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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 2, 2011 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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they were critical of the bank effort they say was heartless and clueless. the bank going ahead with the foreclosure process just the same. what does sheila bair think of that? one hour from now on fox business. if you don't get it. >> demand it! ♪ ♪ >> kimberly: hello, everyone. i'm kimberly guilfoyle, along with bob beckel, dana perino, greg gutfeld and eric bolling. it's -- [ loss of audio ] -- >> kimberly: mod bob is very excited about that. oh, yeah. then is there a divide between the conservative elite and the conservative base on who should be the republican nominee? we'll debate it. and check out this outrageous video. middle school girls. the parents. it's a fight club in school
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bathrooms. where are the parents? the top story, donald trump is teaming up with news max to moderate the presidential debate in iowa later this month. it's unclear how many of the candidates are going to attend. including is donald trump going to show up? what is the deal? this is your guy. >> eric: i love donald. he has been visited by many of the candidates. most of the candidates will show up if not all of them. he will ask the tough questions. that is missing in the debate. where are you on the economy? where are you on foreign policy? bob, wait. >> bob: id'm listening. >> eric: fantastic opportunity to get donald who by the way, a lot of conservative base respects. >> greg: is he going to ask the tough questions, as he been to marlago golf course? he always plug his stuff. are the nominees going to show
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up with the rolling suitcases? >> kimberly: that would be so funny. clever if that happened. >> greg: this is the equivalent if rosie o'donnell hosted debate in the 2015 democratic debate. don't you think? >> kimberly: kind of. i think it's entertaining. for sure he will say you're fired, you're not the nominee. you're out. >> greg: don't you think it's trite? >> kimberly: i do not. >> greg: happening a mile away. >> kimberly: i do not. we should narrow it down right away. >> dana: it might be narrowed down by tomorrow. we don't know what it will be. but herman cain scheduled major announcement tomorrow. there might be one less person at the debate. the thing about debates, they take up a lot of time. if you are newt gingrich, natural good debater you want as many debates as you can have. he is going to debate with jon huntsman in new hampshire. sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for.
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sometimes they sound fun and can turn in to something that might be silly. that is a turnoff. >> kimberly: good point. bob, you are in a bizarre love affair -- >> bob: i want to just profess today. donald trump and i have had a contentious relationship. in honor of trying to make that better, don, i brought my heart suspenders out. i want to see if i can call a truce with you and suggest the first step is i comoderate this debate with you. if you will get in touch with me, i'll be happy to be out there when you are there. are we kidding anybody? he is going to ask the tough questions? first you have to know what the questions are to ask. maybe you get someone to put them together for him. but do you think of all the people in america that ought to be probing presidential candidates, donald trump should be on top of the list? >> eric: i don't know. tens of thousands of people. the guy -- what? what do you have against donald trump? >> bob: i said this many times. i think he is a nice person. i just think that when you
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talk about it, there is such thing as foreign policy. national security. do you think he knows anything about that? golf courses -- >> eric: his opinions on iran and china are of the most cutting edge and correct positions of any of them. >> bob: he said on iran barack obama would start a war with iran to get elected. >> eric: he tweeted that, but that is not his policy on iran. he is tough on iran. forget applying sanctions, they don't work. he said go take -- if israel won't do it -- >> bob: the sanctions are working well. >> dana: i want to add another thing. the most important debate right now as things have narrowed down, even in the last few days is not the one on december 27. it's actually the one on december 15. it happens to be on fox news. that will be a debate that, where the stakes are raised for everybody involved. that is where you get serious questions. >> bob: sorry, go ahead.
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>> greg: the other problem with the trump debate is it's about trump. every sentence begins with the letter "i." >> bob: one thing about debates particularly when you get closer to the event, january 3 in iowa. one line can kill you. you can spend all of your time preparing for it. if you go back and look at lines at debates, whether you're no jack kennedy or where is the beef, my line. >> eric: i realize who had is not going to show. ron paul can't show up to this debate. because donald trump will ask ron paul on his policy on the middle east. that is ron paul's achilles. if i were him i say i'm not -- >> bob: he should have more achilles than that. >> eric: that is big one. >> kimberly: hi, wait for it. >> bob: thank you. >> kimberly: incoming. we'll talk about mitt romney. we know how much you love him, too. take a listen to this. this happened on "fox and friends." people want to know what does romney think about newt's tough talk saying he will get the nomination. he is calling it already. take a listen.
