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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 3, 2011 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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tonight "war stories" investigates. did fdr know pearl harbor to be attacked? >> he wanted to outrageous jeopardy attack at pearl hush. or was it a surprise? >> roosevelt had no desire to be in a war against japan. >> and an admiral's grandson speaks out. >> he is villified and today still the cheap scapegoat for the success of the japanese attacks. >> that is tonight on "war stories" investigates. >> from america's news headquarters i'm marianne rafferty. herman cain announcing he is suspending his bid for the republican presidential nomination amid allegations he had an affair.
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>> i am at peace with my god. i am at peace with my wife. and she is at peace with me. >> cain saying he made the decision to avoid news coverage that is hurtful to his family. the decision comes five days after an atlanta area woman claims she and cain had an affair following several allegations of sexual harassment. cain is denying all of the allegations. in california, which is recovering from damaging winds is bracing for more of the same. tens of thousands of people are still without power after the storm toppled trees and power lines wednesday as weary residents continue to clean up the national weather service is predicting more winds. meanwhile, flagstaff arizona got a blast of snow just in time for the opening day of ski season.
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the winter storm dumping several inches of snow on occupy wall street protesters in denver. the snow comes as the campers are enduring the coldest air of the season. the denver protesters are vowing to stay through the winter saying they want to test their commitment to the movement. doctors saying reverend billy graham keeps improving from treatment for pneumonia. the hospital socialman says graham is walking fine and shows no signs of memory damage. there is no date set for his release yet. i'm marianne rafferty. "war stories" starts now. for all your latest headlines, log on to fox news .com. you are watching the most powerful name in news, fox news channel. >> oliver: welcome to a special edition of "war stories."
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coming to you from pearl harbor, hawaii. i'm oliver north and this is the wreckage of the uss utah, one of 8 battleships moored here on december 7, 1941. at 7:55 that quiet sunday morning waves of japanese airplanes suddenly appeared overhead unleashing bombs and tore bedoughs in a savege surprise attack. 21 u.s. navy ships damaged or sunk and more than 2400 americans dead or dying. how could this happen? was it simply a colossal intelligence failure. in a lack of readiness? was it as some claimed part of a secret plot at the top of the u.s. government to get america into world war ii? was the japanese raid really a total surprise? tonight, "war stories" investigates the secrets, the evidence, and the debate over the attack on pearl harbor.
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>> the united states of america was is suddenly and deliberately attacked. the attack has caused severe damage. to american, naval and military forces. december 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy. >> oliver: americans were stunned and devastated when they learned that pearl harbor had been attacked and in washington the sentiment was the same. >> after the attack was announced to the president, there was a steady parade of people in and out of roosevelt's study. his cabinet. you have the leaders of congress. you have high military officials. these are all in a state of shock that this has happened. >> oliver: joseph has extensively studied fdr's presidency. he is the author of roosevelt's
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secret war. >> roosevelt pounds his desk and calling out the losses. this ship. that ship. so many aircraft. he is outraged. not only of the japanese but we weren't prepared for this attack. >> oliver: there are those who believe that roosevelt knew in advance that pearl harbor was going to be bombed? >> roosevelt had no desire to be in a war against japan. he told winston churchill at one point prior to pearl harbor that a war against japan was a war in the wrong place and the wrong en enemy and the wrong session. he wanted to fight alongside the british in defeating naziism. >> 6700 miles away the japanese were launching a war of aggression. japan was a nation ruled by an emperor. a tradition dating back centuries. the real power was held by the military war lords.
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throughout the 1930s japan was a rapidly growing industrial state, desperately in need of land and natural resources for its exploding population of nearly 65 million. the japanese government took what it needed by force. >> japan was very poor. it was a farm country. >> oliver: "war stories" investigates tracked down lieutenant abe, one of the bomber pilots that attacked pearl harbor. born in 1916 in a small mountain village and the son of a saki brewers, he knew his country was and a war footing. >> the only thing she could do was to export silk and laquer ware which were nothing more than home industry. there was no way left for japan to exist. >> oliver: in 1931, japan innovated and renamed man cruko and forceddity into livery.
