tv FOX News Watch FOX News December 17, 2011 11:30am-12:00pm PST
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thanks to my panel and i'm paul gigot. we hope toee you right here next week. . >> on fox news watch. >> i hope i am the tim tebow of the iowa caucuses. >> and the spy drone brought down and he says pretty please? you've got to be kidding. >> i'm a serious candidate for the president of the united states. >> anybody up here could probably beat obama. >> i'm concerned about not appearing to be zany. >> a last chance to win over voters before the iowa caucuses. how did the political press respond and who is their pick to win. the g.o.p. contest has been making news for months. new political polls revealing new poll leaders and unleashing a flurry of media
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attacks. has coverage of the candidate helped or hurt their efforts. >> hello-- >> president obama doing his best to attack more press as well, giving speeches and interviews to 60 minutes. >> i think it's possible. >> time magazine picked its person of the year. is this choice evidence of a liberal media agenda? when it comes to liberal agendas, abc saddled up with a left wing and media partner, is that a shocker? and speaking of nbc, chelsea clinton joins the ranks of the peacock network. on the panel this week, writer and fox news contributor, judy miller. and jim pinkerton contributing editor american conservative magazine and talk radio news service, ellen ratner. i'm jon scott, fox news watch is on right now.
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>> the president cannot figure out that it's-- i'm using mild words here. utterly irrational to say i'm now going to veto a middle class tax cut to protect left wing environmental extremist ins san francisco so that we're going to kill american jobs, weaken american energy, make us more vulnerable to the iranians and did so in a way that makes sense to no rational american. >> and president obama's decision to suspend work on keystone pipeline. mr. gingrich had the center podium on thursday night and had that position, jim, because he was the front runner in the debate. he was taking shots from all sides, as apparently the leading contender now. he didn't talk any shots from the conservative press to say nothing of the liberal press, editors of national review wrote, we think it's important to urge republicans to have the good sense to reject a
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hasty marriage to gingrich which would risk dissolving in acrimony. how did that play? >> i think it put a dent in gingrich. that's for sure. and he was good in the debates. i think that, you know, the media as a whole, are torn. on the one hand they love to see republicans ripping each other up because they do at the debates and rather have obama get softball questions like on 60 minutes. on the other hand when gingrich talks like that and gingrich makes it clear that the xl pipeline is jobs for americans, it comes through and television has the power to americans. >> and it tends to focus on the candidates who really go after each other, but when the candidates go after president obama on the oil pipeline or iran, for instance, that doesn't get much coverage. >> for now, the horse race is
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between the g.o.p. field. that's what people tend to watch because we're looking at who is going to be the standard bearer of the republican party. i was amazed how strong the performances were, just gingrich, to withstand at that kind of pummelling from the left and as jim pointed out, especially from the right, the conservative establishment just hates him. look at peggy noonen calling him a human hand grenade and other things people said about him. yet, he was unflappable, strong and romney on message, it was an amazing performance. >>, but there are indications that the hammering he's taken in the media as well as on stage has hurt his poll numbers? >> and time will tell as we continue on with this election and it's going to tell if something else should happen to come up with another candidate in terms of doing something or saying something, but in terms of the media, i think, all of -- when it comes to republicans, especially.
