tv Red Eye FOX News January 7, 2012 12:00am-1:00am PST
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>> dana: next week we put greg in a wet suit. >> kimberly: yeah! >> eric: all right. that is it for "the five." thank you for watching. have a great weekend. debates. see you monday. honestly we haven't checked and we don't care. let's go to operative turned diligence president mike baker for a pre game report. when you are talking opaque mysterious companies with odd ties to one world caw balances, are you talking diligence. what is coming up on tonight's show? show? . >> put down the smoking apparatus. we have a hum dinger of a m pray. -- program. we will ask questions like, if romney enters the new hampshire primary with a 2 2-point lead, but they are
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closing the gap every six hours, how many percentage points will rick perry need in 14 days to realize a four-way tie and a margin of error of plus or minus 3 points. and can they choose not to hire people because they smoke? some people say no. the president of diligence says, depends on my mood. and how sexy is too sexy for a high school yearbook photo? we will ask if bill regrets the nipple bearing fish net shirt he wore and we will debate that. >> i think your answer to rick perry is pie. >> it is pie. >> i am not sure what kind of pie. >> i am keeping track of this. we will talk about it at half time. let's welcome our guests. i am here with diana -- diane ma say dough. her new book, don't even think about it loser, comes out next month. that might just be a text she sent me. i can't remember. paul mccurio, his image is
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out, but honestly, who cares? bill schulz, he thinks he is a miranda, but he is a samantha. and sitting next to me is a first time guest. she the arizona guest and there is a good chance that an hour from now he will be firing his media people. and he is running low on ink because everybody thinks he stinks. that's our "new york times" correspondent. it is moderately good to see you, pinch. >> "the times" are limited and they attempt to excrete out an nfl playoff preview. personally i stopped following the game during its infancy when the professionals gouged the i's and the ovaltine during the second period of what was otherwise a jim dappedy of a -- dandy of a faceoff. being unsporty does president cut it for this year, shorty. >> that's it. that was old t mcwhite only.
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>> he was a popular player in the 20s. once he integrated they were shun. >> thanks for that bit of history. >> you are welcome for that bit of history. will heading down south hit mitt in the mouth or newt become mute? gingrich has lost his early lead in the palmetto state with romney and santorum and then the newt-ster. but they say santorum is 3 percentage points behind the stormin mormon. on friday the senator was out stumping for mitt. >> and so i am confident with the leadership and the backing of the american people president obama will turn this country around. we believe in america. we believe that our best days are ahead of us. excuse me, president romney. president romney. president romney. >> that's fun. meanwhile, as we transition
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awkwardly, which folks are most enthusiastic about the election this year? public polling policy -- sorry, public policy polling or ppp or ppp finds out the groups are african-americans, tea party supporters and young people with the latter saying, hip cats like us dig the voting groove my man. i feel like a young voter myself. newt gingrich's campaign released another ad attacking romney. >> i am newt gingrich and i approve this message. >> who wouldn't approve the message? >> welcome to the show and god help you. do you agree with senator mccain that who wins south carolina will be the nominee? >> no, who ever has the puppy ad wins. >> so newt wins. >> i actually disagree with my own senator. but remember i come from the
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school of thought. i want this to be a long, dragged out -- i want them to fight. it will make them better candidates and toughens them up. and it keeps the bad guys from knowing who our nominee is. >> don't you think that plays into obama's favor? they beat each other up and obama is giving them something on a silver platter. his numbers are so low. the only numbers that are lower are the ones that are meaningful. >> in the future please don't answer unless i have asked you an actual question. >> but my reason in this is very simple. think back 30 some years ago. is it barack? is it hillary? is it hillary or barack? it gobbled up the media attention in this country for months. darn it, it is our turn to do the same thing. >> i agree. i said last night on the show people keep saying the republicans are -- it is not good they are beating each other up. my point is always, well, hillary clinton and barack obama did that three years
