tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News February 10, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
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by the first amendment. free exercise of religion, not free exercise of faith. >> sean: you guys have been great. god bless all of you. that is all the time we have left. thanks for being with us. we'll see you again monday night. >> greta: tonight. when is the last time your insurance company gave you something free? answer, never. so why does president obama expect insurance companies to do so now. he says he has an answer. religious groups paying for birth control for workers but the insurance companies should provide it free of charge? is that going to happen. we'll talk to rick santorum and mike huckabee. and people are suing president for trampling religious freedom. right now, rick santorum joins
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us. nice to see you. >> good to be back in the chair. >> greta: nice to have you back. >> i'm back from cpac. >> i want to ask you about this hhs rule. but i'm curious, why the fact that you swept missouri, minnesota, colorado, how is the fund-raising? >> we've done $3 million in three days. it's been just overwhelming. i just want to thank everybody. obviously it's given us an opportunity to go out and really start working heavily in states we have an opportunity. michigan in particular, we think we have a greater message with our made in america plan. the kind of economic growth that is going to get manufacturing back in this country and grow those jobs in michigan. the other side of michigan, western side of michigan, we got good strong conservative values that is grand rapids and great
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michigan heartland of america. we think we can run very well. >> greta: governor romney, you think you can beat him there? >> i came from western pennsylvania, grew up working class roots, had the opportunity to see what manufacturing means to this country. what it did to the town that i grew up in. going through the same thing in michigan as they did in western pennsylvania. we put a plan together without question will make michigan, turn that economy around in a heartbeat. that is what folks are looking for. looking for somebody that has ideas, not the model. wall street called our plan, supply side economics for the working man and they criticized it. you can't single out manufacturing. you can if that is where we're losing jobs. i was watching your show the other night when you had your
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good dear friend on. >> greta: which one? >> your dear friend. >> greta: donald? >> he did a big swipe. he chilled out on you? >> he said, oh, yeah, he talked to me once. i was -- i had seen him on show the day before. this is right after the straw poll. i was in a convenience store. i just stewing about it. he called me right back. he was criticizing as he did on the show. you lost your last race. i said donald, did you fail anything, did they give you another chance. you failed once, you are done. he failed many times and came back. i think he is doing pretty well right now. >> greta: what did he say to
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that? >> he said good point. i said, you know, you learn from failure, don't you? he said, yes you do. so criticizing for losing one race is not a fair way of looking at it. i talked to him about combatted china and getting manufacturing jobs. he said, you talk about social issues too much. i said the only reason i talk about social issues i talk about the importance of families and our economy. when families are broke it's harder for them to do well economically. that is a fact. why shouldn't we do things to try to help and nurture the family. he says i understand that. he may not remember that conversation. i remember it very well. >> greta: okay. hhs, what the president is calling his effort big problem with catholics and many people
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on religious freedom? >> when the government says they are going to give you a right, guess what? they can tell you how to exercise that right. you have given them control. >> greta: meaning what? >> you you give them control. you have told them basically, they are not designing the system of what every insurance policy is going to look like. they are going to design a system how much you are going to pay for the policy. how much the supplier going to pay. all of these things are now going to be managed by the federal government. you alluded to this. what is insurance for? you buy auto insurance for oil changes or gasoline? of course not. so why are they mandating insurance for something that is not an expensive item. why are they requiring people. >> greta: they are going to pass
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it to somebody else? >> they are going to pass it off to the people that are purchasing the policy which is catholic institutions. this is a distinction turnout a difference. the bottom line president obama is still trying to force people to buy things that shouldn't even be insured in the first place. insurance is for things that can harm you officially if something bad happens to you. obviously, birth control is not particularly expensive item and secondly shouldn't be mandated on top of that. >> greta: you spoke at cpac and you said you are the true conservative. do you think you are more conservative than the other candidates? >> what i talk about, i think i make the best contrast with president obama. >> greta: if you get the nomination, you are far out on the conservative side. how are you going to get the moderates and independents come
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general election? how do you convince those people to vote for you? >> two things. first off the point i'm making on the key issues of the day the healthcare system obamacare and take over the financial sector with the bailouts and attempt to take over energy and some of the manufacturing with cap and trade governor romney and speaker gingrich are pretty much with obama. >> greta: so the modern independents go with you? >> yes. >> how what about the social issues? >> i would say romney and gingrich if you look at their positions and mine are identical. pro-life. they are both for traditional marriage. they are both against embryonic stem cell research. they weren't always but right now they are maintaining they have the same position.
