tv Americas News Headquarters FOX News December 10, 2011 3:00pm-4:00pm PST
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hello, glad you're with us. welcome to a new hour of america's news headquarters. topping the news, the first g.o.p. debate. at the head of the pack for newt gingerich. what can we expect from the former speaker of the house and the rest of the g.o.p. field in tonight's debate? after his sudden rise to frontrunner status. >> cries of election fraud brings tens of thousands to the streets of russia. >> the protest in moscow and what it could mean for vladimir putin. >> 'tis the season for spending but we'll tell you why experts
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say take some trimmings off your holiday gift budge. >> a major debate for the g.o.p. presidential field but all eyes are on newt gingerich, heading to the debate as a frontrunner for the first time. nearly every major candidate is taking part in the debate on the federal deficit but after long weeks and high profile attacks between the candidates, the deficit may not be the only thing on people's minds. steve brown is live in des moines with more on this. will we get the gingrich-romney showdown tonight? >> a lot of people hope for that to be honest. here's the thing in favor of newt gingerich. number one, not only does he leaded polls nationally and in aye iaea iowa but we vote in 24 days. to catch newt gingerich people need to make up their minds as
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to which candidate they're supporting and polls in iowa suggest there's fluidity. 50 to 60, 70% could be swayed another direction. one debate tonight and next thursday, the fox news debate in sioux city provides an opportunity for fireworks. mitt romney has been pushing hardener iowa than he has during the course of the campaign. he's stepped up both his personal appearances and his campaign tv advertising budget has been spending money in iowa. so it's possible romney, finding himself trailing in iowa, might step up the aggressiveness. >> what about rick perry, governor of texas, who has been trying to get his campaign back on track. is he all in in iowa?
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>> it sure looks like it. a all of lot of it is the -- television ads with him in that barn jacket talking about his faith. he has a two-week, 44 stop trip in iowa so he's making a all-in move. >> michele bachmann, congresswoman from minnesota, was born in iowa. she's got a big support base in that state. is she perhaps being overlooked? >> she might be being overlooked. this week she released a list of 91 county campaign chairs and has precinct captains in all 99 counties. not all 1700 precincts but in all counties so she's playing everywhere, the formula to be successful in iowa. >> she did win the iowa straw poll a number of months ago.
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>> she sure did. >> thank you very much. we'll have more on the republican showdown later on on the show with the vice chair of the democratic national committee. >> mr. gingrich is causing a stir over comments about the mid east peace process describing the palestinians as being, invented. >> i belie that the jewish people have the right to have a state and i believe that the commitments that were made at a time -- remember, there were -- there was no palestine as a state. and i think that we've had an invented palestinian people who have -- they're historically part of the arab community. >> we also have brand-new reaction from palestinian leaders and from the nation's capital in a live report coming up, so stick around for that. >> outspoke real estate billionaire donald trump is moving forward with his debate
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despite a punny turnout. the only participants, newt gingerich and rick santorum. the two battle it out december 27th. but before that, you can catch all the top g.o.p. candidates during all fox news debates. there's one this thursday, december 15th right here on "fox news channel" and also on line at where i'll host. that debate starts at 9:00 p.m. eastern. >> if you host it, i'll watch it. it's a plan that could create instant jobs but not without serious environment concerns. it looks like the keystone oil pipeline might be key to helping america's middle class. after the senate failed to extend payroll tax cuts and unemployment benefits, not once, but twice. >> since the senate failed twice this week at extending payroll tax cuts and unemployment insurance benefits, the house is
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taking a crack at it and speaker boehner thinks the key is the keystone pipeline, wanting it built sooner rather than later. >> you heard president obama say that the american people can't wait to take action on jobs. well, keystone energy project is the definition of an idea the american people can't wait for washington to take action on. >> mitch mcconnell says this about the tax relief and job reaction act. unlike the previous proposal from senate democrats this bill was designed to pass by leaving out job-killing tax hikes that faced bipartisan opposition while using bipartisan proposal to reduce spending but democrats disagree with the rendition to include the keystone pipeline provision. >> keystone pipeline is a separate issue. people on both sides agree it shouldn't be on this package.
