tv Hannity FOX News January 27, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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right here, so definitely, we are looking out for you. >> the final four candidates collide in florida. >> having differences of opinions on issues does not justify labeling people with highly-charged epithets. >> frank luntz and his focus group in the sunshine state are here with analysis. senator rick santorum had a strong showing last night. >> you guys leave that alone and focus on the issues. >> but tonight, he's here to respond to rumors that he is considering dropping out of the race. >> the president finally breaks his silence about the showdown in phoenix. >> i think it's always good publicity for a republican in -- in an argument with me.
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>> and charles krauthammer delivers the report card on the state of the union address. "hannity" starts rit here, right now. last night, marked the 19th time that the g.o.p. candidates met for a debate this primary season, their final opportunity to speak directly to the voters of the great state of florida who will head to the polls this coming tuesday. joining me now with the faceoff, frank luntz who watched with a focus group of sunshine state republicans. welcome back, sir. >> reporter: it's a pleasure. it's hard to get from florida to california in a few hours, but it is hot and heavy in florida. the candidates are going at each other. the voters are paying attention. you cannot swing a dead cat without hitting a negative ad on television. >> let me give you one, maybe offbeat analysis, and you tell me if i'm right. after south carolina, newt and juan williams, newt and john mccain, that changed the debate.
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remember, mitt romney was winning in the state of south carolina, on the heels of new hampshire. and then, those debates changed things. and why difeel that we had some of the -- i thought rick santorum had his best debate. i thought romney was far more aggressive and prepared. and why do i think that newt raised the bar, these guys had to come up and they met the challenge, which i think is a good thing? >> reporter: gingrich is clearly the best debater of the bunch. but according to our group, rick santorum won. half came in preferring romney a third came in preferring gingrich. they thought santorum had won. but they gave credit to romney for being tough, but santorum, when he challenged romney and gingrich, stop attacking each other, give each other credit and focus on the issues, that was the highlight. >> that's fascinating.
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one of the reasons i am torn, because there is some of this, i am getting a headache hearing the nit-picky stuff. on the other hand, i am thinking: obama's not going to run on his record. he is saying that republicans want dirty air, dirty water. we have ads by democrats throwing grandma over a cliff, a paul ryan look-alike. i am thinking that maybe in the end this will be helpful to the nominee. >> reporter: perhaps. but one thing that unites republicans, conservatives, independents and moderates, is the belief in economic freedom. if the republican candidates are promoting economic freedom, small business, job creator, entrepreneurs, if they are, quote, fighting for hard-working taxpayers, if that's their message, they will be successful. but if they are undercutting each other, trying to get at each others' credibilities, that's going to be a problem. you talked about how the media's behaved. one of the key moments last night is when gingrich
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challenged wolf blitzer for a gotcha question. and our focus group loved gingrich and didn't like what cnn did. >> are you satisfied right now with the level of transparency as far as his personal finances? >> wolf, you and i have a great relationship. it goes back a long way. i'm with him. this is a nonsense question. [cheers and applause] >> look, how about if the four of us agree, we will actually talk about the issues concerning america. >> very high marks. >> high marks because they want to know where these candidates stand, not if there is some detail or some comma off somewhere. and every time that gingrich has challenged the media, he has scored quite well. >> but again, back to my point on obama, if he is saying republicans want dirty air and water and kids with autism and
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down syndrome and the elderly to fend for themselves, that's going to be the campaign. if obama has his way twon't be about debt, deficits -- his health care plan. so i would say this is good preparation efficient candidate. fair, not fair? >> reporter: that's fair. clearly mitt romney is a stronger debater now. vitwo questions for you, sean. >> all right. >> reporter: questions that the american people should be asking -- are you better off today than you were 3 years ago? >> no. >> reporter: polling 58% say no. do you believe your children will have a better quality of life than you when they get to be your age 54 say no. those are the questions that the obama administration doesn't want to have to answer, if it's focused in those areas, quality of life, standard of living, we were headed in the future, economic freedom, hard-working taxpayers, the republican's in the advantage. so obama's going to attack and make this a referendum on the
