tv The Five FOX News December 15, 2011 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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looking forward to it. panel, are you looking forward to it? panel is looking forward to it. that is the scene tonight. the camera that matters is the one on the questioners. see you tonight. captioned by closed captioning services, inc >> eric: hello. i'm eric bolling, with andrea tantaros, dana perino, bob beckel, greg gutfeld. this is "the five." less than four hours until the fox news debate. gloves are coming off. the g.o.p. presidential candidates scaring off in iowa. we'll break it down. plus, rush limbaugh doesn't do many of these. last night, on greta the captain of the republican movement offers sound advice. new developments in the tim tebow story we brought to you yesterday. see what the rabry is saying rat the rabbi is saying now. that and much more starts right now.
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♪ ♪ >> eric: to the top story, the showdown in sioux city tonight at 9:00. fox news will host the final and most meaningful republican debate before the iowa caucuses on january 3. we'll start with you. borrow a term from our friend the donald. i think it's going to be huge! >> andrea: it is going to be huge. i cannot understate the importance of this debate. it will also be nastiest debate we have seen. expect a pile-on toward newt gingrich who is now the front runner. the key question is how does he handle this tonight? his achilles heel is being accused of being arrogant and angry. so he has to stay positive when they are piling on him. i predict he will go after obama a lot. because he is not going to want to defend himself, but he has to dislike some of these attacks that have been softening him up in iowa. we'll see if mitt romney, what mitt romney has to do is show he is tough enough not just electable with all the polls are saying. people don't believe he is most electable. why?
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they believe newt gingrich is the only one to knock out the president. romney has to prove he can tonight. >> eric: the great ronald reagan had his 11th command. thou shall not shoot at other -- speak ill of fellow republicans. "national review" came up harsh against newt gingrich. what does that -- >> dana: it post last night. it might be the biggest nerd of the table. my home page is actually "national review." out of us, i saw it first an sent it on to everybody. this is a big deal. "national review" is not speaking ill of fellow republicans. what they are trying to do from their point of view is determine who would be the best conservative candidate to take on the causes of conservatives and be able to run and win in next year? they were trying to say they are all imperfect candidates and the only thing uniting the right is the frustration with the candidates we have. tonight, i agree. if there are americans who
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have not watched a debate yet, tonight is the night that that changes. >> eric: bob, the establishment, dana points out "national review" took a shot at gingrich. >> dana: but it's not establishment. unless the earth shifted. >> eric: the establishment clearly has their favorite. what do you make of it? >> bob: the favorite is one of the most flawed candidates i've ever seen. mitt romney is about the worst candidate i can imagine running for president. here is what has happened. the republican establishment, anybody who is a right winger or quasi right winger out of washington united against newt gingrich. they piled on the guy. he handled it well. gingrich is knocking them back. he has been weakened in iowa. grant you that, when you spend $20 million against the guy, nobody is standing up for newt. >> dana: i thought the lead -- >> eric: can you call the establishment right wingers? >> bob: everything from right wingers to conservatives. >> dana: the lead of the editorial against gingrich was
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the lead might be but they refuse to endorse romney as well. that is what i took away from this. >> eric: you have a tortureed metaphor. >> greg: my home page is cats. >> dana: i was hoping you would tell us. >> greg: this is about newt returning fire. he has taken more hits than bong in a college dorm. i have like you said a tortureed metaphor. ♪ >> greg: back by unpopular demand. nobody has asked for it. this campaign is not about closing the deal but weeding out the weak. when you are a lonely guy at a single's bar, you don't try to pick up somebody at 9:00 p.m you wait until 1:57 a.m. right now america is on the second or third beer, deciding between the cute guy and the crazy one. but with one eye at the door
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for somebody new to come in. >> bob: 2 at 10:00 and 10 at 2:00. >> andrea: that metaphor makes me nervous. you're saying we will be drunk. that is not a good decision. do you make good decisions drunk? >> greg: i don't know what it's like to do it sober. >> eric: you said something important. electability. the operative word. everybody is throwing it around. on the right, we want someone to beat obama. probably hate it. >> andrea: polls say that mitt romney is most electable. if you are a flip-floper on issues. or climate change. that will hurt you with the independents and democrats. you need crossover appeal. the "wall street journal" had an interesting -- bob, i'd like to noah you think about this. they had an interesting piece today that talked about how gingrich might be the best thing for mitt romney.
