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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  February 16, 2012 12:00am-12:59am PST

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>> greg: human resources. >> eric: that's it for "the five." thank you for watching. see you again welcome to "red eye." i am greg gutfeld. do not struggle fair maiden, it only makes me friskier. andy, what is coming up on tonight's show? >> stay frosty, america. why isn't floyd may weather, junior part of the lin-sanity sweeping the nation? the answer is racial. former metallica guitarist endorses someone for president, but wait until you hear who it is. who are we kidding? you probably heard by now. and finally, are some tsa agents going out of their way to body scan attractive women? i won't even pretend the
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answer to that question is obvious. >> thank you, andy. >> happy do a grouch a favor. >> i made your favorite sugar cookies, the ones that are in the form of dozing kittens. >> you know i hate sugar cookie. >> which is why i substituted sugar with peanut butter. >> peanut but cert worst. >> i made you german chocolate in the form of your favorite cardinal. >> i don't like cake and loathe the cardinals and don't get me started on the germans. >> return to your tiny hole. >> it is always a tough one. >> i don't know why i try every year. go to hell. let's welcome our guests. she is so hot i think she may be photo shopped. i am here with jedediah bila. she has a lot of vowels in her name. and author of the book "outnumbered." he is a performing legend who broke comedic ground where he went.
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he is dead, but huer is joe derosa. his latest cd is an up lifting one called "return of the sun of the depression auction." his body is one of the last remaining super fun sites. it is my sidekick who is repulsive and it is bill schulz. and he can kill you with his pinky. pinky, by the way, is what he calls his double-barrel shotgun. next to me is u.s. army special forces terry sappert. and our new york times worry spawn dent. good to see you, pinch. >> john schwartz interviews former astronaut john glenn. i remember in the movie "the red stuff" when glen was played by ed harris is locked in a space capsule and unable to exit before countdown. he bravely your nates into -- urinates into his jump suit. my bad. that was allen shepherd. why didn't you include a bladder buddy up in that thing, nasa? >> that's what we got? she was chagrined over lin
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so he took a swipe at the hype. i speak of floyd maywether who is not dazed by the knicks guard. he is on the right. the unbeaten boxer on the left thinks jeremy madness, as my masseuse, scott, calls it, has something to do with race. tweeting on monday night, quote. , jeremy lin is a good player, but the hype is because he is asian. black player does what he does every night and don't get the same praise. after floyd was publicly scorned for the dumb comment he didn't back down writing "other countries get to support/cheer their athletes and everything is fine. as soon as i support black american athletes i get criticized. and then i am speaking my mind on behalf of other nba players. they are programed to be politically correct and penalized if they speak up. i don't recall the rest of the flab asking -- nba asking for that favor. lin responded by tweeting back -- just kidding he
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responded by burying a three at the buzzer on tuesday night to beat the rafters. i have no idea what i just said. meanwhile lin's heroics with overshadowing the accomplishments of this young hero. >> you haven't seen that before, and that's because of jeremy lin. terry, this is a great story. probably one of the greatest sports stories of the last 14 days. >> the last couple days outside of the super bowl. >> why does this jackass have to inject race into it? and why do we have to inject race into everything? >> because we do. maywether is wrong. he is not doing the same thing black players have been able to do because black players haven't been able to give the knicks a win and he has.
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it is not a racial thing. we are not rooting for lin because he is -- rewith not rooting for him because he is not black. we are rooting for him because he is an underdog, a chinese player and there are not many. he comes in and kicks butt. he is sinking jump shots and kicking butt. let him have his day. >> when you said chinese you looked both i whats like, she chinese, like you are not on television. >> by the way, -- his parents are not from here. >> jedediah, isn't he right though what terry just said. what separates lin from everybody else is the underdog story. he was undrafted. i don't even know what that means. he was dropped by two teams and was fourth stringer and probably the biggest flaw of all is he wept to harvard -- he went to harvard. >> how many allstar basketball players come out of harvard? for that he deserves a medal. i hate the race stuff. i love how he says, "i was propping black americans."
