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tv   The Five  FOX News  February 11, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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in air ♪ ♪ o, say does that star spangled banner yet wave ♪ ♪ o'er the land >> this is a fox news alert. ima i harris faulkner live in new york now with our continuing coverage of the breaking news the death of whitney houston at age 48 dead tonight. we are learning from the los angeles police department now more details of the scene that they found when they arrived at the beverly hilton hotel. when we broke in with the news, more than an hour ago we knew there was a lot of comakes hotel.commotion a hotel we are aware of pregrammy festivities by music mogul clive owen. what we do know now is that the
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body of 48-year-old whitney houston lay on the fourth floor of the beverly hilton hotel. police showed up at 3:55 p.m. pacific time. responding to a distress call there at the hotel and they found whitney houston dead tonight. syndicated radio deejay ralphy joins me by phone. with no doubt, huge response in the music world right now. ralphy, are you there? >> i am harris, yes. >> harris: tell me what you are hearing from your perspective who you have been able to talk to? >> i tell you one thing that hasn't been spoken about too much yet is whitney houston's boy friend or the last person she was linked to romantically. an actor and singer as well. his publicist has come forward and said that he was not with whitney when she passed. on his twitter account he tweeted out photos of him and clive davis apparently.
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he was assisting the record mogul davis in the party that was supposed to happen tonight at the beverly hilton and you got to think that maybe he was assisting clive, maybe whitney was an intermediary there in terms of him assisting clive. >> harris: what are you heard in terms of what the music world has planned. i told the viewers about the party in the works for quite some time. clive owens known to give a huge bash. a pregrammy situation. the timing of her death so unfortunate. every indication i'm hearing to turn if into a memorial tomorrow night. >> they already had a tribute planned tomorrow to etta james who we lost earlier in the month. alicia keys was going to head up the tribute. you wonder how will they also get in the tribute to whitney houston. i would imagine it leads off the show. a lot of people twitter in the music industry and beyond to pay respects to whitney
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houston. whitney houston born in newark, new jersey. mayor booker tweeting always one of newark and new mexico's treasured daughters. >> her family dean warwick lives in the northern part of new jersey. we know that she has many family members still in new jersey. i'm seeing reports that her boyfriend ray jay may have been cutting music with new edition in memphis. what are you hearing? >> well, i don't think ray jay was down in memphis. at least not today or this weekend because again he tweeted out photos of him with clive davis at what seems to be rehearsals for tonight's party that was supposed to happen. i'm hearing some reports that that party has now been canceled but you i cannot confirm that yet. whether he was working with bobby directly i'm not sure. i can also report that whitney
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houston was working with the back eyed peas producer to work on new material. i doubt harris that that material will see the light of day. the reason why i say that is because will i am also worked with michael jackson before his death and will i am vowed after the death of michael jackson to not release any of that music. i would think he does the same with houston. again, i don't know for sure. >> harris: i'm getting something on my blackberry. one of the family stylists said the family here on the east coast is gather and there is a gentleman by the name of bobby who is an engineer with works with whitney houston, kind of working his way into perhaps even becoming a spokes person at this point for the family. hwe will try to reach out to him. tell me he about her music in recent days and months. i read there was a comeback on the wh who are and then
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photographs where she appeared to be disshelfed from thursday night. >> in addition to will i am, popular producers a and just finished the movie sparkle. she was certainly on the come backswing and unfortunately was not able to complete it. >> harris: we appreciate you abouting with us. syndicated radio deejay ralphy joining us now. very good information on the reported boyfriend of whitney houston. we are hearing conflicting reports but we appreciate the sources that you bring us tonight. i know you are also reading some unconfirmed stuff off of twitter as well so we want to be careful journalistically how we handle it but we appreciate you being with us. thank you very much. casey stegall has been with me since the story broke a couple of hours ago and we had him by phone. we wanted to wait until he could get into position outside