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the tokyo delegation announced their withdrawal from the league. >> at geneva japan withdrew from the league in this memorable scene. >> japan finds it impossible to accept the report adopted by the assembly. >> oliver: over the next six years japan went on a ram page in china. an estimated quarter of a million chinese were killed shocked the world. >> donald gold stein is a professor of international affairs at the university of pittsburgh. >> the japanese went in and raped women and killed people. and there were pictures of this and people saw dead bodies in ditches and it was quite the provokation. >> one of the issues for the united states was the japanese withdrawal from china and yet that was something the japanese were totally unwilling to
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consider. >> japan was facing its own destiny. a confrontation with the united states in 1937. >> it is the incident with a gun boat on the river which was clearly marked with american flag and clearly we know that the japanese attacked it. >> oliver: two sailors were killed and 48 injured. >> they fought against the japanese bombers as well as they could in this wanton assault. the attack was without sem ambulance of justification and relations is grew worse because of the sinking of the panay. >> this was outrageous this small little country the size of the state of california was acting like a bully in china tease the dog,isease the dog, the united states. >> oliver: by december 1940 hitler's liegeons conquered poland, denmark, norway and france. in washington, eyebrows were
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raised when japan sent troops and set up air bases in vici controlled indo china. days later they were shocked again when japan signed a pact with germany and italy. lieutenant avi remembers how japan sought to conquer neighboring countries around form what was called the greater east asia coprosperity sphere. >> japan wanted to claim that asia belonged to asian people. when the japanese went to war, they went to war saying that they were freeing asia from the yoke of the colonial powers and many people died. many japanese died believing that that is what they were fighting for this greater east asian prosperity. they really weren't fighting for that. they were fighting for the greater japan. >> oliver: to continue their murderous quest, japan had to have oil.
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by the late 1930s, 80% of japanese oil was imported from the united states. by 1940, fdr imposed an embargo of natural resources to japan. finally, all oil export were stopped. >> there are those who say that war was inevitable after the united states cut off aviation, gasoline and high tensile steel and things like that. is that true? >> the fact that they thought that war was inevitable is partially true. i say that because the japanese committed themselves to a full war effort after the embar were in place.embargoes >> oliver: one thing that stood in japan's path, the fleet. they were moved to pearl harbor to protect our interest to the pacific. >> it was an outpost of american might and there it
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sat. >> was the fleet sent to hawaii to lure the japanese into an attack? that is next on "war stories." the other office devices? they don't get me. they're all like, "hey, brother, doesn't it bother you that no one notices you?" and i'm like, "doesn't it bother you you're not reliable?" and they say, "shut up!" and i'm like, "you shut up." in business, it's all about reliability. 'cause these guys aren't just hitting "print." they're hitting "dream." so that's what i do. i print dreams, baby. [whispering] big dreams.
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>> oliver: october 1940. in a bold military move, president roosevelt ordered 127 ships of the pacific fleet from the west coast to pearl harbor. on 8 october, admiral james richardson, commander of the pacific fleet told the president he was opposed to the decision. >> admiral richardson did not think that hawaii had the facilities adequate to service the fleet. >> oliver: michael gannon is a professor emeritus of history at the university of florida and aah you thor of pearl harbor betrayed. >> he was is worried about things that were human oriented such as recreational facilities for the men and opportunities for the mckinley into visit their lives and families. >> admiral richardson fired by president roosevelt because he
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was try dent about his views about where the fleet should be based. >> oliver: the man chosen to replace richardson was from henderson, kentucky. tom kimmel is his grandson and retired fbi agent. >> my grandmother was shocked, stunned as he describes it when was suddenly picked to be the replacement for general richardson. >> oliver: tell me about your first memories of your grandmother. >> he would pack up his four kids and go listen to admiral kimmel. you couldn't talk to this man for two minutes without the subject of pearl harbor being brought up. he was promoted over several others which upset a lot of people in the navy. >> oliver: over the years, pearl harbor conspiracy theorists argued over by president roosevelt moved the fleet to hawaii.
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>> roosevelt loved the navy. 9 fleet was his pride and joy and he didn't want that fleet destroyed. there is no way. >> president roosevelt in 1940 was running for his third term and he was being accused of dragging america into war. >> oliver: robert is the author of the controversial day of deceit, the truth about fdr and pearl harbor. >> he went out of his way so he would not be seen as a war president and so he wanted a clear cut outrageous japanese attack at pearl harbor that would unite this country. >> oliver: to support his theories, he points to the declassified member yu member b writing on 7 october 1940. stinnett discovered it in 1995 at the national archives. >> as soon as i read it i realized, oh, this is a hot
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potato. the significance of this member ran dumb is that it is a smoking gun of pearl harbor kept from all investigations. lays out the 8 provokations aimed at japan to get them to attack us at pearl harbor. one was to keep the u.s. fleet in hawaii. >> oliver: you are not suggesting that mccullum was advocating that the japanese bomb the pacific fleet in pearl harbor. >> i'm soggin suggesting it wat there as a lure to the japanese carrier force. >> oliver: to say that we are not going to take the first over the act does not say we want you to bomb pearl harbor? >> yes, it does. if he says we have to create more ado. he says if we do that then that would cause japan to commit the first over the act of war. >> oliver: the memo is addressed to navy captains.