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no you weren't. you were ripping into an asian-american. let's be honest about what you were doing. >> joe, you have been following this story as close as anybody i have known. it has touched you. does race have anything to do with the hype over lin. >> you know, i am conflicted by this story. i did find maywether's comments to be racist, but i also believe asians should not be allowed to play basketball. >> that's terrible! >> it is a joke. >> let him finish. i am interested. i'm interested. >> i'm obviously kidding. >> you truly are an edgy comedian. >> i walk that line, man. >> my inspirations, bill hicks, thank you very much, lenny bruce. hello. no, i thought the comments -- look, i understand where maywether is coming from saying, look, you know, it is the m and m pho phenomenon. he is getting -- the eminem phenomenon because he is blown
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up because he is a white rapper. but it is also silly saying we don't celebrate the black players in the same way. i'm sure i have heard of jordan. >> you make a point that the eminem factor could be the barack obama factor. like samuel jackson said, "i am voting for him because he is black and eminem is an anomaly because he is a successful white rapper." though who could forget snow? >> the white ray gay rapper? reggae rapper? >> yes. who could forget snow? i believe a canadian. >> the canadian was the weird part. >> that threw me. >> did you though canada is america's hat? >> no, it is not. how dare you, good sir. >> you brought barack obama into this. i did not. you found a way to do it. >> it is a breakthrough. it is the breakthrough
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person. i guess that's what it is. >> bill, apparently lin, i looked this up, but he slept on his brother's couch for awhile. you also sleep on couches when you can find one on the street. so he must be an inspiration. >> couches have bed bugs. >> you guys floyd maywether is right. the fact of the matter is, if he wasn't saying anything racist, let's talk about race. let's look at the tale of the tape. if lin hadn't graduated harvard and had the four biggest games since the merger of any rookie and had been unpicked out of college it would be a big story. it is bigger because instead of being black he is asian. these are just numbers. there are no asian point guards in the nba. floyd was commenting on this. and jedediah, i'm surprised you don't agree with me. your book is called "outnumbered" and the asians in the nba and i don't know why you have a picture of
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yourself. that's nare saw cystic. get gyre me lin on the cover and sell some books. >> i would have had to pay him and i want to do it for free. >> it is an interesting dilemma with bill. he is saying you can't divorce race from the numbers. if you just look at numbers he is right. but you can't divorce race from the people who say. it if a conservative pointed that out -- it is true. are you a liberal and you can say that. if somebody else says it as a conservative they say that's right. it is about accusing people of racism. >> if it said the same thing you would have no problem. >> i don't know. >> what part of everything i just said -- >> i am saying that you are allowed to state a statistical fact having to do with race because you are allowed to say it. if somebody else says it without your political ideology you will be accused.
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>> i disci's agree. >> bill, there are so many instances with this. >> i don't know. anytime race comes up on fox news. >> i am called a racist if i point something. >> rush limbaugh said it. he is almost saying the same thing as may weather. a lot of people are rooting for donovan mcnabb because he is black and there are not a lot of black quarterbacks in the nfl. she racist. well what is racist? >> rush limbaugh said his race played a factor of being in the nfl. >> then somebody else said there shouldn't be a black quarterback ever in the nfl. >> he might have been kidding. >> i asked him so many times. >> but he can say that because he is black. >> that's my point. that's not politics, that's race. >> i am talking about ideology and who you are. >> you talk about politics and not race. >> you are defending floyd maywether who did he say manny
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paquio -- i tell you i follow project runway. i will say manny because i can't say his last name. he is filipino and maywether said he told him to make some sushi rolls and cook some rice. i guess he doesn't have any problems with asians. >> no, you have to take it by comment. the thing about lin, not racist. that is just inaccurate. filipino does not eat sushi. that's japanese. >> i think when it comes down to this argument, 90% is presentation. maywether presents his comments in a stupid, clumsy fashion and it made it look bad. that's why somebody like rush limbaugh gets ultra criticized when he makes something that walks the line. he says stupid stuff a lot. >> here is the thing -- >> yow. >> yes. >> stupid things. twitter, isn't this also a
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story about twitter? the fact is twitter has taken things you have said privately. if i am telling you something people just go, you know what, that guy is only popular because he is asian. instead of saying that is you he tweets it. he has made it so the things. is that such a bad thing? >> it is a bad thing for your publicist. >> you will never have that problem. >> joe your dad is your publicist, right? >> he refused the job. jay it is funny because he is publicizing. >> that's the insulting part. >> that's why he likes to believe in the product. >> your title is starting to make sense.
