tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News February 7, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm PST
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not. i never thought as a first-generation american, whose parents and grandparents loved freedom... >> bret baier taking over, next. >> bret: i'm bret baier, let's continue to listen to rick santorum. >> we have a president of the united states who would roll over that and impose his secular values on the people of this country. and it's worse than that. when one of the catholic bishops tried to communicate that to army chaplains, the obama administration said no. you can't do that. no. because your language is sadicious and they made the change the language of a letter from a bishop to his people.
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ladies and gentlemen, freedom is at stake in this election. we need to be the voice for freedom. >> and in the founding document, the declaration of the independence, those founders signed their names and says we pledge our lives, and our sacred honor, ladies and gentlemen, every generation of americans doesn't create freedom. but they have many respects a harder job. they have to maintain freedom. your charge tonight, your charge tonight here in missouri, because we're not done with you here in missouri. you've got a caucus coming up next time.
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is to go out and pledge, pledge, no. not your lives, maybe your fortune. rick is the web site. but your honor. the honor that you stand on and the backs and shoulders of your ancestors. people here in st. louis and in missouri and across this country who sacrificed for this country for the freedoms that we have. america's honor. your honor. it's at stake. go out and preserve the greatest country in the history of the world. thank you all and god bless. >> bret: former senator of pennsylvania rick santorum is a big winner tonight hugging his wife there, winning in missouri and minnesota. saying he's going to continue
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this fight, saying he is the conservative and needs to go up against mitt romney, considered the front run dwrer now after wins in florida, nevada and new hampshire. newt gingrich is battling for that conservative mantle as well. tonight, a big night for rick santorum. good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier, welcome to this america's election headquarters special. we have nonbinding contests in three states. minnesota, missouri and colorado. it could be the biggest night of the campaign so far for rick santorum. the former pennsylvania senator is the projected winner, as we said in two of the three states tonight. there, you can see in minnesota caucuses, 55%, taking a look at other words there, you're looking at 42% of the vote total so far in their caucuses but take a look at this, mitt romney is second, 25%. that is in missouri. a big win in missouri for rick
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santorum. ron paul in third. newt gingrich is not on the ballot in missouri. there are no delegates attached to this so called beauty contest. a swik swing state. a big win for rick santorum. you go on to colorado. the caucuses finishing there, colorado caucuses now, a huge lead for rick santorum. but this is still early. it's really these are county by county results. this would take a while to see results in colorado. only 1% reporting. so it could be a long time before getting a final colorado results. mitt romney poised to do well there, but it's early. let's check on race as cross the country. we have fox team coverage this evening in colorado. we begin with the north star state and a big win for rick santorum there. good evening, mike. >> good evening, bret. talking with the rick santorum
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supporter who's showed up and they say the reason he did so well is the reason that everyone expected he would do well. because there is one issue that matters to the people here in minnesota. that is choosing, conservatives here, choosing someone they believe can beat barack obama. and they made, the choice made is a evangelical, conservative, tea party take the vifts looking to make a difference and moving forward. i'm standing in the ron paul headquarters. ron paul finished a solid number two. i spoke to him and he says he considers number two a win. number two, he said is not that bad. he is hoping to improve with the delegates, he's a guy with a lot of time on the ground here cultivating independent vote. bret? >> bret: let's check in colorado live to the ron paul speech when he speaks. let's go live to denver. alicia? >> we've just been told mitt romney has arrived here on the
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campus of metro state college in downtown denver, here to talk to people here, we're waiting for a response from him on santorum showing in minnesota and missouri. we did get an indication today that the romney camp did want people to set expectations too high and we received a memo from the political director saying this is about the delegates not so much the number of states that are one and a reminder went out from the romney camp john mccain lost 19 states in 2008. we're still waiting returns and have been reminded by the g.o.p. director here in colorado. these are volunteers. and it takes a lot. back to you. >> bret: thank you very much. let's get thoughts from some of our experts tonight. carl rove former senior advisor to president bush. and veteran political
