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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  December 18, 2011 3:00am-7:00am PST

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>> good morning, everyone, it's sunday, december 18th, i'm alisyn camerota. we start with a fox news alert. it's a historic morning. the last convoy of u.s. troops has left iraq marking the official end of the war, we are in the field for you coming up. >> clayton: and bruised from battle. >> dave: why front runner newt gingrich saying the fighting is taking its toll and plus two big endorsement for mitt romney this morning and the campaign trail highlights as we tick closer to the big iowa caucuses just over two weeks away. >> and tim tebow gets a visit from the man above. >> tim, tim, i love you. man, i love you, too.
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just take it down a notch, will you, buddy? >> "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> it's saturday-- it's sunday, the big day for tim tebow as he faces off with tom brady and the patriots. it's a huge day. and other things going on. >> clayton: my name is clayton morris, that's alisyn camerota and dave briggs. i'm surprised that jesus wears an american eagle sweatshirt. >> dave: gym socks. >> clayton: we'll show you. >> alisyn: we will get to that, but it's a momentous morning and glad you're with us early because history is being made. the final u.s. soldiers at sunrise this morning, in iraq, rolled across the border into kuwait and the war is officially over today.
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>> dave: and so much is yet unknown, right? i mean, we can focus on some of the numbers, the death toll, the costs, but this is all unknown, and that's why we have to focus on the numbers, 4,474 troops, american troops killed there, 800 billion dollars was the cost of that war, but again, guys, how much is unknown at this point. can they maintain the peace? can al-maliki get together enough of a military structure to keep the peace there? >> yeah, i mean, it's so hard to talk about history as it's happening, as it's impossible, frankly. so who knows what the pre percussion is will be of the past nine years and depends what side you're on, whether or not the you think it's worth it. >> clayton: geraldo has more. >> after all these long years, after all this cost, this blood and treasure that we have shed in this desert, it's really been such a pleasure and an honor. it is less a sentiment of victory, greg, than it is a
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sense i think of relief. the young troopers i was with in the armored m-wrap, those cumbersome vehicles that saved some lives in the face of all the ied's and booby traps and suicide bombers and everybody else, everything else, we're elited that they're going to be home for christmas. how it ended, i think ambiguously. we thought we would be leaving some troops in country, and that's not the case, they would not agree to support this agreement to give our soldiers and marines immunity from criminal prosecution, so, president obama pulled the plug, as you know, october 21st, out by the 31st, but they're out today. thr they're early and as you mentioned absolutely elated about going home for christmas. a bittersweet moment. i wish we could say that iraq was a stable democracy, but they have the chance, they have the chance, and fought
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with american blood and american money, but they have the chance now to make something of themselves. >> let's put up the graphic, because that's, if you look back to nine years of this war and you look at the amount of money, the 800 billion dollars spent. one thing missing from this is the 100,000 iraqis killed in this war as well as the american death there and of course, many of the lives, you know, the americans were wounded there, 32,000 americans are living with disabilities now as a result of this war, an immense toll. the bloodiest since the vietnam war. >> i guess we focus on the positive if these troops are going to be home for the holidays and they're thrilled at that and hope like we do that all the sacrifice was indeed worth it. >> let's talk about what's happening at home because there's big announcements happening. if you're mitt romney and you're happy because you've got two big endorsements that should help new iowa, first, from the des moines register and it talks about why they--
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this time around, they didn't last time in 2008, endorse mitt romney, but say that he has changed, he's matured as a candidate and says what has impressed them is his sobriety, his wisdom and judgment. ill he' read it for you. those quality helped the former massachusetts government stand out. >> that's not the only endorsement he's gotten, he also got bob dole. surprising that bob dole came out on the same day and says i've run for president myself and twice i had the deep honor of finishing first in the iowa caucuses and friends in the state and some people call me the president of iowa when i say that mitt romney is the kind of man i should support, i know whereof i speak. the thing at that stood out to me about the des moines register endorsement was the slam that the des moines register took against the other candidates. >> dave: absolutely. >> clayton: notably newt gingrich. >> dave: i would totally agree with that. and they all have the sense that we look back at new
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hampshire and we've got the new hampshire leader and think that mitt romney is a slam-dunk and they're slamming him and iowa far more socially conservative, you can he see them choosing michele bachmann or rick santorum, they slam newt gingrich. and interesting for romney. >> alisyn: it's interesting because they say we basically owe you transparency, we owe awe window into our thought processes and how we come to mitt romney and they had the sit-down interviews with the candidates and it's interesting the light they shed on michele bachmann, newt gingrich. >> clayton: ron paul. >> alisyn: why they didn't endorse them. >> clayton: listen to this. they said sitting down with speak are newt gingrich, the board called him an undisciplined partisan who would alienate and not unite and if he reverts to mean spirited attacks as house speaker. pretty harsh criticism of him and ron paul and others on the
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ticket. >> dave: that may be bigger than the endorsement of mitt romney and acknowledging the attacks are beginning to take a toll and certainly, he's being focused by his rivals and they are picking on the freddie mac money, on the lobbying that they feel he did, though he says he didn't do it and he admits it's taking its toll. listen. >> would he have he' decide that had we would, for now to the caucus, on a regular basis make available to anybody in iowa who wants to ask a question so that we can tell the truth and we can systematically allow you to understand the facts, rather than the various political attacks and political charges. i've tried very hard to campaign on a positive basis. >> alisyn: by the way, that was a phone call from newt gingrich to his supporters in iowa where he went on to say that the -- there's been extraordinary negativity of this campaign and by the way, the attack ads, the anti-begin
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grinch ads that hit the airwaves in iowa have been on an 8-1 percentage over the supportive ads of gingrich because a romney ally has been paying for all of these anti-gingrich ads, so they've been inundated. >> and to be on top. >> they've been able to distance themselves from it. >> this is some affiliate group that's able to put out the ads, it's not romney, but sir gatz. >> and mike huckabee laid that out you won't hear romney say a thing at rallies or stages at the debates the damage will be done through the side door and certainly as. >> clayton: unless you're ron paul in which case you go on national television. go onto the jay leno show this week and salalam michele bachmann. he was asked about a number of candidates and saying this. now there is he' back and forth, take a listen. >> she doesn't like muslims, she hates muslims. >> oh. >> she wants to go get them. >> she wants to go get them,
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michele bachmann was asked about that on the campaign trail and said she wasn't familiar with it, she said that's ridiculous, i don't hate muslims. >> alisyn: i think he's basing that what she said in the debate how he they should handle iran and downed drone and go over and take more aggressive action against iran. i think that was-- >> did you get the sense he was playing to the late night situation he was in and trying to make some sort of joke? i mean, that's something you don't often lob at an opponent. >> alisyn: that seems like a quip, but an outrageous one and she's now responded to that. >> i never have said anything that fool ush. what i believe is that i love the american people and i love this country and i want this country to be safe, sovereign and free he. the real hate you hear is coming from the president of iran, hates jews and israel
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and he hates the american people and so do the mullahs in iran have expressly stated that it is their goal to kill jews in israel and also to kill americans. >> kind of took it in that direction and spinning away from that and focusing more on ahmadnejad. >> alisyn: that was an outrageous thing that ron paul said, she could have said, that's absurd. >> she's going on a 99 county bus tour. >> dave: sports reference, actually. >> clayton: and a 99 county bus tour and doesn't have time to wait. popping in for the meet and greets and handlers say she's got to go and pulling them out and some of her supporters aren't too happy and here she is in a coffee shop and michele bachmann pulled aside and i don't like that, she was here for five minutes and. >> one supporter left happy, she signed someone's forehead in iowa, no joke.
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>> alisyn: and you're going to walk around with ink from michele bachmann. >> clayton: and let's see in peter doocy has one on his forehead. the senate voting to extend the payroll taxes that expire on new years day, what happens when it reaches the house tomorrow. >> dave: that's a big question, peter doocy, it doesn't look good once it hits the house? >> it's interesting because the senate sure didn't have much trouble passing this bill with the payroll tax cut extension in it, it got through, 89-10. there was a lot a bipartisan support and the president said this. >> i'm he very please today see the work the senate has done. while the agreement is for two months, it is my expectation, in fact, it would be inexcusable for congress not to further extend this middle class tax cut for the rest of the year. >> and this bill includes provisions supporting the keystone pipeline's
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construction. something the president not only left out of his remark there, but that many democrats think he'll be able to basically rescind and hope he does. as for republicans, some in the senate think the two month long extension is actually too short. >> 60 days from now, more and more americans will realize this is just a gimmick, that it's pushing social security further in the red and that seniors should remind their legislators that social security is not a welfare program, it's a requirement security program and it should run off the contributions of its workers, it shouldn't depend on its financial strength on downgraded government debt. >> we're going to hear more from senator kirk later on in this show. republicans in the house, the chamber that still actually has a vote on this. sound angry about the bill that passed the senate. and speaker boehner telling members, the rank and file that since keystone got in they should be happy and move on, but a lot of g.o.p.
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members wanted a 12 month extension, so this version falls ten months short on that. if my math is correct. and a source on that conference all also tells us that the general mood among the g.o.p. members was one of supporting the leadership, if they choose to pursue an alternative measure. and we're going to hear interest speaker boehner later on this morning and waiting to hear if he hints at any-- >> he wants to check the math a and. >> when does the president go on vacation, if the house doesn't come back, he may never get to hawaii. >> clayton: mechanical signing with the robotic arm. >> alisyn: a lot more news to tell you about. because occupy wall street protesters once again clashed with new york city police. listen to this. more than 50 people were reportedly arrested after trying to climb over a chain
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link fence, around a church parking lot where they apparently wanted to build a new campground and some protesters were turned away again, police got involved and you see the aftermath. tragedy after the coast of russia, at least four people are killed and another 49 are missing after an oil rig overturned and sank in the sea of okhot is tsk. 14 people said to be rescued and doing okay. stormy conditions are believed to be the cause this have accident. and police are investigating the possible abduction after 20-year-old girl from maine. she was last seen sleeping in her bed 10 p.m. friday night and wearing green pajamas and
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poka dots. take a look at this from the stadium in dallas, texas, a run away cart, oh, my gosh, plows over a bunch of people after a championship game. one man taken to the hospital with a leg injury and another was hurt, but not seriously. someone finally jumped on the electric cart and stopped it. those are your headlines. >> hate when that happens. >> check with rick reichmuth. i felt he was controlling with it his aye phone. >> that's scary. >> another dry day across the east, the coldest all winter, bundle up as you're heading out this morning. blizzard watches pushing for parts of the plains, that's for, i'll show you that and some severe weather threats across texas as well. and the setup today, not looking that bad. yesterday was pretty calm and
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a little snow across the great lakes and we'll see that again. and the counter clock wise disturbance about to change everything. a lot of people possibly travelling this week for christmas. the setup on the radar, not looking like frp right now. but throughout the day today. in across arizona and new mexico and once it gets into mu new york stock exchange and texas that it becomes a big storm for us, monday into tuesday morning and that's right where we've got blizzard watches that have been posted and where we've seen that red, could see snowfall totals around 18 inches in the panhandle of texas and oklahoma and parts of new mexico and kansas and a bulls eye of heavy snow and winds maybe around 40 miles per hour gusting and maybe staying at that rate for a number of hours and that's why we've got the blizzard watches posted. a rough go for tomorrow. here is the high temperatures today and look pretty good again. very, very warm, temps around average, around 20 degrees above where you typically should be this time of year
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and the bottom drops out and we see the cold in places like new mexico, guys. >> thanks so much, rick. and oh, gentlemen, thank you. and occupy wall street update because something big is happening this week. as you know, occupy wall street has railed against the bankers and the 1% that haven't been fair to the 99%, the law of unintended consequences seems to be taking hold in the county park in lower manhattan and there was a cafe, a little cafe that employed 100 people, that just opened in june and because of all the protests this week, it will be closing. >> yeah, not anymore, it's not going to be open milk street cafe, mark epstein told the news it's sad. and he's going to have to close this place now because of all the occupy wall street folks and basically no business as a result of it. 23,000 square foot restaurant that he had and's going to
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have to layoff 2 is workers and he already had to layoff 21 workers and the rest of them now are going to be closed, waiters, waitresses, this is not the 1%. >> right, this is the quintessential american small business, the one you should be rooting for. barricades essentially shut them down and they had the barricades in front of the restaurant for what, going on three months now, i guess they were. and no choice, but to layoff all the employees, and shut down, i mean, and here they are honored as part of this time magazine person of the year, the protester. now, it's only in part because a lot of that was the arab spring, but i wonder, can they be sued? can you sue this movement? >> who do you sue? >> it's the leader, and the money-- >> and the city claimed-- >> unfortunately, barricades. how many people are out of work as a result. >> 100 people now collecting unemployment, and i don't know if you can-- i don't know how you would draw the direct connection, september that he said he was getting business and was working until the protesters
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came to zuccotti park. >> clayton: what about the backers, funneling money into that and bank account. $500,000 donations and now 100 people out of work. >> dave: let's talk about the big event today. tim tebow, versus tom brady, patriots and broncos, four o'clock today. >> clayton: 4 p.m. >> dave: on saturday night, tim tebow made an appearance or his character made an appearance on "saturday night live" when he met jesus, watch. >> and i think the most important in my life, my lord and savior jesus christ, i couldn't do this without him. thank you, jesus. (laughter) >> hi, everybody. >> i pray to you before every game. >> yeah, i know, i know, i appreciate that, something else you should do before the game do you need the play book, do you read that? >> the holy bible is my play book. >> you need to read the play
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book, seriously, i'm doing the work here, i love you. >> i lover you, too. >> take it down a notch. >> whatever you command. >> it's not a command. >> jesus telling him to take it down a notch. >> and the patriots favored by what, nine points. >> dave: and jesus referred to coach bill belichick as aaah and tom brady as the nephew of god. >> i saw didn't bill belichick say that tim tebow was one of the greatest quarterbacks, talents in the league. >> dave: he said the skill set is unique. >> clayton: is that a slam somehow at tom brady. >> dave: listen, bill belichick would build you into the best quarterback if he was playing you, he does that with everyone. is anyone angry to see jesus christ portrayed on "saturday night live," and i wonder if anybody offended by that.