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>> the other title is the phrase lin-sanity which is the name of my yacht. people have no idea. it was named after my first girlfriend. it didn't work out. >> and like lindsay lohan could have used that for something. >> now that they have seen my yacht which is huge by the way. they think i am like a -- >> a big fan. >> no, they think i jumped on a ban wagon and i bought a yacht. i think that's the real problem with this. >> your yacht is looking at it a wrong way. >> and that's racist. >> i i think we tore that story to shred. >> from ringers to singers, you will love this one. did a metal god say something odd? he is supporting santorum's campaign. the mega death frontman was asked what he thought about the 2012 race and he replied, quote, i am hoping whatever is in the who it house next year is a republican. i can't bear to watch what is happening to our great
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country. everyone has their head in the sand. everybody in the industry is like, obama is doing a great job. i don't think so. he is not at all impressed with romney, gingrich or ron paul, but he concludes, i think santorum hasn'tal qualities and i am hoping if it comes down to it we will see a republican in the white house and it is rick santorum. president obama kicked off fundraising in l.a. again on wednesday with an event called the foo fighters which is chris cornell's band after leaving alice in chains. >> what? >> no, that is spot on. >> it is grunge. tickets for the reception start at $250 and was followed by a $38,500 a plate dinner co-hosted by will farrell where i believe they served raw baby pandas. it is the new sushi. they caught it brentwood sushi. anyway, we have tape of foo fighters performing for the president.
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>> that is better tha chris cornell's lest work, i have to say. i am certainly a slave to his audio. joe you are a comme pinky who loves metal. isn't it time you rethought your politics completely and come over to the dark side. you can't be into heav metal and be a liberal. you can't. >> here is the funny thing. five of t comments that dave made about his political stance are things i have said to megadeth fans. you think they are good. i don't think so. >> i actually like it.
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why would you have to be a liberal to be a metal head -- i mean a conservative to be a metal head? >> look at the dye cot me and i will switch it over to terry. terry is dying to answer this question. who are the types of people that go to the lilith fair? liberals. >> hello, everyone. >> it is all folk emu sick. but metal is rug get. rugged. it is about the individual. who listens to the metal in the military? >> everybody in the military. i jumped out of airplanes listening to metal. i have seen mega death a lot of times. i actually thought he was a left wing pinko. >> he worked for mtv. >> yes, and he said a bunch of things. metal is inherently a right wing genre. it is self-reliance, kicking butt, guns, girls, all of that kind of stuff. >> i love that there are girls there. >> going to jew das priest,
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girls weren't a big thing on his list. >> and liking leather a lot. >> people act surprised by the comments. he was also becoming very christian in front of god. >> you say that with such displeasure. you make me sick. >> i want to bring jedediah. >> i am not a liberal. >> i might have scared you bringing up lilithfair. >> i feel the love. what do you want me to say? >> that's just me. i am sitting next to you. >> i do see why metal 1* pro liberty and bad ass and that is typically a right wing thing. >> can't we just state the obvious here? the reason he is fond of rick is because of the name santorum is a metal name.
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santorum. >> opening for ozzy, santorum. >> if you want to do some research it is more of a judas priest thing. so that is metal. jay don't know what that means. mutt butt maybe you do at home, santorum. i will just do that for the rest of the show. >> and it is not october. >> it is led-september, nivano-vember. >> can i talk about the foo fighters? i love them, they are a great band. but it makes me laugh that the left is the first to cry out against the right to say it is disgusting and you are out of touch and out of step with money and the financial situations of people. and then they have a fundraiser with $38,000 plates. >> and there better be occupiers protesting outside.
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>> it is a little hipocritical. >> i am glad you brought that up. >> as a liberal too. >> he is actually eating the road right now. >> santorum. >> the flip side of that is always with the right there are pop stars talking about their opinions, but the basis of goo-goo. >> it is a rarity. again go back to the first story. it is unusual and an underdog. we have to take a break. it is a story so in your face you will say get out of my face, story. guess we don't have to do that story now. santorum!
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they don't respect the fact that the show is starting. should they get cash for doing math? they are planing to pay students to show up, behave and do homework to increase their chances of graduating. starting this week, done community high where many students live in bosser tee and single parents home will doll out $25 a week to seniors and $10 to understand class men. they will not use operating funds for the program and instead relying on donations, charity and $40,000 has been raised. says their chief administrative officer, quote, the target is graduation. we do almost everything we can to get kids there. we tell kids to street school like it is their job, and then they say, they don't get paid, and now they could get paid. and the principal had this to say on your world. >> we just started this on monday.