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>> the president says republicans are like cartoon christmas villains if taxes go up for 160 million americans at the end of the year. >> no one should go home for the holidays until we get this done. tell your members of congress, don't be a grinch. >> boehner's bill would cost $192 billion over ten years. expect voting on this early in the week. peter doocy, thank you. a fox news alert out of russia where people are making themselves heard. listen. >> all right, don't listen because we don't have the tape ready. tens of thousands of demonstrators taking to the streets to rally against reports of voter fraud last sunday. protests present a challenge for the man on the left, the prime minister, vladimir putin. kitty logan is live in london. what's the significance of the demonstrations? >> this looks like it's a real
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game-changer in russian politics. it's the first time in years, decades, even, that so many people have taken to the streets to protest in russia. in moscow in particular we saw a very high turnout there. open defines, really, against the russian authority. people there -- it was a peaceful demonstration but people at the protest are angry and frustrated with vladimir putin's russia and they want fair elections in future. they want sunday's parliamently vote result to be annulled. they believe it was rigged and they want an investigation into what went wrong into the fraud allegations. but so far demands have not been met by the russian authorities. but since these protests have begun, i think prime minister vladimir putin's position has been significantly weakens, his
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popularity waning ahead of a presidential election in march of next year. >> is there thinking as to how long the demonstrators can keep up the momentum? >> this is the big question. today's protests weren't authorized by the russian government. those people who took to the streets did have consent of the authorities. the question is, will the authorities allow further protests to take place. the demonstrators say now they have the momentum and the want this to continue. they want the opposition movement to strengthen but the question is how will they be able to continue? will further protests been to the rated? but demonstrators say they'll continue with the protest and take to the streets again in the coming days. >> kitty logan live in london. let's talk you to boston where police are breaking down the occupy wall street camp and
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arresting protesters. cops swarmed the encampment this morning warning protesters they're trespassing and must leave. here's one protesters describing the scene. >> they came here in a very nonchalant manner, with overwhelming force. there were probably about five cops to every one protester. >> police also bringing in a front loader to scoop up the debris and dumping it into a garbage truck. fox news alert and a deadly plane crash. west of phoenix, arizona, the f.a.a. says a small plane went down about 25 miles west of phoenix. one person believed to be the pilot has been killed. a spokesperson for the f.a.a. says the pilot of this single-engine plane radioed luke air force base just before 1:00 local time this afternoon saying
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he lost control of the plane and that the plane was going down. the sheriff's department sent people out to the scene and confirmed that one person killed. again, one person dead in a small plane crash west of phoenix, arizona. >> in other news, in tinseltown it's all about seeing and being seen but residents near the hollywood sign, that's not always a good thing. now they're trying to block a plan by the city to grant thousands of tourists a closer look. casey segal is live in l.a. with the latest. what are the neighbors saying about the folks and you there, you're causing a stir, i know it. >> that's how we roll. causing a stir. look how close we are, it's 70-some odd degrees here but a lot of folks to live around the hollywood sign are tired of
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gawkers and for a couple reasons. first of all you're not allowed to smoke in the hollywood hills because it's a wild fire zone with all the dry brush and some of the folks here say time and time again they see tourists throwing cigarettes down and there's a concern it could start a fire. they say a fair amount of litter is left behind in their yards, things like that. and then there's the traffic congestion. thanks to gps technology, more folks are going off the beaten path to try to find the very best vantage point to snap their pictures instead of the public parks and viewing areas that are made available and some of the residents say that is an accident waiting to happen. >> narrow, two-way streets into even narrower one-way streets. there are blind curves and we're afraid not just a resident but a tourist will get struck by a car
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and be killed trying to access the sign. >> back to the wild fire issue that ties in with the congestion. there's concern if a fire were to start up here, then all of the fire trucks and heavy equipment wouldn't be able to navigate the narrow, windy roads because of the cars and tour busses, so they're trying to come up with a solution. >> of course fire is the hills is always a major concern. i understand how the residents feel on the one hand about the congestion. of course the city probably is saying something else. it does attract tourists to the area. >> reporter: yeah, it's a major icon. a lot of folks come here, thousands and thousands a year just to see the sign back here and to take their pictures. there has been some public meetings held between homeowners and city officials trying to reach a compromise, ideas like adding additional staff to direct the traffic, enforce
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smoking rules and the creation of more public lands for the tour bus to say park and things like that. however, it is a delicate balance because clearly the sign is an american acon, it's been here since the 20s. long before these homes were built. it generates a lot of revenue in terms of dollars with tinseltown people coming to see this and get a closer look. and there are those that argue that the homeowners can't complain about the congestion. that comes with the turf when they buy property next to a landmark like this that attracts so many tourists every year. >> if your property is nearby or you have a sight of that sign, it's a nice thing. casey, thank you. another sign is causing a different kind of stir over in beaverton, oregon, an elaborate christmas display and one nam
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who says they were so impressed with their neighbor's decoration, instead of trying to top them, they decided to put up a sign in front of their house with the word ditto on it and an arrow pointing to the lights next door. >> you can't compete with that. how could you? their display is magnificent and everybody in the neighborhood loves them and they come from all over to see it. >> that is awesome. i love the ditto sign. >> you always run into problems with neighbors try to compete with one another. try to outdo each other when it comes to holiday decorations. >> that's funny. >> a funny way to do it. coming up, g.o.p. hopefuls square out in iowa tonight. dominating the spotlight with high stakes showdowns, so what do the democrats make of the republican field? the vice chair of the dnc weighs in. >> plus saying good-bye to holiday decorations, why one
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time for a quick check of the headlines. iran calling on the afghan ambassador after seizing a u.s. drone. iran claims it was shot down along its border and wants to protest violation of air space. one giant leap for the commercial air space industry, nasa announcing a february launch date for a private company to send a space capsule to the international space station. the commander in chief taking time off for a face-off between the army and navy on the gridiron. president obama calling our military tear men -- men and women the best we have to offer in a college showdown in d.c.
