tv Americas News Headquarters FOX News January 28, 2012 10:00am-10:59am PST
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marcy says its telling about their character. thank you for being with us. make it a great day, everybody. >> turning up the heat in the sunshine state. the critical florida primary days away now. welcome to a new hour of "america's news headquarters," i'm kelly wright. >> we're not talking about the temperatures. i'm mitt romney and newt gingerich are attacking each other. a little more than 8% points apart and now candidates are picking a new target. carl cameron is live in orlando. it looks like gingrich has ground to make up, at least
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according to the poll. is there enough time? >> probably. but it really depends on what happens in the last couple days and it's difficult to make up a gap on the weekend when voters tune out because they have personal lives to contend with with days off. it's close. gingrich is trailing a little bit. there's a sense of confidence in the romney campaign. there's a sense of urgency with the gingrich folks and they're scrambling to organize where they have a cash disadvantage but the rhetoric is tilted. they're beating the daylights out of each other on television. today was strange. gingrich today is complaining about the debates last week suggesting that the one on thursday, the audience was too loud and it was distracting and sort of disabled his ability too get out his message and the one
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before that they didn't participate enough. that doesn't necessarily appear all that presidential but gingrich is, nonetheless. >> you cannot debate somebody who is dishonest. you just can't. people say i'm a good debater. i can't debate someone who won't tell the truth. that's a problem because they stand there, and for mow me to react as intensely as required breaks up the whole room. it's impossible to be civil. >> gingrich is complaining when he delivers his rhetorical hey makers the audience breaks up his rhythm. mitt romney seizes on that because this isn't about being the chairman or president of the debate club but of the united states and romney had two strong debates this week so it's an opportunity to do a little political judo. >> speaker gingrich said he
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didn't do well because the audience was loud. the one before he said the audience was too quiet. it's like goldilocks, got to have it just right. when i debate the president, i'm going to make sure we take down barack obama and take back the white house. >> that's the example of the enthusiasm he's getting from the crowds. it's important to point out in every single election we've had, the undecided block of voters in the final 72 hours have proven decisive. most polls say the undecided vote is under 10%. when you add in one likely to change their minds, some think they may. by tuesday night this is looking like a close race. >> that's a big number. thank you. fox is the place to be in election headquarters tuesday for the florida primary. this is just part of it.
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neil cavuto and your world will be joined at 4:00 p.m. eastern this tuesday. you won't want to change the channel until we know who wins. kelly? >> new developments in the cruise ship caster in italy. divers recovered a woman's body from the wreck rage of the beached costa concordia. the number of dead now 17, 15 are still missing. meantime in miami, six passengers are suing the parent company, carnival cruise lines, for $460 million in compensation saying the ship operator is guilty for the wreck. the company is offering uninjured passengers more than $14,000 to cover loss of baggage and refund the cost of the cruise and travel home.
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it totals $40 million. the u.s. military announcing plans for a floating base off the coast of iran. during a warship into a platform or military missions. the pentagon says the base will be used for humanitarian assistance and other operations like confronting pirates off the somali coast. critics worry it's a signal the u.s. and iran are inching closer to war. we have more details. this is troubling indeed. >> it appears to be, kelly. the pentag aenf gency. the uss pots was decommissioned but there was a in bid contract to have it retrofitted as a float forward staging base. a floating dock, mother ship for
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the special ops team into the straight of her muth. in a statement, the pentagon says, while this work is done in an expeditious fashion it's not accurate to surmise it's a rush to reach a combat requirement. it's a longstanding request. in addition the pentagon is embarking on a i improvement ona bunker buster bomb. the massive ordinance penetrator for taking out hardening targets is less than effective. the bomb cannot destroy targets that simulate some facilities. the pentagon submitted a request for more funding. the pentagon is trying to convey this is not an indication of any pending attack.
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an official telling fox news, we've long said we need the capability they say weapons provide. we're committed to their development and comfortable they'll contributed to all the capabilities. it's a fear the pentagon's acknowledgment of these assets sends a very strong signal to iran. >> indeed. it also shows the defense department is serious about the national security in that region. thank you for that. by the way, plans for the floating base and a more powerful bomb both ambitious undertakings but with cuts to the defense budge budget, the question is will the uss be prepared. in coming up. former general jack keene joins us. >> there was a surprise meeting at the white house we found out about through the white house but it wasn't on the president's schedule. president obama hosting former president george h.w. bush and
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former florida governor jeb bush. the white house kept it a secret but realized this photo of all three men in the oval office. a white house statement the visit was personal and the former president usually stops by when in town. tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. eastern, governor jeb bush will be joining us ahead of the critical florida primary. we'll talk about his predictions for the race and much more. will we see, i asked him and we'll talk to him about, a brokered convention. what are his political plans. while the president made some feel at home he's using his weekly address to send a zeng if you agree leaders in washington should follow their example, make your voice heard. tell your member of congress it's time to end the gridlock and tackle the issues that matter.
