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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  January 24, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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president's state of the union address one hour from now on this channel. i'll be down the dial on big fox where chris wallace of "fox news sunday" will join me for analysis. "the o'reilly factor" is coming up for the journalists of fox news, thanks for having us in. opinion and analysis begins now on america's choice for news and information on cable. this is the fox news channel. >> bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight: >> i'm going to lay out a blueprint for an economy that is built to last. >> bill: well, we have heard that before. promises of prosperity as the president gets ready to deliver his third state of the union address, we will have our own no spin state of the union. >> the speaker was given an opportunity to be the leader of our party in 1994 and at the end of four years he had to resign in disgrace. >> bill: is that true? was newt gingrich forced out as speaker of the house? we asked charles krauthammer to give us a dose of truth sir
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remember rum. >> are you suggesting that hair written and prostitution exercise of liberty. >> if i leave it up to the states it's going to be up to the states. >> bill: ron paul wants to legalize narcotics. is he aware of the epidemic of objection i -- oxycontin? people are dying all over the place. that is a legal drug. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. captions by closed captioning services >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. the no spin state of the union that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. just about an hour president obama will deliver his third state of the union address. we can expect the president to be in full campaign mode painting optimistic picture of america filled with forward-looking promises for
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middle class americans. that's what all politicians do. from the beginning i have opined that president obama is not a bad person. i think he genuinely wants to do good for americans. there is no malevolence in president obama's belief system. policy, policy, that's another matter. let's take a cold hard look at the facts. when president obama took office in 2009, the national debt was 10 point $62 trillion. today it is 15.23 trillion. an increase of 43% in three years. what do we have to show for that colossal increase in the debt? tell me. what? therein lies the biggest part of mr. president obama's deficit no pun. we have little to show for it federal pending was $304 billion today 323 billion. an increase of more than 6%. gallon of gas january of 2009, 1.84. right now $3.39. a whopping 84% increase.
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average family health insurance premiums, just about 13,000 in 2009, in 2011, just about 15,000. 12.5% increase. finally unemployment january of 2009, 7.6. right now 8.5. we all know president obama inherited a bad situation, but on paper he has made it worse. it's impossible to deny that. the president says he needs more time. well, it's entirely up to you, the american voter. tonight mr. obama is again going to call for the federal government to do more. >> i'm going to lay out a blueprint for an economy that's built to last. american manufacturing with more good jobs and more products stamped with made in america. getting people the education and training they need so they are ready to take on the jobs of today and tomorrow. and most importantly, a return to american values. a fairness for all and responsibility from all. >> bill: what mr. obama fails to understand is that it is impossible, impossible to be fair to all.
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life doesn't work that way. especially in a competitive capitalist system. going to be winners and there are going to be losers. and you will never get responsibility from all. some people simply will not work or obey the law or do what a good citizen should do. this pie in the sky stuff actually hurts the president. he continues to believe that his vision can be imposed on the country. it can't. finally you will see a lot of theater tonight warren buffet secretary sitting with the first lady because mr. obama wants to raise taxes on investment income. another sure loser for the economy in my opinion. you will have the democrats jumping up and down while the republicans sit there looking like they have acid reflux. unfortunately it's the same old, same old as the real state of the union continues to be problematic. that's the memo. now for the top story tonight another point of view here now one of the stars of the five fanatical democrat bob beckel. do you overstate that? >> which one the star or the fanatical? >> bill: both. >> do you overstate them both,
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yeah. bill, you are known once in a while overstate things. >> bill: i will accept that. >> by the way, i tell you one thing? first time i have seen somebody in our network who has been nice enough to give obama that he has not now -- >> bill: he is not. >> i give you credit for that. >> bill: is he a committed idealogue. and who disguised himself as a populist last time around. because, look, the facts are the facts. the debt, you know, expand of 16 trillion pretty soon is the nation's biggest problem and he just won't grapple with it. he just won't. >> you argue -- i mean, i would argue long discussion not only debt matters. >> bill: you don't think that 16 trillion in debt matters. >> not at all. what happened to you today is you woke up this morning. what is it about the debt or any american that has affected your life today? forget the talk about your children and your grandchildren. today what was it? was there inflation, no? >> bill: it doesn't effect me
