tv The Five FOX News February 7, 2012 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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crowded. double, double show with red hot issues on fox business. if you don't get it -- >> demand it. >> dana: hello, everyone. i'm dana perino with andrea tantaros, bob beckel, eric bolling and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> dana: our top story the controversy surrounding obama's contraception mandate is growing by the day. some in the catholic church is refusing to abide by the rule and one says catholics refuse to be treated like second class citizens by the obama administration. it looks like the managers may be considering the mandate. >> we have great respect for work that the institutions do. they're important elements of our country. they serve many, many america
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americans. we certainly don't want to abridge anyone's religious freedom. we are going to look for a way to move forward that both guarantees women that basic preventative care that they need, and respects, respects the prerogatives of religious institutions. >> dana: earlier today one of our colleagues, fox news contributor and columnnist for daily beast kirsten powers wrote about this and said i'm not catholic. i support contraception, but this is madness. andrea, i think the administration has a tiger by its tail here and they didn't realize the tiger has teeth. >> andrea: another instance of this white house i think being tone deaf and not expecting the blow back they are seeing. think about how this angers catholics. people of all religions will be offended by this. particularly in states that matter to him. you mentioned yesterday you see them walking this back. you made a prediction. >> dana: sometimes you can feel it coming, a tide.
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maybe this is getting bigger than we anticipated and they didn't lay the groundwork enough. >> andrea: they seem to be softening that language. >> dana: it's weird to me it came from the campaign and not white house. >> andrea: exactly. if you look back in 2008, joe biden came out and said i will shove my rosary beads down anybody who suggests, down someone's throat who suggests that the democratic party and our position on social issues somehow puts people at odds with their religion. this is what this does exactly. >> dana: the reports were, eric, vice president joe biden did advise against this. and sometimes when you give advice it's not taken. >> eric: right. a quick timeline. january 20, obama administration finalizes the ruling that sterilization and contraception, morning after pill has to be supplied and offered by everyone with the exception of the catholic church, so catholic school and hospitals. so february 6, kathleen sebelius depends the decision yesterday in op-ed and you saw the campaign today. david axelrod walking back,
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trying to soften it saying we'll try to work with everyone. here is the question, though. 1200 healthcare waivers are outstanding right now. 4 million people. including the town of frisco, colorado, six states, hundreds of companies including cracker barrel, red lobster, wigly wigly, waffle house and ihop and 417 unions. you can't exempt the catholic church. >> dana: they are exempting for different reasons. not they're exempted from the conscience clause. >> eric: if you give 417 unions exemptions why can't notre dame university get an exemption? >> bob: apparently mr. carney didn't get the message from campaign. the press secretary came out and said, i agree with the statement, that women everywhere, no matter they work ought to have a right to contraception. leaving that aside, they clearly walk it back.
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probably politically, it makes some sense. i'm not sure that bobby and suzie in middle america get up tomorrow and say my god, this is terrible. i don't think it's that big of a deal. >> andrea: i disagree. >> bob: obviously you disagree. they'll walk it back. >> dana: bob wrings up a point -- brings up a point -- greg. sorry. >> greg: call me whatever you want. >> dana: i'm looking right at you. that brings up a question not about use or ability but compelling someone to provide. the message has gotten muddied. the bigger question in obamacare, there is a mandate that contraception coverage be provided for free. >> greg: yeah. this makes no sense. >> dana: that part gets to us. >> greg: two elements that drive you crazy here. the decision is supposed to help make birth control afford to believe millions. how much more affordable can you make it? it's like $50 a month. should we start a by the bell campaign. feed the children. we make sure we all adopt a woman and pay for her pills?
