tv The Five FOX News February 22, 2012 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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you just don't know, do you? you'll have to tune in, one hour from now. you don't get it? >> demand it. >> yeah, baby. >> andrea: hello, everyone. i'm andrea tantaros with bob beckel, eric bolling, dana perino and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in the big apple. this is "the five." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon ♪ baby don't you want to go ♪ ♪ we don't; chicago ♪ >> andrea: that was president obama singing "sweet home, chicago" and that's where republicans want him to go come november. the question is who is the
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best man for the job? yesterday we were talking about what the conservative base wants on "the five" versus what the republican establishment wants in a candidate. rush limbaugh spent a lot of time talking about our conversation today on his radio show. here is part of it. >> the establishment really care more about the independent vote than they do the base. at this point in time. it may not have always been the case. right now it's the case. they are more worried about losing independents than they are securing the support of the conservative base. the question is how do you get them? this notion that you force them to run away from you by fighting back, that has always been absurd to me. they try to tell us these independents, they don't like confrontation. they don't like all the arguments. the independents want people to get along. they want compromise. >> andrea: he also went on to say i was right in my comments yesterday but called me andrea tarantula five times
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so my mom tried to call in to his show five times to ask why he calls me that? >> dana: i think it's a term of endearment. if you get a nickname, you are in. >> bob: you'd think we'd twit out he said "the five." but we edit it out. >> andrea: does establishment care more about independents? >> eric: we started that, for that reason, because i felt i think he is right. he is right on, spot on target. he says there is a group over here on the right. a group on the left and then there is the base. the moderates and somewhere the establishment plays around that area. agree with him completely. that's why the establishment really can't grasp on rick santorum, because he is too far right. he is too socially conservative for the established crowd. >> andrea: i have to go to dana. your face -- >> dana: i think if people were on the far right had been supportive of rick santorum,
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and really are getting behind his candidacy, they would have been persuaded to do so ten months ago when he first got in race. they have known him for a long time. he was a congressman and senator. had been around washington for a long time. he's got pretty good economic platform. he is a social conservative. he basically didn't campaign anywhere but iowa, raise nod money until recently. all of a sudden, some of the conservatives, that now support him is by default so they don't like the other choices. >> greg: that is it. >> eric: bingo. i agree 100%. it's not that they love santorum so much, they just can't sign on to romney. >> andrea: i saw you nodding while dana was talking. you think it should be a concern of the establishment to get independents, but shouldn't the base be a big concern? it seems like neither candidate is getting the full support of the base because there is still -- ron paul is getting some, newt gingrich is getting some. >> greg: it's still early in the department store. we are the salespeople. we want to go home.
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the customers still haven't made up their mind. we're all like this. can't you just pick something up. i want to go back to the obama singing the blues. that because the most authentic blues i've seen since pat boone covered "hounddog." do we have tape of mick jagger? mick jagger also showed up. let's try to roll some of this tape. the producer just said yes, we had it there. he is. doesn't he look like a disheveled grandmother? isn't it time for mick jagger to retire to the upper east side apartment with 20 cats? i'm sorry, that is barbara billingsley. >> bob: you know how many drug he is did in his life and he is still moving around? give him credit. obama is the best singing credit there has ever been. >> greg: philmore is if greatest singer. >> andrea: he should be a singer. better than president.