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that pregrammy party in beverly hills. he is there now. casey, bring us up to speed with what you have been able to learn? >> outside of the beverly hilton hotel not only where that big pregrammy party was supposed to but also where we are getting reports that whitney houston died. the hotel right back here along wilshire boulevard. a very famous road that dead ends is into downtown los angeles and dead ends into the ocean at santa monica. we are in the middle portion of it in beverly hills where the clive davis pregrammy party happens every year and we are getting word that whitney houston was supposed to be attending the event tonight. but as you were talking about, harris, there is a lot of speculation going on at this point in terms of whether she is in fact still here at the hotel. the body of whitney houston. we did have a press conference a little while ago where the police told us that she was a guest of this hotel. she was staying on the fourth
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floor are and 355 pacific time, 6:55 eastern is when she was pronounced dead after 20 or 30 minutes or so of crews trying to perform cpr on her because the call to 911 came in at 323 pacific time. 6:23 eastern. incidentally the fire department was here on an unrelated call according to cops and the only report that came in initially to 911 is there was an unresponsive unconscious guest at the hotel and once all of the emergency crews start the arriving they quickly learned it was whitney houston. we should tell you, i want to set the scene here at the hotel. i live just a few miles away and as i was driving up wilshire boulevard you could really start to see the throngs was people walking up wilshire frantically to get to the beverly hilton hotel to see things for themself.
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it is a true spectacle. it is dark. we he have gotten here quickly. we don't have a lot of lighting set up but there are crowds gathering on the sidewalk outside, harris. a lot of media and again the red carpet for the clive davis pregrammy party just opened a few minutes ago. this party is supposed to happen in two hours and there is a lot of confusion that the hour whether or not it is going to go forward or not. even some of the celebrities themselves are confused. one of our photographers over monitoring the red carpet just reporting back to me that a town car pulled up with an unknown musical guest inside and they wanted to know if the party was on or off. so a lot of confusion. a lot of speculation as you know. this news has rocked the entertainment industry this evening. >> harris: and the world. rogo writes whitney houston's death is a great loss to the
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nation. i hope she is in peace. so many people with some questions but a lot of it pointing to her recent drug use. casey i'm going to ask you to stand by if you can. we will be joined by dr. baden on set. forensic pathologist. and, you know, the reports of her death, dr. baden seem to come quickly. 3:55 and you heard the timeline there from casey stegall. very quick news. >> right. that is because the media and technology and the police get there and within -- used to be within a few days the public would find out and now it is within a few minutes. and but the press conference is very interesting because the lieutenant who gave the information said that they have established and been there for a few hours that there is no crime. that means into blood at the scene. no evidence of an assault or of her hurting herself or somebody else hurting her sufficient to draw blood.
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leaves open a natural cause of death and a drug overdose death with the history. a 48-year-old woman is still subject to heart attack or brain hemorrhage most likely. but he added she was found in the ba bath tub. bath tubs are folklore remedy among drug users someone who has an overdose that being put in cold water in a bath tub is a cure. >> harris: interesting. >> the autopsy will be done by tomorrow morning and they will know. >> harris: it is interesting and i want to be careful with how i report this information because i mentioned that i do have a source here in northern new jersey who said that the family melt that this was a drawing -- felt that this was a drowning and that is coming from a family representative and not from someone of your stature in the medical field who can definitively say this. you say that is kind of wrapped in the whole folklore of drug use. >> if she hasser who clothes on
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it is not a drowning. if she was taking a bath and found dead without any clothes on it could be drowning. maybe drowning after a heart attack or something. but the medical examiner will be able to identify the possibilities with the naked eye at the time of the autopsy tomorrow morning. >> harris: we will take a quick commercial break here and come back. dr. baden, you will stand by. we are starting to get more information now. the l.a. coroner's office has received its call. maybe you can explain what that means. >> bill: ray cyru billy ray cyrus tweeting rest in peace, whitney houston. currents gathering on in the virtual world. rihanna, no wards, just tears. stay close. well beright back. i'm a marathon runner, in absolute perfect physical condition and i had a heart attack right out of the clear blue...