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because i have a good job and make money. we can't expand the economy because banks are too frightened to loan and foreign investment is skiddish about coming in here. because they feel that the dollar may collapse at any time because we can't pay back the money we owe it's a greece situation an american machine holding it up. >> the fact is that every american bond sale there is a line to out the door to get to them. the dollar is not going to collapse. we are going to be fine. you made some points. you said some facts. 306 billion they spent in january of 2009. three years ago now it's 224 billion. if you did nothing else, if nobody was in the presidency, entitlement expenditure alone would increase that to 324. >> that's correct. iraq is out of the equation which brought it down. but, you are right. just the entitlement craziness would bump up the spending. and president obama has made no attempt, zero, to reform
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the entitlements. no program forth to change the entitlement. >> he and john boehner sat down and came one a program and the president of the united states put forward cost of living increases for medicare and social security and increase in the age of social security if boehner could get taxes out of his caucus. he couldn't do it and obama couldn't do it because i made a call on their behalf on that. >> bill: this is just a joke, okay? the president commissions irskin bowls, right and simpson to come back. they come back and the president says i'm not going to take any of their suggestions. that told me as an american, not as a pundit, he doesn't care about it. just like you don't care about the 16 trillion-dollar debt. you don't see it as a threat. i see it as a threat. that's the war. that is the war that we are now conducting here in this election. you say continue to spend, continue to borrow. so does the president. i say you can't do that you are killing your economy in the long run doing that you have got to have fiscal discipline just like you have to have on the personal level.
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>> you are suggesting that somehow an election is going to handle that when the republicans do not have the courage to step up to entitlements any more than the democrats do. we use that -- that's at the heart of it. that's what matters. >> bill: that's not what the heart of it. the guy standing in the white house now is the guy you have to decide on whether it's going to be gingrich or romney or somebody else. it's going to be a vote on barack obama. barack obama has shown me nothing in fiscal responsibility matters. nothing. >> there has not been -- with the exception of the stimulus, you can argue what that stimulus did and didn't do, from the time it went into effect, i remember ronald ronald reagan used to say give my program a chance to work. remember he was in serious trouble. when it did take place it took off. when obama's first check was cut on the stimulus from that point forward we created 4 million jobs. 4 million jobs. ask the treasury department we have checked. this the first check was cut in may of 2009. >> the unemployment rate is still way too high and, you know, the president tonight is going to make all of his
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remarks, ladies and gentlemen directed to the middle class and working class americans. they are getting killed on gas prices. the reason gas prices are so high is because president obama has made it very, very difficult to mine the gas and energy we have in this country so the gas prices go up and up and up and up because nothing has been done to get us away from opec. solyndra and all this stuff hasn't worked. surely you know what a disaster this has been. surely you know. >> if that's the best y'all can do on energy. have you taken into account there was an arab spring. >> bill: what does that have to do with the prices. >> libya. for example. it really gets down to oil speculators, bill, who drive the price. you think obama is responsible for oil increases? >> bill: sure i do. >> oh, come on. >> bill: if obama had opened up drilling around the country and in the gulf and in the atlantic and pacific. >> we wouldn't have one barrel yet. >> bill: not yet but the speculators would be less inclined to drive it up because they know there is more production coming. this pipeline business from canada, that's just insane.
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>> that's a big mistake. i couldn't agree with you more. there is a lot of jobs. >> bill: bottom line is 84% in gasoline prices up in three years. that's a tough thing to run on. >> i would put most of that in the hands of the speculator marketplace. here is the differences. the choice that obama is going to outline here tonight is a simple one. that is that he is going to take his idea which government does have some involvement in the future of this economy and the republic idea that this great free market that should be -- they say overregulated which is silly. same free market capitalism that got us into trouble. >> bill: he wants more government. going to be a tough sale i will tell you that now. more government has not worked in three years. bob beckham. catch him on the five with the other four next on the run down. president obama is influenced by the radical saul olenski. we asked alan colmes to explore that. president obama on the catholic church dubious terms because of obama care and birth control. is it legal on the case upcoming.
