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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  February 3, 2012 12:00am-1:00am PST

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thank you for watching. see you tomorrow. what do strip clubs, casinos and liquor stores have in common? they are awesome. just kidding. we will be talking about the house of representatives voting to stop welfare spending in those places. and also they are awesome. and do newly released court papers reveal just how awful of a mom courtney love is? well, there is a good chance they do.
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>> thank you. >> happy humiliation day. >> is there any other day? >> humiliation day is a time to recognize the humility of people. >> being a fair and balanced network i want to recognize both sides. >> no reason for that. i think you are missing the point here. >> smug little creep. >> regretting this whole thing. >> you screwed it up as always. you screwed things up since you were a little kid. >> not cool. >> you know what is not cool? your face, your sad little face. your pathetic, sad face. you know who felt that way, your parents. >> start your stupid show, you paw they had particular dwarf. >> that's it, always giving up because you are a quiter. that's what your mom and dad would say. you could never do anything. you were a bad little boy, a failure. let's welcome our guests. that does make me feel good. she's so hot, just saying her
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name will burn the inside of your mouth. i am here with jedediah bila. she is also the author of "outnumbered" an unofficial guide to my slumber parties. if financial smarts were a pinata i would bang him with a bat blind folded. it is adam shapiro. and his hepititis is registered to vote, good for him. it is bill schulz. and he kills audiences with his razor sharp wit and giant razor. next to me comedian tom shalou. it is called serious. and he is a rag who hates the flag. our new york times correspondent. good to see you, pinch. >> today phyllis journeys to the far off world that is williamsburg to discuss the trend that is called man buns. truth be told if a writer spotted one person wearing a fully loaded diaper in a cool
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area of brooklyn it would garner that man babies are the new hotness in thursday styles ssments that's it. >> that is it. >> that is indeed it. >> it is it indeed. >> it is not not it. >> triple. is anything more momentous than trump taking a new apprentice? >> the billionaire endorsed a millionaire. in las vegas, a town, ending minutes of speculation. a huge deal according to trump. but others wonder will romney get a bump? let's get to the announcement. it makes me wonder was it an honor, a real honor and privilege for the donald to endorse mitt romney? >> it is my honor, it is my real honor and privilege to endorse mitt romney. >> ask a question and get anence. get an answer. but what about those who say he is not sharp and not smart and it will continue to let
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things happen in this country we love. >> he is tough, smart, sharp. he is not going to allow bad things to continue to happen. >> well that clears that up. what about you, governor romney? what is it like being in trump's hotel and having his endorsement. i debt it is a delight and you are honored and pleased. >> being in done knolled trump's -- gone nailed trump's hotel is a delight. i am honored and pleased to have his endorsement, and i am looking for the endorsement of the people of nevada. >> i have gotten pretty good at this. >> what does the what house think of all of this. probably nothing since it is a building. jay carney was asked if he had the endorsement and this is what he had to say. >> i am not going to comb over that question. good, right?
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>> not really. and you can't make hair jokes with that hair. i'm sorry, but that is a 12-year-old's hair. 245* is like he has no part. he has a hair line down to his eyebrows, jay. seriously, the classest endorsement you have ever seen. trump is always classy. >> he was a little square in the auditorium, but i don't think it will matter either way. he will not get any votes from it. there is nobody waiting for the trump endorsement to support mitt romney. it will just take him out of yesterday's news which was when he mentioned he -- he didn't like poor people. but i have a theory about this. i don't know if it has been said on your program or if anyone said it -- >> well, if you watched "red eye" regularly you would know that answer. >> i believe this subject was tenderized on yesterday's show. but i would like to add to it that i think it was not a gasp to say he doesn't care about poor people, it was intentional. >> why? >> he needs to get his message out. think about it as a political
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strategist. obama has him -- he has that middle class thing going on. you don't sympathize with the middle class. you are a rich guy. romney has to say he cares about the middle class. the only way he can do that and get your word on the news is to have a gasp. he can't just say i believe in the middle class because it wouldn't make the newspapers. if he says, i don't care about poor people. i don't care about rich people. i only care about the middle class, it is a scandal for the day. joe lunch box will say, you know what, do you ever talk to the blue collar guys that say the rich guys have the money and the poor guys get the benefits. they say that a lot. i hang out at the vfw a lot. >> don't ever become a political strategist. what you just said, do you really think that will help mitt romney? >> it will help him. >> i am a political strategist and if he cares so much about the middle class, why not once has romney traveled to middle earth? i know many trolls that are
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waiting to hear from him, and what his plans are for them and he said nothing. >> he said nevada right. most guys from the upper crust -- the upper 1% say nevada. >> is he going to get some of the trump money? >> that's not what this is about. mitt romney has plenty of money, but needs more. and trump, if it really is an honor, and when someone says it is a real honor, real honor. when they do something like that, the truth, the truth, they are lying. write a check. let's see the check he writes to one of the romney super macs. >> -- super pack. >> when you mention romney and bankrupt he will call. >> does his endorsement mean anything to you personally? >> it means nothing to me. >> it didn't sway the way you feel about mitt or newt? >> the only person who cares about this endorsement is donald trump.