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>> dana: i want to say something and you have to see something you haven't seen. you don't read the "wall street journal." >> bob: yes, i do. >> dana: the column written by dan henniger. mitt romney's blogs are positive. newt gingrich inadequacy are known. time to put it together so they can emerge victorious. this is the editorial cartoon that ran with -- do we have that? bob, that is you! >> bob: let's get back to this. who anointed mitt romney the most electable. somebody in the press said that last year and it became a moniker. as often happens in the presidential races. no evidence, none that this guy is a better candidate against -- >> eric: any of them nil. of them.
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>> bob: i would rather have newt gingrich with his issues other -- >> eric: can i throw something out here. this is not a two-man or woman race right now. there are seven or eight -- >> dana: good point. >> eric: the most electable is the one who wins two or three states early. all of sudden they become the most electable. >> greg: the power of pelosi. you can't discount the anti-newt ad. nobody is radioactive to the right as pelosi. i don't think anybody regretted a video so much since mary berry. >> andrea: paris hilltop. kim kardashian? >> bob: true. you know the money spent, the amount of mail that has gone out. it started with a church group that hit newt for the marriage and pamphlets out all over the states. i'm what is built perfectly for negative, under-the-radar
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negative stuff. it's scourlous. the next three nights is the most important poll. this debate will determine that poll on monday. >> andrea: you mentioned the other candidates in the race. ron paul in some polls within one point of winning in iowa. tonight, ron paul needs to do what ron paul does best. stays consistent. he can't look crazy. michele bachmann and rick santorum, this is a big night for them, too. if they don't do well in iowa. they will drop out. a lot of states are proportional. at some point as you talk about before, they will have delegates. >> greg: ron paul is a chocolate with a fruit center. you like the chocolate but not the fruit. or you like the fruit but not the chocolate. domestically he sounds great but the foreign policy scares you to death. >> eric: sarah palin said she believes ron paul won't get nomination but who he
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endorses is important. >> bob: can i say that -- >> eric:sy have to as -- i have. a lot is made who is the insider and not the insider. everybody wants a non-washington insider. are any of the people really a non-insider? >> dana: it's impossible to get to this level of politics when you run for president and not be somewhat of an insider. except for one person that we haven't talked about tonight yet. he will be at the debate. rick perry. the governor of texas. that doesn't mean you don't, you know, coincide with washington at some point. his campaign has not caught on. >> andrea: jon huntsman -- >> dana: but he worked for president obama. >> bob: are you kidding me? you are kidding me? there is nobody else in the race. they are all gone. michele bachmann, gone. santorum, gone. >> andrea: even you talk about not portional delegate. >> bob: they won't get there long enough to get the
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proportional delegates have to get to state to do it. rick perry is low on money. they all are low on money. if you don't score on iowa, the money dries up and the treasure surer says we're out, we're $1 million in debt. >> eric: that the last work. last look at the candidate before iowa picks a winner. big republican dei want to on fox news at 9:00. we'll be watching and hope you will, too. coming up, the man i see of the godfather of the conservative movement. rush limbaugh weighs in on obamacare, and chip on obama's shoulder. e-mail us at malia. back in a couple of minutes. ♪ ♪
