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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  January 21, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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van qished abroad and racism overcame here at home. theirs is a war story that zeefshs to be told. i'm oliver north. good night. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. they undermine our prosperity and liberties. they undermine it? our military needs to do more. bad guys hurting our people. the problem with ron paul is ilationist foreign policy. it is our business why should we spend our mon competent live to get involved in
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another war. >> will that lead to less violence or more? america and war. that's our show tonight. and now john stossle. ♪ what is war good for? for protecting us from people who want to kill us. kill them before they kill us. what if america hadn't gone to war against the nazies in world war ii? we talk about government exceeding the constitutional limits and defense is something that government is supposed to do right here in the constitution. government is doing all kinds of things it shouldn't be doing and defense is not one of those things. still ron paul argues that our
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government went way beyond defense and attempts at build acts of violence that create new evidence and for saying that ron paul is vilified by other republicans. rick santorum said what people don't like about ron paul is the craziness was cutting our military in half and pulling our troops in from all over the world. newt gingrich said he is wrong on national security. foreign policy is disastrous. and david henderson said ron paul is right. he is an economist in the nailal post graduate school. why is ron paul wrong. >> the devil is in the details. ron paul scrapes everything off of the top and said no more this and that. and he's blames us for 9-11
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and capturing bin laden instead of killing him. we are in the middle of the war and not going away soon and ron paul talks dramatic and -- >> critics oversimplify, too. he is ridiculous. we spent 700 billion dollars and making enemies with ours. >> i want to disagree with what colonel hunt said about ron paul. that he blames us for 9-11. >> he said of the reasons we were attacked because of osama bin laden. we have troops n saudi arabia. >> that's right. he was not the only one. deputy secretary of defense in an interview of may 2003, said the great things of getting troops out of saudi arabia, it was a huge recruiting device for al-qaida. he admits one of ron paul's main points and he is a
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conservative that pushed for the war in iraq. >> isn't it one of the reasons that people attack us we have troops in their counselry? >> first of all why 2000 americans got killed had little to do with saudi arabia and everything to do with osama bin laden and al-qaida. a guy running for president of the united states who is getting poll number oversimplifies the foreign policy in the time of war. of course we need adjustments. but stop helping israel and investments and cut the defense budget and that is beyond ridiculous in the middle of a war. >> close all of these bases. we have 300,000 soldiers around the world and 60, nigermany and 30,000 in japan and south korea, why? >> there is treaties involved and our defense issues, yes, we on should reduce. we would bring them back and
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spend more time in the u.s.. but places like north and south korea and southeast asia that we need it because of our positions in the world. >> why? why can't they defend themselves . >> some of them are like the south korea because of what happened in north korea. we are involved. we don't want to have to deploy over there because of north korea so belergerent. >> scouth korea can defend themselves. there is a treaty. treaties can be end. south korea president when bush was in office asked if we could end the war. >> they have more arstillly in the north korea and within 32 of 40 million people. >> true. true. but we help our friends. whether it is smaller, sure. the problem is i have cut them and bring them all home.
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>> cut foreign aid . cut to egypt and israel and everyone. >> first of the all israel wouldn't exist. >> it would. >> we have -- the dollars and helping them stay. >> three billion a year and one and half percent of the cogross domestic product. that is essential to the israelis . paul would say stop it. >> also stop it egypt and jordan. >> governor paul or congressman paul wants everything stopped and that's my issue with him. it is not a reasonable approach to anything. >> and the point is, israeli want the aid because people who get things for free want them. it doesn't mean without it they wouldn't survive. nonintervention. some political scientist and
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economist have made. >> how do you make it for 9-11. >> we should have attacked them after if you stick your hand in the hornest nest they will bite. >> you can't sit in the house with wait for them to attack. >> talk about iran, then. we are sitting in the house and they are building a nuclear device. >> maybe. >> probably. >> probably. >> rick santorum said we should bomb them before they do it. >> he's wrong as congressman paul. we can't do a third war in 10 years. >> congressman paul said we can live with it then. either we bomb them or live with them. we lived with the soviet and live with them. >> the problem is iran's stated policy of destruction of israel and killing of americans in iraq. it is a dangerous unsettling
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country who openlyy supports hamas and hezbollah. iran is a terrorism state . it is difficult to let them are it. >> colonel, you and i have lived in a world which countries had thousands of nuclear. the idea that iran could aim nuclear weons at israel and not face retaliation is absurd. >> that lead toz world war three. that's my issue. >> that's why they will not do it. >> if we don't take them out. we have sanctions . i don't see we have many options . >> iran is a super military power in the middle east. >> what do we do? >> there is religious pressure and chinese and soviet and a lot that is economic that we are not doing and the last thing should we talk about a war .