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>> greta: how does any republican come general election get moderates and the independents with all of you on social issues very conservative? >> by definition, a moderate has views in both camps. so the question is, what is more important to them. number two, the issue is very important for most people are getting this competent going, getting this ridiculous debt that being burgundy our next generation under control by cutting the size and scale of government. the national security posture of our country and this president's continuing flailing away and particularly the actions toward the state of israel, i think a lot of folks are not happy about that. those are the pressing issues of the day. as a result i feel pretty comfortable that folks are going to see our base, the republican party excited about our
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candidacy. i get the base excited. why would folks in the middle vote for someone that even the people who nominated them are not excited about? that is one of the key to his win four years ago the people were really excited. that excitement and momentum has an impact on everybody, not just the people within the base. >> greta: so the viewers can understand that process, how many hours of sleep? >> three or four hours. >> and you hit the road tomorrow? >> we are doing this live, because my friend greta asked me to come on. you've been very fair in giving an opportunity to come on the show. >> greta: i want to the viewers to understand that all the candidates are really running ragged. there is no sleep for anybody. it's a tough race for all of you. i appreciate you coming and some days ultimate get some sleep. and governor mike huckabee
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says they should be thanking barack obama for the birth control controversy. here what he told the conference. >> i wanted to say thank you president obama. you have done more than any other person in the entire g.o.p. field, any candidate has done bring this party to unity and energize this party as result of your attack on religious liberty and the attack on every human being in america. thank you president obama for doing what none of us republicans could apparently get done. >> greta: fox news host mike huckabee joins us. good evening? >> great to be with you. >> greta: what do you think of the kings. they are calling it the president has now suggested the way to resolve the disputed over this contraception fight?
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>> too little, too late. you don't accommodate people's first amendment rights. that is what the president was attempting to do, to ameliorate the situation he created by a heavy-handed decision that trampled over the conscience of people of faith. i'm not a catholic but i'm pro-life. it is highly offensive to me that the health and human secretary that was fo going to force religious colleges and hospitals and institutions that is going to provide something that violates their conscience. >> greta: i'm all for solutions and solution proposed the insurance companies will provide it for free. i've never seen an insurance company provide anything for free. then the secretary of hhs said, the reason they would provide it
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free it would make good sense in the long run. good sense in the long run, why aren't they doing it now. i don't buy it as solution to the ongoing problem. it has put the lid for some people. some of the people that objected before this is a major step forward? >> it's not a major step forward. all it does is shifting. its shell game. here is what i would like to pose to the president. he talks about healthcare. a lot of the terms that are being tossed about are euphemisms, pregnancy is not disease. you are actually preventing something that is normal and natural. it's perfectly acceptable if people decide they don't want to be pregnant, but that is a decision they make not to be pregnant. it's not like the prevention of something that is harmful to the human body because that is the natural process of what we do as human beings is to re-create. the other part i want to make,
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if that is the logic we're going to apply, it's a heathy thing to take a dose of vitamin d. i take fish oil every day and garlic, now we're going to get the government to pay for that. it's part of healthcare. where does it stop when the government dictates the exactly the level of healthcare and somebody else is going to pay for it. even if the provision of that healthcare in the case of some forms of contraception are a direct violation to the principle and sanction at this time of life. >> greta: many researches think this is a good issue going into 2012. i'm curious what you think. we have the unemployment level go down for five consecutive months. we have by the end of june, we're going to have a decision from the united states supreme court on healthcare. if by chance, i have no idea how the supreme court decides, but if they declare the healthcare