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>> dana: that video is great. part of the reason that president obama when he released the new tomorrow kate tax plan today didn't make a statement about it. why screw up the day's worth of running this video. >> bob: can i say one thing, where i disagree with y'all, i don't think santorum was all that well-known by the base. he hasn't been around a long time. he did get introduced with the values thing and that drives a lot of your base. you talk about the establishment. but the people who endorse romney there is a lot of conservative small town mayors. are they establishment? i guess they are. >> eric: wait. i keep talking about the establishment? no, no. you haven't been talking about the establishment? all we talk about the establishment. >> bob: i understand that but the definition of what the establishment is -- >> eric: use your definition. the elite washington, d.c. crowd. that was your definition yesterday. now all of a sudden who is the establishment? that is who it is. firmly in romney camp that every time you know the non-romney candidates starts
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to show life, they go can't beat. go to away. >> greg: garbage. you call ann coulter establishment? she is further establishment as you can get. she wants -- >> eric: ann coulter, some would say -- this is a friend of mine. >> greg: you are going to call her -- >> eric: you picked -- no, i call mitt romney the establishment. >> greg: you are lumping anybody who supports romney as establishment. >> andrea: greg, you just said ann coulter wants to win. that is how you define a romney supporter versus a santorum supporter. there is a group of conservatives that just want to beat president obama. they don't care. then there is another group that says huh-uh, we should not be moderate, we should be conservative. romney will compromise >> greg: i think they do care. >> dana: santorum, remember, he was, he was a contributor, fox news channel for a long time. >> bob: that's true. >> dana: a lot of people on the right did know who he was. >> bob: give limbaugh credit here. if you had a 5% falloff in
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turn-out among conservative republicans across the country, i don't care how many independents -- normally independents will split 52/48, right? you could lose. there is something to be said about having to get your base, very conservative voters to the polls. that's an issue i agree with. you put words in my mouth. >> andrea: a comment that rick santorum made in 2008 taking heat on. some of the base may like it. in 2008 he said satan set his sights on the united states of america. he is attacking great institutions of america using those great vices of pride. he went on to keep mentioning satan. we should point out this was a drudge headline yesterday. santorum went on to clarify it recently like this. >> you guys, this is a question that are not relevant to what we're discussing in america today.
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>> andrea: now this was said that his original remarks had ava maria university at 2008, catholic university, greg. what is wrong with him talking about religion at a college? religious college. >> greg: the democrats want to turn him into the church lady by saying that. i got to tell you, i loved it. for so long we have had scary enemies calls us the great satan, people burning flags, yelling and shouting, doing odd aerobic exercises in the middle of the street. finally now we have someone who calls them the satan. it find it refreshing. >> bob: you know i was aggressive delegation, tehran after the shaw left and before khomeini came back. 400,000 people outside the continental. that's satan! that's satan. >> greg: now we have that. >> bob: give santorum a break on this. he is a very religious guy. and christian and so am i. i consider satan to be real
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and evil. it's okay for him to say that at the church school. >> andrea: at least he didn't back away from it saying it wasn't me. that's why people like him. >> dana: but he said i'll defend everything i say, but at same time he said the drudge headline was a joke and absurd. and in some ways a lot of conservatives -- i have done it, myself -- you try to have it both ways. you want to criticize the main stream media and if the main stream media writes something that is positive about you, you send it around to all of your friends and supports so they can look at. >> andrea: don't you think the main stream media is trying to make him look as a freak like this? i think a lot of the media was trying to make him look -- >> greg: media finds religion laughable. any example they can find that is laughable, they will run with. >> eric: drudge has been pro-romney, has he not? there is no question about that. is there any question that drudge -- >> dana: i have a question about that.
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>> eric: i love you guys. dabs that's what i feel. i'm honest about my feelings. >> eric: i incorrectly attributeed something you said yesterday to you. it was you were quoting -- >> bob: i wanted to say on last wednesday eric gave me a pair of cuff links. >> andrea: that is why you asked me if we were almost done? i thought you were board. >> bob: i wanted to say thank you. >> andrea: speaking of santorum, he will go "on the record" tonight so nuen at 10:00 p.m. eastern. president obama will address gas prices in the speech tomorrow. has the administration been pushing for higher energy cost all along? the evidence right surprise you. our own greg gutfeld will tell you about it next. also, don't forget to e-mail us at ♪ ♪
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here. >> greg: as gas prices rise faster than kids on christmas morning it makes you wonder was this part of the plan all along? of course, if you say that you sound like a conspiracy freak, but maybe that's what they want you to sound like. after all, remember what president obama's energy secretary steven chu said about conservative fuel. he said, "somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the level inform europe." europe. again, the greatest company in america adopts it. obama himself might have said under his cap of cap-and-trade system electricity prices would necessarily skyrocket. or maybe i dreamt it. >> under my plan, of a cap-and-trade system, the electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. >> greg: no, i didn't dream it. i call this starbucks socialism. tackling consumption to make it too damn expensive to