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>> tis the season forgiving gifts but what do they cost you? many americans don't stop to add up the damages to their wallets. could today's splurge hurt us in the long run? gary joins us from orlando, florida. we don't want to be grinches. it's good to spend this time of year. just be smart about it, right? >> right. i think a lot of people are not smart. they let emotion get to them and overspend. and what happens is if you spend $1,000 now, if you didn't spend it in ten years and just got 7% on your money, you would have $2,000 so that's the thought process. >> let's look at numbers by the national retail federation. talking about some of the numbers this holiday shopping season, 52 billion spent on black friday alone, a record i think.
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$400 per shopper that day, up 10% from last year. and at the end of the holiday season we're all each of us on track to spend 700 bucks on holiday shopping. what do you make of that? >> i hope they spend it on me. look, that number's down from '07. it was around 755. but it's still a large number. it comes back to people need to plan for the long-term and they don't. all of us think in the here and now and we get caught up in the holiday season and want to spend for ourselves, our family, our friend and before you know it, you don't have buckous. our savings rate until the last three years was 0%. our savings rate went up to 5 or 6 and last year back to 3 or 46789. >> these stores have sales and make it seem you can't afford not to buy it. how could you not buy your
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husband that new 50-inch flat screen and i'm not trying to send my wife messages on live television but we talk about wanting to spend, keep the economy going and get us out of recession, now we hear you have to be careful with your spending. >> look, it's about how you feel about your money and where you'll be down the road. statistics show there are so many families one paycheck from not having a dime, going paycheck to paycheck with work. so the bottom line is that the the -- there needs to be were planning. you hope you get the big screen tv but the hangover will be whether you can afford a bag of potato chips. >> talking about how this is a time of year not just to be generous with those we love but those less fortunate. the other day my mother-in-law sat down with my two olders girls to help her decide which charity to donate to.
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there are teaching opportunities when it comes to spending this time of year. >> i tell my kids, always think about doing something for somebody you need nothing from. i make sure my kids follow that rule. it's a great way -- number one it helps somebody else but it makes you feel good when you do for others. holiday season brings out that type of warmness and hopefully we see a lot of that. there's a lot of people down trodden and kids that need help and there's nothing more than doing for the kids. >> well said. gary, always good to see you. happy holidays, my friend. >> you too. thank you. very good message. you are despicable, trying to beg kelsey for a 50-inch flat screen on television. anyway, we move on. >> if you don't ask ... >> it seems you can't pleas everyone, it's better to please no one.