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>> gridlock is a hot button issue since the state of the union address but in the republican response to the president's weekly message, senator marco rubio is pointing the finger elsewhere. >> this president inherited a country can serious problems. asked the country to give him the stimulus to fix it and democrats gave it to him. not only didn't it make it work, it made it worse. >> who is to blame for lack of action in congress? christopher hawn is a former aide to chuck schumer. angela mclaughlin is a fox news political analyst. welcome. >> thank you. >> the president says they're not doing enough and get on the stick. we're at a time where some people say, i've heard this more than once, we'd be better off if they did nothing. >> there's so much concern. >> how would that impact the election for many trying to retain the seats? >> right now we're going to see
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more gridlock and more policies not being created and politics played. folks are tired of the blame game. i like senator rubio but it's not just the white house and democrats, it's republicans too. washington, d.c. is broken and what's why we haven't gotten things do so i'm with the president. >> i hear it's broken. even when i talked to governor bush he said it was broken. it's different than what's going on in many states that are successful. why doesn't the federal government pick a model that works and get back to doing their job. >> first let me command angela, those were very true words. the government is in gridlock because there's a perpetual campaign that never ends in washington. in new york we've got divided government and they get along and get things done in the best interest of the people of
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new york. i'm hoping against hope this will happen in washington but i think i'll be disappointed. when you listen to marco rubio, it sounds like a plan that can backfire. the economy is starting to look up. as we learned this week, people in america are starting to feel more and more confident. if they want to continue to pound the hammer that the president's policy didn't work they better be careful because -- >> christopher brings up a point. he talks about how it's politic, campaigning, i mean we're in full campaign mode. could we expect more or less from congress as everybody's on the trail, saying i'm the guy or girl for the job? >> in my company i do government affairs. i spoke to staffers last year about policies and they said we need to get it done now because
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in 2012 it will be about campaigning and politics and members of congress care more about self-preservation, the first law of nature, than the american people but this president also cares about self-preservation. his state of the union address was not solutions, it was a campaign speech. >> christopher, cite something from the state of the union that was not about political campaigning but a measure the president could, in exercising the influence he has, not but executive order but by consensus, get something done that could help the american people. >> the american people approve of the proposals in the speech. >> no, no, pick something. >> he wants to return manufacturing jobs to america and strengthen the manufacturing sector. how could anybody be opposed to that?
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we use today make things in this country that we would sell around the world. now the only way to make money is move it around. we have to get back to our core. >> can he get it done? i want angela to weigh in. >> mitch mcconnell said it clearly, his job was to make sure this man would be a one-term president. he needs help from the republicans to work with them but he won't. every time of reaches out they slap his hand. >> the question is can the president get it done? whether it's in the last year of his term or another four years? >> jamie, if he compromises yes, but christopher is right, and i'm sorry mitch mcconnell said that because that's not his job, to block things from the president. they need to create laws that creates more jobs and a prosperous america. but the state of the union address was more ground hot dog.
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>> it has been all year. the president proposes something and republicans say no. even if it's their own idea. >> got to leave it there. >> christopher's being fair and balanced, blaming both sides of the aisle. thank you so much, guys. appreciate your comments. >> both sides will keep us locked into this for a while. meantime one of the biggest names in social media is under international attack and we'll tell you why. twitter is facing serious sensorship and it's creating a backlash. >> they're tweeting like crazy. there are new numbers on the economy. how is it doing and if it is better, will it continue and help our future? we'll tell you next. [ male announcer ] in bli, even ragu users chose prego. prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i've made? [ '80s dance music plays ]
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i'm always looking for new ways to help me manage my diabetes. raaah! take a look at this. freestyle lite test strips? they need just a third the blood of onetouch ultra. really? and the unique zipwik tab targets the blood and pulls it in. wow! look at that! and you can get these strips for a $15 monthly co-pay simply by joining the freestyle promise program. alright! looks like i'm going to be testg and saving at the same time. call or click today and join for free. test easy.
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>> twitter is under fire and for the for too many tweets. they're coming from free speech advocates around the globe. the social networking site created an uproar when it agreed to a plan to censor the posts based on the laws of individual countries. critics are calling for a boycott and demand the initiative be scrapped.