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>> i will be the nominee. it's very hard not to look at the recent polls and think the kids are very high i'm going to be nominee. >> over the last year, there have been a lot of people that were high in the polls that are not high anymore. there is a funny thing in america called an election. >> bob: he is right. an election. one thing about the other people who went up and down the polls, that is before they got near the big event. six, eight, nine months out. now, less than a month out from, or about a month out from iowa. highly not likely the polls will shift a lot. more than likely you will have people dropping out of the race. there will be some votes available. it contend when people drop out of the race, half the voters don't show up anyway. the real question for newt gingrich says i will be the nominee, the question, he has the organization. he has the pulse, does he have the organization who are for him to the poll to the caucus. i don't think he does.
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romney if he is smart will dump millions in iowa between now and the 3rd on rolling the dice on the outside chance he can win it on organization alone. i don't think he can. but newt, just now opening an iowa office. just now. >> kimberly: right. even if romney has a strong showing, i don't think anyone expects him to take it to win. if he shows well, that will benefit his campaign. then he needs to deliver. >> bob: i'll get a bold prediction out here. i think ron paul could be, seriously, i think ron paul will come in second in iowa. >> kimberly: wow! >> eric: why do you call iowa the big event? allow me. if it's game for ron pau who does well for iowa. mitt romney is clearly the guy in new hampshire. does that make south carolina the big event? >> bob: except for the thing about mow men tem in iowa is important -- momentum in iowa is important. new hampshire is contrarian state. rarely do you have iowa and then win the new hampshire primary. south carolina is important
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and so is nevada. nevada is off the charts. but it's gingrich territory. there is a poll in florida that has gingrich 50%. 50% is remarkable. >> kimberly: romney at 19%. >> bob: that's like sherman marching to the sea. i don't think romney has a chance. >> greg: the polls are getting tough on me. they're really, i'm tired of the polls. it's like america is the wife, you know, macy's trying on the clothes. the media has to sit on the stupid sectional and wait for hours. she is never happy. >> kimberly: wow! >> greg: at some point you have to make a choice. >> bob: when i was married i had to sit in the -- what the they call it? my fiance kept wearing the dresses out. fine, fine, fine, fine. she never could agree on anything. when she did it cost me $18,000. >> greg: that is america with the candidate. >> bob: it's ridiculous. >> kimberly: back to our regular programming, project runway, something happened.
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we talk about florida which is significant. you and i like the polls. we get excited about it. rasmussen poll, the g.o.p. national poll, the republican voters. newt is at 38%. you have romney at 17%. that is a significant shift. sustainable. >> bob: it is. again about the polls. i understand why greg gets tired of them. there are so many around. we know the closer you get to an election the more they firm up. the real clear politics average poll is always gets better closer to election. rasmussen who i don't, the numbers, but he is close coming to the election. i think you have to take some of it seriously. what it underscores is not newt but back to romney. >> dana: what romney said this morning on "fox and friends" is important. that there have been many candidates who have had great runs for two weeks. they do really well. then there is something that
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happens and it stumbles, might be something they say in a debate. it's true that newt gingrich had an amazing run up to this point. can he have a flawless campaign between now and iowa? no way. can somebody else, at least start to pick up some of that momentum? they could. >> greg: you know who wants newt to win? editorial car cartoonists. it's impossible to do anything with president obama. now you have an overweight guy with funny hair. he has to win. they will be set for life. >> bob: one quick point about that. it is true if newt could stumble but the difference is when people stumbled before there were people behind him to page it up. most of the people behind him stumble and will be out of the race. >> kimberly: we know christie is not a fan of newt and said speaker gingrich has never run anything. he is also a romney surrogate. but coming up, what does the ideal conservative candidate look like? well, greg had thoughts on that. also, don't forget to send us an e-mail at
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♪ ♪ >> greg: welcome back to "the five." so, conservatives can't stop dissecting each candidate like they're biology lab frogs. that is the great thing about the right. they don't just go home with anyone. right, kimberly? c'mon, are you really going to ever find mr. right? republicans aren't lucky enough to have a candidate grown in a green house like bionic corn. they don't a media that shares their assumption. that is why obama's flawed, weird friends, anti-american guilt, being to the left of a yoga mat didn't matter, which is why the conservatives got to lighten up. look at the candidate. if he agrees with these following statements he's in. will you raise taxes, spending goes up and government grows, that is bad. keep a strong defense, but don't make trouble. immigration, create a process so we can support and import. entitlements, sorry, we're broke. no thanks to you.