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>> harris: welcome back to continuing live cover coverage the death of whitney houston. 48 years old. found today a short time ago within the last few hours on the fourth floor of the beverly hilton hotel. the eve of the grammy awards. huge music mogul clive owens ready to hold his pregrammy party. whitney houston expected to be there. a distress call sent out. a guest not breathing. unconscious. police showed up at the hotel that we got pictures of just before the sun was setting a short time ago on the west coast. they arrive. it is whitney houston. they cannot revive her. she passed away at the age of 48. so many questions and maybe now some answers from people who saw her in recent times. entertainment blogger flo anthony joins me now. flo, are you with us? >> hi, how are you?
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>> harris: a sad night. and i know that you know her. tell me what you can about where she was in life just recently. >> okay, i wanted to correct you first. it is clive davis. >> did i say owens? i did not mean that. >> clive davis having the pregrammy party tonight. it was whit whitney's mentor ad friend. her body board foun guard foune bath tub responsive and then her brother came in and she could not be revived. >> harris: how well did you know her? >> i didn't know her that well but i covered her for a long time and i know her cousin dionne warwick and her mom. she wasn't somebody that i hung around with or anything. i knew her over the years. and the family. >> harris: there was talk of a comeback. a movie coming out "sparkle."
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and yet we saw pictures of her from a few days ago where she didn't look like she had it all together. do you know? >> that -- what do you know. >> that was just the other night. a pregrammy party. she did look disshelfed and there was blood on her leg. just the other night she looked fabulous. she was out for dinner with her friend ray jay and they were shopping at sunset plaza in hollywood. i don't know what happened within that 24 hour period. but she had a lot to look forward to with the remake of sparkle coming out and she was also executive producer on the film. but then at the same time there were rumors of financial problems. i know that her brother gary is not well. people were saying her mom is not well but i did see her mom at nick ashford's funeral and she looked great to me and she sang and sounded wonderful. it has been a long struggle for
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whitney, you know, with the drugs and the staying clean and just to keep going in general. i do believe that she was trying, you know, very, very hard to get it together and for everything to come full circle. >> harris: i'm seeing kind of a mixed reaction virtually here. i'm following blogs and twitter right now and flo, i have to tell you, people are some what angry that we bring up the drug use and others are some what relieved because they think that that must have played a role. we don't know yet. the investigation is still ongoing. >> we don't know if that played a role and i think it is wrong to speculate. as far as i know, she was totally clean as i said she battled that for awhile but people shouldn't be angry that we bring it up because when someone so young and vibrant and beautiful and talented dies you have to kind of look for what could be the reason and unfortunately that was in her
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background. i mean she was one of the greatest talents who ever lived. i don't know if anybody will ever be able to sing like that. she had a marvelous god given gift. >> harris: there is some celebrities tonight expressing. jennifer lopez just now tweeting out such a loss. one of the greatest voices of our time. sending out prayers to her family. rest in peace, whitney. i misspoke before, it is clive davis, the big party planned for tonight. anything in their history that would point to what would happen next? do you see any special sort of situation going on ahead of the grammies? >> they would have to be -- clive and whitney loved each other very much. he was her mentor. he signed her originally to arista records. had been with her since she was a teenager. of course, at the party tonight they would have to acknowledge that tragic death. he thought the world of whitney
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and whitney thought the world of him. >> harris: flo anthony, i appreciate your coming in and talking with us. thank you very much. as we go to a commercial break, people magazine reporting bobby brown is "devastated about whitney houston's death" according to a family member. as we get more news and details about what is going on in terms of the cause of death, with whitney houston, we have got a pathologist, forensic pathologist standing by and we will learn more and what we can expect in the coming hours. stay with us. aaaaask me.