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>> bill: in the barack and hard place syncment tonight the name saul olenski keeps popping up in the presidential campaign he was an activist that died in 19272 not before leaving all kinds of strategies for radical americans. hillary clinton wrote her thesis on him and his plan. ed henry asked this question. >> newt gingrich keeps saying
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on the campaign trail that the president's vision comes from saul olenski, community organizer. i haven't heard you asked about that. >> the president's background as a community organizer is well-documented in the president's own books. so, his experience in that field obviously contributed to who is he today. but his experience is a broad-based one. >> bill: what? with us now monica crowley and alan colmes. i don't know what question he was answering there. look, saul olenski, you know, for people who are involved in political science and there he is. this guy, you know, is in the great tradition of carl marx, lennon. >> not really. >> he even said he admired those men. he said it in his writings that he admired then and that he didn't respect private property rights. he thought that everybody
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should be guaranteed a certain style of life. he worked toward that in a very aggressive way. but my question is this: is it fair for newt gingrich to inject saul alinsky into the election. >> it's fair can he say whatever he wants. the guy has been dead for 40 years and try to tie it to obama because he wrote a book in 1971 therefore obama is a radical. we played that game four years ago it didn't get republicans elected. we played the game trying to tie president obama to bill ayers, reverend wright and saul alinsky. it didn't work last time. >> now with president obama being so devoted to big government, so devoted to income redistribution, income equality, then, see back then we didn't know what we were getting with the president. it was harder to make the case he was a radical or admired radicals. now it's easier to make that case. >> i disagree he is married to
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this idea. i believe the republicans have misstated that he wants equal outcomes. the president, the stimulus package you went through the numbers before, 40% of that were tax cuts. part of the reason the deficit has gone up that much 40% of the package republicans say they want. tax credits and tax cuts. this isn't big government. this is actually giving tax money back. that's 40% of what the president did in the stimulus package. >> bill: even president obama would admit. i think is he going to say it tonight. the federal government in his opinion has a tremendous role in capitalism. ensuring an income for american workers. and that's what alinsky wants. >> you want to tie everything to alinsky. he was more of a organizer and tactical guy that william buffet said was a genius in organizing. >> he was. >> help the disempowered become empowered versus mockvely. >> let's keep in mind who saul
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alinsky was. he wrote wills for radicals in 1971 and dedicated it to lucifer. >> bill: the devil? >> i'm not making it up. lucifer. >> bill: it wasn't lucifer schwartz. >> it was murray lucifer. he dedicated it to lucifer. the godfather of the leftist movement. barack obama and it came out of chicago. barack obama when he got to the university of chicago actually taught alinsky 101 as a course there. so let's not try. >> bill: is that what it was called. , basically called alinsky tactics 101. the broader point about alinsky. obama having a record that we can marry to his philosophy and the tactics of saul alinsky. alinsky talked about organizing minorities and other groups to articulate their grievances. >> bill: get what they want. >> mobilize on their grievances which the
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organizers like barack obama helpfully supplied to them mobilize against the establishment the haves versus the have notes. >> bill: what's wrong with poor people and people not getting what they think they should get, all right, for whatever reason organizing and having a voice? what's wrong with that? >> remember, this is the very essence of socialism. the tactics of saul alinsky and barack obama are geared toward wealth redistribution. all in service of that goal rather than in the free market goal. >> bill: alinsky didn't respect private property. >> remember, this is what occupy wall street is all about. this is the same revolution. >> bill: obama not embraced occupy wall street. >> sure he has. of course he has made a couple comments supportive. nancy pelosi have all embraced it. >> alinsky didn't believe in socialism. he would not define himself. >> bill: you can say he wasn't a communist or socialist. >> he was not. >> bill: when you say i don't
