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tv   Cavuto on Business  FOX News  January 21, 2012 7:30am-8:00am PST

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help me out. how do we get from, i can't find a job, i'm going to stay home and watch neil cavuto, so that means i'm not working. neil, we're in trouble. the american people. >> neil: what's wrong with watching me, that's not the trouble though, right? >> nothing wrong with watching you, every time i watch you, i leave a little smarter, how is that for a nice quote. >> neil: real quick, you think there's going to be what call a double dip, another evidence of slowdown, a downdraft that we're not seeing? >> no, no, i'm not saying there's going to be-- i'm not saying we're going back to the crisis in '08. >> neil: all you need, if the the momentum slows, the hiccup. >> look, look, we need job creation in america, big time. romney did it. as i said, neil, i'm watching this organization that he's put together for the election, it's the best i have ever seen. and they follow-up.
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he's early, believe it or not, most politicians wander in an hour late. this guy is-- >> there is that. >> he's, look, look, he's the answer. i guarantee you right now, one last thing i would say to him. run as if you're only going to be in office for one term and make all the tough decisions in first term like reagan did, okay, neil. >> neil: very good, ken. you be yourself, seems to be working, you're coming out ever your shell, good luck. >> i'm seeing that shrink, he he's helping me, there you go. >> neil: ken langone, the man who got home depot on the map and running, that was then, this is now. and imus is next as we wait for newt gingrich about to make his latest. and these are the things over which we delight, a restaurant, a hot political battle and then of course, completing the trifecta, don imus himself. all this. across the golden state,
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where everyone has been unbelievably nice. mornin'. i guess i'm helping them save hundreds on car insurance. it probably also doesn't hurt that i'm a world-famous advertising icon. cheers! i mean, who wouldn't want a piece of that? geico. ah... fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent oh dear... or more on car insurance.
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>> it's irrelevant whether he should release his taxes or not. it's irrelevant whether anybody should release their taxes or not. but the whole point of this discussion is, you've got to have a better answer than that. you know they're going to bring it up. and every-- his fathe had to, that dope had to release them. i mean, they're going to ask him, they asked him a couple days ago. who is advising this guy? he's standing there, romney, he's so terrified, he can't answer the questions. >> neil: and here is the thing, don imus likes mitt romney and supporting him for president. he's joining me on the phone, my colleague, my friend, don imus, huntsville, texas. how r. >> decided to go with the pink shirt, pink tie today, huh. >> yes, i did.
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>> very nice, very handsome. >> neil: thank you. you ripping romney on the tax thing, you make a good point, whether it's relevant or not to release them, how he's handled it and answered has revealed some weak henesses, what was your beef on that. >> if you were watching the debate you didn't know anything about any of these people, this is the first exposure you ever had to them, you'd vote for gingrich in a heartbeat. i mean, he had that answer for everything. he said, when did you release your taxes he said an hour ago. well, romney can't say, yeah, you only released one year, gingrich would have turned around, you haven't released anything, what are you talking about, so-- >> so you think that romney's problem is that he's not being direct enough, not being clear, he's letting gingrich take advantage on the big "in your face" issues. >> answers the questions. who now the big headline coming out this have, that many women want today sleep with newt gingrich, more action than charlie sheen. >> neil: stop that.
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i had a feeling it would go go in this direction. >> well. >> neil: how do you feel that the candidates are measuring up. if you're barack obama and in the white house watching all of this. are you liking it or sensing, hey, i'm not having an easier time than i thought, what? >> i mean, you know, these elections, unfortunately, i don't know how they get decided, but i think they get decided, remember when bill clinton played the saxophone with arsenio hall? >> that's right. >> that made him pretty cool. >> neil: and he appeared on your show, that made him pretty cool. >> but if you're barack obama and you can go to the apollo and actually sing like al green, you may think that appeals to a certain segment, it doesn't, it appeals to everybody. you may have been the worst president we've, i don't think that's the case, but he's going to be tough to beat. >> neil: you're changing. >> no, i'm not cleaning.