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republicans -- >> but it's interesting. the guy that was invesco field and lofty language and heal the earth. he now has a record. he said, we have to change the discourse in washington, but he goes on the attack all the time and his surigates go -- surrogates go on the attack. how many are going to stand back and say, the economy's not better, our kids, as you point out in the polls, they are not doing better. maybe barack obama wasn't able to fulfill his promises, maybe he's not up to the job. >> reporter: tell take 7% to give you a specific number, 7% would have to switch to vote republican for the republican to win in the fall. it has to happen in ohio, florida, north carolina, michigan, indiana, those are the states -- colorado, nevada. and they are going to have to do it not on obama's personality because the danger for the
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g.o.p., if they go after barack obama and his personal favorability because the american people like him. what they don't like are his policies and they don't think he's been successful. >> one exchange with governor romney and newt gingrich, accusing the former speaker of going into the individual states and pandering basically to these states. roll the tape. >> the speaker comes here to florida wants to spend ob told amount of money with a colno on the moon. it's very exciting on the space coast n. south carolina, it was a new interstate highway and dredging the port in charleston. and then it was building a powerline and a new vha hospital in new hampshire so people don't have to go to boston this. idea of going state to state and programming what people want to hear, promising hundreds of billions of dollars to make people happy, that's what got us into the trouble we are in now. we have to say no to this kind of spending. >> what are we to make of the fact that moderates like that more than conservatives?
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>> reporter: moderates are focused on economic issues. conservatives are at least as focused on social and cultural issues. moderates really respond to the economic argument, anything that is cutting washington spending is going to be very favorable received. >> frank luntz, thanks for being with us. on sunday night, frank will have a florida primary preview with voters from the state of florida on sunday at nightr nine: next, charles krauthammer will be here. and rumors may be circulating that presidential candidate rick santorum, is he considering dropping out of the race? or is that a nasty rumor isn't senator is here to set the senator is here to set the record state [ male announcer ] you are a business pro.
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>> sean: in just three short days, voters will go to the polls in florida. and as frank luntz explained, thursday's debate in florida is likely to have a big impact on that result. in just a moment, i will be joined by rick santorum. he had a very strong performance in jacksonville last night. he was not shy about going after the two men currently leading the field. >> these two gentlemen who are out distracting from the most important issues we have, by playing petty personal politics. can we set aside that newt was a member of congress and used the skills he developed to go out
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and advise companies and that's not the worst thing in the world. and mitt romney is a wealthy guy because he's working hard and you guys leave that alone and focus on the issues. >> sean: the senator's impressive showing comes days after reporting showed up that he was considering dropping out of the race. but here to clear the air, the man himself, senator rick santorum. welcome back. >> good to be with you. you know, i know where that's coming from. we traced it. it's coming from the white house. they are afraid that we are the one that is going to come out of this race and if you looked at the president's state of the union address, he led with a pathetic program, but at least he led with the idea of trying to revitalize manufacturing and doing something about the reagan democrats that are leaving him in droves and they will, based on the track record i have in the policy that i put out, our made-in the-usa plan, we have a tailor-made main for obama's achilles heel in indiana, north carolina and pennsylvania and
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ohio and michigan. we are very excited about the obamamdministration being worried about our campaign. >> sean: now that you traced it back, i am glad you were able to shed some light on it, it's not true. you are not getting out of the race. >> just so you know, after this program, i am going to be doing a teletown hall meeting in missouri and another one in colorado and after midnight in nevada. we are -- we are focused on not just florida but the rest of the states. we're hiring staff. just today alone, we raised almost a quarter million dollars. we are doing great and we feel very, very good about how this campaign's going. >> sean: it's very interesting. going back to iowa, i spoke to you and i remember asking you, senator, i thought hureally great appearances in the polls, i'm sorry nthe debates, why haven't your poll numbers come up? you said to me, sean, i'm steady eddy, eventually people will come back to me. you did win iowa.