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bombing iran's nuclear facilities are so buried. >> we agree on that. let me just bring up. if ron paul is as you and so many republicans say so wrong on how come he gets support from military families. >> i get twice as much monep from the active military duties than all of the other candidates put together. they are saying i am on the right track and they are sick and tired of the wars and nation's building and policing activity. >> 71 percent from military families. >> the military is not a voting block. >> but what do they know? >> and when machine is in the military, all of them it is not therefore, they are not always right . because you get support means you are right. it is nice to say i have more military guys.
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but everything i am saying, military is backing me and individually i am right. >> it is an important and interesting indicator. when you vote for your monep are voting for ron paul. it is one thing to say i like machine and another thing to pull out water and give them money. >> it is cherry picking. we don't know which part of the policy he supports of paul. we'll take one other controversy. he said stop spying. close the blind and dig a hole. and we have a dangerous world. how is that going to be argued. but we are in the middle of a war with very, very bad guys and you have to have an idea of what they are doing. and we have to do more and not less. you can't dig a hole and bury
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yourself n >> whether you need spying is if you go to war. how do you reduce the probability. you can't reduce it to wrero. so how do you do it best? not upsetting people in the other countries by intervening in their affair trying to tell them how to do it. even though colonel hunt and i agree not going to iran. the sanctions are a point of war. >> that's my problem with paul and supporters. do nothing. >> you mean trade or talk. >> you have to try to affect in some matter whether it is intelligence or economic people who have stated and have killed americans as iran has and stated the destruction of your friends the israelis. you can't just sit there.
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my biggest argument with the congressman. >> it may be oversimplified. but he believes that and he's been consistent. thank you colonel david hunt and david hent e henderson. >> ger yaldo rivera risked his life so i don't have to risk mine. i appreciate that. what is he doing over there. how much war can we afford when we return.p@?ñm ñoy÷ó
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>> there is plentep of turmoil in the world. revolution in the middle east and iran developing nukes and we don't know what will happen in north korea. is america prepared to deal with that? many americans say no. we need to spend more on our military. former navy lieutenant said
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no, don't do that. spend less. how can you say that? people do want to kill us. >> they have wanted to kill us a long time and we have killed them back an 9/11 and al-qaida. people forget how much the military budget has grown. >> we are spending less of a percentage of the economy. and the economy has grown. just it doesn't mean you need to spend more money to defend. we are spending more today than any time in the cold war or ronald reagan spent. >> it is more than we spent than when there were all of those missiles and duck and cover drills in school. >> and i fought a soviet navy and now we are fighting scuffy al-qaida figures. >> we are also fighting iran and china is a risk.
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talk about them. iran gets nukes. some people say we need to take them out to protect peace in the world. >> i think people look back on the experience in iraq and said we went after a guy who we thought had a nuclear program. and he didn't. but the next question and then what. are you going to occupy iran that has woand half times as many people. what is the plan after that. we spent 10 years in iraq and a trillion dollars and three trillion when it is all said and done when all of the costs roll in. people need to think through all of the costs and then justify an act basod that. >> think of the rick. what if they give the nuclear device to al-qaida and put it on a tanker and ship it over here. >> every country does not want to hand over the keys of the kingdom to a group they are no
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control of. how do they know they will use it in the way they want it to. the reason why states don't use nuclear weapons, they are a return address and they will be aniliated. they know that. >> what if they attack israel one democracy in the middle east. israel has defended itself on numerous occasions andis israel has a nuclear weapon. only count reap in the area that does. >> chynna increased military. >> united states has been in asia and in korea since the end of the korea war. the qu is when will they be responsible for defending themselves . if not now, when? i put that question to say we have to stay and add a few dozen places along the way. >> afghanistan. we are pulling back, the cado
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institute has supported that. what if horrible things and women are enslaved and al-qaida is given a new home. we have been in afghanistan since after 9/11. the mission has change would. it was going after al-qaida and punishing the taliban. and now we are trying to build a functioning nation state there. when americans thought the purpose of the mission was to prevent al-qaida from carrying out a 9/11 attack they supported it but it is now a nation building mission. >> i hear we are gutting the military. washington post blog reads. obama cuts defense to the bone and then some. supposedly cutting 500 billion. >> we are grown the military budget over the last 15 years, it doesn't represent a gutting.