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only knox initialed the document that he had seen it. >> i have won to the national archives and retrieved that memo myself because i thought it was of great significance. >> oliver: when there is no evidence that roosevelt did see this. >> no compelling credible indication. >> oliver: nothing that shows in the document? >> stinky fish get istinnett ie the big leap and assume roosevelt has got it. >> oliver: those who point to this as the smoking gun as it were would say that all 8 of mccullum's recommendations were, indeed, carried out. >> it was common place then as it is today for officers to write intelligence think pieces. on 7 february 1941 aboard the uss pennsylvania, admiral husband kimmel was bor sworn is the new commander of the
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pacific fleet. protection of the fleet while in port was the responsibility of the newly appointed commander of the hawaiian department lieutenant general walter c. shore. >> in command of all army and air corps forces. the fleet is to be protect the by army resources. >> kimmel wasn't confidence that the army resources could protect his fleet. >> eeoc knew all of the short comings of the pearl harbor compound out there and prepared a lengthy estimate with admiral richardson of what needed to be done to improve that. >> he did feel that he could rely on his personal friends for support. >> when mayanfather got the job he says the reason i took the job was i was convinced that that friendship and their professionalism woulden sure that i was kept properly and timely informed of all important developments. >> oliver: u.s. army and navy code breakers were intercepting and reading japanese messages for months warm front attack on pearl harbor.
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why weren't our commanders in the pacific given these messages? that's next, on "war stories."
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>> oliver: and admiral kimmel watched over pearl harbor, general douglas mack arthur monitored the japanese from the philippines. in washington, d.c., a team from the army's intelligence service led by 32 cryptologist. the decoded messages were dubbed magic. >> magic becomes one of the most powerful sources of intelligence we had during the
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war. >> oliver: you are looking at one of the original 8 magic machines the army and navy kept two in washington, d.c. three sent to churchill's special intelligence service and one sent to the philippines for general mack arthur. mcarthur. >> oliver: the commander in chief of the japanese fleet was already planning a secret attack pearl harbor. no hint of his plot was seen within any of the decoded magic messages. the u.s. used radio intercept stations stretching from seattle to the philippines to listen in on japan's every move. >> the u.s. navy had japan wired for sound listening 24 hours a day to every message september by the japanese fleet. blaine whitlock was one of nearly 70 sailors intercepting and trying to break the japanese naval code.
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>> when i first started intercepting the japanese were using a character code. nine characters and a period. they stopped using that code completely and started using a five digit code which the navy promptly named jm 25. >> oliver: to maintain security, yamomodo changed the code. even with the number of people that we had there was no way that could have been broken in time to read anything prior to pearl harbor. >> oliver: "war stories" investigates tracked down boris who remembers that august of '41 was a strange time in jo pan. he had been living in tokyo for go years as part of a special u.s. navy program. >> the naval at the embassy sent a message to washington saying they should go. we you saw the war coming on. >> oliver: but there was one problem. the japanese refused to let him
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and his colleagues leave. the young officer watched in surprise as the beautiful wife of a suspected nazi spy negotiated their release. >> when we got up to the ticket office where i was three days trying to get passage out. she told them this and they closed the entire office for 30 minutes. when they came back they said you and your group have passage out. >> two weeks later he finally shipped out to pearl harbor. >> he came out with any one who says that they are crazy. if they tryd that they would be annihilated. >> there was a japanese spy who was sent by the japanese admiralty to hawaii hidden at the consultate. tell me about it. >> yoshikawa. spending money and hiring
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pilots to take him in planes around the harbor as a tourist. >> yoshikawa was tailed by the fbi just ten weebs before the attack. army intelligence intercepted these communiques between yoshikawa and war planners back in japan. >> it was fully decoded and translated and disseminated by october 9. >> to whom? >> throughout the far east, to the british and all over washington, d.c. about everywhere you you can imagine except for hawaii. >> oliver: this is the original decoded bomb plot message in which yoshikawa detailed the layout of the fleet's moorings. a japanese bomber pilot recalls using this bomb plot. >> we knew the geological formation of pearl harbor. the japanese spy reported where the u.s. pacific fleet was. >> oliver: there is no conclusive evidence that
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president roosevelt saw this communique but by mid october it was seen by the new director of naval intelligence, captain theodore wilkinson and the chief of army intelligence, general sherman miles. they reported to admiral stark and general george marshall both of how many would ever deny seeing the message. shockingly, admiral kimmel never received it. >> is seemed to them prepostorrous that the japanese would attempt to attack the powerful bastion of american might, the fleet at pearl harbor. president roosevelt sends a secret.