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anybody can afford this. number two, this is a government that has bent over backwards to avoid tying radical islam to fort hood and radical islam to any other kind of attempted terrorist activity in america. where is the sensitivity when it comes to catholicism or christianity? it disappears. >> eric: 70 million catholics right now are going i'm not sure i want to vote for obama if this is the way he feels. we have archbishop dolan saying not only will it play out in the court, it might play out in the streets. >> andrea: it's not just -- >> bob: you think all 70 million will get up and worry about that? >> andrea: a lot of them will get up. not just catholics. evangelicals, jews. it's anybody who has religious beliefs and is asked to break them by administration. atheists and libertarians, or independents say -- listen, i'm an atheist but this is an overreach of government. >> bob: what is a government
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going to tell an atheist to do? >> andrea: c'mon. >> bob: they have to go to church? is that it? >> dana: mention the conservative and catholics and jews and luth rans turn to in the united states senate to be their champion. it wasn't a senior elder statesman of the senate. it was senator marco rubio, the junior senator from florida. he wrote as americans we should be appalled by activist government overbearing and mandate on the american people that it forces a choice on religious institutions. our commitment to religious freedom is part of what makes americans exceptional and unites as a people across the political spectrum. i think he sounds more presidential than that, than some of the presidential rhetoric coming from anyone in the republican campaign or even from the white house. i thought that was interesting they chose him as the person to lead them. >> eric: if i'm not mistaken he tried to write a bill -- >> dana: he has legislation. >> eric: it's getting shot down. first it was getting shot
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down, like you said, the white house said no. this is what we decided. but now the campaign, the obama reflection campaign says maybe -- >> andrea: one hand is not talking to the other. >> dana: one thing they said today maybe they will institute a grace period of one year. to me, that is not a compromise. they also used language like we're trying to find a balancing act. i think they have gone -- the straw that broke the camel's back. >> greg: kicking the pill down the road. >> eric: funny! that is funny. >> greg: going back to the rubio thing. i hope somebody is translating this whole controversy in to spanish, because this is the bad news for president obama. there is a lot of people out there, he doesn't want to have card check. but they're very religious people and they go to church. >> andrea: that's why it's no coincidence that rubio is delivering the message. look at the key catholics and hispanics. ohio, florida, they look at the numbers and they are saying what were we thinking?
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>> dana: if they just do it for a year, in the back of people's minds if you're on the fence and who you'll vote for, they'll do it for a year. but if he gets in a second term and they have a split congress bill what stops them from doing it in the first place? >> bob: they could make jews eat pork or atheists going to church. any number of thing -- >> andrea: i'm shocked as born again christian you're not a little bit more -- >> bob: look, you know what i have a problem with? i love kick the pill down the road. that was good. what i find amazing is the catholic hierarchy and archbishops coming down on this. these are the boys that should have taken care of their own problems before get out there. >> eric: wow, you open up a -- >> greg: that is addressing an irrelevant question that was never asked. >> bob: what was the -- that is not unusual, answering irrelevant question around this table that wasn't asked. especially with obama.
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>> eric: for the catholic church, i love how the cardinal elect dolan is standing up. love how they're standing up to the obama administration. makes me feel good being practicing catholic. we ideology and we go to church every day, we believe in it. good for you. >> dana: guess what? you have a constitution, too. >> andrea: if this does make it to the court, the ruling that sotomayor and kagan just came down on a unanimous ruling, ruling that churches, religious institutions can pick their own clergy, that is the same thing. i think if it goes in the court, it will lose. >> bob: when they call every one of you in the street, if i'm you, get out of the street. 70 million is a lot of people. get out of the way. >> dana: they'll try to trivialize it but they have a problem and that's why they're trying to fix it. coming up, president obama changed his mind in allowing big money in politics. he has been complaining about it for a while but now he needs the cash for his political war chest. we have details next. e-mail us at
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>> eric: this morning, obama spin machine went in overdrive. listen to david axelrod explaining their decision to embrace super pac money after all. >> the bottom line here, the citizens united decision was a bad decision from our perspective. it did open the flood gates but now the rules what the rules are. the president will continue to fight for ways to reform the system in the future. that won't happen in this campaign. >> eric: so now you embrace super pac money after all. that wasn't always the case. in the "state of the union" speech, hypocrite in chief, he called out the supreme court and disrespected their decision to allow super-pac. >> last week they reversed century of law i believe will open flood gate for special interesting, including foreign corporation, suspend without limit in the election. i don't think american