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the city of boca raton, florida will not hang holiday decorations saying every year religious groups threaten to sue saying their religious symbols should be on display so the city is scrapping decorations all together. >> it's a shame that the extremists on either side of so extreme that they cannot just allow government to do what the supreme court suggests that governments should do. >> but the holiday spirit won't be stopped in one part of town. sanborn square park is the city's free speech area. the city encourages groups to hang decorations there. >> quick break. when we come back, newt gingerich stepping into the minefield of the middle east, giving his take on the palestinian people and setting off a firestorm. what he said an reaction to his comments. >> also, no more mr. nice guy
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for mitt romney, the republican presidential candidate promises to come out swinging on the campaign trail but will the makeover reverse his place in the polls. >> you would never seen these protests in the old soviet union. new details on the historic protests and what sparked the demonstration. that's coming up as well. all energy development comes with some risk, but proven technologies allow natural gas producers to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife. america's natural gas... domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... that's smarter power today. ♪
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bottom of the hour, time for the top of the news. voter fraud protests in russia wind down after tens of thousands took to the streets early today. calling for an end to prime minister vladimir putin's rule. remembering america's fallen heroes. volunteers across the country placing thousands of holiday wreaths at individual graves at more than 130 national cemeteries. newt gingerich facing off against his g.o.p. rifle in -- rival tonight. gingrich expected to face criticism over his comments palestinians are, quote, an invented people. >> former speaker not letting his frontrunner status stop him from speaking his mind. his comments on palestinian people generating interest and
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feedback. molly is live with more. this comment came when the speaker was asked if he is a zionist, someone in favor of the state of israel. how did he respond? >> hi, rick. it came during an interview on the jewish channel, a cable channel on jewish issues and he was asked if he considers himself a zionist, a supporter of the state of israel and right of jewish people to have a homeland. here's what gingrich said. >> i believe that the jewish people have the right to have a state and i believe that the commitments made at a time -- remember, there were -- there was no palestinian as a state. it's part of the ottoman empire and i think that we've had an invented palestinian people who have backed arabs and were part of the arab community. >> reporter: gingrich praised israel prime minister benjamin netanyahu as a tough guy and,
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quote, free market guy who puts israel's security first. >> a spokesperson for the palestinian people calling speaker gingrich ignorant. what more can you tell us. >> palestinians believe the state of israel encompasses land that should be theirs, today mahmoud abbas says gingrich doesn't know what he's talking about. >> this shows this guy's looking for votes in his election campaign and shows how ignorant he is on the history of the middle middle east and palestinian people. the palestinian people have been living in this area for thousands of years. >> gingrich's campaign says he's long supported the idea of a palestinian state in some form and his comment about them being an invented people was about the, quote, decades long history that surrounded this issue. rick? >> molly live in washington,
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thank you. mitt romney ready to rumble after falling to second in recent polls. the fox news poll shows former house speaker newt gingerich leading the g.o.p. with 36% among likely primary voters. romney has 23%. romney is assure supporters he's set to get aggressive in the final days before the iowa caucus and new hampshire primary. can he close the gap on gingrich? joining us for a debate, frank done telly, and former u.s. congressman martin frost. good to see both of you. >> hello. >> thank you. >> frank, romney saying he's going for broke. is there a danger if you get too dirty it could backfire? mud-slinging could be a turnoff. >> the is a danger if you are too negative, and don't have a positive message, that it could backfire. no question about that. i don't know that government
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romney had any choice, however, because gingrich is surging, he's well ahead in iowa and in south carolina and a lot of other places. governor romney has an edge in money and in manpower. gingrich has the edge in message. it sets up a fascinating contest. i would say you can't discount ron paul or bachmann balm so iowa is wide open. >> paul's right behind romney and michele bachmann, of course from iowa. congressman frost, you're from the don't mess with texas state. would you say there's such a thing at too much mud-slinging? i'm from the south as well. the phrase, you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. can romney take the heat and close the gap on gingrich? >> let me start with an observation about newt. he and i were elected in 1978 so i have followed newt's career closely.