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let's be honest. they think it is an interesting topic because trump is all over the news. anytime he opens his mouth it is a news story. donald trull p is a liberal. he is not a conservative. he will not pull in conservatives. he donated to anthony wiener's campaign, and he has been on record saying george bush was the worst president ever. conservatives are looking at this and laughing and that is the voting block that romney. >> trump since 2009 has given more to democrats than runs. than republicans. >> don't rich people give money to everybody to smooth things over. he gave it to wiener so wiener would leave him alone and stop sending him pictures. >> that doesn't work for a guy who says he will run for president. i listened to a tape of him calling president bush the worst president ever. and then when he did interviews he said -- he said rt cayer was the worst
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president -- rt cayer was the worst president ever. he is not a principal guy that the conservatives can count on. >> how can you let her sit there and crash your icon. you read "art of the deal" a hundred times? >> backwards and forwards. >> it is a book you found in the under pass and you sleep with it. >> i less read it and more used it, catch what i mean. paper is hard to come by on the streets. i have a bone to pick with a colleague. on the 3:00 hour shepherd smith upon hearing trump would do this said that shakira and big bird would also be giving their endorsements, and it never happened. you know why? shepherd made it up. we were talking about the very serious deal of c-list celebrities and shepherd made it a joke. >> that bothers me. i may have to boycott that hour. before we move on i have to say this is all about amarosa. trump has been on a war with
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amarosa, and he knew to get to her heart, to endorse mitt. he knew she hates mitt. >> are you talking about the salad with mushrooms? >> no, that's ambrosia. >> i make a great ambrosia. i usually make a bathtub full and we all jump in. from winning trump to shaking your rule p. is the gop going after t and a? the republican lead house -- i love this clip. we just play it of the the republican house has passed a bill that would ban welfare recipients from spending their government dole at liquor stores, casinos and strip clubs, as seen here. that's right. i said strip clubs. they introduced the act in december. quote, the house is serious about this bipartisan reform becoming law. ensuring the welfare funds are spent on families and children as intended. >> whatever congressman party
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foul. they passed the bill with a 395 to 27 vote. all of louisiana seven house members voted too. >> those were indeed sheep. i wasn't lying. the whole . is to keep dudes from spending money on strippers in assisted of their needy families. can you blame the lawmakers? >> oh that's what it is for of the i wondered why. i thought who is -- first of all, why can you get -- i don't understand how it works. >> it is like an atm card. >> i say no money at any atm's. >> how is welfare money getting into an atm. >> i don't think you can get cash out. i think you can take the card to the supermarket and it deducts from the card. unless you can put the card in the panties of the stripper you won't get too far.