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election should be bankrolled by america's most powerful interests. or foreign entities. they should be decided by the american people. >> eric: bob, another day, another obama flip-flop. >> bob: are you kidding me? what obama said was exactly right. the decision by supreme court. the worst decision i could think of since plesse was opened up and now it's proven itself in the excuse for the republican presidential nomination, where all the hundreds of thousands of millions of dollars of pouring in from the corporation and unknown entities. talk about hypocrisy. karl rove's attack guy, trying to be serious, i think he was serious. president is being hypocritical of the super pac. are you kidding me? the same karl rove and same pac spending $200 million? if you are outgunned do what you got to do. if he'd rather not do it, right to say what he did. if we get five super pacs, get
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them. >> eric: yesterday, obama was on account today show" denouncing the super pac. >> bob: do it one hand tied behind their back so you pull out a shot? >> andrea: rich people is bad. but we'll take the money anyway. this is hypocrisy in the truest form. i'm not sure it wins the republican the election making this the message. obama flip-floped in 2008 and said he wouldn't take public financing. he won anyway. i don't think it movees the needle. /don't think voters at home say this is outrageous. >> bob: it doesn't move the needle because the republicans started doing it. >> andrea: republicans flip-flop on it. that is the point. >> bob: because they -- >> dana: interesting the timing of the announcement, according to the report in political, a call at 10:00 p.m. last night where they made the final decision.
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what else happened at 10:00 p.m.? "new york times" posted stories for the next day. one was that the obama administration had been -- sorry, the campaign had taken money from somebody who turned out to be a fugitive. they had to give back $200,000. whether or not they were always planning all along to make the call at 10:00 p.m. a strange time to do business. is interesting. the other thing about this is the super sizing of solyndra. that is what happened here. sending out the cabinet secretary to do fundraising and more quid for your quo. >> greg: very good. you have to understand that super pacs are evil only when it's done by republicans. that is the first rule. like obama is a drug counselor and you walk in his office and you see him doing coke and his excuse is, "i'm trying to keep up with my patients." that that's complete hypocrisy. he needs big corporate money to deliver anticorporate money?
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he has broken more vows than the kardashians. >> bob: speaking about cocaine, do the republicans need it themselves? need corporate money? >> greg: they need money. yeah, they need money. >> bob: i'm surprised the obama campaigndy >> dana: i'm surprised they think they need so much money. news reports of them raising money are stronger than the fund raising. >> greg: maybe people aren't giving because of that. >> eric: didn't we find that in 2008, obama campaign dnc raised $650 million then? if you add in the dnc there is only one candidate. >> bob: if the rules change when you were playing baseball and they allowed two designated hitters would your team have taken the second designated hitter? >> eric: i'll give you a better analogy. >> bob: that was a pretty good analogy. >> eric: what if a guy pennsylvania two years saying he is against drug, hates
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drugs, drugs kill kids and drugs are bad. the next day i'm opening up a coke emporium. >> bob: there is an analogy. >> i'll have my cabinet secretary work there. >> bob: the rules changed because the supreme court went in the tank and did what they did. you have to play by the rules the other team is playing with. >> greg: i want to know where that is. >> bob: 42nd avenue. >> andrea: that is your address. >> eric: after the supreme court ruling he went to the "state of the union" and called the supreme court out. remember the justice shaking his head why are you doing that? that is unheard of. on that ruling. >> bob: for good reason. wish he called it out harder. >> eric: but now it's okay? now it's okay to the -- >> bob: he has to. he can't sit there being -- >> eric: can we move on? >> dana: if justice kennedy rules for obamacare he'll be seen as genius by the democrat. >> eric: do this. another way obama is trying to
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raise money is through the fashion show. this is a tote bag. >> dana: i heart him. >> greg: beautiful. to die for. >> eric: is that andrea? bob? >> dana: did we buy one? >> andrea: i'm not buying one. >> greg: is it a fair trade tote bag? >> dana: they're made in america. >> eric: you can trade your food stamps in for half cash and buy it. russell simmons. >> andrea: shocking he is supporting the president again. these are all liberal designers. they support him, the same people in 2008. they can do what they want. private designers. we have don't have to buy the clothing but i'll say it again. i don't mean to be cynical today. to make this the message out of the republican party that the tote bags are the issue, you are not going to win --
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let me finish. you are not going to win an election on tote bags. >> bob: the campaign never sold something. >> eric: russell simmons -- how about this? >> bob: let's waste more time. >> dana: if gingrich, romney, santorum or ron paul could get fashion designers do this for them, we'd probably all be buying it. i don't care. >> eric: that is it. colorado, minnesota, missouri. voters head to polls as we speak. who is surging and who is stumbling? coming up next. ♪ ♪ eeeer.