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twitter said they will not remove tweets unless they receive a request from government officials and the tweets will be visible in other countries. the once that are not requesting it. who could forget occupy wall street and throughout the arab spring it was used to reach out. job fairs are going high-tech. companies are turning to virtue career fairs to match potential employees with the right job. the online forum saving companies money and getting americans back to work. julie has more details. >> if you got a computer i have a great way for you to look for work. companies are struggling to match employees with skilled workers and are broadening the field in favor of online career fairs organized by individual companies or job sites like
10:20 am brazen has 120,000 members flocking to the network where young professionals can account. the forums can be accessed by companies and job-seekers from anywhere in the world. >> every company wants to find a plus candidates who who are haro find. they're willing to do anything they can to find the top candidates so this is another method for them. >> the events are a networking equivalent to speed dating with a new conversation every few minutes. they're different from traditional fairs but the goal is to find the best fit for the company. >> it allows us to present our story, to tell our story to these candidates in a format that they're used to. they've grown up tweeting,
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blogging, chatting on line. that's their world t allows us to connect with them so they see us in a -- they see the state farm brand in a modern way. >> virtual fairs can help troops before entering civilian lives. works with over 240 companies to mash vets with jobs. in the past year they've had 100,000 attendees and more than 4,000 confirmed hires. you can learn more through their website or through facebook and twitter. get on line and start searching. >> sounds like a valuable service. thank you. there's a lot of focus on the hispanic community with the florida primary tuesday. hispanics expected to be a
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significant voting bloc. more than 15 million latinos in america are tied closely to their culture. rene created a website to offer latino families a way to help raise their children to keep their communities moving towards fulfilling the american dream. >> with the idea of starting mommy verse, it's a natural extension of my own personal background. not only as a hispanic in this country but one of four boys raised by very, very, very strong latino moms. the litten women in my -- latin women in my family are incredible individuals. >> in honor of his mother and latino women, he created mommy verse, online for hispanic women's. contributors provide val automobile content that focuses on latino moms, discussing education, money, health, family
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life and politics. >> we wanted to create something that reflected the needs of latino moms. if my belief if you educate and empower a latino mom, you educate the entire family. >> rene believes it's important for congress and people in general to understand the significance of latino families. >> we're at the point where the latino family, latino kids, they're the first quarter of this country and up until -- this country. until now they've been left out of the debate. >> maria, one of the most powerful women in television, having produced award winning programs. she hopes mommy verse dispels negative perceptions. >> we live in america and
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contribute to the society and pay taxes and have opinions about immigration and parenting and we have opinions about how we consume media. and we have very complex opinions about the political system. >> that's what mommy verse is about, actually putting positive images that are factual within the homes of latino families so when they read what's going on on-line, when they look at the videos, they will laugh, they'll be entertained, informed and understand that's my family. >> it's mommy verse, go to to find out how to log on. the son of a top u.s. official says he faces possible jail time overseas. sam lahood is speaking 0 out after egyptian officialsrom lea. >> a new strategy against iran
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but what about cuts to the defense budget? could it jeopardize plans to keep us safe? gestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. hit me! [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'. no, i wouldn't use that single miles credit card. hey, aren't you... shhh. i'm researchg a role. today's special... the capital one venture card. you earn double miles on every purchase. impressive. chalk is a lost medium. if you're not earning double miles... you're settling for half. was that really necessary? [ male announcer ] get the venture card at and earn double miles on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? cover for me. i have an audition.