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>> you can do that. >> the reason that exists like that is they didn't want to stigma ties people who were showing food stamps they food market. they felt they would feel marginal liesed. so it is in a credit card form now. >> can you get dances now? >> swiping is the hard part. at certain places maybe they allow it. it is like -- >> no, they sell the cards. someone has a card and they sell it on the black market and you take the cash and go down to the hoochie bar. i would like to know -- greg, they all voted for it. how much money are we talking here? how much are these wayward fathers losing? >> actually, does the amount matter? he says it is our tax money. this is what gets me. it is my money, and i am not allowed to use it on
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strippers. my wife won't let me. i am not going to let somebody else -- >> you are being vindictive about it. >> it is a personal matter. >> if you can't do it, they can't do it. i see what you are saying. >> exactly. >> i don't want them to do anything i can't do. >> 27 people oppose this. 27 representatives. i want to know who these people are and what they are doing in their spare time where they think it is okay to pay for people on welfare to watch girls at nudie bars. >> might i be devil's advocate? bill, maybe having welfare recipients go to topless bars may keep them from doing things more destructive. >> i agree. and i will be devil's advocate and say satan has some good ideas. >> we gave the bank $400 billion. i'm sure the amount we give for these cards is less than $400 billion. so some will stimulate the economy and put some strippers to work. is that such a bad thing? >> actually, wait a minute.
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you changed my mind. it is the trickle down theory. don't add anything there. now i like this. money goes to the welfare recipients that ends up in the hands of a stripper who is putting her -- she is trying to work her way through dental hygenist schools as all strippers do. >> and we are helping. >>- q. i there is a moral lesson -- >> there is a reel month lesson though. if you get your money from the government there will be limits on it. health care, nudie bars whatever it is. >> tom, you are looking at this. >> i was trying to stair at the b roll. it has gone from the screen. so the bottom of the screen it mentioned strip clubs and casinos, but there was no b roll of casinos anywhere. it was all strippers. i was like, this is fantastic. >> you just lost yourself in the moment? >> i have not been listening.
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>> could this hurt the state, bill? >> there is no strip clubs in louisiana. i don't know why this is an issue. >> let's look at this guy. what did we learn about politicians that are against something? they usually are that. how many closets of gay guys did we find going betweens any pro gay measure because they were hiding something. >> that is a statistical fallacy. there is bound to be one hipocrite. 2* doesn't represent anybody who is against anything. >> and they say it is huh poke craw see, but it isn't. he was against gay marriage. he wasn't against illicit gay sex in a motel room. >> there is a place and a time. >> there is a morality to this. i am doing my meth, but don't
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you two get married. from welfare crooks to facebook. once founded in a dorm room, it is about to go boom filling the air with millionaires. on wednesday facebook announced its ipo which i believe stands for internet pony operator is expected to value the site up to $100 billion. in the process it will enrich a butt load of people from mark zuckerberg whose shares could be worth $28 billion to early investors like this graffiti artist who painted the wall of facebook's first headquarters in 2005. david cho was given at the time to be paid in cash or stock. as the new york times reports, in spite of thinking it was ridiculous he chose the stock. now it is worth maybe $200 million. how is zuckerberg's young co co-founder celebrating the ipo? we have tape from wednesday night.
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>> that woman is huge. that man dancing with her, she must have been 12 feet tall. what do you say to the investor who is thinking of buying stock on facebook. >> the investor is buying on the first station hole. you should wait. coming out of the gun it will shoot up drastically. an evaluation of $75 billion to $100 billion it is too rich for my blood. facebook will make a lot of money going forward. wait until the price comes down. if you think i am wrong think groupon. their first day of trading $28, and now they closed at $22. linked in 20 up to $22 and now they are at $74. facebook is good, but we need to know how this company is going to make money going forward. if you want to invest, go to google. it is expensive, $500 a share, but they control a much larger portion of the ad market
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on-line. >> anytime people go to linked in. all i know is it is an e mail from people i don't talk to and they want into to join in. and what is the other thing, plastics ? >> i am on it. i have it and it is the equivalent of being a landlord and having rental property that makes you no money expru to clean it like once every two months. >> all i know about groupon is i fished for it off the hudson. i didn't know you could call and order the food. >> jedediah when i started facebook i thought it was a book made of faces. >> that's a big disappointment. >> it is. i didn't bother investing in it. how much do you stand to make on this? >> none. that's why i am bitter. i am not good with stocks. i am not good with money. i don't have a financial head. i always miss out. i could have been doing graffiti for facebook. i am qualified to do that. i am disappointed.