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the president pretty harsh, hitting him on what a lot of people said before. the president has a chip on his shoulder when it comes to the united states of america. listen to this. >> i have often, always suspected that obama has a chip on his shoulder, about the country that he doesn't think of it as great. he doesn't think of it as exceptional. he thinks of it as criminal in many ways. as guilty as many more ways. he thinks that our super power status is the result of theft. resources and ideas from other nations. all over the world. believes the multicultural garbage that we came herek, kicked the indians off the land and brought racism, sexism, bigotry, homophobia, slavery and all that. >> andrea: i want to go to you about your godfather. i look at the things that president said overseas. he told the french that america has shown arrogance, been dismissive and in europe he was asked if he believes in
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american intentionallism. he said the same way the brits do and the same way the greeks do, otherwise means no. [ laughter ] bob, i knew you would go there. leave the greeks out of it. >> re -- let ericd. respond. >> eric: i am right of the right. i love the man, he's 100%. he went through things, what g.o.p. needs to win. he points something out that i have been saying here all along. we all said it. whoever wins has to pivot right. you have to get the base, conservative base to get the g.o.p. nomination. then tack it back to the middle once you have it. work it out. 100% right. the problem is they don't want to do it. newt kind of does it a little bit. >> andrea: i think mitt romney took his advice. don't you think romney did listen to rush and tap right? >> dana: he tried several times. then he has things that he said in his past that come
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back to haunt him. ann coulter was on "hannity" talking when you run as governor of massachusetts you are not as far right as nobody growing up in nevada, say. that is not to make excuse whether you are a conservative or not. rush limbaugh with tens of millions of listeners a day and for year has been tireless. one thing he has done is give people that little bit of a spine they need. look today. the white house is announcing that they are going to back off on the millionaire sur tack to pay for payroll tax extension. not because of apologists for millionaire but it's bad policy and it doesn't work. i think somebody like rush limbaugh helped on the policy side of things. >> andrea: think he is the head of the republican party? >> dana: i don't think he is head of republican party. he wouldn't call himself that. >> bob: do you think rush limbaugh had comment on what the white house did? >> dana: they couldn't get the vote. >> bob: let me ask you a
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question about your godfather. what did happen to the indians when we got here? did we not throw them off the land? >> andrea: c'mon. >> eric: can i point something out -- >> bob: you said we didn't throw indians off the land. where did they go? >> eric: c'mon, bob. let's talk about the, the meat of what he was talking about. >> greg: i'm still not used to the skinny rush. like when they replaced darrens on "bewitched" you knew there was a disturbed you. i want to address the fact he said obama has a chip on his shoulder. he's wrong. it's a jumbo size bag of ruffles. this guy reflects modern cultural from the academic world that it's cooler to think america is inferior to europe. they love it. they love to feed into that. you are a dork if you are patriotic. when you are hanging around -- >> andrea: so greg, you are saying this isn't just obama. this is just liberalism? >> greg: the thing -- >> andrea: which is right. >> greg: to think of him as
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leader and nonconformist in last 40 years is a joke. he reflects the purest cliche of academia culture. >> andrea: he is in trouble. >> eric: we have to get to this. very important. rush limbaugh points out that everyone, all of them, the established republicans want conservative vote. they just don't want to be seen around town with them. makes a good point. >> bob: here is the problem you've got. you say tack right. tough to tack right when you are not right. >> eric: no, it's not. >> bob: it is! >> eric: newt tried it with immigration. >> bob: as far right as this republican party is today. the chance you get back to the middle are impossible. >> dana: look h hard is it for obama to tack to the center. he can't do it -- >> andrea: he doesn't want to do it. >> bob: at this stage of the game, obama is ahead of some of the guys is amazing. >> andrea: rush brings that up, too. i want your thoughts on that. rush has thoughts about the republican field and the chances of beating president obama. take a listen.