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energy, making our own beads relying on jerks. climate change, don't be rattled by chicken little. unicorns exist and they are awesome. conservatives must be as simple as a happy meal, not a complicated dish understood only by hairless wanton. pick the best guy, warts and all. i'm voting carrot top and i hope you do the same. >> dana: my gosh. >> kimberly: that is some hair do. >> greg: exactly. dana, since you seem to be paying attention. [ laughter ] >> dana: i'm going to save you from kimberly ripping your face -- >> kimberly: pay back. >> greg: are conservatives picky or not picky enough? >> dana: we're picky. i don't mind that. it makes the candidates better. right now, people get this out of their system. they're like uh, we didn't get our first choice. we have didn't get mcdaniels or chris christie, rick perry didn't do as well as we
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thought, michele bachmann didn't do as well as we thought. shoot, we have to come down between newt and mitt. get it out of your system. by next week everybody will decide them who you like. >> greg: you called them your backup prom date. right? >> dana: i didn't need a backup prom date. what are you talking about? >> dana: is marco rubio a blank slate just like obama, an instant candidate you add platitudes and they're done? >> bob: ideal is cross between sarah palin and michele bachmann. that is the ideal candidate. herman cain as a running mate. rubio, by the way, i think is one of those people with enormous potential. it heard him speak. he is terrific. if he is not on everybody's list for vice presidential nominee, i don't know why. john thune and rubio are the two candidates for vice president. but the republicans have
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always had an heir apparent in their race. even john mccain, the last time was the guy in line. they argue well, maybe mitt romney, really not. mitt didn't get far in the process last time. i think the republicans are going through some withdrawal about their normal m.o. the other thing is there are a lot of republicans throughout who wish they were in this thing now. i think haley barbour and tim pawlenty. and chris christie, they look at the field down to newt and mitt. man, i could do that. >> greg: kimberly, are we to blame for some of this? the cable news revolution means there is more hours of news to explore a candidate. where it never happened with nixon. never happened with reagan. >> kimberly: now we are more inclined to pick it apart. we get to know them really well. especially with the 24-hour news cycle, which i love. twitter and these things going on. you are constantly getting the influx of information. i also feel as a country in general, whether it's republicans or democrats we are still in a deep love
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affair with the iconic figures. ronald reagan for the right. or jfk to the left. we have can't get rid of the ideas. short of that we're out of luck. >> greg: you are tough on everybody that is not the most conservative candidate in your mind. do you throw the baby out with your bath water? >> eric: no. i have a problem with the conservative conundrum. we want a far right candidate. i defer with dana and bob. there is a vast difference between established republicans and conservative republicans. i don't think they can be mixed. you said there is an heir apparent. romney may have been the establishment heir apparent not the far right conservative heir apparent. >> bob: i don't think he was. some people say that. >> eric: some people say. i don't think they go not bachmann, not romney, not so-and-so but now -- not bachmann, not perry, but maybe now romney. okay, anybody but obama at the
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end. right now -- >> dana: we have a primary to get through. >> eric: we're basically saying romney, gingrich no, way. >> bob: here is the problem. it try to say this as nonpartisan as i can. when you nominate someone as far right as the republican party has become, the elections are won and lost in the center. the center is not going to accept people that far to the right. >> greg: he wasn't that far to the right. he was progressive -- >> bob: he played it cooler. >> eric: later. go back to the center after you get primary. >> bob: you can attack obama, far left. he will use every day between now and next summer to move as close to the center as he can. in the meantime, the republicans are going to be attacking to the right. >> eric: what is better, picking a guy that lives in the center, gets elected as a g.o.p. and ends up being lefty after all, raising taxes, cap and trade? >> bob: reagan would be
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considered a moderate in this republican party. >> kimberly: yes, he would. that is right. >> greg: should we listen to republican establishment about newt? it seems there is a divide. >> dana: it's worth reading different things. we saw adrianna huffington praising newt today. some people take it as somebody who can bring people that are independent minded if she can be -- if that is said for geraldo. for -- said for her. i talk to a friend of mine who follows politics closely but lives out of country. she said i don't have a analysisser is ral reaction to newt. i don't think he is working on the global warming legislation. he has great ideas and could be a great president. in the ras moose unpoll it shows gingrich is uniting the tea party and the establis establishment. >> kimberly: i was going to say a wise political man said mitt romney in order to resonate needs to say something or so something memorable. >> bob: people who view gingrich and know him from washington days and have a problem with him.
