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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  December 25, 2011 3:00am-7:00am PST

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u. >> clayton: good morning to you, it is sunday. december 25th, good morning to you and your family. pope benedict xvi is supposed to be accepting the message and we'll go live there to celebrate the birth of jesus christ. >> dave: it doesn't get better than this. while you were sleeping, the final troops to leave iraq were reunited with their families. we will a he hear from the troops. >> and blinded by the light.
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we're looking at the christmas display. "fox & friends" starts in a flash. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> hey, good morning. >> good morning, everybody. >> merry christmas. >> merry christmas. what a great day it is, i hop it's fun in your household waking up the kids. i woke up this morning without an alarm clock. nothing changes. >> nothing changes. we're older and still getting up. >> absolutely. >> good to have you guys here,
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kelly wright here for clayton, ainsley for alisyn, nice to start your christmas morning with us, i think my kids are up and seeing what santa brought them. can't expect everything out of kids. we will have a busy morning and visits across the globe and we will take you to the vatican as well and we have a special visit, a special visit from santa claus and from mrs. claus. merry christmas. >> merry christmas. >> and when i talked to him he said doing just fine. >> ate the cookies and lots of milk and doing a-okay this morning and we'll chat with him and find out what it was like last night for him? >> and if you have any questions for santa claus or mrs. claus. e-mail us at "fox & friends" and i don't know if santa is on twitter, but we're on ff weekend. >> funny stories and letters. >> classic letters. >> they're great. we start though in st. peter's
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square in vatican city where pope benedict xvi walked out to deliver his traditional christmas day message and blessing. >> joining us from rome is greg burke. good morning to you, greg and merry christmas. >> good morning, merry christmas. how do you like that for timing, the pope comes at twelve o'clock, a cannon shot as you heard that the pope walked on to the balcony and you're hearing the band at st. peters square, he'll deliver the christmas message essentially, what it normally is is a plea for peace around the world and then give the christmas greetings in more than 60 different languages and they start in italian and they end in latin. here you have the pope starting to speak with his message. >> dear brothers of sisters of
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rome and throughout the world. christ is born for us. glory is god in the highest and peace on earth to the men and women. there are hearing an echo of the message the catholic church repeats on every continent and culture and nature. the sob son of the virgin mary everything, he is the save i don't remember of all. this is how christ in an ancient-- oh, emimemanuel, hope and salvation, come to save us our lord our god. a and-- >> so there you have it, guys, pope benedict giving his christmas message and very interesting, last night during the mass, the pope giving very much a spiritual message saying avoid the glitter, don't be blinded by the lights
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of christmas talking about the danger of the overcommercialization of the christmas and not be blinded by glitter, but look for the spiritual side and humble. and talking about the great mystery of not only god who becomes man, but man as a defenseless child and you have to be humble in order to get close to him. and very beautiful the scenes, both in st. peter's last night and the square, the life size nativity scene, opened up much like that of a grotto. >> greg burke live from the smallest country in the world, vatican city. now to bethlehem and another huge celebration there for christmas. and hundreds of people turning out there. hi, leyland. >> hi, ainsley. merry christmas from bet them, the weather here, awful, cold,
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rainy and could not keep people inside. behind me at church of the nativity thousands are going through to be inside the grotto where the bible says jesus was born and see it with their own eyes and we have a lot of people here yesterday for christmas eve. and a calm in bethlehem is unlike any other. >> with a drum corps in the lead and bagpipers marching along, thousands of palestinian boy scouts took the ancient road into bethlehem to mark the beginning of christmas. with night fall, it's become a very cold rain and nothing to dampen the christmas kaurls and street vendors out here a lot of them selling tea, and great palestinian sweet corn, a delicacy and needed to keep you going through midnight. and in a muslim country, it's fantastic. and everyone is friendly,
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warm. >> and entrance into midnight mass is tightly controlled and you have to have a ticket and you only get those in a lottery so there's a lot of tourists who are disappointed and security is incredibly tight and you won't want to walk five or six yards without police officer with ak-47. and tourism is the life blood of this town and last thing they want is an attack on christmas eve. >> and show they want to keep this place safe. >> inside the church, christmas came alive. the patriarch conducted mass pushing a message of peace for the crowd and reminds a large group of foreigners in attendance, while bethlehem rang with celebration today. palestinian christians are in increasing threat on the volatile west bank. >> tonight, most of the palestinian christians are in
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their homes and couldn't make it to midnight mass. they reserve midnight mass just for foreigners, and not enough tickets to get inside and everybody gets to spoorns it themselves. back to you. >> dave: good morning, leyland. and what are you snacking on to keep up your energy. what are the delicacy. >> sweets and a lot of hot tea only thing to keep you warm here and we had chicken earlier, and our crew here has a coffee pot going and it's wonderful. >> merry christmas to your crew, we hop your kids got what they hoped for or wrote santa about although some kids had interesting letters to santa this year and i'm not sure if all of them got their wishes because there was some comical letters. >> and letters and-- kids writing santa claus. used to getting the real deal.
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a look at the few. don't give the skate board to my brother. >> that's great. this says it's clare again, but i'm writing for my nine yeared old brother mitch. he wants a binder, binder hole puncher and i want a hole punn punter, too. and a skate board, but don't give the skate board to him. mitch is very kind hearted, but doesn't mess doesn't like to read. >> dave: wants the skate board, but not for him. >> she wants the skate board, but not for him. >> and the spelling errors and our writers know the spelling. >> a classic older sister though. >> dave: dear santa claus, i miss you. i wish you'd bring me a bike
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for christmas and also a baby doll, a real r-i-l-l puppy that's alive and you can put it in the back yard. >> okay. >> dave: an rill puppy r-i-l-l. >> and dear santa, hi, i'm devin, i would like to know are you real? i think a lot of kids ask them. i believe, but my friends don't so can you give me a sighed picture of yourself and meaning signed of course and ms. claus, oh, besides, are you really fat? right me a letter back. >> dave: mrs. claus, is she fat. >> we don't have that. >> dave: you don't ask a woman if she's fat. >> exactly. >> children ask you how much money you make, your age, the questions you're never set to ask. >> and the good thing rick reichmuth is standing by in the green room and joined by a special guest who received the
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letters by the way and the guy is definitely capable of reading everything that is and that's santa claus and joining him is mrs. claus. >> i've got the best gig. we often get to see santa claus and rarely see you. how was the night? you must be exhausted? >> the night was fantastic and got everything delivered on time and i think everybody should be happy what was left the and one of the best things was, mrs. claus didn't forget to leave the cannister of disinfectant wipes in there, now what the month is. >> what's the month. >> december is bad for the flu and colds season. >> and do you like there's a new antiseptic wipes? >> yes, as around the workshop for the elves and their tools. >> i assumed you were back at
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the north pole. >> did you swing by and pick her up so we could visit here. >> i finished up, came here and had a beautiful ride down. the skies were just gorgeous. >> we did that perfectly for you. did you recognize any of those letters. >> oh, yes, yes, i did and there was many, many more and i tried to fill as many lists as i possibly can. sometimes it's hard to get everything that everybody wants, but we try our best. >> thank you so much. here, we're going to have these guys here all morning long to answer your questions, keep e-mailing your questions. and santa and mrs. claus will be answering these. >> rick, did you ever think that you'd be talking to them about disinfectant wipes. >> dave: nothing says christmas like disinfectant wipes.
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thank you rick. maybe you've got some of those in your stocking. >> and actually, they're grit. i have them in my apparent. >> got my wife actually. >> or put in your car and wipe it off after-- >> that kelly would qualify as one of the worst gives of all time. >> not something to get your wife, dave. >> better than coal in your stocking. >> we've compiled some of the best gifts of all time. >> some will take you back. >> these will take you back. in 1995 or 1984. >> 84. >> dave: excuse me, beanie babies, that was '84, there's no way that was '84. >> that was 1995 as i said. >> that was '84. >> not a chance. >> and transformers, '95 the beanie babies and '84 the transformers, did you play with these. >> there you go. >> you know what? i did play with them and came back with the movie a few
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years ago and my co-host clayton gave one to my kids and i'll never forgive him because it took me about an hour to try to transform this horrible thing into what it was supposed to become and i hope my kids aren't watching right now. i hid it so they'd never find it again. >> they were very good with trar transformers and now about 1980. >> i home they're not watching. >> rubics cube. >> i never figured it out. >> i enjoyed watching will smith. >> i pulled the stickers off. >> i tried to do. >> i cheated. >> you cheated. >> i did one side. reichmuth did you ever figure out the rubik's cube. >> i did, i had the book. >> a studious guy. >> rick had a book. >> and what was it, did he-- >> in the movie when he played. >> that's right. >> in pursuit of happiness and played charles gardner and able to go through the rubik's cube and get the thing and
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impress the guy and got the job after that and one thing led to another now the real life charles gardner has not only pursued happiness, a rich man. >> and that was-- >> from rubik's to antiseptic wipes, worst-best gifts we want to hear you about and twitter at ff weekend. i'm more interested in the worst. >> we have more trends throughout the show, you might not have related to those three. >> what about this guy, do you ever travel around neighborhoods to see what christmas lights look like? >> it's the best. >> it's the best and some are the worst, but we want to talk about the best is it christmas lights. >> i like to hearing about the worst ones, too, i have a few stories about that as well. >> and my neighbor was disappointed this year, but we have compiled the best christmas displays from the youtube in the past year and
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start with this one in semper-- >> semper fi. >> semper fi. >> the marine corps, buddy. >> oh. >> and the proceeds are going to the marine corps. >> that's the theme, okay. do we have a locator? >> listen to it. ♪ and i won't forget the men who died and gave that right to me ♪ >> this is in tallahassee, florida and all the profits go toward the semper fi fund and gives back to those who protect our freedom. >> and the song "i'm proud to be an american". >> dave: lee greenwood. >> i wonder if he's getting any royalties on this, probably let it go. >> dave: and the next theme, a blue christmas, one of our favorites, in jersey. ♪
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>> elvis presley, and see that guy all the time or hear him all the time. >> he is alive and well. >> when it comes to christmas lights. i just would love to know how much these types of displays cost and curious what your electricity bill is at the end of the month. >> let's find that out. >> and then, my neighborhood we drove around looking for those and just, not a whole lot of those big displays out of my neck of the woods and you know why i like that because it made me look okay by comparison. i slacked this year because we are going to spend time out of town, but when your neighborhood, you look good. >> a house that they would keep up the lights year round, and inside, too. >> year round? >> year round and you could tour the house. >> and that's called lazy, my friend. you don't want to put them back up. >> and my grandmother was ocd, everything was clean in the
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house and went through the house and she said what do you do with all of this, we keep it up year round and she just could not believe that. everything in her house is-- >> christmas every day. >> all right. now for the rest of your headlines, it doesn't get much better than this for christmas. some of the last troops out of iraq reuniting with families in the state and a great story. take a look. (cheers) you can see hundreds of excited families. little children, they were there in the rain, it doesn't matter they were welcoming home mom and dad. this was at fort hood and many soldiers say it was a privilege to be the last out of combat and boy, are they glad to be home. >> it's a joy to be home for the holidays. it's a messing that he we could all make it home and great to get home this time with my family. >> these men and women are from the 3rd brigade 1st cavalry division and about a dozen troops from that brigade are stillover seas.
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>> hope during a nightmare in virginia. a two-year-old abducted in an suv by a gunman suspected of killing two people in richmond is found safe and police have turned the focus off the little boy want to find 27-year-old jamal lewis clemons, believe he killed a man and woman and took off with that s.u.v. in the back. and cops say he knows his alleged victims, but will not say how. now to a developing story out of nigeria there have been two explosions. the first blast near the capital city and this was happening while christmas mass was held and at least 15 people killed. a second hit a church near the city, and official says that gunshots were fired as well and a police officer was hurt. no word on any other injuries right now. authorities are working to figure out who is responsible for all of this. and talk about christmas wishes come true, a military family walks into a salt lake
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city home depot and guess what, leave with a $20,000 gift certificate and the store chose the family, dilley family for their gift of good pride. the dad has been overseas three times and the mom says that she's been at home with their five children, two of which have spina bifida, and are in wheelchairs and the dilley family says they need a lot of home repairs and the prize will help them do just that. >> fantastic. >> those are your headlines. >> let's check with our friend rick reichmuth and a great job on the curvy couch and today the weather. nice night for st. nick? >> yes, he had a very easy flight and everybody got their gifts as he said. a very nice morning across the u.s., nobody all that cold except the far northern tip of maine and northern maine and past that everybody is fine. eastern part of the country looking good and seeing the snow around parts of new england today. maybe a bit after dusting, but
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nothing that causes problems on the roads. any significant rain headed to the southeast and if you have a flight today. could see a delay across the areas of the airport here and still snow going in across parts of texas and now the panhandle, and lubbock seeing the snow and kids are waking up to a nice treat. and the rest is looking good except for the pacific northwest and all of that is moving in and we'll see a raining and snowy trend over the next few days, back to you. >> thank you very much. g.o.p. candidate newt gingrich and wasn't be on the ballot after falling short of signatures. and john from the american spectator to break it down. i was on the side of virginia and the more i read through the complicated process, news gingrich's statement seems to make a lot of sense and we'll get to that in a moment. it's complicated and not to
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get on the ballot. >> you need 10,000 signatures, at least 400 signatures in each of the state's 11 congressional districts. this is i think another example of two political parties trying to get together and squeeze out outsiders and not part of the establishment. >> 400 signatures from 11 counties doesn't seem that hard, all of the staffers. >> total of 10,000 and you need 15,000 some signatures are people who aren't eligible. look, i think this is going to go to court. because there's court precedent. four of the ten federal circuit courts in this country say it's unconstitutional for a state to say you cannot have out of state circulators asking for the petition signatures and ralph nader won a case in west virginia a few years ago, he was thrown off the ballot. look, i had enough signatures some people collecting signatures lived out of state. i think it's going to court and a good chance of getting back on the ballot. >> the bottom line, newt
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gingrich is livid. >> he lives there. >> he lives there and can't get on the ballot there and has to be crucial to him and here is what he's saying so far. only a failed system excludes four out of the six major candidates seeking access to the ballot, voters deserve the right to vote for any top contender, especially leading candidates of which he is one, and we will work with the republican party of virginia to pursue an aggressive write in campaign to make sure that all the voters of virginia are able to vote for the candidate of their choice. now, having stated that, gingrich knows there's a problem with even with that, because of how tough and stringent the rules are in virginia and may not be able to do a write in. >> i think because of the christmas holiday not in communication with his lawyers and i think they're going to council a court strategy
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rather than a write in candidates. >> dave: they don't allow write-in candidates to be clear. does it say something about the lack of organization and structure of the gingrich campaign. >> rick perry has 20 million dollars in the bank, he couldn't get on the ballot. no one could except for mitt romney all the money in the worlden ron paul all the volunteers in the world. >> dave: you're not saying it's not a problem with knit gingrich's infrastructure and organization? >> i think when you have only two candidates out of seven or eight potentially available getting on the ballot. that means the ballot access law is way too strict and frankly i think it should be overturned in court. >> what if a candidate hasn't locked up the nomination by virginia? >> probably means that ron paul is likely to have a good showing and-- >> will it be-- >> i think it's embarrassment,
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but i don't think it will be. virginia's delegates are not going to decide the nomination and that will be-- >> thank you. it's a christmas day surprise for newt gingrich and peck rememberty. >> it's been a wild political season so far and some of their picks may surprise you, plus, still looking for something to serve at christmas dinner? we have a top chef contestant here all morning long to help you out. >> oh, that looks good. ♪ and chantix worked for me. it's a medication i could take and still smoke, while it built up in my system. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantiis proven to help people quit smoking. it reduthe urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking orood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix.