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believe in private property. human rights above property rights. >> belief not what barack obama does. >> bill: you pivoted. >> i never said he is embracing allen ski's belief system. >> bill: fair for gingrich to bring this up radical alinsky and try to tie him to obama? is that fair? >> absolute will you. you don't need to tie anything. you saw carney there. >> bill: i don't think carney knew who allen ski was. >> let's not be naive. >> bill: do you think is he a marxist? >> i don't know where carney stands. >> bill: that's what the republics are trying to do. >> it's absolutely fair. and, look, obama would take issue with the radical part but not the saul alinsky part. >> bill: they do the same thing. >> you are way out to lunch, dude. >> tea party actually did some
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of the things. the right wing has used alinsky. >> bill: secretly a member. >> you never know. >> card-carrying. >> bill: directly ahead, we will shift focus to the republicans. who won the debate last night? what's going on in florida? also ahead, john stossel wants to legalize narcotics but the oxycontin epidemic may be proving that theory wrong. coming right back. across the golden state, where everyone has been unbelievably nice. mornin'. i guess i'm helping them save hundreds on car insurance. it probably also doesn't hurt that i'm a world-famous advertising icon. cheers! i mean, who wouldn't want a piece of that? geico. ah... fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent oh dear... or more on car insurance.
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>> bill: in the impact segment tonight, last night's debate kind of tepid compared to last week. right now pollsters are busy in florida trying to assess the situation down there. the vote is one week from tonight. we do have these new poll numbers for you. according to rasmussen in a
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head-to-head matchup president obama beats president obama 46-43. margin of error so it's like a tie. obama beats gingrich 49% to 40%. larry sabato. do you have any feelings about how florida is unfolding right now, dr. sabato? >> yes. i think what we have seen, bill, throughout this whole long campaign is a roller coaster. and every time a candidate gets to the top of the hill, he goes down because the focus is on that candidate. all the negatives come out. who is at the top of the hill right now? newt gingrich. when is the election? a week from now. >> bill: newt gingrich is in for a fall? he is going down. >> i think he goal down. i don't know if he will lose the election. but i think he is going to -- i think it's going to get a lot closer than it is right now. romney is on the offensive. he finally went on the offensive at the debate.
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i think he will continue that. he will inundate gingrich with negative ads. it's going to have an impact. >> bill: dr. newport how do you see it based on the demographics of florida and your assessment it's a different situation in south carolina? >> different in some regards. actually, we look very carefully at the data. the percent of republicans conservative down there in florida is almost exactly the same as the percent in south carolina between 6 a% and 75%. not much more of a conservative state. it is an older state. republicans in florida are the oldest republics of any of the 50 states in the union. not a great shock but that's been one of gingrich's strengths there. 11%. it's estimated that republicans are going to vote are going to be hispanics or at least that's potential. that's another thing there. also a quarter of republicans in florida are catholics. less than 10% of south carolynians are catholics.
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gingrich is a catholic. we will see how it plays out. seven days days is an eternity d none 6 us have any idea what's going to happen. >> there is only one real event in those seven days and that's a thursday night debate. otherwise, it's a brawl within the precincts of florida. it's a big state. gingrich got another $5 million from that gambling guy to buy pac ads. that will help him answer some of the ads mitt romney has. as far as romney is concerned. florida is more friendly state to him than south carolina, it seems to me. he has a better business base down there than he would have in south carolina. am i wrong, dr. sabato? >> that's exactly right. it's better for him in two ways one, have you got a lot of snow birds from the northeast down in south florida this time of the year. they are going to be pretty substantially pro-romney. another factor pretty important for romney, you have had well over 200,000 votes already cast in florida.