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is jesus funny. >> alisyn: not many people saw it, the last skit of the night. >> dave: because they knew people were waiting for that. >> clayton: the guy playing tebow. he looked like he had the low flow shower head thing going on. let's move the show along a little bit, shall we? coming up on show the water tower has been a fixture in a tennessee community for 15 years and now it's the center of a legal fight thanks to the cross that is sitting on top of it. one resident is furious about it and ready to fight back. he'll be here live on the show. >> alisyn: parents playing a joke on their own kids giving them some early-- >> not cool. >> alisyn: crappy presents. >> and it's-- >> i don't like this! >> giving him a-- jimmy kimmel strikes again and is it hilarious and too cruel?
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♪ >> welcome back. >> alisyn: welcome back everybody, we're about to show you something up roarously funny and feel guilty laughing. >> clayton: jimmy kimmel set this up. remember at halloween, rolled out send us videos taking away the kids halloween candy. eaten it all and the kids find the empty bags and they all cry and he said now, i want you to take a terrible gift and allow your kids to open it early and film their reactions. here is those reactions. >> what's this? this is charlie. >> i don't like this. >> what is that? >> why-- the sticker. i'm not a girl! >> and it says me on the
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package, but with that. >> open it up. >> and you don't want that for christmas? >> and take it back. >> take it back where. >> this is yours. >> i want a refund! >> stupid, hate you, and i hate you all! >> what to get you-- >> oh, outraged about this. some parents groups ar saying it's a form of emotional abuse and it is, it sure is funny. all of our kids have it coming, it is emotional, but a lot of kids have that coming. >> clayton: my wife and i watched these and my wife says some those kids, maybe, you know, need to be taught a different way about the value, 'cause some kids are upset. they're like, an egg?
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an old banana and other kids are like mom, you're stupid. >> i hate you, we heard i hate you. >> alisyn: i like the little girl, i do appreciate the gift i just didn't know it would be this. >> clayton: one girl liked mommies cookies and put a half eaten sandwich. >> dave: and would come after me and beat me with-- >> i'm half tempt today try it. >> dave: we may have to. >> alisyn: it's possible of the send your comments to ff weekend. if you would. >> mine is 16 months old if i put a random ball of paper, he would be entertained. >> dave: how about yours yours miles is a perfect child. >> clayton: balls of paper for ten years. >> alisyn: like a kitten. a developing story out of maryland, emergency crews have been working through the night to find a missing boater whose sail boat capsized in the
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annapolis bay. two people also on the the boat pulled from the frigid water and one is in the hospital with life threatening injuries. the missing boater is 25 years ole and he was wearing a life jacket, but officials are concerned how cold the water is. we're hearing reports the former czech president has died. the 75-year-old died of complications from a long ailment. he was the country's first democratically elected president after the nonviolent velvet revolution and the bumpy transition to democracy and free market, and leading up to the brokeup in czechoslovakia. people are concerned that remains are shannon gilbert. and since then they've found ten bodies in the area, believed to be the vukictims of
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the so-called long island serial kill. police don't know how she died and the location of her death was purely coincidental. iranians claiming he was a spy looking to disrupt the intelligence services and they say the suspected agent worked at u.s. army bases in iraq and afghanistan and say the person was arrested not long after the espionage effort began. no evidence proving their claim. how about krnl raisins and prunes. schools in western massachusetts are banning sugary snacks from holiday celebrations this year, and instead-- they're telling students to bring healthy treats like fruits, veggies and unsweetened juices and the superintendent says it's not about being politically correct. i love the rapt attention you're paying. the current story.
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and made prune seem like big treats. >> clayton: brilliant. >> alisyn: it's brilliant. mommy, mommy, can i please have a prune, please? can i have another prune? we're like all right. because you've been so good and another prune. i suggest it to all of you, pretend they are candy. >> dave: some supermodels do that with broccoli. >> alisyn: that's more brilliant. >> clayton: and got them playing ka nasta and eating burgers originals, turning them into senior citizens. >> dave: for me sports are my treat. they don't have to wait until sunday for footballs. cowboys taking on the tampa bay bucs. in desperate need of a win. and first quarter romo scrambling and here is miles austin for the touchdown. take a look, one heck after catch by austin, reviewed, it's a touchdown. 7-zip. romo rolling right, to morris robinson. and cowboys up 28-zip at the
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half romo throws for three runs for one. >> this is last night. >> last night. and i was stuck waving the food network. >> dave: and bowl season was on, saturday's best was the new orleans bowl. it was outstanding. louisiana lafayette and san diego state. fourth quarter, check it out. one handed catch by darryl sergent of lafayette, somehow keeps control of the ball and four seconds left. lafayette down 30-29, the 50 yard field goal by, what's the name of the kicker, alisyn? bret baier. he can do it all. >> alisyn: right after the debate. he goes out there. >> dave: lots more hair. in the post season the first time in 41 years and they were picked to finish dead last in college football. good for them. meanwhile, check this out. take a look, the biggest shot.
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the florida, texas a & m football game. you've got it. the gator fan sunk the half court shot to win, $25,000. nearly impossible. and afterwards, honors the great gator of them all tim tebow, and there it is. he's tebowing, tebow being versus gronking, we'll tell you what that is later in the program. >> alisyn: gronking. >> dave: that may happen. >> alisyn: that sounds unpleasant. . >> dave:. for a check of the weather, how is it going to be in denver, where game is? >> not that bad in denver the at least today. >> dave: thank you. >> good thing today, tomorrow not nearly as good. and 25, caribou maine 21, and the cold air moved into the northeast, it's brief, only today and tomorrow, and tomorrow another 10, 12
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degrees. here is the east coast, a lake effect showers, across the west we were talking about a big storm and this rotation, upper level disturbance and the mrird watches they talked about across the panhandle of texas into new mexico and pacos new mexico the mountain areas need to see that, but this is the amount of precipitation will fall, a lot in the form of rain and some areas 2 to 3 inches of rain and we have that drop going on and talking about that for a long time. tomorrow, however, a threat for severe weather, not popping up there, but places like austin and waco and houston and we'll have the threat for a while and could see an isolated tornado. and the forecast for the day today. coldest air we've seen boston to around the freezing mark and not above that and the coldest day you've seen so far this winter and to the southeast, cool, but dry except across the western part and see the showers begin later on this afternoon. northern plains, bismark, north dakota, 49 degrees, and the temps are extreel and
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people enjoy it and you want a little bit of winter this time if you live in that area and we're not getting it yet. here is the storm today. arizona seeing the brunt of it today with the rain and snow and we'll see more sunshine this afternoon across parts of california, all right, guys, back to you. >> thanks, rick. this time of year, it's important, of course, to remember the troops and their families who sacrifice so much for their country and exactly what the uso and miss usa are joining forces to do. >> here to tell us what the 12 days of uso wish book is about. miss usa, alicea campanella and good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> thanks for being there, there's a jersey bopped. >> miss california. >> and jersey, originally from new jersey. >> i too much everyone in california how to fist bump. >> dave: show us. very nice. >> tell us what you're doing to honor our troops and help them out. >> americans want to find a way to give directly to the
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troops. we've given an experience on our website to go online and i can give you within of the combifrts on the uso wish book, it's a gift to the troops. an experience. today the 12 days of christmas and today is the 7th day, today's gift is a deployment care package, and what we do with these we give them to the troops as they get on to an airplane to deploy and contains everything from a toothbrush, toothpaste, razor shaving cream, snacks somethings something to cover their eyes with, what matters about this thing are the appreciation of the person people in and of itself it's nice, really nice, but what they get is americans saying, goodbye, good luck, we appreciate what you're doing. >> and alyssa, the usa organization, miss usa organization has a longstanding partnership and this hits home for you, pat of your family served. >> the organization has been partnering with the uso for 60 years, almost the entire time
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and my grandfather served in the navy and one of my best friend served in afghanistan with the marines for four years so i have that personal connection so i can somewhat understand what the troops are going through. >> you're taking days and the wish book, tell us about some of the other things that folks can contribute to as gifts. >> sure, one of the other ones is a game night. so we put together packages for the troops of dodge ball and board games and things like that for them to enjoy. another one is to be able to read a story back to their kids, so what we'll do at uso centers, we've partnered with the organization to tell a story so they videotape the story, we take the book and the videotape and mail it home. and so the little kids can watch over and over as you can imagine, little kids wanting to watch the same thing over and over again and get to watch mom and dad read a story to them throughout the time that they're deployed and the
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us ochlo uso centers we videotape them and you buy an opportunity for a troop to do that. >> alisyn: that's a great bedtime story. >> gifts from $15 up to $5,000. how do we get started? where do we go. >> go to, and there's a link for the wish book. it's simple and easy, no excuses and i was able to do that off my ipad and made a donation for the phone call home and only $25 and means so much to call home during the the holiday season, hey, mom and dad, merry christmas. so, there's so much giving back as well as far as these gifts go. >> alisyn: what's the $5,000 gift. >> bike, a bicycle for a wounded soldier. >> great. >> and what we do, we partnered with the organization, ride for recovery and we tailor a bicycle for a wounded warrior, whether they've lost one or two legs or perhaps an arm, and we build a bicycle with
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the organization ride to recovery so that they can recover through athletics. >> alisyn: perfect. and as they said 15 to $5,000 whatever your budget is. thank you so much, alyssa and frank, thanks for coming in and telling us about it. >> thank you. >> clayton: merry christmas. coming up on the show, he's out for revenge, hell on wheels star here is share how he's bringing the old western feel back to the small screen. >> dave: plus tim tebow not just success on the field? he's scoring big somewhere else, tell you about that.
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>> welcome back. some quick headlines for you. tim tebow pulling off another one off the field. and memoir, through my eyes, and led the broncos to the the fifth comeback victory of the season. and talk about an exciting year for jr martinez, an iraq war veterans and champ is now going to be a dad. his girlfriend is expecting a
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baby girl this spring. welcome to the club. and travellingo the civil war aria, hell on wheels is about to ex-confederate soldier getting use today life after the war. >> and how he get back. >> and carrying on with a wild woman. >> i'm a freeman. you ain't that free. >> why you get to decide that? >> i decide not to. >> that actor is use today playing the clean cut characters, so, what did he have to do to take on the new rugged role, the far on hell on wheels joins us now live. this is interesting for you, because you are traditionally playing these clean cut characters, is that what attracted you to this role in particular. >> i did for a long time and i ended up getting really bored by that. >> dave: were you type cast. >> it start today get that way and i decided i wanted to play a few villains and let my
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beard grow out and get ugly and this show and the film that just came out this weekend, are the result of that. >> dave: and you're use today playing clean cut character and we in the audience are used to the reality and apologies and garbage out there. this is nice to he see something with content to it, with some history to it and some roles and things you can truly sink your teeth into, right. >> thank you. >> dave: everything you see out there with-- >> i mean, i, i'm somebody who thinks that there is he' more, there's more to be made of somebody's weaknesses than their strengths and when you get type cast as the good looking guy or the leading man or, there tend not to be a whole lot of weaknesses, and so i just wanted a chance to play some different people for a while. >> dave: you get entertained, but this is about history, ultimately, correct. how much history will you get watching hell on wheels. >> quite a bit. the frame work, itself is historically accurate, about
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the construction of the construction railroad after lincoln and death and they got behind it necessary in order to unify the country and it follows that the construction, which itself was, you know, the town's name is hell on wheels and that reflects the fact that it was really just a group of gambling calls and dens and whorehouses. >> dave: and does it throw back to the westerns? >> it's, it's-- well, it definitely has the favor of old westerns and pays homage to the old winners, but a frame work never been used before and we get to cover a lot of the graft and corruption of the business of making progress, in quotes. >> dave: you also didn't take the easy road for a new independent film that's out this weekend. it's in new york and l.a. and it's called "cook county", again not an easy role, tell us about "cook county".
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>> yeah, it's a film about a family in east texas that's been pushed to the brink because of this epidemic we all meth amphetamine. while the dressing of it is yes, it's about meth cooks in east texas it's also about the imagination of these men who want to think of themselves as outlaws orvil lance, but really they're just a family that's struggling and there's really warm core, there's a warm heart at the center of this movie. >> dave: is it humanizing or kind after cautionary tale? >> i think it's humanizing, again, because what the movie points out is the frailties and weaknesses of people who would like to think in their fantasy lives that they're strong, but they're really not. >> dave: all right. well, that documentary, that independent film, rather "cook county" out in new york and los angeles and hell on wheels, eight o'clock sunday night, don't miss it tonight.
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get history and it's not a reality show. thank you for being here, anson mount, a good looking guy, right, alisyn. >> alisyn: i'm afraid so. >> clayton: and on the attack for newt gingrich. >> the originator of earmarks back in the '90s. if there was a granddaddy of earmarks, he would be it. >> the fighting words knock him off the top spot? an atheist on the attack in a small tennessee town and want the cross on the water tower gone. residents aren't giving up with a fight. we'll hear from the man who is battling back. swollen joints, i've been in your shoes. one day i'm on top of the world... the next i'm saying... i have this thing called psoriatic arthritis. i had some intense pain. it progressively got worse. my rheumatologist told me about enbrel. i'm surprised how quickly my symptoms have been managed. [ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system,
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>> this water tower you're looking at. well, there's been a cross on top of it. there's been a fixture in the tennessee community for about 15 years, but now, it's at the center after legal fight because an atheist group wants to take that down. and whiteville residents roger austin is fighting back against the group and joins us now. good morning, roger. >> good morning. >> roger, the atheist group they're called the freedom from religious foundation, they don't like this because they say that that is public property. let me read to you their statement. they say it's unlawful for whiteville to display a
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patently religious symbol such as a christian cross on public property. the cross creates the perception of government endorsement of christianity. what's your response to them? >> well, the cross was paid for by private donation and where it's located has been a fixture for years there and it's, it's not hurting anyone. true enough it may be public property and you know, that's, that's an issue i guess the court's going to decide is whether it's allowable or not. >> alisyn: you say it's not hurting anyone. do you think it's helping people? i mean, why is this so important to you to see the cross on the water tower? >> well, you know, we've got our convictions that we believe in, as far as what the lord jesus christ died for us to, to save us from our sins and all and that's a daily
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reminder, as we enter or leave town we can look up and see that and we've got the representation there to reflect on from day-to-day. >> alisyn: i'm sure that you don't want your town of whiteville to be embroiled in this lengthy and expensive lawsuit trying to fight this. is there any other solution, perhaps moving that cross somewhere else that could resolve this problem? >> yeah, there's a number of citizens that do own property on the highway that have offered their property to be able to move it to if that, if that's what it comes to and that way it will still be viewed by the public on a daily basis and that should take care of the problem if it comes to that. we'd like to see it stay where it's at. >> alisyn: there you go, it's nice you have a backup plan in the event they press on if the lawsuit if it comes to that.