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consultant worked on the michelle bachmann campaign, general and thank you very much. ed let's start with you. your thoughts on this evening? we don't know the results yet in colorado. >> tremendous victory for santorum who sort of was cheated by the republican party in iowa with a couple weeks down here before getting to the next big primaries. it's a great time for him to help build on his momentum. there is a big battle between he and newt gingrich. i think that this is a big step for him. gingrich isn't out of it at this point in time. it's a good night for rick santorum. he should be congratulated. >>. >> bret: mitt romney in minnesota. he could come in third tlchl a fate his campaign chairman tim pawleny was there advocating on his behalf. we don't know the status in colorado. >> for romney it's not a good night. on the other hand so far he
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hasn't lost any delegates and he has a lead over santorum and gingrich. and minnesota is going to be a district conventions at the end of march, beginning of april. and state convention in mid-april. missouri starting in march and april. and state convention in april but this, i think tonight we had two victors. one was rick santorum and a mantle of rick santorum grabbing the mantle of the conservative alternative to romney. other was rick santorum versus mitt romney. i thought the best line was i'm not here as a conservative alternative to mitt romney but to barack obama. by acting as a presidential candidate and he hooked poised.
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>> bret: we're looking live at ron paul headquarters. and he's just entering the room, we're told. what are your thoughts on the night before he takes the post? >> you know it's bad when the romney camp is sending out a memo talking about mccain lost 19 states last time and i think this is a huge night for santorum. colorado is not clear he's not being competitive there. he may well be competitive there. and could make romney have a much worse night than already. >> bret: gentlemen, stand by. you're listening to ron paul appearing is in second in minnesota tonight. let's take a listen. >> thank you for your hard work and we did very well tonight and had v.a very, very strong second place and goitsing to continue.
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but you know we've had good news today. maybe you have seen but there is a recent straw poll out today and the first time we came in second in a national poll and republican primary. and we do have to remember you know the straw vote is one thing but then there is one other thing called delegates. yeah! and that is where we exel. we know what to do about getting delegates. in a state that ended up confusing, you know, nevada? i understand we're going to do very well in nevada in getting delegates. and of course tonight heard nothing but good stories about you staying around and going through the process, understanding the process. and voting and getting
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delegates. so when the dust settles i think there is a very good chance we're going to have the maximum number of delegates coming out of minnesota. and there is other good news, too. it's an ongoing caucus over on the east coast. i think it's the state called maine! we're doing very well there. we're going to hear results on that on saturday. i think those results are going to be very good as well. but i want to really thank you for the effort and one thing i'm convinced of, those who joined campaign for liberty and promote this cause believe in something. keep thinking it must be fun believing in something then just campaigning for nothing. as a matter of fact, that is what makes it easy going because this is what the effort has been all about.
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and i have been so impressed and involved for a long time. these last several years since the last campaign four years ago the world has changed dramatically. and our views are not always be accepted but sought after because for so long, people have said as long as we're rich and as long as we can borrow money and print money, and people will take care of us and we won't have to worry. guess what happened four years ago? all of a sudden, the bankruptcy was declared and this is the reason why the economy is in bad shape. the world economy is in bad shape. everybody thinks we're going bail them out and they think that the dollar is going to bail them out. but americans are saying no way you can do it. there is no way that you can keep the debt rising. we have to challenge the entitlement system and foreign policy giving us these perpetual wars.
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biggest problem we've had and that they're spending too much in washington. today american people are way ahead of the people in washington. and quite frankly i think it's important to know that there is only one candidate and only one campaign that offers real cuts and in the first year of a new presidency there will be one trillion dollars cut from the budget. every once in a while people tell me they say ron, you can do better if you'd just change your tune on this foreign policy stuff. but guess what? it is foreign policy that
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built our campaign. the people think foreign policy different from economic policy. what usually happens is that it's been known in most-recent history is that it is the economic policy. we never had to have the fight soviets. i was aware of the fight with the soviets in the cold war and having been in the military in the 6 ows but the soviets self destructed because they expanded themselves too far around the world and went bankrupt. fortunately we didn't are to fight them. we, unfortunately have extended ourselves too far around the world and have gotten involved in these wars that are unconstitutional and never have been declared. we don't know why we're there. we don't know when they're over. most-important thing a new president is do is bring our troops home.
