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tv   America Live  FOX News  February 15, 2012 10:00am-12:00pm PST

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lesser charge of manslaughter. we'll keep you posted. back to you. jon: please do. rick folbaum, thank you. jenna: thank you for joining us. jon: "america live" starts right now. megyn: fox news alert, on growing concerns over iran's quickly advancing nuclear program. there are new fears today that tehran is dangerously close to obtaining a nuclear weapon. welcome to "america live" everyone, i'm megyn khel yerk the news on the intense showdown with iran, tehran announcing it is ramping up uranium enrichment with new technology and promptly turned around and cut off oil to six european nations to punish them for supporting sanctions. here is video of mahmoud ahmadinejad touring the facility today where iran claims to be fueling its cent centrifuges, the fueling takes place at this plant in iran and at the same time the u.s. and europe are getting ready to deploy a
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move that could cripple iran's economy but consumers in the united states could pay a big price if this goes forward. we have full team coverage with leland vitter in the middle east but first, we start with stu varney on the economic war that is breaking out, and the tensions are rising between europe and iran when it comes to iran's oil exports. that has a direct effect on us. explain stu. >> this battle at the moment is being fought at the financial level, rapid fire developments and our money is being affected. america is threatened to pull the trigger and shut iran -- shut iran out of the oil payment system, that would cut off the supply of money going to iran for its oil. that would be a crippling blow to iran's economy. it pulls in roughly $7 billion a month, half of all government revenues in iran come from oil. it's already a fragile economy, that move would tip the balance into real chaos within iran. they are responding. they're going after vulnerable european
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countries. the state's television in iran says they're going to cut off oil exports to six european countries, including greece. not so says the iranian oil ministry. so you've got chaos and confusion over policy. result? the price of oil is up. today, it reached $102 per barrel. that means supply and price problems for big countries like japan, south korea, and turkey. and here in america, the price of gasoline continues to rise. it's now reached 3.51 a gallon. it's a financial battle. it's going on right now. and there is a sense, megyn, that things are coming to a head. megyn: sounds like, stu, there is already an e.u. ban on iranian oil exports -- imports that is going into effect in the coming months as contracts expire with iran. one by one. between now and july. in other words, europe seems to be saying you can cut off oil all you want if that's what you decide to do, iran, we're -- you can't fire us, we're firing you, we've
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already signed these deals saying we're going to get rid of you. is some thank that was in the works for a while? >> some european countries have said we're not taking iranian oil, others still want it and need it. and the iranians are really making a preemptive move here, especially against the most vulnerable european countries like greece. can greece afford to say no, we don't want any more oil? so they're putting pressure on the europeans, where a preemptive move. that's what's going on there. megyn: how is this, bottom line, all this backand forth between european countries and iran and the united states and iran, how is that going to affect regular american folks? >> the price of gasoline. it's that simple. the price of gas has gone up sharply so far this year, in part because of the tensions around iran. it goes up a lot more now with oil at $102 a barrel. it affects us directly in the wallet, at the pump. megyn: stu varney, thank you. for more now on what's happening inside of iran today, leland vitter joins
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us live from our jerusalem bureau. leland. >> reporter: megyn, this isn't iran exploding a nuclear bomb but it is a step down the road towards achieving a nuclear bomb and it's a step the world at least, the united states and the west, that sanctions would prevent from taking nuclear steps, first presented to the president by a new cheer scientist with a bow on it of the a -- was a domestically made nuclear fuel rod, put into the tehran reactor. in and of itself not a huge deal but one of the main messages they were trying to control was them denying being able to import nuclear material, by making a fuel rod domestically that means sanctions don't matter anymore. second of all they unveiled centrifuges which takes normal nuclear material and turns it into weapons-grade material, so today tehran announced they have new centrifuge, looking to replace all the centrifuges damaged by that computer
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virus over the past year arso, so that nullified another way the world was trying to stop iran from getting a nuclear bomb, and we can't forget, in contest, 24 hours ago, there was a bomb that exploded in thailand, officials now believe that bomb was destined to attack the israeli embassies or israeli assets somewhere inside thailand. just on monday, we had two more bombs go off against israeli targets, one in the country of georgia, another in the country of india. the israelis flow blaming iran for both of those attacks, and in fact, in thailand, they're seeking out a third iranian sub s ect here, so this announcement can be viewed either as iran tried to put more chips on the table in order to gain a better bargaining position. you can also look at it, though, as they're doubling down on a nuclear program and being defiant towards the world saying this is where we're headed and we're not stopping. megyn, back to you. megyn: leland, thank you. we did research for you on the controversial
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enhancements at the nuclear facility in iran and this is what we found, the plant is at the heart of iran's dispute with the u.n. security council. and recently, it has seen some big changes. take a look at these satellite images. on the left, march 2005, on the right, may 2009. notice a few new buildings? the iranian -- uranium enrichment, the process that can produce nuclear weapons, resumed there in 2004. iran said a few years later it had installed 3000 centrifuges and told the iaea, the u.n.'s nuclear watchdog, that construction will begin for new enrichment facilities in march 2011. iran has a total we believe of seven nuclear plants but insists that all of them are for peaceful purposes. in five minute, the man who has spent more than a decade on the issue of slowing or stopping iran's efforts to get a nuke, former u.s. ambassador to the united nations, john
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bolton, on what he expects to see out of iran and what it means for the united states in the coming weeks moontds. alert coming in for you now on warnings from one of the top catholics in the united states about what he says is the obama administration's stepping on religious freedom. archbishop and cardinal designate timothy dolan is in rome right now, preparing for hes elevation to the rank of cardinal. in a new interview he weighed in on the compromise offered by the administration. that's the administration's term, cover mice, in the fight over requirements that religious groups offer coverage for birth control, sterilizations, and other -- and other controversial procedures, all of which would violate teachings of the catholic church. trace gallagher has more of a cardinal designate dolan's interview from our breaking news desk. trace. >> reporter: they are very strong words from archbishop dolan, who as you said is about to become cardinal dolan. when they came out with the
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compromise, archbishop dolan said that is the step in the right transaction. that is no longer the case. listen: >> there would be these towering questions that come about that made we say uh-oh, what was intended to be a concession, and what gave us a glimmer of hope at the beginning, is it really just amounting to a hill of beans. >> reporter: remember last week the president tried to knock down the outrage by changing the mandate, instead of forcing religious organizations to pay for birth control, insurance companies would step in and provide birth control, excerpt that many catholic hospitals and universities are self-insured, so they would is a have to pay. archbishop believes that is morally unacceptable. listen: >> one of the dialogues we would have is that mr. president, thank you for your reassurances of religious freedom, we kind of quite can't see how you just announced gels with that, but now we're going to continue to work for legislative guarantees. >> reporter: that
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legislative guarantee he's talking about is now in congress. that would allow any employer to deny birth control if it runs counter to religious or moral beliefs. the white house says the bill was, quote, dangerous and wrong, and even republicans in the senate admit it will likely be vetoed by the president. here is the archbishop talking about president obama. listen: >> i don't want to believe that he's antireligion. he has assured me personally, and i'm honored to have been part of private discussions with him, he has assured me personally, and i believe him, is he highly respects the work of the churches, and he singled out the catholic church, in health care, education, and works of charity, peace and justice. >> reporter: megyn, we have reached out to the white house for a comment. we expect a statement from them shortly. jay carney said monday that he believes the bishops were never for health care reform. the bishops have come out and said that is not the