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>> at least you have a contingency plan and great that you're being flexible enough to do that. so, thanks for the update and keep us posted what happens there in whiteville. >> thank you. >> alisyn: thank you. and it's a g.o.p. worry, worried of making mitt romney the nominee because of his stance on immigration? why some say he just cannot win the hispanic vote. plus, love and marriage used to go to together, but new research shows that barely half of americans are married today. why this dramatic drop? we're going to take a closer look. daddy, come in the water!
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>> good morning, everyone, sunday, december 18th. i'm alisyn camerota, a fox news alert. u.s. troops are officially out of iraq. the historic moment as they men and women leave the country, marking the end of the war. he's not the front runner in most polls, but this morning, two big endorsements from mitt romney. will they help push past the top dog newt gingrich? many women say i don't, rather than i do. why new nbers show marriage
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is apparently not so trendy anymore. "fox & friends" is trendy and hour two starts right now. ♪ >> good morning, everybody. thanks so much for joining us early. and it is a historic day. and met this day at sunrise this morning, the final soldiers rolled out of iraq and they said, you know, what started with shock and awe ended sort of uneventfully and quietly and you see some soldiers there on the side of the road waving, but that's it. >> just a few thousand troops left as they made their way into kuwait and they're home for the holidays, and we thank them for their sacrifice and it's interesting, reflecting on all that we've lost and the the cost of this war. >> yeah, so, we put some numbers together for you to paint a picture of what this has cost.
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the number of troops, the length of time they spent there, 3,210 days. almost 4500 american deaths and wounded, 32,000 americans. >> alisyn: just a huge number. >> clayton: look at this huge number, iraqi deaths, 125,000. and the cost, nearly a trillion dollars at 800 billion dollars the cost of this war. >> alisyn: look, we talked about this last hour. it's hard to know, hard to talk about history, as it's happening. you know, that that will be determined 100 years from now, but when you look at the cost and the past nine years, was it worth it? that's the question that everyone is asking themselves and it's unknowable, actually, because it's impossible to know the direction iraq will go, if it heads towards democracy and maybe you could make the point it's worth it, saddam hussein was gone. >> dave: we can say thousands of lives were probably saved by hussein. and we don't know about
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al-maliki, but geraldo was in kuwait for the end of the iraq war and he reflected on all the sacrifice. >> geraldo: after all these long years, after all this cost, this blood and treasure at that we have shed in this desert, it is really been such a pleasure and an honor, it's less a sentiment of victory, greg than a sense i think of relief. the young troopers i was with in the armored m-wrap, those cumbersome vehicles that save so many lives in the face of all of the ied's, the booby traps and suicide bombers and everything else, were elated that they're going to be home for christmas. how it ended, i think, ambiguously. we thought we'd leaving some troops in country and they would not agree with the status of forces agreement to give our soldiers and marines immunity from criminal prosecution and so, president
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obama pulled the plug, as you know, october 21st. and out by the 31st, but they're out today. they are early, and as you mentioned, they are absolutely elated about going home for christmas. a bittersweet moment. i wish we could say that iraq was a stable democracy, but they have the chance, they have the chance, bought with american blood and american money, but they have the chance now to make something of themselves. >> when you put it in perspective one of the longest wars in american history and you think of many the soldiers there, men and women. multiple tours of duty and you have to wonder, how did this resonate with them on thoughts of this war ending? we caught up with a few of them to hear their thoughts. >> and been here for a while and-- >> i felt like we had a really good mission out here. >> and it's been good, enjoyed working with the iraqi counterparts and help us strengthen the national
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security and we're just going to look forward going home and being with our families for christmas. >> we'll know in the few years to come whether it was worth it and peace can happen. >> and coming up iowa, two big endorsements, des moines register, the largest paper in iowa stepping up and standing by romney for sobriety, wisdom, ali. >> alisyn: why they think those qualities can win. and make him stand out as the most qualified republican candidate and talked about the meetings that they had with the other candidates that didn't impress them as much as what they had he' heard from mitt romney and we should say that the des moines doesn't have a long track record of picking winners, by the way and enforce. >> candidates. >> dave: noert does the state
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of iowa. >> alisyn: 2008 they supported hillary clinton and john mccain. >> clayton: he went on to be the nominee. >> alisyn: but in 2004, they supported john edwards. >> clayton: right. >> alisyn: it's good news, if you're mitt romney, you're thinking good news. >> clayton: and as as people are opening up the des moines register, they'll see criticism of newt gingrich in the endorsement, one of which saying they think he's an undisciplined partisan who would alienate not unite. . >> dave: that's not the only good news for mitt romney. bob dole endorses mitt romney. i've run for president myself. and twice had the deep honor of finishing first in the iowa
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caucuses. i have many friends in the state, some of them have even called me president of iowa. and why these two particularly big? i think the polls we told you two-thirds of iowa admit they're open to changing their minds. if you wake up this morning and read your biggest newspaper is supporting that mitt romney might take a second look. >> certainly, bob dole. he is mayor, the president of iowa. >> dave: if that region he's big, in iowa and kansas. >> clayton: if two-thirds of the fox are undecided there a lot of the ads are probably carrying weight with them in iowa, which are blanketed across the state and the stump speeches that the candidates are doing, and including on the local newscast. ripping newt gingrich and ron paul yesterday calling newt gingrich the granddaddy of ear marks. take a listen. >> i would suggest that ear marks, it's a plague, it's a
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plague on congress and two of my opponents that i highly respect, newt gingrich and dr. ron paul, but they, i mean, newt was the originator of earmarks back in the '90s. i mean, if there was a granddaddy of earmarks, he would be it. >> clayton: he criticized ron paul supporting pet projects like a bike track and decorative street lights in his district. >> alisyn: that's interesting. i think at that came up in the debate. ron paul railed against too much big government, cut back on the side of government, i think it's the debate he was asked, listen, why do you take so much money from the federal government and earmarks and pet projects and he basically said, those are the rules right now. i'd be foolish not to because the federal government would misuse the funds if i didn't take it for my hodistrict.
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that's showing both sides. >> dave: your wallet this year, are you going to get the tax break? the senate approving two month extension of the tax break. and it's far from a done deal. >> clayton: it seems like a total mess. peter doocy following developments in washington. what's going on? we thought it was wrapped up, peter. >> reporter: it's interesting, clayton. the white house made big concessions and so did democrats to get this bill through the senate and dropped the desire for the million area sur tax and included support for the keystone and the president, sound, please? >> i'm pleased to see the work the senate has done and while the agreement is for two months, it is my expectation, in fact, it would be inexcusable for congress not to further extend this middle class tax cut for the rest of the year. >> and senator michigan
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mcconnell republican was happy, too, and said since the president compromised and democrats, he would comen clear several of the president's executive and traditional nominees that he previously held up, but not all republicans are pleased with this bill and some think that two months is too short. >> i think 60 days from now, more and more americans will realize this is just a gimmick, that it's pushing social security further into the red and that seniors should remind their legislators that social security is not a welfare program. it's a retirement security program and it should run off the contributions of its workers, it shouldn't depend on its financial strengths on downgraded government debt. >> reporter: now this bill is off to the house and speaker boehner is telling rank and file members republicans are getting a good doolittle and since keystone pipeline is in the deal they should be happy. many are not. they wanted 12 months not two
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months. and tsays the mood of the membership is angry and if ne pursue an alternative. just because the senate passed this and president steams to like it doesn't mean it will pass the house. >> alisyn: other, brother, can washington get it together? more in the next hit. >> more in the nine o'clock hour on what's next. >> alisyn: let's get to your headlines and tell you about occupy wall street update. protesters clashing once again with new york city police. more than 50 people were reportedly arrested after trying to climb over a chain link fence around a church parking lot. and that's apparently where they want today build a new campground and you can see what happens next. and police in maine are searching for a missing toddler, that they believe may have been abducted. the and reynold's father says the 20 month old was seen
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sleeping in her bed friday night. wearing green pajamas, with polka dots and daddy's little princess on them. a great story out of arizona, a 11-year-old boy sending 180,000 thank you cards to our troops around the world and steven goodman says he was inspired after a talk with his grandfather. >> well, i got the idea because my grandfather used to be in vietnam and he didn't get any cards and felt forgotten and knowing that we do care about them. >> alisyn: that's so great. it's amazing how many of our troops don't get cards. and good news says he decorated and signed each one by hand and also had a little help from the good folks at kodak and printed the cards and shipped out to the troops just in time for the holidays. a wonderful sentiment. those are your headlines. >> thank you, check with rick reichmuth with the forecast. >> that's cool and i feel so
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bad about not sending 15 christmas cards. >> what a great kid. >> another cold and dry day across the east, but coldest we've seen so far this year, so cold morning, cold day today and across the parts of the west we have blizzard watches posted that means for tomorrow we'll be dealing with a blizzard and severe threat as well across texas and the temperatures, actually, the wind chill as you're waking up this morning feels like minus two in burlington, eight in boston, 16 in new york so this is the coldest year we've had. not that much in the way of precipitation, and lake effect snow and central part of the country you're looking fine and across the west, that this is a storm, this rotation, counter clock-wise rotation is the the upper level disturbance going to slowly move off towards the east today and watch what the future cast does. looking fine kind of right now and builds across arizona across the day today. tonight into tomorrow, moves across parts of new mexico and explodes by the time we get to
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monday and tuesday across the panhandle of texas and oklahoma, blizzard watches posted and a lot of people travelling this week, guys, could cause big problems across the southern plains this week. >> what about by christmas, the east coast, it means rain on wednesday and this storm will not be a snow maker, people hoping for snow, but they're not going to get it. >> thanks, rick. >> will his stance on immigration keep him from being the nominee. >> some say he can't win the crucial vote. >> and remember jack frost? it's among the worst of the worst in the new list of horrible christmas movies. we've got the list. accepted us your pick at ff weekend on twitter, e-mail friends@fox news, back in a minute. the best approach to food is tkeep it whole for better nutrition. that's what they do with great grains cereal. they steam and bake the actual whole grain while the otr guy's flake is more processed.
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mmm. great grains. the whole whole grain cereal.
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mork. presidential hopeful mitt romney roughlying feathers with hard line stance on immigration. >> so you say to people who are here illegally today. air not going to work here, ultimately go home and apply for permanent residencesy or citizenship. you have to get to the back of the line. because there are millions who want to come here legally and i want those to come here legally. >> will that cost him the hispanic vote and could cost him the nomination himself. a former speech writer for former president george w. bush. how are you. >> doing well. >> alisyn: here are one of the things that have romney supporters worried in terms of the vote. the leading vote. leadership fund say they're so upset with romney's stance on i immigration, they might hold an endorsement and curtail their plans, extensive plan for voter contact in all of those western states, and colorado, nevada, new mexico, how badly would that hurt him?
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>> it would hurt him and i don't think that's going to happen. i think that mitt romney is not going to have trouble attracting voters, hispanic voters because i'll predict he's going to pick marco rubio he helps in florida, the tea party, and i think a romney-rubio ticket is going to get a lot of hispanic voters. >> hasn't rubio said he has no interest in such a thing. >> i think if asked, he will, he will serve his country, i would be very surprised if he turned it down and surprised if romney didn't offer it. but second of all, he's going to be-- he's not running in a vacuum. he's running against barack obama and you know, barack obama's support among hispanics plummeted 22% since he took office for the reasons that his support plummeted in the rest of the country. if you're a hispanic entrepreneur killed by obamacare, overregulation and overtaxation you're not going to vote for barack obama. if you're a hispanic catholic or evangelical, concerned
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about the sanctity of marriage and human life, you're not going to vote for barack obama, hispanics are not monolithic voters. >> clayton: among the hispanic voting block. 49%, and romney 28%. even though this was the point of the washington post piece, what about the g.o.p. in general, the trouble with the hispanic vote? karl rove has warned for a while this is going to be their biggest problem? >> well, look, if republicans don't win-- hispanics are the largest growing ethic group in this country and if republicans get in the 2020 election, if the republican nominee gets the same percentage of hispanic and white vote that george bush got in 2000, and john mccain in 2008 republicans are going it lose by 14 points and florida won't be a swing state. texas will be, it's important that we have, that the republicans are open to and welcoming to the hispanic vote. but the way do you that is what mitt romney is doing and you showed the clip of it.
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he always makes clear that he is a supporter of legal immigration and i think the way you frame that, look we're the party of ronald reagan and believe in the shining city on the hall. that city has walls because we have enemies that want to hurt us, but the city that is a gate that's wide open to anyone who wants to come here and build a better life so he needs to have that balanced message. illegal immigration is, we have to oppose it because it's illegal, but we're also welcoming to legal immigration. >> alisyn: maybe you should be his speech writer that. was a compelling argument there, mark. >> i'm out of that business. >> alisyn: and also, a bold prediction about the rubio vice-president, we'll see what happens. >> we've got the videotape, there's no going back now. >> excellent. >> clayton: thanks, mark. >> alisyn: divorce rates are high and a huge drop in people getting married the at all. why are folks refusing to get hitched? we'll take a look at that next.