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consume. if you are disgusted by america's gluttony, use pricing to hinder use to reduce consumption. we end up like belgium without fattening waffles. i'm not saying that obama wants gas prices, but he is not that worked up over it. no wonder he put the caribou before me and you, nixing the xl pipeline. every now and then the curtain parts and you peer in a party's true soul. this is that. the hard left hates our success, hates capitalism and won't rest until we have european irrelevance, and now european gas prices, which is the most pointless export from europe since russell brand. >> bob: who the hell is russell brant? >> greg: excellent question. >> bob: let me correct the record. the energy secretary, that question came up during his confirmation hearing. and he addressed it then. he said if you took the entire statement he said, unless we get an energy policy that works we are going to have to get prices as high as they are
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in europe. that frankly was a quote out of context, unusual for you, greg. [ laughter ] >> greg: it wasn't out of context. >> dana: that sentiment, not attribute it to him but the sentiment about wanting to increase prices here so it would decrease demand so you could address global warming, that was liberal position for a long time. >> bob: there are a group of liberals who believe that. that is true. >> dana: it hasn't worked. >> bob: he made the point that was not president obama's position. i think frankly, the xl pipeline, you want to talk about that yet? >> andrea: sure. >> bob: the pipeline, carney said we're not going to show tape of that, right? i don't want to screw up the sequence here. he said that the president was thinking about the pipeline, right? ly guarantee you that they are going to announce support for the pipeline before the election a slightly altered route. you have watch. >> eric: they should. hopefully they will, because number one it will probably drop fuel prices, oil prices,
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gasoline prices. number two, create jobs. two areas where are all obama's achilles heel. left leg the jobs and right leg being gas prices. that would be great. hopefully he doesn't take credit for xl pipeline. the right pushed him. >> bob: he will make the announcement and said eric bolling got on him so hard i finally decided to go along with it. on gas price thing, you're an expert, i understand that. but what is going on in iran over which we have very little control and syria we should talk about more frankly is causing this the price of gas to go up. >> eric: no, no. why would it? >> bob: in iran -- >> eric: doesn't make the natural gas prices go up. we use natural gas for energy here. we have crude oil, too. >> andrea: the president has been openly hostile to fossil fuels.
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his tax plan released goes after the oil companies. if you foster oil companies and try to take away tax breaks it's passed to the consumer. older folks and myself included have retirement and mutual funds in oil companies >> bob: first, your're not that old. secondly, we better start to use fossil fuel because we're going to run out. >> greg: can i run the carney tape? >> bob: you did have it? i'm sorry. g that's all right. >> the president didn't turn down the keystone process. there is a process in place with long precedent run out of the state department because of the pipeline crossing international boundary that required time for review after the alternate route was deemed necessary. >> greg: the route goes through my apartment. if he didn't kill the pipeline why not start instruction tomorrow? >> dana: unfortunately for them in trying the new argument he didn't kill the
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pipeline, the story has already been written on that. everybody believes he did. he made a statement i'm not moving forward with this. if they want to do it tomorrow, they could. a new route is proposeddy. go through your apartment. governor of nebraska is a problem and it was a route offered by the congressional republicans in conjunction with nebraska governor. they could do it tomorrow if they wanted to. >> bob: our assumption that everybody in america knows about the pipeline -- he announces the pipeline, this story will be forgotten. >> greg: a republican point to hammer. big nail to hammer. >> eric: quickly, i know we will run out of time. i had a business of distributing gas, buying gasoline, bring it in from overseas, selling it. you know that there are reformulated gas prices and oxygennated blends, detergent regulation, specific vapor pressure blends, summer blends, east coast blends,
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west coast blends. i have a way -- i want to do it here because i want you to attribute it to me. >> bob: i thought you were speculating. >> eric: no. i did both. distribution company as well. gasoline will drop by $1, $1 per gallon with one signature by obama. all he has to do is say one blend, gas drops. it doesn't matter if you're chicago, west coast or east coast. all year round. give at it shot. it hasn't hurt. environmentalists have to take a deep breath and say for now it's more important to get the gas prices down. >> bob: there is something to be said about that. they have a blend -- remember the upper midwest and mixed it with stuff and didn't work. they backed off of that and it worked all right. we agreed on something. >> andrea: he is still pushing the green energy. >> dana: i guarantee you they use the line, every president uses it. we have didn't get in this
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problem overnight, we're not going to solve it over night. no magic wand no, silver bullet. >> greg: besides, solyndra has our back. it's okay. we're worried about nothing. coming up, are pro-lifers evil bigots? that's a claim a planned parenthood rep is making. if you leave now i won't bake you my special lemon squares. it make them with real le john sqeeje. ♪ ♪ [ rosa ] i'm rosa and i quit smoking with chantix.