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case. megyn. megyn: trace, thank you. a defiant iran, taunting the world with its new nuclear advances. coming up, former u.s. ambassador to the u.n. john bolton. he has spent more than a decade on the issue of slowing or stopping iran's efforts to get a nuclear weapon. and he will tell us how the u.s. should respond. >> breaking nous in the whitney houston death investigation, the coroner's office is now seeking subpoenas for the singer's doctors and her pharmacists. details on exactly what they want, and why, just ahead. and a mother's outrage over what she says were school inspections of her daughter's brown bag lunch, turning into a national debate today. we first brought you this story yesterday. wow. it's gone viral. coming up, we will speak to the reporter who broke the story. she will give us the details on the fallout and tell us why the mother of this child does not want to be identified. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement
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mig senator rick santorum getting more attention knew his campaign is picking up nationwide, and how. his staff has reportedly been exploring secret service protection for the former senator, this comes after a rowdy rally in washington state early they are week where at least two occupy protestors were arrested for trying to disturb the event. right now, mitt romney is the only gop candidate with secret service protection. back now to our breaking news on iran today, a growing concern that that country is close to putting together a nuclear weapon. earlier today, tehran announced new advances to its nuclear program, while the u.s. and europe started talking publicly about a plan that could literally
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shut down iran's economy. former u.s. ambassador to the united nations, john bolton, has spent more than a decade on the issue of trying to slow or stop iran's efforts to get a nuclearen with. he's a fox news contributor. put into perspective the events that we saw today with the back and forth with europe over the oil, the united states trying to jump in, iran making all sorts of threats, ahmadinejad going to the nuclear threat and showing off the latest technology. what's going on? >> let's start with the nuclear side first. these announcements by tehran are not unexpected. they're not -- they don't fundamentally change its nuclear weapons posture today or next week or next month. but they are reflections of the growing breadth and depth of iran's nuclear weapons program. it shows just how extensive their operations are, how determined they are to pursue the objective, and how unlikely it is, how impossible, really, that diplomacy or economic sanctions will deter them
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from reaching that objective. megyn: is this a thumb in the eye to the united states, to europe? because we're being told and we always have to read when we do these reports that iran maintains this nuclear program for peaceful purposes, which it seems like no credible person really believes. but what is he doing? he's telling the world this is for peaceful purposes, then going to the nuclear facility to off, what, his energy program? >> right, exactly. i don't think anybody seriously doubts it's a weapons program. and what he's showing is that the sanctions that have been imposed to date have had no effect. i want to underline that that's the view of the obama administration's director of national intelligence who testifyied that ten days ago, to that effect, to the senate, you know, we hear a lot of propaganda really by the proponents of sanctions that they're having an effect on iran and so on and so forth, but the director of national intelligence testified that all of the sanctions to date had not changed iran's polices or behavior on its nuclear
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weapons program. they are still making progress. and not just in the uni dimensional race to get the weapons, as important as that is, in this broadening, deepening program, it's a broad program and it gets getting bigger. megyn: that's what has israel so worried, and they believe, according to the reports, that it's to the point now where they need to strike the nuclear facility in the next few months or possibly be wiped off the face of the map themselves. now there is a report by abc news that israeli officials are saying the level of personal security on their high rank and the cf officials, as well as others, inside the united states is at its highest in at least five years, there's no official threat, no specific intelligence on any threat to israeli interests inside the united states, but you talk about possible targets inside the u.s., and people here start to pay an awful lot of attention, ambassador. >> well, they should. you know, look, iran has been the world's central
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banker of terrorism for decades. they've been listed on our list of state sponsors of terrorism for a long time. the justice department just got an indictment against top iranian revolutionary guards, fishes, for conspiring to kill the saudi arabian ambassador to the united states on the streets of washington. so i think the israeli diplomats are vulnerable, and it shows just how barbaric the mullah's regime in tehran is. and if you don't like any of that activity, just imagine how much worse it gets once they get a nuclear weapon. megyn: we are trying to step up the sanctions against them, we're trying to cut off certain money, acsection for their top people, the iranians, the european union is trying as well. might any of that -- because now in response to all of that, you see iran saying to the six european countries, well, we may cut off your oil, so it's this back and forth like we don't care, you can't fire u. we're going to fire you. but what is the reality? would what's happening, with the threats, with the
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europeans starting to cut off their oil purchases, would that really hurt iran? could that actually make a difference to the point where they might rethink the nuclear program? >> well, it could have some economic impact. but let's start with exactly where we are today, as the director of national intelligence said, obama's own appointee, nothing that has been done so far has affected the nuclear weapons program. as a general proposition, sanctions are only effective if they're truly comprehensive and rigorously enforced, and on the oil question specifically, india has said it will continue to import iranian oil, china has, turkey has, you've got south korea, japan, which say they may cut back, on but on the other hand, they may not. this is is an environment in which the iranians are going to find ways around the sanctions. will it marginally increase their cost? possibly. but are the sanctions going to bring them to their knees on the nuclear program? no way. and i think it's delusional,
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it objectively benefits the iranian nuclear program if you truly think sanctions are going to work because it lulls us into a very false sense of security. megyn: the more we talk to the former israeli ambassadors to the united nations, dora goale, dan gellerman, the more it sounds like israel is getting ready to hit its nuclear facilities, it sounds like that nation is prepared to do what it believes it has to do. the question for the united states, ambassador, is what would we do next, what would we do, if that happens this spring, you've got president obama in office, what is the likely u.s. response? >> well, i think his response is going to be to follow through on the implicit threat he's been making against israel for quite some time, which is he's not going to resupply them for the planes and ordinants they lose over iran, and it could be a costly mission. now, i think congress would overwhelm obama on that point, but he fears, the obama administration fears an iranian nuclear weapon
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less than they fear an israeli strike. i think that's misguided. i think the u.s. position ought to be to support israel. and i think we're in a very dangerous period here for israel. honestly, they should have struck about four years ago, because the program now in iran is so extensive they may attack and yet not really break iran's control over the nuclear fuel cycle, which is a very unfortunate circumstance. we're running out of time. israel is running out of time. nobody can calibrate exactly when iran will get the bomb. and you don't want to miss by even one day, because then the iranian retaliation itself could be nuclear. megyn: yeah, that's what they say, going to take a strike the a the king, you'd better hit him. better bolton, thank you. >> thank you. megyn: there's a new twist to the showdown with egypt over 19 americans who are essentially being held hostage, they're not allowed to leave the country. we'll show you what the senate is now warning about after the latest threats out of cairo today. plus a plan to bring gas
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prices down may get a second chance. a new move by the company behind the keystone oil pipeline to get the project approved by washington. the u.s. health and human services secretary today defending a controversial ruleing in front of congress to the -- to congress. did the new mandate trample on religious freedom?