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in fact, even if the most cuts under sequestration. budget act. >> failure of the super committee. >> automatic cuts and terrible and going to destroy our military. >> takes us back to 200divide levelings. that was not a leann year for the pentagon . continue to grow. >> we do have one graph. this shows projected military spending if something done and this line shows after obama's charges and both are still going up. why is there all of this talk about cuts and cutting defense to the bone and then some in the washington post of all places. >> in washington, john, the people's money is the government's money until the people get it. they assume that spending is going up. those of us not in washington
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don't assume that. again in washington it is sanct. they are responsible if we make the kinds of stradgic changes. they didn't go far enough. but we have strategic changes and reevaluate the military's mission to focus on keeping america safe and secure. our core interest. >> if america did that we would spend 700 billion and 400 billion roughly. >> 450 billion. >> three 250 billion we could use as we go broke. thank you chris crabble. coming up while i sit safely behind the desk. geraldo risks his life to cover the road. he was embedded by the troops. it makes reporters feel like
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they are part of the team. is that a good thing? we'll debate that next. today soldiers have a difference experience than soldiers in viet nam and world war ii had. they spend more day in combat and the general said the result is not good. she'll explain why.
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>> hard work and sacrifice. those words only begin to describe the costs of this war. >> another costs of the war what happen tots soldiers after war . the popular comic strip doonsbury it was post
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traumatic stress disorder and the new one suffer a brain injury. in developing the character he consulted with the army's top psychiatrist. general suton just retired after 29 years in the military and joins us with mark dust who rights the ramblings on traum a. what do you mean? >> it is just my take on what is coming out in the news and my experience in war. and trying to dissiminate that out in the public so they understand it better. >> what do we need to understand better? >> it is not people with ptsb are messed up. it is a a biological problem. you are knocked out of your wrone and you focus on everything is a threat and you are hyper vigilant. you have a tendency to avoid
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things. >> you would see trash on the road and think it an iad. >> that was a troubling experience. we were going to disneyland in a honda mini van and i had the wife and kids with me and saw the trash on the side of the road and it looked similar to a trash pile that hid an iad. i stomped and swerved to the side of the road and get out of the kill zone and my wife is going honey what is wrong, what is going on? i couldn't bring myself to the point of realizing that i was in southern california. not in iraq. >> general sutton, soldiers have been exposed to horrible threats in war time. why is this new group different? >> in this particular set of
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wars, we have a cohort of service members like mark have been exposed to more days of combat stress, continuously and repetitively than any other generation this our history in >> more days of combat stress. world war ii they might have served for five years. >> that's true. >> in vietnam maybe longer. >> in world war ii, the enemy had a decency to wear a uniform and there was a front line and rear area . we understood the importance was rotating service members back and forth and limit their exposure so they could perform in their units . moving forward to vietnam, you had a larger number of soldiers and air men and marines exposed to trauma and again, the vast majority of them were for a single tour and less than a year of combat
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exposure. >> first two world war average of 200 days. days of someone trying to kill you. first two world war maybe two hundred days of exposure and vietnam 300 days and the last 10 years a thousand days. >> to 1500. >> and you have a voluntary army that goes back and serves more days at rick. >> as general stucky said beware of a 12 division strategy with a 10 division army. the human load on each service member is unlike any in our history. the good news, talk about the good news, you have a generation like mark and his peers when it was clear after 9/11 we were at war and they said here i am send me. they knew they were going to war well before the economy