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and... we'd save a lot of money. we don't to pay all of the money to keep troops around the world, 130 countries, and just think bringing troops home rapidly we'd be spending their money here at home and not in germany, japan and south korea. they've been a tremendous boost to the economy. under war-time conditions people get more curious about their civil liberties. that is what happened in this country. we have permitted our government to undermine our civil liberties in the name of safety and security. we're told that you should never sacrifice your liberties for safety or security because you'll end up with neither this, is the reason i have come to the conviction you never have to sacrifice your liberty if you want to be safe. never.
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but we now are living in an age where civil liberties are poorly protected. there is a patriot act canceling out the 4th amendment. we've had a bill, we have a bill national defense author saigs act which now permits the arrest of american citizens by the military without a trial and put in prison indefinitely. that is not part of what america is all about. those laws have to be repeal fd we want to live in a true republic. our government is too big. the bigger a government gets the smaller our liberties become. government is way too big that. is why we're lugsing our liberties. losing our economic liberties as well as personal liberty. therefore, we must cut back. how did we get into this trouble? there is an appetite for big government and getting
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something free. there is motivation well, we'll help the poor people. trouble is that once you endorse principle of the redistribution of wealth they pretend goitsing to help the poor, guess what? it gets handed off to the rich them. benefit. their they're the one that's become wealthy and get into trouble, guess who gets the bailout? wealthy and wall streeters and bankers. this is the reason there should be no bailouts at all. but there is simple little trick they played on us and the american people. that was played on us in monetary system. they figured you know well it's a wealthy country. freedom produces a lot of wblg. that is fine. we can tax people to a point, then people get annoyed so far we still, the politicians still want to pass out goodies
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and say we'll keep borrowing. so interest rates go up. and aha, interest rates going up going to hurt the economy. we have to have another gimmick invented in 1913. waits made a disaster in 1971. and that is the destruction of the occurrencey through an illegal operation. an unconstitutional operation of a federal reserve system we should address and have a full awed skbrit find out where and how they're spending all of our money. you know we get into so much trouble because the constitution has been ignored whether it's going to war, or the constitution still says only gold and silver can be legal tender. i would say it would be proper to send only people to
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washington and those who are there hold their pete to the fire we want people to obey the law of the land, the constitution and you can't print money. you can't go to war without a declaration and you can't undermine our privacy any longer. the solution is not difficult. the solution was once well known in america. that is when we understood and respected personal lib tismt understanding that liberty came as declaration of independence indicated and came from our creator. we have a right to our lives and our liberty. we should have a right to keep the fruits of all of our labors. but we have undermined that system by having too much
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government, too much spending. too much borrowing. too much printing press and too many regulations. reversal is get the government out of the way. people say oh, there will be no regulation. no. the regulations would be tougher. because the people who are supposed to be bankrupt would go bankrupt and won't get bailed out. and wonderful thing about a free society is a prosperus society. and unfortunately we haven't done a good job over the years. we should have convinced people those who say we're going to take care of the poor, what do they do? welfarisms and they preproe dus the poor. it's only freedom producing prosperity and gives us distribution of wealth.