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ago. they beat the hell out of each other 1k3* president obama won. -- and president obama won. >> it is folk lore that tough primaries lose the general. tough primaries toughen up the candidates. >> do you think governor romney will win south carolina? >> probably. you have to look at the direction of the tracking polls and who is still persuadable. i'm not sure there is enough persuadable votes yet. south carolina really will make a huge difference. >> i think so. dye anne, you are a big -- dye anne, you are a big santorum gal. do you think he can be strong in south carolina? >> you completely made that up. >> did i not get that right? >> sure, absolutely, why not? >> okay. do you think he will win south carolina? >> i don't know. >> we will pretend -- make something up. you are on a tv show scpru to give an answer. >> he is actually neck and neck with gingrich right now for second which is unexpected. i have a hard time trusting polls. three months ago they said
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gingrich was out of the race and no one thought he was running seriously, and now he is contending for second in most of these races. i have a hard time trusting these polls. but right now obviously romney has momentum. i think if he wins all three it will be hard to take him out. >> i agree. >> do you have a question for me? go ahead. >> sadly i do. >> go on. >> what about ron paul? how will he do in new hampshire? >> it doesn't make a difference. it will be romney. none of the candidates have a chance. these other candidates have -- they have the same chance as a black contestant on "the bachelor." that wasn't racist. >> i am the only one on this panel that feels the opposite. i don't think beating each other up in these primaries for months and months and months helps the candidate. i think they are pretty powerful people who can handle themselves, and i think barack obama is giving them a silver platter to beat him, and they are not taking it. it is like you have the game
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won, and you will take a knee in the football game and instead you turn around and punch your own quarterback. >> here is another reason i disagree with you. we saw there were a tremendous number of debates before the first votes were cast. it is more than we usually see in these election years. and i thought by the end of those debates every single candidate was so much better than they had been at the beginning of the debates. i think the more you keep doing this stuff, the better they get, the more they get attacked and the better they get -- >> i think for me it is degrees. i don't think you need so much. i think at some point the republican party needs to go, you know what, we should turn our attention and cannons to this. you talk about clinton and obama, well, the republicans didn't win. that strategy you are talking about isn't helping. obama won. you say they beat each other up -- >> they still won. >> the other part -- >> are you an idiot. >> the point is we are dominating the media.
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the media is finally paying attention to republican candidates. typically the president has the absolute bully poll and controls all media. in this case our primary is getting paid attention to. >> do you really think republican voters didn't know these other candidates existed without this on slot of attention? >> we have to move on, and as we get more and more meed -- media and more and more attention and discussion, you start to reach into the independent population that is absolutely necessary. >> the goal is to trigger the base. once you get into the general election, everyone is trying to go after that independent sector. but right now what they are trying to highlight and pick each other apart for alienate the independent base. i think the major difference is that both sides were doing the same thing. we have an incumbent in office. he is not going through the same thing these others are. >> can i take issue with something you said? >> no.
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>> well, i am going to anyway. >> i am hosting. >> i felt like interjecting on something you said. the more the republicans debate, the better they are getting. and you can see that. what you did not take into account is the viewers. 57th debate and i heard the same regurgitating answer. my stroke was more pleasurable. >> and yet the ratings for that last debate were sky high. >> maybe because i had left this mortal coil. >> south carolina has raised more questions than it has answered. >> what did you mean by that? >> i just meant overall people in markets, they are not even talking about it, but they ask me questions like, what are you doing, why are you buying the bread? when you think about all of the media picking them up, that's a lot more questions to be answered. >> excellent point. >> thank you.