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statute and we have the economy improving with the unemployment level declining, what is the issue for the republican party going on into 2012? >> this was an issue the president didn't need to take up. in the last elections, catholics in every one of those ten elections, when they vote strongly for a candidate, that candidate wins. there is 47 million catholics in the united states. how they vote, if they vote substantially will swing an election. it has in all ten elections we've seen in this country. >> greta: let me ask you, i see tremendous number of catholic women take contraceptives. i'm wondering does the hierarchy of the church have an influence over the vote if the women if they take the contraception? >> i understand that a lot of catholics support the idea of
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contraception and lots of evangelicals, along as it's not abortive form of contraception. having said that even catholic women that practice that, i don't think they want the government to start dictate together church. it's an individual that makes the decision whether they will obey the teachings of the church and bible. it's not the purpose of the government to make those decisions for those individuals and for the government to get between an individual and his or her church and his other her spiritual organization. that is what is not going to be acceptable to americans regardless of whether they believe in contraception. >> this issue is not going away, even if some agreement has been made and even declared unconstitutional in june, you think this is significant issue that embedded in people's minds going into november? >> i certainly do. the president stepped into it. i don't think what he did today is going to fix it. if i were john boehner i would
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put the obama bill back on the floor and ask to vote on it. >> greta: they still haven't read it. we learned about it as the issues arise. governor, thank you as always. what time is your show on saturday? >> 8:00 eastern. >> greta: i knew that but i want to know the viewers know that. straight ahead, president obama has ten state attorney generals. they are threatening the president over this contraception fight. alan wilson is next. and madonna, angry and she is now breaking her silence. she blasting rapper m.i.a. -- you'll hear from madonna coming up. have i got a surprise for you! a mouthwatering combination of ingredients... i know you're gonna love. [ barks ]
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yes, it's beneful healthy fiesta. made with wholesome grains, real chicken, even accents of tomato and avocado. yeah! come on! [ barking ] gotta love the protein for muscles-- whoo-hoo! and omega-rich nutrition for that shiny coat. ever think healthy could taste so good? [ woman announcing ] beneful healthy fiesta. another healthful, flavorful beneful. until the end of the quarter to think about your money... ♪ that right now, you want to know where you are, and where you'd like to be. we know you'd like to see the same information your advisor does so you can get a deeper understanding of what's going on with your portfolio. we know all this because we asked you, and what we heard helped us create pnc wealth insight, a smarter way to work with your pnc advisor, so you can make better decisions and live achievement.
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>> hey, greta, thank you for having me. >> greta: i see you written a letter and nine others to hhs to treasury and labor and number of cabinets that you are not satisfied with what is going on with this whole battle. i'm curious, was there any resolution or anything that could work this out so everybody is happy? >> well the obama administration admitted it was wrong and they could have a complete total exemption for all religious entities or employers that don't want to offer medical services they find unconscionable. that would be a good state. >> and what is gor going to be your next step. the president has proposed the so-called accommodation. that doesn't satisfy, so do you go to court monday morning? >> you have to look where you've been.
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this emanates from the obamacare that was passed last year. when you look at the individual mandate unconstitutional mandate that requires individuals to enter in healthcare insurance contracts, that is the first step. that wasn't enough. now, they are requiring employers, especially faith based employers to provide medical services they find unconscionable. that wasn't enough. now you are finding insurance companies to offer free products. i'm saying the trend here is increasingly picking up. one thing i see thing that they are accommodating this issue by saying okay, faith based employer, you no longer have to offer the unconscionable service but we'll have the insurance company do that. the problem is a lot of these universities and hospitals are self-insurers. they use a third party to actually administer their
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insurance contracts so they are providing the services themselves. what are they left with? we have to act quickly. we are waiting to see what the administration does. we waited earlier today, this was a red herring. there is no compromise. one thing i thought was interesting, these are supposed to free services, free medication to women. one thing i would like to see, over student knows there are no free lunches, just like governor huckabee the cost gets shifted somewhere else. >> greta: i've never seen an insurance company do anything that is free. it was such a great idea they would have done it already. i agree with you on that. i don't see this being something that is going to be shifted but attorney general, thank you. we'll be watching to see what you and your nine colleagues do.