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>> welcome back. love and marriage used to go to together, but new research by pew shows the rate of americans getting hitched has dropped dramaically. in 962, 70% of americans were married. and now only 51%. >> alisyn: a relationship expert and author having new husband by friday. that sounds like an interesting read. and great to see you, why have people soured on marriage? >> well, i think there's a lot of reasons, alisyn and dave. number one, a lot of them have grown up to see their own parents divorced and they've gotten gun shy. on top of that, let's face it, we've raised young adults in our country who feel like they're the center of the universe. we've praised everything they have he done, whether it was
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worthy of praise or not and quite frankly we've raised a selfish group of people stant gratification society we live in and career driven and by the way, there's more women today in universities than young men, so, people are delaying getting married and choosing to live together and doing other things. >> dave: what this means depends on your perspective. to me this could be good news, more selective and taking time and less likely to end in divorce, right? >> no, the research indicates when you marry today, if you're the typical couple, stick a fork in you, you're done. it's interesting we put men on the moon in 1969 and yet, men and women still don't understand each other very well. you know, women communicate differently, they use three and a half times the number of words that menus. and when a woman says to her husband, honey, do you want to
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stop at starbucks? she is not asking a question. (laughter) >> and now-- >> and here comes you're having a new husband by friday, women don't understand men and men don't understand women. what do you think the biggest conception is about men? >> well, men are so simple and i say in na book, think of your husband as a four-year-old, your husband wants to feel needed and wanted. if he feels needed and wanted, he's going to be like a puppy dog, a loyal puppy dog. you know, marriage is about serving each other and no one sat me down and said, hey, lehman when you marry, you're going to pick up vomit and diarrhea and go to wallgreens and buy a box of those little suckers and the word super doesn't mean jack didley, but i've done that in 44 years of
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marriage and you have to service each other and look at society today, do we think about the other person, no too much about ourselves and some of the reasons that people i think are gun shy. >> dave: stand-up comedy and advice from the doctor. >> alisyn: to one person. >> dave: we made it beyond seven years with our spouses. >> alisyn: that's true. doctor, thanks so much, great to see you. >> you're welcome, thank you. >> dave: thanks, doc, merry christmas. don't mess with texas, thousands fighting to save a nativity in one town just in time for christmas, but why the battle in the first place? >> and single all the way. made the list of worst christmas movies ever. what came out at number one though? self-and plus, christmas one week away. men, we know-- up next, the best gift to make
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sure your wife or girlfriend does not stop talking to you. >> oh. >> dave: it has my attention. ♪ three french hens, two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree ♪ ♪ on the fourth day of christmas my true love gave to me, four calling birds, three french hens, two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree ♪ [ male announcer ] for half the calories -- plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. with less chronic low back pain. imagine living your life with less chronic osteoarthritis pain. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a non-narcotic treatment that's fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens,
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♪ >> all right. welcome back to "fox & friends" on this sunday morning, a week before christmas of course. the networks rolling out the christmas movies and sit back and watch the classics like the charlie brown christmas and griswolds. >> alisyn: and santa with muscles. >> clayton: i'm a big fan of terrible movies. i love, i love you know, mystery science theater and fandan fandango, the worst of all time. >> alisyn: the one i mentioned, santa with muscles. >> what's it about. >> alisyn: i can just imagine when he peels off the autoer wear and show us the muscles? >> don't you feel the christmas cheer? >> this is great for the kids. >> dave: hulk hogan? number four, as an actor we
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all know and love, jack frost starring michael keaton. >> clayton: yes, michael keaton did the voice and everyone wondered where in the heck he did like multiplicity. >> dave: he vanished. >> clayton: and showed up as the voice of jack frost. >> alisyn: showed up as a snowman. number three, jingle all the way. >> dave: brutal. >> clayton: terrible. >> another one of tim allen. >> sinbad and around, that's a mean combination. >> that should be funny. >> tim allen in this? >> tim allen has done several bad-- >> i remember seeing the box cover of the next film at the movie star growing up and wanted to rent it because i liked horror movies and my parents were like, we're not renting that, silent night, deadly night. >> unsuspecting carollers. >> and someone is about to sneak up on them? >> i don't know.
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>> clayton: i love this. >> dave: and tell you that the number one probably never heard testify unless you're like clayton, santa claus conquers the martians. >> clayton: this is a foreign film. mystery science 3000 did it as one of the episodes. >> alisyn: are those the martians. >> dave: let's sit back and enjoy this for a minutes. >> clayton: like santa claus dancing with the martians. >> alisyn: this is great. scary. >> clayton: someone actually wrote this, and funded it, produced it and released it. >> alisyn: and barely, because it was, $20,000. and that had $20,000 budget. >> dave: in the 1960's. >> clayton: $20,000. >> alisyn: 40,000. >> dave: you could see this movie in theaters today in new york and l.a., and across the country, and some smaller cities go to santa martians and i'll put that on twitter for you at fcht f weekend. >> clayton: if you don't want to go to the theater, you can go to net flicks and mystery
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science theater has that one. >> alisyn: meanwhile, here come your headlines, what's happening, because there's race against the clock in maryland. trying to find a missing boater in the frigid waters of the chesapeake bay. two others were on the boat near the capital of annapoliann. one is in the hospital with life threatening injuries. the missing boater was 25 years old and wearing a life jacket, but officials are extremely concerned how cold the water is. there's video where flash floods out of a tropical storm killed at least 652 people and believed at least 800 others are missing in the heart of the city of tai-- >> you tried. >> alisyn: i tried. and the officials are said to be overseeing search and rescue and working with
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displaced people. and a thief crawling from a crime scene after falling off a two story building and the suspect managed to get on the roof to steal copper wiring from electrical equipment, and getting down, tried to rappel off the building, the rope gave way and managed to escape with a bum leg and all. and he managed to escape doing that. if you see a man crawling by, call the police. in texas 5,000 rallied outside the nativity scene at the courthouse. the reenactment of the birth of jesus is there, and a group is challenging its constitutionality. >> it's been here for many years and to my opinion, i think it should stay. >> they're not from here, they really have no sense of what
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this town is really like. >> alisyn: henderson county officials received a letter from the group emanning removal and the county judge says the nativity scene will stay put. >> alisyn: dave, tell us your story. >> dave: rob gronkowski is having one ever the better seasons, and as tebowing is going on. gronking is going on. spiking the ball angrily almost after over touchdown he scores. 16 so far, that's a single season record and now fans are doing their own version of gronking. one holding his dog like a football. another holding his fire helmet. there's the dog. don't spike him, please! >> peta will not be happening. gronking giving tebowing a run for its money. so we'll see gronking versus
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tebowing. >> clayton: can't wait. come over to my house for nachos. >> clayton, we have got pittsburgh representing. they want to see ali, there you go, sorry, clayton. it's cold across areas of the northeast and across the west, blizzard watches and see that red, the blizzard watches in a few isolated areas, up to about 18 inches of snow and a lot of areas might say 6 to 12 inches and that starts tomorrow. an and big storm across parts of the west and that's where the storm will be most severe by the time it pulls off to the the east, more after rain maker. move forward and take a look at temperatures as you're waking up. the cold air across the northeast and temps that are extremely cold. and caribou and chicago, there's cold air out there. take a look at the forecast today though. the coldest across the northeast as far as temps go, all winter long and got to go
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back to about last march before we see it. move that map forward one more button there, there you go, cold air and sunny skies for the most part and a few flurries going on around and not any big accumulation and down to the southeast, plenty of sunshine except the far west and the picture by the afternoon, rain moves in across west texas, back to you inside. >> thanks, rick, a lot of fun stuff here, seven shopping days until christmas and men, listen you. dave briggs this mooeans you. if you haven't gotten your wife or woman in your life a gift yet. and jamie is sharing some of the best beauty goodies around. >> great to be here. >> this looks like fun stuff. >> it's girly and amazing and every woman will love everything on the table. i guarantee. let's start with hair. >> let's start with hair. instead of salon it the pricey treatments you've heard so much about them. and with the formaldehyde.
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it's brazilian 30 day smoothing system. 95 at sephora. i have curly and frizzy hair, i promise you, my hair is an afro and do it at home and silky and beautiful. >> alisyn: and next the sultry laced mini maxi with oil products. >> this is great, a lace styling kit for amica. you get the full sized iron and mini for travel which is so adorable and this is also at sepmora. what's great. they can straighten and girl and give you the glamorous retro wave, it's three in one tool. >> alisyn: what's the silver go-go set. >> i love this, because you get the minis, essential a woman would need whether she use it is at home or on the go. you get the mini and then the diffusing and blow dryer with
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the attachments and the kit is $70. a great value there. >> alisyn: that's great. perfect pallet. >> for the makeup lovers, women love makeup no matter what they love it. and you can't go wrong, really. this is from of maly beauty comes with adorable glitter, sparkle bag. blushes, lip gloss and three brushes there. and a key celebrity makeup artist and worked with beyonce. >> alisyn: you say beyonce and i say-- . computer lipstick. >> the case is beautiful and comes in a pewter case and from ybf. $28 a gorgeous keepsake case, with crystals. and this one, it's a day cream, a night cream, a lip bomb and serum in a gorgeous
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kit so your husband or whoever is buying this for you, doesn't do the wrapping because it comes wrapped beautifully for you, which i love. >> who doesn't need an aphrodisiac breath mint. >> it's a mint. cool concept at booty parlor, 26 an under and proven and known to attract men so there's a fragrance that has pheromone ins there and aphrodisi aphrodisiac breath mint. >> alisyn: dave and clayton won't have a chance when i get back there. and we will we will have the links to the products and great stuff. thanks for coming in. >> dave: how are we going to be able to resist. >> clayton: impossible. >> dave: good stuff. coming up, first, a worry about apple juice, now orange juice. apparently a concern because after quote, secret ingredient. what you need to know before
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you pour that next glass of orange juice. put it down. >> clayton: oh. and with the iowa caucuses around the corner, the g.o.p. candidates no longer playing nice, but will it help or hurt them? our political panel is here next. you don't want to miss that. ♪ [ woman ] my boyfriend and i were going on vacation, so i used my citi thank you card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? we talked about getting a diamond. but with all the thank you points i've been earning... ♪ ...i flew us to the rock i really had in mind.
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♪ [ male announcer ] the citi thank you card. earn points you can use for travel on any airline, with no blackout dates. the droid that wirelessly pulls files, music and movies, all at 4g lte speeds. and introducing the droid xyboard. with an 8 inch hd screen and adaptive surround sound, a home theater for your hands. powered by verizon 4g lte,
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>> politics time. campaign blitz ahead of the iowa caucuses are in full swing. not all the g.o.p. candidates have been playing nice. >> michele bachmann, she doesn't like muslims, she hates muslims. >> what. >> she hates them, like to go get them. >> well, that's not good. >> newt. >> i mean, he may be the grandfather of earmarks. and then they started back in the mid 1990's and dr. paul is
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still birthing them. >> i think that tea parties may have listened to the first debate where we discussed the speakers compensation from freddie mac. i think as tea partiers concentrate on that, wow, this isn't the guy that would represent our views. >> clayton: all right, our political panel is here. republican strategist and contributor angela mcglowan and former pollster for president clinton, doug schoen and social commentator. it's not the season of christmas, it seems in iowa, all the negative attacking. does it help perry to go on the attack. >> makes him look petty and to talk about ron paul in that way. what they need to do is talk about policy. mitt romney even though he's going after the speaker, he has people on the side running negative ads that really can't go back to mitt romney and that's the strategy you do, but actually insulting your opponent, it doesn't help you.
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>> china, does it work? >> you know, for some reason, mitt romney has managed to remain the most consistent in this race, i think everybody has had front runner status, but i don't think anybody can argue romney has been-- and i think that perception actually helps him regardless of what he does right now. and as far as going negative, it's quite unfortunate because everybody is going to be chewing away at newt gingrich and mitt romney especially michele bachmann and sort of works it mitt romney's favor, i think. >> you know these polls all the time and hear from frank luntz, negative ads while being unfavoring to people, they work. are they working here? >> they do. what angela said, in a multi-candidate race what you try to do is have outside groups or ads you run, but are not clearly identified as your ads attacking your opponents so you can stay above the fray and with mitt romney now apparently getting back into the hunt, and with a number of his committees attacking the former front runner, newt
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gingrich, that's the strategy he's pursuing. >> clayton: overnight an enforcement for the des moines register. >> and bob dole, i used to work with bob dole. >> clayton: the des moines register is one that everybody is talking about, and to your point, it seems to be what the he des moines 0 register, that he's a grownup candidate. do people pay attention to the endorsements? >> i think they can. i tell you, i think we have to be frank, it does a disservice the republican party to pitch newt gingrich, he's the only candidate in history to face ethics charges and pay a fine for t he's not going to be formidable in a general election so i think could republican party to see-- >> as for a newspaper endorsement, i don't think that's the end-all or be-all, everyone wants an endorsement. >> candidates are looking for
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momentum. this is momentum. >> they slam newt gingrich in this piece and unsteady candidate and what the party doesn't want. >> that's what you'll see on tv in the run-up to the january caucuses not only the positive about mitt romney, but the negative about newt. >> clayton: and president obama's media blitz overexpo overexposing him. does that hurt his chances of reelection, and 06 minutes and barbara walters and marking the end of the war in iraq, officially out of the country, a live report from kuwait with geraldo rivera and he's at the top of the hour and witnessed it all. no matter what small business you are in, managing expenses seems to... get in the way. not anymore. ink, the small business card from chase introduces jot an on-the-go expense app made exclusively for ink customers. custom categorize your expenses anywhere. save time and get back to what you love. the latest innovation. only for ink customers.
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>> welcome back. topics this morning that we are talking about. president obama and his latest appearance we saw him on 60 minutes. saw him again with barbara walters. every time we turn around there is another interview
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with to women on television. does he run the risk of overexposure? risk of overexposure? >> i think he does. the problem that people see is that he's on tv as campaigner in chief all the time. and when you look at the recently concluded, if it's concluded payroll tax deal you say, where was the president. where was the president on the bucket and debt ceiling. he's larger on legislative issues and policy and i'm a campaigner. all we've seen is republican candidates and debate and the because is he not just running general election. running against the impression we have seven people dominating the airways right now. this still is campaign. observed, i don't think the issue is whether or not he is being overexposed whether his accomplishments is being exposed enough. if he is going tox pose himself. needs to focus on the thing that 2.45 million americans have coverage of health care. >> that's a great point,
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angela. is his message, as he is out there, is his message resonating with the american people and the voters, that's the most important question and that's the most important question, when he does all of these interviews. >> his message is not, from the standpoint that he keeps bashing republicans, trying to get right, he needs to stick more with policy, but everybody wants to see the did. i heard people say not him again. when you are the president and people don't want to hear from you, that means that you are overexposed. if he changes his tone and talks about policy and not make it about republicans, i think people will want to hear more from him. >> doug, when you worked for president clinton no one communicated policy better who could sin think size it down and explain it to people in a concise way. is president obama able to do that. >> is he still challenged in that regard. part of the region is he doesn't have a vision for the second term. he has some accomplishments. china variety. he hasn't told us where he wants to take america going forward. he has barbed the republicans
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in the speech in kansas suggested a harsh populace tone. >> china, i will give you the final word. >> he has shown where he wants to take america and stated that change takes time. okay. strange moment is going to happen hear because i will agree with my counterparts here and perhaps he should brand his policy a little bit more and articulate that a bit more. if he needs help doing that he has my phone number. >> merry christmas to all of. >> you good seeing you. chris wallace sits down exclusive whether i mitt romney and he is here first to tell us how the former frontrunner plans to get back on top. we will talk to chris. don't miss that rabbi bashing tim tebow saying not even god is more poplar than football. did this cross the line? we report. you decide coming up. goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster.