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>> if the election were today, no. election today he would lose in a landslide. i don't believe conventional wisdom the republicans only have one person that can beat him. anybody, other than ron paul, could beat obama if the election were tomorrow. easily. >> andrea: bob? you commented before so i want you to comment on it now again. >> bob: it's just, it's ridiculous comment. the fact of the matter is michele bachmann couldn't beat him. rick santorum couldn't beat him. look, but right now, today, this is something about rush. eric could beat him today. but next year, you don't have -- look, you had better accept something here. you don't like to know it. you have a weak field and your best people on the sidelines -- >> andrea: you have a weak president. >> bob: we'll find out, won't we? >> andrea: we will. >> bob: the chance of him losinlosing in a landslide is as much chance of rush getting really skinny. >> greg: people focus on obama's record rather than
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newt's past, obama will lose. >> bob: oh! >> andrea: i see you have your little man poster. >> eric: you're on it, my man. every time the one liberal molecule in my body starts to act up, i put the headphones on and listen to an hour of rush and back to normal. >> bob: kiss the backside of the -- [ laughter ] kiss it right there. >> andrea: kiss it. >> eric: i will put it on your back. >> bob: i like rush. i personally like him a lot. he is smart about the right. he understands the right. no request about it. but you don't -- no question about it. but you don't win elections on the rightth >> greg: there is not a single magnetic on the left. when they try to put them out there, nobody listens. >> bob: people on the left are thinkers. >> andrea: on that note, i don't know where to begin. connecticut mayor wants to give illegal aliens a right to vote. can you believe it? i can't. actually, i can. we'll tell you more next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> dana: welcome back to "the five." john destepanaux, wants to give illegal immigrants in the city the right to vote. they indirectly pay taxes through respect and schools so they should get a voice. andrea, do you think this is condoning illegal behavior? >> andrea: i do. >> dana: who is going to agree with him? ten democratic governor disagrees. >> andrea: i know someone who might disagree. and last name rhymes with smeckel and first name rhymes with rob. >> greg: i know rob smeckel. stand-up guy.
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>> andrea: university town. i expect the liberal craziness from them. this is why democrats who are concerned about re-election don't put these things on the ballot. they turn to the court. this mayor is trying to do it on his own. it ask not constitutional. it would be a magnet. i don't understand why they would expect somehow the illegals to be allowed to vote when we can't vote in their election. if you give me a right to vote in you election -- >> greg: you should go in. you're from new york. >> andrea: then we think about it. >> greg: part of this thing, to do this is get them i.d. cards that could be used for other things like purchasing. do you think an illegal alien is going to risk and getting an it card? that is like offering shoplifters coupons. >> eric: this guy is one who wanted to offer anyone, any resident an i.d. card. he solved that problem. >> bob: illegal ali, like a marshall? martian? >> greg: somebody who entered the country illegally. is that better?
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>> bob: entering the country illegally is a misdemeanor. if you are driving drunk in connecticut, it is a felony. >> greg: you are the expert on this. >> dana: driving drunk could kill somebody. >> bob: but why are they allowed to vote if they broke in law? >> greg: it's called citize citizenship. i love illegal -- >> bob: i would agree on this and only this. they ought to vote on school issues. some of the schools in the neighborhood are almost entirely made up of the undocumented workers. >> eric: are they undocumented -- >> greg: families. >> andrea: what about the benefit and the schooling? that that is what the mayor tried to do in 2007. why not let the residents decide. why does he act on his own? >> dana: it's like a thinly disguiseed waiver to make sure he gets more votes. >> andrea: this guy denied promotion to hispanic and white firefighters. >> dana: that was decided by the supreme court. a little bit of a strange story.
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>> eric: more than finally. >> bob: undocumented aliens pay taxes. sales taxes -- >> greg: so, do i. >> bob: i think you should vote in southeastern -- >> eric: do they pay property taxes? >> andrea: can i bring in one more thing? >> dana: a different topic. eric shown of fox news reporting on the story out of indiana about voter fraud. we have a sound bite to play. >> it alleges the question whether the obama campaign filed the necessary number of signatures, 500 from the county to get on the state's primary ballot. 534 certified signatures were never challenged. eric holkra is the chairman of the state republican party. do you think he legally qualified to be a candidate >> i do not. i think the investigation once we learn that the actual number of proven forced signatures, they speculate it could be between 100 and 200
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signatures. if he, you know, there is more than 40, he doesn't qualify. >> dana: what do you think? >> greg: finding election fraud in indiana is like finding hay in a haystack. >> dana: not a needle. >> greg: i love the dems use that excuse to say it's okay. corruption, that is normal. >> dana: what do you know about election fraud in indiana? >> bob: i had a primary campaign in indiana some years ago. lake county indiana, which is know over thous to, at least used to be corruption county. dead even race and they did not report in. gary, indiana. it called the mayor at midnight. how many votes do you have down there? he said, "how many did you need?" i said i needed 32,000. he gave me 31,0200 and we won. >> greg: you stole an election? >> bob: no. i asked a straight question.