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in fact, the vast majority before south carolina's result was in. who was organizing them? exactly one candidate. mitt romney. we do have some evidence that he already has a plurality to majority of those votes banked. >> bill: okay. so jeb bush, his father endorsed romney. bush the elder. but jeb bush hasn't endorsed anybody yet, right? >> that's right. and i think it's been a big surprise, frankly, that he has insisted. he is not going to endorse before next tuesday. most people had assumed because his father had leaned that way that he would end up giving romney a boost. >> bill: all right. so the one factor that we can't measure tonight is a debate on thursday. now, these debates, they really mean a lot, dr. newport. this is where you see the swings, gingrich, no doubt, won the debate in south carolina because of his attack on the media the other guy should have just left the stage right after that. so, you know, and last night's
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debate, i don't know, did you see anything come out of that, dr. new it's port last night? >> i was the debate but you know, bill, i'm impeer cyst, i'm looking at the data. what i'm trying to figure out is what the public thinks. we have to wait and see. it takes a couple of days, at least for an event like the debate to impact the average voter florida or nationally. then we will see where it's going. i agree we back in december we asked republicans who won. >> bill: it's t. take as couple of days before you can get any real reliable data on a debate but it didn't gingrich south carolina thing that was atomic bomb. go ahead, wrap it up for us, doctor. >> what i was going to say we asked republicans who was the best debater who had won the debates in december. it was gingrich. republicans think is he a better debater. correlation has shown when there is a debate performance it looks good for gingrich. he soars in the numbers. what happened last night?
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we will wait and see. >> bill: charles krauthammer will provide some truth serum about charges newt gingrich resigned his speakership in disgrace is that a fact. president obama and the catholic church over contraception. we hope you stay tuned to those reports. [ male announcer ] you are a business pro.
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>> bill: stossel matter segment tonight as you may know the drug oxycontin legal by prescription it is opioid similar to heroin. according to the federal government 6 million americans used oxycontin for recreational purposes up from 2 million in 2002. where i live on long island oxycontin epidemic people are getting killed in pursuit of the drug. how does this fitted in with drug legalization? here now fox business anchor john stossel. i'm tieing this in to ron paul who is, you know, libertarian and wants drugs legalized as well. , this i think, is the argument against it. this is really the crux of the matter. when you have this kind of a powerful drug, which is
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addictive in the extreme, on othe legal marketplace, okay? obviously kids can't buy it but kids are getting it because drug addicts can buy it and they use some, sell some. and you say? >> i say what do you want to do? lock everybody up? making the stuff more illegal, increasing the penalties doesn't make it better. you said 67 million people have tried it. the government says last month fewer than 600,000 used it. fewer than 10%. most are not addicted. kids try stuff. but your campaign to call this an epidemic. there was the crack epidemic, the methamphetamine epidemic. >> bill: all those are true. the destruction to the society is -- look,. >> there is more destruction when it's illegal because then more people get killed because you have gangs. >> bill: article in the "new york times" on sunday about brazil and crack. and in brazil crack's illegal but the police don't enforce it and in total parts of big cities have been taken over, i mean taken over by crack
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addicted people who wander the streets in search of money to buy their drugs. if you legalize oxycontin or heroin or opium or any of that people will become addicted and need money to buy the substance and they will get it in two ways, either robbing you or selling it to other people, primarily children who can't buy it legally. >> the government says tobacco and alcohol is just as indicative. nobody is going to knock over 7/11s to get these substances. it's the law that causes the crime. there will always be addicts. >> bill: basically the drug, the suggest stance that inslaves people. if you look at the history of china, a quarter of the population was addicted to opium before -- took over in '49, a quarter of the population. do you have any idea the destruction child abuse, the property all of that? upon the united states. >> crotchety old man.
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>> bill: i'm trying to protect people here. >> fewer than 10% still use oxycodone who have tried it illicitly how bad with it be. >> bill: 10% say was addicted to that. that is tremendous number of people. >> that just means people who used it last month. that means they are addicted. >> bill: how are they going to get the money. >> cheap if it's legal. they don't have to steal to buy beer or cigarettes. >> bill: oxycontin is -- >> what about people that can't get pain medication you get people so hysterical the d.e.a. cracks down on doctors who prescribe it who need it. >> bill: you are still beholden. >> i'm more passionate than ever. >> bill: let the chips fall where they may? >> that's right. >> bill: all right. john stossel, everybody. when we come right back. is it legal on a major disagreement between the catholic church and president obama over contraception. also, former cia officer charged with leaking information about al qaeda. legal is next.
