sex addict and i remember reading it saying it is one thing to have a healthy law be dough and he was all over the territory. it was disgusting and brutal. xnay on the name-ayye. they do it because it was an epidemic or for promotion.
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>> it is corrupt poll law gnaw swraition. >> i am hearing oscar. do you have a comment on the show, like how awesome it is? if it is not a comment like that, i frankly don't want to hear. it e-mail us at red eye at fox news .com. to leave a voicemail call 212-462-5050. i will be checking those in the next couple years. still to come, the half time report from tv's andy levy. don't like him. >> sex addict. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by awards. the objects bestowed on someone on the basis of merit. thanks, award.
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let's find out if we got anything wrong so far. let's get to tv's andy levy. i have to ask, is something wrong? >> i had an awful night last night. i didn't sleep at all. just lying awake thinking about something that happened earlier in the night. >> what happened? >> i would rather not get into it. too many bad memory. >> it can't be that bad. >> it can, greg. >> you have to talk about this. it is obviously eating you up inside. >> maybe are you right. larry, can reroll that tape of me on hann ti y on tuesday night. >> i think at the end of the day most conservatives -- more conservatives will hold their nose and vote for romney than more will vote for newt in a
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general election. >> wow. >> have i to say i am shocked. >> i know. >> how could you do that? how could you say at the end of the day? >> i don't know what happened. one minute everything was fine. the next i was that guy saying at the end of the day. >> are you going to be okay? >> i don't know. i guess i just have to move on and try to forget it ever happened. >> good luck with that. >> i know. >> anyway, i love the fact you weren't sure about talking about your feelings, but you had the tape ready. >> i do that wherever i go. >> it is a good point. it is a good thing to do. >> there are those times you do feel like talking about your feelings. if you don't have the tape, how will you talk about your feelings? >> it is like having a conversation ready in your head. you can think about flowers or something. >> maybe the weather. >> mcdonalds gets around san francisco happy meals.
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you say people in low income brackets can't make good choices for their kids. i am just tired of mcdonalds. >> good point. >> he is still not talking about himself. >> we will get to that. >> he eats more mcdonalds. >> we will get to that. >> michael, you said children don't have money. it is important to remember that. i tried to find out where the happy meal toys were. there doesn't seem to be information on the mcdonalds website. i do believe at the least they are made in vietnam and china. >> i am thinking vietnam. >> are you having flash backs? >> always thinking of vietnam. lori, i agree with you that giving kids junk food in small doses is cool. mcdonalds was a treat you looked forward to. now as an adult i eat it for just about every meal, and it is just not as good.
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>> yes, i will tell you -- i can't think of the phrase. i'm tired. losing its value as time goes on? >> depreciation? >> well, yeah, that works. >> that was the original name for happy meals. >> in my household when i was growing up, mcdonalds was a reward. if you got good grades on your report card you went to mcdone eld thats. now when ever i do something good i have diarrhea. >> apparently we have a really good show today. good god. >> michael, greg asked what san francisco is going to do next. don't you think the city council will escalate this war on america bypassing another law to get around what mcdonalds is doing? >> yes. is that what you are looking for? >> i am asking for your opinion. >> no, you are not.
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that was a statement with a question mark at the end. >> no, it wasn't. >> i am a newsman. i would never do that. >> they have a history of doing this, and i think as greg pointed out there is new -- nudism laws and smoking. that's an answer to your question. sorry i answered. >> they are telling students to temper kids' expectations. i hate to go back to michael, but you mentioned the one santa who slowed the toy production up north. i am fairly certain that will be a new kevin james movie. i was hoping you would tell me who will play the elf? >> bob ballaban. >> that's not a bad one. >> i think santa should be honest and say because of george bush, golden sacks,
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only children in the 1% are getting presents this year. >> i like that. bill, you said if you are going to lie to kids go full hilt? >> i don't recall saying that. >> you did. >> it is a christmas phrase and you wouldn't understand. >> i'm assuming you meant full tilt. >> you really don't deliver. >> as a kid you put up a dirty tube sock by the fireplace. if you had lived near greg you would have. >> i heard about his gift. >> it is part of his bmi. >> should fat people be a protected class 1234* as bill brought up, if it is okay for companies not to hire smokers which some are doing, why isn't it okay to not hire obese people.
