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tv   Cashin In  FOX News  February 4, 2012 8:30am-9:00am PST

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no fee to buy merck. and the stock is strong. >> you like it >> it can inoculate itself. >> have a wonderful super bowl weekend. we'll see you next time . as voters suffer in the highest unemployment rate in the nation place bets in nevada, concern about mitt romney's automatic minimum wage hikes will have jobs taking a hike. scrap the minimum wage. i am cheryl casoni. we have wayne rogers and johnathon and tracey birns and john lay field. and hello johnathon,y get rid of minimum wage. how is that going to be work? >> minimum wage is government force. it destroys jobs and vialates
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the rights of employers and employees and so it is to act in their own self interest. employers offer a wage and employees either take it not. and unions force artificial ailly high wages. and a destruction of jobs . upon unemployment rate is worst with the teenagers. 28 percent unemployment and if there is a hike, small businesses could say. i will not hire more kid and i will go for free interns. >> i think johnathon is right. but the practical part is. you have a minimum wage . no legislation is going to say we'll not have that anymore. the fact that romney is supporting a rise that is indexed to inflation is not all that bad.
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jobs are going to disappear they will. people will get paid under the table it is a free market. you are going out and labor is for sale. >> it is not. it is not, wayne. government comes in and say we have to pay 7 bucks an hour for jobbs that is only worth five and half. then it is not a free market and no one gets satisfied. >> do you really think they are going to enforce that? the cost of the enforcement would be gigantic. >> if you look at romney's idea. index to inflation. most say we are not going to have inflation this year. are we jumping ahead of ourselves? >> i think that it is good to gov romney is saying that he cares about poor people now. that is one good thing. but the minimum wage is in all of our best johnathon sounds like a broken record. we are not going to get rid of
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minimum wage. stop complaining and end of the day more people make better consumers they are going to be. they take that money. >> they spend all of their additional funding. >> they spend it. >> talk about a broken recordd. >> and it boosts the economy for small retail businesses. >> that is a problem. small retail businesses are fortsed to pay a salary they cannot afford. my wage is not tied index to inflation. we have numbers that show that the minimum wage is not growing. why do we do it for some and not others. it is unfair to pay a certain amount of money for jobs we don't know what it is. companies should be able to decide and markets will decide whether or not it is fair. >> john layfied. what about the states that
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have raised the mim munnel wage or they are going to do it maybe it is not a federal issue? >> i think different economies around the country and to the point if you raise people's wages, they will be productive consumers let's go with that and raise it to $500 an hour based on that. that makes zero sense whatsoever. average hourly rating is up 1.9 percent year over year. minimum page affects very few people. when you raise it a couple of bucks that affected teen unemployment. if we keep it as wayne said. people get around it. if you have a job four hours and you can pay contract labor. that is not enforced . minimum wage is not a big deal. >> and yet jamu, going back to the small business owner. the person who does .
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the teen what needs a job. sevendollars an hour or whatever. he will have to think twice in particular in this economic environment about adding jobs. job's report was good and great but we need more of that. >> i am so happy to hear that january jobs number. we are moving in the right direction down to 8.3 percent. those small businesses. their customers are going to increase. the amount they are spending because of the minimum wage. >> it raises it $500. just raise. that doesn't not make economic sense. >> john wait a second let me finish. if the federal government hadn't stepped in and starting at 25 cents an hour. that would be 3.99 today. >> these numbers are skewed. we have to explain to people
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that part of the reason that unemployment rate is lower is one million people stepped out of the job force. they said i am so frustrated i have to go. it is nothing to do with minimum wage. they are frustrated it is not working. it will not put money back in the economy. >> and johnn thon, we do need consumer spending. this could hurt that. >> well, i know that jamu will tell me we need consumer spending. we need more people employed but producing manage with their lives and if it is only worth five and half hour i would rather have them working and satisfying the employer and making something of themselves and rather than than not working and going to the government for a hand out. it was only instituted in the
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1930s. to act like it is a constitutional amendment is simply not true. >> wayne, we talked about teenagers. but the baby boomers that are retiring. they might be happy to have a job at five dollars and they spend it and put it back in the economy. >> that's fine for the baby boomers. i want to go to work for john layfield. he's my hero. and the alternative to that, he can run fox and we will all get rich. >> we have somebody great running fox. >> i am moving in the c-suite. thank you very much. and 10 years of number one. and coming up president obama touting the autobail outs as chrysler turn a profit. does he sees which cars are the money maker. this should take the cash out of his green push.
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plus welfare dollars going for this? get it. ♪ ♪ you and me and the big old tree ♪ ♪ side by side, e, two, three ♪ ♪ counthe birds in the big o tree ♪ ♪ la la la [ male announcer ] the inspiring story of how shipping giant can befriend a forest may seem like the stuff of fairy tales. ♪ ♪ you and me and the g old tree side by side ♪ butyou take away the faces on the trees... take away the pixie dust. take away the singing animals, and the charminoutfits. take away the sprites,
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>> president obama outpraising the autoball outs. chrysler sold gas hogs and not green cars that the president is pushing. tracey, you say it is more proof to put the brakes on the agend a. >> as a owner of a big gas hog. i have kids and kids with friends and we life in areas with snow. the volt thing does nothing for me and the consumer is saying stop throwing my money in an agenda that doesn't work. >> john, there are numbers behind what tracey is saying. silverado sold 26,780 vehicles
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in january. volt 603. that's a big difference. >> i am for the widespread adoption of electric vehicles. but this is not the way to do it. look at what powers just said. we average subsidies and 10 percent of the cars are bought because of that subsidy. that is 75200. and that means we are subsidizing each car 75,000. this is a big debacle as cash for clunker. >> jamu. looking at chrysler january numbers . number one selling was the ram truck. the jeep, the regular dodge vehicles. they are not green cars. they are regular pick up trucks and consumers are saying hey, i don't want a electric car or volt.