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if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly in the is it legal segment. beginning with the arrest 47-year-old john, former cia officer charged with leaking classified information about al qaeda terrorists. here now attorneys and fox news analysts kimberly guilfoyle and lis wiehl. ms. lis the author of the seven keys to happy and fulfilling life. >> on 2007 he went on abc, big media splash about interrogation, bawbing with al qaeda. >> bill: originally one of the guys who said the u.s. government. >> waterboarding was going on. that's not what the department alleges in their complaint which i have read. in 2000 and 2008 and 2009, apparently according to this allegation in the complaint,
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he gave information classified information, bill, to "new york times" and other reporters. what kind of information? the information of a covert cia agent. who that person is, is he an investigator. >> bill: he told the media who the cia agent was, named him. >> yes. >> bill: that's illegal. >> journalist a and journalist b. journalist b by the way, bill. >> bill: what else did he do? >> he gave to journalist -- the identification of another covert agent and he said here is the guy's home phone number. >> bill: gave home phone number. >> email address. >> bill: that's not good. what else did he do. >> as a result of that the journalist got the information and gave it to defense counsel. so now the information -- >> bill: journalist defense counsel for al qaeda people. >> classified. >> bill: which is against journalistic ethics. >> absolutely. >> bill: do we know who is this pinhead is. >> which. >> there are three journalists none of them are named. >> bill: did the guy do anything else. >> he lied.
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fourth count is he allegedly lied to a group of people that oversee what cia agents can write about after they have been. >> bill: lied to them about what? >> about saying well i'm going to put waterboardinging in this book but it's going to be fictionalized because it's not really real. >> bill: he didn't do that. >> the problem is this information got into the hands of high value detainees at guantanamo bay. >> bill: by defense attorneys. >> provided by the journalists to the defense attorneys. >> bill: could the journalists be charged with a crime? >> they have been cleared, in fact, and will not be facing charges. >> bill: broke journalistic ethics we should know who they are so we can put their faces on. >> the problem with the journalist ethics as you know once a journalist gets from a good source, this was a good source. this was a reliable source, they can it's up to the paper or the publication to run with it or not run with it. >> bill: it's up to me. fill find out who they're they are done. >> defense attorneys are okay what they did believe it or not. >> bill: i don't care about the pinhead defense attorneys
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if i find out who this is gave the information to al qaeda. everyone in the country will know who that person is. >> there were more than one. >> bill: catholic church, obama administration, what's the beef? >> this is part of the whole allegation of the war against religion, the war against the catholic church. this has the u.s. bishops, the cardinals, the vatican very upset about. this they have been battling with the obama administration over this specific rule. >> bill: tell me what it is guilfoyle. >> basically what it is, they have to provide birth control. they will eliminate any co-pay. so if i go in to see -- >> bill: so catholic hospitals. >> um-huh. >> bill: are mandated by the obama administration under obama care. >> yes. >> bill: to pay for birth control devices. >> correct. sterilization. >> bill: buying government insurance. >> right. >> bill: the insurance says you have to sell birth control devices. of course, the catholic church doesn't believe in that and they say we don't want it we want an exemption and the obama administration says you can have one year and you can't have anymore. >> that's what came down, correct from, kathleen
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sebelius. she says we are going to give that allowance. >> issue is freedom of religion. the employer does have a right to freedom of expression as we found out in supreme court decisions. it's a lesser right than the employees have. the employees are not forced to get that birth control. it's offered to them. >> bill: telling the catholic church if you have to buy insurance, you are mandated to buy it? >> that's an issue. >> bill: you have to buy it? >> that's another issue. >> bill: and the insurance you have to buy goes against your theological teaching. come on. >> there are two problems from the catholic church perspective. have you identified both. but the other problem is that, wait a second, title 7 of has said look it's sex discrimination for you not to provide. >> bill: it's a private concern. >> bill, but the problem is it's not just prevention it's the morning after pill and sterilization. >> bill: the supreme court will side. it always does. >> g.p.s. slapped down a dope