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it took sometime. i thought you had three really good moment, one we just played and a very interesting exchange with mitt romney. i thought you gave one of the best answers about the fundamental documents and principles of this country and our founders and our framers that we are created by god, that rights are come from god. i thought that was a powerful answer last night. you explained it as well as anybody, i thought. >> well, thank you. you know, that's something that, people always talk about, you know, rick, you are the social conservative candidate because you talk about faith and family. but as you heard last night, when i talk about faith, i talk about america, the faith that america's a moral enterprise because, as i said, the declaration of independence is our founding document. it is what america is all about. if the constitution was created to do was one thing, really, which is to protect the rights that are declaration recognized
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come from our creator and that the role of the government is to protect those rights and the fam and their ability to live their rights in conformity with god and god's will. that's the greatness of america. you want to ask how we are going to bring america together, sean? we are going to bring america together by reminding us who woe are, what we can agree on, when we can find a foundation that we can agree on, we can build a consenseus and that's what i was trying to lay out last night. >> sean: i don't think you can find a better articulation than the answer you gave last night. kudos to you and frank luntz thought you and the focus group thought you won the debate last night. let me ask you this -- governor palin has put up on her facebook, cannibals and g.o.p. employ tactics of the left. that's the title of it. she says, we have watched something very disturbing this week, that's the republican establishment, which fought ronald reagan in the 1970s and
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is fighting the grassroots tea party movement today, has adopted the tactics of the left in using the media and the politics of personal destruction to attack an opponent. she was speaking very specifically about newt. she says she doubts they would use such harsh tactics against barack obama. do you think there is some truth to what she is saying? >> well, there is no doubt that this has been a very nasty campaign, between governor romney and congressman gingrich. and there is no doubt also that governor romney threw the first blow. it's now been a back and forth. i don't think it's reflected well on either one of them. you know, one of the things i mentioned last night, here they are, back and forth throughout the last several debate, throwing penitentiary charges at each other and the more i look at it, it shows to me that -- unfortunately, a lot of the most important issues that we are dealing with, and you mentioned
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health care, they are not that different. maybe the personal attacks are because they are not such differences in the issues. >> sean: do you agree, she says, this isn't about newt and governor romney, this is the g.o.p. establishment and the tea party grassroots, independent americans who are sick of the politics of personal destruction. now it's interesting because you tapped into that last night. i thought that was one of the best applause lines, if you will. i don't think you intended it to be -- maybe you did. i don't know, but it got the biggest applause. there is something go going on here. you are on the ground, you are meeting people in the debates, seeing the ads. give us your best insight? >> i guess i would say i think the problem is that both sides have been sort of going at each other. you know, newt's going after capital and his income tax and the like. if it was just one sided, you
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might make that case. but i think, unfortunately for both candidate, they have both gotten down and muddy and dirty. i don't think either of them are the better for it. i really believe that what we need is to get back to talking about the substance. when we did last night, you know, when i talked about substance with newt and with mitt romney, you know, we eye think we cleaned their clocks on health care and on -- on t.a.r.p. and some other things that we have some very serious disagreements. where i create a better contrast with a private-sector model and a bottom-up approach, and how we are going to build a great country again. >> sean: you know what, i have a feeling this is going to go on for quite a while. thank you, senator. appreciate your time tonight. >> you can count on me. i am going to be there for a long time. we are playing it for way, way. we feel great about this campaign. we are going to do very well. >> sean: all right, senator
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santorum, thanks for being with us. next, charles krauthammer, he hands the anointed one his state of the union report card, later on "hannity." he has broken his silence on his heated example with the arizona governor, jan brewer, what about the obama is saying. we have juan williams and a lot we have juan williams and a lot more coming up, straight ahead. what makes scottrade your smartphone's most powerful trading app ? total access - to everything. from idea to research to trade. including financials, indicators
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>> sean: now the ambitious days of hope and change seem to be behind the anointed one. this year's state of the union address was not blown with over-blown promises and large-scale solutions. instead, he focused on the little things. >> we have crumbling roads and bridges, a power grid that wastes too much energy, an incomplete high-speed broad band network. it is not win when another country lets our movies, music and softs ware be pirated. everything requires that all students stay in high school until they graduate or turn 18. i am requiring all companies that drill for gas on public lands to disclose the chemicals they use. i will not cede the wind or solar or battery energy to china or germany. i will not back down from
