tv Red Eye FOX News February 15, 2012 12:00am-1:00am PST
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she is great. i can say one thing, darling you could have done better. thanks. very nice. thank you very much. all right. that's it for us here at "the five." thank you for watching. ing with come to -- welcome to "red eye." winning a grammy for my album "help." it is not a remake of the beatles, but several men screaming that i recorded in my activity pit. i think you will like it. now to andy levy for a pre game report. what is coming up on to -- tonight's show? >> it is time for newt gingrich to drop out of the race? some say yes, but others say heck no. the others were mitt romney. and a leading member of egypt's muslim brotherhood says any cut in aid could threaten the peace treaty with israel. the shocking story a lot of people saw coming.
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what does "the view" think about chris brown? the story that could activate your gag reflex. >> thank you. >> i can't wait to -- until i get home. >> you know i am allergic to nuts and chews. >> no hints? >> let's just say the word strapping is involved. >> great, you got me a sports bandage from my sprained lumbar. >> it is more of an adjective than a noun. i don't follow. but i am done with you. let's welcome our guest. i am here with fox business network reporter. his come -- comedy act is bigger than his skull. you can hear him weekdays on si ri usxm radio. it is my repulsive skidmark, bill schulz. it is john philips, the host of the john philips show.
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and he is an inky irritation with declining population. screw you, pinch. >> today the nation section profiles walk denver, an organization that encourages fat locals to walk to work rather than drive. in those temperatures, there is as much a chance of that as me walking, period. i am so immobile. >> that's true. >> in any valentine's day cards from fellow papers ? >> i haven't got a letter from the boston globe in years. she caught me with the post and the post is mail. that made it even more awkward. >> sorry to hear about that. >> no, i don't think you are. you said screw you, so you don't care. nice turtle neck. >> thank you. can a bureaucrat gone wild tell you how to feed your child. 5* north carolina preschooler,
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is there any other kind? he was forced to consume three chicken nuggets, yes three, for lunch last month because a state employee told her the meal mom packed didn't meet the u.s. department of agriculture's nutritional guidelines. the vision of child development and early education -- it is actually a thing, requires that pre kpb and j's meet the usda guidelines and the girls's turkey sand witch with banana and potato chips and apple juice didn't make the cut. they dictate that many human's meals must consist of a single serving of meat, milk and grain along with two servings of fruits and vegetables even if the grub comes from home. somehow the employee nuggets moved the kids' lunch into the good category. and that is bureau raw see for you. beurocracy for you. they sent her a note state thaght kids who did not bring a healthy lunch would be offered the missing portions which would result in a fee which in her case was $10,000. >> what? >> no, it was $1.25.
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i eat the same thing for lunch every day. i believe we have tape of me in the fox cafeteria. >> that's how i lost so much weight. doesn't this make you want to move out of this country to someplace like idaho? >> that would be too many carbs. the problem with this story is that she is four years old and she was petite. if she was bigger would we still have the problem? what if she didn't like meat? if there was no meat in her turkey sandwich would they get the fine as well? >> and vegans would be up in arms and picket because that's what vegans do. >> the problem with the story is i'm pretty sure -- i am not a vie gan, but i know that.
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the problem is, i don't think it is true. i actually don't buy this story. i don't buy it that a lunch aid came and told the girl what a perfectly healthy lunch it was. it sounds like a washington times story to tell america that the government is telling you what to eat. by the way, i think someone should tell us what to eat have you seen us? >> a chicken nugget is healthy, but is it just me? >> chicken nuggets are probably -- they should be a vegetable they are that good. >> i want to enroll in this school. if you just show up when the fried chicken fairy comes and you just get fried chicken, i want to be there. >> this is an amazing step forward in the sense of creating a new currency. for example if i go to your shop and i ask for something and you don't have the correct change you could give me nuggets. and then over time we all just deal in nuggets. >> nuggets are what is wrong
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with america. >> anything that is a newing tbet, go ahead -- nugget, go ahead, greg. tell me about a nugget that was healthy. >> our country was founded on gold nuggets, sir. >> that you can eat. any nugget you can eat that is good for you. >> there have been people that survived on certain nuggets. >> again, surviving. >> u i know where this is -- i know where this is going. this is an indictment of grape nutses. >> those are not newing tbets. >> they are nuggets. they are tiny nuggets. bill, i want to bring you in. i disagree and i think this story is 100% legitimate. i have no proof other than i read the story and i saw it show up in other places. that is good enough for me. how will this affect your diet of brown bagged discarded objects while dumpster diving. >> i feel like i will get a better dive because they threw away the good stuff and force fed the nugget. now i have everything she had which is great. to answer your question i googled healthy chicken
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nuggets and they exist. the way to make them healthy, and this is very simple, you bake them rather than fry them. mcdonalds frys them making them bad. and also you should use real chicken. mcdonalds also doesn't -- >> i disagree. i think there are things healthier than chicken that you can turn into a nugget, and it doesn't matter if you call it chicken or not. >> where did the nugget concept come from? the fact that we are feeding our kids the bite sized things and everything is deep fries and breaded. it is so contrived the food we eat we force into our fat little kids. >> it is an evolution in america. i don't have time to cut my own food. i am a go getter. i am a man on the move. i do so many things in one day. please separate the food. bread it for me. what is wrong with that, lauren this.