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they can't pick and choose what media outlets at that they can really go to. and on the other hand with obama he's able to go on 60 minutes like you mentioned and get the softball questions and there's no pushback and there's no challenge and he go 0s programs like 60 minutes. >> is any press good press. the republican candidates have been getting all kinds of attention on late night talk shows on comedy shows, et cetera. >> and we used to talk about earned media. they don't have to earn it, it's just right there. and you know, i kind of think it's like a host disease, where, i mean, the media parasite and the host, et cetera. we want coverage and it's interesting because there was a pew report that they did, saying in terms of interest, in terms of stories, 24% were devoted to the presidential election, when we try and talk radio, they even talk about budget and people want it talk about the horse race. you cannot get them off the topic and in that way. the media is feeding this and
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the candidates are feeding the media. >> and mitt romney was taking it on all sides as well. also a front runner and the number two candidate at this point. here is something that was heard on mismanbc. >> keep merck, a central theme of the kkk in the 1920's a rallying cry for the group's intimidation against blacks, gays and jews, the progressive blog, america blog was the first to catch on to that. >> chris mathews came on later and said it was irresponsible and incendiary of us to do this and showed appalling lack of judgment. the question is how does something like that that kkk comparison make it to air at all. >> it's an interesting question and interesting what the discipline factor is. what steps will msnbc include in suspending or firing
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somebody. in the world of google if i say i believe in america, you can probably find some horrible person said that, too, if the candidates can can now get stung on fairly innocent phrases and, but for msnbc to immediately call it kkk and-- >> ron paul got quite a bit of time in the debate, but claims he is ignored by the media. is he? does he have a point? >> no, i don't think he's being ignored. i think he's getting a lot of coverage in the mainstream media and especially among people who share his libertarian views. i think his problem is that most of his party disagrees with him in those positions and you can see that reflected in michele bachmann's extremely aggressive approach to his, example position on iran. >> quick question about the coverage of the president's speech at fort bragg where he talks about the iraq war. >> oh, well. i'm sorry, in terms of-- >> well, just, just the media coverage of the end of the war
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and also, that 60 minutes interview where the president compared himself favorably to let's see, lbj, fdr and even lincoln. >> well, right. and you know, he'd been doing the comparison and not really focusing on the economy and what's going on. what he's done that has been detrimental to the economy, but as for ending of the war and pulling out the troops, you know, early on, i don't really think there was a real good concrete plan with the war. but, i am glad the troops are coming home, but hope it's something that the generals want on the ground to happen. >> julie: i think we're all glad they're coming home. we have to take a break. at first if you'd like your daily dose of media stories, get your website, the daily bias bash. what was time magazine thinking when they made this pick for person of the year. . >> time magazine makes its pick for person of the year and it's not anyone you may have picked.
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is it time for time to get a grip? and nbc news announce as plan to team up with other news sources, and the collaboration gives a whole new meaning to liberal slant. details next on news watch. it's good. honey, i love you... oh my gosh, oh my gosh.. look at these big pieces of potato. ♪ what's that? big piece of potato. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. get back to the things that matter most. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. [ male announcer ] enbrel. the #1 biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. >> first, kate middleton, the duchess of cambridge. steve jobs, congressman paul ryan, admiral william mccraven who led special forces team who killed osama bin laden. and representative gabby giffords who survived a gunshot wound to the head. nup of these people made the list to be time magazine's person of the year. time's final pick, the professor. so, go figure. what, what's your reaction, jud judy? >> it's an appropriate choice. when i think of the events and the arab spring meant to the
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middle east and to american policy in the middle east and what it's going to mean and i see the way we've all changed for our conversation because of the 99% and the occupy wall street people. i think it was appropriate and it was also a little, you know, out of the usual suspects. >> and i guess my question is, is it right to lump the occupy wall street folks in with the people who are leading those protests in the middle east? >> i think that's a good point. i think that the conflation between the people who overturn dictators in the middle east and a bunch of, well, you know, fill in the blank, and-- >> fill in the blank, jim? >> and i declare, you decide. (laughter) >> i think it's shows the media put so many chips on the protests and they genuinely thought this was the beginning of the age of aquarius and from the-- newt gingrich or whoever, and
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i just, it was appalling, just to make-- the protester per se is appropriate? >> ellen, why did time magazine not pick the tea party protester? >> i don't know why they didn't. i can't speak for time magazine. there's a plus and minus and what news wrote. wrote that the tea party did foreshadow the current protests on wall street and they're right. and then they're wrong because they basically said the protesters had nothing to do with it, 99% had moved right into the mex con and that's been met. >> and i agree with your point. why didn't they pick the tea party movement. the tea party movement had a plan and an agenda to reduce government. when you're talking about the middle east, and they want to celebrate the protesting tyrants, excuse me. greece is a result of the entitlement programs they were getting, what they were protesting about. and occupy wall street, what
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is their message. we don't know. >> and that's why they don't report it, and a few wise guys ask them what do you think. and it's smash patriarchy and liberate animals and stuff, and they say what they think occupy wall street thinks and which is-- >> and and if you look the-- look at their newspapers. >> and people getting arrested, that's nothing to celebrate. >> i collect these things and i have occupy boston and i have the occupy new york, and they're very clear about what they believe in. i don't think they're unclear at all. >> and in other words, the general, general theme of inequal and justice in america is sticking, whether or not somebody like it. >> one did not speak, when they're blocking delivery and foods to the homeless shelter and poor children in oregon, like that, and that part of the movement to me as anything else. >> all right, time for another break. if you see something that you feel shows evidence of media bias, he e-mail us, news
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up next, nbc news partners with another media outlet and the devil here is in the details. . >> nbc news makes news when they announce a new plan to include the news for other news sources. and some of that news is not news, but rather, agenda driven muck. and chelsea clinton makes her big debut with brian williams. how 'd that go? find out next on news watch. so we earned a holiday trip to the big apple twice as fast! nner! [ garth ] we get double miles every time we use our card. and since double miles add up fast, we can bring the whole gang! it's hard to beat double miles! i want a mace, a sword, a... oww! [ male announcer ] get the nture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to capitaloneom. i wonder what it could be?! what's in your wallet?