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and billingest middle class that. is being undermined and destroyed and can be solved by convictions and the restoration of individual liberties. wonderful thing about the principles of liberty is that it brings people together because everybody won't use their liberty in the same way. but if you understand that you'd tolerate other people and what they do. so people of diversity would come together because they don't want to lose their liberty and respect other peoples liberty as well this, is why the solution is not that difficult. we had this experiment and greatest success and loved our
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faith and confidence. we have to truly understand it. it isn't going back to the old days. we don't have to go back to old standards or back to those officials we need to pick up the pieces and modernize it. we need an advancement of the cause of liberty and understanding of liberty. this is the only solution if our goal be peace and prosperity. it's the only way you can achieve peace and prosperity. that should be our goal. it should be the goal of government and to run your life, police what you do, and police other people around the world. nor to tell you thousand run your economy and spend your money. it's the cause of liberty we must restore and we're well on our way and we're going to keep this momentum ask thank you very much. thank you. >> congressman ron paul in minnesota tonight and we don't
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nowhere he's going finish in colorado but he's fired up giving another big speech on this election night. standing next to his wife. and getting some reaction now. what about the paul campaign is in the future of it and the status of the race. ed? >> well... congressman going stay around until the end. normally this would have been the days he has big, big victories. these caucuses were to get well on the path. i think to a certain extent and i come back to santorum. and if he'd been the last guy standing and now he's going fight gingrich. both have to put real campaigns together to go the lang hall, ron paul is going to stick through until the skpebd he's going to have a voice. >> the gingrich campaign will
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say tonight this is a vote showing mitt romney is weak and their strategy to get to super tuesday is the way to go. it's rick santorum tonight. so your thought on newt gingrich's speech? >> that is what it showed the problem is that it's now wants rick santorum again. he's the second candidate to come back from the dead. newt which a lot of pund yits have written him off. he's back and it does show weaknesses but it is amazing really how santorum consolidated this. part is because he let santorum through the door. >> all right. thoughts on the status of the race heading towards other contents in the end. let's put this into perspective. santorum had a good night tonight but got 10% of the
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vote in nevada and more delegates out of it there than in both missouri and minnesota today. he got zero delegates tonight. and he got two when he got 10% and ran fourth in nevada. so this has given him a strategic advantage. it doesn't -- hasn't given him delegates but a chance look, every day we're using more and more energy.
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the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it goingo do to the planet? >> we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go. ♪
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thanks for being here. >> thank you very much. and this has been a great night. >> bret: what about this night? we heard your speech. you said you don't stand here to be the conservative alternative to mitt romney but to president obama. and where do you think this race stems? >> well, i think what you're seeing in the national polls you're seeing we're running against barack obama better than anyone else in the race right now. you've seen in three primary contests that you know we are with the tea party vote and people are tired of the negative back and forth between gingrich and romney and looking for someone who can do that against barack obama on the issues. that is where our strength is, the issues. the biggest issues of the day, mitt romney is just obama like when it comes to very important contract issues we need those contacts to make barack obama the issue in this
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race. not our candidate who is many respects the big issues of the day you have just where obama is. >> bret: when you hear the romney campaign say tonight didn't mean much and this missouri primary is just a beauty contest and others are not aportioning delegates now it and goes through a number of stages how do you respond to that? >> well, you know, that is the same process in minnesota and colorado that iowa goes through. and mitt romney spent a lot of time and energy in iowa. these caucuses matter. this primary here in missouri is go owe going to be a huge indicator. i mean we've got over 50% of the vote. we've doubled up on governor romney. more than doubled up on him in minnesota. this, these are very strong indications as to where republican voters are going now. energy, enthusiasm can understand the caucus turn out
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was higher than four years ago. colorado is running very, very well there. mitt romney got 61% of the vote in nevada. so you know it's all sour grapes. bottom line is that these contests matter. that is why they have the votes and we've done very, very well. i think you're going to see our campaign get a shoft energy coming out of this. >> bret: what is the path from here? you have main caucuses that are ongoing then, you have arizona and michigan. and at the end of the month, then, the big contest. a lot of them in march. what is your path? where do you see other states? >> well, we have done great here in the mid west. we think we can do well in ohio and michigan. you know, tennessee. this is, we think we can do very, very well in the south. and look at colorado. we're doing really well there. i think we have a message that is going play well across this