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went south. here is a generation that has come back to us now, they have a global perspective, they have got the awareness and the value system and the warrior attribute they are coming back to a culture that doesn't have a place for sacrifice and doesn't understood duty and team work and having your buddy's back. yes, mark and his buddies have needs, but they have strengthings. strengths that our country has never needed more than we need right now. >> thank you, general sutton. mark dust. this is a cost of war and not awn measured in government statisticings. coming up. my crazy colleague geraldo on covering the wars. since vietnam military treats reporters differently. is that good or bad, we'll
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taken up position in the road ahead. and they have tried to close off the main highway. >> all right. geraldo, covering war is for young people. we are old now and we are supposed to be sitting here using our brains and the young people go over there and do this. our offices happen to be right next to each other. every time there say crisis in the world and i got to get on a plane to get there. why are you so eager. >> used be i was marshall dillon and now chester. >> i don't know. it is in my blood in a sense. in terms of the military and conflict after 10 year post 9/11 world. untiling in the armed forces here and there and everywhere. iraq and stan tan and going off to places like somalia and middle east. it is an affinity for our gi's. i just get more money than
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they do. and so just as ron paul gets support from the military families, you have done this, you are more anti-war? >> well, i am anti-foreign adventure. i think we can't be the policemen of the world. i see how imprecise the weapon and military is and expensive and not just the blood which is the most profound expense . but waste over the last 10 years. it is incredible to me how the treasurer of america can be squandered old man by sending young men to war. >> the idea that changed was embedding reporters with the troops. in the end of vietnam they had kept all of the reporters away from the troops. but now they invite you in.
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it started in iraq. and they had an idea and it was a brilliant idea. if we are upset about the coverage, give them intimate acess. they can see the ebb and flow of our lives and see and better relate to us and the mission. >> we have a clip and here in iraq when you were embedded. >> the door is open and they are going in. what did you find? >> we found insurgent are using these. and afterwards you make friend and there was a snow ball fight and shows the relationship. but some people object to this. there is an arcticle. embedded reporters emphasize the being system than the
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consequences with iraqi season. and the reporters get bought off. >> well is a natural in. stinct to be with your buddis and our side and our team against those guys and that side. there is no doubt about it that perhaps are less critical than you might be. but there is also an access that lets you understand what the mission is. now i want my guys to do well and i want them to be safe. they are the same and i admit that i never alter my story or factually substitute a lie for reality. but i am giving them a benefit of the doubt. they and me are the same. >> we should make it clear to the audience. reporters don't have to be embedded. you went to afghanistan 10 times and five as an embed and
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iraq 10 12 times embed asked freedom when you are not embedded. when you are with the troops, you have to go where they tell you to go. >> when you are on your own and free lance, there are dangers. but on the other you are not targeted as you are with the troops. my greatest footage in the middle of the libya. we were on our own free lancing with my photographer. you are restricted to military rule and on your own total freedom and you may miss the action. you don't know where any particular hot spots will be bound and battles that are breaking out . front line troops, you have a odds of finding the action. >> younger viewers may think that the embed is new. but in world war ii, soldiers
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reporters lived with the troops and interrupted in the end of vietnam. >> the disparaging sentiment of the armed fores was not only result of the misguided mission in southeast asia. but the authority powers at be kept us away from the gi's. and the treatment was horrifying. >> thank you, geraldo. up next. does president obama have more proud than king george did? our next guest said yes, he does. and that's bad. and 800 iu of vitamin d plus minerals.