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>> neil: mitt romney last week at this time and now you're kind of on the fence and throwing the compliments the president's way. >> if he can't handle newt gingrich then he's not going to be able to handle obama. one thing obama can do, the president can do, is campaign. >> neil: he can do that. and romney is going to be ripped for paying 15%,'s going to be ripped because he has a lot of money and pays a low capital gains rate. it is the law and allowed. how do you think that's going to look? >> now what i'm thinking during this conversation? i'm not feeling that you're all that happy to have me on. >> neil: i am he an always happy to have you on. you always have an attitude. >> i don't have an attitude. i am he'. >> neil: yes, you do. >> it's an honor to be on your program. >> neil: an honor to you, but on that 15% thing do you think that that's going to be a problem for him? >> no. >> neil: you don't, why not? >> i don't think it is, i mean, i think when it comes-- if he's the nominee, then i think people are going to--
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i mean, i was talking to a guy over at joe beavers, over at joe beaver's ranch yesterday and watched a guy practice, a guy, jim hughes, a big time, very successful businessman here in huntsville. he said i don't care who is the republican nominee, i mean, i think he likes romney, i don't care who it is, i'm voting for him. whoever it is, so, i think that's what it's going to come down to. >> neil: very interesting. and don, i appreciate it, i know, your he' taking quality time with your son and agreed to come back tonight on fox business. >> fox business? >> yes. six to 9 p.m. co-anchoring, are you okay with that. >> yes, people don't realize this, you make me do this. >> neil: i don't make you. >> oh, yeah, you don't. you don't hear me call in on anybody else's show, you make me do this. >> neil: just like you make me appear on your fine show which i love. don, seriously, a pleasure, thank you very, very much and i look forward to chatting with you tonight and always, listening and watching you on
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fox business. and has it been fun for you. >> just fine, neil. you look great today and just go with the pink all day, i guess. >> neil: thank you, donald. he will be back with us later on this evening, don imus our star on fox business. if you don't get it-- >> demand it. >> neil: pretty much and michael, in columbia, south carolina, what is it looking like there? >> i've been here since the crack of dawn. as you know and the i-man know, sleep is overrated and there are people outside and let me step out of the shot and show how it's been filled up here. a rainy day in the columbia area, but they're packing them in. i talked to a variety of folks and without getting into names here in the voting area, i can tell you a lot of people talked about electability, who they thought could beat president obama in the fall, a lot of people here in south carolina are also greatly concerned about the economy. the national average unemployment, it's higher here in south carolina,
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unemployment. and so, a lot of them are concerned about their friends, their neighbors, their family and they're worried about who can get the economy on track and so, it's been an interesting discussion, a lot of people saying that they believe that whoever they vote for today. they're going with their hearts and that they intend to support the republican nominee in the fall, and others saying that they will take a closer look with president obama, in the fall. but, a lot of people coming out, doing their dutiy, voting on primary day here in south carolina, the first in the south primary and south carolina folks take a lot of pride in picking presidents here and they say, iowa's okay, new hampshire is okay, and south carolina since 1980 picked the republican nominee and they take that seriously and they are hoping that they will do that again today. neil. >> neil: on the other side in greenville, south carolina, the arrival of newt's bus right there. and he's got the momentum and certainly, the red meat oomph from conservative who feel he
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far better articulates their cause. is there a divide in the party? and if so, is it a severe one? how would you define it from people you've talked to? >> it's been interesting, and a lot of folks said that the dehe bait performance this week, two debates this week, was a deciding factor for them. some were really impressed by his response to the challenge that he got in the last debate, and so, that is certainly a factor, but some people have said, you know, we're worried about a dividing the conservative vote, and so, newt's been saying vote for me, not santorum, and santorum has been saying, this is a three-person race. and you know, there's been this effort to be the romney alternative, if you will, so, a lot of folks that i've talked to today said they voted for the person they liked best and in the fall they will support the republican nominee, neil. >> thank you very much. mike emanuel and of course, we just want to go, if we can and take a look at what's happening at the-- i should say, tommy's ham
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house in greenville, a must-stop for presidential candidates of all stripes, over the many, manyors, it's-- they've had them all and in this case the latest entrant will be newt gingrich coming about 45 minutes or so after mitt romney. very big crowd for newt gingrich. they were expecting, keep in mind, earlier though that both of the candidates would show up at the same time. romney's come and gone. newt is there and they are psyched and we will have more after this. ading everywhere... on one of the most powerful mobile apps out there. i'm trading here every day. and i'm customizing everything. everything. from thought, to trade. i'm with scottrade. i'm with scottrade. i'm with scottrade. and seven dollar trades are just the start. ♪ [ rodger ] with innovations like our powerful mobile app and free scottrader streaming quotes, no wonder more investors are saying... i'm with scottrade!