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>> i think you stumped me. >> i don't know about you -- >> i cannot answer that question. >> i don't have time. >> i know you don't have time. >> you have seen me eat your food. >> true. >> yes. >> you are jumping to conclusions. the article doesn't say -- pre pre -- presuming we read the same article whether they were fried or baked. >> i don't know about you guys, but when i come on this program and i tell you what to read i do maury search and i read other or the cals -- and i read other articles. >> that was your mistake. now you look the fool. >> rut one wearing the cia mask. >> i happen to be going to a shi-shi turtle net gathering. >> did you ride a motorcycle? >> yes, i did. >> no, she larry from the second season of "three's company." >> leave larry out.
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wait, coming from you who is wearing the greg gutfeld line, the v neck sweater. >> i look like the guy who is guy who is getting the girl like jack. >> you look like the guy behind the planter without a date. >> and no pants. >> i will tell you where a chicken nugget came from. it is all of the parts of the checken that no one would eat, the beak and the claws. >> why do you hate america? >> i love healthy eating and america loves healthy eating. >> there is no such thing as healthy eating. >> how do you think you get hair like this? >> a chicken nugget comes from not a chicken. that's all you need to know. >> that's a great idea. it is a great restaurant. from nuggets to newt. i can't believe we spent eight minutes on that. >> that was an entire a block. should newt get the boot? according to nro, it is time for him to scoot. they are calling for gingrich
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to drop out citing his poor judgment and persistent unpopularity. santorum appears to be overtaking him as the nonmitt candidate. and the pennsylvania pistol, that's what i am calling santorum, is not just beating newt in the polls, in the surveys she tied with not, not mitt, ie, mitt. the latest from our pals it shows rick and romney in a statistical dead heat and santorum surging thanks to support with the left handed farmers named denny. and a new york times poll finds the two candidates essentially tied. so where is newt? let's try to imagine after discussion the valentine's day plans with his wife. >> we are going to have a nice, private -- i think it is the first time in awhile we will have a private dinner and just hopefully exchange gifts and reconnect a little bit.
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i am not going to get -- no more details. >> that is like -- he is like a turtle who discovered a trapped spider in a rotten head of lettuce. how did i celebrate valentine's day? as always i let my house boys decide. >> the loser makes dinner. i really can't remember. i want to go back where newt was leading in the polls and said he should lead the race. by newt's own argument, should he drop out and endorse rick? >> i think at this point newt is a womaned scorned. he hates mitt romney with all of his guts. and he plans on strapping some delegates to his chest and going into the convention and
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blowing the place up. >> i don't know. you never know with newt. he has his ego, pete. >> you are insinuating that this politician, newt gingrich, is a hipocrite. is that what you are saying? >> not really. i think he goes with the thoughts in his head at the time. >> you can fit a lot of thoughts. >> that's true. >> pot calling the cet teal black. that is not pumpkin sized. my head fits my body, i will have you know. i will show you after. listen, newt gingrich has always been out for newt gingrich. he admitted -- this is not some democrat. he admitted to holding up the government and shutting down the government because president clinton numbered him on an airplane ride. he said, "i shouldn't have done that." he held up the government. he will do everything to make sure newt -- >> to his defense, the in
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flight movie was "beethoven part 2" of the. >> i didn't know that. why didn't he say that? >> apparently he did the research you failed to do. >> it is the godfather two. >> lauren, where do you see this going? should mitt be worried? every month there is a new not mitt bubbling up, and then it goes away. we have gone through some that weren't even involved in the election -- i mean in the primaries. >> i am trying to understand who mitt romney is as a candidate. he is so easy to attack there is not a firm stance. we read an ad that said give the money back to the taxpayer and all of this. he is a typical politician. he has the experience coming from the business side of things. and he should be running on that. jay he is confused -- >> why is he confused? >> he is all of these things in one. >> he is a summer and he is a fall.