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companiess use statistics why they are not hiring smokers. but can they do it for obese people. >> companies should hire people based on their ability to do the job. i don't think there -- it gets con -- confusing. >> you mentioned the gym here at news corp. there was one day i was getting on the elevator. this guy was in good shape and had a gym bag and carrying a salad and one of those disgusting brown-orangish smoothe and i was like, we get it. >> i would be self-conscious about working out at work. >> so i opened my mcdonalds and ate my frys. >> the more fast-food you eat the less you like it and you wind up not gaining weight. >> by the way, two times a week. that's how much i eat it.
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>> it is a lot. >> do you monitor it though? >> every monday and friday. >> but on tuesday, wendy's on wednesday burger king. >> not true. it is usually mcdonalds on monday 1k3* burger king on friday. >> i hate being in a two-shot with you. this is uncomfortable for me. >> the gal lop survey showed 14% of u.s. workers have chronic illness. >> what is a chronic illness. everybody has something. >> 86% do. >> i have an eyebrow issue. >> i have a lazy eye? >> i have a lazy eye. tell it to get back to work. >> you know what will happen is a mexican eye will come over here -- >> and take that job.
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>> it has plagued me my whole life. i had to do exercises. >> i'm sure your lazy eye kept you from many things. >> let me get you really fat in high school. -- let me guess, you were really fat in high school. >> we don't buy it. >> you weighed 150 pounds and frizzy hair and braces. >> i just had my high school reunion. >> you just described bill. >> even now i am twice as big as bill. gosh. > news week's cover story on sex addiction. i am surprised it was the woman on the cover that it was not a crazy looking michelle back man. i believe sex uh addiction is a real thing, but it is not a national epidemic. people need to shut up. bill, you said you don't need women to have sex and speaking of porn. in the article one sex therapist says, we see a lot
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of het row sexual men addicted to sex, and because cultural rely, these men will turn to gay men for gratification. >> i disagree with the last part. it really has nothing to do with me what cover. -- whatsoever. >> i don't know what you are saying. i am not going to chelsea after the show. >> back to you, greg. >> thanks, andy. coming up, billy crystal is dead -- tired of hosting the oscars. can't say i blame him. it is a god awful mess. first. what is ms. workout routine? what makes him so brigham young. that joke kills when you read it on paper. the last time i listen to my pet turtle, captain hard shell.
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saying no cheese, please? that and jogging which is like walking, but a little faster. a new e-book, what is those, reveals romney's secret to staying slim at 64. quote, a dutiful jogger romney runs three miles every morning. even around and around the hotel, often a marriott, some kind of secret code there. if there is no place else to go he has a slice of pizza and pulls the cheese off the top. no cheese on pizza? i call that going topless. that's my own joke i made up. romney looked slightly peeved in an interview with fox's brett beir. >> how can voters trust what they hear from you today is what you believe when you win the white house? >> brett, your listeners are not accurate. we have to be better informed on my issues. >> do you think mandating people to buy insurance is the right tool? >> brett, i don't know how many hundred times i have said
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this too, this is an unusual interview. let's do it again. >> wow. someone is not getting invited to the brett bier holiday kickoff. let's discuss this in the politicaled -- political edition of -- >> lightning roooooouuund. lightning round. >> michael, do we want a president who can't eat a slice of pizza with its cheese on it? >> no. i think he should go back to albania and run there, you communist. i don't even know where to begin with that completely awesome story. first politio rips the lid off the story. he stays at marriotts and doesn't eat the cheese. good god those guys. >> adam, this is going to torpedo his presidency. >> what is it over? >> the cheese gate.