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♪ ♪ jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way ♪ ♪ oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh ♪ ♪ on the first day of christmas my true love gave to me ♪ ♪ we wish you a merry christmas, we wish you a merry christmas ♪ ♪ we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year ♪ (applause) >> you didn't think you could do that. >> dave: i didn't know that kelly looked so good in tights. >> ainsley: who create those. >> dave: i believe our good friend chas. >> ainsley: we appreciate that, adorable.
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>> dave: check them out on jib wishes to the "fox & friends" family. >> ainsley: and this is my father got married and my brother sister-in-law and that's my dad and my sister-in-law darcy and brother trent and sister ellyse and me. >> dave: beautiful ladies, where were you. at santa bell island and my brother is with his in-laws back to the church where they were married and a cute little church on the beach and had christmas eve services there. i love you all, be merry christmas and i'll be home tomorrow night to see you all. >> dave: oh, you will. >> ainsley: yeah. >> dave: and merry christmas lauren patterson our boss in this morning, and her god daughter jenna and take a shot of the control room and say hello. she hates to say hello, show the control room if you can this morning, she never ever gets on the--
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that's, wait as much as she'll get on camera. >> ainsley: lauren, it says a lot about you if you're a god mother. >> dave: thank you. >> kelly: and samantha and mom and family. merry christmas to the family. >> dave: we love sam and her family, merry christmas to all of them. >> ainsley: sam, we love you, you're awesome. >> dave: laurie and husband bret and the dog, mattingly, i'm assuming that's after don, don in baseball, don mattingly, may not be. >> kelly: here mattingly, here mattingly. and wonder how many biscuits mattingly received for christmas and the production assistant. . >> dave: jen just turned 21 and happy belated 21st birthday. >> ainsley: hopefully she celebrated with champagne.
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>> dave: i think they pushed it off into january. >> kelly: and we do something different than posing for a picture. we'll see, in the meantime, rick reichmuth is standing by and with the santa and his wife. >> dave: mrs. claus is there. >> kelly: he's got his wife. >> can you believe mrs. claus is there, if you believe it. >> dave: did you wash your hands. you're infatuated with mrs. claus. >> you're always home taking care of santa. >> i'm busy with santa's elves. >> feeding him and take care of him and good and fat and it happens before christmas, skinny all year long. >> making sure that i'm eating right and staying healthy on christmas eve, he she said santa the cookies you want, they're always yours. >> how is it possible you're the only person that we can say, you're fat and he tried
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that on rick and he didn't like that. >> a nice e-mail from barbara that says, i wonder what santa would like for christmas? he's always asking others what they want and i never hear him answer the question. who gives santa presents? >> the boys and girls give me a present every day they're good. as long as they're always trying to be their best, that's all i ask for and the smile, that's santa's presents and i'm blessed every day with that. >> and you give them back presents because they've been good all year. >> rick: it makes sense, guys, all comes together and now we know the key to this. thank you very much, and you know why, back to you (laughter) >> thanks, rick. and i can hear santa laughing, by the way. if you still don't know what you're going to cook for christmas dinner tonight, it's not too late to make an amazing holiday meal.
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and caste is here to talk about that. focus on the main dish, what's it called? >> the most important. tender loin, something simple at home and doesn't have to be the christmas meal and decide today brian some pork, and sear it and have almonds and lentils, a lot of protein and a lot of flavor. >> and very healthy with lentils in there, the protein and the almond and the pork tender loin. >> yeah, and you can kind of do it ahead and heat it up again or stir it right away and i like to make things that are pretty and able to be done, you know, as time if you need to and able to be served for not christmas meal. >> how long does it take to prepare? >> if you brian your pork, which is recommended, and apple cider overnight. it's kind after overnight process, but once you dry your
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pork off. sear it in the pan for a few minutes and dijon mustard, almonds, rosemary, salt and pepper and 15 minutes. >> that sounds great. >> the secret is garlic, and we have a garlic oil and sliced almonds and extra virgin almonds oils and fried and crispy like chips. they're like chips, but they're definitely garlic. >> and we can do this all morning long and we can see more dishes as well and i love this lentils and almonds, pork tender loin and a fabulous meal for tonight. in the meantime, take it back to ainsley. >> pork tender loin, you just had turkey at thanksgiving. i like that. >> for your headlines, it looks like a post card. take a look at the beautiful video out of abilene, texas they rarely see snow and a light snow making for a white christmas and something
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unusual for that area. parts of texas, new mexico and colorado blanketed making for dangerous travelling conditions and he's from colorado. only two inches of the white stuff expect today accumulate late in texas. there are brand new reports of deadly blasts in afghanistan. a homicide bomber reportedly killing ten people, including a member of the national parliament. it happened in the normally calm province of takhar and the crowd was reportedly leaving a funeral when the blast went off. rights now it's not clear whether the homicide bomber was targeting the parliamentary official. shocking new revelations from jimmy hoffa's chauffeur turned informant. in a new book he claims that the teamster boss was whacked by his own people and buried in the general motors center, renaissance center in detroit
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and he claims he learned about the final resting place during a teamsters conference in detroit in the '80s. and a new medical study, taking a page from buddy the elf book. >> you like sugar, huh? is there sugar in syrup. >> yes. >> then yes. we have the four main food groups. candy, candy canes, candy corn, syrup. >> all sweet and looks like buddy was right i all awe long. researchers say that sugar might be the key to easing some mag pains after a holiday feast. and i thought it causes stomach. >> and sugar stimulates the stomach and allowing it to loosen up. >> dave: give me some sugar last night. i ate a meal killing me right now. all this have cheese. anyway. >> ainsley: candy. what do you like. >> dave: i like it all.
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sports time. basketball fans rejoice and the nba season tipping off the short onned 2011-2012 season after the lockout and starting off with a bang. five big matchups today. the boston celtics taking on the new york knicks. how about lebron james and the the miami heat? and let's mention dwyane wade and everyone expecting them to take on the mavericks and bulls versus lakers and mairj and thunder, a lot think the thunder will get to the final and chris paul making a debut with the clippers taking on golden state warriors, a busy saturday in football not present for tim tebow and broncos losing one and losing one bad on the road. tebow started off strong though, takes it in himself for a one yard touchdown in the first quarter and then things got ugly for the broncos, fourth quarter, tebow picked off by bird, and jarius
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gets himself 37 yard touchdown there and next drive, not much better, for timmy tebow. the ball knocked away and spencer johnson brings it in for another defensive touchdown and finally, broncos trying to save face. and tebow for the end zone, and picked off again. and this time by aaron williams and tebow throws four int's, 40-14 on the day that i was touting tebow's touchdown to interception ratio, oops. >> kelly: oh. >> dave: another big game yesterday, new york versus new york. giants-jets. it was a j-e-t-s leading until the second quarter. eli manning, to victor cruz from the one. victor cruz, 99 yards tying a nfl record. 99 yard touchdown, reception from eli manning for the score. and fast forward to the fourth. dj ware, 17 yard gain and too
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bad he had to take out the head coach. >> whoa. >> shades of shaun payton with the new orleans saints only no serious injuries coughlin is okay. and jets making a run at this thing, and sanchez back at the end zone and bradshaw ceiling the deal. his second. 29-14 and it got ugly after the game and mouthing off to rex ryan, buddy and congratulations to the detroit lions. that city deserves it. they are in the playoffs, is detroit. first time since 1999, they dismissed the san diego chargers and it's great for detroit, they need a win. >> and keeps his job? >> if they beat dallas he saves his job. it was a great game and mouthing off to rex ryan and going to regret some of that
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trash talking thing. >> ainsley: donald trump, president obama and occupiers making headlines in 2011. who was the best story of the year and what about the worst? our panel is standing by with their picks. >> as you open your presents this morning, don't forget the true meaning of the season. father jonathan morris here with a very good reminder. ♪ he ♪ while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually se arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief
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♪ nationwide is on your side ( laughing ) it's actually a pretty good day whenou consider. that's great.
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♪ >> pope benedict xvi finished his message at st. peters square in vatican city. here with his own message is fox news religion contributor. >> it's not a competing message, i don't compete-- >> his message in part was a warning about the overcommercialization of christmas. do you share that sentiment and warning. >> yes, if we ourselves commercialize our celebration of christmas we've missed the meaning, right? the pope says that the hidden-- the meaning of christmas can be hidden behind the commercialization, but no,
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there's nothing wrong with stores, having a good sale. nothing wrong with businesses trying to make money. it's up to us to take personal leadership and as parents, to take leadership in the family and say what is the true meaning of christmas. >> exactly. >> and pass on those traditions. >> that's a very good thing to say, there's a proverb, ru ruinnation, starts in the homes of the people. and the greatness of our nation should be realize. >> and me and my family i've told you before. the most impressive thing for christmas is running down the stairs to the christmas presents and my dad stopping us and walking us over to the karesh and leading us in prayers and we're looking over our shoulders and seeing the presents, but. >> kelly: saying a prayer.
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>> seeing your dad say a spontaneous prayer of thanksgiving and what he's giving thanks for, forgiveness from our sins and first of all, we've got to recognize we have sins and secondly the possibility of eternal life as commercials we believe that christ came that we might have life eternal and three, a whole new meaning of love. right, the christian meaning of love is loving your enemy and yourself. why would you do that because there's a just judge who has taught us what love was all about. >> we want to go open the gifts, but now, you remember that, that tradition. >> i don't remember the gifts quite honestly. >> i remember the-- >> you remember the tradition. >> and i remember the prayers of my mother more than anything else and my own sons as well and our family and it's the same president bushing and pray before you open up the gifts and then move on with your life and enjoy the day and your family, but you're going to be with us throughout the morning, right. >> i will. >> kelly: good, stay with us so we can hear more about the real meaning of christmas and the secret of christmas carried in your heart.
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>> dave: merry christmas, father. >> ainsley: only a few hours of sleep, midnight mass. >> dave: no sleep at all. 2011 is coming to an end. and our panel next for the picks for the highs and lows in politics. >> and ho, ho, ho, santa claus made his way around last night and delivering presents to the good boys and girls around the world and how did he get his start? we're going to be taking a look at the spirit of st. nick coming up. >> that was very good. >> a hearty ho, ho, ho. >> ainsley: i'm out of breath. >> yeah. ♪ >> my name is target tamika dillard. from kabul, afghanistan. i would like to say happy holidays to my husband, my daughter, my son and by
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>> welcome back, folks, 2011 coming to an end and with it a wild and dramatic year in politics. what were some of the best moments. and joining the panel, a former communications director for john corzine and dd banky. and an editor of national good morning to you. >> good morning. >> dave: merry christmas thanks for being here. it's been a divisive here in
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politics, dede. let me start with you, your worst moment of the year has to do with occupy wall street? >> it was so negative. i mean, let's not work, let's camp out. let's be doing things on cop cars that we shouldn't. let's use the outside area as bathrooms and yell and say we don't want to work on think if you're successful that you're a bad person. e i mean, there's nothing good about it. >> dave: if there is, it seems to be come to go a close with a women per: t vchl tj let me ask you what is your worse. >> when they're unified, they've somehow manage today find a collection of candidates, each one is basically hated by 80% of the party and they have utterly failed at finding the mythical generic republican candidate, that's all they needed and couldn't find a single one, eighths huge disaster.
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>> dave: it's early my friend, they will coalesce around the candidates. it's not too early to figure out that mitt romney is not a conservative. >> dave: your worst is threatening to enter. >> that's why he's the worst. this guy plays the media. and he's the lucy to charlie brown, not running except to self-promote and saying more and more divisive things. >> dave: and we thought someone was going to bring everyone together. gabby giffords? >> yeah, gabby giffords and donald trump is one of the more divisive. gabry giffords this year was one of the few nondefensive and-- >> her husband, too. >> it's a beautiful story and the only politician who actually unified the nation and party under very sad circumstances, but i think as, now, miraculous and heart warming story. >> dave: tj, your best has to
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do with someone running not for the white house, but senate in massachusetts elizabeth warren, why? >> she has really galvanized liberals and this video clip of her saying nobody made it on their own anyone rich and successful god bless you, but got there, because citizens and taxpayers, and people are excite abouted her. she has something that most don't have to do, communicating with voters in an emotional way. >> dave: and i thought scott brown has been courageous in the senate and whether like or hate him takes a stand on things you believe in. dede, your best of the year? >> i love the g.o.p. field and debates i think it's great and made our candidates better and the last, especially the fox debate. that was the best moment of the year, politically. because that's when mitt romney, candidate mitt romney became president romney. >> dave: really?
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>> he looked like the president and acted like the president. >> dave: he's done very well. >> no, newt is-- >> no way. >> and i did that just for you, dave. >> and what he looks like and he's-- >> look he, acted presidential. >> dave: ail be back later on awe thank you for being here, appreciate it. >> president romney. >> dave: coming up, and is religion losing an influence in america? and the numbers might surprise you. and juan williams, our good friend, hear to break to down for us. and what that fes like copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva helps control my copd symptoms... keepinmy airways open... ...a full 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled copd maintence treatment that does both. and it's eroid-free. spiriva doesot replace fast-acting inlers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate.