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>> bill, you are the business expert on the panel. do you hate these rich people because they are rich? >> i hate bonnie because he was an -- bono because he was an early investor because he bought in before it went public. i love this david cho guy. not only was he on a whim, but can we see the physical tour of him again? all he did was throw paint on the wall and leave. that's all he did. >> he is an american hero. >> he went and threw paint on the wall. >> how much do you want to bet five years from now not a penny left? >> that's true. is dismembering drifters in the back of a moving ban as hard as it looks? we discuss the book, first you laugh and then you die. it is courtney love. my nose for news tells me this is a story about courtney love. thank you knows for news. -- nose for news.
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are the rich on the hook says the holy book? obama thinks so. jc is suggesting that jesus christ would tax the wealthy. in a speech at the national prayer breakfast on thursday tieing his proposal to americans who are richer to religious script tour. does he believe in the command to love thy neighbor as himself? does he know a rule is found in every major religion? >> i believe in god's command to love thy neighbor as thyself. i know a version of that rule is found in every major religion. when i talk about shared responsibility, it is because i genuinely believe as a time when many folks are struggling , at a time when we have enormous deficits, it is hard for me to ask seniors on a fixed income or young people
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with student loans and middle class families who can bury pay the bill -- can barely pay the bill to shoulder the burden alone? >> does he think it is going to make economic sense? >> i actually think that is going to make economic sense. but for me as a christian it also coincides with jesus' teaching that for unto whom much is given, much shall be required. >> i'm glad i asked. for more let's go to the senior political correspondent who is following both sides of the tax debate. >> that was an op tau cal illusion for a minute there. jedediah, would jesus support taxing the rich? >> this is ridiculous. the left does this all of the time. they envoke jesus to justify
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their policies. jesus was not mandating you hand over your money to the government. i love when they talk about this as if charities don't exist, churches don't exist. there is no way for you to give your money to people unless you hand it over to the corrupt government first, and then they distribute it. it is absurd. >> adam? >> because i am jewish does this mean i don't have to pay taxes? you are talking new test meant. >> you just apply for an exemption. >> when politicians start using religious documents and to bolster their point i get a little worried. i want to point out that exodus, what my people give the world says it is perfectly legal for a father to sell their daughter to slavery. it would be great if congress and the president sold their female children into slavery to pay down the national debt. the he brew bible allows that. >> i didn't know that. are you concerned? >> i am concerned. that was crazy logic, but
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seems legitimate. >> here is the thing. i am putting on my political strategist cap. it is wise for obama to do this, and it is wise for people on the left to envoke because they can get away with it because people -- people-- po their secular policy. it is like me. i have the same prejudice. when i see a real mean looking athlete like some big, huge black football player or some motorcross guy with neck tattoo, if they envoke god after the race i'm always like, oh, wow, he is a spiritual guy. if it is a white golfer it is like, easy, freak. we have that prejudice, and it is the same thing. >> that is the most bizarre, interesting theory i have ever heard, i think. but you are right. you become surprised. i think thinking about the motorcross guy. yes, that would surprise me. >> i don't think religious people like religion being invoked.
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whether it is the left or right, that is uncomfortable. i believe in god. i am not into organized religion, so i have a little different perspective. but i feel your point was good and it has to be separate from politics. people don't want you telling everyone, this is my policy and i am doing it because the bible is in alignment with what i said. >> you have to make your . without the bible. have i to go to bill, and then we have to move on and take a break. >> well, i have to say he talks a lot about different religions. as a practicing wiccan, i hear nothing about the solstice. not once have they mention eds the eye of newt, even newt. >> that is true. that's going to happen. we vote. >> all right. >> what is her name? >> do you have a comment on the show? e mail us at red eye at fox news .com. to leave a voicemail on my direct line 212-462-5050.
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still to come, the half time report from andy levy. >> tonight is sponsored by tires, the rubber covering surrounding an inner tube to form a flexible contact with the road. thanks, tires.