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♪ o, say can you see by the dawn's early light ♪ ♪ what so proudly we hailed
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♪ at the twilight's last gleaming ♪ ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars ♪ whitney houston at the height of her popularity then and, of course, now we know more details coming out about her death. in beverly hills, california. a few hours ago, found on the fourth floor of the hotel. her back ground and career were storied. won six grammies. 30 billboard awards and 22 american music award in her career. on the eve of the grammies so much of her success is being remembered and she was anticipated to be at some of the gatherings for pregrammy gatherings tonight. one of those by clive davis the music mogul at the hotel where her body was found, the beverly
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hilton. i want to ask dr. baden who is a wh who are forensic pathologt and dori dorothy from in touch magazine. doctor, quickly you said there was industrycations of information that we may find out what happened very quickly. >> by tomorrow. the first thing is that when the police called the coroner's office to remove the remains finish the onseen investigation which would include taking statements from everybody that was there and they have to keep everybody in mind. they took any bill bottles and doctors that may have prescribed medications for her and maybe she had heart disease and high pressure medicine which would be important as potential natural death. >> harris: sounds so familiar. amy winehouse. michael jackson. so many of these celebrities we
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go and a we see them gathering, some of these same items and not to say there is any link or but we don't know. but a lot of this same types of details. >> because they dial young and young people are not supposed to die of natural diseases but they sometimes do. i think the next step it the coroner's office will remove whitney to the coroner's office. an autopsy will be done by 8:00 or 9:00 or earlier in the morning and within a few hours they will know if there is any natural disease that caused death and if there is any trauma and maybe she fell down and had some kind of a brain hemorrhage for example. >> we will know that. >> we will know that with the naked eyes. what they don't know is drugs. drugs will take another week or so. >> harris: interesting. i flare with amy wine house's death. it took some -- i remember that with amy winehouse's death. and you could tick down a long
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lift of celebrities. >> john belushi. >> that is reaching back. >> that is my era. >> jessica simpson tweeting i found my voice is singing to whitney houston's music today. i lost my idol. joining us is dorothy from in touch magazine. we talked a lot of times about a host of celebrities. this one in particular, though, a superstar around the world. a beautiful voice and then an actress and you have new details to bring us. >> jennifer lange, reportyes. reports are surfacing that her mother spoke to her 30 minutes or so before she was pronounced dead and that everything seemed to be fine. and also that her cousin dionne warwick speak to her are a few hours earlier today talking about sharing a table at clive davis' party later in the evening. could you imagine you are speaking to your family member, going this party tonight, it is a party you go to every year and then you suddenly find that you are not going to that party any more.
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this is a huge tragedy. and i think what jessica simpson said is dead on. i'm not a singer but growing up whitney houston was a source of inspiration for me definitely. >> harris: i have been asking people to express their thoughts around feelings tonight on my tweeter page. have are so many. writes at least she lived she believed. taking a note from one of her songs. we had a fox news contributor now on twitter on with us earlier. see says deer whitney, i remember you for your charitable work. 1997 children's defense fund concert on hbo. raised $300,000. humanitarian she was. a host of people remembering whitney houston. but you are also gathering information about her boyfriend. and some inconsistencies about who was with her at the time. >> there are a lot. first it was reported that ray jay who she has been dating for quite some time now. there were reports that he was with her. and then his rep denied it and
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indicated that it was whitney's body guard also named ray who was the one that found her in the hotel room. so that may have been where the confusion came about. but you know, this is also reports stating that last night the night before that whitney was at the hotel bar at the beverly hilton with a big entourage and carrying on and having a great time and having drinks. so, you know, the night before she seemed to have partied hard. these are new reports coming out and obviously we know two nights ago she was pictured in in l.a. out with her daughter and they were out partying and whitney looked great on the red carpet coming into the party. looked like she was having a great time in the party but on the way out of the party she did not look good. looked like almost blood on her hands and her legs. didn't look put together. she has been dealing with alcohol and drug problems for so many years and i love that