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i can tell you when i walked around my building every student was engage etd -- engaged and every teacher was engaged and it was like magic. >> it could work. check out paddles, the world's first ping-pong shark. >> i still owe that talented monster $15,000. you know he sits there and he goes, i can take him. and then like 10 minutes later you are in that position and he is standing over you. terry, i love this idea. it is thought a handout. it is charity, and i don't see anything wrong with it. >> when i first read it i thought, that's wrong. i got into an old, wow, things have changed since i went to school. but if that works and they show up and get a degree and get a better life, bust it out. >> it sounds like bribery, but what the heck? >> it is a great idea and they should teachers and obama
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economic policy. hand out $25 and take 15 and give it to somebody who didn't study. >> that was a real stretch. >> did you see the one earlier? >> i had to reclaim my turf. >> and you have. >> that was pretty good. >> bill, you were paid not to go to school. why was that? >> that had nothing to do with studying. i was very touchy feely with my pro tractor. another thing people don't use anymore. i think it is great. the fact of the matter is these kids don't just have to show up, they have to produce. they have to behave. another harvard study showed it helped their reading come comprehension -- >> has everybody lost their minds on this panel? you all really think this is a good idea? you. >> or maybe you are the crazy one, joe. >> maybe i am sane and you are all crazy. >> maybe you are not even on the show right now. maybe this is a dream.
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>> maybe you are at the santorum concert. >> no, explain it to me. >> first of all it will set a precedent to everybody else in the country. this is going to be unique and moit straight -- and motivating for a couple weeks. it will get tired fast. old habits die hard. motivation will dye off. other schools around the country will say if these kids are getting paid why not us? we are in a bad economy and the last dhing -- thing we want to do is throw out money. my heart goes out, but in these conditions it is terrible. we need to find ways to motivate them and get them into the schools as needed. but dribbing them and buying them into doing it is not healthy. that's not healthy. >> all government assisted programs have failed. we spent -- i think we tripled the amount of money we have given to the inning location system and watching our scores
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drop over the last 20 years. in this case people are sponsoring students out of their own money which seems to me -- you can see the sally struthers ads or whatever ad where you sponsor people overseas? >> that's for feud. food. >> why not sponsor kids to get an education here? >> don't you think it is part of the reality tv show mind set that is poisoning everything in this country where nobody will do anything unless you give me some money to do it. nothing is worth doing unless i am getting paid. >> the problem is the left wing programs have not sold for decades. it is a hard sell to tell kids, it is worth doing. we convinced them an education is worth it, but right now it isn't. >> it will turn into a market place and kids will get was 125, $150. >> and pouring education -- money into education is not a bad thing. who is number one,
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massachusetts. not exactly a conservative state. >> i think it is a wig thing. >> i believe we have to take a break. do you have a comment on the show? e mail us. it is red eye at fox to leave a voicemail on my direct line it is 212-462-505 0. still to come, the half time report from tv's andy levy. >> tonight is sponsored by kissing. the act of touching someone or something with the lips. either gently or passionatly. thanks, kissing. blp
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let's find out if we have anything wrong so far. andy? >> hi, greg, how are you? >> you know. >> employed maywether says -- i can't fake it in i more. >> i know. it is over. pretending is for losers. >> floyd maywether says lin-sanity is been race. he said, black players do what he does every night and gets the praise. terry, you said they don't do what he does because he is giving them the innings wins. shaquille o'neil broke the record in the first five games as a starter. >> if linsucked or was not
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outstanding he wouldn't be getting the attention. so let him have his fun jie. in his five games he averaged sixes turnovers pour game. if he kept that up over the 82- game season he would break the nba record for most turnovers by 126. >> you have to break some eggs to make an omelette. >> they are turnovers. >> break some eggs to make a turnover. >> that's what i meant to say. >> jedediah, you asked how many players come from harvard? only four nba players in history went to harvard and i don't believe any whether allstars. >> i was right without even knowing it. >> the number of u.s. presidents with a harvard degree is eight. >> look at you, andy. >> no, look at wikipedia. >> i didn't get that from wikipedia. >> where did you get it from? >> from various sources on the internet.
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andy, according to the internet, the number of harvard grads is seven. i don't believe the birth certificate. read my blog. >> what does a birth certificate have to do with a college degree? >> he is not president. >> oh, okay. >> try to keep up. >> fair point. >> i got it. >> of course you would. >> terry, you wondered what would happen if rush limbaugh -- what maywether said and brought up the mcnabb thing. spike lee says maywether only getting attention. wake up, yo. >> i love the vernacular. >> on tuesday night after the last-second three pointer which i will explain to you later greg, spike lee tweeted,
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quote, floyd maywether i hope you watched the three pointer. our guy can ball plain and simple. recognize. >> i don't know why we are glorifying the violence. >> i do want to point out when you said that thing about how he buried a three? >> yes. nothing to do with an expensive pool boy. >> i keep the three's around to help out with the 7's. >> in the long run that is wise. >> i am not getting any younger. >> and there are all sorts of various surgeries. >> joe, was that story about your dad refusing to be a publicist true? >> yes, it was 100% true. i don't do anything for laughs, ever. >> i have seen your act.