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welcome back. let's find out if we got anything wrong so far. let's go to andy levy. how is it going? >> pretty good, greg.
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>> great. >> trump endorses romney. first you said j carney has a 12-year-old's hair? >> yes. >> are you suggesting he murdered a 12-year-old? >> no. >> i just wanted to clarify. >> no, the style of hair. >> that's why i wanted to clarify that so media matters and schmucks like that don't take it out of context. >> i was refer together style that resembles that of a 12-year-old boy. >> i wouldn't know unless i see the pictures in the barber shop. it is not like i know it personally. >> of course not. you said the trump endorsement is not significant except it took romney out of yesterday's news. i don't care about the very poor thing. but there are some conservatives that said there is nothing at all positive about what happened today. philip klein called accepting the endorsement, quote, the biggest blunder of romney's candidacy jie. it doesn't matter. it is not 2ing to sway anyone's vote. some journalists or commentators might say it was dumb or smart, but it doesn't
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matter. it changes the story which was what happened. >> and also rejecting an endorsement is kind of rude. it is just rude. what are you going to do? unless it is an awful person. >> the thing is though, you don't have to show up -- i am not suggesting he should have done it one way or the other, but you don't have to show up personally to accept the endorsent in. romney didn't show up when huntsman endorsed him. >> but there wasn't a free hotel room involved. >> and the other problem was he knew if he would have spoken to huntsman he would have spoke to him in chinese. >> so what's the point. >> interesting theory about romney's poor people comment being done on purpose. >> it is an interesting theory. if i was political strategist i would be number one because i go for this. >> you go for the adam's apple? >> he is a killer. >> that's not a metaphor. >> he actually does have a 12-year-old boy's hair. >> yes, he does.
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he is wearing it. >> not funny. >> adam or as i understand are you known in some circles as shaps? >> yes jie. you said it is about the trump money. do you think he will be generous with the purse strings? >> no. he should be, but i don't think he will. >> jedediah, you said trump is a liberal and he supported socialized media. sounds like romney. >> a bit. he supported it on a large scale. i don't think romney is on record trashing george bush and saying he needed to be impeached. i would hope not. >> sounds like something he would have said if he would have helped him. >> it might have been something he said when he was the other romney five years ago. that's possible. >> romney 1.0. now he is new expim proved. new and improved. >> bill, shap smith did not make up the fact that shakira and big bird were going to make it up. after he reported it, they backed off. >> so who is at fault here?
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should my ire be directed to the pop singer or the bird or the handsome anchor? >> never at the handsome anchor. >> and by the way, hanker 1* short for handsome anchor. >> house of representative votes to ban welfare payments. what about the strip club buffet lunches? >> that's a good . >> a guy can't go in there and use his welfare money to eat? >> nothing better than five hot dogs. >> for free. >> remember when they would have taco day and how disgusting that was? >> no. i don't. you have to get like one. after two, hepititis. >> they had a big, long tray of endless nachos. you wouldn't know how to put your fingers in. finally they would call it heepy hour.
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>> and what is up with the congressman saying that, quote, the house is serious about this reform becoming law and ensuring that welfare funds are spent on families and children as intended. what about single dudes. >> and single women. >> and single women. this is discriminatory. tom, the welfare thingy is an electronic benefit card, like a debit card. the new law states that the card didn't work at atm's or strip clubs. >> i think 8 -- i think i was wrong in what i said then. >> i think everyone was wrong. >> i think none of us read the secondary material that was not actually supplied to us. >> or the actual article upon which the story was based. >> i can read the synopsis. >> did you? >> yes. i am a busy guy. >> isn't synopsis your greek house boy? >> was. we were burying him on friday. >> a short service.
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>> they all are. >> facebook ipo, greg you said you believed -- i think you said ipo stands for internet pony operator? >> yes. >> it doesn't, but how fun would that be? >> imagine at your own home being able to operate a pony from afar. when you log on there is a pony in wyoming and you are just moving him around. >> we have to work on that. >> this is yet another internet idea that we have come up with that will be stolen. >> we will talk about this on sunday. >> we will. >> just our weekly get together. adam, you said people should wait on buying facebook stock? >> yes. >> i would like to . out that back in late 2006 you said stay away from apple because that phone thing they are putting out is no good. >> never listen to anyone at home give sock advice. >> so don't listen. >> when you were being literal you said the i phone doesn't fly.