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protecting our kids from mercury poisoning. >> sean: all right. what does this transformation say about our campaigner in chief? joining me, the one and only dr. charles krauthammer. welcome back. >> pleasure to be here. >> sean: we have come a long way from 100,000 or so people chanting "yes, we can!" and soaring rhetoric, haven't we? >> he said he would heal the earth and make the waters recede. the last person who did that was moses and he had help. [chuckles] >> look. this is really testimony to the fact that obama, when it comes to -- to ideas, is spent. he's really out of ideas. look, we have heard the announcement today that the growth of the economy for this year was really anemic 1.7, 1.8%, historically low for a bounce-back from a recession. look what he tried. he did the usual liberal attempts, the biggest kensian
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stimulus since the earth cooled and the fed has been pumping mon neat zero interest rates unrelentingly and announced they doll it right through 2014. so have you tried everything in your liberal arsenal. the economy is stagnant and unemployment is high. so if you want to win re-election, have you to give the appearance of motion. as i was saying, the state of the union address is one small item after another, a training program here, a tax break here, for certain activities. and we saw by keeping kids in school -- well, who's against that? but is at this time federal government's role? this is reminiscence of the small-ball clinton stuff, when he had presidential announcement about midnight basketball. in a way, alternates a fall for a president who began with these incredible ambitions.
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>> sean: you know, you used the term spent. some writers have suggested that he doesn't even like his jobful he liked the -- likes the perks of the job, but not the job. i would argue that he has always been radical ideology and in over his head. now with the republican nominee, saw last night's debate. you were saying to me before we went on the air, this was a roller coaster ride we haven't seen in our lifetime. i wanted your thoughts on the debate. >> i think santorum won on points and on presentation. he nailed romney -- i mean, after 19 debates, somebody finally nailed romney on the issue of the romneycare/obamacare, santorum went after him like a prosecutor. but the problem for santorum, of course, is he is very low on money. he will run a distant third. he won't be in florida tomorrow. what's his path? obviously, what he is trying to do, is to wait around in case
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one or the other major candidates implodes. and that can happen. i mean, if pawlenty, for example, hadn't dropped out after the straw poll, he could be a plausible alternative. he's probably kicking himself for having dropped out. i think santorum's strategy, live off the land, do well in the base, as he did. but in the main event, it's romny and gingrich, no contest. gingrich had a terrible night. >> sean: earlier, i was speaking with frank luntz, i said because of the results of the south carolina debates, i felt like that was an impetus for both governor romney and rick santorum to step up a little bit because newt was killing them in the debates. i thought -- i thought in many way, they rose to the occasion. is there -- in other words, they are making each other better by competing here? >> romney finally found an answer, not so much the content, but he was able to show an attitude in defending his
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wealth. last week in south carolina, you could feel there was a lot of defensiveness. he was like a patrician guy, sort of brought up, never to talk about your wealth, be somewhat embarrassed about it. and now he has the attitude, but of course, it gave the impression that he was hiding something, you know, the tax returns. so he releases his returns, the liberal press has had half a week to look into twe haven't heard anything in there that is in any way scandalous, in fact, the times reported today that he over paid. he had a capital gains of $300,000 that he didn't have, but he paid the tax on it anyway. so he wasn't hiding it, it was a matter of attitude. somehow, he talked himself into presenting himself in the debate and seeing -- saying, i am not, shamed of the wealth. and he sounded convincing. in a crowd with a live audience, assurance and the way you present yourself is 90% of the
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game. i think it was the fact that romney stood up there and didn't take it is what won the debate. and for some reason gingrich caved on every front. >> sean: there seems to be palpable real anger and resentment between the romney and the gingrich camps. how do you see this playing out from your perspective? >> look, i can understand newt's point of view. as soon as he starts rising, the whole republican -- i don't know if i would use the word "establishment," but people in the congress, in the party for years and years, come out against him. the reason is simple. i don't think it's personal animosity. i personally have none. i like him. i think he was a great republican hero in the 1990s. i am just concerned the way i think a lot of people in the congress are that he would be a very weak and because he's sort of unpredictable, presidential candidate. and the republicans could very well lose the house and the
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senate. i think that's the main problem people have. but of course, from his perspective, the arrows are coming in from absolutely everywhere. he feels it's -- i don't know if it's a conspiracy, but a lot of people are after him. i can understand how upset he is. on the other hand, he has been pretty aggress 95 attacking romney. and i think we know, when you are attacking really hard as he did on the bane issue and the capitalism issue, looting the factories and all of this, you are declaring you want to play hardball, then play hardball. >> sean: i think this started in iowa. but, charles, appreciate t. you have a great weekend. >> you too, sean. >> sean: coming up, the controversy continues to grow over wednesday's showdown in phoenix. now president obama's finally breaking his silence about that heated exchange. we'll twhawl he is saying and much, much more. juan wmtion is i wouldn't do that. get married? no, i wouldn't use that single miles credit card. nice ring.