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>> it is sunday, december 25th. it's christmas morning, i don't have to tell you that. merry christmas to you and your family. what's happening now. >> pope benedict delivered his message there in rome. we're there live it to celebrate the birth of jesus christ. >> a warm welcome home for some of our nation's heroes. the final troops to leave iraq, reunited with their families in time for christmas, and we'll hear from our troops ahead. >> you've got to love that, riot? love or hate them though, you wore them. we're looking at some of the ugliest christmas sweaters out there, ouch. "fox & friends" starts right now. merry christmas! >> ♪
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>> merry christmas. >> kelly: absolutely. >> ainsley: what a wonderful morning. every one of you. dave, good to be with you. >> dave: good to have kelly wright for clayton and ainsley for alisyn and i got the video from my wife and the kids are already up. oh, no, and they're up and opened some presents and i'm sure they're thrilled. >> ainsley: and kids, tell daddy hello. >> dave: they got exactly what they wanted from santa, that's good. >> ainsley: santa knew exactly what he wanted. he always does. >> dave: he's good and comes through. >> kelly: nice to do the duty here and someone else doing duty is pope benedict xvi, just finishing delivering his traditional christmas day message and a blessing from st. peter's square in vatican city. >> ainsley: joining us is greg
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burke, what's the pope's essential. >> good morning, guys and merry christmas. the pope says the coming of christ is an answer for our cry for help and a look around the world at places where people are suffering and the pope praying for those people and asking the faithful to pray for them and the pope pointing to syria for an end to the violence there and also praying that the israelis and the palestinians are able to have negotiations once again and some other areas he mentioned were areas in africa hurt by famine and also praying for reconciliation in both iraq and afghanistan, asking christians to pray for peace that they, what he said. he said. we have to give a voice to those who don't have a voice. guys? >> and so was the crowd bigger than usual this year? >> well, certainly, it's always a big crowd and we see a sea of umbrellas over there and it's always overflowing because people are coming from
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so many different countries and gives the lang wamgs and say merry christmas in korea and a whole group of koreans come out and then the mexicans. one thing was a beautiful day, essentially looks like a great day for fall football. that kind of thing and that certainly helps the crowd in these cases, guys? >> i love football, on the mind, my friend, obviously a busy time for the pope and his health has not been perfect recently, a change last night. how is he holding up? >> yeah, interestingment last night. they had the mass earlier at ten and also the pope came in on sort of a wheeled platform and he seems to be holding up all right. it is a busy period for him and someone sold me he looks tired, but he looks happy. >> guys? >> all right. thanks so much, greg, merry christmas and now to beth hem of course the birthplace of christ, hundreds of people turning out for mass this morning there. >> joining us there, my friend
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leland vittert, merry christmas to you, my man. how are you doing? >> doing well, dave, merry christmas you guys are probably warmer in new york than in beth hem. it's cold, wet and rainy and has not dammened the christmas spirit. and a lot of folks making their way in and out of the church of the nativity and special there to be there on christmas day and really special last night for christmas eve mass the end of it they announced the birth of jesus and take a doll down into the grotto where the bible says jesus was born and that's the start of christmas. and the patriarch conducted mass in trench or latin and peace in the world and remind the group of the foreigners, you have to have an invitation to come into midnight mass and remind em this that they're under a lot of threat. and massive street party, lots of security, but everybody out having a really, really nice time from all over the
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worrell. and a lot of street vendors out with some palestinian sweet corn and a whole lot of hot tea to keep them warm. as i've been listening to the show, guys, a lot better christmas food in new york than here. whatever the leftovers are put them in a fed ex and send them here, the crew would greatly appreciate it. >> kelly: we can do that and show you something we can send to you. >> dave: i've got you food, right here. reach out, i'm going to feed it it through the camera, open up, buddy. >> ainsley: smells so good, oh, it smells delicious. i'll fed ex that to you, brother, stay warm. >> ainsley: leland don't feel badly you're in bethlehem. we would love to be there. >> kelly: love to. >> ainsley: absolutely. >> dave: look good. >> you want to trade i'm there. >> ainsley: last time you were in town and we met next door and next time merry christmas, my friend. >> dave: did your kids get what they're hoping from santa
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and were their letters answered? we hope so, there are some letters that are probably difficult for santa to answer and we've compiled some of the very best. >> ainsley: i love this one. and says dear santa, if you can, possibly make it so that i can turn into a dragon, please. or a pet dragon, either one will do, then meese draw faily face heart, have a happy valentine's day, love elish sha. not a princess, not a-- >> even for st. nick, a bit of a tough task. >> kelly: might want to be puff the magic dragon, a friendly dragon. >> dave: and here is one from littlejohny. santa you must be surprised i'm writing to you today the the 26th of december. i would very much like to clear up certain things that have occurred. i've asked for a bicycle, an electric train set. i'm not going to lie to you,
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there was none in my entire neighborhood that behaved better than me. i would go on errands and help the elderly across the crete and what nerve have you 0 to leave knee a yo-yo, a whistle and ugly socks, and sincerely little bitter johnnie. >> sounds like a lawyer. >> ainsley: he brought his argument to the table. >> kelly: got his arguments together and presented them and waiting for a final judgment. >> dave: he helped the elderly cross the street. all he got was a yo-yo. poor johnnie. >> another letter right now. dear santa, santa, if you bringing presents with batteries, bring batteries. how bad is it that the kids receives the toys and you don't have the batteries. >> dave: and toys "r" us are saying, you want batteries. >> kelly: i think he's saying, look, santa, you've got to
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make sure that the batteries are included. >> ainsley: santa will neve make the mistake again, right, rick? >> we have santa and mrs. claus, and sometimes i feel, santa the batteries don't show up with the gifts. do you not do batteries? is that something with transporting parties in the sleigh that makes it difficult. >> sometimes it's hard to do that, you know, not checking them ought to make sure they're all good, but we try to put the delivery wish and sometimes things may get overlooked. >> rick: we've seen that and understand as well. mattie has a question for you from massachusetts, a great question. she says, how did you get my brother's few ton couch to fit in your sleigh and get it it down the chimney? >> well, that's my one night of magic, yes, i just put everything in my magical bag, i stand up there, down i drop. after i deliver it, as we know, finger on the side of
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the nose, nod and off i go, but it's magical. >> rick: i had no idea about the finger on the side of the nose. >> rick: what's santa's secret for staying warm, from timmy of iowa. >> i have a pot of chocolate and mittens on, i'm not dressed this way when i'm going out. i have a much warmer suit and i make sure my mittens are on and i have extra socks and my long johns. >> rick: there you go, long johns, have socks, a warmer suit. and then you change when you come out to the public-- >> when i'm coming out to visit, yes. >> perfect, that way they look so good all the time. >> ainsley: rick, what's his favorite cookie. >> rick: keep your questions coming in on ff weekend on twitter or, and what's your favorite cookie? everybody wants to put cookies out for you. >> well, i'm santa claus all cookies are my favorite. if i had to make a choice,
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chocolate chip, sugar cookies. >> rick: you know, this might be an answer to the boy who didn't get the right gifts. >> oh, yes, i-- >> he left out a ham sandwich. >> ainsley: half eaten ham sandwich. >> dave: sugar cookies with the green frosting. i hope he enjoyed them very much. santa is a little delirious, a little slap happy. >> have you ever encountered this problem. my kids and wife complain about the sweaters i wear and i have the worst sweaters and i thought i was cook. >> dave: now the worst sweaters are the best. >> ainsley: that's out of your closet. >> no, but i could see myself wearing something like that. >> dave: hee are some of the ugly christmas sweaters. >> ainsley: that's a sweater. >> dave: 2011. and. >> ainsley: that's like a dress. >> dave: the theme song, the thing is about them now. they used to be naturally bad
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from the makers and designers and now they're put together. and there are companies designing these, this is a profitable business now, the guys from ugly christmas sweater the sarah palin what is that. santa or elves? i'm not sure. >> ainsley: look at that, what's this? and her face is on there. >> and the sweaters aren't that bad, but we like you to e-mail some of your worst sweaters to us. >> dave: the best part, kelly, the folks, a lot of those wear those intentionally wearing a bad sweater, i was at a party with my wife and that woman doesn't know how bad hers in, right? she was clearly very proud of the sweater although it was hideous. >> she might have known and chosen not to care about it. >> dave: perhaps, perhaps, i love it. >> kelly: now, okay, that's not too bad. next year-- >> the grandkids love it. the husbands might not. whatever. now for the rest of your headlines, just about the best
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christmas gift, some of the last troops out of iraq reuniting with their families here in the u.s. take a look. (cheers). (cheers). >> . >> kelly: well, you can see hundreds of excited family members and look at this guy, hugging this child and they were there in the rain welcoming home the troops, at fort hood and many of the soldiers say it was a privilege to be some of the last out of combat, but, boy, are they glad to be home. >> it's a joy to be home for the holidays and really a blessing we could all make it home. it's great to get home and spend time with my family. >> they're waking up in their own beds this morning. there's brave men and women from the third brigade. about a dozen troops from that brigade are overseas and a little bit of hope during a nightmare in krirg. a two-year-old boy abducted in an suv by a gunman suspected of killing two people in
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richmond. he's safe. and they're looking for jamal lewis clemons and believe he killed a man and a woman and took off with the boy in the back seat. ap cops say he knows his alleged victims and they will not say how. >> it's likely one of the west christmas presents a maryland military dad will get in tucson. colonel jeffrey alan boyd saw they were knighted during a special ceremony at medieval times. little did they know this was about to happen. >> oh, it was dad under the costume. and dad coming home just in time for christmas after a seven month deployment in baghdad. did you hear the little boy, daddy? >> gosh. >> welcome home. >> can you imagine? >> it's something to be away from your kids when you're eight hours for me. seven months every time i am i see that astonished by the sacrifice the troops make. merry christmas to the troops
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here and around the world. >> kelly: is religion losing influence in america? good question. juan williams here to answer with surprising numbers. first a message from a service member. ♪ >> hi, i'm major shaun quinn from kabul, afghanistan and wish all in hawaii especially my children, a very merry christmas and happy new year, i love you guys and i'll see you soon. my name's jeff.
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70% say that americans agree, god has a plan for them. over 90% feel the government is doing too much to interfere with their lives. how do you balance faith and politics? fox news contributor juan williams joins us now, merry christmas to you. >> merry christmas, kelly, what a wonderful morning. >> it's a fantastic morning anytime you can celebrate christmas which we should do every day it's a good thing, but there's a gallup poll out there, juan that says a lot of things about religion in america, and some are actually saying according to this poll, at that religion in america is losing its influence in american life. 70%, 70%, juan and increasing influence, 25%. why are we here? why are we at this state? >> i think especially you'll see in that poll, kelly. people are worried that the young folks aren't getting the training that leads us to have deep and sustaining faith so a lot of the seniors are worried
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that's why the country is headed in the wrong direction. you'll see as you were citing earlier in terms of the baylor poll. americans are a people of faith. they believe deeply in god and they believe, and this is just so, you know, on this morning, so special, they believe god has a plan for us, that god is watching over us, kelly. so the thing about it is, what i do for fox news is political analysis and i think lots of people then have trouble with american, world leadership at this time. wall street leadership and sometimes church leadership, but they don't, they don't question faith in god. they might have questions about how politicians want to use religion at times, but they never ever think, you know what? this is somehow an indication that i shouldn't love god or i shouldn't express my faith or i shouldn't use my faith in a way is a light to others in the world. >> can politicians use faith successfully? did you see politicians taking advantage of people of faith?
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>> and this is a curious year with everybody on the republican side running, and some candidates said, god told me to run or you see wedge issues come up or abortion or gay rights and politicians try to tell you this is what the bible says, et cetera. and i think that politicians who to that run the risk of people then becoming cynical or thinking, you know what? this is just a manipulative gesture and pushed a religion button to get a vote or money and again, people who have the thoughts, i can understand why people are cynical, but some back to the fact that we as an american people have a deep well of faith and that's what the polling shows and that's what interviews show, ainsley, the american people not only believe in god. he believes an active present in our lives and national life and politicians who want to make cynical use. that's on them, but the american people are able to separate out and even separate it out from the charltons, the
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jim and tammy bakers, tell evangelists and he can separate it out and separate out the politicians who want to vote on the fact that we are, in terms of our essential character, ainsley, a deeply religious and faithful people. >> i love that, juan, thank you so much. >> i remember of saying, he doesn't need them to do his job and needs ordinary people. >> right. >> willing to do extraordinary things. juan, that was very good. >> merry christmas. >> merry christmas, juan. >> you, too. >> did you know that the spirit of clause originated in a real saint? the history of saint nick ras, right after the break. ♪ ft, shouldn't it be given in an amazing way? ♪ the lexus december to remember sales event is here, but only for a limited time. see your lexus dealer.
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>> merry christmas everybody. time for us news by the numbers, christmas style. 28 billion the total money spent on gift cards this holiday season alone and in case you're wondering, that's an average of 155 bucks per person, wowsa. and 80,000 how many santa claus norad trackers took from anxious kids across the world
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wondering where jolly old st. nick was. that breaks a norad record. you can follow them on twitter. last, the 998,000, how many likes norad's face book page got. up from 716,000 likes last year. guys. >> and likes, kelly. >> kelly: and nonbelievers may say, santa claus isn't real, but despite what they say, he is the spirit of santa claus dates back a hundred years or more. >> ainsley: that's right. fox news religion correspondent lauren green has more on the history of st. nicholas. >> kris kringle, i'm santa claus. >> oh, you don't believe me, do you? >> uh-uh. >> yeah, susan, there is a santa. although skeptics have found the spirit of every santa claus is rooted in a real saint. st. nicholas, a bishop in the
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byzantine empire and the rests in the cathedral. >> he was known as a giver of gifts and redeemed people from slavery secretly. he gave dowries to women secretly. he helped the poor secretly. and never to embarrass anyone or glorify himself, but to glorify god. >> as christianity spreads through europe. so does the celebration of saints like nicholas, the patron saints of the poor and children. >> let's fast forward then to the low countries of belgium. the netherland and luxembourg, and we have st. nicholas in the language, sinter clause. >> and you can hear santa claus. associated with generosity and gift giving of people of the low country. >> then comes one of the great
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schisms of christianity, the veneration of saints, including saint nicholas. >> the dutch said forget it we're going to do it we don't care. and the english said, okay, what if we move it to christmas eve and say we're waiting for father christmas instead of st. nicholas, is that okay? the germans said we'll move it to christmas eve and we're going to say we're waiting for the christ child. >> as the germans and mohres came to america, kris kringle, father christmas a late night visitor. >> the night before christmas and all through the house and helped to define the santa claus image in america, along with coca-cola and ads. >> it's like a big souffle, for orthodox christians and
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the idea of gifts associated with christmas comes preeminently from the greatest gift, the gift of god's son to the human family. >> mr. kringle is santa claus. >> fox news. >> what a great movie. coming up next, we cooked up last-- or we cooked up a main dish last time and now it's time for the side dish, if you're not sure what to serve to your family. stick around. we have a top chef right here. >> kelly: smells good. ♪ pa rum pa pum pum >> i am he' lt. colonel rybates and like to say hello to my friend and family in california and hope to see you soon. this is an rc robotic claw.
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♪ ♪ >> you have no idea how well
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kelly wright danced. right now. i've gotten this, too, folks. >> ainsley: want to do this, too. >> this is thanks to my good friend and loyal viewer chas and created holiday jib jab for us, and our kids, love it. >> you look good in the elf costume and good for you. >> just work it, there we go. >> well, you don't have to do that and-- >> i did in, fact, i've seen you do that before. >> merry christmas everybody, thanks for the show and for starting off your christmas day with us. >> we know it's tradition that you get up and open presents and watch us. >> that's right. >> noi about tradition and my wife brandy and my kids emmerson and william, merry christmas to them. >> ainsley: oh, wait. >> dave: and a new one, but anyway, they've got last year's picture of my kids and my, but they are opening presents as we speak, and tearing into them.