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secret. from america's news headquarters i'm marianne rafferty. a new poll suggesting former house speaker newt gingrich is surging ahead in the iowa kaw issues. the poll placing him at 25% ahead of tex conditionman ron paul with 18% and mitt romney at 16%. minnesota representative michele bachmann tied with outgoing candidate herman cain and rick perry and jon huntsman ended up at the bottom of the pack. president obama urging voters to get involved in the debate surrounding the payroll tax. the president said to let members of congress where they
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stand and to "put the money back in the pockets of working americans." dems fivary new tax on millionaires and the gop prefers to cut federal spending. police moving in to arrest occupy wall street protest evers in downtown portland, oregon. the demonstrators set up the tents despite police orders saying overnight camping would not be allowed. and attorneys for one of jerry sandusky's alleged sex abuse systems blasting the his interview with the new york times. it contains an unconvincing denial and that he cast himself as a victim which further harms their client and the other alleged victims. former presidential candidate george mcgovern in stable condition after he was hospitalized for a head injury in south dakota. doctors say the former senate democrat is alert and resting comfortably.
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mcgovern was on his way to a c span interview when fell outside the wes leighanne university mcgovern library. for your latest headlines log on to fox news .com. you are watching the most powerful name in news, fox news channel. >> oliver: by november of 191 it was clear the empire of china was going to continue the brutal conquest of china and east asia. >> they were machine gunning healthy civilians from the air. bombing undefended cities. roosevelt was alarmed by all of this. >> he gave an ultimatum. >> the united states insistd that japan get out of china. >> japan also made demands that america and britain remove their military presence in the far southeast, that the u.s. lift its oil embargo and stop aid to the general in china. >> the country was poised on
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the edge of war and diplomatic mission was equally as busy as diplomats try desperately to avoid war. >> on november 14 alived in san francisco smiling his toothy smile as he sang the old song of japanese friendship. on november he and the japanese ambassador were received by the president in the presence of the secretary of state. >> these two honorable men came to washington hoping to negotiate a diplomatic solution to the problems. >> oliver: but the special envoy didn't know that japanese prime minister had already decided to go to war if the negotiations weren't successful. their deadline, 29 november, 1941. >> tell us about what things were like for the japanese in the days leading up to the war? >> the militarists had a death grip literally on japan's future and the army that led
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that under hideki were determined that it could be solved with the allied powers by going to war. >> they were in our way. we had to be removed. it is the japanese way. >> oliver: throughout november, messages that whitlock intersented at the station indicated that japan was likely to strike soon but none of them mentioned pearl harbor and 57-year-old admiral wanted it that way. >> he made fools of us. he would give information to us that would let the president know that he is going to attack the philippines. none of us in washington ever stopped to realize that the commander of the japanese combined fleet had lived in washington, d.c. for three years and knew how americans think. >> oliver: on 25 november, met with his war captain.