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people remember her for great honorable things like her charity work but how can you not remember the photos released of her bathroom in her home with a crack pipe and crack paraphernalia everywhere. this was only in 2009. and let's not forget that just last year she admitted herself to rehab. it was outpatient rehab. just last year something was going on. >> harris: doctor, i want to ask you, drug addiction is a life long struggle and we talk about the celebrities going in and out of rehab as if they are checking into a fun hotel and coming out and everything is quick and easy but it doesn't work that way and even at age 48 there would have been some effects. >> and the 0 day rehabs don'tk really. it is a lifetime battle and takes constant just like alcoholic's anonymous is a lifetime battle. takes a lot of work to be able to separate from alcoholle or
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drugs. and you can't just go out and go 30 days and then come out and party. >> harris: as a pathologist i know when you look at the hearts of people you can tell immediately. doug also writes on twitter, whitney houston, america's greatest treasure. lost one of my great test voices of all time. a an inspiration of mine isund. gone. stay with us. we'll be right back. ew. seriously? so gross. ew. seriously? that is so gross. ew. seriously? dude that is so totally gross. so gross...i know. there's an easier way to save. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. of how a shippingiant can befriend a forest may seem lie the stuff of fairy tales. but if you take aw the faces on the trees...
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>> harris: we want to go live now to casey stegall our
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correspondent who is outside the beverly hilton. there are a couple of reports that are coming up that we want to make everybody aware of. first of all, what is happening at the hotel. and just moments away we are getting casey that across the country in missouri at a new edition concert bobby brown is expected to take the stage. you take it away from the west coast. >> reporter: harris, we are getting conflicting information but just got off the phone with the los angeles county coroner's office and they have indicated they have not yet received a phone call to come here to the beverly hilton hotel. i know c dr. baden was talking about how that works and if there is not foul play suspectd that the coroner might not necessarily get a call but we know from events in the past like with the death of michael jackson and other notable celebrities that the l.a. county coroner's office is among one of the first to receive a call. i want to sort of set the scene for you here because again we are along wilshire boulevard.
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this is the rear of the beverly hilton hotel. the other side is actually the front entrance and that is where you have the valet, that is where all of the big-time names pull up to be whisked into the event. and we brand new video coming in to the fox news channel of the beverly hills crime scene lab and van that was parked outside of this hotel for quite some time. we understand that it is still there, although our photographer that just shot the video left about 30 minutes ago. so it is not clear at this point if that vehicle has left. but even though we have heard reports from inside that fourth floor hotel room that there was no evidence of foul play, again, some of this speculation that she may have been found in the bath tub. nonetheless, this this is being investigated obviously because of the high profile nature. the crime scene lab van has been here on site as a number
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of different authorities have converged on the spot. i want to talk about the clive davis event because again this is an annual pregrammy party that happens at this hotel every year. the grammies do not happen at this hotel. they happen at the staples center in downtown los angeles about 15 miles or so from where i'm standing right now. but at this clive davis event there was a lot of speculation that with the late word coming down that this event would be canceled. we know mr. davis, the music mogul extremely close to whitney houston. responsible really for finding her. tony bennett is here. jimmy january. john boyd. tom hanks just arrived. herbie hancock. darren christ. all of the celebrities are walking the red carpet. we have producers on the red carpet. it appears the event is still on. an event by the way that is supposed to start in just about an hour and a half at
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9:00 local time at midnight eastern. and so we are trying to effort some of the video of the red carpet. we are trying to jam our microphones up there to try and get reaction in person because we have been talking a lot about the reaction that is coming in via twitter and facebook and all of the other social media but i have got to say the real super stars of the music industry are in los angeles for the grammies tomorrow and a lot of them attend this it party at this hotel. an annual event and obviously a lot of the people here are shaken and they have an awful lot to say and as soon as we can get some of that sound and reaction in we will, of course, bring it to you. i also quickly want to mention that one of our fox news producers her are fiancee is actually working the grammies at the staples center downtown where they have been rehearsing all night. shortly after the news came out that whitney houston had in fact died, everything came to a