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♪ ♪ >> bob: sorry. go ahead. >> andrea: that red flashing light is your ride, bob. >> bob: that's what i thought. >> andrea: waiting for you. b. i wondered about that. listen, those of you who didn't get through all of eric's thing that the obama campaign is selling, please get hold of eric and get it. an earth shattering story we had to cover today. equally story we have to cover today the republican campaign, had three events today. caucus in colorado, caucus in minnesota, and what they call a brewty primary in missouri. i keep thinking about newt gingrich. g in -- >> greg: in a bathing suit. >> dana: he would look good in a crown.
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>> bob: some polls show that rick santorum could win the state. that would be major upset to happen. in missouri it's also possible santorum could win. only place mitt romney feels comfortable today is in colorado, where he will spin the night. he only spends the night in places he wins. it will be a big day in an exciting, exciting race for the republican nomination for president. don't you think? >> eric: i don't think. but it's interesting, the nonbinding primary. a good indication of how it works. nonbinding primary is a caucus later in the season, which will delegate delegates. >> greg: i have a question for you. minnesota, can you set this for me? is it minneapolis or saint paul? >> bob: it's both. >> greg: you can't have two capitals. this is the problem with big
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government. >> eric: on a serious note -- i'm trying to -- >> bob: i'm trying to be serious. >> andrea: that is working well. >> bob: if santorum were to win minnesota and the beauty contest in missouri what does it do to romney? >> dana: nips at his heels to make him nervous. maybe he steps on the gas like he did in florida, after newt gingrich wins south carolina. on minnesota, remember governor tim pawlenty that dropped out after the iowa race? the straw poll, he endorses mitt romney. by all accounts he was popular in minnesota. he can't deliver minnesota for mitt romney in the primary? >> bob: but he hasn't been in the state. what happens to gingrich if santorum wins both? >> andrea: his chances are bleak looking at the numbers tonight. i don't expect him to place first in any of the states. for him to continue to hang on, the next debate he says he has new mechanisms to roll out is february 22.
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the states that are following this don't favor newt gingrich. they favor mitt romney. >> bob: say santorum wins one or two or both. in the next debate is it romney and santorum on the stage? >> andrea: likely. >> bob: i think you're right. >> andrea: but there is a good shot because of evangelicals in minnesota and missouri rick santorum can come out of this saying i won three of the last eight contests. get a little fundraising boost to help going for super tuesday. romney has to win colorado. i'll say that. >> bob: are you excited about tonight? >> greg: i'm trying to make a point in minnesota, i don't think it matters. the only state that reagan didn't carry. >> bob: did you have to say that? >> greg: that was directed at you. they elected jesse ventura, who was a professional golfer. >> andrea: hey, you have a wrestling fan. >> eric: what happened to mondale? >> bob: we got extra votes when we needed them.