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they're psyched. >> ainsley: next year, you'll have-- >> next year we'll have a third child in front of the tree. >> ainsley: a boy or girl. >> dave: we don't know. all over the place, girl, he both the kid want a girl and that's where we are right now, we're excited. >> kelly: we will see in a few months and senior producer jen, and her husband dennis and son jkz. >> that's great. >> ainsley: haven't seen the latest of her child jackson. >> dave: look how olds' getting already. and dennis. >> ainsley: i remember when they were dating and baby. >> kelly: i remember when jen was single and now she found one. >> dave: and dot dot dot. and merry christmas to my good friend and producer gavin, his beautiful wife tracy and-- a straight on picture of his son. oh, my goodness, exactly, it is a clone of-- >> that's scary. >> dave: sent the christmas card and i said this is your baby picture and not your son. >> kelly: and i remember gavin
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with a sparkle in his eye, i'm going to get married. >> ainsley: another gavin, this is scary. we love you, gavin. merry christmas. >> dave: all right. production assistant krissy with mom laurie and father bruce. >> ainsley: oh. >> dave: merry christmas to them. >> ainsley: what a family. those are medals that the dad is holding up. >> dave: a decorated police officers or perhaps firefighter. >> ainsley: whatever it is we thank you for your service. >> dave: policeman and production assistant, laura petty with mama re, and brother rob, and grandparents, peter and melania, merry christmas. >> ainsley: and the dog. >> dave: laurie works so hard for us here. >> ainsley: nice girl. >> dave: what was the dog's name. >> dave: the grandparents are off to the background. >> ainsley: and they're saying i'm chilling hanging out. having fun. merry christmas everyone. and let's get to our headlines now, people in colorado might have to wait a while for the christmas present because of the snowstorm at that hit the
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state earlier this week and ups is now saying, with this day, the weather prevented them from delivering some 50,000 packages. would you send your presents home. >> dave: no, they made it. >> ainsley: ups an apologizing for the inconvenience and promising to get the packages out as soon as possible. and a developing story out of afghanistan. there are no reports, a homicide bomb are killed ten people, including a member of the national parliament and it happened in the normally calm province of takhar. the crowd was reportedly leaving a funeral when that blast went off and right now it's unclear whether the homicide bomber was targeting that official. and from zuccotti park. more than half a dozen major museums and organizations are collecting materials by the occupy movement and. >> dave: gorge. >> ainsley: posters, garbage.
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>> dave: dirty sleeping bags, what do you want? >> the museum of the city of new york also planning an exhibit on occupy for next month. and are you ready for some cuteness. >> dave: i hope it's not scratch and sniff. >> ainsley: and stretching, all night. and this is the little can you be, a polar bear club in denmark. and he's actually raised by humans at the copenhagen zoo because the mother couldn't produce enough milk. he's getting healthier by the day. >> kelly: watch him when he's older though. >> ainsley: no. wait until they open their eyes, so cute. >> you're saying, weather has to be good. >> there's no snow anywhere, man. >> ainsley: there is in colorado. >> dave: that's it. i need some snow out here, rick. >> kelly: in texas, getting snow. >> dave: el paso, texas. >> check it out midland texas almost nine inches of snow
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this year, that's as much as chicago, buffalo, boston, and new york city combined for this winter. absolutely crazy. nobody would think that would be what would be happening, certainly by this point in winter, but it is, so if you're on the east i guess you can enjoy a nice day and get home to mom safely this morning. take a look at the weather maps. temps not that bad. the cold arctic air on the far northern tip of maine and minus nine in caribou. take a look at your forecast today. another coolish day across the northeast and not as cold as yesterday. it will be a few snow flurries, flying across the far northern areas of new england and far j upstate new york and past that looking pretty good and temps into the 50's across the central park then. see a lot of sunshine. and down towards the southeast where we have the rain, and pretty rainy day across parts of the deep south. stretching in towards georgia and temps in the 50's and 06's and florida, tell you what, 82 degrees in orlando. if you're one of the lucky people that planned a trip to
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the big parks there for christmas, you're looking really quite nice. toward the northern plains and check out the temperatures, i tell you, it's nice, but you should be having snow across the northern plains and need it for your crops and need it for the ski areas in wisconsin and they're not getting it. and temps into the 40's and 45 in bismark, unbelievable. across the west things looking nice and we'll see the activity returning to the pacific northwest and rain man mountain snow getting to be more typical this time of year. ainsley, send it back to you inside. >> good deal, rick, thank you. a holiday meal of course is not complete without the sides and this year we're cooking up brussel sprouts and they're easy to make and healthy and tasty. and guy hamilton is here to tell us about brussel sprouts. growing up down south i never had them in the menu and move up to new york, the latest, greatest, biggest trend. >> ainsley: delicious.
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>> very easy. >> ainsley: show me how to do this i walk in the grocery store and buy them like this. >> an in a pint container or a mesh sack and trim the ends. take the leaves aside and saute' this in garlic oil, and salt and pepper. >> ainsley: and the leaves. >> pull them out so they get crispy, a little bit of texture and crunch. >> ainsley: put the leaves in last. >> and toss everything with lemon at the end. >> at the end after it's cooked. take me through step by step. and i-- so we're the at about six minutes in, and trimming a little bit longer and 15 minutes and then you have bread crumbs, where you have a loaf of bread and toss in garlic oil with butter and dry them out in the oven and toss everything in the end. crunchy, crispy, salty, that's it. >> ainsley: smells delicious.
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my oven on 400, too high. >> don't need oven, saute' pan. >> ainsley: on the stove. >> you've got to tell me step by step. i can follow a recipe, but you're like my mom, my mom can taste something, oh, i think it needs a little bit of garlic or butter. i don't cook like that. you're the chef. >> everything is measured out online and it's great. if you want to follow the recipe, measure out teaspoons of salt and comes out the same. >> ainsley: and what have you learned about brussel sprouts. >> great for you and ease toy make and in all the restaurants and great side to a dish without adding starch and they're healthy. >> well, i mean, you have olive oil, but it's great. and vegetables are good for you, and they're not dtdz when you overcook something of course it's not delicious, but something cooks in ten minutes it's always delicious and remains the flavor. >> thank you so much, festive
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specially this time of year. >> yes. >> let's hand it over to the the guys on the curvy couch. >> i love brussel sprouts. >> dave: i'm not sold, i'll pass. coming up, if you want to vote you need to show a photo i.d. seems logical, right? not in south carolina, the justice department says having to show i.d. is a form of discrimination. that story is next. >> but first, a message from our troops. >> ♪ this is lt. colonel serving proudly in afghanistan and happy holidays to sister terry in encino and family and friends in southern california. take care. ♪ [ male announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually se arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis,
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>> good morning, here are headlines. >> electronic privacy center wants to know more about a program, phs is developing to monitor forums, blogs, public website and message boards and the spirit of christmas prevailing in pennsylvania. that's where six-year-old girl has won the right to hand out bracelets saying merry christmas to kindergarten classmates and school officials said the gifts were too religious, but a letter from the center for law and justice changed their mind. >> dave: earlier this week, the justice department blocked south carolina's voters i.d. law requiring people to have a photo i.d. to vote, from going into effect. the administration claiming the law discriminated against minorities, but our next guest says there is no evidence to back up that claim and the ruling is purely political. hans, a senior legal fellow at the heritage foundation, good morning to you, you helped
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handle a similar situation with georgia for the bush administration in 2005, the department of justice says it's discrimination to require i.d. to vote. what do you say? >> the facts just don't support that. south carolina election officials actually prepared their voter registration list to their driver's license list and they found a small percentage of whites and blacks don't have i.d. it was about 8 1/2 for whites, about 10% for blacks, but that 1 1/2% difference, that's not statistically significant. the other problem is, it turns out even those numbers are not valid. the ap reported on thursday that about 85% of whites and blacks who are registered and who don't have driver's licenses don't because they've either moved out of state or because about 60,000 of them are ted. so that means that only one or two percent of registered
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voters don't have i.d. and they can get that because the law provides a free photo i.d. for anyone who wants one. >> it seems so basic and fundamental to our society. ask a teenager, they'll tell you today, they have to have an i.d. to do anything and it's a no-brainer and those kids you have to have an i.d. to vote and here is what attorney general eric holder has to say about the law. >> texas and south carolina, for example, have connected laws, establishing new photo identification requirements that we are reviewing. although i cannot go into detail about the ongoing review of these and other state law changes, i can assure you that it will be thorough. and it will be fair. we will examine the facts and we will apply the law. >> so if the numbers are, as you broke them down for us, true, that the discrimination angle doesn't hold up. why might the department of justice be seeking to overturn this type of law? >> because, look, the people who drive the decision making and justice department these
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days, particularly when it comes to voting matters are aclu and the naacp and you can see that in fact, all the people they've hired into career lawyer jobs, in the voting section, which is a section that handles this, they put, they apply a political litmus test and come from organizations who have litigated against and tried to stop voter i.d. unsuccessfully, including in georgia. >> the supreme court back in 2008 upheld an indiana state law. very similar to this. in fact, it was a 6-3 decision, not close, including justice stevens who wrote for the majority in this case, that said the law requiring photo at the ballot box was constitutional and in indiana all they did was say, we will give anyone an i.d. for free to all citizens and all they do is have to come and request one. does it end up in the supreme court like the indiana law?
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>> well, what's going to happen hopefully is that south carolina will now file a federal lawsuit to overturn the justice department decision. if they do it's likely they're going to win the same way that georgia won when their similar photo i.d. law was also sued on and that case was thrown out the court. >> it should be interesting to see where this goes. it seems like, to keep fraud out of our elections, this is the only choice we have. hans, a fellow at heritage foundation. thanks for being here this being this being. >> thanks, merry christmas. >> dave: coming up, patients having access to doctor notes via the internet. and that's a legal debate. would it help or a recipe for trouble. and we ask, but first a message from our troops. >> i'm coming to you from
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afghanistan, how are you today? like to say hi to my family in oregon come together for the holidays and have a chance to say hi, i love you, have a great time and enjoy and save some snow for me. take care, love you, bye. ♪
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♪ ♪ gone away is the blue bird ♪ ♪ here to stay is a new bird ♪ ♪ he sings a love song as we go along ♪ ♪ walking in a winter wonderland ♪ >> i tell you, you can't go wrong with ray charles on a christmas morning and speaking of winter wonderland. that's part of our fox news studios and people around the world have come to take pictures in front of that, from our family to your family, we wish you all a ve very, very wonderful christmas. >> dave: and lights some of the best around the country. here is one from montgomery, texas. check this one out. ♪ you're a monster, mr. grinch ♪ >> nice
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♪ your brain is full of spiders, you've got garlic in your soul, mr. grinch ♪ >> i wouldn't touch you with a-- >>. >> kelly: that's fantastic and costs some money and synchronized with the song. >> dave: i'd love to know the coordination of that. >> ainsley: not to put p these lights. >> dave: no, that was not clark griswold. jim carrey rocked that. >> kelly: the guy must be a lighting engineer. >> ainsley: and reminds you of the stories that we read. >> dave: and brings back christmas. more and more doctors are putting your medical information online and it seems helpful for the patients, but maybe not. according to a study by harvard medical school 94% of patients say it would.
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>> ainsley: 80% of doctors worry that it would cause more harm than good. and joining us now is one of our favorite doctors, dr. siegel, of the fox news medical a-team. >> good morning, merry christmas. >> ainsley: merry christmas, what do you think about this, yea or nay? >> i don't have a simple answer because the patients love this idea. they had 37,000 patients in the study and over 90% of them said it's a good idea. 80% said it would improve their health and what it is, something called open notes where basically, patients could log in and get the doctor's note from their last visit in advance of their next visit. >> what type of notes? >> routine, dave briggs comes in and healthy, here is your blood pressure and the problem is, here is what i see the down side being. the positive side is, you feel more educated. and better communication with your doctor. and the down side is, i use a technical jargon. a lot of doctors do. this is emr. >> dave: chicken scratches.
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>> this is electronic. >> dave: kidding. >> i use scary language and patients could be worried. a lot of doctors said that patients are going to be worried and the more problem, generate more and more interaction that doctors don't have the time to do, frankly. >> dave: not in primary care. >> exactly. >> kelly: let's take a look why some of the patients want access online. 80% of patients say information would empower them to actually take charge of their health and you've kind of alluded to that and 90% of patients said it would give them more control and 80% said they would take better care of themselves. i think that's what they're looking for. >> kelly, that's something worth taking very seriously. but i want to also point out that 50% said they would share their information with other people. and the doctors who are worried about that because the privacy laws, i'd like to ask people out there to write us, at what you think about this because frankly, i think all of our patients are going to say they want it, but i want to say, be careful what you wish for
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here. >> ainsley: i'm not sure about that, dr. siegel. a lot of people have personal things in medical charts, they're scared to have that online. if we have hackers breaking into the pentagon with security and how do we know people aren't doing that with medical files. not everyone think-- our candidates don't want us hacking into the medical records. >> that's a great point and some people said they would literally alter what they tell doctors knowing it's online and ckoconversely, the doctors might change the notes. >> dave: would you change your notes knowing they'll be posted or read online. >> i wouldn't. it's the way i practice and i wouldn't. i think most of my cohorts would. doctors tend to practice defensively and look, let me tell you something about the rule out diagnosis. i might write something like rule out lung cancer in the chart, knowing full well less than 1% chance. a patient reading online, rule
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out lung cancer they can't stop thinking about that. that's where the worry comes in. i communicate better person to person. >> dave: don't we all. so much lost. >> ainsley: now, dr. siegel, if this is passed and decide to go with open notes can you opt out? >> you can opt out as a patient and parents may not be aware of what they're signing up for. a vast majority want this. once you have it it you might find your notes escape. i think we're going to lose control. more and more technology goes in for a better security security system. but hackers to worry about. >> dave: the doctor makes the sunday house call. and 10:30 with dr. saved somani. and a year in review. >> thanks. >> ahead, this house claims to have the world's best light display. ♪ sleigh bells ring are you listening ♪ >> yeah, they do.
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>> ainsley: might agree. and what's that-- >> i think i might agree. do you think it deserves the title. the best and brightest, top of the hour. ♪ >> i'm gordon zimmerman 364th esp and like to say merry christmas, happy thanksgiving to my lovely wife michelle in co coopdale, washington. see you sunshine, love ya. ♪ ♪ a beautiful sight, we're happy tonight, walking in a winter wonderland ♪ ♪ gone away is the blue bird,
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here to stay is the new bird ♪ ♪ sings a love song as we go along, walking in a winter wonderland ♪ .
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>> good morning, it's sunday, december 25th. merry christmas to all of you at home. and pope benedict xvi delivering his message at st. peter's square and we're there to celebrate the life of jesus christ. >> dave: and two different emerging pictures. on one side of the world our troops celebrating christmas away from their families, while others are reunited with their loved ones in nick of time. and across the world, people lighting up the town. ♪ >> you've got to love it.
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talking about a roundup of the best christmas lights display here on "fox & friends" which starts right now. ♪ >> done me now our gay apparel, fa-la-la-la-la ♪ ♪ the ancient yuletide carol, if a la la la, la la la la ♪ ♪ see the blazing yule before us, fa-la-la-la-la la ♪ >> merry christmas everybody, good sunday morning, thank you for starting off with "fox & friends," i'm dave briggs. >> kelly: i'm kelly write. >> dave: in for clayton. >> ainsley: i'm in for alisyn. >> dave: and favorite christmas traditions, what have you got.