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after the meeting hen simpson wrote we are likely to be attacked perhaps as soon as next monday. the next day, negotiations with japan continued. the japanese navy had already assembled a strike force to attack, hawaii. the quad ron leader was confident his pilots were battle red. >> i we all trained for this every day for six month. >> did the japanese fleet operate -- >> one of the claims is that supposedly we detected movement of the japanese task force. there is absolutely no evidence of this. >> no ship to ship communications at all. shore to ship is the only thing that was going on. >> robert stinnett says h his research disputes that. >> there were 20 messages a
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day. direction finders located in the submarines and invasion forces and the carriers all for city. towards hawaii. >> the lieutenant told "war stories" investigates a different story. >> of course, no radio. not at all. radio equipment was sealed up so that it couldn't be touched. >> on 27 november the navy sent this message to admiral kimmel "this dispatch is to be considered a war warning. an aggressive move by japan is expected within the next few days. army generals short and mack arthur received a similar message from the war department but it stated if hostilities cannot be avoided the united states desires that japan commit the first over the act. >> neither of the messages specified pearl harbor. >> they were expecting this attack in the far east thousands of miles from pearl harbor. the day after the famous
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november 27 war winning message and orders initiated from the navy department were dispatched to go reenforce. >> as it is even now even politics can get in the way of intelligence sharing. kimmel never knew that general short had not gone on full alert while short thought that admiral kimmel had launched long distance aerial reconnaissance around the island of oahu which he had done. and so this was a great mistake that arose out of the old divisions between the army and the navy. >> by 6 december japan and the united states were in a collision course for war. that evening a troubled fdr left his dinner guests early, retired to his study and drafted this letter. in an unprecedented move, he directed this effort for peace. >> this message was held up by
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the japanese. >> the same night they began decoding a long 14-part message from tokyo to diplomats in washington. >> it finally reaches the president and which makes absolutely clear the japanese intent and upon finishing reading this roosevelt says this means war. >> oliver: but he still doesn't know that it means war at pearl hush. and it certainly doesn't say at pearl harbor. >> up next, a japanese pilot tells "war stories" what he was told before the attack on pearl harbor and the truth he learned after the war.
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at pearl harbor the evening of 6 december 1941 was just a typical saturday night. while soldiers and sailors enjoyed their liberty they didn't know that the admiral's new secret weapons were lurking in the waters just off pearl harbor.
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yamamodo planned for a massive aerial bombardment on pearl harbor but two months before the attack he changed the battle plan to include five mid get submarines. at 78 feet long and 5 feet high they could accommodate only two crew members. they were equipped with two 18-inch torpedoes and travel at speeds up to 19 knots while sub merged. >> we were the chosen ones among the chosen. one of the highest points in our lives. >> "war stories" investigates tracked him down in okayama japan. >> we were gradually making progress in training for the port and harbor assault. this was initially passing through narrow water kams because we were going into a naval port. >> oliver: just after midnight
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the midget submarines were released. kimmel's sailors were ready. >> he always thought that the most likely form of attack that the japanese might make upon pearl harbor would be a submarine attack. >> admiral stark sent an order to kimmel stating you are not to attack any japanese submarines if detected around the island of oahu but you kimmel secretly counter commandd that order and told both h his surface ship captains and his aircraft pilots that if they detected a japanese submarine they were to attack it at once. >> japanese midget submarines enters the defensive sea area. imaginary zone off the mouth of pearl harbor and here is a brand new captain knowing the orders closes in and attacks the submarine. >> ken swedberg was one of the
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reservists on the uss ward. >> we went to general quarters immediately. i'm on my gun on the bow. >> oliver: 6:30 a.m. william kinert also spotted something strange in the water. >> i sawa looked to be like a buoy in the water but a moving buoy. it looked like it was on a course directly at pearl harbor. we dropped two spot lights on the object to help the ward close in on it. >> number three gun they put a hole right through the counting tower. and that was it. >> those were the first shots fired in the pacific war. and they were fired by us and by a commander namely kimmel who had rejected an order from his superior officers. >> the ward reports its contact when it sinks the midget sub
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outside the entrance to pearl harbor. >> he is awaiting confirmation of the shooting by the ward and, of course, the confirmation comes in the form of the attack on pearl harbor. >> oliver: 7:53 a.m. the commander signals the carriers that their goal of surprise has been achieved. he radios the fleet shouting torah, torah, torah. >> 7:55 a.m. the first wave of japanese dive bombers and torpedo planes begin their attack. at 8:40 a.m. the second wave attacks. >> i was in the second wave. dive bombers dropped bombs after getting closer to the enemy so the hitting rate was quite high. >> the next japanese round went through the window of the headquarters and bounced off my grandfather's chest leaving a welt on his chest.
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>> then i see one turn off and you had the rising sun and says my god those are japanese planes. >> oliver: sterling cale from illinois was one of the first responders. >> as a barbecuing bash hospital corpsesman you have now got carnage all over this place. what do you do? >> i spent four hours there in the burning water picking up bodies. some i'm sure were dead. some badly injured. some badly burned. needless to say i haven't been swimming in the water to this day. >> when general quarters was sounded i was down in my division headquarter living compartment and ran up to my battle station. >> evrand was aboard the dry dock, pennsylvania. >> they were saying the japs are attacking, the japs are attacking. at it i figured sure and then
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when i got topside i found out they really were. >> we took one hit. we and the other fellows were in the wrong place. i put nine months in the hospital getting put back together and then back to sea. >> when the japanese attacked pearl harbor it was 1:00 p.m. in washington, d.c. >> japanese planes have been sewing death and destruction for an hour on american outposts in the pacific when the japaneseen voitek japanesea message. >> so false as this document. he nodded for him to leave the room. they found out for the first time about the attack and pearl harbor. >> the lieutenant didn't find out that he participated in a surprise attack until after the war was over.