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we are looking live now in the city of st. louis where a massive welcome home party is underway for america's veterans, the city declaring welcome home to heroes day honoring veterans and showing them there's resources waiting. a resource village at the end of a well-deserved parade. a big welcome home from everyone at fox news. >> the son of a top u.s. official speaking after barred from leaving egypt. sam lahood is son of ray lahood and he's not allowed to leave the country and may face
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up to five years in prison. peter doocy is live in washington following this story. tell us, sam lahood targeted because he's the son of a cabinet secretary? does he think that's the reason? >> he says he has no reason to think that but he is the transportation secretary's son and he says he might be stuck in egypt for a long, long time. >> if it does go to trial and a trial could last up to one year in a case that's as wide ranging as this one, but the penalty is six months to five years in jail so these are serious charges. >> lahood says at this point he doesn't think there's a physical threat because cairo is a safe city but his family is concerned for his safety and everyone else that works for has organization, the international republican institute. >> that ngo works toward democracy, we give a lot of
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money to egypt to see that come to fruition. will we pull back? >> congress specifically laid out in the most recent bill that egypt needs to make clear they're moving toward making their people freer before the united states will cut them a big check. g.o.p. congressman frank wolfe wrote a letter to president obama that says in part, these recent actions by the egyptian government are a clear violence of conditions laid out and should bear on aid to egypt. similar assaults occur in the future, aid should be indefinitely halted. egypt's military gets $1.3 billion a year and the state department says they've been put on notice. >> those are decisions that are going to have to be made later on in the winter and spring. so it's premature to decide
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where we're going to be able to go on this, but it's certainly something that we have been calling to the egyptian government's attention. >> and in his letter a few weeks ago to the president, congressman wolf writes president obama has been weak in aid and he says in this action it will tell the world a lot. >> a complicated issue. >> major developments in syria, the arab league pulling monitors from the chaos. more violence prompted the league to suspend their mission and call for syria's president to step down. it was to ensure peace and syria says the withdrawal is an tampa to -- attempt to influence the u.s. security council. >> bunkers that are bombs that
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can't bust. america's largest weapons apparently cannot destroy some of iran's most heavily fortified underground facilities. general jack king, a fox news military analysts, joins us. good to see you and hear your perspective. first, let's talk about the massive ordinance penetrating bum, a bunker busting bomb. it's not enough to break through the fortifications in iran. why is that a concern to the pentagon? >> to put it in perspective, ever since we developed precision bombs we've been in a challenge 20 plus years. our adversaries have been going deeper to avoid the bombs. we started developing penetrators. it's a physics problem we've been trading off back and forth.
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they go deeper and we build a penetrator to reach them and they go deeper. it's a 20-year struggle and part of the behavior between ourselves and our adversaries. >> given the height of situations with iran right now, is there any reason to believe that within these hardened fortifications that the iranians now have, that would conceal development of a nuclear weapon? >> absolutely. no doubt about the fact that they are doing that. i'm also confident there's nobody in the world that has the capability we have to reach them. and i'm confident that we're all over this in terms of that capacity and making certain under the circumstances ready when necessary. >> the research is underway. they're developing that new bomb but let's take our attention not off iran but the bunker busting bombs and on to the uss potts oe
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as a mother ship. is that a good move for the united states in terms of strategy in regard to the straight of her mus. >> our military has been exploring our scenario, dealing with the iran unanimous for many years. -- iranians. they declared war against the united states in 1980 so it's a long-term struggle and the military has been closer to it. general mattis, these are his forces. because the iranians raised the threat, he's taking were cautionary measures to deal with that. i think that's all this is. >> general, what we're seeing here, though, with this mother ship, is there would be a
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high-tech, less troops involvement in a war. we saw this ship operate off the coast of libya during that conflict going on there that brought down gadhafi but let's talk about budget cuts in america and how it's affecting the defense department. i.e. dismantling the troops in the army as well as the u.s. marines. that's a vital part of our force. is it why to cut that level of ground forces? >> this is a serious risk in this budget that's been proposed. the frustration in the pentagon is they know the country's being economically challenged and the defense department should contribute to reduction in spending. their frustration is they're asked to cut disproportionately. secondly, secretary gates took serious cuts himself, close to
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$200 billion for efficiency, then cut a modernization program from each service. this $487 billion is on top of that and that contributes to the risk. you put your finger on the number one risk, reduction of our ground forces. frankly we have done this after world war ii, korea, vietnam and soviet union and the planners we have now are betting on the fact we will not have a ground war of consequence in the near future. the problem is that the dod planners that existed in the previous 40, 50 years were dead wrong and with when found ourselves in significant ground wars. we went through this with the collapse of the soviet union leading to 9/11 and found ourselves in the longest war. >> i hear you loud and clear because when rumsfeld talked about lean and mean he never
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anticipated ground forces operating in iraq as well as afghanistan but we thank you for your comments. we'll continue to follow the developments in terms of our defense department. >> take care, kelly. we always learn a lot from general keene. i want to tell you about the range rover turning sport into style. the 2012 model is marketed as power and performance but has a sleek design. >> it was named 2012 north american truck of the year but not because it's a heavy hauler. instead the range rover evoked compact cross over's claim to fame is it's the cutest created. >> aimed at the urban fashionista it has the presence of a high heel hiking boot or super model in adventure gear. i may be underdressed for this one. of course being a range rover,
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the evoke is a tom boy. it could be outfitted with a terrain response system with settings for arizona, appalachian, alaska and i like the looks of this one ... $44,000 evoke comes with a 4-cylinder engine but it's turbo charged and puts out 240-horsepower, more than enough. it's the lightest range rover made. that contributes to it been the most fuel-efficient and helps with the handling. also the addition of a magnetic suspension system. five cameras are located around the car and an enormous all glass roof. it's like driving around in a well appointed, high security open courtyard. it's small but not that small, not smaller than the two door
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to keep up with our population growth. are we on the right path? michael seymour is joining us. great to see you, thanks. >> thank you for having me. >> welcome, let me ask you this. let me see if i can bottom line t corporate profits. the margin. never better. disposable income for consumers down and unemployment, while improving in a steady growth, still all of. what's going on here? >> well, you've got your data down. let's go further and drill into the data more. your numbers were correct,q4 gdp grew at 2.8%. historically for 60 years the gdp in america shows a 3.2% growth rate. we averaged 1.7 for the year. the 3% that you mentioned as a
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target gdp growth rate, in a normal world, 3% is the target but that's -- >> just to maintain the population growth? that doesn't put us in a boom. >> no it does not. 3% is the number that keeps unemployment low an inflation in check. when you're coming out of a recession as we were, you need substantially higher growth rates than that to drive unemployment down. most economist believe 4, 5% is the normal number, a 5% growth rate to drive our unemployment rate down. >> you're saying we get go to 4 to 5%, the 8% number would drop, if we don't, with won't? >> i'm saying overall there's different sectors of the economy. we know that. some good signs, you talked about corporate profits being never higher since the '60s.