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have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been tated for heart faure, or if, while on enbr, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. get back to the things that matter most. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. [ male announcer ] enbrel. the #1 biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. sure. cake or pie? pie. apple or cherry? cherry. oil or cream? oil or cream? cream. reddi-wip us real dairy crm. nothing's more real than reddi-wip. >> alisyn: good morning, it's sunday december 18th. i'm alisyn camerota.
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historic day here. final convoy of american soldiers leaves iraq nearly 10 years after the war began. our own geraldo rivera joins us live on the ground. >> dave: mitt romney has some reasons to smile this morning. two to be exact. the president candidate getting big endorsements. will it be enough to give him a jump in the polls just two weeks out from iowa? >> clayton: one school taking the war on christmas to another level. wait until you hear what christmas tree they are banning from the classroom now. "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. captions by closed captioning services >> dave: good morning, everybody. thanks for being here on this sunday morning. we have an action-packed couple of hours, ducks, goats, sheep, a united states senator. steaks out in the hallway, how you can slice them up and gadgets. >> best gadgets for kids
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coming up including an inflatable shark that you can control and it scared the heck out of everyone in the hallway. >> dave: my kids love it. >> alisyn: if i were a wild animal here today i would be careful because pat is here who understands the best cuts of all animals. while they are not here to be eaten, i would just steer clear of her. >> clayton: apple picked his app. as one of the best apps on i tune. check it out at the itunes store. >> alisyn: what's happening in iraq. while you were sleeping. the iraq war started with shock and awe. came to a quiet close. >> 9 years now, march of 2003, of course, the war was underway. and we reflect this morning at the loss, at the cost of the question marks that lie ahead. we won't know if this is a tremendous disease for a couple of years, but, look, it's good news that our troops, all the sacrifices
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they have made, they will be home for christmas. again, it's hard not to look at the numbers, isn't it, clayton? >> take a look at this. not to put a bow on this thing and tie it up as to how this thing has ended. these are the numbers this morning with this end of the war. number of troops in iraq they spent 3210 days there. american deaths, upwards of 4500 american deaths. wounded 32,000. the iraqi deaths, look at that 125,000 iraqis lost their lives. the cost of this war close to a trillion dollars. $823 billion. >> alisyn: impossible to know the long-term ramifications if this was helpful and iraqis are grateful that hall of fame is gone despite the price they have paid. it was interesting in all of the reports this morning what started? shock and awe ended in subdue final way. as the tanks rolled out. there were some iraqi soldiers a handful standing on the side of the border there, clapping, waving good by the relationship with the iraqi
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soldiers has been impressive, it's been wonderful. now we leave them on their own to see if they're up to the task of protecting the country. >> dave: it's a bit strange that this ended because there was no immunity for the united states troops to stay behind if we left a couple of thousand troops behind, the iraqi government could not reach an agreement with the obama administration on giving them legal immunity it is strange that that ultimately is forcing our withdrawal from a nine year war. >> clayton: our own geraldo rivera knows this war well and has covered texas tensively. is he there in kuwait live for us this morning and who witnessed this historic withdrawal of the troops and he is with some troops this morning. geraldo? >> hi, dave, clayton and alisyn. it was quite a thrill in a way. it was a thrill because the g.i.'s coming back out of iraq were thrilled to have the opportunity not only to see their families for christmas but also to see the end of
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this long and bloody conflict. my goodness, eight years, nine months, 4487 dead. the wounded in action, well into the 30,000s, it was really a very costly war also in every regard. you guys, it was very hell alan collie to -- melancholy. a trillion taxpayer dollars. you could see the vehicles last night that we were leaving behind. this was a vast base that once held 12,000 of our soldiers and airmen. there are hundreds of vehicles there that we left behind. we turned that base over to the iraqis last night. got in that convoy, and i can't overstate the enthusiasm of the g.i.s riding in that armored convoy. the last convoy out of iraq no
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more fighting troops in iraq. no more u.s. bases. no more except for embassy in baghdad belongs to iraqis and historians. tell us if it was all worth it. >> alisyn: we can only imagine that the troops behind you are happy that they are headed home. do they have mixed feelings today about what they have served for? >> when are you guys going to go home? >> we don't know yet. >> these are the drivers, these are the motor pool guys. the people that they have been taking out. how many missions have you had >> there were 700 different missions. you can imagine, you know, a million of our gi's alisyn, have passed through iraq over the course of this long war. they have been driving them back and forth. now the ride has all been one way. and you should see all of the stuff. you know, the gi's getting them home, you know, as
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anxious as they are, that's the easy part. they get put on buses, many of them will be leaving today and tomorrow. they get put on buss with their duffle bags. they get a flight home and that's it. you have to remember there are 37,000 vehicles, tanks, and m wraps and those great big trucks and humvees and everything else that also have to be disposed of. they have already processed 18,000 of them. what is shocking and really amazing. 40% of the stuff going to afghanistan. that's understandable. the war that many say the war that could have been fought successfully were it not for iraq. but many of the rest of it, 20%, 30% going home. the rest is going to be junked. the next time we get involved in one of these conflicts someone will say is it worth it not just the cost in blood which is profound but the cost in treasure, alisyn. >> unbelievable. witnessing this historic morning. thanks so much, geraldo. he will have much more on this
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story. >> alisyn: in the next hour. >> thank you, geraldo. great job. >> alisyn: putting it in perspective. incredible to see those images. we do have other news to tell you about. rest of your headlines because we have big, big news out of washington. your paycheck won't be taking a hit at least for now. the senate as you know passed a bill to extend the payroll tax cut for two more months it would have expired on new year's day. now that bill is in the fate of the house leaders. it's expected to be voted on tomorrow. republics say they are not pleased and are ready to reject the measure. it's complicated. the senate liked it. the house doesn't. occupy wall street protesters are still going strong in some pockets. take a look. [cheers] more than 50 people were reportedly arrested after trying to climb over a chain linked fence of a church parking lot there that's apparently where they wanted to build a new campground. they were turned away.
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once they tried again. they were turned away divenget you are looking at. so aftermath. police are ramping up search today for 20 month old girl from waterville maine. they believe iila reynolds may have been abducted. he last saw her asleep in her crib around 10:00 p.m. friday. she was wearing green poka dot pajamas. similar to the lisa irwin case. new concerns about orange juice. for the last 30 years the f.d.a. has left out label ago secret ingredient to add more flavor to the pasture rised juice. some critics are concerned it contains harmful chemicals. glad they're telling us now. put away christmas cookie cutters and break out the broccoli. schools in western massachusetts are banning all sugary snacks from holiday celebrations this year. instead they are telling students to bring healthy treats, fruits, beverages and unsweet juices.
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superintendent says it's not about being politically correct. promoting a healthy lifestyle. get out the prune was, my kids love them. >> that's why i went to the gym so i could eat cookies the next seven days. >> you went to the gym? [ laughter ] >> clayton: one time every year. >> of everything that was said that was the headline. the take away. breaking news clayton went to the jim. all right, clayton, you can do it again. run outside in the cold. cold day across much of the east northeast. satellite radar picture shows it's very dry. few lake-effect snow flurries. few rain showers ahead of the system. this is the big storm that's about to bring big changes across the four corners eventually in towards areas of texas. take a look what the futurecast does. here is where we are starting out today. by this afternoon and overnight we start to see this move in across parts of new mexico. by tomorrow this explodes across places like the panhandle of texas and oj.
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we are also going to be seeing the threat for severe weather across the south side of this. blizzard watches have been posted across parts of new mexico. parts of colorado. and kansas. some areas maybe up to about a foot and a half of snow. and then right in front of that for tomorrow we have the threat for severe weather. we can see an isolated tornado. certainly some wind and hail. big stormmaker for us tomorrow. that storm moves to the east. it's out of here by wednesday off the east coast as a rainmaker not snow in and across the east coast. pack to you. >> thanks, rick. tebow mania sweeping the country. one rabbi with harsh words for the quarterback. >> rabbi joshua hammerman wrote an op-ed saying quote, in this country, nothing, not even god is more poplar with football when you combine the religion football with the religion that is religion. the mix can be dangerously flammable. he has since apologized but is the damage already done? i should add a lot more to that. father jonathan morris with us this morning. the worst part of this is saying tebow's embolden
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faithful can do things like burning mosques, and bashing gays and indiscriminately bashing immigrants. >> if this tebow mania continues to the super bowl, these things can happen. it has nothing to do with the fact that he is a rabbi or is he jewish and going against the christians. >> nothing. >>. no i think any catholic priest can say stupid things or evangelical pastor. he has apologized, right? there is this sense from some people who don't like tebow's faith and the way he expresses it that somehow this is part of as this rabbi himself said the poster boy for the religious right. >> alisyn: we have the apology and let us read it and see if you think that is sufficient. the rabbi now says i realize the way i made my points was clumsy and inappropriate. i sincerely apologize to
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mr. tebow. >> it's the christians in this country. his supporters. >> more than clumsy and inartful. he said people would be rising up in arms and we're not sure what the point exactly. >> i think the important thing is what was his point that he made in a clumsy way according to him? the point was that he was a poster boy and he started out his article like this. this is a poster boy for the religious right. now, the suggestion that the religious right is going to rise up against synagogues or bash gays is absolutely, i think, incorrect. is he living his faith. is he playing football. he is expressing in the same ways he did in college and high school. just a normal guy. >> clayton: let me ask you this to wrap this up. how should christians respond. what would a christian do in response to this type of attack. >> we discuss it like this in a very peaceful way, in a rational way. and make sure that we don't repeat mistakes when it's our turn to criticize. >> alisyn: good message,
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father. great to see you. >> i heard you were showing some images of me riding a bull. >> clayton: christmas party. >> alisyn: we're happy. >> clayton: practice what you preach. >> this was all about beating brian kilmeade. >> brian had a good ride too. >> i did. >> alisyn: you guys are witnesses. that was impressive. thanks so much, father. always impressive. mitt romney with two big endorsements this morning. will it be enough to put him back on top in iowa. chris wallace sat down with the presidential candidate. is he going to join us next. >> clayton: plus an officer goes beyond the call of duty to help a woman trapped underneath a bus. join us when he joins us life. most amazing superfruits. hey, keep it down mate, you'll wake the kids.
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>> alisyn: welcome back. two big endorsement from the des moines register and bob dole from iowa. >> kansas. >> alisyn: he won the iowa caucus himself. thank you. will it be enough to boost the frontrunner past newt gingrich in the polls in iowa. >> chris wallace also from iowa this morning joins us with more on. >> alisyn: why are all iowans. >> i'm in washington, d.c., guys. >> far removed from there. you are sitting down with mitt romney about all of this and the big endorsement, of course, how do you think, does this matter first of all? >> oh, sure. i'm not saying it gets you elected. i think people make up their own minds. but the endorsement. maybe the most important was nikki haley. the very poplar governor of south carolina. and she endorsed him and he has spent the last two days. we interviewed romney yesterday on the campaign trail in charleston, south carolina. i think that's very helpful to him there. and the des moines register
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certainly helps as well. having said that they endorsed john mccain four years ago and, of course, mike huckabee won. so it certainly doesn't -- it's not a gold ticket as they sway willie won can a. but it helps. wily wonka. what struck me as how relaxed he seemed and how confident he seemed. and you know, and i think in a way different than four years ago. four years ago, he was new to this. i think he was campaigning as a social warrior. that's not really who he is. he is an economic businessman. is he a fix-it guy. and obviously that's the big issue right now is the economy. and i think he believes he is best qualified of all the republic candidates and also more than the president to come in and try to fix this economy. >> we have a piece of that
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interview let's listen and see your reaction. >> we have another lesson to learn. i think you will find this president by not putting in force an agreement with the iraqi leadership has pulled our troops out in a precipitous way and we should have left 10, 20, 30,000 personnel there to help transition to the iraqis own capabilities. i'm very concerned in this setting. i hope it works out is that generally the flow of the interview. is it all focused on the president? >> it's very wide ranging he certainly goes are a the president's leadership. gingrich. tactics that he doesn't feel newt gingrich has the right temp temperament and ideas to be president. we talk a lot about his economic background he was the head of bain capital.
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like any private equity firm some companies they had succeed and some didn't succeed. some lost their job. some businesses were outsourced to other country. we talk a lot about. romney believes in something called creative destruction. it's an idea, an economic theory basically that capitalism advances through creative. strong companies fail newer companies come and succeed there can be a lot of upheaval it generally strengthens it the idea if he is the nominee. the president is going to come after him as protecting the rich as gordon gecko. i asked him that directly. isn't he going to come after you as gorngd gecko. greed is good? the other thing we talk about as i say economic policy. the individual mandate. the republic race. the general election, foreign policy. we also at the end, and i think this is quite special. talk about his relationship with his dad, his relationship with his wife.
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i think you will see a personal side of mitt romney you haven't seen before. >> that sounds great. tune in to "fox news sunday" chris wallace, thank you for the preview. >> thank you, guys. >> more "fox & friends" will be back in two minutes. to spend more time with my wife and my kids. it's my world. that's my world. ♪ the newest droid armed with motocast. granting you wireless access to files on your home computer from almost anywhere. 4g lte equipped to pull pictures, music, and movies. all at mind-melting speeds.
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clock is ticking, a week left to get out there and get the presents for kids that are hard to please. >> here is some great gadgets for your kids this year. i want to start off this morning with the disney app. clicks, a camera so that kids don't borrow your camera. >> which they do. >> snap pictures, 7 mega pixel camera. goes right into the ipad. any photos pop up on your daddy and mommy's ipad. they can instantly look at the photos. >> i'm getting this for my daughter. >> brilliant.
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>> next up, take a look at your screen. disney has come up with something incredible for the ipad. little cars from the movie cars interacts with the ipad screen. you can actually turn your ipad into a racetrack because all the voices of cars. lightning mcqueen and it interacts so you can race and go through courses and racey your friends. >> alisyn: that's crazy. i don't even know what's real anymore. >> i'm trying to find reasons to keep my kids away from the ipad. >> one way to keep them away from your gadgets is the woogie. you know how many kids actually love using -- do you have your iphone on you, dave? >> sure i do. slide your ipad or i touch in the front of. it protects it. and that way when your kids are playing with it. they can interact it and don't break it on the floor. hug gable. >> hug gable iphone. so beautiful. >> you say your daughter goes to sleep with music.