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most people go to the primary don't have the mind set. in washington, that establishment elect him in the grass root is reintroduced. >> greg: they say he is brilliant, but. he's a guy you call for answer to question but you don't want to hang out with him. >> bob: that is probably true. they say that about you but i hang out with you. >> greg: i'm grateful for that. we're still having dinner. >> bob: at your place. >> greg: you're buying. >> bob: i am. >> greg: the new often employment numbers are out. boy are they numbery. coming up, we'll discuss the impact of president obama's chances for re-election and also my plans for weekend. i'm thinking of getting another ferret. i am thinking captain sprinkles is lonely. stick around or i'll steal all of your garden gnomes. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] need help keeping your digestive balance?
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> dana: welcome back to "the five." november jobs numbers are out. unemployment is down to 8.6%. don't get too excited over there, bob beckel. over 300,000 americans just quit looking for work. decidedly mixed is how i would look at this. you can see in it what you want to see in it. it is better than the alternative. 120,000 jobs were added. more people stopped looking for work in america than we added jobs. the average length of unemployment for people, 40.9 weeks. many people have more than one job. president's approval numbers are way down. is this the beginning of something special? >> greg: this is the beginning of the obama recovery. this is right up there with the biden recovery summer. if we have more recoveries we
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need recovery from the recovery. this is a fat guy gettal off a scale and say i lost weight. >> kimberly: that is why you get completely undressed. it's devastating. if you get on the clothes with the shoes, earrings, everything has to come off. >> dana: bob has been waiting for this moment all day. i am going to referee. flip a coin to see who goes first. bob. >> bob: first, let me say that i know that many of you are terribly upset. >> dana: not fair. >> bob: you're not. eric is. this is a bigger drop in unemployment than people thought. whether you want to analyze who didn't get in the labor force. the public will read a headline. the 300,000 of those, overhalf of them went to social security early. it'd like to show something. this is a big day for me. eric has been running his junk
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about job numbers. for too long. this comes from the same source that eric uses for his unemployment numbers. if i could point it out. end of the bush administration july 7 to january '09, 4.1 million jobs lost. before the stimulus, 2.3 million jobs loft. after the stimulus money entered the economy, up until now, 1.2 million jobs have been gained. eric, wait a second. wait a second. let me finish. vy been listening to this crap for a long time. do it with a smile. the stimulus has worked. if it hadn't been for the stimulus, there would have been more people unemployed and it shows bush lost a bunch of jobs and obama didn't lose many. we are now gaining jobs. >> kimberly: oh, boy. >> bob: there you go. >> eric: your numbers are wrong. >> bob: these are your numbers. please! that is your same source!