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>> maybe it is everything you want him to be and more. >> i don't know what that means, but it sounds like an awesome song. >> why can't they find someone? why can't the republicans find a conservative or any candidate that they are excited by. they are inspired by. if president obama is the worst president -- i mean he is so bad, and the economy is still really, really bad. >> it is a fair question. let me ask you that, john. are you a conservative. my feeling is the democrats were brilliant in finding a politician no one had heard of before. i didn't hear of barack obama before 2004, 2005. he had all of his pecadillows in his book so you couldn't go after that. you could basically fill up that container with the right stuff because he was so new. why didn't -- why didn't the republicans do that? >> i think all of our good candidates are in triple-a. chris christie needs to lose
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some pounds and then ron paul. >> i love chris christie so i can say that. basically what you are saying are the republicans are looking to 2016, that's basically what you are saying. they will not bother. >> instead of picking somebody up early we are going to japan and buying a player there. we are hoping something works. >> if i knew sports i would do a sports metaphor. >> in 2008 no republican was going to win after those eight years. democrats had the swing. in 20s 10 the republicans -- in 2010's the republicans -- they hit president obama over the head. >> it is getting better. why would you bring a republican in and just let the democrat finish what he started. >> are you saying we shouldn't have a horse at midstream. >> some people might think that. >> but why don't they have somebody now?
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>> here john mccain, lose. 2 wrr 12, come on. >> are you looking at the people that -- from an equivalent like barack obama in terms of lack of experience , they both have stories, good stories and not bad stories. >> incumbent presidents always win. in the last 80 years they have lost re-election. jimmy carter and george w. bush. they both had challenges in the primary and they strong third party candidates in. none of the dynamics are here. >> if there is a third party this is more likely to hurt the republicans than the democrats. unless it is a raffle neighedder who will get 1%. we have to move on. bill, you get the last word if you have one. >> if ralph nader is still alive, we would love to have him on "red eye."
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why are one in eight registrations contains in accuracies, they don't see it as an indicator of widespread fraud. however, it is a huge cost to taxpayers sending millions of forms and outdated addresses and even the nonliving. for more let's go to red eye's death correspondent now. >> he's seen 8 lot. seen a lot. are the dead or post livers in this modern age should not have a voice in the democratic process? why? >> i think we can all agree that they shouldn't. dead people shouldn't get a say in almost anything. >> come on. >> where is this coming from? it is coming from the
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entertainment industry who continue to portray the dead in a negative way. zombie films, "night of the living dead." >> you will see that all change. >> i think either -- >> listen. this voter fraud stuff the head of the aclu announced he will give a thousand dollars to anyone who can prove that someone impersonated and registered as somebody else and was voted on and prosecuted for. it this is a problem that doesn't exist. this is a problem. >> are you just here on come on the show to tell me they don't exist. >> i said i didn't buy the narrative to the story. and i said it didn't exist. this is another narrative where we are trying to create a boogie man that doesn't exist. this voter fraud issue is no the a problem. >> i have to disagree with you on this. >> a thousand bucks and you will win it. >> all i know is bob beckle
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who is on "the five" every day admits this is a regular thing. we were talking brrrr -- we were talking about illinois. what do you say to this, john? aren't people trying to -- they are claiming to fix the system, but they are really trying to disenfranchise the dead. let's go back to that. >> when i go to el torrito and buy a margarita i have to show a long form voting paper. >> the u.s. constitution does not say -- it tees everybody gets the right to vote. if doesn't say you have to have id. >> why are you scared of id? >> i am not. it is a tough argument to make that people hospital have an id. i do. but in america we have never had an id. if this were a problem, ask yourself, who pretends to be somebody else so their one vote will do what? >> i do that all the time. that's when i call in to
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american idol. >> you can do it over and over. you can't do that. >> when you think about it though, when they first came up with that back then id's were easy to fake. they were handwritten and there was no picture. anyone could be anyone. i could walk into any pub and i could say i am thomas jefferson and look at my handwritten card. >> you know how they are updating the electronic files? faxing information. do you know how to use a fax machine? >> i do not. we have one in the office -- >> i never know which way to put in the paper. it is confusing. >> are you concerned about voter fraud? >> i am concerned a little bit, but there are bigger fish to fry and bigger things to worry about. it will be expense syver. >> anyone named blanch, rose
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or dorothy should be cutoff the list. >> fair point, but those are the names coming back. >> what we are trying to do is make sure tyrone, shaquanda or reggie doesn't have an opportunity to vote. >> are you talking about bill's daughters ? >> three are not of legal age, i think. >> it is a certain segment of the voting population to prevent -- >> no, no, no. >> of course. really? >> the democrats -- they don't want votery registration where more illegal people can vote. >> show me an election where illegal people voting -- why would illegal people vote? for what? they don't get anything. >> they do. >> where have people voted where it affected the election. >> bill, are you not dead, but near death.