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the united states conducted an operation that killed osama bin laden, the leader of al-qaida. usa. usa. i was happy when bin laden was killed. justice had been done and killer had been killed. but i was not comfortable with the cheer my libitarian friend from the freedom watch knows more about the constitution and rule of law and he's a
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why. and you did call that murder. >> i did call that murder. the government can't take life, liberty or property against any person. it said any person without due process of law. and certainly can't kill someone just because it is it popular to doing so. >> this guy admitted his role in murdering 3000 americans and it makes sense that we should be able to chase him down and kill him. >> it makes political sense. and emotional sense. it was a great relief and release when this monster was dead. but he was not in the act of engaging in war at the time he was killed by u.s. troops. he ought fobe arrested and put on trial. why would we make an exception for him and try richard speck who admitted he murdered 29
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nurses in a chicago dormitory. >> because terrorism is different. if we have a civilian trial terrorist will abuse that and kill us and put lives at risk. >> there have been 2300 people tried and pled guilty of acts of terrorism by the federal courts. >> civilian courts. >> not military. military only tried seventwo of whom they let go free. the president can't make exceptions for emotional reasons or political reasons. he can't make exceptions at all. that is not me but the supreme court. just like lib concan't suspend the writ of the habious corp pus. >> why are civilian trials a bad day. omal. the blind sheik was prosecuted for conspiring to bomb the world trade center. the government list of co-conspir ators made their
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way to osama bin laden. this compromised our intelligence ability and ability to stop the next terrorist act. >> i don't know if that is the case. we have an imperfect system. it is not based on punishing the guilty. but based on those that are proven guilty. if the government can't prove guilt and the person is not worthy of punishment no matter what the crowds think. that is the reason we have the constitution. they call it star chamber. you argue that the new defense authorization act gives the president more power than king george. explain. >> for the first time in the end of reconstruction period. the federal government can use the military for ordinary law
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enforcement purposes. they are not going to be directing traffic. they will arrest people that the president want to arrest x. so this statute purports to give, i believe the courts will inval date it the president a reason to arrest and ship them to cuba and they can't see a judge or lawyer or jury and they will at a there as long as the president wants them. the british king didn't have the authority to do that. >> most americans say it is a democracy and rule of the majority. we trust obama to make the right decision and appoint people who do. and if we don't like it vote for someone else next time but they want to keep us safe. >> the constitution is to protect us from the tyranny of the majorit yeprotect the natural right and that is the right to be free from restraint where the government can't prove the reason for the
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restraint. this president not only killed bin laden but two americans using drones without due process and any transparency. the constitution for him is meaningless. >> how are the arguments for the libitarian and this passed quen-13. politicians are not much interested in what is in the constitution. they are not interested in the constitution. i had a brew with the number three ranking democratic asked why the federal constitution can manage health care. >> he said judge, that is not what most is. they will wait for the black robed judges to invalidate constitutional. sometimes they lose it before the courts can invalidate
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unconstitutional legislation . >> constitution is not long. they could read it thank you, andrew napolitano x. coming up. my take on what ron paul said about war.
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makes sense to me and his opponents and my colleagues say >> the problem with ron paul isist foreign policy. it scares the daylights for
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us. isalation is not the solution. >> why do they use the term issolationist. shrink the military's role is not the samasis oalation. ron paul said it ought to be defense and not offense. with america going broke we can't afford to spend more on our military than when russia threatened us. still i am nervous talking about it. all of these smart people say ron paul and i are just wrong. they say america needs to spend more on the military and some of them studied war for years. i covered market so my instincts are to believe them except by covering markets i learned that governments doesn't do anythinwell or efficiently. why would that be different
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for defense? in 2004 u.s. military sent 12 billion in shrink wrapped hundred dollar bills. $100,000 each . that 12 billion dollars disappear exclude we don't know what happened to this. u.s. official said there was so much cash in his office they called them football they passed them around in a pick up game. there is no cure for military inefficienciy than there is for waste in the post office. we should rely on government central planning as little as possible. today some people want the military to contain chynna and chase terrorist and train foreign militaries to chase terrorist and keep oil cheap and stop genicide and protect europe, asia and middle easternitates from aggression and spread good will and repond to natural disasters and secure the internet and
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police the mexican border and transform failed states in democracies. and politicians have a hartime saying no. but the list is endless. transformingitates and nation building is worst form of transmittal planning. running for president george w. bush said i don't think our troops should be used for nation building yet four years later. we are fighting a war so that the iraqis can build a nation. i think candidate bush had the right idea than president bush. we tried nation building in afghanistan for then years, are we winning hearts and mines in no. a recent poll of afghans 43 percent had a favorable impression of the united states way down from 83 percent in 2005. and in afghanistan our attempt to nation build leads to power point slides like this one. when it was leaked it was a
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hit on the internet because it illustrates the overwhelming complexity of the problem. what is the likelihood that american solders were able to put a workable plan. saying no to nation building and issolationist. let our music and books disseminate autos and let us trade with everybody instead when goods cross borders, armies don't. a new book said level of armed conflict in muslim conflict is lower today tan had two decades ago and trade is the reason. we need a strong military. and we don't need to police the whole world. that's our show. thank you for watching. good night. [ male announcer ] lately, there's been a seismic shift
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