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don't get into that. statue of limitations is over. a lot of things could happen. this will be decided in the upper minut -- upper midwest. all the states from pennsylvania to minnesota could be in place. what is interesting about this, the race is kicked around so much that for romney to say he is a prohibitive front runner and he doesn't win the states is embarrassment for the guy. don't you? >> eric: none of us mentioned ron paul. >> bob: that is right. >> andrea: that's not an embarrassment but it points to what we talk about for months. g.o.p. is not settl settled. >> dana: no republican designers making bags. >> bob: if you are sticking around to see me in the next segment, don't bother. i'm officially protesting. in fact, i may not say a word
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i'm bret baier in washington. the big story here is president obama's reversal of his opposition to super pacs. tonight on "special report," wendell goler has reaction to word the president will encourage supporters to donate money to outside political group, trying to help him get re-elected in the past. the president has called super pac money a threat to democracy. as you can imagine, republicans are calling the reversal a big hypocritical shift. republicans hoping to oust the president are voting in three nonbinding nominating contests today. in minnesota, missouri, colorado. we'll explain what nonbinding means and have reports tonight from denver and minnesota. one of the president's top advisors says a requirement for contraceptive coverage in
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the healthcare reform law was not intended to attack religious freedom but catholic and others are upset about it. james rosensthat latest on the controversy. "special report" from washington starts at 6:00 eastern. a big election night again. now back to new york and "the five." ♪ ♪ >> greg: welcome back to "the five." supreme court justice ruth bader ginsberg talked about a new charter for egypt and he is said this. >> i would not look to u.s. constitution if i was drafting a constitution in 2012. i might look at the constitution of south africa. a deliberate attempt to have fundamental instrument of government that embraced basic
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human rights, had independent judiciary and it is a great piece of work that was done. >> greg: we should look to south africa? my liver is in better shape than south africa. this is from a woman who is a guardian of the american constitution. like the pope saying he never liked the new testament. days ago president obama told nbc attack gerbil matt lauer this. >> what frustrated people is i have not been able to force congress to implement every aspect of what i said in 2008. well, you know, it turns out that our founders designed a system that makes it more difficult to bring about change that i would like sometimes. >> greg: stupid founders. how funny that weeks ago obama envisioned america that is built to last. the one thing that really lasts he wishes would -- anyway. if this isn't a prime example
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of how far they will go to counter american exceptionablism, what is? if there is one document that defines the american system is probably the constitution, not the lyrics to "imagine." although john and yoko unlike the constitution aren't as old orators, which is how the "new york times" describe -- or terse. which is how "new york times" described the constitution. the point is they say america is nothing special. that it's become as quaint as granny's ribbon candy and just as hard. if only the constitution could be witty as betty white, cozy as a snuggie. but it's too mean and rigid. maybe zimbabwe could come up with something better. bob, in the break, you were telling me how much you looked forward to this monologue and you wanted to jump right in and tell me what a great job it was. >> bob: i am not part of
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this. ruth bader ginsberg has done more for women as a jurist than any jurist in history. >> greg: the most left wing yourist ever, correct? >> bob: can i finish? >> greg: please. don't be a baby. i pretend to be interested in polling when you are talking. >> bob: that is a little different. you can excerpt somebody's motive -- interpret somebody's motives. >> andrea: ku don't need to interpret this. this speaks for itself. liberals have always had contempt for the constitution. we buy insurance or the contraception issue. >> bob: that's right. >> eric: that is the reason for the document to protect against people who say i get frustrated when i can't force the congress to do what i want them to do. that is why the document is
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there. >> dana: let me defend the supreme court as a body. one thing we argue on the contraception issue if it were to go to supreme court it would lose based on the precedent of the supreme court own making because three months ago, in a vote of 9-0, they pushed back on the administration. i might not agree with her on every issue but it's not contempt. it's just different interpretation. that's why this is important. if you look at the makeup of the court and age of the justices, the president in the next four to eight year will have impact on the supreme court. the nominees will be younger and helicopterrier and live for longer. all of our children -- i don't have children. by any of the relatives live under obama, romney, gingrich, paul or santorum court for generation. >> greg: the "new york
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times" published an article about this same topic. i guess the outdatedness or irrelevance of the constitution. i want to throw up a quote up here and read it quickly if i can. the united states constitution is terse and old. unlike the times. it guarantees relatively few rights. commitment of some member of the supreme court interpreting blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah. at the end of this quote they say the constitution is waning influence may be part of a general decline in american power and prestige. that has to bother you. >> bob: it's bad interpretation, like all liberals don't like the constitution. bad interpretation. we have understand where the right comes from on this and accept it. the meat on this, george washington would haven't been comfortable if with the the tea party -- >> greg: that is a different story. >> bob: i don't want to talk about it anymore. >> greg: i almost tricked
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you. south africa constitution better than ours? >> andrea: i'll book a ticket tomorrow. >> greg: they also lauded canada and said canada was better. >> bob: you take a predominantly muslim country in africa and ask what would be -- and the government, who would be the best current constitution, it would be south african one. that is something we're not going to have. ruth bader ginsberg said the contemporary constitution would protect first and foremost human right, incredibly important part of the egyptian situation. >> greg: i want to go quickly to the time magazine of george washington and throw
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up a quote. what bob was getting at. the writer ellis said washington had no patient in his time of the state right interpretation of the constitution and found conservative agenda of the modern republican party and tea party allies of repudiation of all he stood for. isn't it great when you can say how a dead person thinks? >> andrea: it's amazing, you can read his mind. first, george washington was a federalist. to say he was supportive of obamacare is fantasy. if you look at the author you have to do massive amount of lsd to make the leap he made. if you look at his past he said he served in vietnam and gave speeches he served in vietnam. he never served in vietnam. he wrote a book claiming he survivorred the same way that george washington did because of the false claims he had made. this guy is a narcissist flip in blank. >> bob: washington wanted to bring as many states under one document. the tea party interpretation today is states rights operated. tha -- states rights oriented.