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megyn: fox news alert, from the news wires now, the a.p. is reporting that the l.a. county coroner's office has now officially issued subpoenas for medical and pharmacy records relating to whitney houston's death, they want to get the records from her daughters -- from her doctors and medical providers, we're also told they would be seeking to subpoena her pharmacist. the coroner's office there is calling this standard procedure. nonetheless, this raises questions about where this investigation could go.
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trace gallagher is working on a live report for us. we should have that ready for you, shortly. we also have new developments on the controversial keystone oil pipeline. the white house, rejected the plan to ship oil to the united states from canada but just days after canada's prime minister then said all right, we'll go visit china to explore possible oil deals there, the company behind the keystone pipeline is looking to re -- refile in the united states hoping for a slightly rerouted path and hoping that rerouted path may get washington's approval for next time. william la jeunesse is live in l.a. we thought that date has left, we thought that date had found jut date to go to the prom with in china but the date has come back to us and said i'm still looking at you, united states, are you still looking at me? >> >> reporter: but the future of that is still uncertain, because killing this pipeline is a huge win for environmentalists, though it does mean that the
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u.s. will continue to import much of its oil from unfriendly countries with few regulations by comparatively risking tankers. canada is still going to develop that oil and sell it to china. >> our job is to build pipelines. >> reporter: abandoned by the u.s., canadian oil is up for grabs. >> a lot of alberta's energy sector was built as a result of the americans coming to alberta to invest in our energy industry. but we're not going to be able to rely on the sentimentality of that. we'll go where the markets are >> reporter: that market was china. >> the pipes are ready to go, the pumps are ready to go. >> reporter: initially canada planned to sell to the u.s. from the pipeline from alberta to the gulf coast. last month, president obama said no. china, however, said yes to canadian oil, which is fast tracking a pipeline west for exports to asia. >> we want to sell our energy to people who want to buy our energy.
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it's that simple. >> reporter: supporters hope obama reconsiders or loses the white house to a republican. yet, many are not optimistic, noting congressional democrats killed drilling in the atlantic, pacific, and much of alaska. the wild card? prices. the arab oil crisis steamrolled political opponents in the 1970s, allowing america to build the transalaska pipeline in just three years. >> u.s. imports 11 million barrels a day of oil from some place else in the world. it's going to do that for decades and decades to come. the friendliest place to get that crude oil is from canada. simple. >> reporter: so canada will resubmit their plan later this year, and simply, the president is more likely to approve it after the election. others disagree since more oil generally means lower prices and that makes green energy more expensive and that is less appealing to the president. we will see if the green still have that kind of
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pressure after the election. we'll see. megyn: william, thank you. so you send your child to school with a brown bag lunch and the food police there say it's not good enough, we know better. one mother says it happened to her. and it is now turning into one of the hottest stories in the country. coming up, we will speak with the reporter who broke this story, along with the child's grandmother, who was home the day the brown bag was packed, and we'll tell you how the school is now trying to spin this. we'll also tell you why if you think this cannot happen to you and your child, think again. we just had the breaking news on subpoenas issued to doctors, and at least one pharmacy, tied to the drugs found in whitney houston's hotel room. we'll see if this could be the start of a larger criminal investigation? and america's health chief on hot seat today over the white house's birth control mandate. did the new policy trample religious freedoms? did it violate the constitution? a fair and balanced debate, next. >> today, we've reached a
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megyn: a couple of developing stories we're tracking for you now. ups, reporting widespread technical glitches today, a company spoaks woman says
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outages will impact some customers trying to process and track packages. we're told the problem will not impact deliveries or other operations. u.s. homeowners feeling more optimistic about the market. according to a new report, housing optimism rose for the fifth straight month. all right! the president of the world bank stepping down today. he informed the board that he will leave in late july. this raises the possibility that a nonamerican could be chosen for the first time to head that organization. look how happy he is to be leaving! the controversy over the white house's birth control mandate today moves to capitol hill. health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius, testifying for the first time since president obama said his administration will find what he calls an accommodation for religious institutions, instead of forcing those institutions to offer free birth control coverage which would violate their beliefs, the benefit will now come directly from
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insurers, lawmakers questioning, however, whether the new rule still steps on religious freedom. >> did you or anybody at hhs conduct a request, any analysis, of the constitutional or statutory religious freedom issues. that's a simple question. >> we certainly had our legal department look at a whole host of legal -- >> did you ask the justice department? >> i did not, no, sir. megyn: joining me for a balanced debate, monica crowley and monica cohen, both fox news contributors. it's not going away. it's not going away. president obama thinks that was going to go away on friday, here we are on wednesday, having a hearing on capitol hill, you heard timothy dolan, cardinal designate, raising concerns about it, and mark levin, who is a god in conservative circles came out today and said this: >> the fact of the matter is, what would happen if we were living in a functioning constitutional republic? it's not going to happen.