7:44 am
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>> to give us the right to exercise our freedom and i hope you'll communicate to every person you know that we want them to exercise that freedom, as part of their civic responsibility. let me say to the young people here, it's always great when you have young people come out, this is about your future. we want to unleash the power of the american people, to create a much bigger, much
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better, much more prosperous america, we know the american people can rebuild the country we love and we are are determined to get washington bureaucrats and washington rules out of the way so that the american people can-- >> you're listening to newt gingrich right now. 's arrived at tommy's ham house where newt gingrich is right now sort of wowing them and mitt romney had the same opportunity less than a power ago, they were supposed to show up together and didn't workout out that way. and one of the guys, the great class that many thought would be over eggs and pork, all things pork at this hen house, was not to be. we've got frank luntz joining us right now and there is this issue of how this battle is shaping up between these two men, and it can shift and change and it has already quite a bit. what do you make of this divide and this battle between these guys? >> well, it was bound to happen at some point. it's the same thing that
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happened with hillary rodham clinton and barack obama back in 2008. it became a two person race and this may become a two person race depending what happens tonight. my interest, what happens if mitt romney refuse toss debate next week, how will florida voters react. clearly newt gingrich has advantage not from the ads, not from the organization and not from the money. strictly from the debates and romney said he's not confirmed his participation. don't give newt the platform and risk being attacked for not showing up or attend these and become a punching bag. romney has so much money and viewers don't understand. whether in his campaign or super pac that he can afford to destroy gingrich in ten days in florida and that's what i'm expecting is going to ham. if you don't come to the debate. i don't know if florida voters will say, that's not fair,
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that's not kosher, since you're talking about pork, that's not right and that's the question. >> neil: and i think i've been at every debate, including the 4-h club in iowa so i've done this time and time and time again. you say that it doesn't look good to he bows out even though he's done a respectible job and gingrich a great job as well. it's not as if he's a poor debater, up against gingrich it reinforces the argument with the party core, he doesn't make it? >> mitt romney is a good, solid debater and he's got a good, solid record and let's not dismiss his effectiveness in these forums, but this is where newt gingrich shines and so, it doesn't really matter whether or not you've debated in iowa, in south carolina, florida voters think they now deserve the chance to hear the candidates. and this is a very tough decision for romney, frankly, if i were advising the campaign, aim not sure what i would recommend. >> very interesting, frank
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luntz, thank you very, very much. and newt gingrich continues to talk to folks having breakfast and i wonder if any one of them accidentally say we're going to have breakfast and see a scene here and totally oblivious to the fact that there were going to be two presidential candidates showing up? i imagine far and few between. imagine if you want today order pancakes and get out of there, not the happening. a little more to it. >> a time keeper, no moderator-- . she thought allstate car insurance was out of her reach. until she heard about the value plan. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate.
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>> hey, we've been so immersed in this. have any of you had a chance to see this. >> he's on fire, man, and sign of who he is. >> on top of that,'s big, he's accurate. >> performs well under pressure. >> what can you say, the guy is a confident perfectionist. >> those are nfl players and coaches and talking about my performance, this is just the past hour, they are, true, prove me wrong.
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you haven't seen nothing yet. tonight six o'clock on fox business, count things down with the jets owner and a cke restaurant ceo and don imus if he feels like it will come back and i can't reveal the names and other big players because you know, megyn kelly and bret baier, they'll just top it and i can't have that. no, but again, you get the best of both worlds on fox news and fox business and we've got it great tonight and the rival business channels they're showing teflon commercials and i think a 12-year-old documentary on regis philbin. i think that's it. i think that's it. don't-- and we've got south carolina's former democratic governor jim hodges joining us now. good to have you, and this race, how is it looking right now to you? >> neil, my sense is that gingrich has the momentum
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right now and i wouldn't have said that three or four days ago, but he had two solid dehe bait performances and he seemed to have much firmer footing than romney and romney had an awful week. and my assessment is that they give the momentum. and the history in our state has been particularly in the republican primaries that the candidate that's closing strong, tends to do better even than the polls show and certainly looks like grinch is going to have a good night tonight. >> we're getting the first hint of polling since the former speaker's second wife came out and said all of this nasty stuff about him. even with that, his poll numbers, if anything, have risen. i think we, one poll showed that. if not, one number i was looking at had him up by 9 points, regardless, do you get a sense, governor, that's a nonissue with your state and might be a nonissue in future states? >> neil, you sort of broke up on me for a minute, but i
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think the question about gingrich's poll numbers, correct. >> neil: yes, yes. >> okay, well, i think for one thing, any type of personal information that comes out within 48 hours of election time is discounted and we have a history of things coming out in the the last election cycles, people have gotten irritate bide sort of labori laboring-- late breaking news and the stories have been out there for a while and frank lly more focused on what they want to hear about, who is going to put the economy ahead and there wasn't much excitement and the debates seemed to create more interest among them and more interesting today to see what happens. >> neil: governor, thank you, very, very much. a lot more coming up right now. and there's a-- it's been maybe a little divide between reaganites and old bushites. the bushites the rap goes
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really, really like mitt romney. the reaganites seem to really, really like newt gingrich. michael reagan on that, herman cain on that, after this. so i'm glad it's with fidelity. they offer me one-on-one guidance to help me choose my investments. not just with my savings plan here at work. they help me with all of my financial goals. looking good, irene. thanks to fidelity, i can stay on topof my fi? good one. why, thank you. whether it's saving for retirement, college, or anything else, contact a fidelity investment professional today. i wanted it to be special. oh, what's this? it's progresso's new loaded potato with bacon. mmm, it's good. honey, i love you and... oh my gosh, oh my gosh.. look at these big pieces of potato.
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