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>> up next, eric cantor, he says he don't need president obama's buffet rule, we need a buffer rule. and that is next and up for ten oscars. the movie from hollywood and one of the stars, penelope and miller is going on record. you do not want to miss this. wake up! that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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since ameriprise financial was founded back in 1894, they've been committed to putting clients first. helping generations through tough times. good times. never taking a bailout. there when you need them. helping millions of americans over the centuries. the strength of a global financial leader. the heart of a one-to-one relationship. together for your future. ♪
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alert. united states state department announcing it's expanding the travel warning across mexico. they should avoid 14 of 30 mexican states. this is the widest since mexico stepped up the drug war in 2006 and more than 47,000 people have been murdered in mexico since 2006. just last year, 2011, 130 americans were murdered in mexico. stay tuned for the latest on the developing story. >> wild race to the g.o.p.. eric cantor says he is looking forward to his party picking a nominee. she he ready to endorse? >> nice to see you, sir. >> good to be with you. >> greta: where are you? i understand you are in washington university. why? >> we went there today because every four years, the students
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at w&l hold a mock political convention. it's for the party out of power. this year is a republican convention. they have well over 1700 student delegates participating. it's very much in the washington tradition of encouraging young leaders to speak out on issues facing the country and the direction of leadership. >> greta: i understand it's been going on for a hundred years. they have been enormously successful identifying who will be the nominee. who did they vote for or identify today? >> they haven't yet taken the roll call. that will come tomorrow. there were plenty of speeches made today. plenty of activities surrounding the actual convention. tomorrow will be the actual roll call just before it takes place. haley barber will be the keynote
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speaker and the role call of the states. >> greta: speaker gingrich, he is not the ballot. will he be part of this process by this group? >> yes. i think so. the different state delegations have been doing a lot of resource. they have been talking to students that live in the 50 states and some of the territories that participate in the political convention to come up with their suggested votes in terms of throwing their delegates behind a certain candidate. i do think that former speaker gingrich will be in play. >> greta: and this isn't just a total academic exercise, you unveiled a business plan? >> i spoke to the student delegates at the convention. what i said was this. we're going to have a very robust debate about the state of
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our economy and the direction we head as a country. i talked a lot about the president's recent rhetoric, oftentimes the president is talking about their play and what is fair in terms of our tax policy and who pays for the government. i also spoke a lot about the president's proposed buffet rule that he named after warren buffett. somehow he is conflated go the small and medium sized business people with the likes of warren buffett. i said we need a buffer rule. we need to stop the intrusion of more and more government, washington has enough money it's spending. we need to get the fiscal house in order by hiamg, reducing spending but trying to increase the economic activity in the private sector. what i said backbone of america is our small business people.
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what i proposed today is a 20% small business tax cut that goes right to the heart of the economic engine in this country which are the men and women who are the entrepreneurs willing to go and take a risk if they just get some signal out of washington that washington will get out of the way and make it so expensive and difficult. >> greta: i'm sure you have been following the frof over the contraception issue. president called it an acome days that he suggested? >> i don't think so. what we have here is by the president and this administration, a rule that goes really after our first amendment rights to the practice of our religion. as a member of minority faith in this country, obviously the ability to practice my religion is very important to me as it is for everyone in this country. it what makes america unique the
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freedom for individuals and religious establishments to do what it is that is consistent with their faith and within the law. when the president is saying --. >> greta: he suggested today, the insurance companies will pay for it. that the religious institutions don't have to. frankly i don't see the insurance companies as being so making nap miscellaneous, but he does? >> how does that work. an employer -- magnanimous. >> how can that catholic university expect a insurance company to pick up the coverage? it's washington mandating certain services to be provided when it's in contradiction to one's faith. that is an anathama to people of america.
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it started in virginia with thomas jefferson statd oo auto of religious freedom that translated in the bill of rights. i'm upset what the president is taking, the direction he is taking. we are toll ranted people. >> greta: super tuesday, that includes the virginia. you have not yet endorsed, do you intend to endorse by super tuesday march 6 and if not, why not? >> i haven't made that decision. i may endorse in the presidential nomination race. obviously this is a hugely important election. this election really is about a choice of direction our country is going to take. it's important i think that we as republicans engage in a debate of ideas as we see in our primaries right now. i am looking cocoa a less around
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our candidate so we can present a choice whether we want to be more like our allies in europe and consumed with higher debt to provide the ultimate in terms of outcomes to people just as the president suggests. he wants everybody to have what he deems as fair or are we going to provide more opportunity, free enterprise and the ability for everyone in america to have a fair shot at earning their success. >> greta: so in other words, let me ask it this way. if any of the four candidates that are currently running is chosen, you could support any of the four? >> obviously i have some differences with ron paul's foreign policy. i don't support american isolationism. i believe there is reason we have been able to secure ourselves because we believe in freedom.