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>> it was a black bell phone. you know, the ringer. >> by the way, remember tyler and cameron? >> yes. >> you know how they have been suing all of this time and we are supposed to feel bad for them, part of the sentiment included $45 million in stock which was back when facebook was valued at $15 billion. they say if facebook is worth $75 billion to $100 billion, theirs would be worth like $250 million. >> i still worry. >> they are mainly going to by ores with that money. >> imagine the amount of high jinx they will get into. they are going on reames of double dates and constantly switching, but at finer restaurants. >> going to the bathroom and coming back and changing clothes. >> it will be at sheik hotels.
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>> obama said jesus would support the higher taxes on the rich. you said they do this all the time. thank god the right doesn't do that. >> yes, you have a good . there. >> it is interesting that the president backs up the religious plan. he ignores the religious belief of other when's it comes to the health care plan. >> that's interesting huh poke craw see. it is only like he is using the religion when it suits them. >> it can't be. >> there is something going on that i don't understand. >> it is your lack of intau elect. >> have i made some phone calls. >> just lastly, i believe the old -testament allowed them to serve their daughters at maid servants and wives if there is a difference. >> maid servant? >> if money is being transacted for a maid servant 4,000 years ago -- >> you know i like the french
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maid servants. that's a hot costumes at halloween. >> i love those too. i ordered some on-line. but it was in june. >> that's the best time to do it. they are a good deal. >> half off. and then half off. just playing. >> i don't understand any of this conversation. >> why should you some. >> i'm done. >> coming up, zeo -- zoe is dead -- tired of being so adorable. what is "the yes, sir see shore" doing -- what is" the jersey shore" doing in vegas? probably cocaine.
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he was keen on the actor playing billy bean. he was revealed and he would like to see him portrayed in a movie about his life. >> hollywood was going to do a movie about your life, who would you like to see play the lead role? >> brad pitt. >> so brad pitt so i can see the movie trailer now, brad pitt as newt gingrich?
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>> yes. why not go for it, you know? >> is it because you look so much alike? >> no, he is thinner and better looking and younger, but you asked me if i had anybody to play me in a movie, why not go for brad pitt? >> he is right, actually. that's a decent choice. i loved him in "good fella." >> let's discuss this in the -- >> lightning rooooouuunnnnd d lightning round. >> isn't this why we love newt? he shoots for the moon. why say james cocoa when you can say brad pitt. >> or or son wells. >> well, they are both dead. >> have i have no comment. i don't know what the man is thinking. >> i don't know, jedediah. >> the resemblance is uncanning. brad pitt, newt gingrich. >> brad pitt would accept the role because it is a role of a lifetime where he could gain
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weight, and then he will become him and be -- that's how people get oscars is trans -- transforming their physical selfs. who would play new a movie and not jeffrey domer. >> remember the new york guy, bernard getz? the guy who shot people in the train. i always thought he had the bony features and he had a charm about him. >> you scare me. >> maybe matt damon. he is good at transforming. >> i think matt damon could play you. >> other than billy jean king who would you like to play you in a movie. >> justine baitman in the third season of "family ties" as for newt, dig up benny hill. they look like they were separated at birth. >> that's true. he can slap ron paul's head.
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>> he is surrounded by his ex-wifes. >> if we do a "red eye" i want silion murphy to play me and rachel mcadams to play andy. >> and i want to play the plane. >> and you shall, my friend. we have to take a break. leave now.
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welcome back. well, newly released court document reis veal courtney love has caused house fires, killed family pets and taken every prescription pill imaginable. i know, surprised? in a restraining order in 2009 love's daughter, francis bean cobain said of her mother, quote, she basically exists on xanax aterol, sugar and cigarettes. she falls on sleep in her bed smoking and i am worried she will start a fire which she has done three times. she is like the greatest mom ever. tom, are you at all surprised by this news? she seems so together. >> not surprised at all. i start fires all the time and i am stone cold sober. i am constantly lighting my apartment on fire. it is just cooking. flames come out of the store.