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>> secretly he is from san francisco. >> that explains it. and he looks great for 87. >> can i just say, what was going with the set? it was like they were doing an encounter group on the terror hideout. >> it was eddie murphy in the opening scene of "beverly hills cop" in the back of the truck with the cigarette. he was sitting in front of like 15 cases of tecate. tall boys with tecate. no cheese though. >> he seemed very irritated by brett. wonder what was going on? >> he was irritated. maybe he is starting to relax. i know newt is ahead of him in whatever poll, but you know what this story makes me wonder, why you have to be so perfect to run for president. it goes to show some of the most talented leaders will not run because they don't want their dirty laundry out there
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as we are seeing with herman inka. now we are teasing mitt romney for looking too good at 64 and taking good care of himself. except putting dogs on his roof. >> here is the thing, i see a guy who is tired of the same questions about healthcare. when i come home every night and i have to explain the blood. i always say i fell in a vat of blood. there is a vat of blood outside our apartment. >> i don't mind it, but i don't like cleaning up. >> that's part of the deal. >> let me ask this, the problem with romney is that he is like -- he has all of the pieces together, but it is not inspirational enough. he is like a back up quarterback, like a jay cutler or jeff gar see you yaw -- jeff garcia.
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>> i knew i would get you on this one, moynihan. >> i would say that he is inhair tig every angry politician. and his eyes do the dagger at brett bier. that was more of a turnoff than the cheese. if you ever catch mitt romney loop after loop. we will run the footage the beginning, middle and end of the show. >> he was so testy. this is romney's mind, what more do you guys want? i was a successful governor. i am good looking. i am better than all of these other people you have never heard of. what does a guy have to do to make you like me? >> i have sex with my wife. >> have one diet coke a year. what is wrong with me?
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>> you don't resonate with the average people. >> what does it say about us? he is a good guy and we don't like him. >> we are bad people. we don't deserve mitt romney. he feels good to be president of the united states. he should be president of canada. sigh sais ask you toon. >> time to take a break. stay there.
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welcome back. in what may be the most adorable campaign tactic ever, ron paul is releasing a cook book. it has 28 pages of recipes including all of his family's favorite dishes. my favorite, ban the fed-uccini. >> that was good. >> i have to say, michael, will people pay more attention to a cook book than more traditional campaign literature? >> seriously? >> that's a serious question. >> is that true, by the way? >> it seems a bit thin. >> it is on his website.
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>> it is on his website. >> but it is not one of his fans like fan websites? >> i am the one who asks the questions here. >> before i answer i want to make sure it is real. >> have i to -- i have to move on. >> a brilliant way to raise funds? >> no, you can spend that $8 at mcdonalds. >> fall back. >> you are a lady. aren't cook books awesome? >> no, i do not subscribe to them. >> you don't have to. you buy them. >> subscribe, buy, whatever. ron paul doesn't want anybody to tell him to do anything and he will tell us how to cook, right? >> stay hout of my kitchen. live free or die. that's what happens when you try to reach. you wrote a cook book that told people how to do it under an over pass. how did it do? >>- q. i not well. it was with homeless people. i loved this book.
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see you back here at 5:00 p.m. eastern time for "the five." return appearances from ryder gavin mcguinness and kevin perino. >> hey, let's go back to andy levy for the post game wrap up. >> when you were occupying wall street, were there people yelling fox lies? >> the occupy yes, sirs were yelling -- the occupiers were saying fox lies, fox lies and
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they thought they were saying fox live, fox live and they were cheering for me. i had to explain it to them. >> you shouldn't have corrected them. >> if somebody wanted to read your pontificatg on heming way where would they go? >> the next issue of the wilson quarterly. it is a great journal. it is a piece on heming way's early letter writing. >> i i didn't even know the wilson quarterly was still around. >> i used to read it. that's another story. >> yes, it is. >> you said that your co anchor is leaving? >> we #r* -- we are losing our eye candy. he is getting the dream gig. he will anchor espn. i need a new co anchor, andy. what do you do at 1:00 in the afternoon? >> you don't want to know. >> gross. >> whatever he d
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