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>> so has my dad. >> i just wanted to make sure you made no jokes in the first half of the show or just that one. >> rub salt in the wound, levey. what is wrong, you didn't get to kick they dogs today? >> terry, you mentioned jumping out of planes to megadeashe. rest in peace. when i was in korea it was one of the best albums. but i have vivid memories up on an uni'm thatted hill on the field and we were listening to a couple of f-16's going overhead and it was cool. >> remember that time we were at pinkberry getting yogurt and we heard sara mclaughlin come on and you looked at me and we were like, wait for the chorus. do you remember that? >> i can't believe you right now. it was bagnolia and it was
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salt npepp's "push it." >> how can we have a moment if you choose to forget them or put another man in my place. i'm sure you are a pinkberry and a guy that looks a lot like me. >> sorry, andy. continue. >> here is my favorite thing about this interview. the guy from music radar says, you were a correspondent during the 1992 presidential election. what is your view on politics? and then he answered about why he likes santorum. the next question from the interview yes, sir is let's -- intervierer is let's get back to the music. joe, you know -- i don't care. it is joe. >> wow. really? >> you know what, this is not about you, joe.
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it is about me and something i have going on. >> fair enough. >> he just did the it's not you, it's me. >> a lot of heartbreak in this half time. >> getting paid to attend. i am with you. i first thought it was wrong, but after reading it, why not? but i think joe makes a good point, does it get to the point where they don't get paid and end up getting pissed and maybe they stop going to school until they get paid? >> that's a good point for joe. >> i don't like how you gave my point to terry. i can use the face time. >> i was on the camera the whole time he was asking. >> and you said we have to do something for the kids to go to school, but bribing them is
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a bad idea. terry, what would your suggestion be? actually you look a little like joe. >> but with the glasses. >> you would like joe if he was a man. >> you are both terrible to people. terrible. >> what did i do? >> nothing. you are the punching bag. >> this is ridiculous. it is so mean. i am done, greg. >> that you are. that you are. coming up, three stories so amazing we will probably forget to do two of them. but first, are agents profiling good looking women? at least they are finally profiling.
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are they looking for dates at security gates?
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yes, it is yet another tsa story. our favorite government agency is under fire for peep show-style naked body scans of good looking women. one lady tells a dallas tv station that agents at dfw airport, i believe it stands for douglas franklin wilson. they asked her to go through the scaner three times because, quoting her, they wanted a good look. after looking at over 500 complaints, the station found a pattern of possible sexual harassment of female passengers. and now congress, you know them, may get involved. charles schumer, if that's his real name, says he wants to introduce a bill that addresses passenger complaints. he has experience in noting that she was asked by the agent, quote, if she plays tennis because of her cute figure. >> sounds like something a 60-year-old man would say. we need to talk about this in the popular -- >> lightning roooooouuuuunnnnnnd.
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lightning round. >> you have a cute figure for a dame. that's just something your grandfather's friend would say to you before he puts on the hockey mask. this is obviously awful behavior. i bet if you were an agent you would do the same thing. >> have i done the same thing. what i would do as a passenger is i ogle the agents. i ask them to turn around for me so i can see them in their cute little uniform. and then they take me off the flight. >> terry, one of the women said "i felt like i was targeted by the tsa because i was a semi attractive female." did you read that? >> that was the best one. >> why is she so hard on herself. >> she is probably totally hot, but she says, "i was semiattractive." she was hot. >> are you calling me semiattractive? >> no, i said hot. >> like you think you are
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semiattractive. if you are worried this will happen to you -- you-- i am pane scaner because of the radiation so i go through the pat downs. don't say anything inappropriate because i have to do it. i don't know. i think there are perverts back there. there is porn on the internet, but they aring looing at the scaners to see if thisy can find a breast. >> this is a new thing. >> technology always leads to sex whether it is the tape measure, remember that? the toaster. next we will find out what else is involved in the scaner. >> the cotton gin. the people that bought the cotton gin were hard core pour nothing graw fers. you don't read that in the encyclopedia because it is a cover up.