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>> kelly: to me, christmas morning getting the kids up and pray before we actually open the presents and like they're anticipating --. >> dave: are your kids excited at 21. >> kelly: still excited at 21 and 24, michael and morgan are excited and can't wait to tear into the toys and go through the tradition. >> dave: mine is being here on the curvy couch. >> ainsley: i know, i know. that's not happening next year, and we can get christmas day off. your son is four years old and never been with him to see what santa brings him. >> dave: i'll be home soon. >> kelly: exactly after the show. nothing like christmas in new york. >> ainsley: you know where i would love to be, in rome to see at the vatican and thousands of people around the world. gathering in st. peters square at the vatican this morning and they're there to hear pope benedict xvi, and deliver the traditional christmas message. and joining us live from rome is greg burke. >> dave: greg, merry christmas to you, sir. what were benedict's christmas wishes today? >> merry christmas, guys,
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well, basically, one wish. you know, praying for peace around the world and that was the main thing. he talked about christ being the prince of peace and he talked about, you know, hoping there could be dialog once again between the israelis and palestinians and end to the violence in syria and then he talked about, you know, the importance of praying for so many people suffering around the world for, not only reasons of violence, but also, natural calamities, and the number of refugees, and famine, that kind of thing and he says it's important that we do remember, these people, especially at this time and also that the international community helped them as much as possible. so, certainly was overall, i guess you could say, a plea for peace around the world. guys. >> and greg, last night the message was one about too much materialism, right? >> yeah, it was, it was very interesting, you know, the pope didn't say, no, you can't have gifts. he talked about that earlier this week and said, you know, you have to just remember, why do we give gifts here, and what is the reason for the the joy? basically he said don't be blinded, he said christmas
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lights as you guys have been talking about today. lights are an important part of the holiday and don't be blinded by the glitter and make sure you remember what christmas is all about and why we should be joyful today and what is the reason for that, guys. >> great reminders for us, thank you so much. merry christmas to you. >> merry christmas. >> and now to beth hem. hundreds of people have come to celebrate the birthplace of christ. >> joining us there, leland vittert. nice weather for you there, my friend, merry christmas. >> ainsley: a little cold. >> reporter: merry christmas, 36 and raining, it's perfect out here and perhaps proves that the faithful cannot be deterred on the road to bethlehem by the rain and cold and thousands of people packed in the manger square last night and also this morning, here, this morning at morning service inside the church of the nativity. it was a very special place as always, last night. and midnight mass, which is
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standing room only and only open to international visitors and got to apply way early for tickets to see the patriarch and see the birth of jesus two millennia. and it's a magical time in bethlehem. at least 24 hours they try to put the conflict behind them. last night in manger square, a lot of security and a huge part of the bethlehem economy and make sure that everybody stays safe and have the sweets and treats and street party and stay warm as well. >> dave: leland, it's 69 and comfortable here on the curvy couch. >> ainsley: oh. >> dave: merry christmas. >> kelly: leland don't pay attention to him. air in bethlehem where it began. >> dave: i kid with him, sorry, buddy. >> kelly: you're there where it it began. >> dave: get some hot cocoa, see you, bud.
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>> ainsley: we love you, leland, merry christmas. >> dave: all le land wants is a nice worm studio.eweworm-- warm stewed he yo. warm studio he. and kids have written. >> ainsley: i am worried that my mommy's house does not have a big enough chimney. i think santa claus will get stuck, help. love leah. my son did ask me, why is santa so fat and no-brainer, it's the cookies. >> ainsley: right. >> dave: come on. >> kelly: his favorite chocolate chips. another letter, hi santa, dear santa, for this christmas i'd like a hannah montana movie. okay. hannah montana coiler, hannah montana clothes, shoes. how about a hannah montana ear microphone. hannah montana cd. hannah montana wig.
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anything hannah montana. >> ainsley: she's easy to shop for. >> dave: and american girl and the little girls love the american girl stuff. >> kelly: i think in the last category, take the child to a hannah montana concert. >> dave: not easy to get those. >> ainsley: lucy an older and goodness says this year, please give me a fat bank account and a slim body and please don't mix those two up like you did last year (laughter) >> i like that. a slim bank account and a-- how old is lucy, that's-- >> arj it says. >> kelly: i wonder what mr. santa claus and mrs. santa claus think about lucy's letter. let's go to rick reichmuth. >> rick: a great question. guy who knows a thing or two about the letters. have you heard that before, a fat bank account and a slim body? >> i've heard that before, yes, i have.
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the big bank account, tough times you know, but we could give numbers so that maybe they could-- the lottery, yes. >> rick: oh, and who you ask for the numbers, people don't think of that. an e-mail came from kay lee, aren't you tired, shouldn't you get sleep? >> i am very tired, yes, and pretty soon headed home. mrs. claus and i will be climbing back in the sleigh going up to the north pole and when she's going to have my hot chocolate, right, mrs. claus? >> yes, we're going to plan a celebration for our elves because they did a wonderful job this year. >> well, keep your questions coming in to us, or fx weekend on twitter and keep talking to santa claus and this is a big opportunity for santa. guys. >> rick, i think you need the hot chocolate, don't make mrs. claus do that? and she has been taken care of. >> that's right. >> and it's cool and they have
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a-- >> it went very well. >> an exclusive with santa. >> thank you, rick. >> all morning long, we've been compiling a list, solve the best, some of the worst christmas gifts and now we've got some of your responses, here is a tweet from tom coleman, the best gift i received this year was to find out that soon to arrive grandson will be named after me. and that is a wonderful honor, tom, good for you. >> oh, that's-- >> how about this one, i gave my wife a hoodie footie for christmas last night and she gave me a really dirty look. >> dave: i gave alisyn a hoodie footie. >> kelly: what kinds was it from this gentleman. >> ainsley: and that's they sell on fox, seen, zip up things and take the footies off if you get too hot. >> dave: sweet us at ff weekend, and best and worst and let me know how the wife thought. why didn't she like the hoodie footie. >> ainsley: maybe the kind you
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were thinking. and i knew, new video just in from afghanistan and a glimpse now how our troops overseas celebrating christmas. take a look at this, the u.s. soldiers at the n.a.t.o. base in kabul. and soldiers gave a special christmas lunch and including pasta and turkey of course the christmas cake and now to a much more somber story out of afghanistan. there are new reports of homicide bomb are killed ten people including a member of the national parliament, it happened in the normally calm province of takhar. the crowd was leaving a funeral there when the bomb detonated. it's not clear whether the bomber was target that go official. emotional reunion at fort hood. some of the last troops out of iraq, returning home and reuniting with families just in time for christmas. (cheer (cheers) >> and that has to be the
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best feeling. hundreds of excited family members were in the rain welcoming home the troops and many soldiers say it was just a privilege to be some of the last ones out of combat and boy, are they glad to be home. >> indeed, indeed. >> good to be home for the holidays and it's a bless that go we could make it home. i'm getting ready to get home and have a good time with my family. >> the men and women from the third brigade. cavalry division. we wush them the best this morning. >> the president claims his biggest flaw is laziness. >> there is a deep down underneath all the work i do, i think there is he hae laziness. >> wow. >> could those comments hurt the president's chances for reelection? we'll ask our political panel next. plus, he won over our hearts in american idol. his name is danny gokey and
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he's here live to talk about an organization that's very close to his heart. ♪ >> i'm captain tony vincente, afghanistan. sell everyone hi, and wish my wife and kids. go broncos. ( phone ringing )
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okay... uhh. the bad news, it's probably totaled. the good news is, you don't have to pay your deducble. with vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance, you got $100 off for every year of safe driving, so now your deductible is zero. the other good news ? i held on to your coffee. wow. ♪ nationwide is on your side ( laughing ) it's actually a pretty good day whenou consider. that's great. sure. cake or pie? pie. apple or cherry? cherry. oil or cream?
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oil or cream? cream. reddi-wip us real dairy crm. nothing's more real than reddi-wip. because for every two pounds you lose through diet and exercise, alli can help you lose one more by blocking some of the fat you eat. let's fight fat with alli. ♪ >> president obama is currently spending his christmas in hawaii with the first family. before the president left of the he sat down with an interview and sat down with his more personal side. >> what's the trait you most deplore in yourself and most
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deplore in others. >> laziness? >> you're laziness? >> you know, it's interesting, there is a deep down underneath the work i do, there's a laziness in me. it's probably from, you know, growing up in hawaii and it's sunny outside and, sitting on the beach. >> ainsley: the president admitting he's lazy? someone who has been criticized for being aloof and sometimes too hands off can the comments hurt him politicalically? let's go to the panel and ask him. joining us is a democratic strategist, dedeis a g.o.p. strategist and tj walker managing editor of the national okay, so, what do you guys think about this? is this going to hurt him? >> no, this is utter nonsense. >> the democrats are speaking, i love it, a big gift for us because we can say, yeah, he's lazy and i believe him. i believe what he says. how are you lazying and you live in hawaii, how about the
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friends in hawaii are thrilled he called him lazy. >> and the americans-- >> the republican talking point and americans have been telling people that this guy has destroyed our health care system. destroyed the military. radicalized the government and supposedly done all of these horrible things and how could you possibly do that if you're lazy? there's a logical inconsistency about there. >> what do you not like about yourself and others, he also said he doesn't like laziness in others, we all know a personal trainer with 10% body weight that says lazy-- >> an about other people. >> let's say this, if you have-- >> and all of the character traits we might not like about ourselves and working hard to overcome them. no different than saying this is a quality i have in myself. i work hard to overcome and don't become president in the united states being lazy and same thing as people who blamed george book, spending a
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third of his time in texas. >> and the worst thing he's said america has gotten lazy, he needs to stop with the lazy louie talk, it's negative. and say measuring rocks, the be best-- america rocks and is the best country on the planet. and said america's kind of lazy and then he said hawaiiens are lazy and heck, i'm lazy, too. >> he said we're lazy about attracting foreign investment and that's what we've-- >> and what every republican has said. >> let's not take what he said out of context. >> and my media trainer had on, i will fault him, it's a complex answer and he should know any negative word out of his mouth, his opponents are going to try to tie it to him and attack him. he needs to be more forceful and paint in simple good, bad terms. it wasn't a great answer. >> and scared to go on camera until they're the definite nominee, take some of the g.o.p. candidates for
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instance, many are shying away from the media because they're scared if he ne say the wrong thing in the debate when rick perry didn't know the third policy. >> and mitt romney avoiding every network except this one for years. >> and sit down with-- >> part. -- >> one question that everyone picks apart. >> it's part of the job of being a president or a presidential candidate, you have to be able to communicate to people like you. obama is pretty good most of the time, even his enemies would contend that's a fair assessment, but every so often he gives an answer that's too complex and comes back to bite him you know where. >> and i'd like to see our president be much more positive about himself and a better country, about hawaiiens and everything. >> and based on the things that-- >> work harder, that's positive. >> the lesson here when you go to a job interview, they say what's your weakness. >> don't say lazy, say like perfectionist. >> lazy louie. >> and will the feds cracking down on cupcakes?
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this has nothing to do with the sugar and the fat. they are worried they might be cupcakes, and let me remind you, a security threat. we're going to explain and remember him from american idol? ♪ how can we forget danny gokey and his story. 's doing something more amazing than his singing career this christmas. he's live here next. ♪ ♪ while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually se arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion.
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>> merry, "fox & friends" christmas, folks. for the second time in 50 years, the united nations trimming its budget for the the 2012, 2013 fiscal year and the u.s. chopping its budget down to 5.15 billion dollars. that's down from 5.41 billion the year before. and he's just jordan romero
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setting records and reached the peak in antarctica, the youngest person in history to climb all seven major peaks on every continent in the world. darn overachievers, kelly making me feel like a slacker. >> kelly: he's an overachiever, one guy who is not a slacker, he went over our hearts in season eight in american idol. and let's check him out. ♪ sing for the laughter, sing for the tears. sing it with me just for today. >> kelly: that's the electri electrifying danny gokey and spreading cheer through a foundation in memory of his late wife sophia. ab good to see you and merry christmas to you, my friend. >> merry christmas, kelly thanks for having me on show. >> kelly: it's a pleasure to have you on especially talking about the work you're doing in honor of your your wife sophia and i was recently in nashville. the grand tour of the 77,000
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square foot building named sophia's heart, which is the heart of you, of you, and what you're trig to do with your music, making it a movement. tell us about it, please. >> yeah, when i was on american idol, the whole world was introduced to me, but not only just he me, but the story of tragedy before going on the show and i founded an organization in honor of my five called sophia's heart and it's my desire and i look at my music career and mention it we're going to show it more than just me, but a movement and it's mission entertainment with hope and giving people opportunity and that's what we've been able to do with sophia's heart. >> you sing with inner city kids and homeless transitional house you've established through sophia's heart and doing secretary what pope benedict was talking about to the masses last night and today, with his, his christmas message. and that is to give to others so this they might receive the
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blessings you've been bestowed with. why do you do this? >> you know, my parents raised me in church and it's something that just, something that caught and just rooted so deeply in my heart. and you know, people were there for me when i was going through my darkest hour, before my wife passed away i didn't have a lot of money and i had to depend on a lot of people to help me out at times and get through some very difficult financial situations, myself. but always, even through those difficult types, i just still had this heart to help people and i would always, you know, me and my late wife at the time would always volunteer at organizations, helping the homeless and helping, bringing hope to people who felt they didn't have any hope. >> kelly: it's fantastic. you've helped a lot of families in nashville and plan to take in 19 homeless families as well as create a music and arts program and talk about your late wife and fans would like to know where you're at romantically and i
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met your lovely fiancee and you're asking for-- well, she is asking for an unusual wedding gift. >> yeah, it was the most beautiful thing, she came up to me after we got engaged and took me aside and listen, i don't want any gifts for our wedding. really? my ears perked up. i want as, for the invitation for the family i want them to give towards the organization. in honor of us, because it's her desire, too, just to see homeless families helped and her desire to see kids, who don't have a lot of opportunity to be given the opportunity. and she really feels like that our wedding could be, you know, very significant in helping, in helping all of these people and it really, you know, my heart was touched when she did that, because you know, you have to have someone strong with you in partnership with you to make an organization like this flourish and it's, you know, and god has put someone in my life who wants to see this dream come to pass like i do. who wants to see homeless families helped and see kids
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given the opportunity and not only that she's with the long-term, and she wants to see people on drugs relittle tated. >> kelly: danny, quickly, how can your fans help with you sophia's heart and wonderful foundation na you've created? >> absolutely. people can go to sophia's and find out more of what we're doing and go there to make donation to help us out and get the vision as help as many families as we can. >> kelly: danny gokey, we thank you for what you're doing to help out so many people and more than just the music, you're making it a movement and for those who want to go on to the web, you can log on to and get the information as well. danny gokey, continue singing buddy, and continue sending message of christmas cheer to everyone every day of your life, thank you. >> absolutely, merry christmas. >> kelly: merry christmas to you. >> kelly: coming up, showing off the christmas spirit. >> ♪
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>> can you say wow? that's good. that's a home and look at some of the best and brightest christmas displays next and the feds cracking down on cupcakes. did you hear about this one? this has nothing to do with sugar and fat. so worried there's a security threat. we'll explain. huh? but first, a message from our troops. ♪ >> i'm lance corporal from nevada deployed to camp leather neck, afghanistan, i want everyone at home, to wish you a happy holidays and merry christmas and i love you sweetheart. i'll be home soon. ♪ if they want "big" savings on car insurance, it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat... ...'scuse me... ...or a big steak...