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i said what would happen if they were living in a functioning constitutional republic is that articles of impeachment will be drawn up against the secretary of hhs. i'm not trying to be controversial. i'm telling you thousand would work. for violating her oath to uphold the constitution. they can subpoena the secretary of health and human services, bring her in front of the house, bring her in front of multiple committees of the house, and demand -- excuse me, demand answers to a whole host of questions about her supposed authority under our constitution to violate the constitution. megyn: monica? >> yeah. megyn: is this going away? >> first of all, i love mark levin, i think he's absolutely right. he just wrote a book where he argues that we are essentially in a post-constitutional period in america, where the
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constitution is used and abused and nobody really is playing by the rules laid out in the laws of the land, laid out in the constitution, and i think he raises a good point here. to answer your question, no, this issue is not going away. i do think there are some serious violations of the first amendment, of religious freedom, at play here, and at the very least, we should be airing these things. now, he talked about capitol hill, members of congress, bringing cath en sebelius to the hill to testify. that's what we started to see today, you played a clip of that. >> and you saw orrin hatch going for this, did you run this by your legal gleem and you know what, megyn, i think that is the crux of what you just played there. when she said we had our legal team look at it and it was okay, and then he said did you have the justice department take a look at this and she said i did not ask them or contact eric holder. this leads a lot of people to believe this decision was not based on the constitution or the rule of law but was based strictly on ideology and that's
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what's both ring so many people. >> even if you assume the administration has women's health and their best interests at heart with this accommodation and so on, do you think that this lives on as a political issue, or as a legal issue as we saw there? >> i don't. let's parse this out a little. first of all, if i were kathleen sebelius, what i would have said was we didn't need to run this by justice because justice weighed in on this through a 2003 eocc ruling that said under the civil rights ability in the only a requirement like this legal, it is in fact required. let's also bear in mind 28 states have had rules like this, actually more stringent, some of which require churches themselves to provide birth control coverage and there hasn't been at stake until president obama does it during an election year. more broadly than that, this should go away as an issue. why? the catholic hospitals association, catholic charities, notre dame university, the institutions that would be required to comply under this have all said they are fine and
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supportive of the accommodation. >> not all. >> no. >> but the major ones have, and -- >> megyn: no. >> no. >> megyn: a couple. >> wait a second. let me clarify that. it was -- >> megyn: there are -- president of the catholic league, he came out and said in his description, he said some liberal leaning or left leaning catholics have come out in support of it but i don't think it's correct to say all. >> i didn't say all, i said most, 600 catholic hospitals saying we endorse this, the association of jesuit universities saying we endorse this, the largest catholic -- >> megyn: monica ca, it's not just that. according to the latest polls, 65 percent for it, 65 percent are for it after the accommodation, so are they being a quiet drum, dead drum? dead horse? thank you! >> good metaphors there. >> megyn: you get my question! >> i think all this was political to begin with, so we're talking about two
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separate issues, one is the political ramifications of this and you've got polls showing the majority of americans agreeing with this, if you break it down among catholic, scott rasmussen just reported 59 percent of catholics actually disagree with this, so there may have been a political calculation by the white house, or at least by the obama campaign, to try to do this and then do the accommodation. megyn: doesn't he need the catholic vote? >> absolutely, and it's such a critical swing vote. he actually won them with 54 percent last time. but if you've got catholics arguing amongst themselves, part of the division actually would serve his campaign. megyn: i've seen polls that suggest the catholic support the accommodation. leaving that aside, though, the larger issue here, i'm going to go back to the constitutional question, we are prone to hyperbole on these matters, but the constitution and very makeup of our country from the very beginning has been balancing religious freedom with lig liberty and choice, and that's exactly what the administration is trying to do. we've always held that, yes, you have religious freedom,
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you have religious objections and rallies but you want to balance those. what republicans in congress are doing right now is actually trying to push through a law that says if you're any employer, not even a religious employer, who has any moral objections, not just to contraception, but oh, i don't know, say you don't like that a pregnancy was conceived out of wedlock, you have a moral objection, maybe it was using idfs, you don't have to provide coverage for that, we draw a line in the sand and protect the larger public interests, public health and individual rights as a nation. that is what our constitution says. >> the ideological part of this, though, the obama administration has given out nearly 2000 waivers, mostly to unions, but to other groups and other businesses around the country for omabacare at large, right? so the fact that they won't bend on this and give catholic institutions any kind of waiver to get out of this shows the ideological stance. megyn: in situations like the archdiocese of washington that is live-insured, saying the insurance company has to pay
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for it doesn't help them, so basically the priests are going to have to cut the checks for abortions, sister li situation, whatever they want to do. >> talk about churches, they are exempt from the very beginning. megyn: but the archdiocese of washington doesn't necessarily just encompass the churches. got to go. thank you, as always. the obama administration suddenly talking about the biggest changes to our nuclear weapons program since the start of the cold war. just ahead, we will detail why they want to strip up to 80 percent of our arsenal and what it would mean if the worst should ever happen. and in three minutes, a mother's outrage over what she says were school inspections of her daughter's bagged lunch. this is turning into a national debate. can you imagine? can you imagine you send your kid to school, you choose the lunch and somebody at the school says your mom is basically a dumdum. all right, i may be overstating that but that's essentially what happened according to the mother, and we have more, right after this break.
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megyn: a story about school lunch, turning into a full-on food fight now. we told you about this yesterday. a little girl is given chicken nullets by her school after being told the lunch her mother made for her wasn't healthy enough, it was a turkey sandwich, banana, potato chips and apple juice. while some of the details remain unclear, what is clear is that the food police are very, very real. joining us snow sarah burrows of the carolina journal, she broke this story. sarah, we've got so much feed back from our viewers on this yesterday. so the little girl, she's four, turkey sand win, banana, apple juice, a bag of chips, who is looking at her lunch and the other lunches of the children? >> we're still trying to determine exactly who the state employee was. we do know that it was an agent from the department of health and human services. mig at the nairt carolina level? >> right, the -- the north
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carolina level. >> right, at the state level. according to the school principal, a division within the department comes to their school every year to evaluate their free kindergarten program and as part of the evaluation, they look at students' lunches that are brought from home to make sure they meet usda guidelines. and this school, we are told, lost points this year because too many children were bringing their lunches from home and they did not meet, according to this inspector, the usda guidelines. and i've been trying to determine from the department this morning who exactly that agent was, and they said that they are trying to get to the bottom of t megyn: so this -- this is a north carolina state program but funded by federal stimulus dollars and the schools need to comply with this usda guidelines soond on, so essentially what this does is it gives the school, correct me if i'm wrong, or the state, the power to overrule mom and dad, so if you know what
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your kid likes to eat and send them to school with that lunch and the school disapproves and it doesn't meet the standards, they can overrule you over what is going to go in your child's mouth. >> well, ultimately the children can eat with their parents packed for them. but if they do not have the four food groups, they are supposed to be supplemented with the items that they're missing. and in this case, the children were given cafeteria trays and told that their lunches, you know, didn't meet the standards, and a four-year-old child is not going to know what that means, they only think my lunch isn't good, so at this point, the girl chose to eat what was on her tray. megyn: what was chicken nuggets as opposed to a turkey sandwich. in what world is chicken nuggets better than a turkey sandwich? now, the mother doesn't want to come out publicly because she doesn't want the child to be ridiculed or have
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backlash against her as a result of all this. how upset was this family? >> upset enough that the mother and the grandmother both ceact dollars their state representatives and complain -- contacted their state representatives and complained they're being charged for this lunch and this morning the grandmother tells me the little girl has been buying a little box of milk ever since because her apple juice that she normally brings is not sufficient to meet the standard. the grandmother is still working with the state representative. they haven't paid for the milk yet. she's been told that there's a $5 credit put on her account. she's not sure where that comes from. but she says that the bill will be coming for the milk she's been drinking each day megyn: now, the state, the north carolina division of development and early child education says we did not have an employee or contractor on site who was involved in replacing the child's lunch, the principal says this is taken out of context and essentially the story is all wrong.