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>> it is not the death thing. if you move there one county to another you could be registered in that county. you could vote three times. do you have a comment on the show? you need an address first, bill. e mail us. to leave a voicemail 212-462-5050. still to come, the half time report 23r* tv's andy levy. his cats vote. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by groceries, the items of food consumed and from a store. thanks, groceries.
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welcome back. let's find out if we have anything wrong so far. now to andy levy. >> i have a paper cut. >> are you okay? >> i will play through. >> we can stop now and start the segment over. >> i am a professional. >> well, maybe. >> school forces student to buy lunch because it didn't like the one her mom packed for her, or did it? you don't think the story is true and it sounds like a washington times story which is who reported it. it was actually reported by the carolina journal. >> the who? >> the carolina journal.
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and the woman quoted in the story really is the raleigh, durham policy manager at the north carolina division of child development. >> sounds like the type of story where one lunch aid did something and we are supposed to believe that this is a pervasive, huge problem. >> i think that is what was what happened. >> pete owes me an uh poll jee. he told me the story doesn't exist. >> greg, i am sorry. i had no right or reason to do that. i was hoping andy wouldn't look it up. >> it is not a washington times story. the people mentioning it in the story are actual real life people. >> as opposed to posers. >> the food freaks dictate that many meals must be a fruit or grain. and vegetables even if the grub comes from home. and how the nuggets move the
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lunch into the good category. first of all they are not the employee nuggets. the employee would not sit there with nuggets in his pocket. >> now you are nit-picking or nugget picking. >> no, i am not. it is not like they moved them into the category. he gave them a lunch. it is just that the kid ate the three chicken nuggets and left the vegetables on her tray. >> how is that any different than what i said? >> you said the nuggets moved the lunch. that's not true. they gave her a whole lunch. >> well, by adding the nuggets. >> no, they gave her a complete meal. >> the whole story doesn't make sense. the kid brought his own fruits and vegetables and they replaced it with their fruits and vegetables. the story doesn't make sense. >> exactly. this is what happened, pete, when people like you who love your big government let the bureaucrats run wild.
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>> i have to move on, pete. i'm sorry. >> i love you and my government. >> i know. i just wanted to yell at you before you gave your opinion. i didn't really have to move on. next, i am surprised that the lunch box inspection agent didn't force the kid to eat everything on the tray. >> a new government beurocracy. >> why don't they force it? >> have you seen our kids? >> i don't need anybody to tell me what to eat. i choose my diet. >> i would like to add my three daughters are in fine shape. somebody described them as emaciated. >> what do you do for a living? i inspect four-year-old lunch bachses. boxes. >> that will create a s sin sinister group of people. >> sometimes i think the unemployment rate is not high enough. there are jobs that should not exist. lauren you asked if a kid was
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fat rather than petite. the same thing. standard is standard. >> good point. why pick on the little girl. she is per -- perfect. she is four. maybe she doesn't like vegetables. maybe she needs meat, but she eats the bread on the sandwich. >> she gives her vegetables at home because she can watch her eat them. if she takes them to school she would throw them out. >> maybe if she was a better mother she would grind them up and put them on the bread that goes to the chicken nuggets. >> sounds good. she makes the kid eat them at home where she can watch and sends her to school with the fruit. >> when you were little your mom didn't do that? grind it up? >> plates weren't even invented. >> bill's parents didn't feed him. >> bill only does that with his pills.