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with doctors dregenberg and honeydew. and we're here at the ul labs to demonstrate the do's... and don'ts... of holiday safety. ma ma ma me me. do water your tree every day. don't let your tree get too dry.
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oh! do make sure your lights have the ul mark. ooh ooh ooh! and don't use worn or damaged lights. oh! oh! ohh. are you okay, beaker? >> ♪ . around the christmas tree at the christmas party house ♪ ♪ you can see... ♪ >> that's your favorite little elves. >> you had a vacuum cleaner. >> i do it all. he very don't. >> i like how we're owl carolling.
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>> you can do that easily, me, on the other hand. >> oh, dave, you still made it, falling off the ladder. fantastic. >> and "fox & friends" elves, from the folks at jib jab. save that until after the show sh show. >> ainsley: ♪ rocking around the christmas tree ♪ . you do thie singing. you know that kelly has an album out. >> dave: i'm going to watch this, keep that going, i love it. >> ainsley: and a sample of kelly wright singing. >> kelly: you want to get real about the music. something i did in 2009 with the marilyn sympathy orchestra, a great christmas song, i think you'll recognize it and tell me who is the author or compose are of the song, fantastic. listen. ♪ and so i'm offering this simple phrase ♪ ♪ to kids from one to 92 ♪
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♪ although it's been said many times many ways ♪ ♪ merry christmas to you ♪ >> wow. [applause] >> thanks, guys, thank you, and merry christmas to all of you. and-- >> and you look so dapper. >> you like the tuxedo he. >> absolutely. >> handsome. >> the first time you're on national tv and sang in front of a large awudience, what was more nerve wracking. >> i remember opening up from "fox & friends" and one of the previous al dumps and i was so nervous and in the morning, you have the singers voice and in the morning i had the singers voice and they were just, they were so supportive of me and able to do it. >> dave: you're not nervous at all about it. >> kelly: i still get nervous, when you anticipate trying to
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do something good so every time i sing i get a little nervous. >> ainsley: if we want to buy your album that's amazing. >> kelly: goodness and mercy, on itunes,, at any christian bookstore throughout the country. >> dave: and that's good stuff. myself, i'm more of a car singer, and horrible, but i acknowledge it, i'm terrible, but i own it. merry christmas to all of you, a few shoutouts to family and friends and see if you recognize this little guy. >> ainsley: which little guy. >> dave: so many in there. rick reichmuth, which one are you? >> cheryl is in that picture in the red, wearing the red and i'm in her lap. that must be my first christmas and i realized i've got my cousins in there, also, watching the show and happy, wayne and damon and doug and bill and-- >> 40 years later, rick still wears a onesie.
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the hoodie footie, i'm not joking. >> taking some pictures in the office. >> ainsley: and rick, your brother, how many siblings do you have. >> rick: i'm the youngest of five. youngest of five and my cousins, there were four of them. so there mutt be nine. >> ainsley: like a whole football team. >> rick: and chaos. >> dave: thanks, buddy. moving on to shaun in the house right now. >> ainsley: shaun, such a nice guy, where is shaun? >> there he is. >> ainsley: a good looking family. >> dave: yes, right smack in the middle there and surrounded by who, shaun? tell us the names. >> kelly: he's not going to tell us. >> dave: i wonder all brothers and sisters and some. >> his mom naomi. >> ainsley: look how gorgeous his mom is. >> dave: i think that's a glass of pinot greggio. >> kelly: and producer sophie
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and gavin. >> dave: another gavin. >> ainsley: look at that little boy. looks like he's into something. merry christmas to them. our producer deanna one of my favorites here, home with her family, rather unusual for her, merry christmas to all of them, the kids sophie, olivia and aj. >> kelly: supervising writer brian telly and grandmother, that's great. did you call your grandmother nan? i called mer nan. >> ainsley: grandmothers are the best. i'm sure she's so proud. >> dave: here is sam hoenig, and her family, always working hard for us, and i'm he surprised she's not here this morning, i'm sure in two or three hours, we thank you for all that you do. >> dave: she's probably on the way in. merry christmas to you and the troops serving overseas as well. >> ainsley: your headlines and story we've been following out
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of nigeria where there's been at least four explosions, including twin deadly bombings. now, the first blast hit a church near the capital city. and this happened while christmas mass was held. at least 25 people were killed, and a second blast at a church near the city, and in the past few minutes at least in a radical muslim sect has come out claiming responsibility for the the bombings and that actually happened a few minutes ago. a little bit of a christmas nightmare in virginia. a two-year-old little boy abducted in an suv by a gunman in richmond is now safe and police turned their focus on finding jamal lewis clemons and believe this guy, they believe that he killed a man and a woman, and then took off in that s.u.v. with the boy in the back and cops say that clemons knows his alleged victims and will not say how. shocking new revelations from jimmy hoffa's chauffeur turned
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informant in his new book, marvin claims that the teamster boss was whacked by his own people and here is the shocker. guess where he claims he is buried? in the foundation of the general motors headquarters in detroit. he writes that he learned about hoffa's final resting place during a teamsters conference in detroit back in the '80s. >> dave: i've heard that before. >> ainsley: i've heard giants stadium. call it a bright idea, we've been showing you the best christmas lights displays around the world and this is definitely one of them. take a look. ♪ >> makes you want to sing with this or get up and dance. and that's more than 50,000 lights synchronized to christmas music. how do they do that. >> kelly: i don't know, that's fantastic. >> ainsley: and the music is playing as you drive by the
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house and hear the music and see. >> kelly: i'm sure you do, might want to stop and pause and see what's going on and speaking of seeing what's going on. what's happening with the weather, because there could be some travel advisories out there. >> guys, got to ask you, doesn't anybody just put out christmas lights that don't flash and set to christmas music. >> kelly: not anymore, subtlety is gone. >> rick: they're beautiful, but the flashing-- >> you want to drive by and don't necessarily want it across the street from you, right. >> rick: exactly it. all right. take a look at the maps guys, your temps as you're waking up this morning, cold up to northern maine and that's about it. cold across parts of the west and certainly could be a lot worse this time of year and take a look at your forecast for the day. the northeast, you're looking cool, but not as cold as yesterday. 41 in syracuse, a little bit of snow across the northern tier and not going to accumulate late to anything problematic. and areas across the south. pretty significant rain and
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might see thunderstorms popping up in there and a few travel delays possible as wellment and up towards the northern plains and we're talking about a nice day and the temps are around 20 degrees above where you typically should be and no snow on the ground. across the west, we're looking at a nice day and more rain and snow move into the pacific network and that will be with us the next few days. dave, we'll send it to you, inside. >> get in here, because we're cooking up a christmas feast, now it's time for the best part. dessert. joining us now, executive chef at the grand height, guy hamilton and this is your wheel house. you're the pastry chef and do you desserts better than anybody else, tell me about these almonds, seem simple. >> they are simple. something you can use as a decoration as we talked about. >> it looks likes a decoration. >> you pile them and then it just looks welcoming. so, we made a mer ring, a swiss meringue, and take your
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egg whites and over a double boiler and whip them until they're stiff peaks. pull your whisk out of the bowl and they're straight up. and take an ice cream scoop or a spoon if you want to and dollop your meringue into sliced almonds, 250 degree often. >> dave: how long. >> an hour and 20 minutes and what they do, kind of puff up and hollow on the inside. so it's marshmallowy on the inside and dry on the outside or crispy and i start them in the freezing, so it's kind of like a cold marshmallow on the inside. >> you need the freezer part. you can't skip that. >> you can, but i think they're more delicious. >> i'm going to trust you on that, what's the next step. >> then we want to fill them. you can eat them as is with meringue and almonds or a jam of sorts. so i made an apricot filling
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with heavy cream, a little bit of orange juice, vanilla and honey and apricots and brought it to a boil and pursue reed itd with jam, they're not available seasonally, they're available in the summer. dried apricots are a big thing for this time of year and my mom made dinner last night and so, yeah, so, nen you-- since they get hollow inside. they have a hole, but if not you poke a hole in the bottom and fill them. >> naturally you'll get a little who will. okay. >> fill them with apricot and that's it. >> use them for decoration or eat them. >> yes, might explode everywhere but-- >> that's okay. >> here. >> and thanks to guy hamilton pastry chef. and better read the tease first. coming up as you open your presents don't forget the true
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meaning. season. father jonathan morris with pa reminder. and a crackdown on cupcakes, trying to bring the sweet treats on boards. the security worries they're a security threat. we'll explain, i'll eat. imagine living your life with less chronic osteoarthritis pain. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a non-narcotic treatment that's fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. people taking maois or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing of the skin or eyes. talk with your doctor about your medicines,
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♪ >> welcome back, merry christmas, quick headlines for you, apparently occupy wall street has become a collectible more than a half dozen major museums and organizations are now collecting materials produced by the occupy movement. the museum or the city of new york, for example, is planning an exhibition for next month. and if you're feeling full after eating the big christmas dinner tonight? >> before you've eaten. >> okay, eating a big breakfast, too, just eat some sugar, just a spoon full of
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chicago makes the medicine go down. a new study out of norway finds that sugar relaxes the muscles in the stomach allowing you to eat more and feel less full. >> and guys, come on ♪ a spoon full of chicago makchicago-- sugar makes the medicine go down ♪ >> of course. >> dave: terrific. >> ainsley: it's christmas morning across the country and families are opening up gifts and eating food and spending time with loved ones and it isn't, not to forget the true spirit of christmas. >> dave: and back again with us is father jonathan morris, who is the author of god wants you happy. father, good morning, merry christmas. >> merry christmas. >> ainsley: i love that title. christmas morning, there's a lot of sports on today. should dads, should guys and gals feel guilty about sitting out in front of the couch and watching sports on this important day. >> yes, if you're-- >> and need permission, exactly. i couldn't see it. now, there's, all this have is
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part of being with family. right? having a good time and celebrating, some people do it by watching football and other people do it by playing football outside with family and friends, but, as ainsley mentioned, all of this is for a reason. and that is that today, we celebrate that over 2000 years ago, a man named jesus of nazareth was born and transformed, not only human history, but can transform, we believe as christians, our own personal history. why? because we're sinners and messed up and it's god becoming man and giving us a second chance and that's the ultimate love. right? all of us, i think all of us experience. >> yeah. >> personally, a longing to love and to be loved. and that's the extension human longing and when we're able to love and be loved by a god who knows us inside and out, and unconnell conditionally, what
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a great reason to celebrate. >> and it all comes back to the days. and what a wonderful message and a true message. sustains you through the hard time and they've been through adverse times economically, but if you have that, it goes to show that the peace and the gift of christmas dishes something much more-- >> absolutely. and if we boil religion down it a set of rules, moral codes or even of a, in a hope in a future, something or other, you know, that is certainly-- that's not something to celebrate, but when you're celebrating the birth of god, who knows us and loves us, and who is desired to come down and be like us in all things. what a reason to separate. >> ainsley: what about the people watching that lost a loved one, a difficult time for them. >> i mentioned before, the longing to love and be loved
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and when you've lost somebody, that is a huge part of your life, that's missing. >> i was just with a woman with my parish this last week lost her husband of 56 years, 56 years, and there's no consolation brought to her by pure ideas. you have to be there to comfort them. christmas also is a time for us to practice the love that jesus taught us, which is self-forgetfulness, itselflessness, i don't know if you can say self-forgetfulness and loving others who are going through a tough time. >> don't forget, father jonathan, new for that and it's a good way to put a bow around christmas and ribbons as well. you guys are wearing red and i came unprepared. >> thank you, father jonathan. >> thank you for your permission to watch sports, i appreciate that. merry christmas and take a look and they want you happy. coming up next, the government now saying cupcakes are a terror threat. we'll explain why the sweet treat is coming under fire at
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airports. >> plus, we're checking back in with santa claus and mrs. claus to see how they're holding up after a very-- >> must be tired. >> yes, they are. ♪ hello, how can i deliver world-class service for you today ? we gave peopleight off the street a script and had them read it. no, sorry, i can't help you with that. i'm not authorized to access that transaction. that's not in our policy. i will transfer you now. my supervisor is currently not available. would you like to hold ? that department is currently closed. have i helped you with everything you needed ? if your bank doesn't give you knowledgeable customer service 24/7, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense.
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>> welcome back, folks, first, we have to take off our shoes, then we can't bring on a bottle of water, past the security check and now tsa coming after, you've got it, folks, cupcakes. that's right, a boston woman claiming that tsa confiscated her cupcakes because the icing is considered a gel-like substance and therefore, cannot be brought on a plane. are cupcakes, really a terror threat? joining us now, founder of world and national security analyst, christian action network. good to see you, sir. >> merry christmas. >> these things look dangerous, for the waistline, not a for an airplane.
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abbing looking at those. >> why did the tsa agents confiscate a cupcake? >> like you said they consider it to be gel-like, i think they're just hungry. i only heard of one incidence of this happening and i don't quite see how you can make an explosive out of that so i think it's just kind of one of those really crazy stories. >> so you're not supporting what the tsa is doing in this behalf. typically trying to keep us safe and you say there's not a whole lot of validity here? >> i'm not too worried about the cupcakes, it's hard to project strength when you're freaking out about the icing on cupcakes. >> and the larger narrative. we're doing the wrong things, and using the wrong techniques and we've talked about ellal airlines many, many times and what are they doing that we have repeatedly failed to do here in the united states? >> well, they analyze behavior. and the history and where we're going and interview and and try and poke holes in your
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story and nerve wracking if you're not used to it, but extremely effective and haven't had a single attack. this is a problem with a defensive strategy on the war on terror and there's always some item you get past airport security and might be able to use for some possible weapon and why you've got to stop them from coming here to the u.s. in the first place because otherwise air going to be hearing insane stories like we're talking about right now. >> this happened in vegas and she has boarded other planes at boston at logan. much more of a terror threat. let me ask you then, could someone make this delicious frosting into a gel-like substance that could be a weapon. is that-- >> i'm not aware of any evidence to support that or incidence where a cupcake could be used as a weapon. >> it's a little crunchy on the outside. >> maybe that cupcake was better. i think it might have been
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better yesterday. ryan, thank you from world and we want to hear from you folks, do you think that cupcakes could be used as a dangerous weapon. i am on twitter. dave briggs. and i've got to get the frosting out of my mouth. he's been considered a long shot at the g.o.p. race and ron paul inching closer to the lead in the polls. but what happens if he wins the iowa caucus? is that a disaster for the g.o.p.? plus, don't hate on them. you probably wore them at some point and a look at some of the ugliest christmas sweaters from the year that was. keep them coming at ff weekend on twitter. first,a message from our troops. ♪ . >> kelly: hi, i'm theresa post. >> at the air base in turkey and i just want to say, merry
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christmas and happy holidays to you all at the post and hurricane, that's mama, papa, angela, the kids, and i love you all and i wish i could be there with you, but i'm enjoying the palm trees. so, merry christmas, i love you. you. ♪ captioned by closed captioning services, inc.