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country. and you know we, the first five states that they dpailed to remember, first five steps did two steps for a very long, long time. all campaigns have enormous resource there's and had for years before. the romney campaign had a huge leg up on first five states. they don't going forward. they haven't run the kind of campaign they ran in those five states this time or the last time. it's anew playing field. so the path is through the flock of the country. that is where we're going to work at. we think we can take governor romney on. >> you said something this week on the stump that raised some eye brows. you said if mitt romney or newt gingrich won the nomination, republicans will lose the general election. do you stand by that? >> well, i probably got a little, little wound up there on the stump. i do think that we have a much-higher probability of
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winning so i'll back track on thachl i do think we have a higher probability of losing if those are the nominees but governor romney is just on the big issues of the day is just dead wrong. and the big government is not for the values of the tea party and republicans and frankly most americans don't want government control of the energy sector and manufacturing sector. the financial services sector. health care sector. all of those governor romney sided on the side of big government instead of a free economy that. is not going to be a winning message for for us. >> bret: how much do you think the catholic back and forth played into your campaigning and perhaps this race from now on? >> well, those in the united states has overstepped his constitutional authority trampling on the freedom of country. i don't think that, look, i
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predicted there is an attempt on -- this can't stand this, doesn't happen in america not by a president who complains he is religiously tollerant this, is the height of religious intolerance. and trying to impose will on free people. i suspect he'll be backing down shortly but it's a lesson learned on what this president would do if he has got another term and doesn't have to worry about reelection. >> senator, congratulations on your win. >> thank you. >> bret: let's go to colorado where mitt romney has just taken the stage. >> i expect to become our nominee with your help. so i want to congratulate fellow republicans particularly senator santorum and i look forward to the contest to come. but we're going to take our
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message of liberty and prosperity to every corner of the country. and when this primary season is over, we're going to stand united as a party behind our nom me he -- nominee to defeat barack obama and restore our value that's made america the greatest nation in the history of the earth. now, three years ago, you may remember barack obama came to colorado to accept his party's nomination. for the presidency. and he brought out a huge stadium got some of those styrofoam greek columns, two giant tv screens that set the mood. he made some bigger promises. he said that the democrats had a different measure of what constitutes progress. then, he went on to define it and said under his definition it would be measured by how
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many people can find a job that pays a mortgage. now what happened? more americans have lost their jobs during president obama's tirm than any other president in modern history and more have lost their homes during president obama's term than during any other in modern history under his own definition, president obama has failed, we will succeed. and that same speech he went on to define prog gres and he said progress will be determined by again, quote, whether the average american family saw income go up instead of down. and during last four years, the median income in this country has fallen by 10%. again... by his own definition. president obama failed and we'll succeed.
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candidate obama went on to say we can measure progress by determining whether someone was a good idea can take a right after this skpk start a business. do you see what happened to small business in this country during president obama's term? there were almost 100,000 fewer new business start ups this last year than they were during years before president obama came owe office so during his definition, president obama has failed and we will succeed. one more promise. candidate obama said we can see progress in an economy that honors the dignity of words. under president obama average duration of unemployment has more than doubled. and there is some 14 million more people on food stamps today. again, by president ob yaum's
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own definition he has failed. and we will succeed. now this week, this week you heard president obama on tv said he zeefshs a second term because, and i quote, we've made progress. and no, mr. president, under the definition of progress you made here four years ago in denver you have not made progress. three years ago president obama just after inauguration said if you couldn't turn this economy around in three years, he would be looking at a one term proposition. we're here to collect. we're going take back the white house. this is the moment in time when our country is crying out for fundamental change and reform. washington cannot reform itself and washington will
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never be reformed by those who have been compromised by the culture of washington. this is a clear choice. i'm the only person in this race republican or democrat never served a day of time in washington. and the world i come from leadership is about starting a business. not trying to get a bill out of committee. i've said over and over that this campaign is more about changing the soul of america, protecting the soul of america, saving the soul of america than changing the president. we all know that in our hearts that the soul of this nation can be corrupted by a washington culture of reckless spending, looking to raise their own pay, saying they support term limits then running for reelection time after time after time. it's that washington that we have to change. and when i'm president, we will.