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>> our assumption was how to fight when the u.s. came to attack us. >> they were told that a declaration of war would be delivered before the attack. that the old samurai proverb and lesson that you wake your enemy before you strike them was going to happen. 21 u.s. navy nyes were damaged or surgeon and more than 2400 americans dead or dying. coming up, the two senior u.s. commanders in hawaii are relieved and sent them in disgrace. should other heads have rolled just that is next on "war stories."
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8 december 1941 a stadiumed nation mourns its losses at about pearl harbor.
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japan also launched near simultaneous attacks. a shaken fdr dictated this historic speech to his secretary grace tully. >> here we see in the original his own hand edits and most interesting is in the very first line where he says this is a date which will live in world history crosses that out and makes it a date which will live in infamy. >> the american people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory. >> fdr asked congress to declare a state of war with japan. three days later, hitler declared war on the united states. on 16 december frd relieved admiral kimmel and general shord and appointed owen roberts to head and investigative commission. >> they write a report
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completely unredacted signed by the president and sent around the world accusing the admiral and general of dereliction of their duty and further finding that they were "solely responsible for the success of the japanese attack." >> other heads individual have rolled, the performance could not have been exemplary because the attack succeeded. >> the u.s. fleet in the fill fine pines and u.s. army in the philippines. >> mac arthur received notice of the attack 7 hours before they themselves were hit. he had the opportunity to remove all of the b 17 flying for treasure bombers so that they wouldn't be caught on the ground wing stip to wing tip. >> we do ultimately lose most of our 17s.
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>> robert stinnett believes he ney have been part of a larger conspiracy. >> he was told on november 27 stay in a conditionsive node and what is what he did. you have the congressional medal of honor. >> what you are saying is that the conspiracy is much broader than just at roosevelt's desk? >> it includes the intercept operators, navy and army. it includes general mac arthur, admiral hart but not kimmel or general short in hawaii. >> it is minute conceivable to me that a commander in chief and p of his subrd nates would allow a fleet to be attacked if they knew in advance if was going to happen. it is walled a nobody lie. for the good of the people. the overall millions of people,
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we will sacrifice 2,000 as a noble lie. >> oliver: there were nine official investigations in five years. the last one in 1945 by the joint congressional commission was chaired by i'm len barkley. >> we needed one thing which our own resources could not make available to us. that vital need was the information available in from the interceptioner dispatchers. i did not get this information. >> the comial hearings concluded that the two officers committed critical errors of judgment but you not dereliction of duty. >> history is cruel. >> kimmel retired to connecticut. in 1954 he wrote this book which inspired me to write a
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letter when i was a midship man in annapolis a few months ago i ran into a signature that he row cogs niced. >> i felt strongly about the -- >> more than five decades later there was a sense investigation headed by then undersecretary of defense. some of the historical record was corrected. >> responsibilities should be broadly shared injuries the. >> that was done in 19894. >> but it never told us shared by whom? >> i think not only should be broadly shared but it should be principlely shared by general marshall and by admiral stark. >> oliver: on 7 december 1941 japan awakened perk, what ha is
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been missing all these years the great that fobbing place off the alack. to fight against is navy that was in shamables. many of the ships in pearl harbor were returned. >> oliver: you're watching "war stories" on the fox news channel. stay with us.
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there have been ten
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official investigation is of the attack on pearl harbor yet there are still documents being uncovered, others that remain classify and testimony that is at best ambiguous. each new discovery there are new questions raised about who knew what and when they knew it. our "war stories" investigation shows the cull pability for the surprise the japanese achieved certainly goes well beyond admiral kimmel and general shord but the record does not support claims of a conspiracy to allow the destruction of the pacific fleet here on december 7, 1941. like the attacks of september 11th 2001 there is no doubt that it galvanized our nation to action. those who responded are remarkable americans. their "war stories" deserve to be told. from pearl harbor, i'm oliver north. good night.


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