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his problem is he's accident-prone as you saw today. i am the policy of the united states is that there should be a clear, defensible israel and a second palestinian state as long as it recognizes israel's right to exist and newt goes off on a tang gent and seems to trash the palestinians. i remember when he was speaker and it was -- i guess he'd been speaker three or four months and made a statement about the economy that sent the world markets crashing. newt doesn't understand news travels at the speed of light these days and you have to be careful what you say. in terms of romney, romney's doing exactly what he should. i'm a democrat, just watching all this. romney has to run hard, run a tough campaign and demonstrates he's a steadier guy, he's somebody that the public can trust where as newt is erratic and chose this business pretty
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regularly. i want to get your comments on the choice of words erratic. we move on. a fox news poll this week said, this is if the election were today. mitt romney would get had 42% to president obama's # 4%. newt gingerich would get 40% to president obama's 46%. so frank, back to you. going beyond iowa, beyond new hampshire and the notion that congressman frost is saying that he -- mr. gingrich has the potential for being erratic. how do you advise him, if he does take those caucuses, how do you advise him when you get to the general election if he makes it to that point? >> first of all i'm surprised that the numbers are that close. i think governor romney has been in the lead in terms of being -- running the best against president obama. look, i think with newt, it's a bigger upside and a bigger
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downside. romney, you probably have more of a commodity that you know that you're getting. here's all you have to know, president obama's approval rating, which is all you should look at right now, is, by every poll, around 40-44%. so that gives any republican running a real opportunity to win in 2012 in they can keep the focus on this administration and the terrible economic consequences that have come from their policy. >> congressman frost, you've heard that argument before and you said you're a democrat and you guys are sitting back and watching. how do you see it as it's going today? >> this is going to be a close presidential race. this is going to be a lot like 2004 where president george w. bush narrowly won. i think obama can win reelection but republicans have a chance. frank's right, it makes a
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difference that obama has down side right now. i think that the republicans have to make a decision. do they want to go with a safe, steady candidate who may not be exciting or do they want someone who can say something strange and weird and throw the race into a -- look what newt did about the ryan budget plan, first right wing socialism then amnesty. this is a guy who has a grandiose view of himself. maybe he'll be the republican nominee but he has a big downside. >> congressman frost, i have to leave it there. thanks to both of you for joining us for that fair and balanced debate. >> are you trying to get on youtube? is that what this is about? >> seriously, this brown skin is blushing red right now. bottom line. >> happens to the best of us. >> what do the democrats think about the g.o.p. field? we'll talk with the vice chair
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of the dnc and get a check on the presidential contenders and who he things the president will face off against in the race for the white house. don't let santa's helpers scratch those gadgets under the tree. consumer reports is here for the choice of the best tablets for the pint-sized people. this new at&t 4g lte is fast. did you hear sam... promoted to director? so 12 seconds ago. we should get him a present. thanks for the gift basket. you're welcome. you're welcome. did you see hr just sent out new... rules? cause you're currently in violation of 6 of them. oh yeah, baby? ...and 7. did you guys hear that fred is leaving? so 30 seconds ago. [ noisemakers blow ] [ both ] we'll miss you! oh, facecake! there's some leftover cake. [ male announcer ] the new htc vivid. stay a step ahead with at&t 4g lte, with speeds up to 10x faster than 3g. ♪ with speeds up to 10x faster than 3g.
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it's been a long road to tonight's g.o.p. debate in iowa. the emerges of a new frontrunner with high profile attacks setting the stage for what was already sure to be an interesting night, with the iowa caucuses january 3rd, expectation for tonight's showdown is high. joining us, the vice chair of the democratic national committee and mayor of -- >> happy to be here. >> as a democrat, if you're watching this tonight you're hoping the sort of the rougher the better, right? >> well, we'll see what they do but i think one of the things i'll look for is to see if they can come up with any ideas about moving the economy forward any
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way except going to the past. we'll look to see what mitt romney is up to tonight. you know, this is a state with a lot of weather vanes but even by iowa standards he set records for flip-flopping in the breeze. mitt romney is for and everything changing for the minute and people here want you to look them in the eye and tell them what you think. he thinks you can do that different every day. >> why do you think the former speaker is having so much success at this stage of the game? >> i think there's been an anybody but romney movement. i'm no expert on republicans but it's clear that mitt romney, who spent five years in iowa and many millions of dollars over the past couple years when pretending he's not competing here, he's not catching on. i think people in our part of the country like you to walk up to the door, like to have an honest conversation and size you up on whether you're real and
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will stick with them or not. and it's not selling in iowa for mitt romney and that's one of the reasons it's going to be tough for him to continue, especially when he's come in here and he's doing poorly talking about what he's for and spending millions attacking gingrich, like he's spent millions attacking the president. you don't get to be president by saying what you don't want and changing your mind two minutes later. >> i want to ask about the attacks because i wonder if you think it helps president obama to see the g.o.p. field going after each other and you're a supporter of president obama, one of the first -- i think the first mayor to support his campaign in 2008. if i'm right about that. is he helped by newt gingerich and mitt romney and anybody else going after each other? >> well, i probably won't make news saying i'd rather have them attack each other than the president but one of the things that's happened is people have
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sit back in the country, who aren't decided, and looked at the debates and seen extreme positions taken by the candidates and the type of things people cheer about, booing a gay soldiered and that sort of thing. i think americans have enjoyed the carnival atmosphere of these debates but it's exposed the fact there's not a lot of new energy in the party. the fact is the country needs people to come together and right now we have a clear choice, the president went to kansas to talk about fairness but backing it up with action in washington. he's trying at, of all times, the holiday season, to do a middle class tax cut to put $1,000 in the pockets of every middle class american and the republicans are stopping it seemingly solely because they don't want the president to succeed. politics is one thing but doing something that hurts middle class america is another thing.