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as some can be life-threatening. if you have a history of heart orlood vessel problems, tell your doctor if you have new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. my inspiration for quitting were my sons. they were my little cheering squad. [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. >> good morning, december 25, merry christmas to you. and to your family. crowds waiting hours in st. peters square to hear pope benedict xvi deliver the christmas message and it was worth the wait. they say, you will hear the pontiff's messages, in just a moment. >> dave: two different images emerging this morning, one, to your left, our heros celebrating christmas, away from their loved ones, as they fight for our
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freedoms and on your right, troops arriving home just in time for the holiday separation, back from iraq. >> how about this, love 'em or hate 'em, you probably worn 'em at some point, right? i know you did. we're looking at your ugliest christmas sweaters, "fox & christmas sweaters, "fox & friends," starts, right now. captioning by, closed captioning services, inc. ♪ ♪ >> dave: merry christmas, everybody, thanks for starting off your christmas day with us
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on "fox & friends," kelly wright in this morning and, ainsley in for allison and i'm dave briggs and i figured out how my wife keeps the kids happy until i get home and she texted me and said, pumpkin pie breakfast. >> kelly: i love pumpkin pie. love it, love it! >> and i looked at the clock, it is 9:00 on the east coast and this is like really late for kids, right? >> dave: oh, yeah. they were up at 6:00 on the nose, when they get up. and... >> kelly: and, daddy, daddy, daddy is home, let's go, right. >> you are ready to be home with them, you get to leave here in an hour. in bethlehem hundreds of people have gone out to celebrate -- gone there to celebrate the birthplace of christ and joining us live, from bethlehem is legal lan vittert. hi, leland. the weather is nasty there, right? >> reporter: oh, you know, really, ainsley, we are about
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ready to head to the beach as soon as it ends, the palm trees are decorated. you should join us! it has been a nasty and cold christmas in bethlehem but it is amazing how many came out, cold and rain does not deter them, taking the little road to bethlehem, a little road and it is pack and thousands went through the church of the nativity, and they say it is a special experience and this morning, there were morning christmas services at the church and last night we had midnight services at the church of nativity and the patriarch takes down a doll of the baby jesus into the grotto and declares he has been born and that is the start of christmas in bethlehem. and is a magical service, and exclusive to foreigners, 1,000 people get standing room only tickets through a lottery to be there, inside of the church of the nativity. back in manger square, outside, also, a cool experience, lots of christmas trees and lights and though, last night was cold and
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rainy it didn't deter the street party. it is a huge business here in bethlehem. a lot of people come from all over the world to come out an experience a very special spiritual thing, here in the west bank. back to you guys. >> thank you, leland vittert live in bethlehem, this morning. >> dave: merry christmas, man. >> and now, vatican city, thousands of the faithful gathered in st. peters square, there to hear pope benedict xvi deliver the christmas day message and blessing and here's what the pope had to say. >> dear brothers and sisters, in rome and throughout the world, on this christmas, 2011, let us turn to the child, to the son of god and say, come. and let us repeat the words, for many people who experienced a clearly difficult situation, let us speak out for those who have
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no voice. >> the pope also presided over christmas eve mass last night. his message, to remember the true meaning of christmas, and not get caught up in the commercialization of the season. and now to afghanistan. this new to us. how troops are celebrating christmas, u.s. soldiers at the nato base in kabul and some dressed up and they were serving a special christmas lunch in concluding pasta and turkey and, of course the traditional christmas cake, they say and now to reality of the situation in afghanistan. overnight a homicide bomber killing 10 people in afghanistan. including a member of the national parliament. it happened in the normally calm province of takar, and the crowd was leaving a funeral and a bomb went off. it is not clear whether the bomber was targeting the officials. and now to iraq. where it does not get much better than this for christmas. for those of us there, the last troops reuniting with their
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families, back here in the states. take a look: [cheers and applause]. >> hundreds of excited family members waiting in the rain to welcome home the troops, and many soldiers say it was a privilege to be the last one out of combat and boy they are glad to be home. >> it is great. a joy to be home for the holidays. and a blessing we could all make it home, the entire team, i'm ready to get home and spend time with my family. >> from the 3rd brigade, 1st cavalry division and a dozen troops are still overseas from that brigade. >> kelly: that is fantastic. i worked with some of those guys in '04 and you saw help marching and had their civil war -- cavalry uniforms on, and, just a great, great group of people with their stetson hats and all, a great group of people. merry christmas to you guys. >> dave: a lot of our troops
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wanted to be home for the holidays. kids from around the country had different desires and we are reading some of these and rather unusual christmas letters, this morning. here's one, dear santa claus, it is clare again but i'm writing for my nine-year-old brother, mitch, the misspellings are not ours, but theirs and he wants a binder, hole puncher and i want a hole puncher, too and a skateboard. don't give it to him, mitch is kind-hearted but has a bad temper and also writes miss and doesn't like to read. >> she's savvy, like, the older sister, i'll write the letter for you. >> dave: she slams him in the letter. >> kelly: big time and another one, check out the letter: please text my dad. he has my whole list. i love you, xoxo, tennessee. >> great idea. great idea. you know, ask dad. santa... >> dave: does santa text?
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>> kelly: he goes -- uses the blackberry or iphone. technology. >> dear santa claus i miss you and wish you would bring me a bike for christmas, a baby doll, a real puppy -- a rill puppy and, it a puppy that is alive. yes, it should be alive. >> kelly: and, you want to talk to santa? rick reichmuth has the best seat in the house and is sitting next to mr. and mrs. santa claus. rick? >> dave: have you switched from milk to coffee? he has been up 36 hours? >> rick: oh, yes. i have had 2 or 3 cups already. >> rick: so your blood pressure doesn't go up? we were tracking you yesterday, all day long with the help of norad and followed you around the globe and yesterday at this time you were en sydney and adelaide and now you are here at
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the end. we appreciate it. >> you are quite welcome. >> rick: we've had people e-mailing and i have a question and i feel like it is from an adult, from conrad and he says, how does santa deal with the political correctness issue over christmas and the doubt of the spirit? >> well, i am not politically involved. but i do -- i believe in all children and i love all children. >> rick: all children across the world. >> and as far as the spirit, it is what is in your heart. you know? where it comes from. as long as you believe, i'm here. >> rick: and keep him on track, if that ever strays. >> it never strays. >> rick: perfect. everything, guys you ever thought about santa, the goodness and the wife, here. i have seen it today. first hand. guys? >> kelly: a lesson to be learned for marriages across the country! >> right. their secret.
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>> dave: rick, see you soon. >> kelly: the best gifts you all received, of all time? here's a few, how about this: 1985, the care bears. they were charming, weren't they? >> dave: you might be surprised, they are still around. my still want to read the care bears book every once in a while. >> rain bows and hearts. >> dave: and barbie is still the most popular. my daughter got a barbie van. how do they vaey manage to stay. >> monopoly. remember that, popular, started in 1936. >> dave: another classic, timeless... >> how much money, we asked in the greenroom, how much money could you get when you pass go? >> dave: $200. >> kelly: boardwalk and park place, i felt like a tycoon. a business tycoon and, boardwalk
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and park place. >> they were blue. >> dave: now you can play on your ipad. monopoly for the ipad. >> did you play with hotels and houses. >> dave: who didn't? >> i didn't, we just did the money. i want all the money. >> here's some from our viewers. what they want. e-mail from michelle think best gift i received this year is my active duty navy husband is home and we celebrated our first christmas in japan, with our two young children, and, we are thankful that we are together as a family and having the opportunity to learn all about this new world we're living in. congratulations, michelle, merry christmas to you and your husband and your children. >> a tweet from rebecca, true story, my ex-mother-in-law gave me a pint jar of bacon grease from bacon she had cooked in the microwave all year long. no way. a true story, the christmas gift? >> okay. >> all right. >> you know what?
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give it to a men. men love bacon. >> dave: susan, after going all ought for my guy he gave me a snuggie for christmas, then wondered why i went home early. and these are good gag gifts. things i give to clayton and alisyn, not serious gifts for your wives. rick and i have like five snug g ys in the office. >> and some of you might have sweaters. best and worst sweaters of the year. courtney wood, with the ugly sweater. >> she looks adorable. >> dave: i kind of like that one. >> beverly says -- from atlanta, the ugly vest. >> dave: that is hideous. and you know, you compare it with a sparkling shirt? >> kelly: oh, tell us how you really feel, dave. >> dave: it needs a nickname... a guess, just frosty the sweater
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on man? though it is a female sweater. >> kelly: with a red nosed reindeer or santa. good stuff. keep it coming. >> dave: twitter,@ffweekend. >> he's considered a long shot but ron paul inching closer, to being ahead in the polls. what happens if he wins the iowa caucus. >> kelly: and a daring rescue made by a man dressed as santa claus that's car goes up in flames but a heart-warming coincidence makes the story a true christmas miracle. we will talk to that santa, next. ♪ losing weight clicked for me when i found a plan that was as active and on the go as i was. weight watchers online is absolutely that tool. it was never further away than my pocket.
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>> sanctions are an act of war when you prevent goods and services from going into a country. to me the greatest danger is we'll have a president who will overreact and will bomb iran. how do you treat people when they have a nuclear weapon, with a lot more respect. with libya we talked to them and talk them out of their nuclear weapons and then we killed him. >> dave: g.o.p. presidential candidate, ron palm, being criticized for his foreign policy plans, which many say are too weak and, hands off but he is soaring in the polls and has a good shot at winning the iowa caucus. the recent poll, ron paul, 23% of the vote compared to mitt romney at 20 and newt gingrich 14 and what if he wins the nomination? let's ask former advisor for the mccain-palin campaign and you
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say voting for him would be a wasted vote. >> merry christmas, dave. i think it is. once general election voters get a which of ron palm's foreign policy coupled with the controversial moves, president obama is all but guaranteed to win re-election. >> dave: the controversial news letters he has yet to come up with much of an explanation for the anti-semitic and racial writings in these, but, you backed this up with polls. here's what the results would look like, hypothetically, mitt romney versus obama, it is about even. better, when ron paul is thrown in the mix, the president blows away mitt romney. do you think there is any chance, though, ron paul would run as a third party candidate? >> nothing shocks me. this is the craziest primary season i have seen and maybe a crazy general election season but if he enters the race as a
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third party candidate, again, president obama is all but guaranteed re-election and for the g.o.p. to beat him we have to be on board and be unified and the one thing that concerns me about ron paul, he has not ruled out a possible third party run. and, when he did lose the nomination, in 2008 he was not exactly a team player within the g.o.p., and wasn't so much he didn't nominate john mccain, he held a protest rally outside of the g.o.p. convention in minnesota. so, you know, ron paul said many times he's not a team player and that concerns me and a lot of g.o.p. voters across the country. >> dave: what would it mean for iowa, itself, if he wins the iowa caucus? what would it is mean for their importance in the process, not to mention, their place to the order of things. >> a lot of g.o.p. primary voters are concerned what could happen should he win the iowa caucuses because he'll gain a lot of momentum and air time given the 24/7 news cycle and i think a lot of folks right now, given iowa's track record in the
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past of picking folks who don't go onto win the nomination could hurt future presidential nominees and we may guess really what the order of the future should be and whether or not iowa should lead off. >> dave: you are most concerned about ron paul's foreign policy stance. what does it say, do you think, about the electorate and the republican party, and, about young voters, who love this guy and out campaigning, knocking on doors, doing all the work other candidates don't have young people doing. what does it say about them that ron paul is doing so well? >> i think that ron paul connects with, you know, really well on fiscal policy and i think his point about america not needing to be sort of the international policeman is right. but, at the same time, going out and saying, we cannot use sanctions as an option, given the instability around the world, particularly in iran and north korea, is a real issue and i think a lot of young voters need to think twice before
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casting a vote for ron paul, but again i'm all for democracy and if that is who they choose, so be it. >> dave: ford, i imagine the folks are fired up. appreciate you being with us this morning, merry christmas. >> merry christmas and thanks for having me on. >> dave: would a vote for ron paul be wasted? is he dangerous find me on twitter at fox, dave briggs. stale ahead, santa claus risking his own life to save a complete stranger from a burning car. but, it turns out they actually had a very special connection. the story, incredible. don't want to miss the and christmas is celebrated on december 25 5 because of the bih of christ but there is more to the date than you might know. the history of christmas, next. ♪
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>> dave: welcome back. time for your news by the numbers at 9:22 on christmas day, first, $28 billion, the total money spent on gift cards, this holiday season. and, in case you wonder, this is an average of a whopping 155 bucks per person. and, next, 80,000, how many calls norad santa trackers took
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from anxious kids across the world wondering where jolly old st. nick was and breaks a norad record and michelle obama took ten phone calls and last, 998,000, how lane "likes", the facebook paint got, up from 716,000 "likes" last year and, norad santa has over 100,000 twitter followers. can you believe that? tech savvy santa followers. >> kelly: santa is a rock star! >> each year we celebrate christmas december 25, and do you ask why we celebrate on that day? the obvious answer is because that is the day christ was born, and, while that might be true, there is more to the story than you might know. >> kelly: our religion correspondent lauren green has more. ♪ >> reporter: for centuries, christians have celebrate the birth of jesus on december 25. conventional wisdom holds that it was a pagan festival.
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>> the ancient egyptians were already celebrating the pagan holidays, one holiday was on christmas day. and, it was celebrated with trees and gifts and songs and roasting chestnuts on an open fire and christians came in an effort to grow christianity and simply usurped those traditions. >> reporter: some disagree. >> that is a difficult belief to hold, the early church in the 3rd and 4th century was not at all receptive to pagan practices and the early church in that time denounced association with pagan and payi pagan rights and festivals. i don't think that is plausible. >> reporter: the early church focused on christ's death and resurrection and, later decided to celebrate the birth of jesus that's son of god and had to figure out his birthday.
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>> here's the move the early church made. it is believed that jesus was conceived, on the same day that he was crucified and the belief was that he was conceived on the 14th or 15th, according to the hebrew calendar and translated, he was conceived, on march 25th, accord to ting to the roman cal and fast forward 9 months and we have the date of december 25th. >> it is not a confirmed fact. but christmas is commercialized and the birth of jesus, a sidebar. not what was intended. >> it was important for biblical and theological reasons to celebrate the birth of jesus, the son of god, became a human being, the god-man, jesus of nats rest. >> reporter: whether december 25 or some other day, the fact is he was born and 2,000 years, christians celebrated. merry christmas.