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>> plug it into what they have done with i home. disney pass part nerd up with i home. alarm clocks and setups. mini mouse, kermit and all these things you plug your iphone in and play and kids wake up and something not something like a dad looking alarm clock in-their bedroom. >> you know how kids want to have a dance party in some random room in the house and they break out? what if you could pop music anywhere in the house suddenly. this connects to your main computer so it actually plugs right in your main computer's hard drive and you grab the playgo and music starts streaming from any room in the house. >> out of this. >> out of that. plug your music library into this. hit play, boom you are done and music anywhere. >> alisyn: i can't believe spontaneous dance is going to be improved. >> this is what you were
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talking about. i wish i had these things as a kid. learning how to play music with something incredible. take the ipad and download the free application from iom piano apprentice. teaches you how to play piano while you play along with it underneath. >> gives you a lesson. >> you could hear how it's playing. you can play all sorts of christmas music. anything for the season. and download new songs as you master other songs. >> crazy. >> and finally. this is fantastic, this is one of my all-time favorites. air swimmers. you have seen these. >> i have at toys r us. >> clayton: floats in mid-air. remote controlled shark swims through. i will turn it back on again because we waited a little bit here. here we go. >> this thing is a remote control and you have this tiny little clicker. >> i have a little remote control that i control this thing and zip it around. dive it down in the house and
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scare the kids with it. >> he is going up into the rafters. >> my son was mesmerizing he doesn't like the camera. i saw this thing at the toy expo it was the hit of the entire expo. i guess it's just going to stay. >> here comes the shark. >> alisyn: here he comes. >> clayton: i will control the shark as you tell us what's going into the show. >> alisyn: i think we have junked the shark. fantastic. thank you. >> clayton: it's coming for reichmuth. >> dave: still ahead, an officer goes beyond the call of duty and climbs under the bus to comfort a woman trapped underneath it he joins us next to share this amazing story. >> alisyn: i can't wait to talk to him. pat lafreda knows his meat. why you may not want to order the fillet when you go to the butcher shop. the tastiest cuts of meat coming up. >> clayton: come here, sharky.
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>> dave: one school telling kids to pay up or be forced to listen to justin bieber. oh baby. tell you what that's all about. ♪ [ male announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually se arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammatio plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. a celebrex is not a narcotic. when it comes to relieving your arthritis pain, you and your doctor need to balance the benefits
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welcome back to "fox & friends." i'm dave briggs. this is alisyn camerota and this is clayton morris. a stunt that would leave evel knievel in awe. take a look. >> extreme skateboarder rob derdick performing flip trick using a chevy. inspired by a similar trick performed by bonds golden glove. >> i have no idea how he pulled it off. >> alisyn: if you are a good skateboarder you can pull it off. >> chevy is mad and they asked for a car back afterwards. there is a wheel missing. sorry about that. >> alisyn: meanwhile, he we do have news to tell you if you are just waking up. big news.
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former czech president has died. play right turned political activists helped bring down communism in his country. first democratically elected president after the nonviolent so-called velvet revolution. he saw the breakup in check solve he was 75 years old. the remains found in suffolk county new york were those of shannon gilbert it was his disappearance that led police to search the beach. since then they have found 10 bodies in the area all believed the victims of so-called long island serial killer. right now it's not clear how she died. police believe she is not one of the serial killer's victims and the location of her death was purely coincidental. tis the season for giving and that's exactly what they are doing in phoenix, arizona this morning. 5,000 children in need will be given free bicycles. each of them assembled by
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volunteers including local boy scouts. >> it makes me feel like i'm doing something really helpful. doing something to make others happier. >> i felt kind of proud of myself that we are helping out little kids for christmas who were not able to afford bikes. >> the whole thing was organized by the phoenix first assembly of god church. justin bieber being used as torture? i beg your pardon? ♪ baby, baby oh ♪ like baby, baby, baby no ♪ like, baby, baby oh. >> alisyn: that song while they say may be catchy once or twice or a hundred times but imagine hearing it over and over and over and over again. that's exactly what students in one illinois high school had to deal with all part of a student council fundraiser. the song was played over and over on the loud speakers at the end of class period until students couldn't take it anymore and they paid enough money to make it stop and
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reach their fundraising goal. >> clayton: brilliant. i would fork over cash to get that to turn off. >> alisyn: i still like it. >> clayton: there was a jukebox in there and my friend went over and we put in $50 to play the mac-mac ran that on repeat. we enjoyed the laugh while bikers were mad. >> rick: clearly she loves the mock reina. wind chill across the northeast. feels like 13 degrees in new york city. 9 in boston and minus 2 in burlington. tomorrow warms back up. take a look at the temps across the country as you are waking up. cold air across areas of kind of around the great lakes and back towards the mountains. in general, not that bad. get ready though for a storm coming. look at your forecast for the day today. we have got the northeast
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looking really pretty good. except for a cold day. and we will see a knew snow flurries flying that come off the great lakes. nothing that bad though. down across the southeast. another sunny day. temps nicer than they were yesterday. looking pretty good. toward the northern plains. i will tell you we are talking about temps around 20 degrees above your averages. 49 degrees in bismarck, north dakota and here in mid december. now across the west. that's where the big storm is moving in across parts of arizona. rain and snow today that becomes a blizzard across mexico tomorrow and across parts of texas. like a meat locker outside. dave didn't bring his coat and we have all the meat for the meat locker. >> it literal solid a meat locker. we have a whole heaping serving of all sorts of meat. pat lafreda the man who knows meat more than others is here to share with us what's the best steak, the worse steak the fillet. you have to check out his ipad app. we will tell you all about it
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i call it i meat. the man behind shake shack burger and the traffic jams because of that burger. let's talk about what you look for. >> we blame my grandfather for that he has been grinding meat since the 20's. so, yeah. one of the best things we are known for. but to make this out. we wanted to bring attention to the different options and the different cuts of beef that are out there that the normal public don't really get. start here with the short loin. strip cuts parter houses and fillet. here we have one that's fresh. as you know in new york city dry aged beef is in such high demand. >> why? >> because the dry aging process take as lot of the moisture out of the meat and almost a controlled
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tenderization of the meat. through dehumidifiers and circulation of the temperature, we are able to age something without it rotting. and if we see a cross section of that, you could see how the meat is still red inside but if you were pushed out on the meat now it's really really tender. >> it doesn't lose any of the moistness in the meat? >> no, no it it's water that would have come out during the cooking process anyway. >> i want to ask you my wife is a big fan of the fillet. toward the tea bone away from the fillet, why? fillets are great but not as much flavor as the new york state. for a steak enthusiast, fillet is probably the lowest on priority. >> isn't fillet a part of the other pieces of meat? if you get another piece of meat. >> you have the best of both worlds. you have the most tender cut which is a fillet is the most tender cut. and can you learn it on the app. and on the other side you
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have one of the most flairful steaks which is a new york strip steak. >> what is this big boy here? >> as we move towards the holiday you will see a lot more standing rib roasts. that's what this is this is an entire rib roast. if we were to cut that into portions, we are going to have tomahawk steaks. it's a really long bone with the rib steak on it. if you wanted it boneless, you would just have what we have here which is the wish by steak. >> i want you to tell us about the strip steak and why you like them. >> brisket is the basis of my grandfather's formula for making ground beef. relatively inexpensive cut but has the most amazing flavors that go through it. two separate cuts of meat separated by a little bit of fat. as you can see the two different cuts in it. >> it's absolutely beautiful. we will eat some of this. what is it called? >> pat lafreida's.
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what you are looking for. what the highlights are of each type of meat. >> send it back to you guys inside. >> clayton: does it get better when you combine meat and the ipad. >> not for you. that's a perfect marriage. >> clayton: meat ipad and coffee. he crawled underneath the bus to help a woman trapped underneath it that's her laying there. next, you will hear from the brave officer who went above and beyond the call of duty. >> alisyn: forget the sweaters and scarves and give someone a goat for christmas. details on these life-changing gifts. wait until you hear what hefer does. that's coming up. [ male announcer ] who fills their holidays with sawdust?
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♪ with quarter-inch holes and blueprints for the coming year? those of us with doers on our lists. and because it's always better to give than to guess, we can take these last few days of shopping and our holiday budgets a lot further. ♪ more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. this 18-volt ryobi starter kit is just 89 bucks. ♪
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>> alisyn: wait until you hear this incredible story when a utah woman was sit by a new york city bus. our next guess sprang into action. kevin peck arrived on the scene to find her trapped under the bus. he crawled under the bus too, holding the woman's hand until she could be rescued. officer kevin peck from the police department joins us now. officer peck, it's great to see you. >> alisyn: tell us what happened when you arrived on the scene and what you saw first. >> when i arrived, i could see her tennis shoe poking out from underneath the bus. as i continued to get closer to the bus, i could see part of her leg. i could see basically that the flesh had been torn away of where her leg was open. >> alisyn: yeah, it didn't look good what you saw and you didn't even know at that time if she would survive, if she would keep her leg. but you talked to her. you knew she was alive and you
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somehow made the decision that instead of just talking to her, sitting down next to the bus and talking to her, you were going to crawl under there and hold her hand. how did you make that decision. >> well, i really couldn't get a feel for the situation where i was outside of the bus or even just kneeling down. i wanted to be able to get under there and really assess the situation. see what the extent of her injuries were. and just be face-to-face with her. >> alisyn: see, officer peck, that's a many ton bus. that would be a nightmare for someone who say is claustrophobic. do you have any touch of claustrophobia? >> i do, actually. do i have that fear of being stuck in a confined space. it's not something that i was thinking about at the time. >> alisyn: i guess not. because somehow you overcame
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your phobia of close ter phobia. what was it like for those minutes while you waited for her to be rescued under the bus? >> once i made the determination just to kind of crawl under there, after a few minutes -- i had a greater appreciation for what she must have been feeling and how afraid she was. >> you really went above and beyond the call. the woman is expected to survive. she is 24-year-old aryan smith. and she wanted to see you in the hospital. you paid a visit to her. what happened in the hospital? >> i did. i had the chance to go up and talk to her and meet some of her family members. and it was nice for me to be
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able to talk to her and see her recovering in a hospital bed as opposed to being underneath the bus her family expressed some gratitude to me and aryana as well it was nice to be able to see her face to face. i know she had wanted to talk to me as well. it was good for both of us. >> alisyn: our hat is off to you officer kevin peck. you went above and beyond or below and beyond the duty and we thank you and even -- you did it even with claustrophobia. that's remarkable. thanks for much for coming on to share your story. >> i appreciate it thank you. >> alisyn: last-minute deal helped push the payroll tax extension through coong. not everyone wants it mark kirk tells us why he voted against it coming up. plus, how about a rabbit or a duck or a goat for christmas? these animals won't end up in your stocking but they will be life changing gifts for other
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families. we will show you how it works. laces? really? slip-on's the way to go. more people do that, security would be like -- there's no charge for the bag. thanks. i know a quiet little place where we can get some work done. there's a three-prong plug. i have club passes. [ male announcer ] now there's a mileage card that offers special perks on united, like a free checked bag, united club passes, and priority boarding. thanks. ♪ okay. what's your secret?
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♪ [ male announcer ] the new united mileageplus explorer card. get it and you're in.
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>> welcome back, if you are looking to give someone on your list a more meaningful gift for christmas. look no further than "fox & friends." >> goat rodeo, he was right, the hefer international organization committed to ending hunger and poverty around the world with very unique holiday gifts. >> here to tell us all about
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them dan zans. little album is little nut tree, welcome dan about to fly the coop. i hope not. tell us how hefer works. >> it's a sustainable program. going on around the worlds since the 30's. people raise money to buy a flock of ducks for a family in need somewhere in the world. the ducks have legs, helps feed the family. as the ducks have off spring, the family is committed to passing on the off spring to other families in the community. >> great. >> some numbers out to our audience. >> this astounded me for the first time 1 billion people in the world are hungry. this message helps educate children about the value of presence not just random things toys and gifts we were doing a few minutes ago on the show value people can share. >> that's been for me because
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i'm in the world of families and young people. this is one program that i can easily explain to a 4-year-old or 5-year-old. they can participate such as my daughter did by raising money in their schools or among their friends so it's very tangible what the money goes to and how it helps. >> here is an example of how much you are going to pay for these $20 for a duck. 60 for a rabbit trio. $120. don't tell the rabbit there is a butcher here. >> the goat has been avoiding pat afreido. >> why is the goat so special? >> believe it or not, more people around the world drink goat's milk than cow's milk. so as the goat -- it can get up to several quarts of milk a day and then again the off spring passed on around the community. so you can have the milk. you can sell the milk which helps the family economically. and goats are able to survive?
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extreme climates so many, many reasons to have goats. >> the misconception is you are going to give the family a goat. give the family a goat and eat the goat. >> goat becomes a member of the family they have off string and snen the beautiful thing is you turn the recipient of the charity into the donor giving it to the next family over it's this great life cycle. >> real sustainable. >> why not a trio of rabbits. don't they breed like rabbits? >> they do breed like rabbits trio sounds like a band. >> can i see that the rabbits and the ducks actually get along pretty well while these rabbits let along a little too well. >> rabbits are getting along really well. [ laughter ] >> they breed like rabbits. >> exactly. >> literally before our eyes they are. >> how appropriate. >> trio of rabbits. for more information go to slash
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weekend. you can help a family around the world with the hunger problem dan, it's a wonderful program. >> thank you, thanks for having me. >> he is actually well behaved. the show inspired love and affection. >> true there a goat rodeo. >> this may happen on our show that's all right it's natural. can coming up on our show is the heat finally getting to newt gingrich. what the g.o.p. frontrunner has to say about the tough battle for the nomination. >> and he is known for his dead on impressions on "saturday night live" and this morning he is showered them with us. comedian and actor darryl hand -- hammond is coming up. i'd race down that hill without a helmet.
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i took some steep risks in my teens. i'd never ride without one now. and since my doctor prescribed lipitor, i won't go without it for my high cholesterol and my risk of heart attack. why kid myself? diet and exercise weren't lowering my cholesterol enough. now i'm eating healthier, exercising more, taking lipitor.