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>> i grew up in texas and i understand loving a big truck. the reality is, it is a start-up business and we have to give it time and have to find a way to reduce our dependency on foreign energy and the batteries that are made that we are investing in. this is good for the future, how will we get to the sci fi movies where cars are flying if we can't get back the electric vehicles. in the end of the day, it is just a beginning of the market and this investment will pay off. of course not right now. but as more people start to see the valuable in the cars and especially as people are hit with high gas price. we'll see it turn around. not happening overnight. >> this investment will not pay off. we are subsidizing each car 75,000 for a 40,000. you do it by government, this
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is wrong. >> or tax incentives johnathon. that is what you can poign tompt give the company tax incentives but they have to make the numbers work. >> give the company nothing, cheryl. we have given the company 50 billion. i am sorry we have a major loss on that invest: the president thinks it is a success. we only lost 25 billion. my clients considerr that a loss. there is nothing wrong with a gas guzzling car. people use them to be productive to get to work and take their kids to school and life their lives and people can go green all theyment, but the notion of the government subsidizing it is bad and purely for politicall purposes. >> wayne, is this a free market conversation we are having here? >> i think so. the free market will decide. if you don't like them, you
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will not. you want to ween yourself off foreign oil. everybody agrees with that. you can't do it by force or indimidation. you have to make it attractive and all of those things . by the way, you left out a step, too. chrysler sold a lot more cars and you start with one and go up 275 percent. and if you add up what ford sold. they sold 30,000 cars and the prius and other cars. >> there is momentum to this thing. i don't think we will pay for it. and you want foreign oil. and there is the answer and we can drive my truck.
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and that is the and we get widespread adoption to something other than that fossil fuels this is what the -- the government is not subsidizing them. >> it is forcing. it is forcing. you have to get off the kick that there is something wrongg with oil. we are productive with oil. we never get off. drill baby drill is not an energy policy. oil is going to run out and in the end of the day, american workers developing american
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energy. are you kidding me, what is wrong with gas guzzlers? we have to remove ourselves from independent for foreign oil. >> fine, but wayne, last word. >> the point is, that chrysler, one of the biggest names in the country when it come to car accident they are selling gas guzzling. people don't want the green cars. >> they will not buy them. but at the same time you see them being bought and sold. toyota prius. and ford is doing well if they can't afford to make them and people don't buy them. we should not subsidize them. >> thank you very much. great discussion. believe it or not, some welfare money is plumped down in strip clubbs. can we strip this from ever
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>> hello, everybody. a confident mitt romney is looking past the caucaus in nevada to colorado. romney has a commanding 25 point lead in nevada . gingrich is spending the day in nevada and ron paul moved on to minnesota and rick santorum is in missouri. we'll talk to former
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presidential candidate governor tim pawlenty. >> president obama is calling on the united nations to stand up on syria's period and calling for bashar assad to step down. and policemen in the nation's capitol defended on one of the last occupy sites. they were met with officers in riot gear. they are enforcing a ban on camping. >> file this one under trying to clean up dirty money. house lawmakers passing a bill banning welfare cash from being used in strip clubs and casinos and liquor stores. we need to stop it all now. >> how does this become political. they are making it in a political football.
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you had the bunny ranch endorse ron paul. pimping for paul. that's their slogan. and where do you stop the madness. mayor bloomburg didn't want them to use sugary drinks and colon companies killed him. somewhere you have to reign the guys in dc and have common sense. >> they were using state debit cars in the liquor stores . come on, it is a free market. he is spend money watching naked girls and drinking. give us a break. as long as you are giving it away. you can't restrict it saying he can't watch the girls. >> i am all about supporting the working girl. she's got to pay for college like the rest of us. but if we are handing money so you can eat. go to the food store and buy
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fruits and vegetables and go home. otherwise we have to stop the policy of handing money out without limitation. i will support any industry under the sun. but if i am handing you a check because you can't afford food. you better get food. >> the senate will have to address it. it looks like lawmakers are saying let's do it >> it is not political. democrats and republicans supported it. and bottom line, overwhelming majority of families receiving temporary assistance they spend it food and milk and necessities. and this is a classic misdirection for the priorities in the house. lap dances. lap dances are the biggest priority? what about job creation. i think it is ludicrous that this is what they are spendingly time on when there are so many bills and opportunities that the president put forward for job
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creation. >> jamu. at least stop what you can. you just made it political. >> johnathon, one point, states could lose federal funding if they don't deal with this or restrict it. that's part of what is discussed in washington. >> that's what bothers me. foster independent and telling them how they can or can not spend it. he who writes the checks makes the rules and if you give money, now, here's how you spend it. the problem is not spent on strip clubs and jamu, is probably right it is small. government is not a charity. help those in need yourself. >> jamu. thank you for being on the show. >> coming up. are you ready for football prospects. how to be a real winner of the
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>> part of the president's plan to eliminate the cap on high skilled foreign workers. what about the people here at home need jobs. how about focus on them first? >> john? >> old school dominance wins championship like google. front forthe new york giants . i wouldn't put money on my bet. it is a toss up. i would put it on google. >> the guys in the studio are saying giants. >> and wayne rogers. >> i like las vegas reporting good earningings. i think i would hedge it. it is a good trade for 90 days. >> johnathon? >> grease is a


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