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dealer's car without a warrant. >> you have got to have warrants slapping on cars, right? i agree with the supreme court. 9-0, right? >> 9-0. unanimous. they slapped this g.p.s. on his system, his private car. >> bill: followed the guy and dealt these drugs all over the place. >> bill: convicted. >> serving a life. >> bill: is he out now. >> is he not out but the conviction was reversed based on that. they have thrown out all the evidence. >> bill: we hate the guy. the guy is a pig. >> drug dealer. you can't slap on a car. >> prosecutors wrote the warrants involving homicides, gangs, whatever. >> bill: have you got to get a warrant. >> yes, burr they did get a warrant. >> bill: they didn't get it from maryland. >> it was supposed to be done, attached to the device in 10 days. they attached it on the 119 day and not in the specific area of maryland that they should have. split decision as to the reasoning but not the outcome. it's a-4 saying the device
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shouldn't have been attached. >> bill: if you are going to use the g.p.s. device, have you got to get a warrant. >> get a warrant. >> absolutely. >> bill: agree with that i don't know about wiehl, guilfoyle and i are definitely pro-law enforcement here. >> former federal prosecutor here. >> >> bill: ladies, thank you very much. in a moment charles krauthammer on newt gingrich. did he really resign his speakership in disgrace? krauthammer moments away. for fan emily skinner, each day was fueled by thorough preparation for events to come. well somewhere along the way, emily went right on living. but you see, with the help of her raymond james financial advisor, she had planned for every eventuali. which meant she continued to have the means to live on... even at the ripe old age of 187. life well planned. see what a raymond james advisor can do for you.
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>> bill: back of the book segment tonight, mitt romney went after newt gingrich hard last night. saying this: >> the speaker was given an opportunity to be the leader of our party in 1994, and at the end of four years he had to resign in disgrace. >> bill: wow. mr. gingrich, of course, disdisputes that.
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what is the truth? joining us from washington fox news political analyst charles krauthammer. all right, charles, take it away. was that fair? >> no, it wasn't exactly true. when newt gingrich resigned at the end of the '98 elections because of the defeat the republicans had suffered, and the fact that he lost the confidence of the republics in the house, the disgrace that romney was talking about was what had happened two years earlier when, in january 1997, gingrich was reprimanded by the house and had to pay a fine for some ethics violation. if he had resigned in disgrace, he would have resigned then. he did not. he was reelected house speaker. he stayed on for the two years. what happened when he did resign is that his party, and the members of his party, in the house, had decided after the election results where the republicans had suffered a defeat, they lost five seats. the opposition always almost always historically gains
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seats in off year elections. he lost the confidence of his conference and they voted. they would have, they were prepared to vote him out. three days after the election he stepped down. that's not disgrace. it's defeat. >> bill: okay. an analogy, let me give you one analogy. maggie thatcher was similarly deposed by the members of her own conservative party, the members of the house of commons. while she was prime minister. that was also losing the confidence of your own members. again, it's defeat but it's not disgrace. >> bill: okay. so romney wasn't exactly fair in lodging that because by saying disgraced you are basically implying corruption. it wasn't corruption that led to the speaker to leave. >> exactly. >> bill: it was inefficiency in the opinion of his party at that point? >> there might have been, you know, the scandal of two years earlier might have been a factor. >> bill: you can't link that, as you said, if he was going
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to resign in disgrace he might have done it after the ethics violation was put forth. do you think that romney's tactic that he is going to use of saying, listen, newt gingrich simply, his past eliminates him from competing effectively with barack obama, is that an effective tactic in 2012? >> i think it's one line of attack but it's the weaker of the two. the stronger line of attack is the one that we heard also relentlessly from romney last night. and that is freddie mac issue. >> bill: influence peddling. why would anybody care? you are looking for anybody to turn the country around to bring the country back to traditional principles. why would they care if you worked and got money from freddie mac and fannie mae? why? >> because it undermines newt's own rationale for his candidacy. what he said in the victory speech on saturday night, is