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>> earlier this week, there was a testy exchange between president obama and arizona governor jan brewer. it appears that the president is trying to make light of the situation. listen to what he said in an interview with diane sawyer. >> what was going on there? she said you were tense, thin skinned? she's all over the airwaves right now. >> what i have discovered, i think it's always good publicity for a republican during -- in an argument with me. >> were you tense? >> i am usually accused of not being tense enough, right? >> that's not how brewer describes the conversation. listen to what she said said last night here on this program. >> he was a little uncomfortable, unappreciative, if you will of my book, in the way that he was portrayed in it. and i felt a little unnerved by the way that he spoke to me about it. >> sean: joining me with
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reaction, the author of the best seller, political analyst, juan williams and a political strategist. hang on, juan. poor president, cry-baby -- [laughter] >> sean: a bad word or two in the book. you excoriate me when you see me. you are brutal to me. he can't take a criticism in a book? >> sean! this governor -- this governor brewer is no sarah palin. she is not a dyne me personality. she is getting attention by being rude to the president of the united states. it's her only way of getting attention -- >> sean: wait a minute. you don't know what happened. you weren't know there. how do you know -- >> she has written things that were not true. this is a president who has put more boots on the ground on the border -- >> sean: blah, blah, blah. >> surveillance in place, built the wall. she is saying he hasn't done
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anything -- >> sean: wait a minute -- the border is not secure! juan williams, the border is not secure! people are dying on this border that we have not built the fence. they stopped building the fence. she wrote about it and the meeting, the contentious meeting, he won't go visit her and see the border. noelle. >> have you to realize, juan, you know this is true. obama's disdainment for governor brewer is visible. i mean, you saw it on camera. there is nothing to hide. he is trying to downplay t. but let's face twhen he got off the plane, he wants to talk about amnesty. she wants to talk about securing the borders and making america safe. she is passionate about -- -- >> let me say this, if she really wanted to do business and get something done, i think the president would have beginninged her. instead, she's on the airwaves saying -- >> sean: wait a minute. that's not accurate. >> no the history is, she has
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invited him to the border. if the federal government was controlling the border and people weren't dying and homes were not being invaded. i have been there four or five times. viseen, i have been to the warehouses where the drugs are, i have been on patrol, helicopters, boats, in fact, all-terrain vehicles, juan. it is not secure. i was there -- >> sean, let me tell you, let's stop with the anecdotes. vibeen on the border, you have been on the borer. there are fewer people crossing the border now -- >> sean: that's because -- >> there is no jobs. >> secondly, we have more people on the border, we have put more people into border security -- >> sean: that's because the economy's destroying. go ahead. >> this is not the big issue. the big issue for governor brewer seems to be trying to portray herself as the republican champion, pointing up -- >> sean: poor president
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cry-baby. >> being rude to the president is not good behavior. >> juan, you are so wrong on this. number 1, has he put people on the border? yes! they are unarmed. number 2, let pee actual something, they are not coming here by the hundreds of millions because there are no jobs because there is a recession -- >> that's not -- that's not what we are talking about tonight. we are talking about the president trying to work with governor brewer, giving her additional money and troops to stop this -- >> sean: oh, come on. >> she is still trying to use it. >> sean: you weren't there -- [overlapping dialogue] >> sean: she denied the invitation much earlier. she wrote about it. have you to get the chronology right here. she met with him, invited him, the arizona immigration law. he refused to go -- i don't know if he has ever been to the
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border -- [overlapping dialogue] >> have you been on on with the border patrol agents? i have been out with them five times! >> oh, yes! >> sean: he needs to go, take a look and see for himself. let him go to the drug warehouses, the poison they are bringing in to try to kill our kids itch that's a different argument. yes, we have a real problem with the drug gangs and the people who are putting human beings -- >> sean: oh, so there is a problem at the border? thank you for acknowledging it. >> we are talking illegal immigration and what i am saying to you is this governor is not worthy of your support or nicole's support -- >> what! >> sean: go ahead. poor, president obama. >> oh, god. >> this is unbelievable that obama is actually turning this around. he actually told diane sawyer that he thinks republicans are looking to get into an argument with him for publicity.