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>> eric: please. i will do it this way. the obama fuzzy math. u.s. workforce, 1.3 million people. unemployed rate changed by .4 of 1%. that should be increase of 612,000 jobs. we find the number is 120,000 jobs. we're missing 492,000 jobs. dana points out 300,000 are those who have given up. hold on. they left. we're still missing 200,000 jobs. point one. point number two, the numbers are completely wrong. since stimulus the economy lost 2 million jobs. since obama they lost 4 million jobs. >> bob: can i ask you a question and i sit here and smile through this? is it really, it's your source i used here. are you saying the bureau of labor statistics is wrong? >> eric: there is something wrong. there is something wrong with the numbers. i am saying that. >> bob: we went to the brain here room at fox to get confirmation and they agreed with me that 1.2 million jobs
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created since the stimulus. admit you're wrong once. first, they redid the september, october numbers to pick up a number of jobs. secondly, there are a lot of people not in labor force. they dropped out. >> eric: the most important number is? dana mentioned it. 40.5 weeks duration on unemployment. the longest period of time that you are unemployed -- >> dana: can i get in here? >> bob: the stimulus could gain 1.2 million jobs. >> kimberly: i'm going to make a point. what i would like to say, bob, if you care to answer this. anybody. when the last time incumbent won with the unemployment figure were over 8%. >> bob: but you only talk about certain elections. you have to go to franklin roosevelt for that to happen. but also, the one most, the most important statistic for re-election for president is spendable income. right now, election held today, obama would get beat
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and he could be beaten by sarah palin, which would be remarkable. by next year, as i said all along, expectations have been so low, the job number today, believe me, obama will pick up in the poll. the gallup poll number was done before the unemployment jobs. the obama recovery is starting. get used to it. i'm happy about it. >> kimberly: not going have a chance. >> bob: they don't have a chance against president obama. >> dana: a broader point beyond next november which is that we are not as a country, whether in the bush administration the last year-and-a-half or the obama administration, not keeping up with adding enough jobs to keep up with the population growth. in addition, education still remains the biggest factor. people without a college education end up dropping out or not being able to find work in economy like this. structural flaws of overregulation and not a strong energy policy in the country will keep holding us back. >> greg: of the jobs we see, only 15% produce anything.
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85% is all service jobs. meaning we don't make it, the only thing we make now is change. >> eric: no way obama is re-elected creating 130,000 jobs. >> bob: dana said we are not creating enough jobs for our people. we need to create enough to absurd those coming in the workforce. >> eric: not true. >> dana: call the brain room again. this is video from inside the school bathroom makes me sick. detroit girls participating in the fight club. where are the teachers or the parents for that matter? that's next on "the five." ♪ ♪ [ woman ] my boyfriend and i were going on vacation,
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i'm bret baier in
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washington. the big story here today is the latest unemployment report from the labor department. tonight on "special report," we will go inside the latest numbers including the overall november unemployment rate of 8.6%. that's down from 9% in october. we'll get reaction from president obama and top republicans. ed henry is at the white house. herman cain says he will have a major announcement tomorrow in atlanta. cain has been struggling with declining poll numbers and a series of sexual related allegations. carl cameron will tell us what he knows about the future of the cain campaign. donald trump is getting back in the republican presidential candidate but not as a candidate. he will moderate a debate december 27 in iowa. i talked to him a short time ago. you can hear some of that on "special report." in the grapevine, the jobs web site that lists no jobs. "special report" from washington starts at 6:00 eastern. now we'll send it back to new york and my colleagues with "the five." ♪ ♪
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♪ >> bob: am i supposed to start in okay. first of all, eric and i were sitting here continuing our brotherly discussion with love and kindness. >> kimberly: romance. >> bob: and romance. welcome back to "the five." take a look at this video. this is from a bathroom at the middle school in detroit. you can see a girl being beaten by her classmates. it turns out this isn't an isolated incident. the part of a game. 30-second fight club. i don't know how you look at that. it's hard to look at to, say the least. this being detroit, with all the other problems detroit has, i think for the first time, and i mean this quite seriously, i think we ought to begin to consider the federal takeover of detroit. thement for doesn't work, the police department doesn't work. it's -- the fire department doesn't work, the police department doesn't work. it's corrupt. you have to say there are certain urban area areas in the country not manageable with people in the community.