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this is not a moment to continue to do business as usual this, is not a moment to expect those in washington to realize, suddenly that they've been wrong all the time and will get it right next time this, is a time for real change in washington. fundamental, bold, dramatic change. now i stand before you ready to lead this party and to lead the nation, i've led businesses, the olympics and had a chance helping to lead the state. president obama said he's learning. we say he's learning too little and too late. the presidency is not a place to learn how to lead. it's a place to exercise the judgment and leadership that has been learned over a lifetime. and that is what i will do.
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i know that many of us are concerned about our future. over the last 30 years i can't tell you how many times i've heard a situation hopeless or heard a long list of a reason something can't be done. i've been good at listening to those people and enjoyed proving them wrong. and from lessoned learned from my dad. my father never graduated from college. he apprenticed as a carpenter, is he good at ate. i can take a handful of nails stick them in his mouth and spit them out, pointing end forward. on his honeymoon he sold paint from his car to pay for the gas and hotel. there are reason yz he could have given up. and my dad an america he believed in a laj and plaster guy could become head of a car company.
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and by dad and for hundreds of thousands, millions of others like him and my mom this, was the land of opportunity. where the circumstance of birth was no barrier to being able to aa.chief one's dreams. and in dad's america, small businesses and purz were respected. spirit of enterprise and daring to propelled our standard of living and our economy passed that have every nation on the planet. i refuse to believe america is just another place on the map. for the flag. we stand for freedom. and hope z opportunity.
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these last few years haven't been the best of times. we've lost a few years and now lost our way. and the principals made this the greatest nation on earth and leader of the world have not lost their meaning. they never will. we know we can bring this country back. i believe in america. and so do you. in this election let's fight for america we love. because we believe in america and its founding principles. thank you so much. i appreciate all you've done to help. we've got a long way to go. i love this country. thank you very much. thank you. >> mitt romney coming out in colorado as votes are coming in from colorado. there, you can see it's now early there and there is
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official totals from colorado republican party. and having them to the totals. governor romney took the stage as we're wrapping up that interview saying it's too close to call here in colorado. and i'm confident we'll come in number one or number two. he congratulated rick santorum on his night but says he expects to be the nom neechl we'll analyze all of this and the entire night when the fox all stars join me after a quick break. across the golden state,
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where everyone has been unbelievably nice. mornin'. i guess i'm helping them save hundreds on car insurance. it probably also doesn't hurt that i'm a world-famous advertising icon. cheers! i mean, who wouldn't want a piece of that? geico. ah... fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent oh dear... or more on car insurance. bret looking live in colorado now. mitt romney shakes hands. let's take that poll just seconds ago on break. some of the lunged for governor romney. that person escorted out, quickly. as you know, may know that mitt romney now has secret service detail. you can see the guy behind him
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there. he's shaking hands and working the room. we're waiting for caucuses to come in with their vote. let's see if we can pull the tape. let's bring in our panel. and associate editor of the hill. and okay, steve, thoughts on the night? big night for rick santorum. >> rig bigg night for rick santorum. i think it's going to get up to speed and tougher, i think you saw mitt romney previewing coming attacks previewing the culture of washington. clearly that is where he's going to go. i think the pull back is that this is a big night for rick santorum. he spent time in the states, pushed to do well in the states. and the missouri victory i think is more meaningful than
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people suggested. it's 250,000 votes just a beauty contest or a show me primary. that is a significant number of votes there. colorado the fact colorado is close is very good news for santorum and not good news for mitt romney who went with 60% of the vote there in 2008. and 42% victory over john mccain. the good night for rick santorum over all. >> and colorado is not close, it might be later on when he came out and stage and said it's too close to call there is a 16-at this point gap. and you can make the case it's a beauty contest and a straw poll. you can make the case in minnesota. he has made the ground work in colorado has spent serious money and time tlchl the best organization of any candidates in colorado. an organization he's planning to win within november. he was set up for general