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i thing not only is romney not catching on, the republican party isn't catching on. it works midterm to say we're not obama then do everything to stop everything from happening. the fact of the matter is i don't think the republican party and these candidates with walk into an election and have a record saying for four years what they did was say they weren't obama. the president, 21 straight months of job creation, a record that's a lot better than the monthly loss of 750,000 jobs when he took office. >> yet, mr. mayor, as we wrap up, the president's approval ratings remain very, very low. what can he do to turn that around for him in 20 seconds? >> we're going to do exactly what we did to win iowa and get elected in the country. go door-to-door, look people in the eye. the republicans have stopped everything. we need to reelect the president and a new congress will work with the president to put the country on the right track.
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>> the mayor of minneapolis, vice chair of the democratic national committee and he's feeling warmer joining us tonight from iowa. good to talk to you, sir. >> thanks a lot. >> fair and balanced as always. tomorrow my colleague, shannon bream, interviews matt strawn and get his reaction to the debate. tune in tomorrow noon, eastern time. >> all you parents, a segment you won't want to miss. >> hi there. this is michelle, he's visiting new york from el salvador and she's testing out this ino tab, a new game for kids for christmas. we'll be back in a moment. probiy helps defends against occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating. with the strains of good bacteria to help balance your colon.
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why didn't youell me to wear a jacket. >> i did, you don't listen. >> it's the season for spending. everybody's talking about tablets. >> the ipad, the kindle, the notebook, you name it, everybody wants one and they're not cheap. what do you do if your little one has a high-tech request. i want an i-something.
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>> we're getting those requests. >> i'm sure. consumer reports looked at this year's best toy tablets that work like the big kids but at a fraction of the cost. joining us now, associate web editor for consumers reports, carol manage us. >> michelle is from long island and her family is from el salvador. she's playing with innotab. >> it's v tech that makes digital electronics for kids. they're completely like adult tablets but they have no wireless capability which is good. what she's doing is an art studio app and she can pick different colors and pens to draw with. it has a music player, it has an e-reader. >> how much is that going to cost?
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>> the price is $80 and it's for kids 4 to 9 but the problem is a lot of these things are selling out. so hopefully you can find it for your child. >> what do you think of those? >> i think it's a very fun thing to play. >> you're coloring a nice picture. like that. >> thank you. >> keep on coloring there. let's move on to the next one. >> what else? >> this is the leap pad from leapfrog. this is the hot one and sold out in many stores. even on amazon they're going for twice as much as the list price. they list for 100. >> did i read this one in particular is one of those that parents are actually renting these things? >> i heard about this renting. this is interesting. apparently it's like netflix for toys, website send a box of toys and you send them back for another. >> tell us the last two notebooks. >> the fisher-price, 3 to
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7-year-olds. and it's -- it doesn't have all the bells and whistle. >> it's cute because they want to get in on the action. >> the vinty pad is an android tablet repurposed for kids. this is for today letters to -- toddlers to preschoolers. one of our kid testers actually chewed on it but it has a red bumper. >> in my house, toys get dropped and if you're dealing with an expensive electronic device you don't want it bouncing off the floor. >> these are built more ruggedly than ours. they're hard plastic so they should do okay with a few knocks and drops. >> michelle is on -- can you get a shot of michelle's screen? she's going for it. >> she's painting, going through the different colors. these tablets are so intuitive, even the youngest kids pick it up and no exactly what to do.
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>> they get it right away. >> carol, always good to see you. thank you for coming. thank you to consumer reports and thanks to everybody who came out to visit us. >> look at that. that's going to do it for us. stick around, fox report with harris faulkner is up next. >> see you later, everybody. hey, the new guy is loaded with protein!
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really? 25 grams of protein. what do we have? all four of us, together? 24. he's low fat, too, and has 5 grams of sugars. i'll believe it when i--- [ both ] oooooh... what's shakin'? [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important part of staying active and strong. new ensure high protein... fifty percent of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. see? he's a good egg. [ major nutrition ] new ensure hh protein. ensure! nutrition in charge! like $100 off the 4g lte samsung galaxy tab. or buy one 4g lte samsung stratosphere for $99.99 and get another one free. hurry in, these deals end december 12th. the smartphones are ready. the tablets are wrapped. get the technology they love. on the network they deserve. verizon.
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