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grinding halt there. the rehearsals stopped. but within the last 30 minutes or 45 minutes or so the rehearsals have resumed and harris when i was doing phoners with you earlier right after this news came out, we were speculating and i think it is safe to say that the producers of that show are scrambling and that tomorrow's event is going to be very much a tribute and it is going to be very much a memoriam of sorts to whitney houston. as i said earlier this news rock the world really. >> harris: i'm glad you brought up the information about the crime scene. i have been getting tweets and e-mails wondering los angeles police department. i saw the vans out there but you it is the beverly hill's police department domain out there. we were seeing so many different people show up at the scene. >> and the fire department by the way was already here because of all of the parties that are going on. as i pulled up in the valet area that i was describing
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there was a huge stage outside. the music was thumping. aside from all of the people, the members of the general public and all of the press that have converged on this hotel within the last few hours you really wouldn't know that this news had broke because it looked like it was business as usual if you will with the party and whatnot. but the fire department was here and when that call came in at 3:23 pacific time, 6:23 eastern, the only thing that they received the first responders was tahoe tell employees and that members of the fire department were working on an unresponsive person. an unresponsive victim. they got here very fast, two or three minutes later and then we they went upstairs they discovered that it was in fact whitney houston. >> harris: you have given us a who's who list showing up at the red carpet at clive davis'
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party. you might even wonder if some people that planned not to come now decided to show up. a very long list of people and many actors, not singers. you mentioned tom hanks. it will be interesting to see who will speak out. we have our microphones in place there and casey stegall on the job for us. we will check back with you in a little while as the news warrants. thank you. >> you got it. >> harris: i want to go to whbq reporter lynn lamkin. i said there were really two stories going on. the scene of the actual place where whitney houston's body was found earlier today on the fourth floor of the beverly hilton. her ex-husband, bobby brown due to perform with new edition, a concert in south haven, mississippi. we have learned now. and so we want to go live to her if she is available to us. are you you there? >> yes.
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>> harris: there she is. bring me up to speed because as i understand it, bobby brown is actually going to be performing? >> the band is set to hit the stage here at any moment. that is what we are told. personnel say he has been here throughout the day and was seen walking throughout the stage area. the band set to hit the stage at any moment. a lot of the concert goers feel like he should not be here and should in fact be at home with family at this moment. the media passes have been pulled so no members of the media allowed inside for interviews so we are hanging outside the concert hall and waiting to see what happens. >> harris: have you you heard at all anything in terms of how or when bobby brown found out? i read a quote from a family member earlier that he was devastated. >> yeah, we have not heard anything to that degree. only thing we are being told is no members of the media are allowed inside for interviews
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at this moment. >> harris: when takes the stage perhaps we will check back with you. if he makes a statement of some sort, of course, that will become the big news of the moment as it will hit the virtual world i'm certain almost immediately. thank you very much. i see you nodding your head. i'm joined on set by dorothy with in touch magazine. >> you hear the expression the show must go on but i'm shocked that he is still there. i mean i really am. i really want to, you know, hear that he was on stage to really believe that the minute that he heard about this he did not board a flight out to l.a. to be with his daughter. i mean forget about whitney and her family but what about his daughter. she needs the support. >> harris: that is a personal decision that people make. we will take a quick break as we come back here with our continuing coverage. the death of whitney houston. 48 years old. catching the world, the entertainment community, so
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try smart balance fat free milk. it's what you'd expect from the folks at smart balance. >> harris: look live now at via kabc live outside the beverly hilton hotel. whitney houston dead at the age of 48. reports and now confirmation from the police department there in beverly hills and also the los angeles police department giving information as well on her body being found on the fourth floor of tahoe hotel hours ago. a crime scene investigation going on. although that is more typical. the crowds gathering outside mostly for a clive davis traditional party that goes on on the night before the grammies. to talk with us more about that is former celebrity stylist and current entertainment reporter