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your response to that. >> the reports i've been hearing, or the responses i've been hearing are responding to the fact that the girl's lunch was not taken from her. it was not thrown away. it was not taken from her. but they have confirmed that they were given cafeteria lunches as sort of replacement lunches. so in effect, the mother claims the food was taken. not taken in the sense of it was physically taken. >> mig but the child was essentially told it was bad and given a plate of nuggets alongside it and the four-year-old didn't know what to do. i got to go, so i need a quick answer, but this is the law in north carolina. do you know if it's the law in any other states? i mean, is this spreading, this trend? >> i'm going to have to look into that, but i would assume that anyone who had the more it for it programs would have to abide by the usda guidelines on the
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lunches. megyn: sarah, thank you for breaking this story. it's started a real national conversation. we appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. megyn: taking your thoughts on it. follow me, twitter, megyn kelly. we have breaking details into the investigation into whitney houston's death. could criminal charges be filed? that is next. you can with green giant frozen vegetables. over twenty delicious varieties ha sixty calories oless per serving and are now weight watchers-endorsed. try green giant frozen vegetables with sauce.
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>> mig back now to our fox news alert on breaking details into the investigation of whitney houston's death. authorities are now issuing subpoenas to doctors who prescribe dollars the superstar medication and to at least one pharmacy we are being told where she obtained those meds, several bottles of painkillers and other medications were reportedly found in her hotel room on the day she died. police may be on the verge of launching some sort of criminal investigation? that's not confirmed. we're asking that question
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into her untimely death. trace gallagher has the latest from l.a. >> reporter: on top of issuing the subpoena, they will also access the california data base which tracks all prescription drugs in the united states so they will know which doctors prescribe dollars the medications to whitney houston of the drugs prescribed in california, only under her name. remember celebrities are known to get their meds using different members of their entourage because they say it protects their privacy. they also have the prescription bottles as you mentioned found inside her hotel room, so we'll have a very good idea of what was left inside the bottles, and if she was taking the prescribed dosage. now, it's very unclear if this will lead to criminal charges because the coroner's office says that right now, this is very much standard operating procedure. they won't really know until the toxicology reports come in in 6-# weeks. remember, 6-8 weeks is too long because it takes only a couple of weeks to get that information in there.
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rocker gene simmons, we should note, is also making controversy for comments that he made about whitney houston and drug use. listen: >> the tragedy of whitney houston is that you're rich, you're famous, and in my opinion, you kill yourself. it's not drug abuse. it's drug use. when you start to use drugs and you kill yourself that way, it's not a tragedy. it's a choice. it's pathetic. it's cowardly. >> reporter: experts say it's important not to jump to conclusions, because remember corey hain, the actor he thought doad of -- died of a drug overdose, he died of heart disease. megyn: we'll have more on that in kelly's court. egypt sends out increasingly threatening messages about the fate of the 19 americans being virtually held hostage. there's new talk in washington about cutting off some of the $1.3 billion in aid we send to egypt each
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year. we will show you what is on the line now in the dangerous high-stakes showdown. new fall out over fast & furious, congressman darrell issa may be on the verge of declaring that attorney general eric holder is in contempt of congress. he joins us, just ahead. # my name is robin.
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megyn: fox news alert on what could become the biggest change to our nuclear weapons program since the start of the cold war. welcome, everybody, i'm megyn kelly. on the same day we are getting reports iran is making progress towards a possible nuclear weapon, the obama administration is talking of cutting our store of nuclear weapons, putting the united states behind russia as the most armed nuclear power. >> reporter: no decision has been reached yet. but the pentagon and the white
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house are considering a range of options for reducing america's niewg jar arsenal. right now the u.s. has 5,000 nuclear weapons and the president has long aimed to cut that arsenal down. his latest proposal is to cut the u.s. nukes to 300, which is the same as china, but far fewer than russia which has thundershowers. it's been floated to test the outer limit of what's possible. nothing has been submitted to the president yet. but this comes in the framework of an arms reduction treaty with russia. the chairman of the joints chiefs downplayed the story while a member of congress expressed concern. >> i encourage you not to become too concerned with the media
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reports of what is a comprehensive process. >> it does nothing but encourage our enemies and discourage our friends. the result is more nuclear weapons programs all across the world. >> reporter: back in 2009 president obama speaking in prague said he would work towards a world without nuclear weapons. since then the u.s. has offered to reduce the arsenal to 500. megyn: steve centanni, thank you. a little background on the growth of america's news jar arsenal. 19459 first atomic bomb test was conducted in new mexico. at that time we had three warheads. by late 1989 it was down to 22,000 warheads.
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right now we are on track to reduce that number to 1,050 as part of the start treaty. president obama is talking up american manufacturing as the a stop in milwaukee. the president addressing employees at the master lock company. he recently praised the company foreclosing a flannel china to return the manufacturing to the united states. egypt is sending out increasingly threatening messages about the fate of at least 16 americans essentially being held hostage there. they are unable to leave the country. that is being met with equally tough talk from congress. egypt gets a billion dollars in aid from the u.s. each year. one lawmaker wants to cut that
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off entirely. >> i'm appalled egypt is holding u.s. citizens on political charges. i think we need to send a clear and unequivocal message to egypt. egypt needs to know and have a strong message that we are not going to continue to send aid to them if they are going to continue this type of behavior. megyn: charles dunn is the director of the middle east and north africa program at freedom house. this is one of the groups involved in this situation in egypt. charles is one of the indicted americans in connection with this whole mess. charles, welcome back to the program. i want to get your reaction. it is risky potentially for the united states to cut off aid to egypt. they said the reason you give us aid is because of our peace accords with israel. you cut off aid to us, you violated it, all bets are off with respect to the united
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states and israel. what's your position on that? >> my position on this is nobody wants to see this relationship end. it served both countries very well for over 30 years. at the same time the egyptians have brought about and escalated this crisis and the legislation that's now before congress is a demonstration of how serious is taking this whole thing. and i hope it will serve as a wakeup call to the egyptian government. megyn: will it? what are the odds of that? you have got a u.s. senator calling to cut off all aid to egypt in the wake of this controversy. you had our top general go over to egypt and sit down with the military leaders and try to explain to them how seriously we are taking this and how egypt will wind up on the losing end if they continue to bully these americans but so far it doesn't seem like they are listening. >> what we hear from people inside the administration is the
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egyptian military has taken a long time to wake up the danger of the bilateral rip. we -- the bilateral relationship. we hope the military will find a way to climb down from this issue. it's puzzling to me they haven't figured out a way to do it sooner. every day that this goes on it becomes more expensive politically and economically. megyn: how hard will it be for them to get out of this. how important is saving face. is there a graceful exit out of this for them? >> i think there are face-saving ways out of this. you are correct, national pride is very important and it's become a significant issue in this whole sorry episode. a face-saving way if it can be
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found should be found. but it has to involve dropping these political charges against american citizens and egyptians alike. there are hundreds of egyptian organizations caught up in this organization which we are concerned about. if the rhetoric can be de-escalated the investigation called off, a way found for several society to continue its important work, then i think there is serious talks that lie ahead to help mend the damage. megyn: you received the unofficial charges and you are waiting for the formal charges. but you have got colleagues in egypt who are in a much more dire situation. do you talk to them? how are they doing? >> we do talk to them, we are in touch by email and skype on a daily basis. they are under a lot of psychological pressure and they are feeling it very much. at the same time they are constantly reassuring us they want to stay in this fight. they think civil society will emerge stronger from it and they
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are dedicated to the mission of freedom house and helping the democratic transition there. i can't say how much i admire these people for their determination and fortitude. it impresses me. megyn: we are talking about criminal charges against you, for setting up an office without permission. it's trumped up charges. i want our viewers to understand so they don't look at you funny, charles. new developments now with a controversial group accused of working with the administration to manipulate headlines at some of the country's largest media outlets. congressional republicans are look at the closer look at the tax exempt status for the media matters organization. >> reporter: in forms filed with the i.r.s. media matters identified its purpose as charitable and educational.