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>> why are you saying excellent point. >> the thing is it wasn't an analogy. >> you are really dealing with children. >> it is like dealing with solo members of congress. >> when you reward a dog for not go going to the bathroom in the house, that's what i did there. >> you don't chase him around with a rolled up newspaper? >> have you seen the green room? >> congress n ma, does jon huntsman drop out after new hampshire? he is polling third or fourth there, and he won't be as much of a factor. >> my mean moment of the evening, jon who? >> wow. >> am i allowed to speak? >> no. >> diane, ppp says these are the main demographic groups. explain why they are wrong. >> who said they are wrong? >> well, explain why they are
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right. >> i think it is understandable why those three would be most motivated, but if they are going to go to the polls which i think the tea partiers are more likely to do that than the other demographics they are talking about. young people don't generally go out and vote. it is a tough call. a lot of times -- in this case they talked to the voters, but they talked to general people. and they go out and talk about what their opinions are. it doesn't matter. if they are not going to the polls it doesn't matter. >> do you think the young people will get out and vote? >> i don't think they will get out to vote as much as the older demographic. what they need to do is keep the young people inside at all costs. instead of buying ads, they should sponsor the team mom marathon. i think that will keep the young people in. >> i think that was sarcastic by the way. >> i think obama is energized by this republican sort of bashing. i think after every debate he should pop his head up and say
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i approve this message. i didn't find that poll to be all that earth shattering that african-americans will come out and go for obama obviously because he is over can american. i don't know what that poll tells you. >> i think the point of the poll is as much as the tea partiers and the republican base may be motivated that president obama's base is equally motivated going into this election. >> yes, and because there is no one on that side challenging him. but it speaks toward the congressman and what i disagree with, he has a motivated base without having 57 debates and four people screaming at him. >> but when you are running against a campaign. >> i can't believe your incon tau nenes. what are you talking about? >> and the economic crisis impacts that. for the first time things going in politics that normally don't interest younger people, it is directly affecting them. they are coming out of colleges and not able to get jobs. >> that's a good point.
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do you think the occupy wall street movement will help people be more interested in politics? >> well, i think it does. i think it does motivate that base. and i think particularly for you this is the first time they are seeing direct consequences of policies that are being passed. >> last word here? >> we have seen cross tabs about the young people. and the young people are not for the president anymore. >> i am not saying they are. >> what is happening to your job situation and your future and the amount of debt that has been piled up on top of you, i really do believe young people are exceeding in the data. and the occupy wall street is a wundzful thing. -- wonderful thing. you saw two years of tea party folks getting beaten up, and now you have the occupy. one considers bathing optional. who do you want as your next door neighbor? >> you are hitting close to home here. >> i agree with you. bathing is highly over rated. >> we are moving on. from politics to palmals.
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should the employers screen for nicotine? an increasing number are refusing to hire smokers or applicants who test positive for nicotine in general. for instance, a policy went into affect at baylor healthcare system, and according to usa, other examples across the country abound. that's right, they abound. says a rep from a like minded facility in pennsylvania, quote, we are trying to promote a complete culture of wellness. we are not denying their right of tobacco products. we are choosing not to hire them. they say it sets a bad precedent saying, quote, what is next? are you not going to hire overly decaffeinated people? slippery slope. isn't that right?
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>> i would like to point out that no cats actually smoked in that video. >> diane, is this an infringement on the individual rights, or is it okay if the private employees want to discriminate against the smokers? >> they are private companies. they don't qualify as a protective class. i think it is ridiculous. >> they take a 5-minute break every hour. it is fine for a company to say you can't smoke on the premises. you are not leaving the office every 5 minutes or -- >> that is not what you are saying. if you smoke at all, we are not hiring. >> i don't agree. it is going too far. if you want to give somebody a urine test, it is clearly not affecting their work or you wouldn't have to give them the test. i also don't agree with the government stepping in because i don't think smokers qualify. >> congresswoman, let me ask you if the employers have the say, can they not hire
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overweight people or people with diseases? >> if it is a genetic disease you do fall into a protective class. but if someone is chosen to smoke, and it has an additional $3,000 in insurance costs, and your private business and make the decision. if you work in the private business and you have to cover the additional costs -- >> why not just charge them more for healthcare? >> and that is the perfectly legitimate alternative. if that hospital which is a private business has trouble finding employees, maybe that's what they will have to do. they say you can come to work, but it is a private business. they get to choose who they employ. >> can they do the same thing with overweight people who are more prone to diseases and injury and higher healthcare costs in general? can they do that? >> you probably are in that slippery slope, but the fact of the matter is it is a private business. >> you are going to have to start to argue that fine line.