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is it time to get rid of the scanners to say that it just shakes until everything comes out? >> and it is fun. less likely you will blowup a plane if you are giggling. if you come out laughing say, maybe i will not go through with my plan. this whole thing, this whole new way of traveling is in its infancy. there are going to be problems. you don't want to tarnish this whole group who is doing a good job to make our skies safer. >> i had mostly good experiences, but i am not a semiattractive woman. >> there was a wave of recent police century. there were times after 9/11 and i always do the body pat too. they actually talk to you.
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>> yours is out of pity. this is probably the most action he will get all year. >> mts it is. >> do you have a caw loss staw me bag. >> can i just sit here and talk with you for awhile? >> yes. >> at this point, we are going to take a break and we have plenty more stuff coming up.
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the two biggest drinks are on the brink again. they are reportedly gearing up for another cola war. pepsi has announced it will spend $600 million more in marketing and during the super bowl it showed a coca-cola delivery man buying a bottle of its -- of pepsi. it is harsh out there. it is truly a war zone. anyway, why are we doing this story? i will tell you why. this drives me crazy. doesn't it seem like life only gives you two choices. coke and pepsi, everybody knows they are different. coke is not as sweet as pepsi. you have liberals and conservatives and you have burger king and mcdonalds and men and you have women.
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sorry, bill. >> my existence destroy yourself argument. >> why can it only be two things? and the presidential campaign. nobody wants a third party. >> i half agree with what you are saying? >> because it is two halves. you can't have three halves. you couldn't say a third of you, could you? >> i couldn't. which third are we talking about? george carlin had a great philosophy about stuff like this. he said we have the illusion of choice. the big decisions, political parties, oil companies that sort of thing, there are two or three choices, but 27 flavors of a bagel. >> i don't agree there are only two choices. there are several sodas. there is wendy's and burger king and taco bell and kfc. >> shut up! but i think it ties into what you are saying with some of the bigger decisions. i think we could say colas as far as food goes is one of the
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big e decisions, right? >> i spend many a day thinking about cola jedediah. does advertising exist just for advertising? do you need to know more about coke or pepsi? >> i don't drink soda. i can't be drinking soda while listening to sara mclaughlin. it has to be an organic juice. i think they are different. i think if you did do a taste test you could tell difference. now i heard they could both be used to clean a toilet boil. >> true. >> but different nonetheless. you can use lemon juice to clean a toilet bowl, but you don't stop using lemons. >> or you can pretty much use -- well, a toilet bowl to drink cola from. have you ever tried that? >> i believe you have. >> terry, i have to ask you, can we blame the white house for this? they are creating a warfare
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-- >> stealing my thunder again. >> i don't want to talk about the white house. the thing that makes me laugh is the whole idea of a war. a war between coke and pepsi. they have a psychological campaign. i think coke will win. coke is coke. pepsi doesn't sound tough. >> pepsi came later, bill. here is the issue, shouldn't cock and pepsi stop going after each other and focus on obama. >> you read and stole my talking points. am i the only one here who thinks they taste exactly uh -- alike. i am old enough to remember the pepsi challenge. i took the challenge and i remember i went up there and took my first glass and i spat it in her face because soda is bad. >> there is a reason -- jesus,
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are you okay? there is a reason they say "i can't stay mad at you." forget it. >> i don't see how you cannot taste the difference. coke is very sweet. >> you know when there was a difference? when coke was actually made with cocaine. take me back to those days or don't bring me to your pepsi challenge. >> we will close things out with a post game wrap up with tv's andy levy. go to fox eye.
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see you back here at 5 p.m. eastern time. tomorrow, we have jesse joyce, jill dobson and jaime weinstein. >> back to tv's andy levy for a post game wrap up jie. that
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was thought directed at me, was it diswhroo. >> no. >> how was it into? >> it was great. i wanted to say thank you to those who stopped by. it was fabulous. >> excellent. terry, what is going on? >> i want to apologize to my mom for not shaving on the show. she loves greg and wants him to be her son. let's move on. i want to look at one of my favorite bands pipe bomb, ny pipe bomb .net. >> it is like a -- an ininstruction manual. >> we have to kill like 20 more seconds or i have to ask joe about his upcoming gigs. >> would you stop. my mom will be crying when she watches this tonight. actually here is an extra -- i actually love megadeath of the they are awesome. this next week on tuesday i will be at


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