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since then the organization has made it clear it's using resources to attack various media outthreats including fox news. >> this is taking a government subsidy to attack a for-profit company like fox news and news corp. so you have a company free of taxes that people can donate to and have a tax writeoff. by any conventional standard it doesn't meet the charity measures. >> reporter: it includes the possibility of hiring private investigators to delve into the private lives of hosts, and company executives. >> when you start to declare war on a media outlet. when you start to accuse fox
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news of being the spokesman for the republican party which is false, there is no basis for that, media matters makes no effort to substantiate any of that, that's when it crosses the line. >> reporter: several congressional republicans say they are interested in vetting the tax exempt status. megyn: thank you. it's been two days since the release of the president's birnlgt. the fact checkers have had a chance to compare the claims with what is in the fine prints. we'll show what you they found. new fallouts over "operation fast & furious." attorney general eric holder one step closer to concept charges. >> he wouldn't even answer to the congress who authorized the program. doj worked on the program. he couldn't tell you who at d sorks j authorized it because he
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says he doesn't know and he has an inspector general looking into those things. do you believe that? [ male announcer ] if you think tylenol is the pain reliever orthopedic doctors recommend most for arthritis pain, think again. and take aleve. it's the one doctors recommend most for arthritis pain. two pills can last all day. ♪ it's this... the etrade pro platform. fast. beautiful. totally customizable. finds top performg stocks -- in three clicks.
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megyn: new steps being taken to find attorney general eric holder in contempt of congress. the house oversight committee had given mr. holder until february 9 to produce document related to the "operation fast & furious," a controversial program that put guns in the hands of mexican criminals that led to the death of a border agent. the deadline has come and gone and attorney general holder has not complied. the attorney general says he has given you over 6,000 documents, he's not going to give you stuff that relates to internal doj deliberations or discussions about your subpoenas. he says that's consistent with
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past practices with the doj, what more do you want? >> everyone can talk about what's consistent. we have lots of examples for the documents we wants. but there is nothing consistent in doj with lying to congress and delivering a document that was falls on its face that had to be retract, and last but not least it's inconceivable that lanny breuer didn't tell eric holder that he was in fact going to mexico to support and promote more gun walking even on the day we were being given a false document. megyn: lanny breuer heads up the criminal division at the doj. >> he's trying to extend gun walking in connection with the mexican authorities who flat turned him down. here is the point you won't hear from juice is. they have give d you won't hear from justice. we could have a document fights,
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but here what is we need. we need to know who approved "operation fast & furious." each and every person along that chain. megyn: he says they don't know. >> if he would give us the documents, we believe they do know. whistleblowers have told us several things, and we are trying to confirm with legitimate document. we congress were given false written and oral testimony. we deserve the document that show the details of who did it. we have a witness we tried to interview who took the fifth, patrick cunningham who headed the criminal division in arizona. last but not least we have two informants given a pass on any kind of criminal prosecution because quote they are cooperating witnesses. they were front and center on financing these guns. we have a right and obligation to know on behalf of the cherry family why two people so
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connected to the murder of brian terry are never going to be prosecuted. megyn: let me jump in. what's happening now is withholder having gone before the committee six times, some people are saying more and more now, this is political. that it's looking political because he keeps getting pulled in there, the committee is never satisfied, they want more and more documents. now there is a threat to hold him in contempt of congress. the doj would have to even 40s contempt order. to those people who believe this has gotten political, what say you? >> first of all, five of the six times he went to committees of jurisdictions for other reasons and simply was asked a question about fast and furious. he went to appropriations, he was there getting his funding. the same with judiciary. even when he made this false statement he had to modify.
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he came before the investigating committee once and he said it was a fair hearing under oath. no question at all. we treated him fairly. we asked him tough questions. at the end of the day we did not have an answer as to what -- who was going to hold responsible for this failed program from lanny breuer down or from the u.s. attorney up. secondly, we are not trying to make this political. we are trying to get this behind us. but for more than a year we have been asking for document we still don't have. 14 of the 22 areas we asked for document, they are flat not providing them. most importantly when we made discovery time and time again we showed the document we are not giving up ultimately contain information congress and the american people have a right to know. if you want to make something political you take it into campaign season. we want to get this resolved before we get into campaign season. megyn: one more question on fast
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and furious. before we leave the holder thing. he says he doesn't know. he says he doesn't know who authorized the program in response to why no one has been fired. and he wouldn't even answer to congress who authorized the program. doj worked on the program, you couldn't tell you who at doj authorized it because he says he doesn't know and he has an inspector general looking into those things. do you believe that? >> i do believe quite frankly eric holder is pretty detached. he has a hand-off way of doing business. it's disappointing because he should have known. and he certainly should have known as we were being given false statement. you asked a question earlier and i'll be brief. if we held the attorney general in contempt, the contempt will go to the u.s. attorney in washington, d.c. who will either execute on that and get document
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delivered as we were demanding or the president will let the attorney general go. megyn: we'll see what happens on that. let me shift to what's happening tomorrow. you are holding a hearing with a number of high-power witnesses. to force religious institutions to pay for birth control. now the administration is taking a compromise position as they call it of having insurance company pay. they considered that the end of the matter, you clearly don't. what do you think should happen. >> tomorrow we are going to hear from people of religious conscience. and they are going to tell us how this impacts the long tradition of separation of church and state, how it impacts the perform answer their duties. in this country a conscientious objector -- we have a constitutional obligation to serve our country, but if you
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object on religious and moral reasons to killing people we let you serve without serving with a weapon. conscience has a long history in this country. we are going to listen to a lot of witnesses. their experts on religion and the question of conscience. and we are going to try and then take that as an answer for maybe a real compromise by the administration. megyn: understood. it's an interesting question. there is legislation in both houses of congress to rein this in. mr. chairman, thank you for being here. all the best, sir. prices at the pump soaring sky high. the national average nearing $4 a gallon. a live report on how that could impact the race for the white house. we are told the white house follows this very closely. authorities issuing subpoenas to doctors in one pharmacy in connection with the death of
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whitney houston. are we seeing what could be the start of a criminal investigation? what is going on here?