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>> andrea: the "new york times" says it doesn't exist. >> dana: if recent example of voter discrimination and fraud was with the new black panther party. we know what happened there. >> andrea: it should be pointed out in indiana, obama only won by 1%. >> greg: it should be pointed out this is a 4-year-old story, 3-year-old story rather. i really glad we're on top of the news. >> eric: it matters. >> bob: breaking news story. it happened in 2008. >> dana: we'll let them fight it out in the break. we have to go. up next, believe it or not, it look like casey anthony wants megabucks to talk about what happened to her young daughter. we will tell you the details next. ♪ ♪ i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer.
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♪ ♪ i'm bret baier in sioux city, iowa, site of tonight's republican presidential debate on fox. candidates will take the stage in a little more than three hours as you can see by the countdown clock on the screen all day. tonight on "special report," carl cameron looks at the latest campaign ads. steve brown talks to several perspective iowa caucus voters to find out what they want to hear in this evening's debate. house budget committee chairman paul ryan has a new medicare plan and a new cosponsor, democrat. getting a lot of reaction. jim angle has specifics. lawmakers on capitol hill are still trying to agree on a budget to avoid a government shutdown friday night. mike emanuel tells us how that is going. ed henry at the white house reports that president obama appears to give up on hope for a millionaire surtax. that's at 6:00 eastern on "special report" now. back to "the five" in new york. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> bob: welcome back to "the five." not only am i as usual at the end of the show -- >> bob: i am after you, bob -- >> greg: i am after you, bob. >> bob: fine. i have to do this without a teleprompter. casey anthony who we remember fondly from florida who remarkably got off if the trial of killing her daughter is now shopping her story around. she wants $750,000 to get her story out. now, i wouldn't pay $7.50 if she were working out of the chicken ranch in nevada, but that is not the point. is anybody going to buy the story? >> greg: nobody. >> dana: she was on the front page of "people" magazine for every week for ten months. i think that they must know something.
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freddie nobody wants the stigma of paying for it -- >> greg: nobody wants the stigma of paying for it. >> eric: if you were a magazine editor, how much would you love to have her story, nobody else -- >> greg: as a magazine editor, it will sell copies but advertisers flee like crazy. >> bob: is that true? >> greg: the advertisers would jump. i have a solution for her. you know celebrities like johnny depp collect serial killer art. get paintings by john wayne gacy. someone like depp should buy casey anthony and keep her in a corner in their house. people come over, oh, is that a stay chew of casey anthony? no, that is casey anthony. they walk around, that you could live okay life. >> andrea: it's true. dot worry about safety. >> bob: jeffrey dahmer, put in the freezer. that is so weird. do you think somebody -- >> eric: i think so. i think there are a lot of publications that, you know, don't care. they are going to go for it.
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i think there is a movie in this. >> andrea: this girl is a liar. so all the networks like tlc and a&m is saying forget it. lifetime says we'll the our movie and do it our way. >> dana: she is not going to make a concession. >> andrea: not telling the truth. >> bob: i don't know who this person was until a while ago. >> greg: why not? >> bob: her verdict or o.j. simpson? >> andrea: o.j. casey anthony. >> bob: think so? do you care? >> dana: i didn't hear what he said. >> greg: i was thinking about pudding. >> bob: good. >> greg: i didn't eat. >> bob: can we change the topic. this woman, first started talking about it, forced me now -- >> andrea: only woman that bores you.