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is the person overweight because of genetics or whatever. >> you can argue that about cigarettes. if you have an addictive personality. >> orca median. >> it just doesn't feel right. >> if you want to really rectify and control these people's behavior, put them in a cubicle next to a person with traikeotomy. we have to stop making decisions by feeling and do them by account fas. >> the facts are blurry because where do we draw the line? there are jokes about over decaffeinated people. where do you draw the line? you can't eat certain foods or we won't hire you. >> and take it to the next thing. you have an evangelical religious shop, and are you -- are you obligated to hire the atheist? at one point are you as a private employer able to make the decisions? >> from your perspective in
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your party, it is about individual rights and freedoms. and doesn't a person have a right to smoke? >> here is where you are wrong. you absolutely have that individual right to smoke. >> do you smoke? >> no. >> if you lost a job because you smoked -- >> you can work somewhere else -- gite point is -- gite point is a private company has a right to discriminate against you. a company has a right to say we can't stop you from smoking. it is totally legal, but we are not going to hire you. >> when do you get to live in a world where you have the consequences of their decision. >> i think when they are dealing with long-term healthcare problems. >> what about the additional $3,000 you cost the company in your healthcare and your fellow employees are covering that. >> i want to go to bill before we go to break. say something. >> the problem here is dr. smoke. last i checked brain surgeons and heart surgeons are not
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>> i don't care for you. >> i don't care for you, paul. you were talking to our viewers which you are not supposed to be doing. it is almost like you have never been on tv before. >> what is that thing? >> sexy yearbook photo controversy. why the hell not? her pick was nexted. we are not even trying with the rhymes anymore. a colorado high school student submited a photo, seen here, for the end of the yearal man knack. but they refused to publish it because her attire violated the dress code which requires tops to, quote, fully cover
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the chest, back, abdomen and sides of the student. so sydney speed is protesting the school or something. says the 18-year-old, quote, i feel like they are not allowing me to have my freedom of expression. she argues that until they create a formal policy they can't sensor her sexiness. still, they have raised eyebrows. >> he is always judging. dye app, was the -- diane was the school right that they must meet the dress code. >> absolutely not. this is something wrong with the world. people protest the dumbest thing. it is an insult to protesters. it should be common sense that they have a dress policy. if you can't look like a whoer in the hallway, you can't look like a whore in the yearbook.
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>> we prefer sexually empowered. >> congressman, is the school violating sydney's free speech, or is sydney violating the school? >> the only thing in this story i am ultimately concerned with, i want to go back 30 years ago and find the person who told me to wear the powder blue tuxedo and beat the crap out of him. >> it will come back. >> but in whose world was a powder blue tuxedo the in thing to wear? >> it was the in thing to wear. >> what happened that night? >> can't talk about it. >> i'm getting me a blue tuxedo. >> you do have a blue tuxedo. >> i do. >> was the picture inappropriate? >> yes, and i want to see more of them. paul mccurio .com. i think it is ironic that this girl can't get her picture in a sexy student yearbook, but she can easily get on sexy student .com. is this really the worst thing in the world that that picture
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is in a yearbook? has anybody seen a picture that is not equal to that on facebook? >> the school is paying for the yearbook and not sexy student .com. >> what difference does that make? i want to see her prom picture when we get a three-month ultrasound, that's what i want to see. >> that doesn't happen in colorado. >> now that we exposed this, will the school cave? >> no, it won't cave. who is the loser in this? the school wins because it gets to flex its socially conservative muscles in front of the concerned pta members. instead of getting the pictures shown it is shown to the entire country. her sexy ego was never sexier. the only loser in this story is me. not one journalist asked if she was single. the wn question they shouldn't -- should have asked and they didn't. >> and here we are at 3:00 in the morning --
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>> the only real loser is the viewers on this one. >> and he is taking off. >> it is a good point. >> do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us. and to leave a voicemail on greg's direct line call 212-462-5050. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by ice swimming. the act of swimming across the ice. usually without wet suits or other thermal protection. thanks, ice swimming.