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we can commit our men and women commit themselves for fighting for freedom overseas. i subscribe to the notion, i would rather be on the receiving independent of a 911 call rather than that country which has to make the call. so believe in a very strong national defense policy. i would have an issue there. again, i think all of our candidates from an economic standpoint as it relates to the jobs issue and how we can grow the country, i think all of them are fairly much on the same page. >> greta: sir, thank you very much for joining us. i'm looking forward to see what the student do pick tomorrow. they have been pretty much on the money over the last few decades. >> coming up right now, the hottest button is right here in washington, d.c. g.o.p. candidates are in washington for cpac and today voters heard what they had to say.
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you will heard from the candidates. and broadway show, carriage ride forget it, there a new attraction in time for valentine's day. it's not what you would expect. stay tuned. ♪ what started as a whisper every day, millions of people choose to do the right thing. there's an insurance company that does that, too. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy?
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>> greta: first, let's can to the new york newsroom where high good friend is standing by with the headlines. >> thank you, greta. good to see you. oak administration says it's seeing growing signs that people close to president assad may be getting ready to flee the country. o. officials says one member has moved large amounts of money out of the country. assad's crackdown on a year long uprising has left thousands dead. >> on wall street, ending the week with the worst day. dow dropped 89 points.
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stocks begin plummeting right on the opening bell on news that european finance ministers are insisting that greece cut spending more to get out of their financial crisis. >> greta: governor mitt romney and rick santorum and speaker newt gingrich are, they are taking their fight for conservative support straight to the voters. all three presidential candidates spoke at the conservative political action conference in wkdz. >> this is the year to reset this country in a decisive, bold way. we need to teach the republican establishment a lesson. we are determined to rebuild america, not to manage its decay. >> presidency is more than public office. its sacred trust. this is a defining moment for america and conservative movement. make no mistake, we have an
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opportunity for greatness. >> we need somebody who is willing to go out on the big issues of the day and draw contrasts. we're not going to win this election ladies and gentlemen, because the republican candidate has the most money to beat up their opponent and win the election. >> we're going to win with ideas. we're going to win by making barack obama and his policies the issue in this race. [ applause ] >> greta: griff jenkins hit the ground at cpac and caught up with former speaker gingrich. ♪ >> reporter: what is the message here at cpac? >> the message is we need bold changes to get america back on the right track. bold changes to create jobs, bold changes to get gasoline to $2 a gallon. bold changes to balance the budget. this a choice between the conservative movement and a republican establishment which is timid. i think people need to
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understand this is a very long fight and continual tension between those of us who want to change washington and those who are comfortable managing the decay. >> i support gingrich. >> reporter: why? >> he is only one with a record reform of reducing the size of the federal government. >> i like newt gingrich a lot. i feel he has good conservative ideas. overall, mitt romney has the best chance of beating barack obama. anyone who goes up against barack obama will be the better person in my opinion. >> i'm still trying to make up my mind. i'm impressed with rick santorum he has a bump going on. i'm looking at him real close right now. >> the country is upside-down and we need somebody that is real bold to turn it right side up. >> mitt romney has best chance with success in business.
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>> reporter: mitt romney has just finished, and here are newt volunteers handing out campaign literature to switch to newt. why should the folks that just heard romney switch their minds to speaker gingrich? >> because with romney he is multiple choice. you never know what he stands for. >> speaking to a packed room, the clock is for every speaker. it counts down as you can see, the clock is counting up. which means santorum went over his time limit. >> you heard newt and heard santorum speak and something about what he had to say stuck with you. you may be considering like santorum more? >> i have been going back and forth. i was considering rick earlier. in fact i donated money to both of them. >> what i've seen so far, mitt was strong, mitt was terrific.