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numbers don't lie. my cholesterol's stayed down. lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in patients who have heart disease or risk factors for heart disease. it's backed by over 19 yes of research. [ femalannouncer ] lipitor is not for everyone, including people with liver problems and women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications, or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serio side effect. [ man ] still lo that wind in my face talk to your doctor. don't kid yourself about the risk of heart attack and stroke. if lipitor's been working for you, stay with it. lipitor may be available for as little as $4 a month with the lipitor co-pay card. terms and conditions apply. learn more at
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[ knock on door ] coo you found it. wow. nice place. ye. [ chuckles ] the family thinks i'm out shipping these. smooth move. you used priority mail flat rate boxes. if it fits, it ships for a low, flat rate. paid for postagenline and arranged a free pickup. and i'm gonna track them online, too. nice. between those boxes and this place, i'm totally stayinsane this year. do i smell snickerdoodles? maybe. [ timer dings ] got to go. priority mail fla rate shipping at a simpler way to ship. >> alisyn: good morning, sunday, december 18th, i'm alisyn camerota. a big day here the mission in iraq comes to a close, the last of our troops
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are coming home, geraldo rivera is live on the ground with an update for us. >> dave: he may not be the front-runner but this morning two big endorsement for mitt romney. will they help push him past newt gingrich? we're live in iowa with campaign carl cameron in moments. >> clayton: and, parents play a christmas joke on their kid, giving them early and crappy presents. take a look: >> i don't like this! >> clayton: hilarious or cruel? we will play you more of that hilarious video. "fox & friends," hour 4, starts, "fox & friends," hour 4, starts, right now. captioning by, closed captioning services, inc. >> clayton: it is our kind of show, isn't it. >> alisyn: wild animals, toys,
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steak... >> dave: goats, ducks, rabbits, a u.s. senator coming up, ann coulter. >> clayton: darrell hammond from "saturday night live" and one minute you could be interviewing a senator and the next, a monkey, you never know. >> alisyn: and we lived that up today and it is a historic, momentous day, sunrise in iraq this morning, the last troops left, while you were sleeping, the war that started with shock and awe, came to a quiet and somber close, this final convoy, american soldiers cross the iraqi border into kuwait around midnight, nearly ten-year war took its toll. >> clayton: look at the numbers, folks. i mean, it just makes your stomach turn in some ways, american deaths, 4,487. there 3,000 days. 3 2,000 americans hurt, iraqi
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deaths, 125,000. >> dave: hard to ignore the cost in terms of how much it cost the u.s. treasury, almost a trillion dollars. and, again, we'll continue to ask for years, perhaps, decades to come, if it was all worth it. we may not know for a while, guys. >> alisyn: the man who was there from the beginning, geraldo rivera is live with us from kuwait. surrounded, of course, by our troops, geraldo, tell us your thoughts today. >> reporter: hi, alisyn, dave and clayton, you know, the sun has just set here on this momentous occasion, you know, the war ended this morning, the war, you know, that took is 11 times into the war-torn country, and i've seen so many young men and women over the last decade, they were in middle school, many of them, when this started and now are men and women full
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grown, fighting for their country, at least until this morning and last night in iraq we were honored to be invited to a camp in iraq, that held 12,000 troops and airmen, all of it now the property of the iraqis. early, in the evening, we saw them case the colors, a very emotional, emotional time as the final u.s. combat troops were being withdrawn, that base closing, we got in the convoy, a convoy of 100 vehicles from the 3rd brigade of the 1st cavalry and living the legend is their slogan and they lived the legend and fought hard and had many, many difficult deployments there. it was an amazing, amazing moment for me, personally. it was with relief and a kind of a huge sigh, not elation, so much, but here's what it was like when we crossed the line.
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>> we are out of iraq. we are out of iraq. we are in kuwait. we made it. they made it. all right. >> reporter: that is what it was, we survived it. it wasn't victory as it was relief. so, we survived it. you know, the last commanding general in iraq, four star general lloyd austin, was with us, in camp, last night and i asked him, was it worth it? here's the general: >> if you consider the fact that we have a young democracy in a very critical region, a region that is critical to the united
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states of america, yes, it is worth it. >> reporter: and, certainly, you know, he also said, the general did, if you were one of the families of one of the fallen, i heard dave mentioning the awful butcher's toll, 4487 immortal warriors who fell there, if you were one of their family members and ask if it was worth it, i'm sure the answer might be different. but, for us, you know, it is over, we'll see if iraq can go on and sustain a democracy bought with such a high cost in blood and u.s. treasure. back to you guys in new york. >> alisyn: great. and that moment, inside the tank, i think really captures what the feelings were, inside of the tank, everybody is relieved and there is jubilation and they said outside it was silent and somber as there was a small group of iraqi soldiers applauding as they crossed over
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the border. >> clayton: how many times the war and the mission changed, of course the surge and the surge for weapons of mass destruction and the threat to the united states and a switch to help a fledgling democracy and we remember the purple thumbs, remember, after voting for the first time and maybe that is one lasting image from all of this. >> dave: and now, credit and/or blame as it plays out, politically into the 2012 election, will be interesting, too. >> alisyn: speaking of that we have headlines for you and there is big news out of washington. the senate approved a two-month extension of the payroll tax, and it would have expired on new year's day and the fate of the bill heads to the house for and expected vote tomorrow. is it a done deal? it is complicated. republicans say they are not pleased. they are ready to reject the measure. if rejected it means an average american would pay $1,000 more each year. coming up, 9:15, illinois senator mark kirk will talk to us about why he voted against
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this bill. meanwhile, police investigating the disappearance of a 20-month-old girl, from maine, he said his daughter was last seen sleeping in her crib 10:00 p.m. friday night and she was wearing green pajamas and, polka dots with "daddy's princess" on them, anyone with information is asked to call police. athens, texas, 5,000 people rallied in support of a nativity scene outside the courthouse, it's on display every christmas and aye an atheist group is challenging its constitutionality. >> it has been here for many years, and, to my opinion, i think it should stay. >> they are not from here. they really have, no sense of what the town is really like. >> alisyn: henderson county officials received a letter from the group demanding its removal and the judge said the nativity scene will stay put. those are your headlines. >> dave: let's get to rick
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reichmuth who can tell us how cold it is and, the meat locker out there, a while ago, rick, thank you. >> rick: you are paying attention. another dry day across the east an extremely cold, coldest morning, so far this winner and the coldest day today. tomorrow, warms up. but across parts of the west, blizzard watches are posted, the far western part of the plains and we have a severe weather threat tomorrow across areas of texas. waking up across the east, there are a few lake-effect snow flowers and, in front of the system moving towards the plains, a few scattered showers at times, this is the big system, counterclockwise rotation, the upper level disturbance that will pull in across areas of arizona, new mexico, texas and parts of plains. look at how it plays to the. here's where we are today and the futurecast shows today we have this in arizona and, by tomorrow, into the morning, moves towards parts of new mexico and tomorrow afternoon, heavy snow across areas of the panhandle of texas, into oklahoma and kansas and we have
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it by tuesday morning before it is gone and we have blizzard watches that have been posted for the storm, where you see the red and there will be areas, a lot of areas, 6-12 inches of snow and we'll see isolated totals up around 18 inches and a big storm for the year, in front of that, also, a severe threat, where you see the yellow, could be a threat for small tornadoes and wind and hail and everything on your plate, for tomorrow and remember, guys, everybody traveling this week, a lot of people, for christmas and starting out of the week will be rough. guys? >> alisyn: oh, boy, it is winter. thanks, rick. >> dave: meanwhile think campaign trail, the state of iowa, the first caucuses are about two weeks away, if you can believe it. mitt romney, getting two big endorsements, this morning, is it enough to put him on top? >> clayton: campaign carl cameron is live in des moines, iowa, this morning with more on this and carl, a lot of people wonder, maybe he should be in south carolina. it seems like half the attention is there, split between the two.
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have you seen anything like this? >> reporter: all the time, it happens every four years, it is iowa, new hampshire and south carolina and the candidates leapfrog to the states second and third in the pros to be sure organizations are appropriate plaly prepared and even a marathon has a starting line and who gets off the starting line does matter and they want to do well in iowa and there are a lot of good things happening for mitt romney in the hawkeye state. he led the polls will three weeks ago when newt gingrich surged ahead and it has been well documented but, newt gingrich's polls have begun to slip, we have seen it in iowa and nationally, and, he's acknowledged that some of the attack ads have begun to take a toll on him. and, his candidacy and he's back in d.c., this weekend, trying to come up with a few last minute tactics to adjust for the criticism and today there is big news for mitt romney, "the des moines register" endorsed him, saying that he has the type of
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judgment, type of wisdom that is necessary, in order to actually be the president, and serve the country. and "the des moines register" also makes the point that newt gingrich in their view is not the guy, because he has shown the temperament in the past, when she was speaker of the house, that is not optimal for what the republican candidate needs go up against president obama in this particular race and that is a very, very significant boost for mitt romney and "the des moines register," is the state's largest pup and newspaper and i recognized around the country as one of the definitive papers. and, the endorsement of robert j. dole, the 1996 republican pleasant detention nominee, bob dole won the iowa caucuses twice and he's from kansas, a highly, highly respected senior states man and elder in the republican party and he, too, endorsed mitt romney. and it is particularly a back hand to newt gingrich. and bob dole and newt gingrich in 1994-96 were the house
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speaker and majority leader together, and, back in 1996 when dole ran for president as the republican nominee, the clinton campaign and clinton white house trashed dole mercilessly in large measure trying to tie him to newt gingrich as an anchor to drag him down and it work. and it raises all kinds of stories about newt gingrich's past, reminding republicans why they have doubts to whether he can win the propose dennis and it is coal here in iowa. >> dave: we can see that. >> alisyn: you don't have mouth freeze yet. you will soon. >> reporter: a little bit! >> alisyn: we'll let you go. thanks for all of that perspective. really helpful. >> dave: he plays a politician on tv, darrell hammond here, live with us, alongside his good friend, ann coulter. we'll talk to ann about why she says gingrich would not be the
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best president to debate obama. more "fox & friends," and what a couple these two are, huh? >> clayton: he does a great ann coulter impression, too. >> alisyn: you never know who you will see in our greenroom. there may be a goat in there, also. the droid razr by motorola. the newest droid armed with motocast. granting you wireless access to files on your home computer from almost anywhere. 4g lte equipped to pull pictures, music, and movies. all at mind-melting speeds. powered by verizon, this droid is too powerful to fall into the wrong hands.
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the pioneers. the aviators. building superhighways in an unknown sky. their safety systems built of brain and heart, transforming strange names from tall tales into pictures on postcards home. and the ones who followed them, who skimmed the edge of space, the edge of heaven, the edge of dreams. and we follow them up there to live by an unbreakable promise, stitched into every uniform of every captain who takes their command: to fly. to serve.
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>> dave: welcome back. the senate passed it but tomorrow the fate of the payroll tax cut is in the hands of the house. but not everyone in the senate is happy about passing the bill in the first place and speaker boehner this morning says there needs to be a new plan, altogether, illinois republican senator kirk who vote against the payroll tax cut joins us this morning. from chicago. good to see you, senator. >> merry christmas, dave. >> dave: and, to you. you voted no. tell us why and what you think the fate of the bill is, now that john boehner has said this morning, it is pretty clear that i and our members oppose the senate bill, one that passed 89-10. >> i think more and more members of the house are realizing the
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legislation cut social security contribution by $20 billion. social security is already running in the red. $60 billion, and we know 10,000 americans qualify for social security, each day. with the retirement of the baby boom generation. this would boost social security losses, to $80 billion. seniors have enough to worry about, without seeing congress undermining the finances of social security and the administration says, don't worry, we'll replace the lost contribution with downgraded government debt that no longer has a aaa credit rating from standard & poor's and that is part of the reason why, in the house, more and more members are concerned about this and the future of social security. >> dave: aside from the damage done to social security, are you concerned about how it plays politically, going into a heated election, when you are looking at 160 million americans, not getting somewhere between 1,000 and $15,000? -- $1500? >> most americans realize the
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government is running way in the red and see european governments running out of money. i think the problem is, we cannot run a retirement security program without contributions. that is what the europeans did when they destroyed their credit. we should not do that to social security. and, that is why i think we need to rethink this. defend social security to make sure it has the contributions it needs. and, then on the keystone xl pipeline, republicans, i, we all very much support it but, remember the underlying legislation simply says, mr. president, make a decision. it is quite likely, in 60 days he'd make a decision to kill the pipeline. that would be the wrong way to go. it is 20,000 jobs, and, underlying the keystone xl pipeline is the idea we should buy oil from our friends, not our enemies. >> dave: the estimates are all over the map, i should say in terms of jobs created, some say as low as 2,000 but i want to ask you about the way the president plans to frame republicans in the upcoming election. it became clear in a yet to be aired interview the president
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did with barbara walters. listen to what he said. >> president barack obama: you never want to state is all them. but i do think, right now, at least, in the republican party, there are a couple of notions. number one is that compromise is a dirty word. number 2, anything obama is for, we're against and if i propose a health care bill full of republican ideas and in fact is very similar to the law passed by the current republican front-runner, or one of the top front-runners... >> you have just done him in. >> president barack obama: the other guy was supportive of many of the ideas as well and suddenly they become against it. >> dave: is compromise a dirty word in washington? and, are the republicans, senate and the house, against anything the president might propose at this point? >> compromise is not a dirty
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word. republicans joined with the president to back three key free trade agreements and faa authorization and yesterday passed an appropriation measure that funds the government, all year long and, senator joe manchin, a democrat of west virginia and i teamed up to say we ought not to undermine finances or social security. remember, the white house detailed -- american people need to look at details, health care bills cut medicare, $550 billion. the president has redefined contributions to social security, he calls its the payroll tax and 50 years after franklin roosevelt we called it contributions to social security and we need to maintain the retirement security system for 40 million americans. >> dave: don't get too comfortable in chicago. i think you are heading back to washington, d.c. this week. merry christmas to you, nonetheless. >> merry christmas. >> dave: who can forget the
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classic impression of dr. phil, mean and actor, darrell hammond with his new impressions, tell us how you feel about the payroll tax cut extension. dave briggs. not anymore. ink, the small business card from chase introduces jot an on-the-go expense app made exclusively for ink customers. custom categorize your expenses anywhere. save time and get back to what you love. the latest innovation. only for ink customers. learn more at
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>> clayton: i'm excited about this. for years he made sure bill clinton, dick cheney, al gore, dr. phil, donald trump, the list goes on... all made regular appearances on "saturday night live." take a look: >> the question of courage, and newt gingrich is not afraid to come, he has guts. rick santorum has more guts, because, let's face it, the guy is a real loser. >> hey! >> excuse me. he's' light weight yet that's guts to come and mitt romney and rick perry should be ashamed of themselves.
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>> alisyn: now, snl comedian and actor and phone-answerer, darrell hammond is opening up personal life, "god, if you are not up there, i'm blanked." >> a specific prayer, i was in jail on the caribbean and i never prayed and, so that was the first thing that came to mind. and, then, since i didn't know any prayers i asked the guard to bring me a bible, and, i understand even the most sadistic guard will bring a bible, not that he was sadistic and brought me a bible and i felt i should have a proper prayer and i didn't know any and i felt like the maker of trees and hanger of planets, would go up, he can't do better than that, right now. not really be offended by the fact i don't know what i'm doing. >> clayton: from prison to, 14 years on "saturday night live."