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which would prevent abortions after 20 weeks. person from planned parenthood made a statement accusing republicans of fairly severe things. we are going to listen to him and explain what he meant. >> if you look at the record of the proponent of the bill and others who support it, suddenly they're concerned about black children frankly prior to birth but care less once they arrive. that is hypocrisy that is exposed. it's something that got free reign but it needs to stop >> bob: greg, you're outraged i take it. >> greg: this guy is a bozo. he is confusing opportunity for life with a promise of dependency. this is an old clicheed argument, pro-life doesn't mean you have to provide a life from cradle to grave services for somebody who is
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born. 33% of abortions, 13% of the population. racists would love that statistic. he is defending the statistic. he should get medal from the kkk. >> bob: what he said that republicans don't care about black people after they're born is over the mark and he shouldn't have said it. however, people who introduced the bill in house and senate consistently voted against the programs that aid the kids. he never should have said what he said in the end but the fact is, he's right. places they don't live. they're not residents of district of columbia. the constitution says the congress can pass laws over the district of columbia, but they should leave it alone and take it to their home state if they want to. >> bob: they have -- >> dana: they have an obligation to govern district of columbia. not that they want to do it. they are the -- congress the government for the -- >> bob: not since home rule.
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>> dana: okay. >> bob: it's different. it used to be they govern and appointed the mayor. now we elect our own mayor in the district of columbia. want to thank the republicans for that. go ahead. >> andrea: this is such, this is disgusting. it's insulting. why are we even elevating someone like this who says something so terrible? to paint republicans as all being like this? you are trying to say they vote not to fund the program. but the republicans have been pretty big in funding the poor. and a lot of the conservatives religious organizations that liberals step on do work to help the black babies. >> bob: i didn't pick the subject so stop yelling at me. >> andrea: i'm not yelling at you. >> bob: the republicans have not in the last 20 years been strong supporters of a lot of the bills. they haven't. >> dana: wait a second. there were -- there was -- criticism on the right for infusing more cash in some of
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the programs, but you yourself has said a lot of the liberal experiments did not work. and 49.5% of people in america are not paying taxes. the rest of the people who are paying taxes are paying for all of those programs. and i would say that it is representative john boehner, speaker boehner who had championed the d.c. opportunity scholarship, a school choice program. that president obama has rejected that i would actually say the republicans have been more pro-african-american child. than some of the other people. >> bob: first, boehner is folt a right winger. >> andrea: who funds welfare? who funds it? welfare state? >> bob: it's funded through taxes. >> andrea: who pays the majority of taxes? >> bob: can i make my point for a second. i have said and i have taken heat from the left to say we overstepped our bounds on things like public housing and welfare payments too far, as you get older. i have always consistently been a supporter of childrens program like head start. and the fact of the matter is
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the boehner not withstanding the majority of republicans voting against increasing head start. george bush was good about it. >> dana: he wanted to reform the program so it worked better because there is ton of waste, fraud and abuse in head start program. it's not working if you look at the education system. >> greg: in china, thanks to the one child per family law, millions upon millions of female babies have been killed. they are having a lop-sided majority here. if i point that out, does that mean i am now responsible and i must support a chinese woman from craid to grave because i think it's awful? >> bob: it would be good. anything to say here? >> eric: i'd like to point out planned parenthood, $360 million in funding in 2009, the last number we had. if that is what they are all about, a great -- >> andrea: look at all the religious organizations like let's take the catholic church. if they have to break this mandate against the obama administration, for birth control they have to pay over
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$100 million in fines. $100 million they use to do a lot of good for poor kids. >> bob: i would not paint all planned parenthood. like mr. gains said. that is a minority opinion from here the minority liberal. i could have used the next plan when i was in school, speaking of plans. the obama administration is offering new guideline for vending machines at school. move over ding dongs. here comes the apple. ♪ ♪ wanna know the difference between a trader and an elite trader?