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megyn: the rising price of gas could have a major impact on the race for the white house. the average price per gallon is inching closer to $4. you can see $3.83, regular at that particular station. the presidential election is only 9 months away. we are told the white house watches closely the price of gas. what does this mean? what's the gas like there, doug? >> reporter: take a look at
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the sign. it's $4 degree -- it's $4.05. this is also the state of maryland where gasoline taxes are higher than surrounding jurisdiction. but this is where the rest of the nation is head for regular gasoline it many largely a reflection of a lot of refineries being offline as they prepare for the summer blending season. but also because of a lot of unrest from the middle east. but no mat wear the cause, there is one person who always takes an inordinate share of the blame for rising gas prices and it happens to be that person sitting in the oval office. take a look at the chart we have to show you. there is an uncanny correlation between presidential unpopularity and high gasoline prices. here is larry sabato from the
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university of virginia. >> think back to the 1970s. you had three presidents who suffered greatly from high gas prices. richard nixon, gerald ford and jimmy carter. one resigned without facing the voters but the other two lost their elections. >> reporter: one critic says things are fundamentally different with this gas spike we are seeing right now. here is why. >> gas prices rice and fall under every president. but president obama is the first to try and actively stop supply and production in the united states from increasing. that's going to have a devastating effect on his poll numbers. >> reporter: the white house consistently maintained oil production has increased under the obama administration. that's something cooper disputes. jay carney said there is no silver bullet to high gasoline prices. the white house believes in
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increasing domestic production, clean energy and all of the above approach. but no doubt about it, if the historical record is anything, the white house will be taking a hit over the gasoline spike we are seeing right now. megyn: i remember when i was learning to drive and it was a shock to see it go from 99 cents to a dollar. >> reporter: i remember it with it was 25 cents a gallon. megyn: and you were driving your desoto. >> reporter: no, it was an edsel. megyn: $4, that's not good. it still seems high even though it's been 25 years. the l.a. coroner's office issuing subpoenas for whitney houston's medical records. what is this about? where is this going and why are they doing it?
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plus critics slamming president obama's $3.8 trillion budget. what adds up, what does not, and how does president obama defend his broken promise on the deficit. >> i'm pledging to kit the deficit we inherited by half by the end of my first term in office. this will not be easy. it will require to us make difficult decisions and face challenges we have long neglected. sweetie i think you need a little extra fiber in your diet. carol. fiber makes me sad. oh common. and how can you talk to me about fiber while you are eating a candy bar? you enjoy that. i am. [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one.
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megyn: we have a couple big stories we are watching. iran state tv is reporting they are using advanced sentry fiewdges and using their own fuel rods. in honduras the death toll climbing in the wake of a deadly prison fire. security officials say 300 inmates were killed when flames swept through the facility overnight. 350 more are mission and presumed dead. in california the city of san bruno is saying pacific gas and electric has broken off compensation talks for an explosion that killed 8 people. now the settlement talks have broken down. the fact checkers have gone over
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the budget president obama released monday and found some differences between the fine print and claims by the administration. but the biggest controversy with this budget is how much it adds to our national debt. that prompted one reporter yesterday to challenge the president on a promise he made back in 2009. take a listen to the president then and now. >> today i'm pledging to cut the deficit we inherited by half by the even of my first term in office. this will not be easy. it will require to us make difficult decisions and face challenges we long neglected. but i refuse to leave our children with a debt they cannot repay. that means taking responsibility right now in this administration for getting our spending under control. >> they are showing this video over and over of you in february of '09 saying about it even of
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your first term you will reduce the deficit by half. we are not there. >> we are not there because this recession turned out to be a lot deeper than of any us realized. everybody who was out there back in 2009 -- if you look back at what i are thank estimates were in terms of how many jobs had been lost, how bad the economy contracted when i took office. everybody underestimated it. people thought the economy had contracted 3%. it turns out it contracted close to 9%. we lost 8 million jobs just in the year's span, about half a year before i took office and half a year after i took office. so the dye had been cast but a lot of us didn't understand at that point how bad it was going to get. that increases the deficit. because less tax revenues coming in and more people are getting unemployment insurances, we are helping states for so they don't lay off teachers, et cetera.
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megyn: joining me is chris plants from the chris plant show. does that get it done for you in the recession turned out to be a lot deeper than people realized so certain promises couldn't be kept. >> you know, of course he was going to reduce it by half so he increased it by half. that's another barack obama promise made good on. the president's spending is out of control. there are 500 ways to blame bush and president obama will go through all of-them bev's done. this is barack obama's economy. you can't blame bush until the end of your first term. president obama has deficits that are larger than some of bill clinton's budgets. president obama has posted monthly deficits that were larger than some of george w. bush's annual deficits. and this buck pass, the teflon
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president, nothing is his fault that happened on his watch is his responsibility is become tired. i assume we are going to be hearing this when a republican is sworn in next year. megyn: christopher, do you think that will get it done? it's always worse oh they are on camera. read my lips. saying about it even of my first term i'll cut the deficit in half. now here we are all these years later and we had four years in a row adding over a trillion dollars to the deficit. >> i think it's fun for us to talk about. but the average american does not understand deficit and debt. chris actually confused deficit and debt in this last piece. this is president's economy now. and if the unemployment rate tonight 7s come october he will be elected president. if it's in the 9s, he won't. the deficit is not as important
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as jobs and the economy. and if the economy gets going, that many great. he underestimated what the problem was. i always tell my candidates when i work on campaigns, underpromise and overdeliver. that's been a bit of a problem for this administration over the years. megyn: there is a question about if he's perceived as and whether it's accurate will be a spender, a big government spender. and the associated press came out and looked at his budget and said they called it budget gimmicks, this is the associated press fact checkers. he claims $850 billion in savings in this budget from ending the wars. the wars were deficit financed. but that's not savings. they go on from there which -- adds to that narrative. fairly or unfairly, chris? >> i mean, they are being overly
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fair. they are being scrupulous to be as fair as they can to their guy barack obama. deficits do matter. i remember democrats mocking republicans for saying deficits don't matters. now the mantra of the democratic party is deficits don't matter. of course, it matters. we are talking about $16.5 trillion in debt which an awful lots of money. it won 105% of our gdp. look what's going on in greece and tell me it doesn't matter. this is economics 101. i find it outrageous that the president went out to a community college in northern virginia to unveil this budget than politely applaud. they are the ones getting stuck with the bill. >> there is a time to reduce the debt in this country.