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in new york, lauren green, fox news. >> dave: good stuff. thank you, lauren. >> talk about a knight in shining armor? >> kelly: chivalry is not dead. >> you will see the rest of the special reunion. >> kelly: and we cooked up the main dish an sides and it is time now for dessert. a top chef contestant with the recipe, next. >> i'm stationed here in afghanistan. i'd like to give a holiday shoutout to all of my friends and family in cheyenne, wyoming, especially my lovely wife and my kids, austin, brennan, dj and devon, a love you and miss you and i'll see you soon. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i want to wish you a merry christmas ♪ ♪ i want to wish you a merry christmas ♪ ♪ from the bottom of my heart ♪... >> love it! >> kelly: i was dancing like that last night. no wonder i'm tired, right now.
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>> dave: this is my personal favorite. thanks for providing us the jib jab. >> kelly: i need more of those jumping beans. >> dave: coffee beans... >> and kids jumping around in your household, probably this morning. don't you remember waking up, in his house, right now, you have an update from your wife? >> dave: eating pumpkin pie, and a few shoutouts, who is the pretty lady here? on the far right. >> my mom, sister in law and sister. >> all pretty ladies. you have the same smile. >> this was my brother's wedding in the middle and his wife obviously in the gown and the brides dress... she's a great girl and we welcome her to the family, first christmas married, and got married in february. this is in florida, she's in florida and we went down there and it was the best wedding and my handsome dad and beautiful mom and sister alise and i'll see you guys tomorrow night, we
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are all getting together as a family, tomorrow night. >> dave: and move on with the pictures now, there is... >> who is this? who are these cuties. >> dave: three hours. and, this is my wife and my kids, and william with my beautiful wife, and we have a third child on the way here in february. >> awesome! >> kelly: and executive producer lauren patterson and her god daughter jenna. look at those... >> dave: lauren on the left. not our executive producer on the right. >> museum of natural history. if you haven't been there, take your kids there. new york, the west side, awesome, the dinosaur exhibit. >> kelly: is that a clam shell that you are in? giant clam shell. >> dave: she never chimes in on the air and how many executive producers are working on christmas day. thanks for being here, lauren. >> tell us about your god daughter? >> dave: she never talks on the air. will never talk on the air. >> ten years old.
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>> dave: and, that is -- back to lauren, now. and we're going to move forward. this is producer lee's nephew, joshua, i think lee is here and -- merry christmas to that cute young lady. >> kelly: and kelly mcnally, not kelly wright. you look good there? >> good, looking family. >> dave: and samantha, hard working young lady, here with her family. and sam is probably in the house, and, production assistant, jeannine eliott and her family, merry christmas to them and production assistant kyle goodwin as well with kyle's family. merry christmas. >> merry christmas. >> kelly: good people here at fox. staff and management, good people. >> for your headlines and a developing story we have followed all new york stock exchange out of nigeria. there has been at least four explosions including twin deadly bombings, the first blast set a church near the capital city on
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fire and it happened during christmas mass, at least 25 people were killed and the second blast hit a church, and, a radical muslim sect claims responsibility for the bombings. the group anonymous strikes, claiming to have stolen data from the major u.s. security think tank and anonymous using twitter to post a link to what they claim is the super secret client list including the us army, air force, goldman sachs, and m. f. global and is likely one of the best christmas presents a maryland military dad will ever give to his two sons, colonel jeffrey allen's boys thought they would be knighted during a ceremony at medieval times and little did they know this was about to happen. >> daddy, coming home, just in time for christmas, after a 7 month deployment to baghdad.
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and, they can't be home, but these troops serving in afghanistan, still are getting into the spirit of christmas, taking a little time out to belt out some of their favorite christmas carols. ♪ ♪ three french hens ♪ two turtle doves ♪ and a partridge in a pear tree...♪ >> the third stryker brigade. infantry division, doing their best version of 12 days of christmas. and those are your headlines. and i think we'll hand it over to rick for weather, right, dave. >> dave: rick, how is this weather and who is getting some snow? >> rick: texas, that is about it. can you believe it? and, amarillo, a tweet from ed, saying, we have a dusting on the ground. and, looking good. and, we have great folk out here who are here from... >> israel. >> rick: isn't that great? >> amazing. >> rick: and you have come here for hanukkah. >> for a visit, yes. >> rick: and thanks for coming and joining our christmas celebration here as well.
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what is your name. >> alisa. >> rick: and you are from the bronx. >> river dale! >> rick: all the way from riverdale. big, big, big drive. thanks for coming. and, look at the weather maps, guys. eastern part of the country, northeast, we'll see a few flurries across parts of the far northern areas of new england and the southeast, heavy rain moving across mississippi, alabama and into georgia, we could see delays in the airports, especially the atlanta airport this afternoon and out towards the west and we are looking good. you see the rotation around the panhandle of texas, you see the snow and look at the video, coming out of texas. just so hard to imagine, so many people wanting a white christmas, seeing that in across the northern plains, they have nothing, but, abiline texas, you have snow and, midland, abiline, you joined that, putting them into the christmas spirit and today waking with that as well, not the case across parts of the west. the maps, quickly and look at the west coast, we will be
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looking for a very nice day out across the west. all right, kelly, back to you, inside. >> kelly: thanks, we have been showing you christmas dishes and desserts all morning long and we have one more for you, back now, is executive pastry chef of the grand hyatt, cassie hamilton, i love your name and i also love your food, dessert and chocolate custard. >> this is the finale, we should always end with chocolate and made a chocolate custard with egg yolk based cream and chocolate and, we efullsfied it so it is a homogenous mixture and let it set and, it is cold chocolate we put in the bottom of the bowl and will layer it and you can do it in clear glass and opaque bowl, whatever you choose and the secret, a few secrets, salt is one. always -- this is sea salt. >> sea salt.
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larger crystals and better for you, is that right. >> it is natural. >> kelly: and a little bit of salt. >> and nutmeg. have you ever used the -- this was origin willy a -- this is a plane, and you take nutmeg over the top. >> kelly: a great idea. >> and you add it to everything. condition and the nutmeg adds the flavor to it. >> that's good. >> kelly: heavy handed there. sorry. >> and we have fruit. so, you can use pears if you want or bananas. we have bananas, count to cut some? i'll observe. >> kelly: all right. >> i'll... >> kelly: my chef skills, here. >> perfect. condition we'll add that. >> and add them over the top. >> kelly: okay. and keep going here. >> and we have whipped cream, a spiced brandy cream and dollop
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that over the top. >> too much. >> no, it is not for one person. >> for everybody. so, like that. >> beautiful. >> i like it. >> this has brandy in it and we use pear brandy. >> kelly: i can smell it. >> fragrant and, at the end, more nutmeg on top. >> kelly: wipe that off here. a little more nutmeg. >> grab this. perfect. >> kelly: make sure we get it done. >> chocolate shavings and we're done. and it serves comfortably, 6 people. >> kelly: can i dig in and taste it. >> all the way to the bottom. >> kelly: this is rich. i can already tell. this is rich. >> we can all take a nap on christmas day. condition we'll take a bite and i have to read the tease first. i wish i could talk... i will taste this.
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thanks, cassie. dave and ainsley, i'll take a bite. you take the tease. >> kelly: ummm... the brandy kicks it. >> dave: we'll take two, please. >> kelly: thank you. >> dave: still ahead, santa claus saves a complete stranger from a burning car and turns out, they have a special connection, after all, the incredible story, coming up. >> and this man, traveling across the country, to help families in need. all he wants for christmas is for them to pay it forward. we'll meet him, after the break. [ male announcer ] it's simple physics...
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>> 6:43 on christmas day, people in colorado, my home town have to wait a while for their christmas presents, ups saying this week's snowstorm prevented them from delivering some 50,000 packages. now, they apologize for the inconvenience, and promising to get those packages out as soon as possible. why i'm bringing mine home in my suitcase and look at this adorable polar bear cub rolling around in denmark. the bear is raised by humans, at the copenhagen zoo, because his mother could not provide enough milk. ainsley? what is happening. >> they are cute when they are little, right? this is an incredible picture. to go with an incredible story. a man dressed as santa, and
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spreading the christmas cheer, makes a daring rescue, before a car erupts into flames. but the story does not end there. the man dressed as jolly old st. nicholas has an amazing connection to the person he saved. joining us now, that good samaritan, santa, right there, brad. thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> tell us about that day. >> basically, what we were doing is, my company has adopted four families, in the urban area. and, for the last four years i have dressed up as santa and delivered the gifts to the boys and girls that needed them. >> after you delivered the gifts... i'm sorry. go ahead. >> yes, ma'am. after we delivered the gifts, we were heading back to the office, to pick up more gifts, for the next family that we were going to see, and, pulled up to the stoplight and, the accident happened, just right in front of us, at the stoplight. >> and the car erupts into
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flames. we can see the video, right now and what do you do? >> well, the car didn't -- it eventually erupted into flames. the accident happened, i pulled over and blocked the road. i jumped out, to make sure that the first occupant was okay, mr. walker, and, then, when he found out he was okay, he couldn't get out of the vehicle and i pulled on the door until it popped open and he climbed out the passenger side door and i made sure he was okay. and went down to the second vehicle and found out he was okay. and he was on the phone and ice turned to walk back up to the first vehicle, i noticed there was fire that was coming out from the engine compartment. that is when i took off running. and, when i got up to the vehicle i noticed that he was back inside the vehicle. that is when i grabbed him and pulled him out, soon as i pulled him out of the vehicle, and he turned to leave, we heard a loud
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pop, loud bang and, the whole front end erupted. >> his name was mike and i understand he has a daughter, named amber, and amber has a connection with you? >> yes. >> what was that connection. >> yes, ma'am. six-and-a-half years ago, on 6/29 on 05, i lost my son, jordan, in a traffic accident and it seemed amber went to school in irving with jordan. through elementary school,schoo. up until his senior year when he passed away. >> so they knew each other. it all comes full circle and i understand you are a volunteer firefighter as well, is that right? >> yes, ma'am. let me rephrase. i used to be, after my son's accident. >> i'm very sorry to hear about the loss of your son and i know it is difficult, especially on this day for you but it seems likes you were doing such good work and have a heart of gold. you were there, delivering items to the needy. you see the accident, you save mike from car, it turns out
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mike's daughter, amber, knew your son, you learn about that story and i'm sure, she had lots of neat stories to pass on to you, about your own son. and, just helping so many different people. do you think your son had something to do with this? >> yes, ma'am. my son was known as a jokester, a prankster, he loved life and he was one of the spirit guys at the school and dressed up, painted his chest and he just -- he made sure that he saw his dad in the santa outfit, and, wanted to have me be a part of that. >> i'm sure he was a great kid and watching down on you today. what message do you send to families at home, that are going through hard times? >> there is always a new day tomorrow. the only thing i can basically say, is just live your life to the extreme, there is good days and bad days, but there is always tomorrow.
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>> all right, well, we are with you this morning, brad and we wish you the best, merry christmas. >> merry christmas, merry christmas to you, too. >> thanks for everything you do for other people, too. he's a man on a simple mission. >> i'm traveling to all 50 states, three days per family, in every state and, i in return i ask them to pay it forward. >> he explains it when he joins us live, coming up next. first a message from our troops. ♪ >> i'm stationed in kabul, afghanistan. i wanted to send some holiday greetings to my brother, bobby and my niece and nephew, bailey and britney in littleton, colorado. i love you guys a lot! ♪ bla [ male announcer ] the more you lose, the more you lose, because for every two pounds you lose through diet and exercise, alli can help you lose one more
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by blocking some of the fat you eat. let's fight fat with alli. ♪
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>> dave: welcome back, everybody, merry christmas. he's on a journey of pay it forward. nine months ago, james beck left his home in california, and set out on a trip across the u.s. the reason, to give three days of service to a household in every state. >> in return the only thing james is asking for, for those folks, to pay it forward. by helping someone else in the future. >> kelly: and james beck joins us from his 36th state. florida. merry christmas to you. >> merry christmas. >> kelly: in your 36th state and you have gone around the country, paying it forward and you are hoping others will do the same thing. how do you do that? >> well, it starts with not having an attachment to my time and so i show up and give them three days and, show whatever they need. some people, i have son
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everything from teen high school economics, to babysit, cook, clean, dishes, about anything. >> dave: rewrite courses, papers? is that what you said? >> no. no. intros. intros. yeah, i'm a writer, and, so, whatever skills i have picked up in my life -- here you go. >> dave: so you give these people three days of service, and you ask them to do what, in return? >> i ask them to choose at least one family, for each day of service, three families, and give a day and any more than that, is just bonus, and it is, you know, trying to leverage time and see how much good people can do. it is just an invitation to a different way of thinking. >> james, why are you doing that? sn>> well my thought is we can e time as currency, and, there has
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to be an initial investment, and, you know, when you deal with commoners, common people are the ones that really bond together, and help solve the problems. and, so, if you create a system by which that can happen then who knows what will be the outcome and my thought is, i have an idea how to do it and, it is -- you know, what will i do, be one of those guys who said i had a good idea once and what did you do about it? nothing? or, give it all i've got. and so that is what i'm doing. >> kelly: that is what i like about you, james, thought of an idea and said, i have to do it. what kind of response, do you get from those that you have actually been able to help? >> in the beginning, or now? because, it is vastly different. >> kelly: what are you talking about? >> in the first few -- well, the first few states people see you and, you know, what are you doing and what state are you on and you say, 3, 4, and they are like, oh, and now, 36 states, they are more interested, you
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have more credibility and i knew i would have to earn credibility, and, how do you do that? well, put your money or time where your thoughts are, and, i told myself, that i would never ask for press or would never talk about these things unless someone asked a question and so, you asked the question and here we are. >> dave: well, what are you doing on this christmas day and where are you going next? >> christmas day, i am hanging out with a buddy, andrew oatese, he's five minutes done the road from here, i know him from college. >> dave: and no volunteering. >> a couple days off, and then, georgia. and, georgia, then alabama, mississippi, and, then the next states are open. i don't pick everything in advance. i like to -- there to be an organic element. so people can participate. my goal, i hope to serve all different types of people, i'd love to serve native american
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families, some hasidic jews, maybe b'hai, different ethnicities and round out and have a full service experience and people can look at what we're doing and people can be known by how they give of their time and that is how the future site works and it is a year long project and sets up the foundation and the spine of a future project. >> kelly: james, thank you so much. and we wish you a very merry christmas and thanks for paying it forward with random acts of kindness and i think many people will be blessed by it. >> really nice. merry christmas. >> dave: butchered chickens in connecticut and taught economics in wyoming. >> more fox and friends in two minutes. more christmas greetings from our troops. ♪ >> hello, i'm lieutenant colonel
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eva... in kabul, afghanistan. i'd like to say hello to my mother, angela, sam and the extended garcia family in santa fe, new mexico. i love you, miss you. see you real soon. my name's jeff. i'm a dad, coach... and i quit smoking with chantix. knowing that i could smoke during the first week was really important to me. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke -- and personally that's what i knew i needed. [ male announcer ] some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if youevelop these, stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, tell your doctor if you have new or worse symptoms.
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♪ ♪ ♪ fa, la, la, la, la, la ♪ don me now our gay apparel ♪ fa, la, la, la, la, la... >> dave: and, he likes all cookies and chocolate chip is his favorite. >> dave: and for him, the coffee. >> why you are dancing. >> dave: a long night. >> rick: and she


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