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welcome back. let's find out if we have gotten anything wrong. for that we go to mike baker. >> thank you, andy. we have gotten a ton of viewer e-mail here. mostly it is about you. it is all wanting to know if you followed through on your new year's resolution to sell all of your cats and become a dog person. >> i did not. >> you did not? >> no. >> so you dropped that entirely? >> my resolutions were dead by like 12:06. >> well thank god you didn't follow through on that one. and i also want to say i was just talking to my mother, god bless her. she is almost 93 years old. i thought i was going to be doing this show this evening and subing for you. she looked at me as a 93-year-old person does, and she cocked her head and said,
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andy, is that the young man who always talks to gutsman and complains all the time and never smiles? she is a fan otherwise. that's what i'm talking about, and that's what she is talking about. >> thanks, mrs. baker. >> i think the senior citizens in this country want you to lighten up. >> it is not going to happen. >> let's get to the half time report, shall we? half time, well, let's see how we are doing. frankly it looks like paul is at the top of the class this evening. primarily because i am agreeing with everything he is saying. >> thank you, sir. >> the congressman, i gave you a pass because i was told by our research staff down here that congress is gradeed on a pass-fail system. >> pretty much. >> be nice. your mom is one of my constituents. >> that's very true. thank you for disclosing the secret location.
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>> you see, mike, it could be any house on harmony street. >> definitely not one with the pink flamingo. >> we had a section for the bell curve, but honestly i couldn't remember what the bell curve is. let's go to 2012's first daily sprocket report. this is very exciting. our research team has put together what we like to call a bubble graph. and if you haven't seen one of these, it is technical. perhaps we can have bill explain it later on in the show. but it is based on a long algorithmic function. that's very, very good news, and i think we have our fans to thank for that frankly. we have also been asked by news corp to break out the numbers from now on. it is rather than include them on the chart. so what you need to do, the important point is to follow the wang line on this chart.
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you can see the wang line peaking during half time. and that's. it andy bit ad numbers are looking good for the first quarter. >> that's fantastic, mike. >> that's my turn around. >> we must have done an amazing job. >> let's go to story number one. straight off, story number one, congressman, you mentioned that you think actually this whole debate and campaign and this slug fest is good because you said that you actually think it toughens them up to beat the crap out of each other. do you think there might be a negative impact on that? >> there is probably a negative, but you missed the other part of that. and that is, it builds the horse race. it gets people to watch and pay attention. >> okay. well i guess. you don't want to do that. >> you have a law degree.
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thank god for the double screen. do you think because you have a beat them up festival and the idea that it makes them better at what they do and creates a stronger candidate, does it if you are trying to widen the audience, if you are trying to be more inclusive, bring the voters in. isn't there a chance that the beating up tends to make them more polarizing and they get more narrow in their views? >> look at herman cain. that process that the congressman thinks is great drove him out of the race. let me finish. >> no. >> a lot of people argued that guy should still be in the race. >> no. >> you don't want -- >> paul. be quiet. >> the point is you don't want that guy being the nominee. you don't want it to come out
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late. you want it when -- you want it to come out now and not when you nominate someone. >> congressman, if i may interrupt and i know this is your first time on the show. but this is the half time report with mike baker. >> and i will say hi to mom. >> let's switch over to diane. in all honesty, you don't care about the gop race, do you? >> well, i i wasn't prepared to talk about santorum. it is like baseball. if you don't watch in the -- you don't watch at the beginning of the season. you watch during plateoffs because that's when it is interesting. >> is it fair to say where do you stand on this? do you think everyone will fall on their principaled sword at this point, and we are missing an opportunity to rally behind the one candidate who might actually win? >> the whole point is to figure out who that candidate is going to be and figure out who you want to rally behind. when you live in new york you know exactly which way the polls are going to go and by the time we get here it has
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already been decided. i will just wait until the playoffs. >> hence the blue state dress. >> congressman, you mentioned that we have to move beyond our traditional republican base. this is purely asking for your opinion. which of the candidates do you think has the best chance of appealing to a broader base. >> there is something that i have seen in the numbers. when you have ron paul in the race, ron paul is doing incredibly well with young people. and a lot of young people that voted for obama four years ago. the reality is we do see some numbers where mitt seems to make a lot of independents comfortable. if you are one of the challengers, you have to be able to tell that story of why you can draw them in. that's the whole process. >> understood. bill, and we will go to bill because he is our youth correspondent, how does the gop attract more young voters?