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and the time when the economy is struggling to get going is not the time to cut spending on programs that keep the government going. the president's budget is about the president's priorities. of course, the president understands this congress is not going to approve this budget. but what he's saying is i'm about investing in education and infrastructure. i'm about making sure the wealthiest 1% of americans pay their fair share and oil companies that reap billions and trillions in profits are not being subjects died by the working men and women of america. and the republicans will have to respond those priorities. megyn: if i can get back on point. the fact checking. the question is whether president obama is leveling with us. first he said he would cut the deficit. obviously that hasn't happened. now the a.p. is looking at this document which his opponents said is a political document and it's full of essentially
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falsehoods by saying there is no $850 billion in savings by ending the wars. that's deficit spending we are not doing. and they talk about his forecast for healthy growth in the years ahead. they say the whole budget is based on 4% growth in 2014, and they point out that reputable private forecasts don't see us getting anywhere near 4%. the last time white house estimated 2.7, we hit 1.7. >> we are at 1.7. the roastiest projections are 2.7. the phoney savings, you might as well counts the vietnam war and world war ii and saying we are in the spending money on that any more. you guys can keep rattling off the talking point again and again, but the reality is the spending is completely out of control, chris, and you not as well as i do. >> the biggest expense we had in
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the last 10 years were these wars we decided to fund out of deficit funding. the wars were funded in a way no war has ever been turned. megyn: i'm jumping in. i'm getting the red wrap. that means they really mean it. thank you both so much. could prosecutors be preparing for a criminal investigation in the death of whitney houston? we'll examine that next in "kelly's court." h you know when i grow up,
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i'm going to own my own restaurant. i want to be a volunteer firefighter. when i grow up, i want to write a novel. i want to go on a road trip. when i grow up, i'm going to go there. i want to fix up old houses. [ female announcer ] at aarp we believe you're never done growing. i want to fall in love again.
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[ female announcer ] discover what's next in your life. g this free travel bag when you join at megyn: subpoenas being issued to doctors in at least one pharmacy tied to the stash of prescription drugs found in whitney houston's hotel room.
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investigators focusing on the doctors who wrote the prescription and the pharmacists filling the requests. they say the amount of medication they found does not seem unusually large. so are we seeing the start of a criminal investigation here? joining me lis weihl and mercedes colwin. they claim's standard procedure. would it be standard procedure if any of the thief us were found in this circumstance or is it because these's a super star with a history of drug abuse. >> people die in these horrible circumstances all the time and they don't have these investigation. there may never be a criminal investigation. the prosecutor has to get involved at that point. but a lot of things would have to fall into place for them to bring criminal charges. they would have to find one
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doctor, maybe two that completely overprescribed, knowing she was a drug addict. knowing this would be reckless practice of medicine and a result of that recklessness resulted in her death. megyn: is it that hard to prove? megyn: celebrities all the time seem to abuse prescription pills by using false names and assistants' names and game system to get medication they want. >> it's all about the blame game. there is one person to blame, and it's unfortunately whitney houston who had a drug problem. to blame the doctors and pharmacists, the doctors we represent tell us we rely on our patient's information. they say these are the medications we are on. these are the doctors we have seen. that's the type of information doctors rely on. if you have an addict like whitney houston who used
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deception, that's exactly what she may have done. megyn: does the coroner's office or the police try to figure out whether a patient would tell the doctor -- the doctor bev's told by a patient i need whatever it was, lorazepam, does the doctor have to say do you have another prescription? do they run a check? >> they should. there is a california database where you can run a check. if you have got whitney houston in your office. everybody knows who she is, and everybody knows she has a drug and alcohol problem and you don't go to the database and you don't do any reconnaissance. and you don't ask if she is seeing other doctors. there were six prescription drugs found in her hotel room. this is for a woman with a drug problem. >> what about personal responsibility. who is the person responsible for telling their doctor they
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are on x, y, z medication? it's of course the patient. why does the medical community have to take on that extra burden. now on top of it you will second guess everything your patient says? megyn: it's a good question. but let me ask you this. is this more like a typical case where you have got the -- the doctors -- there can't be fraud investigators at every turn. remember the howard stern case and anna nicole smith. he was acquitted but he got charged with funneling the drugs. she was seen as a victim. >> she would use other people's names. it's possible that she used an entourage. and her doctor knew that. megyn: her doctor got charged as
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well. >> and the psychiatrist. personal responsibility of course. but the doctor has to take some responsibility, too. if the doctor enablings her in the sense of knowing she is an addict and knowing these could be very dangerous for her. and still overprescribing them. megyn: the pharmacist they are talking to in this case is someone known to help out celebrities. that's going to set off a red flag. i'm not saying they did anything wrong but it will raise a red flag. >> if anyone has liability it might be the pharmacist. have you even tried to get cold medication that they are tracking? definitely there could be liability with the pharmacy. but the doctors if they are relying on whitney houston. so be it she is an addict. but for them to take on that burden is too much. megyn: we'll see where it goes. panel, thank you. some people are barking mad over
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the choices of this year's best in show. why many dog fanciers find can the strange pooch of this dog adovable and others not so much. what's wrong with him. [ male announcer ] chicken broccoli alfredo. mushroom smothered beef burgers. hearty chicken and noodle casserole. so easy, you just need campbell's cream of mushroom soup to make them and a hungry family to love them. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. we want to protect the house. right. but... home security systems can be really expensive. to save money, we actually just adopted a rescue panther. i think i'm goin-... shhh! we find that we don't need to sleep that much. there's an easier way to save. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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megyn: no love for america's top dog. haters coast to coast saying westminster's best in show looks like a mipt or alien. comparing him to punxsutawney phil, the groundhog.
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>> reporter: rin-tin-tin he ain't. look at that powerful gait. best in show. that's the fairest dog in the land. he beat out a dalmation, a german shepherd. it's the third time in the club's history a pacificcanese has won. but not a penny in prize money. the dog will get all kinds of money in breeding fees. look at the tweets going out. it says. it's going back to the bar in star wars when he's done. she looks like snooki.
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and finally a little bit of support, the pekinese has the greatest weird face i have ever seen. if you want to see more of that weird face "studio b" will have it live online. megyn: i'm not on the side of the haters. what does she know. that dog is adorable, and a winner. >> reporter: a big-time winner. megyn: you heard it there. malaki coming up on "studio b." and more on the food police. your thoughts next. [ male announcer ] this is lois.
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the day starts with arthritis pain... a load of new listings... and two pills. after a morning of walk-ups, it's back to more pain, back to more pills. the evening showings bring more pain and more pills. sealing the deal... when, hang on... her doctor recommended aleve. it can relieve pain all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is lois... who chose two aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. [ female announcer ] try aleve d for strong all day sinus and headache relief. >>megyn: i am reading the tweets about the food police. >> this is why


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