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>> bob: no, a lot of them. >> andrea: you love talking about women. >> bob: they're usually worth talking about. unless they hit you. like you. next topic,vy to read this. should taxpayers be forced to pay for unemployment benefitser drug addicts -- benefits from drug addicts? a congressman thinks drug testing is unconstitutional. let me begin saying here myself if the argument i take it from the right on this is you ought not be taxpayer funding for drug addicts. so they shouldn't get unemployment benefit. because they take from the government. if that is the case, if you are using dope and you take tax deduction on your million dollar mansion, shouldn't yo you -- >> eric: that is not the argument. drug test before you hand over unemployment check because a lot of checks are being, you know, a lot of unemployment benefits are sold for drug
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money. alcohol money. >> bob: you don't know. that secondly, of all the years i spent around drug addicts and alcoholics, i never saw anyone use federal money for it. >> andrea: c'mon! >> greg: i know a lot of successful drug district drug at forces them to choose between the crutches. what drugs are they talk about? i am against benefit of drug addicts unless it's my drugs that are involved because i'm a hypocrite. >> dana: i think the congressman point a few times and i don't see how she gets a constitutional piece. she may disagree or think it's wrong but hardly unconstitutional. we had to do drugs -- when you work for government you have to take a drug test to work there. you get the taxpayers dollars. >> andrea: this is what happens when government subsidize the lifestyles. >> eric: let me point this out. you nailed the argument. >> bob: they say it's their money already.
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>> greg: unemployment benefit are their money. you can't deny it since it takes from their paycheck. >> bob: but if you are a drug addict and you use drugs -- i know a lot of rich people using drugs -- why do you get a mortgage deduction? >> andrea: don't you think if they drug test the people, if it comes up positive you can help them more if you are not drug testing them? >> bob: yes. if you did it under controlled circumstances where you want to help them as opposed to punish them. what about the kids? >> andrea: why should we give federal money -- >> bob: there are children of the people who use drug who would be cut off from benefits, too. barber walters -- barbara walters names donald trump and the kardashians as some of the most -- the kardashians? are you kidding me? greg has thoughts on barbara's choices. don't go away. i'm sure you wouldn't do that. ♪ ♪ daddy, come in the water!
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♪ ♪ >> greg: the memories. if i only had them. because i blew off today's ideas meeting due to a run-in with a bottle of wine, i was given the task of talk about the barbara walters ten most fascinating people of 2011. i didn't watch the show. because i'm normal. as punishment, i must now exact meaning by something cobbleed together by medicated monkeys trained read "us weekly." the list included kardashian who are facenating the way rare bacteria is fascinating. they are interesting to poke and prod but you don't want it on your hands. kate middleto middleton. the top choice was steve jobs which is where i get meaningful. when it comes to book, movie or inspirational tales the acclaim goes to those who succeed on hard work,
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creativity, gumption. overcoming obstacles instead of demanding others to do it for them. everybody loves builders not barnacles. which is funny that so many people who write the book or movie feel differently in their daily lives. younger jobs might find it sad that the government sides with grad students whining about college loans instead of innovators starting companies in their garages. my sad prediction. in six monthos lu see movies about the whiners, not the winners. >> greg: very funny. >> dana: provocative. >> greg: bob is going i kind of like this. now it sucks. >> bob: i'm a builder. >> greg: none of us watches this. >> andrea: no one i know watches this. >> dana: the most fascinating people. >> eric: why would i watch that when i could watch rush on greta? >> bob: absolutely. >> bob: i want to play part of it -- >> bob: who is the pipen middleton?