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i mean, how narcissistic is this? >> sean: we have to run -- >> let me just say -- can you -- do you really think that president obama is threatening with the secret service -- >> sean: yeah! i think he was mad because she dared to criticize him and not agree with him and not light a candle at his altar? >> some kind of stereotype, this threatening man? come on! >> sean: you could see the argument. the press reported on it. >> she is pointing her finger so rudely! >> sean: by the way, you are probably pulling for the patriots. >> no, i grew up in brooklyn. i'm a giants guy. >> sean: just checking. we agree on something. >> thank you. >> sean: i hope you -- i hope you freeze in d.c. this weekend. that's all. kidding. it's not going to be cold. the great one will be in tyson's corner at 12:00 noon tomorrow.
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time to check in with greta. how do you -- can you believe this? this is what i have to put up with on a friday night. >> greta: i know. it's exhausting. i am exhausted listening to that. they're so mean to you, i can't get over t. speaking of mean -- politics. we are down in florida, where they are duking it out. governor romny and newt gingrich. i asked speaker gingrich why jeb bush and marco rubio won'tment is him and bob dole and tom delay are saying nasty things about him. stick around and find out more. >> sean: and gretawire. you tweet almost -- i'm at sean hannity and youor gretawire. >> greta: i put up a video, all the insults i collected, just standing around. the mean things that people say. the unsolicited insults. >> sean: let not your heart be
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>> sean: welcome back too "hannity." charles krauthammer -- steven crowder is here and patricia murphy is back. and the former mayor of the great city of providence, buddy cianci. and the author of politics and pasta, vincent buddy cianci. all right. what about what governor palin is saying, we witnessed something very disturbing this week. we will look back -- this week and realize something really incredible has changed. that is this battle that she describes between the tea party movement and the establishment. she's talking about the hit that newt gingrich has taken before south carolina and before now florida. i mean, it was an avalanche yesterday for him. >> well, no question that the negative campaigning has reached the epitomy of american politics. you know, the 11th
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commandment is being violated every day by the hour. don't speak ill of republicans. ronald reagan must be turning over in his grave. more negative campaigning and more money spent on ads. is it hurting the republican party? absolutely, it's hurting the republican party. >> sean: hurting them or making them stronger? >> i think it will make them stronger until it hurts them. i think this will sharpen their message. i think it has made mitt romney stronger and better potential nominee. but it starts to reach diminishing return when is they pile on and for example, newt gingrich looked on the defense, no game plan and no answer, no attack back on romney -- >> sean: the other thing i felt romney had -- he knew -- he knows newt's strengths. i think he came into this debate, obviously, been researched, coached and prepared. >> got a new coach. he has a new coach. >> sean: i think that's a good thing. i think that these debates are reaching a higher level in terms
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of -- in terms of ability, but not the quality of the substance. >> there are a few things. firstly, there needs to be a vetting process. secondly, newt is not the tea party candidate. he is by default. and mitt romney is larry holmes and he is jabbing, jabbing, jabbing, over time, he's consistent. and newt gingrich is down in the 15th round and looking to land the overhand right and he didn't last night and that's why it hurt him. >> sean: they didn't bring up obama as much as they should. >> they are fighting themselves. they should have said, hey, listen, when obama became president, unemployment rate was 6.8 and now it's 8.5. the average age of a car was six years old when obama took office, it's 10 years old now. 147 million people consider themselves in poverty. none of that came out. the debt. gasoline was $1.68 --