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>> this is very good thing that happened today. >> greta: the artist may be a silent move but has a lot of buzz. it's won three golden globe awards, best picture and comedy. now it's up for ten oscars. one of the stars, good evening penelope. >> greta: i think the movie is amazing. how hard is it to tell a story on the big screen without sound? >> it's surprisingly very easy. i think people are reluctant and scared to go see a silent movie because they are not used to it. but the movie worked so well, once you are in the audience and your five minutes into film, you forget it's silent because it's a great story. it's so entertaining and
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uplifting that people get caught up with it. it's really exciting because people i think are surprised that they are having such a good experience watching a silent film. >> i suppose natural for you. you started out in theater and been on broadway and tv, and when the movie and script was brought to you, did you jump at it or think, i don't think so? >> i thought was bizarre. certainly in 20 you is, i couldn't believe somebody was making a black and white film. we did chaplain and reenacted some of the things but not the entire film. i know my agent was apprehensive to bring it to me. a lot africa tors were
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intimidated about the thought of doing a silent film and not sure anybody would see it. now i'm sure they are kicking themselves. but there was no way to predict this would be happening to the film. ten oscar nominations and god el globe. it's very exciting, but i think it's a testament to our director i can barely productive his name and he's made an incredible film. it's working on all sill ders. >> greta: to be up for ten oscars, black and white silent. it's taking the country by a storm. its phenomenal idea. going with the oscars it's the one to beat. >> that is very kind of you to say. we're in great company.
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i know it sounds cliche. we're so honored to be part of the conversation. it takes a movie like this, it takes a lot to get people to go. these awards and accolades mean a lot to us. people don't run out to see a silent film. more buzz we get the better. we're very excited. >> greta: i should add it was all shot in united states, all shot in hollywood which is very good for the people that work there. it wasn't taken overseas where it could have been done a lot cheaper. good movie for people to see. >> thank you so much. >> greta: straight ahead, a stunning basketball shot we got it caught on camera. it wasn't kobe bryant or lebron james that made the shot. wait until you see who it was. a? slip-on's the way to go.
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>> greta: isn't that amazing. his team was one point behind and second on the clock and the ohio seventh grader made that unbelievable shot. he launched it from the opposite part of the court and his team won the game. madonna is speaking out about rapper m.i.a. obscene gesture. one she delivered during the half time show. madonna is not happy about m.i.a.. here is what she told ryan see crest on the radio show. >> i was not happy. to me, there was such a feeling of love and good energy and positive, it seemed negative. >> it's such a teenager kind of in a way and irrelevant thing to go but in the other respect, there is such a feeling of love
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and unity there. what was the point? >> greta: she did say she was happy one point. 114 million viewers watched her half time show and three more million viewers than the actual game had. >> here is valentine's day idea. new york city sewage plant is offering tours. you can take your valentine for a tour of the waste treatment plant. giant machine that turns waste in sludge and at the end of the tour, each gets a hershey's kiss. >> apple was forced to defend its star product. who is going after apple? do not go away. you want to know where you are, and where you'd like to be. we know you'd like to see the same information your advisor does so you can get a deeper understanding of what's going on with your portfolio. we know all this because we asked you,
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7:57 pm
i got it ! yes, i won ! woo hoo ! it's got a thermos ! rely on verizon 4g lte. because only the fastest survive. my son and i never missed opening day. but with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps ificantly improve my lung function, srting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today m breathing beer, and at means... game on! symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye oblems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. [ whistle ] with copd, i thought i might ms out on my favorite tradition. now symbicort significantly improves my lung function, starting within 5 minutes. and thatakes a difference in my eathing. today i'm back with my favorite team.
7:58 pm
ask your doctor about symbicort. i got my first prescription free. call or click to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, online dating services can get kind of expensive. so to save-money, i found a new way to get my profile out there. check me out. everybody says i've got a friendly disposition and they love my spinach dip. 5 foot ten. still doing a little exploring... on it. my sign is sagittarius, i'm into spanish cheese, my hairline is receding but i'm getting a weave.
7:59 pm
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