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with this going on and the schools do not take responsibility. we went in the south and integrated the south and brought in soldiers to do it. take over detroit. >> dana: that's bold. >> kimberly: provocative. >> eric: i have a middle schooler, 13-year-old. he is under insane pressure, peer pressure to do this, to go here and hang out with us. some of the things you hear are unbelievable. i recommend every parent go on facebook and find out what your kid is doing. >> greg: even if you don't have kids. >> eric: there is so much pressure. a vulnerable time. this these are 12, 13-year-old girls doing this. bad time. parents need to get involved. tough love. >> dana: i find it hard to believe that no adults in the school knew something about this is going on. if you are the boss and you manage people, you know that there is the water cooler chitchat. you know a little bit of things and you might let a few things go, but typically there is an adult, administrator, janitor, teacher, somebody in
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the administration principal's office that knows about it. deterrent, some sort of punishment is in ordering if something like this. i think not only does it mean a good -- i think the federal takeover is provocative and interesting idea. i think it means a lot about school choice. because, parents who have kids trapped in that school who aren't allow to let their kids and doesn't have means to send them to another school they might want to go to like a catholic school or a faith-based school are trapped. that is some place where we need to help communities. >> bob: good point. >> kimberly: thank you, bob. this is a big problem. you see this as consistent, pervasive in terms of what is going on in schools today. they're trying to push out god. trying to push out morality. they're trying to push out patriotism. my goodness, trying to push out santa out of schools. no surprise to me this is happening in schools these days. i agree with you. the school has to know. someone in the school, teacher, administrator.
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>> eric: but what about the parents? honestly, do you come back to the parents and say your kid is involved? >> kimberly: everybody needs to be held responsible. yes. >> bob: the kids have two parents? my guess is a lot different. >> dana: statistically has to be low. >> greg: there are three things i want to point out here. we completely obsessed with childhood obesity. while this has been going on all over the country, not just in detroit. happening in atlanta and philadelphia, happening in washington, d.c. in subways. but nobody wants to talk about it. they'd rather talk about how fat your kid is, not about the disintegration of the family. then you have the familiarnists talking that women should act more like men. congratulations. there you go. lastly, you have people like lady gaga and anderson cooper talk about bullies but they don't say anything about this. it's not politically correct bullying. you to have bullying against a young gay victim. when it's black kids destroying each other, no one says anything. it's wrong.
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you have got to talk about this >> bob: one quick thing about detroit. after being out there several times in the last couple of years, it's so bad. it's postpopulation. they are literally plowing under big chunks of the city to turn it in to a garden. every halloween, i don't mean to demean the firefighters of detroit. they do a yeoman's job. every halloween they burn down tens of hundreds of buildings in that city. the police have had their share of corruption. at some point, you can't equate them with the rest of the country. they're a disaster. at some point, the country has responsible to take care of its own. >> eric: it's also run by democrats. >> bob: listen, i did politics around there and steal more votes. i'm telling you, i'm not proud of that anymore. but the fact is when i say "steal" we would go make them up. but the organization -- >> greg: run by democrats. >> eric: and by unions.
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>> dana: there is a great friend of ours who writes for "weekly standard" who spent ten days ago in detroit and wrote about it. if you are interested in detroit, a very good read. highly recommend it. >> bob: i read that. it also says morality of what eric is talking about with his kid. a different world. the kids are getting stuff from every direction. when we were younger, there was adults to communicate with you. also the schools, if that happened in my school -- >> greg: you would have gambled on it. >> bob: well? >> kimberly: my gosh. >> bob: terrible. it's sad all the way around. the fort worth school district might be on top of santa's nasty list this year. we tell you -- santa's naughty list this year. everybody send a card to eric to make him feel better. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> eric: merry christmas, everybody. fort worth schools are banning santa claus and gifts from the classroom in school. they won't allow signs to say christmas to be hung on the wall, or decorations. here is what the spokesman had to say. >> the current icons throughout like santa claus or christmas trees or snowflakes or any of those other icons that we all use are fine for the classroom. we even would like st. louis to come visit the school. he can visit before school, he can be in the hallway. he can be in the lobby. he can be in school assemblies. he can be in the lunchroom during lunch. we hope that there are programs after school he will visit. but we're just asking that there not be any interruptions to the instructional day. >> eric: that was a spokesman for the school. but we need to point out he walking back some of the
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things putting out prior. there was a note sent out by an attorney for school to say students should not be allowed to exchange gifts from student to student or distribute personal holiday messages. so, the uproar got created and clint bond comes on and walks it back like that. kimberly, though, too little too late? >> kimberly: of course it's too little too late. it's disingenuous and a joke, sitting there with a santa hat on. you know he doesn't like santa. she the interim superintendent. bye-bye. he should go get another job. this is totally not realistic. he is saying it all back with the last part of the statement. you're not supposed to interrupt the school. when are you supposed to have santa involved then? >> dana: the little thing they teach you at press secretary school you don't ever wear a hat to try to make your point when you speak officially on behalf of an organization. he missed that class. you are speaking on behalf of yourself, not for somebody else. >> bob: this guy shops where eric shops. see the tie, too.