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>> i like the rhyming part. >> john you said newt is a woman scorned. it is poetic jus cities. justice. >> lauren, you are trying to figure out who mitt romney is. turns out he was operational in illinois on the 12th of january of 1992. his instructor was mr. langely and he taught him to sing a song. >> thank you. i will never let that leave my memory. >> pete, i think you were saying if the republicans had a good candidate they could win now. and i think you are right, but i agree with john's point about the gop having a good group of triple-a players. i think the best thing for the party would be to lose the election and let them run in 2016. they are much better candidates. >> they did that in 2008. >> that's the counter argument. i do think these are two straight elections where they had a weak field. >> it is not the field.
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the conversation has moved so far to the right. they are acting too crazy. >> i don't think that's it. the candidates themselves are not good. >> when you have to deny climate change and stuff like that just to get votes, there is a problem. >> you are out of here. >> we will bleep that whole thing anyway. >> that's a contridiction with what happened to obama. it is the far left wing progressive candidate. >> what is more left to obama? and you can't go for somebody crazy. >> you know what they are saying l -- about liberals who are run ?g. >> they never talk about how liberal they are. this is an observation. >> that is my point. they always want to hear more
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conservatives. >> now they say progressive as if that is something. >> if there was -- name me the liberal, liberal policy that president obama ran on. it wasn't a single player. it wasn't to legalize drugs. it was none of those things that liberals believe classically. >> wait a second. i thought he was for gay marriage and not just pretending to be. i thought he was going to end the wars. >> he surged in afghanistan. >> and he is a complete climate change. >> what he ran on were things like hope and change which appeal. >> he ran on policies. let's be honest. >> closing get mow. >> that was congress. he is not a dictator. >> i am not an obama fan. >> you wish he was. >> what?
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>> a dictator. >> yes. >> voter registration rules are in disarray. >> you know what, i try to keep it -- it is close to my heart. i will never, ever not be glenda. and maybe 10, 20 years. >> i believe the various governments involved that most, if not all can be attributed to that. >> i guess no state know hows to run an election. >> i agree. >> so i hate government at every single level. >> i just want to clear that up. >> needing id to vote, which i agree with, most of the places that are proposing voter id
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laws are putting provisions in for people who can't afford to get their own valid state id. >> don't stop believing that one. >> well, it is true. they are putting the provisions in. >> so there won't be any problems for anybody to vote? >> you may disagree, but i am saying that's the work around there. >> i don't think you can pass the voter id law because it is a defacto poll tax. >> it is a super convincing argument. if you need an id to drive a car you need one to vote. i get it. that's not america. that's not the constitution. >> you are the constitution. >> i am wearing a sweater over a collar. i am done. >> coming up, and andy will stick around for this. daniel is dead -- tired of answering questions about
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did she go easy on breezy? the ladies on "the view" were discussing them and they said they happily let them beat him. he -- here is one tweet, chris brown can beat me all he wants. and another, dude, chris brown can punch me as much as he wants in the face. >> sherry shepherd, one of the co-hosts and my scrabble partner decided that they were being too hard on the singer slash assaulter.
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watch. >> there could be a situation of abuse like chris brown was going through. his mother was abused right before his eyes six years before this happened. he used to wet his pants. he was a victim and became an offender. he did what the courts told him to do. he went to 52 weeks a year of abuse domestic prevention counseling. if you have a child 234 that -- child in that situation you may see chris brown as a role model. >> i may need a new scrap pell partner. scrabble part per. it is time to talk about this and maybe more in the lightning roooouuuunnnnnddd. lightning round. >> andy, should i 2 to you first -- i should go to you first. you are our chris brown correspondent. how much longer should he suffer until you are happy? >> he can suffer forever as far as i'm concerned. i don't really care. i do want to give some updates
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here chris went on a twit esh rampage. he blocked me for some reason. i don't really get that. but people let me know when he is tweeted. a guy let me know. he tweeted, and he has since deleted it "hate all you want because i got a grammy now. that's the ultimate [bleep] off." >> does that mean he hit a grandmother? >> it may well be. he got a grammy. that's disgusting jie. he has now tweeted "i am so over everybody's opinions. happy valentine's day, ladies. let today be about you. love you. >> a big softy. >> i think a lot of women need to be afraid. >> although in fairness, rocky did end up loving apolo. >> they ended up loving each other. >> so there is still hope? >> there is still hope, absolutely. >> i don't know about this.