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at liberty mutual, we help you move on with your life, so get the insurance sponsible drivers like you deserve call us at... or visit your local liberty mutual office, where an agent can help you find the policy that's right for you. liberty mutual insurance, responsibility -- what's your policy? i'm bret baier in washington. the big story here today is the administration's plan to overhaul the corporate tax structure. tonight on "special report," jim angle breaks down what is in this proposal, which was announce today by treasury secretary tim geithner. and the reaction. mitt romney is coming out with
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his own new plan as well. we look at what he is saying. republican presidential candidates are in arizona tonight preparing for their first debate in nearly a month. alicia acuna reports from mesa, on the state of the race right now. two western journalists were killed today in syria. pressure is building in washington for some sort of u.s. response to the carnage there. wendell goler tells us what is being considered. and connor powell reports from afghanistan on deadly protests there over the burn of muslim holy books but u.s. troops. in the grapevine, a member of the house has his issues with his family house. "special report" from washington starts at 6:00 eastern. now have send it back to new york and "the five." ♪ ♪ >> dana: okay. so, the government is going to force you to eat your vegetables and you are going to like it. this is the new rule that is coming up from the department
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of agriculture, they are looking at rules for school vending machines. that are going to dictate what can and can't be sold in a vending machine. earlier today, greg surprised me. he is really excited and loves vending machines. this has upset you greatly. >> greg: i love vending machines, because i don't like people. vending machines eliminate that personal interaction. for example, you should be able to get your prescription pills from a vending machine and not go to a pharmacy where the pharmacy -- >> bob: i'll be for that. >> greg: the pharmacist says what you are ordering in front of other people which is completely wrong. you can't put fruit in vending machines because they look disgusting. vending machines are more awesome foods, great stuff. >> bob: you must like -- where are the storous put coin in to get your meals? >> greg: automat. good times. >> bob: i am in strongly in favor of this position and i'll tell you why. 20-50% of the calories children get in public schools
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come from the schools. if obesity now is a problem, 1 in 5 kids are obese. something i can relate to. and the cost of that obesity is going to be the hundreds of billions of dollars to people in the long run when the people grow up and get diseases. associated with obesity. i'm all for it. >> dana: having ah-ha moment. >> greg: i love that band. >> andrea: the government starts to take over healthcare then they have a vested interest in what you put in your mouth so they will start to control it more and more if they start to pick up the bill. that is why the left is concerned with what we're ea eating. the left, you can have an abortion and kill a baby but try to eat the bag of pork rinds. >> dana: ask the dad. does your 13-year-old go to vending machine >> eric: i'm okay with it. you can eliminate the snacks. here is the problem, they talk about in this study
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$2.3 billion of snack food are sold in vending machines in schools. i'm all right moving chips and sodas away from it. >> greg: you're an establishment republican! oh, my god! what is next? get out of my vending machine and my bedroom. >> eric: i'm not saying let's regulate what goes in it. just get snacks away. >> dana: a lot of people in food industry, companies have voluntarily reduced the size of their packaging or the calories. they try to put multigrain in there. >> bob: what did you say in the break about that? you said if they reduce the number, people -- >> dana: you might buy two. it's a money raiser. >> greg: can i make a point i made before? i worked in health industry for quite a while. health experts are the least healthy people you know. go in a health food store, take a look at them. they are pale, sickly, often overweight, miserable, they stink. healthy people are the least healthy people in the world. low-fat foods don't make you skinny, they make you fat. fruits and vegetables, you can
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gain weight of that stuff -- mainly fruit because of high sugar content. go to meat-based diet. >> dana: he is on a caveman diet. >> greg: we went from protein based diet to carb-based diet. that is why there are fat kids. >> dana: if you had a chance to go to vending machine right now what would you get? >> andrea: cheese doodles. >> dana: good choice. >> bob: broccoli. i'd get ho-hos. but listen, wait a second, if you believe that obesity does cause illness, everybody aggriefs it does, right? if that is contributed to in school vending machinepse why not put cigarette machines in school? >> greg: i'm all for that. >> bob: that is my point. >> andrea: seriously, this is a topic we should get into. eating disorders. all of these kids are told you're fat, you're fat. stop eating. especially little girls. i was talking to a psychologist about this on the lower east side. she said that. do you know how many girls