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>> well, first of all you may want to take jon huntsman seriously because nobody is. thinking his daughter is out front and getting them more involved with twitter and whatnot. if obama wants to hold on to these kids, outdoor basketball court in the front yard of the white house. he has to do follow-up fridays on his twitter account and it will be hip-hop stars, and end every sentence with the word, son. >> and super sexy yearbook photos. >> let's switch over to the ppp story. that is an unbias polling operation. diane, you said it is no surprise the blacks, the youth and the tea party are the most motivated. that leads to the question, is there such a thing as a young, black tea partier? >> i think so, sure. >> i think i know that guy. >> you just don't want to commit to anything. i respect that.
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>> i just said i respect that. >> what is your favorite episode of "teen mom"? >> oh, i hate all of you. >> and finally, diane wins for the line of the night. if you can't look like a ho in the hallways, you can't look like a ho in the yearbook. isn't that the truth? >> that is wrong. >> congressman, have i two more points and then i will go because they are chasing me out of here. congressman, i want you to know for my high school prom i wore a powder blue tuxedo with a ruffled shirt with dark blue fripg. >> are you still embarassed about it like i am? >> i still own it. i am not embarassed. i wore it on new year's eve. >> excuse me.
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what is "teen mom"? >> paul will show you later. he has it on his ipad. paul, finally, you didn't seem to have any problems with the sexy yearbookish you a. >> no. >> what if it was your daughter? >> then she would be shipped off to another country to make shoes. >> seriously. i admit to a double standard, but it is not my daughter and she wants her five minutes of fame, she gets it. >> i think she got it. >> andy, that's it. i'm done. >> thank you for watching, everybody, we have to go -- oh, we still have more? all right. coming up, should senior sit inteenz drinking red bull? oh hell no comes to mind.
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say it is because the networks are trying to draw the larger audiences. stop the presses. they may be on to something. the study also found the most attractive legislators were disproportionately republican, senators and women. who is on capitol hill? the top three are representative marcia representative stephanieenator y chandler. hello saxby. clear 3 we must discuss this in the -- >> lightning roooooouuuund. lightning round. >> congressman, you are not eligible for this survey because it uses a list from 2007. if you had been eligible, would you have been in the top five? >> no, it would explain why i am rarely on prime time. >> how about that chandler though? >> i haven't seen him at the gym. >> sometimes it is just natural. >> good jeans.
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-- good genes. >> i think he could be juicing. >> paul, do you see anything wrong with the network putting the most attractive congress people on. >> yes, it is terrible. i like watching cspan. cspan is like a club at 4:00 a.m. when they turn the lights on and the only person there is henry wax man and you would be like, yeah, i'd do him. >> csp -- >> a little too close to home? >> we have all been there. waxman is always out. >> it is like i am a fly on the wall in congress. >> no offense, but cspan is one of the stations that got worse when hd came around. >> wash washington is hollywood for ugly people? >> bill, aren't you glad the attractiveness principal doesn't apply to this show? >> the viewers are probably glad we are not in hd. oh, we are. hasn't this study been done in
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like 1960 with the debates between nixon and kennedy. everyone assumed kennedy would be winning, but nixon won on radio. attractive wins everything. that's why my entire life i will just be a sidekick. >> a pathetic sidekick. >> do i anne, last word to you. >> can we just look at the picture again? >> i don't think we have that technology. >> yea! all right. >> you got diane's vote. >> i abhor all of the behavior. i think it is terrible they do this. >> do you want to see the picture again? >> yes. >> he is greasing for you. all right, time to take a break. when we come back, you will see me again. that's a promise and a threat.