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marcellus reynolds. you are with us? >> i am with you. i tell you, harris. >> harris: a night of a heavy heart for some of us who were fans and just respected the work of whitney houston and watched the down fall through drug use and so much in recent years and then the potential and promise of a comeback. you have been to the clive davis traditional pregrammy party before. you saw her at one of these parties. >> i have been several times. three times. i saw her in 2009 after she released her latest album. and the album had done really well for her and she looked unbelievable. she actually sang to jennifer hudson. it was in a momentous moment if you were there because jennifer had -- was on that high from dream girls. it was just one of those events where you felt so blessed to be there. >> harris: i know you were invited to go to the party tonight. you will not be attending this evening. what can you tell us maybe that
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you are hea hearing because i w you are connected to the entertainment world? >> you know, when i heard that whitney died it hit me like a rock. it was unbelievable. i started to cry immediately. this is the woman that means so much to so many people. i think every little girl that picks up a brush and begins to sing thinks about being whitney houston. this was a game changer for so many -- especially little black girls. she was one of those women that made you believe that you could dream. >> harris: as we go to a commercial break now, marcellas i'm reading on twitter people talking about how much they will miss whitney houston. you were around her. what was she like? >> i have been around her several times and actually rode an elevator with her once and turned to her and told her how much i loved her. she was warm.
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she will real. sasscy. all the things you expect from a tee dee value voters. thdiva. someone we should think about in the way we think about a judy garland. they are iconic. the voice and the talent and also the demons that drive them that make them so amazing to watch. >> harris: wow. very, very well put. marcellas reynolds. we appreciate you being here tonight to share your perspective. mike bunting says on my twitter page we will miss her but we must remember god knows best. coming from one of our viewers tonight. i have asked people to tweet me their feelings and thoughts tonight. as we go to a commercial break, latoya jackson saying my mother and i are watching coverage and we still can't believe it. we are still in complete shock. stay close.
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>> harris: our continuing coverage now. the death of whitney houston catching world of music and the entertainment world and her fans all around the globe off guard. 48 years old and a lot of questions tonight about her death. i will talk with our forensic pathologist on set. he just said something very interesting about the scene there at the beverly hilton hotel where she was found earlier. we'll talk more about that but before that let's get a personal perspective now. vince wilburn, jr., nephew of the famous miles davis joins me
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now by phone. vince, you are with us? >> hi, how are you? >> harris: i have been asked that question many times tonight. a heart break really describes i think how many of us are feeling tonight. you can talk with us about the perspective of the family and someone who was so loved whitney houston. >> well, from our family, first of all, we want to express our deepest sincere condolences to the family of whitney. i personally am close to damon and david elliott who are cousins and sons of dionne warwick. >> harris: and, of course, dionne and whitney were relatives. you had been around her. did you know her? >> i knew her through my uncle had a hair stylist who was also whitney's hair stylist so that was the connection. >> have you heard anything
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about what the family is doing at this point? i had read and also been contacted by a source that they are gathering here in northern new jersey, some of them. >> i haven't heard anything yet. i reached out to damon and david but i haven't heard anything back yet. >> harris: tell me about her family support and really where she comes from because you were -- you knew dionne warwick's sons. you are close to them. >> my cousin is with me now, miles daughter. when you have family, families are close so when a tragedy happens we always just come closer together and try to, you know -- it is such a tragic evening. >> harris: you are the nephew of miles davis. you grew up knowing music icons your whole life. what note would you you kind of leave us with about whitney
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houston? >> that she is in heaven with the choir. and she has left us a legacy of music. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. as you can see, i'm in a tricky situation here. i'm bidding on a 1979 dukes of hazzard lunchbox. my auction ends in 15 seconds ! even worse, my buddy's bidding on the same lunchbox ! it's airbrushed ! but i've got verizon 4g lte.
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