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that's what he refers to. >> andrea: he did it after the articles of confederation to strengthen the united states in certain areas. but not bail-out and overreach. and obamacare and define the constitution. >> bob: i see. >> greg: i know where you are going. you'd be wrong. clint eastwood in the middle of a political squabble after a totally confusing chrysler ad. whose side is he really on? if you leave now, i'll remove all of your teeth when you go to bed tonight. i can do that. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] to the 5:00 a.m. scholar.
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♪ ♪ >> andrea: welcome back to "the five." super bowl ads get a lot of press. one ad you may have seen featuring clint eastwood put out by chrysler getting press and pushback. take a listen. >> how do we come from behind? how do we come together? how do we win? detroit is showing us it can be done. yeah. it's halftime, america. and our second half is about
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to begin. >> andrea: all right. i remember when i was sitting watching the super bowl. eric, i was sitting there thinking the same reaction i had when i saw obama's -- sorry, madonna's world peace illuminated field. i thought bolling must be sitting somewhere saying what is dirty harry doing in an ad, put out by chrysler when they still us some dough? >> eric: we excused $1 $1.2 billion in loans that we gave chrysler. it has to be upward of $25 million. the question, what do you mean it's halftime in america? none of the 250, 260 years it's game over? what does halftime -- >> dana: halfway through obama's term. >> eric: of course. that is the only interpretation. clint eastwood who says he didn't know knew or not, who cares? the producers of the commercial, people behind the promo, of course that's what they are saying. >> greg: do you think they tricked east wond told them they were films "fast and furious 6"? >> eric: sure. >> greg: he didn't know. >> eric: he may or may not
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have known. >> greg: the perception is there. that is the problem. they say it has nothing to do with obama. >> dana: here is why there is a big perception problem. white house can never leave well enough alone. they should have not said anything. but instead immediately there was communication tweets from the white house saying saving the auto industry is something they and eastwood could agree on. >> andrea: there is no proof they knew it was happening or coordinated. if you look at the e-mails when bob loves when i read on the show between administration and solyndra, a highly coordinated effort. do you think the white house knew about this? >> bob: the message came through loud and clear to me. it had to do with saving the auto industry, that eric wanted to ship overseas. as a republican, they added to it. if it was interpreted as a pro-obama thing, fine. i'm all for it. >> dana: how does the administration explain ford has been able to do okay and
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they didn't get half the bailout? how is saving the auto industry one company? >> greg: the bigger question what he is lauding is if they did this because of the bail-out, isn't that wrong? the thing is, they feel they have to thank the administration with a commercial, that's weird. that is the weird thing. >> andrea: if you loan me money and i don't pay you back all the money, but i decide to use some of the money to take out a billboard outside the studio saying thanks, greg. >> greg: that is it. >> andrea: expensive. you say andrea, just give me my money and maybe a hug. >> dana: the white house denied coordination but i wonder if the campaign knew anything about it. there was a connection. if you are a conspiracy theorist you could connect the dots and i'm just raising questions. >> andrea: i know i pooh-poohed two of eric's storiesment to. and republicans are making a big deal out of this. this is one, though, i'm not sure i would feign outrage over. are we really going to get in a fight with dirty harry,