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election fchl he loses there tonight it's a strong statement about antiromney sentiment and possibility that santorum can consolidate votes and become a more serious threat than thus far. >> missouri tell me if you wanted to go through who doesn't think it's a big deal just because everybody in missouri knew it didn't do anything. it supposeds these poll autos you can probably get 250,000ses today come out and watch a hair cut. but they knew this wasn't going to count and gingrich wasn't on the ballot. so there is that. but what does count a great deal is that they're going pick up a lot of delegates tonight. they're both going to be advantaged tonight. >> we do have time before getting to charles krauthammer. i can tell you it's one of the
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glitter things not an attack on mitt romney. some thoughts from the panel right after the break. brad needs car insurance, but, uh, brad doesn't want to spend too much. who's brad? this is brad. ahh! well, progressive has lots of discounts for a guy like brad. brad's intrigued. paid in full, safe driver, multi-car, going paperless -- all can help brad save a bunch. sign brad up. cool! jamie will ring you up. show brad the way. who's brad? oh, here we go again. discounts that everyone can use. now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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>> bret: welcome back. a big night for rick santorum. we heard from mitt romney and ron paul, we will not hear, we're told from former speaker newt gingrich tonight. and back with the panel. thoughts? >> it's impressive santorum what we saw in iowa. he has a late kick. he finishes strong in iowa propelling last couple days i think that is probably what happened here. i mean what has been the big story in the country concerning republicans all week has been administration
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on the first amendment and religious issue was obama care. i think it's the first time a social issue has been number one in the minds of the country. throughout the entire election cycle wex haven't had a vote that occurred in the midst of that. and santorum is the issue who spoken bit the most. most passionate bit. i think he might have been the beneficiary happening now at the closing of these campaigns. so i think that that is helpful. when you look at calling -- it's important there was no gingrich in the battle. he said santorum gets out of the way i'll be the one to challenge. if you look at who the second, if you look at gingrich sup povertier who's is their second choice it splits evenly
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between santorum and romney. we saw in missouri with kbing rich out of the way santorum appears to have gotten all of newt gingrich's vote. that would make him a mormidable opponent. >> bret: gingrich campaign would say there are no delegates tied to this one when they have more -- award delegates in their caucuses which is just strange for the state of missouri he will be on the ballot then. so... you know it's conceiveable that missouri could change and say gingrich is someone... >> sure. whatever the state of the race is would win march 17th when they had like colorado and minnesota did, had straw polls on the first day of the caucus process. gingrich may northbound a better position and may do better. who knows? point for gingrich is that he's got a chance this, is april up and down
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race. only constant has been romney and ron paul at top and bottom. tracking romney who has done better and ron paul has been there and always been chugging along. these two in the middle are ping ponging back and forth. gingrich may come back and do great. who knows? >> it's just a pick up on the point charles is making. i agree, i think the other reason santorum is able to capitalize on what we saw this week was his constant attacks on both obama care and on mitt romney. rick santorum has been able to prosecute those attacks without having to make an exception. newt gingrich can't do that because he was a supporter ask w.a mandate z admitted most forcibly in a debate has been emphasizing that on the stump and i think that gives him an advantage on issues. another big proud braud point
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to make is that issues matter. you bet to the point there is a lot of talk. i'm guilty of it as much as anyone. you look at an organization and look at the money and what sims to be moving along and you stop and you fail to take account for how much issues matter. i think that is a reminder that particularly in a republican primary and after the outcome in 2010 issues matter. >> bret: 20 seconds here. >> rick santorum came to the argument late and its been effective on health care hand yait and tarp attacking at the same time. i think that was a way to get support. >> bret: that is strong. believe it or not a second out of special america's election headquarters will continue just after a quick break, we'll update the latest from colorado and take you out to minnesota and colorado. more from our all-star panel and we'll see what else, right after this. stay here. [ tom ] we invented the turbine business right here in schenectady.
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