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>> sean: santorum -- [overlapping dialogue] >> in terms of sarah palin, it's time for the tea party to assert themselves. they can't be left out. they are letting themselves get left behind. i saw last night, mitt romney is trying to go after the tea party voters, talking about freddie mac and setting newt gingrich up. that's what that is about. and ron paul is going after the tea party vote. but the tea party has to coalesce itself. they need to organize. >> sean: but they are not organized. >> they need to. >> they are know a party. they are a group of people who encompass ideals. but santorum came on so strong last night. he had that whole grommet look, looking to the lift and was sheepish, last night, he looked like a man on the mission and he stayed above the fray. you might have won iowa, do you want to bring that up? he said, i don't care. you want to attack mitt romney. he said, i'm going to stay out
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of it. that's an adult. >> santorum scored big, big points. but you mentioned the tea party, they are unorganized. compared to occupy wall street, they look on target. they are not uninfluential. >> but santorum will have to turn into a real candidate. he cannot get elected right now. >> sean: we will come back. we have a bet with mr. fancy here. he is for tom brady. that's a problem with
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>> sean: all right. steven crowder's request. here's henry waxman's attack on the republicans, comparing them to, well, terrorists. it's the full screen. sorry. they want to use legislation as a way to act like terrorists. they hold things hostage. that's the quote... >> thought politics. >> oh, come on. >> why are you offended by this? but nobody's offended by don't retreat, reload. >> it's a silly catch phrase. one is villainizing an entire group of people i. don't retreat, reload.
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that's disgusting. >> to trump the ideals. we should unite -- listen, the military consists of the military for given tasks. most of the time, it is to act as a cohesive unit. that doesn't mean conservatives have to be on board with your agenda that sucks. you don't unite with someone who is bad at their jobs. i never touched drugs or touch alcohol in high school, you know why? i didn't unite with losers. and you know what jihad! >> sean: wow. >> what are you talking about at all? >> you sound like republicans -- [overlapping dialogue] >> the republicans to use that language? why are you only offended by democrats using it? >> i am not offend by them saying terrorists. look at this gridlock, we should unite. we should unite now because your guy's president. i don't unite with people who are terrible. >> sean: you're right. on a number orvetionications, he talks about how we have to get together, like the military. he said that republicans want
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dirty air, dirty water and kids with autism and the elderly to fend for themselves. >> we want that. >> he's a little off. >> sean: a little off?! >> he -- limited partner [overlapping dialogue] >> doesn't he say he makes a mistake every minute -- on that show. let me tell you something -- >> sean: he said he's lazy. >> that's an ad waiting to happen. when you say things like the country is worse off or you are worse off from where you were 3 years ago. you know, if the unemployment rate is -- doesn't come down, i don't deserve to be president. one-term proposition. he said, i make a mistake every minute. that's an ad waiting to happen. >> sean: what do you think it is. >> i think romney is strong enough to beat him in a down year, if the economy is still going down. i think newt gingrich is a huge problem for them. >> sean: let me tell you, i have said this at the beginning of the show, has made santorum and romney stronger.
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>> i agree. >> sean: i think he scared the living daytimes out of them in south carolina. but i think this is far from agreed. >> i would be licking my lips at the idea of going against romney. these morons identify with the occupy wall street, narrative of 99 and 1% and then it's violent with felonies and rapes and now they want mitt romney to be the poster boy of 1%. >> right now, as far as i was concerned, romney reminded me of a guy who turned my loan down. and he looks like the guy we chased around on sunday nights and too bad the silent movies are over. gingrich makes bill clinton look amish. >> i can't believe they have anybody better to put up. >> sean: i don't believe this is a weak field. all right. how much are we betting? >> let's keep it in the romney realm, $10,000 -- only kidding. i will bet you a good cigar.
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