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republicans? >> eric: but why are they doing it? they still owe us money. on the full page from "usa today," not a mention of chrysler. not one mention of chrysler. why are they doing it? >> eric: if they did what you want to do -- >> bob: there wouldn't a car company left in america. >> greg: bob is wrong. >> eric: explain something out there, i think we should have shipped the car production overseas? absolutely not. just like continental airlines operated in bankruptcy for ten years, g.m. and chrysler could have operated in bankruptcy, come out and then we would haven't spent billion of dollars and investors, bondholder and stockholders would haven't been destroyed in the market. >> andrea: we to have go. >> bob: i don't think they were destroyed. >> eric: wiped out. >> bob: i didn't know that. >> andrea: do we want to be like eli manning in the second half of the game or tom brady? i say eli manning. one more thing, next. ♪ ♪
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i took some steep risks in my teens. i'd never ride without one now. and since my doctor prescribed lipitor, i won't go without it for my high cholesterol and my risk of heart attack. why kid myself? diet and exercise weren't lowering my cholesterol enough. now i'm eating healthier, exercising more, taking lipitor. numbers don't lie. my cholesterol's stayed down. lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in patients who have heart disease or risk factors for heart disease. it's backed by over 19 yes of research. [ femalannouncer ] lipitor is not for everyone, including people with liver problems and women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications, or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serio side effect. [ man ] still lo that wind in my face talk to your doctor. don't kid yourself about the risk of heart attack and stroke. if lipitor's been working for you, stay with it.
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of how a shippingiant can befriend a forest may seem lie the stuff of fairy tales. but if you take aw the faces on the trees... take away the pixie dust. take away the singing animals, and the storybook narrator... [ man ] you're ft with more electric trucks. more recycled shipping materials... and a growing number of lower emissions planes... which still makes for a pretty enchanted tale. ♪ la la la [ man ] whoops, forgot one... [ male announcer ] sustainable solutions. fedex. solutions that matter. ♪ ♪ >> dana: time for one more thing. we kick it off with bob. >> bob: because greg is still thinking. but i apparently misspoke and
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i want to apologize to the catholic university. i said their insurance policy included reproductive rights for their insured. it does not. so, i was wrong. and like any good liberal, i admit it. there you go. >> dana: like any good person. >> andrea: you just said you were wrong? >> bob: i did. >> andrea: how did that taste? >> bob: painful. >> andrea: like vinegar. >> eric: never mind. >> andrea: "the five" is headed to the cpac. i'll be there on friday. hopefully we'll get questions from the candidates. if you have questions tweet me and we'll bring pictures and bring you in line. line. >> bob: the largest gathering of wing nuts in america. you'll be covering it. >> andrea: you bet. >> eric: good for you.
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we have a tape of obama girl? remember this girl? >> ♪ i've got a crush on obam obama ♪ ♪ obama baby ♪ you're the best candidate >> eric: he is really loved obama in 2008. amber lee, 29-year-old, obama girl is now -- has now decided she is not voting for obama this time around. having a tough time lately. >> greg: look, it didn't help her career. i haven't seen her since he is came out for obama. she was on "red eye" once. delightful girl. we have don't talk much anymore. >> dana: that would be interesting. if romney could convince her to do that, that would be amazing. all right, greg. >> greg: all over america you get little cards, bean counters. >> dana: loyalty cards. >> greg: i filled one out today for the first time in my life at a soup joint.
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i ordered large soup every time i go to this place. they said my free one would be a medium. i said that doesn't make sense. i'm ordering the same size. i should haven't broken the window. >> dana: i forget to take it with me when you go back. that is annoying. >> greg: you superglue it to your arm. >> dana: they should have it to scan your hand over it to recognize you. yesterday i made fun of the guy at the bowles because he chose tails but someone said the head side is heavier so you have a 52.3% chance with it landing with tails up and that's why he did id. brain room checked that out today. turns out it's not true. the chances are 50/50. if anybody was wondering if it's head or
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