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>> i set off a lot of smoke alarms. >> every day that happens. >> it is just highly sensitive. how did we start talking about smoke alarms ? >> what are those things, xanax and adder roll? are they sleeping pills ? >> anti-anxiety. what was the next one? aderol -- >> isn't that a hyundai? >> no. >> what she does is she relaxes and then goes up on the aderol which is a speed drug. and then there is abilify that is an anti-depressant and then sugar. >> then lights a cigarette. >> jedediah, you know what is great about this story is her daughter turned out normal. that happens. >> it happens. you should see my parents. they are normal compared to me. it happens. look at the osbourne kids. they are pretty normal considering their dad. >> donny and marie? oh.
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i grew up with the osmonds. >> i think so. but that does happen a lot of times. i guess the kids rebel, and by rebel they become normal. >> look at the baseline comparison. if that is normal, she could be crazy and still would look good. >> reporter: none of us are rm no really. >> i bet even if what's her face was dating bill, courtney would disapprove of you. >> how dare you. i agree with your theory. i tend to mix it up a little bit as far as the nightlife is concerned. my i will legitimate daughters are delightful. lawanda just got out of her third murder charge. she is a-okay. >> we were worried. >> the cast of "jersey shore" may beheading to vegas. producers of the show are scouting locations for the upcoming sixth season and considering sin city and australia both located in can that you do. isn't it redundant to send
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them to vegas? everybody in vegas looks like them. >> that's an insult to the people in vegas. >> hanging out at the hard rock cafe, they are all tanned and tatood. >> the difference will be for the first time what happens in vegas won't stay in vegas. we will all get to see it. i have to say sometimes late at night i turn it on. i -- first i am entertained and then i am bitter. they are getting paid to do this. >> they are america's heros. i said it a number of times, and i am not going to stop. are you impressed they are staying on tv? >> i think it is great. ii think a more interesting show is your show and "the five." let's send you guys to vegas and see who comes to -- comes back pregnant and you have to pick the baby's daddy. i don't know if management will fly for that. >> i don't think i am going to pitch it. >> be daring. tom, who is your favorite jersey shore character and why? >> today when i saw the story
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i was looking on-line to do research. i never have seen the show. but mentioned in almost every article was guilty pleasure. for many they say it is a guilty pleasure. and jedediah watches it late at night. my wife watches the eastside. i think women love these shows more than men. am i right? >> i am a sucker for bad reality. >> why guilty pleasure? >> the weird thing about you, your guilty pleasure is guilty. you behead homeless men. >> i won't cop to that charge, but if i am going to do something gill fee it is pleasurable. if you like this show, go ahead and watch it and enjoy it. don't feel guilty. >> i think that's why you feel guilty. you can't shut it off. >> you were bragging how big of a pauly d fan you were. >> that's my favorite too.
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>> that's exciting. >> hi, paully d. they have gone from the east coast capital of bedazzled denim to the west coast capital to bedazzled denim. i am making a second . and this is the second block. we have to stop calling this laying -- the lightning round. >> the lightning round is getting less lightning. >> lightning is not striking. >> it is lightning rooooooouunnd. >> maybe that's why we are on the second block. >> we will close things out. to see clips of recent shows go to our website.
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back to andy levy for the post game wrap up. >> walk us through this video, if you would. >> sure. this was a film i made in the
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80s. i was kind of an independent film maker. super 8 film. i think the working title was "tom gets dressed." it studied a young man's struggle with putting on his clothing and combing his hair and heading out to school every day. >> were those capezios. >> they were vans. you know, like the -- >> boy homicide detectives will be examining that film for years. >> you must have had a rich family to have color film in 1959. >> that was 1984. >> jedediah, where will you be next weekend? >> i will be at cpac for the first time. i will be there most of friday and all of saturday. i want people to come by and say hi. i will post on my website where we will be. >> quickly, adam i heard you were busted for turn style jumping in the subway? >> yes, i had a brand-new card and i


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