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uncovered a development potential to have a sub calf retained through an ant evolving 30 to 60 million years ago. >> shut up, nerd. will it turn into a graveyard smash for humanity some have you seen rise of the planet of the apes? and must all genetic hybrids be terrify ?g well that answered nothing. we have a full time staff that does nothing but find these things. this is the beginning of the end of the world, right? >> no. i think with all of the diseases in the world and the know how we have that we are using our resources to make bigger ants. that says everything right there. go usa.
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>> i think it comes from canada, but that's okay. on a scale of one to a second term for obama how much does this terrify you? >> oh god, what ab interesting scale. -- what an interesting scale. this was done through apparently hormones. i actually have real questions about gene slicing and creating a set of rules that it is done by so we do it ethically and safely. >> right. >> so it is actually something serious here. >> i am opposed to doing anything ethically or safely. but that's just me. >> it is better for comedy. >> it is not good -- >> probably because i am a libertarian and not a republican. >> are you excited for the practical applications of what these biologists are doing, and i have no idea what they are. >> i keep waiting about the part where they say, this is important because -- >> exactly. that's why we are doing this. >> and yea!
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>> bill, you may only comment as long as you promise not to bring up your cloning wool imam moth -- wooly mammoth segment. >> what these guys are doing -- >> you found the loophole. >> i did. what they are doing is a little like what jack horner who was the model for the paleontologist in "jury raiveg park -- jurassic park," but instead of getting bugs and ma lass sis and getting the dna out of him, he is starting the ant from the beginning and taking out the genes that they didn't have when they were a different version of himself and he is doing it with chicken. you know why? when they are embryo and their direct descendant is a t rex they are that former self. he is getting close to taking the genes and what comes out of the egg when the chicken has the egg, it is not chicken. it is a t-damn-rex. we are near and i will be there. >> if i remember the movie -- >> exactly.
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thank you. have you seen "the fly"? this is not good. >> this whole thing is a throw back to a time when it was the movie of the week. >> i want a pet t rex and i don't wear what you say. >> they are going to have a tough time when they come home and their pensions aren't paid, and they can't find work. >> now you made it political. did you see what you did? >> you want me to autograph that? >> come on. oh, you are not a dog. are you a giant thund thunder lizard. now fetch. >> you know how you kill a giant ant? a small magnifying glass. >> i don't care how big it is. >> i think we screwed up the association rules. >> we screwed up a lot of things. >> seriously? >> it is a bold, new world. there is no room for humans. we will close things out with the post game wrap up from mike baker. and to see clips of recent shows go to fox news .com/red eye.
12:58 am
don't forget we are on saturday 2:00 a.m. eastern time and that is 2 a.m. pacific time. a new "red eye" returns with greg hosting on monday. guests in exweek are dana perino and gavin mcguinness. it is time to go back to mike baker for the post game wrap up. >> so we don't have a dinner date, andy? >> you and i do. i was speaking to the other people. >> good. congressman, can you tell us about the important dates arizona has coming up? >> two things we have, the anniversary of the shooting in tucson. and in many ways i am very proud of the people from arizona. they came together and dealt with it well, but it has been one year of mourning. and the second part is february 14th. we are 100 years old. look at that.
12:59 am
>> we will send uh "red eye" gift in the mail. >> i can't take gifts. >> don't worry. we aren't sending it. >> diane, can you remind our viewers where they can see you? >> questionable yearbook photos and imus in the morning. >> can you tell us what high school you graj -- graduated from? >> no. >> paul, where are you performing next week? >> i will be at the san francisco punch line. don't say anything. january 11th to the 14th, and congressman, i want to give you this pen. take it. it is entrapment. take it. >> not on national television. >> it was t wasn't even a pen. it was a pen cap. >> i gave the congressman a toaster and waffle maker. and bill, where can people see you? >> dreaming about dinasaurs in my backyard, a little door they can come in the house, or maybe their snout if they are
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