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that he is the guy who will go up against the elites in new york and the elites in washington. well, that's code for the financial elite. and the government elite. freddie mack is the illegitimate bastard son of those two elites. it's a government-backed agency that engaged because of the backing it had from the government in risky practices that in the end helped to bring down the entire financial system. so if you are going to run against the elites, and you are on the payroll of the worst of those elites, it doesn't look good. >> bill: okay. is the regular voter going to get that because it is a little complicated? >> well, i mean did i it in the sentence and a half. i hope the attention span of the voter is long enough. i think it is. that is the most potent weapon to use against gingrich. is he running as the outsider, which on its face is rather
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absurd. he has been in washington for 30 years. he has accomplished a lot while i he was in washington. he brought the republicans into power for the first time in two generations. but he also had a post speakership record where he sort of lived off the land in washington. and that's the kind of thing he is railing against. so it creates a contradiction. that is romney's stronger line of attack. >> bill: 30 seconds, do you see a shift, a competitive race in florida or will the momentum that gingrich got in south carolina pretty much carry through? >> i wish i knew. i pronounced him dead twice already and i think as i had said earlier if i do it again i will lose my medical license. this guy has got a lot of resources. i think the debate last night slowed him down. he didn't have the electric moment. people expect him to reach the level did he in south
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carolina. >> bill: he can't. >> he did not. i would expect the trajectory will continue. but it could be a close race in florida and, if it is, that means romney with the resources and the ground game still has the decided advantage in the long run. >> bill: all right. charles. thanks very much. we appreciate it in a moment pinheads and patriots starring jay leno and bret baier standing by to address the state of the union address and we are coming right back. ... across the golden state, where everyone has been unbelievably nice.
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my high school science teacher made me what i am today. r science teacher helped us build it. ♪ now i'm a geologist at chevron, and i get to help science teachers. it has four servo motors and a wireless microcontroller. over the last three y we've put nearly 100 million dollars into american education. that's thousands of kids learning to love ience. ♪ isn't that cool? and that's pretty cool. ♪ >> bill: we do have pinheads and
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patriots. as we reported last week, jay leno donated a tractor signed by george w. bush. it was sold for $530,000 in arizona. way to go, jay! it helps millions of military families. everyone involved in that auction is a patriot. that is it for us tonight. please check out fox news factor website. and also spout off about the factor anywhere in the world. o'reilly at& >> please do not be petsnifian. >> peculiarsniffian. >> and here is the state of the union address. >> brett: thanks, bill. you are looking live in a the
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house chamber on capitol hill where in a few minutes, porbt president obama will deliver his third state of the union address. supreme court justices are making their way into the chamber. this is the last address he phase voters this november. welcome to washington, i'm brett baier with special coverage with the stated of the union address. no matter how many times they say the speech is about election and politics. it's a hard argument to make. this will be viewed far more flew a political lens. especially gloomy independent voters. in a tough zme the president will argue there is a reason for optimism. first lady is escorted and significant portion of this speech should be pointed to middle income workers on the broad issue of fairness and equality when it comes to taxes. republican critics are calling it the politics of envy and
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division. they charge the speech was written by the obama campaign and will be a rehash of old plans to set up his run. in a prebuttal, house speaker said they expected to be a speech filled with soaring rhetoric, and his actions won't match in august. ed henry is standing by. good evening. >> reporter: president will argue there is some momentum to this economic recovered. out remember last year's state of the union. this one may be winning about the campaign. he has big one coming ahead. he has been very skillful about shifting the political conversation from 8.5% unemployment to inequality in the tax code. mitt romney may have balked into that today by releasing tax returns hours before the speech reveelgs reveals that he paid about 14%. aides say he won't take direct aim at him b


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