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>> eric: i don't wear a tie. >> bob: this is going way, way too far. i mean, exchanging christmas gifts and messages? get yourself a life. now look, one of the problems is there should be a thought given to the division of church and state. when you are talking about religious symbols in a school. last i checked santa wasn't religious symbol. that hat and he and eric share together were not a symbol. so i think that is where you draw the line. you have don't draw it at some kid giving message -- >> dana: technically he is st. nicholas. >> greg: if they don't let santa in on the classroom no way i'm going to school. >> eric: didn't you take a santa course? >> greg: i did. in philadelphia, i went to santa school for a couple of days and santa at a large mall. it can't get into specifics because there is a court proceeding going on. i want to make a check -- >> bob: you sat on the kid's
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laps. [ laughter ] sorry. ,, man. you walked down the road. >> greg: i want to make a point. in the old days in movies, the bad guy was the stodgy religious person. now it's flipped. it's amazing to be a true rebel, you have to be a christian. >> kimberly: true. >> eric: can we point out that the producer called this guy and had a discussion on what you can and can't do. mr. clint bond wearing the hat, looked so nice. he hung up on our producers. >> kimberly: rude. not a nice guy. >> dana: he probably took his hat off and threw it on the ground. >> bob: what is amazing like this, there are stories about this every day. we did a couple this week. don't they learn -- >> greg: that was the first one, bob. >> bob: no, it isn't. that is the only time you'll be santa. the idea that these guys don't pick up the message here, there is an outrage in north carolina over what they did. why don't you sit back and say maybe we don't want to touch
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that baby. by the way, there is a st. louis. santa claus. there is. i believe in him to this day. >> greg: yours is president obama. >> bob: i believe in santa claus. >> eric: there is a santa school where 115 santas, helpers, obviously, they're taught what to do. they have been told to tell kids lower your expectations this year. >> kimberly: isn't that sad? >> greg: i went to the santa school when you can't drink. because if they smellyquer on your breath they have -- smel smell liquor on your breath they send you home. >> kimberly: i was santa's helper. for real. >> bob: santa claus is a state of mind and santa claus is really real. really real. >> kimberly: i know that. >> eric: leave it there. a man gets choked in the movie theater after his cell phone goes off. that may be a bit too far.
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>> kimberly: all right. did you hear about the guy in san diego that got choked in out a movie because his cell phone went off? crazy, right? silence is golden at a movie, but choking someone, is that excessive? >> greg: no. >> dana: no. don't go to the movies with these two. i haven't been to the movie for years because i eat get whiplash because i'd give them a mean look for chewing or eating or talking on their cell phone. >> bob: i bet that sell scares the hell out of them. turn around and dana goes please. i take the excel train back and forth. [ phone ringing ] sorry! >> kimberly: this is so you! >> bob: you can't make these things up. hang on. hello? no, don't do that.
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no, no, no, no. no. meet me at the restaurant -- >> kimberly: this is real. he gets called during the show. >> bob: meet me at 10:30. i have another date. >> eric: is that obama? >> bob: that is a funny by the producer. one minute? is that what that means? >> eric: in the mean's room and a guy gets a phone call in stall. he does the whole phone call. doing his thing. >> greg: that is worth. i don't go to movies because i'd kill somebody. when you are in the men's room and guy having the conversation with the stall. two things sha shouldn't go together. person on the other line know what you are doing? >> eric: there is flushing going on. >> kimberly: then touching the phone -- dirty. >> greg: terrible. >> bob: people walk down the street. they are talking to themselves you don't know if they're crazy or on


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