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already have eating disorders are now going to be caught up in the liberal food fetish of every single thing they put in their mouth. it's overboard. >> bob: your family owns 20 restaurant restaurants. >> andrea: so, i don't tell people what to order. >> eric: pretzels. >> greg: fresh underwear. >> dana: you can't get that in a vending machine. >> greg: yes, you can. >> dana: where? >> greg: i'll show you later. >> dana: i don't think i want to. go i'd get a kit-kat. i love them. but also this is a good topic for the next topic, today is start of lint. millions of americans are giving things up today like what we talked about. what would the five of us give up? we'll talk about it next. ♪ ♪
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hundreds of people doing the same thing. and per tradition, christians use the lint season to give something up, sacrifice something we enjoy or quitting a vice. so when i pitched the segment to the producer i thought it would be interesting to discuss what we fivers will do this year if anything. no pressure, though. bob? >> bob: well, i actually want to get away with saying nothing, because i did give up drugs and alcohol as you know years ago. that was a big give-up, i tell you that. >> andrea: you have given up enough. >> bob: i'm going to try to give up swearing on live television. [ laughter ] i am. i am going to try. >> andrea: no, really, what are you going to give up? >> bob: seriously, i haven't said that one word in -- >> eric: start right now. dana? >> dana: i was thinking bob calls me the straightest person he has ever met. so i was trying to figure out what is a habit versus a vice? like that you would want to give up. we had new year's resolutions you had to make.
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then that is a lot of pressure. just when you fall off the wagon on that resolution you have to come up with something for lint. i'm not giving anything up. i will tell you my vice -- yeah, i love red wine. i love online shopping. when the two combine, that is when it's dangerous. >> bob: this is impossible segment for you because you don't have any vices. only person i know who doesn't have a vice. >> andrea: he is said red wine. >> dana: red wine and online shopping. >> bob: it's not for me. >> eric: it mixes, look out, trouble. >> dana: last time you did that you bought a giraffe. >> dana: a painted one. >> greg: it was alive. there was no reason to paint it. it was cruel. >> bob: greg? >> greg: i didn't know what my vices were and i talked to a couple of my friends and asked what is my vice? they said greg, you care too much. you care about the people around you. you are trying to help people. so for lent i'm going to stop helping people.
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i'm no longer picking up drifters in bryant park and give them a ride home. by home i mean the welcoming arm of unfeeling oblivion and no longer giving free surgery to unsuspecting hobos. that's what i'll do. >> bob: that is cruel. >> greg: that is what i'm giving up. >> eric: how could you possibly? >> andrea: that is a vice for you, performing surgery on hobos? >> greg: yes. >> eric: ange.? >> andrea: now i'm thinking, vice. coffee in the morning. >> greg: you can't give that up. >> andrea: i can't. i'm not going to give it up. i need it. >> greg: the reason for living. >> dana: the american economy needs you to have your coffee. >> bob: you have to give up a serious vice. i gave up drinking and drugging. those are vices. you don't have anything. >> eric: not necessarily. a lot of catholics or christians go and they give up things not that are bad for you, things they love. chocolate, or red wine or something. to show a commitment. i'm not saying what you should
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or shouldn't do. >> andrea: when catholics say they give up something they never even think of, i give up liver. i give up drinking before 7:00 a.m. >> eric: every tuesday i fast. i have a full day fast every tuesday. tough to extend that. i light candles for "the five," every day. go to st. patrick's cathedral. >> dana: all i do is send out a tweet. >> eric: i try not to say things that make liberals heads explode. that is impossible. >> bob: start that on fat tuesday? you fast on fat tuesday? >> eric: i a only food fast tuesday. >> greg: you should be less ambitious and try not to say things that make our heads explode. [ laughter ] >> eric: really? >> bob: on a serious note and i'm trying to be serious. if you give something up, the idea as i understand it, i'm a
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prod stant, i'm not cath -- i'm a protestant, not a catholic. >> greg: get out of here. >> bob: listen hobo man. the idea i take it, it's a rich ral designed to say this is what i'll give up as a sacrifice between now and easter, correct? >> eric: yes. >> bob: that sacrifice is supposed to be something you do on a daily basis? >> eric: for 40 days. >> bob: if you have to give up something you do on daily basis. >> eric: not necessarily. >> bob: all right. >> dana: my friend's daughter gave up facebook. at the end of it on easter, when he is said are you excited to get back on facebook, the daughter said no. i'm not going to do it. didn't go back. >> greg: he is hasn't been returning my pokes. >> bob: i had facebook for two years and looked at it once. >> dana: you have a lot of friends. >> andrea: hope nobody gives up "the five." don't do that. >> bob: nobody will do that. >> eric: you giving up the social media? we chat about this in the break? should we, should we not?