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corporations have to have money and profits in order to hire. so far, they've been willing to spend that money to build inventories, which normally comes before hiring and giving pay raiseses so hopefully the next step will be the hiring, if the economy continues to at least show modest improvement on an ongoing basis. >> hopefully isn't encourage to someone who has been sitting out for a long time. if people decide it's doing better because of what you said. they put themself back into the job market, where does that send the unemployment rate, up, no? >> remember last year at this time we had the same discussion. we were coming out of a nice 4th quarter gdp. had a nice january and it never materialized. people in the back of their minds, election year, how much
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can they believe? i'm exactly like you. we can sit here with numbers all day but we still have almost 9 million people out of work. >> so true. >> that's probably, in a normal economy, you might have 5 million. so we're just -- you're talking 4, 5 million people that need jobs. push the data aside, that's terrible. >> it's a lot of people without a doubt. hard to have hope under these circumstance but at least we're seeing signs of positive activity -- positivey. it's complicated. thank you so much. >> my pleasure. it could be worse but we are on the right track. >> thank you. big news on memory loss. why genetics play a major role. a common blood test that could tell you how likely you are to have alzheimers. [ male announcer ] drinking a smoothie with no vegetable nutrition?
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fascinating t gives a lot of information about the biology of alzheimers or dementia but we're mixing terms. let me define what dementia is. it's not a specific disease. it's a group of disorders that can affect the brain and one of the sub categories is alzheimers. there could be vascular dementia, drug-induced. park sons, vitamin deficiencies, vitamin b-12 deficiencies. now, just like you have normal function and dementia, there's a medium phase, mild cognitive impairment. it's important because recognizing the phase is critical to prevention or stopping it from get to go dementia. some patients diagnosed with mci, it may progress, it may stay in the same phase for years or in 30% of the time it can
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revert to normal. these patients is go through life, they can function through day-to-day, but they forget names, they're starting a story in the middle of a sentence and it would be like, what was i talking about? family and friends notice it but there's really nothing that can be done. >> they notice it. i noticed it in a 40-year-old man and that turned into a full-blown alzheimers. it's affecting men more than women? >> they looked at the 1400 participants between ages 70 and 89, not the typical friend of yours but older population and found that men are actually getting this mild cognitive impairment earlier. when women catch up with them, the severity and symptoms in women is worse and they can get to alzheimers phase faster. >> if you catch it, is there anything you can do to prevent alzheimers? >> excellent question. in the past our effort in
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healthcare has been on heart disease and cancer. as the baby boomers are getting older and living longer, alzheimers is going to be a player and that's warm one of te reasons we're talking about. >> there's another development that's important and that's a new blood test. tell me about that. >> this is a part of the research scientists from spain have been successful in looking at 2 dimensional infrared prospect obvious copy. >> it can check the plaque and find the plaque on white blood cells which are part of the defense mechanism. if that comes to a clinical phase, with a simple blood test we can screen them. there's no screening test for alzheimers, great news. >> that is great news and a -- we have a breaking neck clue that's been so hard to define.
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thank you for joining us. >> that puts folks at easy but not everybody that forgets a sentence -- >> absolutely not. you need more than two symptoms. >> here's what i remember, that's going to do it for us. i'm jamie colby, he's kelly wright and the journal editorial report is next. i'll see you tomorrow morning, doctor. >> take care, everybody. 0ngnonoĆ³
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