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incredible comedian, and, an iconic impersonator. when you look -- what is your favorite impression to do? >> i like them all. i go through phases, you know. >> alisyn: are you in a trump phase? >> do trump for us... >> dave: you as donald trump, we haven't had a chance -- >> i'd like to get her to do an impersonation. you just did it. >> alisyn: guess what? i do -- >> yes, you did! >> alisyn: the secret formula for doing spot-on impersonations. >> it helps if you can meet them, you know? but, usually it is a matter of a cup of coffee and, as many hours as you can pack in, before it is saturday night at 11:30. >> alisyn: meaning watching. >> you do, you -- does he have a speech impediment. what does he do with his hands and lucky in the case of someone like mr. trump, when he's
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passionate he does... like that. and you are like, wow, at least he has -- but, see, it is fun toy me, usually the people that become like really famous like that, are so utterly themselves, they are different. but, i mean, when i was in college, auto did a study on charisma and all the guys that had the most charisma had tailed oral interpretation class in college and i failed it, too. >> dave: mr. trump, why did you bail out of the debate. >> look, i'm sick of this... i don't know, why did he bail out? i don't know. >> dave: i thought maybe you could give us... >> it is one thing to have the voice impression and we showed video of you preparing to get into the hair -- how long does it take to put the hair on, the behind-the-scenes... >> oh, look at that. >> clayton: "saturday night live." the coif there, huh? >> well, you know -- wow, look
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at that. >> alisyn: you look just like him. >> dave: you are even amazed. >> you know why? it is because i have a blank face, they say. >> dave: a canvas. >> they say i have a bland face, a face you can paint on, and, like they'll come in and, you can't see it yet in that one but they'll start painting and literally will paint the face. >> dave: we have a moment, that involves tom brady, and he plays tim tebow... >> i wanted to be an athlete like him my whole life and he was on stage and he was going to do this thing i had to back hand him as dr. phil and, he does something athletic because of something i did! >> alisyn: let's watch. >> do you want to work this out? or do you want your wife to get fed up and leave you? >> i just want to... >> ken, i want you to look in
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jamie's eyes, and tell her i love you. >> okay. dr. phil loves me. [laughter]. >> looking good! >> know what it is like to slap tom brady. >> he's a great guy. i couldn't believe how good his timing was, so good. but, dr. phil, the other day i think did his show and he said he wanted me to do him and i said, all my life i wanted to hear you say, are you really stupid or just a little stupid, because, y'all... >> alisyn: so great. darrell hammond, we loved having you, great to hear your stories and the book, again, "if you are not up there i'm f-ed". >> clayton: tales from stand-up and "saturday night live."
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>> kind to have me on. >> dave: coming up, the senate passed the payroll tax extension but house speaker john boehner is not happy and moments ago he shared why. >> alisyn: naughty parents playing christmas pranks on their own kids. having them open not so great gifts. >> a girl activity book? i am not a girl! this is the worst christmas. >> alisyn: should the parents get coal in their own stockings. >> clayton: folks, 7 days until christmas and we have 'em for you. when we do our trump impression in person. [ male announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion.
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>> alisyn: welcome back, everybody, we have a busy half-hour, let's get to your headlines. moments ago, house speaker john boehner speaking for the first time, about the recently passed bill, in the senate. just yesterday, that extends the payroll tax, for two months. he says he is not in favor of it. >> what i'm suggesting is this: the house passed its bill and now the senate passed its bill.
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and, you know, under the constitution, we have these disagreements there will be a conference between the house and senate to resolve our differences. but our members believe we have to do our work. >> alisyn: he wants to resolve the issue now and not push it off until february and newt gingrich says criticisms from his rivals are take a toll on his presidential campaign. >> we just decided that we would, from now to the caucus, on a regular basis, make available to anybody in iowa who wants to ask a question, so that we can tell the truth and we can systematically allow you to understand the facts rather than the various political attacks and the political charges, i have tried very hard to campaign on a positive basis. >> alisyn: he is taking issue with mitt romney in particular, and he says attack ads put out by mitt romney supporters are completely exaggerated. first, jimmie kimmel wanted
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parents to prank their kids and take away their halloween candy and now asked them to give their kids really, really bad christmas presents, and to watch their reactions. and tape them. >> i don't like this! >> what is that? >> a girl activity book with stickers. i'm not a girl. the worst christmas ever. >> i like getting a present, but i didn't know it would be like that. >> open them up. you don't want this for christmas? >> you stinkin' parents. take it back. >> take it back where? this is yours. >> i want a refund. >> you stupid parents! i hate you! i hate you! >> i thought hard about what to get you this year. >> you didn't do a very good
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job. >> dave: they had it coming, right? >> rick: brilliant. not abuse. i love it. i could watch those things, all day long. >> clayton: a full five-minute video, we'll tweet out, if anyone misses it. >> rick: it is cold, as dave can attest, cold across everywhere in the northeast, coldest morning we have had so far. and we have one of the really big stories, especially, if you live in areas of new mexico, parts of texas and, oklahoma, panhandle areas, towards kansas, where you see that kind of a pink blob, is going to be the stripe, along highway 54, where we can see up to 18 inches of snow, along with blowing conditions, that will be all day tomorrow and tomorrow night, and if you are traveling across that area. big story and dangerous situation, certainly stay off the roads, if you can and we'll continue to track it here today, and tomorrow, in the fox weather center, back to you inside.
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>> alisyn: thanks, rick. if you are looking for the perfect stocking-stuffer. look no more, a fashion, beauty and life style expert joins us now. jamie, welcome back. >> great to be back. >> alisyn: stocking stiffers are all the rage. what should we be filling our stockings. >> i kind of started with that athletic person, in your life, whether a man or a woman, these are really great, compression tights an socks ad socks and wh run it helps with circulation an soreness and the people in my life who love to run are addicted to these. >> alisyn: who new. arm warmer? >> from brook's and start $10 and when you go running, early in the morning or night, the arm warmer can replace a jacket, and they are that warm and put them on and they are comfortable, seamle lesless and they make ar leg bands and they can be seen when you are running. >> alisyn: i'll start wearing them in the studio.
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>> great. it is freezing in here. >> alisyn: thank you. i love these. and cuddle-duds. >> i love the gift for mom, layer it under your jacket, your jeans, but, seamless and super cozy and soft and comfortable. >> alisyn: for kids? >> arm and hammer. the spin brush glow brush and makes brushing teeth fun and lights up for two minutes and when you need to switch a different area changes a different color and vibrates and drug store, $8.99. >> alisyn: a bleacher creature. >> this is tom brady, for example, but your favorite athlete from your favorite sports team and they do hand puppets and wind up dolls and they start at $6 and you can get your son, favorite athlete and is a cute idea. >> alisyn: i'm not sure they've replicated tom brady's hair. >> he has a mullet going on. >> alisyn: he does. and perfume, hard to figure out what kind you like. what are your suggestions. >> i like the idea, the
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celebrity gift fragrance sets are great, diane von furstenberg and david beckham, and, they are all $30 or under and i love these, from crochet kids, a great way to give back, $25, these are hand crocheted by women in uganda and peru and supports their families and their kids and each one is hand-signed by them. >> alisyn: i love that. stocking stuffers, nail polish, fun colors. >> walmart, from nerds and not only are they fun, colors, they also smell fun and you have grape, watermelon and the big lip glosses, in the favorite scents for girls, young girls, twizzlers, jail rancher and the big one is so fun to put in a stocking there. >> alisyn: i loved the lip balms, that smell. >> the bubble gum. the bubble gum smells like the bubble gum and it is fun pink, $5 at walmart.
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>> alisyn: great, these are great stocking stuffers. >> also, i'm obsessed with this. from skinny girl. we know and love her drinks, they are lo-calorie and are delicious and she has sangria and margarita and the white cranberry cosmo and has a new swinn off the holiday collections for your face and body and, body scrub, body lotion, shower gel, but all delicious, just like her drinks. >> alisyn: looks great. >> and lo-calorie. >> alisyn: and what is this broach. >> these are great, because they have different things on them. and they are only $15 and they say love or peace and you can put it on your scarf or jacket, for $15, how pretty are they. >> alisyn: beautiful. and we do have one more. what is this furry concoction. >> spirit hood, for kids, 3-in-1, hat, scarf and you can put your hands in here to keep warm. try it on.
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>> alisyn: i will. we have established it is cold here and this is what i'll be wearing the rest of the show. >> wear this and the arm warmer. >> alisyn: thanks, great suggestions. >> you look cute. >> alisyn: thanks, i will. and, newt gingrich says he's the only one who has what it takes to debate president obama and ann coulter says, not so fast, next and a church choir is here to perform for us. ♪ ♪ have yourself a merry little christmas ♪ ♪ let your heart be light ♪ from now on ♪ our troubles will be out of sight ♪ ♪ ♪ have yourself a merry little christmas ♪ ♪ make the yule tide...
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this was the gulf's best tourism season in years. all because so many people came to louisiana... they came to see us in florida... make that alabama... make that miissippi. the best part of the gulf is wherever you choose...
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>> dave: welcome back. republican presidential candidate newt gingrich does not
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lack confidence when it comes to debate skills. >> i believe i can debate barack obama and i think in 7 three-hour debates he will not have a leg to stand on. >> dave: is he the best to debate the president? >> clayton: not everyone agrees with that. joining us now is ann coulter, author of "demonic." nice to see you. >> thank you, good to be here. >> clayton: is he the best person to debate barack obama. >> he certainly thinks so. >> dave: he's good at it, though and that is why he emerged in the polls. >> i think he did that because of the aggressive things he says about obama the same way trump emerged for a while in the polls, but he makes a lot -- big mistakes in the debates that have not come out much, because republicans are so nice to one another and the democrats aren't going to be -- >> like what? what mistakes. >> the constant insistence that he helped ronald reagan develop supply-side economics. that is delusional. it is insane.
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>> clayton: he mentions ronald reagan in almost every debate. >> yes. >> clayton: you know, dave and i talked about this before, the picture of bob dole running up on stage and vivaciousness of the campaign, and, portrayed that he was out of touch and, didn't work well for him against bill clinton, does the same thing happen to newt gingrich running up on stage, and can he get the same excitement when he has to give stump speeches and debate the president. >> he'll wither i think as quickly as perry did once he started making mistakes in the debates and people saw that he isn't the best communicator. when no one is challenging newt, because they have this on section with the alleged 11th commandment from reagan, which, by the way, the history of the 11th commandment, you shalt not attack another republican, and that was used in 1980 and not even in the full campaign and
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he, did a lot, in 1980 and he didn't want to debate in iowa and developed the rule on the spot, you shall not debate republicans and, then turned around and said, i have to drop the 11th commandment. drop the nonsense about, you shall not attack another republican. newt is making all kinds of mistakes. >> dave: what is mitt romney's strength in debating president obama? what does he highlight... >> oh, that is easy. for one thing, he doesn't make mistakes, his answers have been beautiful on so many questions. how do you appeal to hispanics, when he was asked about newt's comments, attacking him for bain capital, was lovely i mean, we don't like to see the republican candidates attack one another too much but it was lovely how he answered that out attacking newt an attacked obama for taking over gm and, i think, republicans should remember, we are running against no drama-obama, lovely man, attractive family, you do not want to send in someone who is going to look mean and scary. and, romney is so calm and
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gently and unthreatening and you will have soccer moms an independents -- >> we're out of time, thanks for hanging out with, with all the breaking news we had. ann coulter, merry christmas. >> merry christmas. >> dave: up next, a performance by the salvation and deliverance church choir. and what that fes like copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva helps control my copd symptoms... keepinmy airways open... ...a full 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled copd maintence treatment that does both. and it's eroid-free. spiriva doesot replace fast-acting inlers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and call your doctor right away
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>> alisyn: they were crowned america's church choir this year at verizon's "how sweet the sound" competition and now the salvation and deliverance church choir is using the $40,000 prize money to give back, their director of the choir is christian, welcome. >> thanks. >> alisyn: you sound great and what are you doing with your prize money? >> wow.
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vision "how sweet the sound" competition afforded us opportunities like today and to be able to share with the world our message and we are actually, started a program, wait on the lord and with that we want to tackle obesity and high blood pressure and, things as such in our community and we are using funds to help with those programs. >> alisyn: and if people want information, where should they go. >> facebook, salvation deliverance church. >> alisyn: got it. we'll do it. let's listen to your beautiful music. take it away. ♪ ♪ hallelujah ♪ hallelujah ♪ hallelujah ♪ hallelujah ♪ hallelujah ♪ hallelujah ♪ hallelujah ♪ hallelujah ♪ hallelujah ♪ hallelujah
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♪ hallelujah ♪... hallelujah ♪ hallelujah ♪ hallelujah ♪ hallelujah ♪ hallelujah ♪ hallelujah ♪ hallelujah ♪ hallelujah ♪ hallelujah ♪ hallelujah ♪ hallelujah ♪ ♪ hallelujah ♪ the king of all the world ♪ the king... the lord
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♪ stand up with pride ♪ stand up... ♪ and he shall reign forever and ever ♪ ♪ and he shall reign forever and ever ♪ ♪ and he shall reign ♪ shall reign forever ♪... ♪ ♪ hallelujah ♪ and he shall reign ♪ >> sing it now, in german... ♪ ♪ >> and he shall reign ♪ ♪ and he shall reign ♪ and he shall reign forever and ever ♪ ♪ amen ♪ he will reign
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♪ he'll reign ♪ he'll reign ♪ he'll reign ♪ he'll reign ♪ he'll reign ♪ he'll reign ♪ he'll reign ♪ galolory to god ♪ ♪ don't i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer.
6:57 am
6:58 am
if you have painful, swollen joints, i've been in your shoes. one day i'm on top of the world... the next i'm saying... i have this thing called psoriatic arthritis. i had some intense pain. it progressively got worse. my rheumatologist told me about enbrel. i'm surprised how quickly my symptoms have been managed. [ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common.
6:59 am
don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been tated for heart faure, or if, while on enbr, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. get back to the things that matter most. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. [ male announcer ] enbrel. the #1 biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. >> alisyn: we're back with the salvation and deliverance church choir and now know why you beat out 72 other choirs. for the grand prize. you guys sound so good and you'll sing again in the "after the show" show. >> indeed. >> clayton: thank you so much. join us another after the show,


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