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stay on? >> greg: i'll break it immediately. >> bob: you should do this. you read these things and if somebody says one thing bad -- bad -- >> dana: no. they'll say things bad. >> bob: if i read mine i'd be depressed. everybody says nasty stuff. i don't read mine. if you read yours and one out of 100 says dana, you said something slightly wrong, you go in a funk. >> dana: nobody says that because i am always right. i am not going to give up being always right. >> bob: i'll send you a tweet on that. >> eric: we have to go. one more thing coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> andrea: welcome back to "the five." that magical time we call "one more thing." if you missed the show yesterday we did a segment on how one lawmaker is proposing $250 million tax credit for men with mustaches because of the cost of upkeep. we all around the table wore our own mustache, unique. the producers decided to do side-by-side comparisons of who we each look like with our our 'staches.
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i'll go first. who did they choose for me? get the side-by-side? all right. so -- kimberly and i had the same mustache there. is it. the mario brothers. perfect. we had the same black 'stache. hers was down and mine was cockeyed. bob is next. let's see. >> bob: don't even think about it. [ laughter ] >> andrea: there he is. >> bob: wonderful wizard of oz. munchkins, the republican candidate for president. >> andrea: you looked like hitchcock or a lion tamer. i thought. >> bob: hulk hogan is what i looked like. >> eric: who didn't you want to be compared to? >> bob: william brenley. >> dana: the mustache you wore was titled tycoon. you were in the 1%. >> bob: that's where i buy my ties, they coon.
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>> andrea: let's look at eric. >> dana: this is a good one. you could rob a bank. [ laughter ] >> andrea: there he is. magnum p.i. >> dana: that is, i mean -- you are the only one that looks good in a mustache. >> bob: that is the worst picture of magnum p.i. i've seen. >> andrea: juan valdez, because of your -- >> bob: he does. coffee bean guy. >> greg: he needs a lon key. >> andrea: all right, dana. this is the closeupsh everybody. don't want to miss it. >> dana: you could rob a bank in that disguise. maybe not now. well, so that is ryan gosling. i'm flattered that the producers would think i looked like ryan. >> greg: this is a weird idea. this is weird. >> andrea: why? >> greg: i don't know. >> bob: who is that guy? >> dana: actor. >> greg: i'm glad i wasn't here yesterday. >> andrea: i think you looked like pablo escobar. greg, you weren't here.
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>> greg: thank god. well, show it. this is -- there. gunner gutfeld, successful actor in soap opera in german germany. he also has a twin, gerdy. we have a picture as well. there is gerty. they get in the magical high jinx and usually -- hijinks and usually somebody dies. >> bob: are you gerty? >> greg: neither. >> dana: do you think mustaches could make a comeback? >> andrea: yes. >> dana: you do? >> andrea: i do. mustache cakes are on the rise. >> dana: what is a mustache cake? >> bob: investment, taking off tattoo parlors. in ten years, everybody has the tattoos and they will get them off. >> if you bake a cake in a round pan and cut it like a ying yang, make a mustache. google it. it's cool. >> bob: as l
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