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what do you make of the po nie t that he could be a role model and somehow he came out of the abuse cycle a better person. is that what she is saying? >> i think she is fishing for a booty call. i think she wants chris brown to go over to the view and throw a chair through the window and give her a little vitamin p. >> she is a married woman, sir. >> are we being too hard on him? what if he has changed? >> listen, kids learn what they live. if this kid was beaten and saw his mother beaten by men, then he might be violent. i spanked my daughter one time lightly. she beat the hell out of me. is it unacceptable? absolutely. do we all make mistakes? if the guy does it again or has a pattern, i don't think we have to -- no, he can't be a role model. what does he have to offer?
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i don't know what he does. is he even good? it is not because he hit women. it is because of what he does. it would show that. and the tweets you had up, there was no typos or misspellings in the tweets. and i feel like people -- women saying that stuff are so up there they wouldn't be able to type coherently. >> greg, i just want to p oi nt something out. a lot of people were not happy the grammies let him perform again. beyond the performing, the fact they gave him an award whichen aicials him to tweet -- which enables him to tweet, hate all you want because i got a grammy now says everything you did didn't matter. they just validated him. i think a lot of people were upset about this.
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>> stevie wonder was in the house, but didn't perform. who is running the grammies? how do you not have stevie wonder perform, but have you chris brown perform? >> he was in the beatles? >> stevie wonder? >> he was the drum who backed out. >> we idolize people who do things wrong. >> why are we idolizing singers. >> why should be idolizing teachers. >> yeah, right. >> but he got a slap in the hand and taken away for a year for beating the crap out of a woman. andrew dice clay got a lifetime ban for saying the f-bomb. i never understand understood that. not from the grammies, but mtv. apples and oranges. >> i want to -- the one thing -- we don't have much time. the whole abuse be gets abuse, that allows a lot of people to
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pull back on the abuse story whether it exists or not. everybody has somebody to blaip. he was abused as a child. there is nobody there that could say the mama or the dad might not be there, but if they are there they can go back. it is one of those things that will never end. nobody is ever at fault. >>- q. i it doesn't make it okay. children learn what they live. if you yell, your kids william. if you hit -- will yell. i watched a man reprimand a kid for smacking my daughter. then he went and beat the hell out of the kid. why do you think he hit my kid because you are pulling his hell? >> how do you think lunesta will learn? >> greg, do we have time for one more thing? >> 30 seconds. >> it is important that chris gets a lot of crap for what he did to rihanna. and his music also sucks. stick around. there is more to come.
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intended only for his girlfriend, but he accidentally displayed it on his facebook profile. it was long enough to be seen by a parent who bought it to the school's attention and then made him principal. i'm kidding. i'm kidding. he said he posted it by accident. should that matter? >> i don't understand why people take pictures of themselves naked. bill will tell you that i look amazing naked. we work out a lot and sometimes there is shaving. i don't understand why anybody would allow someone to take a picture of themselves or take a picture of themselves on their own. >> drunk. they are drunk. >> the way it is ubiquitous and it ends up on social network. how would you allow this to happen? at the same time you say it is an accident, but who are these people who take pictures of themselves naked? >> i have no idea, but have i to move it along. lauren, does social media serve to destroy us? >> there is too much
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information out there. for reasons like this, among other things, but private is private, people. why do you have to tell the world everything? >> i hear there is an opening at penn state. >> oh. >> and he was a math and science teacher and he resigned. >> we don't need naked ones. >> what if you are out of a ruler? >> bill, you spent -- >> think about it. >> times are tough, people. >> that's what you are talking about. he spent hours looking for that picture. >> did you find the pictures of the naked people? >> no. i'm sorry. >> you got my e mail. >> was anyone surprised? this happened in maine.
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back to tv's andy levy for the post game wrap up. >> john, how fabulous is joan rivers ? >> she is very fabulous. sat next to her on the plane out here and warning you she is all hands. >> lrts. >> the original hands? >> how many chocolate covered strawberries did you eat? >> eight and they were $8.50 each. i had to go to the back and do some dirty work to pay for my sweet tooth. >> this is the best part of the show and it is the last part. >> something you want to plug? >> i want to plug a mom and pop pie shop for all that love pie. it is a husband and wife. it is the greatest pie in americ
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