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>> dana: duchess of york's sister, the one who married -- >> bob: who is the duchess of work? the girl who married -- okay. >> dana: married william. >> greg: i don't trust anybody named after a parakeet. what is a pippa? >> bob: can we dump on the kardashians? >> greg: i want to play a sot of what barbara walters talk to kardashian object why they are famous. >> you are described as famous to be famous. you don't act. you have don't sing. you don't answer. you don't have any forgive me any talent. >> but we are still entertaining people. it's more of a challenge for you to go on a reality show and get people to fall in love with you for being you. so there is more pressure i think to be famous for being ourselves. than to be a character. >> none of us think we have talent. none of us think we could sing or act or dance.
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>> bob: i totally agree with the hot one -- >> greg: i totally agree with the hot one. >> dana: give kudos for the people on her p.r. show to be harder to on reality tv than anything for people to fall in love with you. >> bob: you could put all the i.q.s together and they wouldn't a rhode scholar. >> andrea: who says people are in love with her. she said they were entertaining people. the only person in the kardashian household that has done anything is bruce jenne jennear. he is nowhere to be found. >> dana: when i was in vegas i saw a billboard, 2011, new year's eve, kim kardashian. what happens there? she just show up and say i'm here? >> bob: i can understand she contributes something to society. she was a stripper. but i mean -- >> dana: well, actually -- >> greg: you are a progressive feminist, bob. >> bob: seriously, someone explain the idiots to me? i want to hear it. >> greg: i think that they
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are heroes in the sense they are scaring the hell out of celebrities. for barb ra walters to say you don't have talent, barbara walters saying that is hypocritical, don't you think? stool before you get in >> eric: before you get in trouble. the other thing that rush said -- >> bob: stop with rush! >> andrea: scaring the hell out of mothers raising daughters watching the show. i have only watched a handful of times. i accidentally -- i'm a grown woman and i can make my own decisions. but really, barbara? >> dana: do you think inside the interview -- >> andrea: her butt is fascinating. her butt is fascinating. so is kardashian. she on there because of her derriere. >> bob: buderriere >> dana: barbara walters is sitting down in 2011 going this is the list of most fascinating -- >> greg: fascinating is a stupid word. people find it fascinating. no you find a planet
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fascinating you weirdo. >> bob: i tried to get a truce with donald trump. i won't dump on him. he is your buddy and he called you. he still hasn't called me. don't worry about it, donald. i'm sitting on the edge of my seat waiting. why? why, why, why? >> eric: trump is not fascinating? not interesting? >> greg: i got to run. i got to run to the tease, people. >> bob: are we done already? >> greg: no. yes. "the five" always gets results. rabbi from the tim tebow story we told you about yesterday has addressed the issue. we'll tell you what he is saying. if you leave now, you will take away the biggest part of me. >> andrea: ambrosia. ♪ ♪
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us talking about it on the show. he knew we were a force to be reckoned with. you have to forgive him. >> dana: remember in the same he said i don't want anyone else praying for my soul. >> bob: i want everyone to know that dana's husband pete peter -- [ laughter ] >> dana: there is a "seinfeld" episode. >> bob: the rabbi did back up quickly. if you think about what he said, it was one of the more outrageous statements. i'm a strong christian and i react to this stuff. maybe overreact.
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>> greg: they ran it and apologized for. it >> andrea: this guy looks imbecile. >> bob: i prayed for him. toughest prayer i had. it's a free license to pick on christians. itch don't get it. >> eric: it's amazing how many people come in and light a candle. say if tebow wins the super bowl they will burn mosquesed -- it's horrible. >> dana: from a magazine perspective, if you have a
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piece like that, i don't think they get away to apologize it after the fact. >> greg: if i did run the piece i work in introthat greg gutfeld will be live tweeting the debate on twitter twitter@greggutfeld. condemn the piece outright. >> dana: are you trying to get more followers? >> greg: he was trying to be funny. >> andrea: this is not the type of press that jewish week wants. discriminating against christianity -- >> bob: we have to leave it there. >> eric: that is it for "the five." thank you for watching. the last chance to hear the candidates debate before iowa. 9:00 p.m. tonight. merry christmas. check it out. a live picture from the debate floor. three hours and 15, 16, 15
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