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herbert and marion sanders and pumped millions into the project and heavy supporters of the democratic party and its candidates and they've founded a number of liberal enterprises. the sandlers are members of george soros', a group that wants to push to the left. and some say hit pieces given to cash strapped media organizations at no cost. ellen, i'm going to start with you. do you see a problem there. >> first of all, i think it's so dishonest to say pro publica is going with the soros, it's an alliance meets twice a year and just like the monday meeting is here and the tuesday meeting is in washington d.c., that's ridiculous. number two, what i think is really it go is that this very disingenuous, because, how many people-- yes, they are he' taking content from pro publicament how many people take the
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journalists take quote, unquote, content, from the press releases and other people build the stories from there, everybody is borrowing from everybody else and let's just face it. >> jim, let's start with two points. one, the media as they laid off all of their investigative operations are desperate for anyone to come along and hand them the story and they can have it free, who wouldn't? and i think the the fact that every time you turn on the tv and see some journalism school professional being interviewed or a form of editor or formerly for profit to the nonprofit world is happening and the fact the sandlers are a part of what a fellow named matt fine, call the conversation, which is a group of liberal billionaires the last ten years have been-- since the 2000 election when bush won have been trying to buy their way into power through the democrats and the sandlers who gave 247 million to progressive causes,
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according to matthew madden are very much a part of that. playing games, doesn't matter. there's a movement here and it's identifiable and you can look at the-- >> okay, lel me about the monday meeting that happens here in new york and the tuesday meeting-- >> can you imagine the brothers giving money to a meeting in partner with abc and backlash. >> ach he been to the monday meeting and now what, they are exactly the same thing. >> i think the problem is disappearance of money for investigative reporting and more power to pro publica if it does that reporting and and pulitzer prizes for work done on doctors taking money from the pharmaceutical companies and in-- we need money for investigative reporting. >> we need it on the right and need it on the left.
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>> it's known that pulitzer prize fellow liberals, it's no denying that pro publica leans left. >> that's right. >> so what, the koch brothers and-- >> of course this is a capitalist environment in which now there is he' a premium on money for investigative reporting and people are going to get it wherever they can and promote their views, so what. >> julie: moving on, have you seen this show? >> dearborn is a whole other world. being in dearborn has a lot of us practice our faith without losing our sense of american patriotism. that's a snippet of "all american muslim", a new reality program about muslims living this this country on t.l.c. a conservative group in florida called it propaganda and forced sponsors to pull their ads and lowe's company
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did that saying "all american muslim" has become a lightning rod for people to voice complaints. following this, companies removed advertising. and lowe's made the decision to discontinue our advertising on december 5. and a lot jumped on lowe's for pulling advertising. >> lowe's is about selling hammers for consumers. and double standard, disney refuses to air "the path to 9/11" based on a commissioned report from the 9/11 attacks, they refused to air it and only aired it once and won't sell the rights to the movie. so let's talk about media bias, that's one substantial media bias. >> julie: . >> we have to take one more break and chelsea clinton back in the the news in a somewhat different role. we know a place where tossing and turning
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wrote... from the "new york times," there are plenty of ways to publicize worthy causes besides becoming a television newscaster. but there were others. ron reagan, jr. co-hosted a name on msnbc and also joined the ballet to pursue a lifelong dream. jennifer hager, another former first correspondent is a correspondent for nbc. >> they are being way too tough. it will take hear while to get up to speed. >> isn't that what markets are for? >> he is a celebrity person just like jena bush. there is absolutely nothing wrong and they are being as mean as a snake. >> she would not do interviews, her mother and now it's payback
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